Fireproof and antiseptic treatment of a wooden house. Misconceptions about the fire hazard of wooden houses

Protection wooden house from fire is the primary task facing the building owner. Every year, fires across Russia destroy hundreds of wooden buildings, and such a disaster can lead to the loss of all property and loss of life.

Terrible consequences can be avoided, since means have now been created to turn wood into a practically non-combustible material.

However, you need to know what fire retardants can protect against and how.

What needs to be treated with fire retardants Everyone knows that fire is an uncontrolled combustion process, and mandatory conditions

for it are fuel and oxygen. If at least one condition is not met, the flame goes out, and this is what the principle of fire retardants is based on. Fire protection for a wooden house is aimed at creating a fire-resistant non-flammable film that prevents the spread of flame.

penetrates deeply into the structure of the wood if the technology for its application is followed. It is not only the walls that need to be treated, but all elements of the wooden structure in general. To a greater extent, this applies to elements bearing the main load: walls, rafters, floor and ceiling beams, etc. Than big square

  • will be processed, the more reliable the protection. Fire retardants form protective film
  • , and when exposed to high temperatures it begins to decompose. This creates a non-flammable gas that prevents the spread of flame. Treated surfaces can resist fire for a long time, giving time to extinguish the fire. It is important to note that protection wooden houses

from fire cannot completely stop the contact of wood with the high temperature zone. As a result, the surface will slowly begin to char, and repairs to the walls will still be required. However, fire retardants make it possible to preserve the load-bearing capacity of structures: the roof will remain intact, and this will allow evacuation from the building, and in the future, quickly restore it. Treatment with fire retardants is carried out in several layers; rollers and brushes can be used for work. It is important that Literally every centimeter was covered: any imperfections could negate all efforts and costs. Particular attention should be paid to areas that will be constantly exposed to high temperatures, in particular in the boiler room.

Biological protection for the home

In addition to impregnations that protect against fire, it is necessary to use antiseptic compounds that will protect the building from rotting. Fire protection for a wooden house is a complex treatment designed to protect the house from several threats at once. As an antiseptic, you can use domestic and foreign formulations offered in wide range: this is the Russian “Senezh” or “Biotex”, as well as various imported products.

Fire protection of a wooden house is carried out sequentially during construction and after its completion. Next layer protective compounds applied to walls or ceilings only after the previous one has dried.

Additional fire safety measures

Fire protection of wooden houses does not only consist of treating the walls with impregnations. A lot depends on the correctness of the design of the house itself, since many errors arise during the design process.

When developing a project, you should definitely consult with a specialist about correct laying wiring, location of the heating boiler and other important factors. Some important rules fire safety:

When deciding how to protect a wooden house from fire, a smart owner will think about insurance programs. The insurance organization will require you to fulfill the basic fire safety standards, the contribution will be approximately half a percent of the market value. In exchange, the home owner will be able to receive compensation if fire destroys his property, and the insurance will also protect the building from natural disasters, robbery and other possible threats.

If you take care of protecting your home, without postponing this issue and without hoping “at random,” the house will last for many years, and it will not be afraid of any threats.

The construction of wooden houses is by no means outdated. On the contrary, with new construction technologies, the construction of wooden houses is becoming more and more popular in last years. On the other hand, a wooden house requires more attention than a brick one. One of the main aspects is the safety of log houses or houses made of laminated veneer lumber. What to look for Special attention what are the fire safety rules and what are the main myths about wooden houses– let’s try to talk about this.

Quite often, customers refer to the unsafety of wooden houses. This opinion is very common, especially among those who have never encountered a wooden house. We usually hear the argument that wood burns, but brick does not. However, be that as it may, there are currently special impregnating materials (fire retardants) that significantly reduce the flammability of wood. Wherein wooden frame reaches a high fire resistance class. Also, with minimal compliance with fire safety rules, a wooden house will delight you with its coziness and comfort for decades.

When building a house, special attention should be paid to the installation of various equipment, especially thermal and electrical equipment.

Fire resistance wooden elements can be increased by choosing a wide section of rounded logs, adding fire-resistant materials, and also by pre- or post-installation treatment of wood with fire retardants or fire-resistant paints. When choosing the type of protection, you must evaluate what is cheaper: choose a larger cross-section of the log or use protective materials.

Special protective materials can be divided into several groups:

  • Coated, without decorative function - 0.01...0.7 mm layer;
  • Coated, decorative and protective - 0.01...0.1 mm layer, hiding the wood texture;
  • Smeared Decoration Materials, which create a layer 1 mm thick, transparent (or partially transparent), preserving the texture and color of the wood;
  • Consumables;
  • Combined materials.

Electrical wiring should be installed using non-flammable cable or cable with insulation that does not support combustion. It is necessary to carefully connect the wires to each other, avoid connecting cores made of different materials and loosening the contacts.

The house should be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment and personal protection and make sure that everyone in the household knows how to use them. Do not neglect the installation of a fire alarm system.

No less a myth is the proposition that log house is not sufficiently stable and durable.

However, we can say with confidence that the apartments in multi-storey buildings, especially if it's panel house or Khrushchev, after half a century of operation no one is eager to buy - except perhaps from a shortage Money for better quality housing. At the same time, wooden houses that are 50 years old are, one might say, still new construction. If the wooden house is residential, i.e. a family lives in it permanently, and if it is heated, its service life is extended up to hundreds of years.

Contrary to popular belief about the fire hazard of wooden houses, wood is a fairly fire-resistant material. When exposed to heat, it quickly chars, but does not ignite so quickly. In addition, the larger the diameter of the logs, the less readily they ignite. And wood treated with modern fire-retardant impregnations becomes completely non-flammable.

Statistics from most countries that use wood in construction, as well as data provided by Canadian scientists (most houses in Canada are wooden), allow us to draw a completely opposite conclusion! Wooden, log houses are safer than houses made of non-combustible materials. Why is this happening?

Wood is a material that has significant combustion inertness, which occurs due to the charring process, especially in large cross-section structural elements. The fire resistance limit, and therefore the load-bearing capacity of wooden elements and house structures, remains more long time. The rate of charring or loss of the working section of wooden structures during combustion does not exceed 0.7 mm. in a minute. Thus, a wooden house does not collapse immediately and resists fire, which cannot be said about metal or reinforced concrete structures, which can collapse in the first 20 minutes of a fire (depending on many factors). Metal is a non-flammable material, however, it is subject to temperature deformations, has the property of fluidity, so metal structures under the influence of fire can lose their strength indicators by 80%!

Houses made of brick, stone, and concrete are no less dangerous during a fire. When exposed to high temperatures, these building materials are subjected to a number of chemical reactions, and ultimately, dehydration of calcium oxide hydrate significantly reduces the bearing capacity of structures made of concrete and cement stone. However, the situation worsens when extinguishing the fire with water or even when the structures come into contact with moist air: a reverse reaction occurs. As a result, the hydration product increases in volume up to two times. A significant increase in volume of building material entails the destruction of the surface layers of structures, and the flame penetrates inside. In wooden houses, both from laminated veneer lumber, laminated rounded logs, and from solid logs ( log houses, new Russian market“amber pine”), massive profiled timber, such processes are simply impossible.

Moreover, fires in modern buildings made of concrete and brick can be very dangerous for people living in them for other reasons. Under influence high temperature synthetic materials, the content of which is very high in materials such as brick, concrete, plaster, begin to release toxic substances that are extremely harmful to human health. Even after escaping the fire, a person can be seriously injured.

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Wood is one of the most environmentally friendly species building materials. Wood is used for the construction of baths, residential and industrial buildings. Can be made from wood individual elements load-bearing structures, partitions, roofs, load-bearing walls etc. But the tree has one significant drawback- fear of fire.

  • How to protect a wooden house from fire?
  • What fire safety requirements and standards apply to wooden buildings?

Fire safety rules in wooden houses

Protecting a wooden house from fire is the responsibility of every owner. Failure to comply with the rules and requirements regarding fire safety may cause the building to fail to be put into operation, but more importantly, lead to a situation in which the life and health of residents will be in danger.

In this regard, several basic provisions for fire safety in a wooden house have been established, the implementation of which is mandatory. Namely:

  • Fire distance between wooden houses according to fire safety. SNiP strictly stipulates minimum distance which must be observed during construction wooden building. Thus, in SP 11-III-99, in particular, the following norms are noted. The recommended fire gap between wooden houses is 15m.
    The distance between buildings can be reduced to 6 m, but provided that the building has a low structural fire hazard class. The fire-safe distance to the fence delimiting the area is at least 1.5 m from the house.
  • Fire protection systems. The fire hazard of wooden houses forces a whole range of measures to be taken to ensure the protection of the surfaces of load-bearing and other structures from fire. The work includes the use of special fire retardant impregnations, paints, varnishes; compliance with fire safety standards when carrying out electrical wiring. You can live and stay safely only in a house that has reliable protection wooden house from fire.
  • Installation of alarm and fire prevention systems. Modern technologies allow you to eliminate a fire at the very beginning, remove combustion products (smoke and carbon dioxide) before they began to have a detrimental effect on the health of their owners. At the same time, fire extinguishing systems for wooden houses make it possible to extinguish a fire with the least harm to interior decoration premises and the objects contained in them.

Fire safety rules and requirements for wooden houses may seem complex and impossible to implement. With the help of specialists and quality materials You can easily protect your home from a possible fire!

Fire protection of a wooden house, how to protect it from fire

Fire safety standards and requirements for fire protection of wooden houses include a number of measures, compliance with which is necessary.

Safety does not depend on the selective application of certain “convenient” rules, but on full and unconditional compliance with the standards specified in SNiP for fire safety. These standards separately stipulate which requirements are mandatory and which are given in the form of recommendations.

Measures and technologies for ensuring fire safety in wooden houses can be divided into four main categories.

There are also passive measures that reduce the likelihood of fire. When building a house made of wood, you can order a special audit in order to identify potentially dangerous places in the room. Subsequently, the results will help provide greater fire protection.

A fire inspector will inspect the fire hazard of load-bearing structures. To check, take a sliver of wooden surface after treatment with fire protection and ignited with a match. If it does not burn in the absence of a flame, the treatment is considered to have been carried out properly.

Fireproof wiring in a wooden house

Regardless of whether a new building is being built or old wooden houses are being finished, when installing electrical wiring it is necessary to follow the basic safety rules specified in SNiP. Namely:

The degree of fire resistance of a wooden house is determined based on the results of comprehensive measures taken to ensure safety in the building. Great attention is paid to compliance with mandatory standards regarding fire protection and installation of primary fire extinguishing systems.

It would be a good idea to get recommendations from a fire inspector. The inspector will be able to point out certain deficiencies. It will also indicate what water standards for external fire extinguishing are provided for the building under construction and whether the project meets the stipulated requirements or whether it will be necessary to take care of a separate fire well.

Compliance with all GOSTs and SNiPs related to fire safety will help build a truly safe wooden house.

From chemical composition wood is known to burn. Its main substances are lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and other accompanying substances, and organic compounds. Whether wood will ignite in a fire depends on how thermophysical properties, as well as the type and composition of wood, its size, surface shape, placement and location on the ground, as well as the time at which the thermal effect was carried out. The surface lights up when thermal influence very large and burns strongly, but a heat-protective layer quickly forms on the charred wood. Since wood is a poor conductor of heat, it conducts little heat to unburned material, which is why it has many advantages.

The temperature in the cross-section of solid wood remains almost unchanged at a short distance from the burnt zone (the base of the layer that has undergone pyrolysis). On this basis in wooden structures no damage occurs due to the high thermal impact. Physical properties wood subsequently practically does not change when heated, and a decrease in bearing capacity arises primarily due to the fact that the cross-section has decreased due to combustion and changes in strength properties. The tree loses its load-bearing capacity if the area cross section, which has not yet been destroyed by fire, will be so small that the stresses due to the perceived load will reach the strength limit of the tree.

The time until the wood ignites and the fire spreads depends on the density of the wood, so behavior during a fire different varieties wood is also different. The relationship between fire and density is also different: the higher the density, the later the wood will ignite.

Charcoal has a density that is one-sixth the thermal conductivity of solid wood. The charred layer of wood acts as an insulating layer, so the destruction of deep zones is much slower. Therefore, due to the insignificant thermal conductivity of wood, the temperature in the middle remains significantly lower than on its surface.

In a word, wood’s fire resistance is still much higher than it is believed.

The possibility of fires cannot be completely excluded. Not only wooden houses are burning, but also brick and other houses. And it makes no difference what material the house is built from. Fire risks at a construction site can be calculated by taking into account the constancy or randomness of the fire threat (according to current fire safety SNiPs). By anticipating fire risk, it is possible to calculate the degree of fire safety and outline requirements for the right choice fire resistant wood materials and wood for connecting elements.

It should be remembered that the fire resistance of wood can be increased by using chemical protection- fire retardants. Fire protection wooden structures are provided comprehensively, starting with the choice of project, taking into account fire resistance and ensuring fire safety construction sites It is also necessary to limit the possibility of fire spreading and at the same time limit and eliminate the risk of human casualties.


The myth about the increased fire hazard of wooden houses is nothing more than a misconception.

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