Equipment for hydrographic printing with your own hands. How long does it take to work on parts?

Bath for hydrographic printing.

Preparation of the workplace.
Preparing parts for aquaprint.

The process of applying decorative film.
Drying the finished product.

Difficulties during work.

Business organization.
Sales of products. How to establish sales? Who should I sell to?
Is it possible to make an aquaprint yourself?

Water printing to order, searching for clients on the Internet.
Investments in a hydrographic printing workshop.
Investments in a home-based hydrographic printing business.


The world is full creative people. Each of them is unique, but everyone wants to convey something new, unusual to people, but at the same time, of course, earn extra money with the help of their own special idea. Therefore, creative “reforms” are taking place, one of which was hydrographic printing. People also call hydrographic printing aquaprint or immersion printing. But it also has another, more scientific name - immersion or water-immersion printing. According to one version, it is believed that the Japanese became the founders of this industry when they replaced real wood with a wood-like coating.
The appearance was almost indistinguishable, but there was a huge savings in material resources. Soon this technology spread all over the world so that it began to be used on weapons, furniture, and cars. Generally speaking, the list of parts that can be applied to waterprint is almost limitless.

Typically, hydrographic printing is done in car repair shops or similar establishments. And the people who provide these services have the title of immersion printing master. This is quite a painstaking job that requires special equipment and certain skills, so not every service can provide such a service.
That is why the idea appears - to start preparing water prints yourself, selling and earning good money from this business.

Such a business remains unique, because in Russia this technology poorly developed, and therefore still relevant. Many people simply don’t see the benefits of this business, so they avoid it. It is worth considering the types of earnings on water-immersion printing:

1) Organize your service, hire workers who will do hydrographic printing. Organizing your own team for the production of immersion printing will be profitable if you train workers to professionally produce water prints. This business is the organization of another type of private business. It requires initial capital, because even if you already have equipment, you will have to pay salaries and bonuses.

What is the profit of this option?
Everything is simple, orders are taken, a work plan is drawn up based on them, hydrographic printing is prepared, and then it is sold according to this order. The profit here is calculated according to the formula: the profit received from the order - the workers’ wages and the costs of materials and equipment, as well as the premises in which the aquaprint will be produced, and even advertising your business so that buyers appear. As you can guess from the formula, such a business will not pay off immediately, but in 1-2 months. Therefore, it is better for him to have serious starting capital. According to statistics, people who do hydrographic printing are in great demand in society, because 70% of people want to stand out from the crowd, which immersion printing helps to do.

2) The second option is simpler and does not require as much cost. The entrepreneur finds a manufacturer of water-immersion printing and agrees with him that he will find buyers in exchange for a portion of the profits. Thanks to its advertising, it gets a lot of promotion, acquires regular customers, to whom it sells all its unusual creativity.

What is the income from this business for a businessman?
He will act as an intermediary, that is, he will receive money for finding a client. For more productive work, you will still have to invest your capital, because free advertising will not create the desired effect. Such a business is based on the relationship between the manufacturer and the businessman, the businessman and the buyer. From this we can conclude that such a business is more often used by people who know how to psychologically influence people and present information from the side that is interesting to the businessman himself. Well, finding someone who agrees to give part of the proceeds for clients is also not an easy task.

3) Another option is to start producing hydrographic printing yourself, sell it yourself, and, of course, make a profit yourself. This idea is very similar to the first one, but the only difference is that you have to do everything yourself (to some extent this is a plus), and you don’t need to pay anyone for the work. But it requires skill and also necessary equipment, room and material. The working hours here are seriously different from the first one: some work with one person, and some with 10.

Let's take the third option as a basis and look at it from all sides, putting everything in order.
In any case, the most important thing for work will be desire; without desire, there will be no profit. So, in order to start producing waterprints with your own hands, you need to understand what the process of making immersion printing itself is. As a rule, the action consists of applying to any hard surface pattern on the film under strong water pressure along with potent chemicals. The film is on the surface of the water, and the part is dipped into it, immediately after treating the film coating with chemically active substances. But everything is not as simple as it seems.

Let's discuss what is needed to create a hydrographic print. All work can be divided into stages, but first, what equipment is needed to create immersion printing?

Bath for hydrographic printing.

1) A bathtub, but not a simple one, in which everyone is used to relaxing after a working day, but a special, steel, unusual brand that holds from 500 to 1000 liters of water. A drain and water flow must be connected directly to the bathtub, so that the bathtub water must be at a constant temperature.
For regulation, it is advisable to purchase an automatic thermometer. If funds allow, you can completely automate the process of pouring water and regulating its temperature and volume. The worker will only have to press the switches, and the action will flow on its own. Heating of water can be achieved using a water heater through which water is driven. But that's not all. A special filter should be connected to the bathtub, which will keep the water clean and rid it of film residues (this will be discussed later).

Decorative films for hydrographic printing.

2) It has already been said several times that film will be needed, so it is the next necessary item. You need a transparent film; it can be ordered at any large hardware store or even online. But still, it’s scary to order online, because no one knows in what condition it will be delivered. And it should be without a single scratch, uncreased.
The main thing is to choose the one you need without confusing it with ordinary construction film. As for the drawing on the film, it usually depicts wood, stones, various metals, and pressed ones. Basically, the pattern depicts natural phenomena or elements of nature, but you can also find any other abstract patterns, for example, lines, dots, squares, circles, arranged into a single pattern.

If we take statistics as an example, then clearly, the first place in sales is occupied by a pattern on film that resembles the skin of a snake or the spotted color of a leopard. That is, animals are a very relevant topic in water prints. Others depict an entire natural scene on their property: birds in the trees, the sun at its zenith, or a red sunset. Still others try to give uniqueness to their item, for example, by sticking the interior of the car onto the exterior, thereby giving the effect of transparency.
Or maybe a picture of a modern one, for example, an airplane or the latest model of a car for racing. We can add that basically the pattern preferences are taken from the customer, so the choice is made based on the description of what he wants. Modern engineers are able to display any pattern or pattern on film, but not for free, of course.

Additional equipment and tools.

3) A necessary item There are also spray guns for the job. One of them is needed to process the part in order to prepare it for applying the pattern. His goal is to apply the base color of the desired shade, and to finish any gaps in the final, if any. The second one is useful for applying chemicals to the desired pattern on the film. The fact is that you cannot use the same spray gun for both processes at once, because they are different in diameter: the first is from 1.4 to 1.8 millimeters, and the second is from 0.8 to 1 millimeter. And the substances in them are different, they cannot be combined. It's better to buy spray guns different colors, so as not to get confused, because if this happens, the work will end in disrepair.

4) “Nuclear chemistry” is required, thanks to which the desired pattern is applied and attached to the part. In society they call it an “activator”. The chemical can be purchased at hardware stores or industrial supply stores. As a precaution, be sure to read the instructions and also take note of the extent to which it should be used.

5) Varnish for processing the finished part, and a grinding machine for processing the surface. It is worth noting that the varnish should not be taken in too high a concentration, so as not to cause “decomposition” of the applied pattern. There is no need to overdo it with a grinding machine, so you can use one that is not too powerful.

6) A sink in which the part will be processed after applying the film to it. Of course, the same bath can be used for these purposes, but washing with clean water will bring more benefits. Therefore, if money allows, you should not save it on washing. It guarantees that the finished film will not come off the part after application.

Don't forget about safety precautions. Because health is more important than any work, and how can you work when you don’t have health? That’s why don’t skimp on a pair of gloves, goggles and work uniform. There have been many cases where, due to their negligence, aquaprint manufacturers forgot and did not wear gloves while processing the film with acid or while dipping the part into chemical water. It's dangerous!
After each completed product, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room, ridding it of harmful odors and chemical activity. The more meticulous you are about your health, the better you will live and work. We must remember this and never forget!

You can calculate the costs of equipment and materials for making aquaprint:
Bath (50,000 rubles) + Film (1,000 rubles) + Chemicals (2,000 rubles) + paint (5,000 rubles) + varnish (500 rubles) + grinder (10,000 rubles) + water heater and thermometer (10,000 rubles) + monthly water fee (8,000 rubles) + other needs (10,000 rubles) + a set of protective clothing (5,000 rubles) + washing (6,000 rubles) = 107,500 rubles. There is a condition here that some equipment will not be purchased for one time, while others will be purchased one-time.

Water immersion printing technology.

Preparation of the workplace.

In this video you can watch a very thorough preparation of the immersion printing workplace:

We have become familiar with the necessary substances; now we can move on to preparing the room in which all the work will take place. Here again, there are several options to consider:

1) Renting premises. As a rule, this option is not a good one, because you will still be dependent on someone. But this significantly simplifies the equipment and reduces the preparation time of the room.

2) The second option is more suitable for private businessmen. This is the construction of your own premises, which will be intended exclusively for work in this direction. There is no doubt that this option will be cheaper than monthly rent, but it will, however, require much more time and effort. Moreover, you will have to look for where to order something, who to hire there, etc.

Let's look at the calculations:
Room rental 350 square meters will cost us approximately 210,000 rubles per month, that is, in a year we will pay 2,520,000 rubles. If we build our own premises: land 300 square meters (300,000 rubles) + piles 5 m (25,000 rubles) + brick (50,000 rubles) + windows and doors (250,000 rubles) + interior decoration(300,000 rubles) + ordering workers (70,000 rubles) + other work (100,000 rubles) = 1,095,000 rubles. Conclusion: building your own premises will be cheaper than renting.

We will tell you the main stages of making our work and consider all the flaws that you should pay attention to in order to avoid a mistake. The technology for preparing and applying hydrographic printing is a rather complex thing, so it is important to calculate even the smallest details. Like any other business, this business requires utmost care. If a defect appears, it will interfere throughout the entire work, and at subsequent stages it becomes much more difficult to correct, if at all it seems possible.

Preparing parts for aquaprint.

The first thing we need is to prepare the part. As a rule, parts can be of different sizes, shapes, etc. We will take a small one, for example a car disk. After removing it from the car, the first step is to thoroughly rinse it everywhere.
One condition: you don’t need to clean it carelessly, because later a problem may arise, which is that the film will not stick everywhere. It is also important to understand that after washing the part must be dried thoroughly. But the first stage does not end there either. After drying, take sandpaper or another similar tool and clean the part.
It is advisable to go over the entire surface of the part to be sure that there will be no problems with this in subsequent stages. If the work is done by eye, then if a mistake occurs, blame yourself and only yourself.

Now the most crucial moment is applying the base paint to part of the car. This must be done evenly, without exceeding the concentration of paint over the area of ​​the disk. It’s better not to save money, because in the final result all unpainted areas will be visible, even under the film. Just for this process we will need one of the spray guns. It is important to remember: you must follow safety precautions in everything!

The process of applying decorative film.

The second stage is to prepare the film. Let's start from the beginning. An important step is preparing the water. There is a clearly established line here: you cannot exceed 34 degrees and do not lower than 29 degrees Celsius. A water heater and an automatic thermometer will help you with this. If these devices were not purchased, you can regulate the water yourself. A regular thermometer will do for this. Why this particular gap among the degrees? The answer is simple, because one of the elements of the equipment is a chemical that can only be used in this degree measure, otherwise the reaction will not take place and the film will not be applied to the part.

Next, it’s time to prepare the film itself with the pattern.
First you need to warm it up room temperature so that there is no sudden heat exchange with water. If this happens, the film may be damaged, which is absolutely not necessary. Then comes the next step. In it we need to lay out the film on the surface of the water with extreme care. There is a certain precaution here: the film has two edges, and the first is very vulnerable in water, it literally immediately begins to “blur”. The second one we need reacts perfectly with water, which is why we need it. So, with this passive edge we apply the film to the water. The time that the film should lie on the surface of the water is approximately 1.5 -2 minutes. But here, too, danger awaits us: if you hold the film for even a minute, the drawing on it will begin to become limp. This is facilitated by a chemical mixture.

After this, such a pattern is no longer suitable, because if it is applied to the surface of the part, it will be washed off even with water, but it will have time to corrode the paint that we applied when preparing the part. Now about chemistry. It is applied as carefully as possible, observing safety precautions. We will need a second spray gun with a diameter of 1 millimeter as a sprayer. One more condition: the chemical film cannot be overexposed. If it sits for more than 2-3 minutes without applying it to the part, the activator will dry out and will not stick to our car disc.

Video, hydrographic printing - the process of applying a decorative film to a part:

Application of decorative film.

Stage number three is the most important work, because now we have to dip the part into the finished mixture. This must be done within the first minute after preparing the film. There are some tricks here, failure to do which will not lead to the desired result. This is that the disk will have to be dipped at an angle of 30-35 degrees, moreover, the part must be moved slowly, lowering lower and lower until it is completely under water.

The immersion speed of the part should be 1.5 - 2 centimeters per second. This is important! Why? Yes, because at this angle the film will lie evenly, and if you do not move the disk, the film will run out in this area and there will be nothing to lay on the surface of the car part. Still very important advice: Don't be alarmed when you see the film begin to distort and disappear after the part has been passed through. This is normal, it was applied.

Again, safety precautions!
You need to work with gloves, because you will be dealing with chemistry, especially when lowering the disk into water. Safety glasses should also be worn because chemical splashes are very dangerous. After completely immersing the part, you need to move it directly in the water with a sharp movement (so that the entire fatty, shiny layer - this is the film - comes off the product) and pull out the disk. Then you will see the effect. It should be on the surface that was lowered into the water with the film.

Drying the finished product.

The next step is drying the finished product. This is also a very important point, although the hardest part is already behind us. The part should dry even in those places where the film was not applied, if any. Hard to reach places are included in this list. Then we take the varnish and cover our disk with a new layer. Don't forget about the sanding machine, it will also come in handy. After the last one, our disk is ready. We add it to the car and this is where the main stages end.

Difficulties during work.

Now let's figure out what kind of troubles can arise during the main work - making hydrographic printing.

1) The room must be clean and ventilated. However, nothing should negatively affect the film during operation. For example, dirt or dust particles that get on the active side of the film will not allow it to look beautiful on the car. After washing, holes or wide scratches form in these places.

2) Drops on the active side of the film are harmful. If they appear there, it simply will not stick to the part in these places, and, moreover, it will form strange bubbles that can be accidentally torn off.

3) A little about chemistry. If we apply more activator to the film, it will corrode it, and if less, it will not stick. Conclusion: apply strictly equal amounts of the mixture allocated for one film.

4) Regarding film immersion. Immersion at a small angle will lead to blisters and air bubbles between the film and the part, but, on the contrary, at a large angle it will cause breakthroughs or severe distortions in the scale and dimension of the image. When immersed horizontally, without maintaining a slope, the film will be damaged and may not lie down at all. Rocking movements from side to side or up and down contribute to cracks in the film, creases, folds and even tears.

5) Now about the temperature of the water: if it is less than set, the reaction will last more slowly, and, accordingly, the film will not have time to prepare for application; well, too much hot water, the reaction will proceed at full speed faster than expected, and the “chemical fury” will corrode the film and paint on the surface of the part.

6) About the film before use. Please note that this often happens: if the film is stored folded (in half, in four, etc.) before use, that is, if it is bent, it may have cracks or strong stretches in places where it is broken, spoiling the pattern. You also need to observe the time during which the film is on the water. There should not be too little of it - the film will not have time to soften, and therefore will not lie on the part as it should, and, perhaps, will not stick at all. And vice versa, if the film is overexposed, it will soften excessively, be corroded by a chemical solution and damage the paint of the part. After application, during the first wash, it will be removed with water.

7) What happens if the film is not varnished? It’s simple, if gasoline or a similar substance gets in, it will come off the part; if water, melted snow gets in, or just touched with a wet hand, part of it will come off. Also, if your part is exposed to too much touch, the film will only last for a month.

Business organization.

Sales of products. How to establish sales? Who should I sell to?

What can you say about how it looks? finished product whether people like it. This is very important to understand because the answer to this question affects whether they will be regular customers or just clients? Do they like this idea, especially in their subject?

Based on many years of research, statistics have been compiled, on the basis of which it can be assumed that film is indeed often used in the modern world. People have become so accustomed to everyday life that they want something new, fantastic. Many are trying to stand out different methods, but almost everyone is looking for these methods. Water printing gave such a chance to humanity. Therefore, a person who owns such creativity will always have buyers, which means constant profit is guaranteed. This conclusion implies responsible performance of work, without the presence of “defects and shortcomings.” In a word, it all depends on the person making the aquaprint.

You can also note how the finished product looks. Only smart professionals can determine whether it is a hydrographic print or a real coating made from an expensive material. Ordinary people will simply be surprised, if, of course, the work is worthy of it. Sales of products will be successful if you do not inflate the price, and the condition of the work will be the best.

Search for clients in real world- one of the most difficult tasks for a beginning businessman. Advertising will help, the quality of work will help, reviews will help. In order to have regular customers, an entrepreneur can apply to a newspaper, purchase television advertising, and use the media to his advantage. The main thing is effectively composed advertisements. To do this, it is better to contact specialists.

After the advertising bears fruit, buyers will appear with whom you will need to discuss the quantity, timing and amount. In such negotiations, the main thing for a businessman is to make the initial amount the maximum, and then discount it if the customer asks for a discount. Well, in general, prices are a matter of chance. Estimate the amount of work and deadlines adequately; you should not take on too much work. Only in this case, a regular buyer with an excellent attitude towards the businessman will appear.

Is it possible to make an aquaprint yourself?

After reading the main stages of making water-immersion printing, you can understand that independent employment in this industry, perhaps, moreover, is given, but not to everyone. Again, this will be available only to those who do not know how to be lazy and do not work according to the principle “it will do.”

It is also not advisable for beginners to experiment with orders and try to speed up the work or add something of their own that, in their opinion, will decorate the work. Believe me, there are so many people and so many opinions, so if the inventor likes it, it’s not a fact that the customer will like it. All the same, in the end everything will have to be redone, because the client’s desire is the law. Often beginners are exposed to their emotional state after their first failures, and there are some. You shouldn’t give up on things, because without failures nothing will work out.

As a rule, you learn from your mistakes, so your work will become better and better over time. And one more thing: a beginner must be extremely careful, follow safety precautions and do everything only according to the instructions. Well, it’s also not worth chasing orders and taking several at one time. You may not be able to keep up, but deadlines demand it. There will be a penalty, and this is a very bad thing.

In order to establish a business, an entrepreneur needs to learn how to make imers. As a rule, anyone can set up a business in this business, the main thing is that there is initial capital and desire.

Many people start, but not everyone succeeds. The whole point is that people are starting to receive no orders at all or 1-2 in half a year. Why is this happening? The work is of poor quality, customers are unhappy. They tell others, others tell others, word of mouth arises, and they are dissatisfied with you, there are only bad reviews about you. And reviews, they greatly influence the buyer’s decision. Therefore, some people leave this business, but their place is taken by other, successful people.

Many people “do business” by producing materials and equipment for hydrographic printing. Working film is quite expensive, so it is very profitable to produce it. Especially if you sell it complete with paint, varnish and chemicals and so on. That is, the entire set of material for immersion printing.

Why is it profitable to sell such kits?
They are bought for one main reason. No need to travel different points, dial, or you can just buy in one place. This reason often covers the difference in costs: the price of the set will be more expensive than the sum of each accessory. If we take the example of equipment, advertising plays a major role here. If you sell a water print bathtub at a plumbing store, not many people will know about it. And if you place, say, an advertisement on the Internet: “Bathtub for water-immersion printing.”

The advertisement will appear as soon as the request appears. Accordingly, many more people will click on such advertising than will reach a plumbing store. The link from the advertisement will lead them to your website, which should be attractively equipped. Various bathtubs should immediately open, which you sell. All necessary information indicate directly in the product description, because smart people They look there first. Having found what they need, many will certainly want to place an order via the Internet, and if a successful businessman is involved in this project, then he will be able to deliver throughout Russia, for a fee, of course. Hence the conclusion: you can make money not only from the imers itself, but also from the production of materials and equipment for this process.

Let's move on to the calculations:
Cost of materials: film (1,000 rubles) + paint (5,000 rubles) + varnish (500 rubles) + chemistry (2,000 rubles) = approximately 8,500 rubles. The cost of the kit can be increased to 15,000 - 20,000 rubles, which means the net profit will be at least 11,500 rubles.
The cost of a special bath in a store is from 45,000 to 70,000 thousand rubles. On the Internet, the same bathtub can be sold for 90,000 - 100,000 rubles + delivery.

Let's take a look new idea creating a hydrographic printing business. It can be divided into two fundamentally different options:

Perform hydrographic printing on parts purchased at your own expense, collect 20-30 such items and sell in bulk to one person or some service or other establishment. This non-standard option, only a few people do this, so you can observe a huge increase in profits from such businessmen.

The most important thing in this matter is to find a buyer, because not everyone will agree to buy wholesale parts made in the style of aquaprint. If we take into account that the necessary buyers-clients will be found and become permanent, then this business becomes quite profitable. Because you can create favorable price for parts with adhesive film. Surely, the question arises of how to find such a regular customer who can purchase goods in bulk. This is not a problem, even if the purchase price is huge.

Attracting clients is a gift, as people who are successful in this business would say. Nonsense, that's not true.

Everyone can attract transaction partners if they understand a number of factors:

A) In our case, you can play well on the difference in prices and time, for example: that you will buy 20 ready-made parts made in the style of hydrographic printing, and that you will purchase parts separately and hand them over for hydrographic printing. The question arises, where is more time and money spent? You can automatically answer that in the second case more of both are spent. But we need to make a profit in money. That’s right, your price will be higher, but the buyer will be deceived by long actions. This can be called psychological deception. By the way, psychology plays a huge role in trade and business.

B) The Internet has everything, they say so more and more often. As far as online advertising goes, it is truly excellent. Professionals live for it. And we just need to offer the product through advertising. If you need free advertising, then the best remedy- these are forums and blogs, but if your budget allows, why not try paid services? Although it can be made simpler: Google and Yandex are very multifunctional in terms of advertising, they even show it only to those who are interested in the topic of aquaprint. Therefore, you can win very large sums from advertising.

B) Reviews. As already mentioned, reviews greatly influence the sale, in our case, of parts with adhesive film. The more reviews, the more clients. Therefore, with each successful transaction you should simply ask to leave a review, to which most partners will happily agree. It’s a plus for you and it’s nice for them. Alternatively, you can use the forbidden method - get yourself reviews. This works, but not always, because a businessman sees only the good in his business, without the downsides, and they always exist. For this, a sober head from the outside is needed, feedback from an “arbiter” working with the entrepreneur.

Water printing to order, searching for clients on the Internet.

The next option is simpler. Sell ​​the service - immersion printing via the Internet. How to do this?

In fact, it should not take much time, but at the same time it will definitely bring a lot of income and save a lot of precious minutes. The first thing you need is your own website. It can be done either paid or free. Nowadays there are many services that will help you create your own Internet page for free. But, after creation, you will have to “unwind” it. That is, to attract potential buyers. If you don’t mind personal cash, then you can order a “turnkey website” from well-known resources. This option will not only provide you with a website, but it will also have regular customers, and the page will be in the best places in search engines. This will significantly improve your sales.

How to fill your website?
If you order finished project, all “content” (the so-called internal content of sites) will be already created by professionals. But you yourself can fill your resource. It is advisable to use a specific menu with several tabs: work, contacts and home.
On the main page you should write a unique article on why it is profitable to purchase works with hydrographic printing on this site. The work tab should contain a list with examples of work and prices, as well as a short description. After clicking on any copy, it should redirect to the internal page of the site “place an order”.

The contacts tab should contain detailed information on how to contact you. This could be mail, Skype, etc. It should be noted that this is just an example of a possible website for selling your products. It would not be superfluous to warn you against competition.
That is why the first article must be unique and must contain a direct answer to the question: why is this site better than others?

It is advisable to include this question directly, highlighted in a different, large, bold or other font, and immediately give the answer a little lower. This question will immediately explain a lot to the buyer, he will understand that you are original, your work is worth buying. As for the interface of the Internet page, it can be done in soft colors so that it does not attract too much attention, but also does not seem too boring. Warm colors are perfect. In general, the design of the site is thought out to the smallest detail, this is what they do experienced designers, of course, not for free. They can take a picture as a basis and combine it with a tone, they can break the site down into all the colors in the palette, and so on.

Attracting customers occurs again with the help of advertising; no one will simply go to the site. It can be done by professionals, or you can too. There are many ways:

1) Creating topics on forums is a free method, but it requires activity and a certain amount of time. The most popular topics are those of those users who already mean something on the forum, who have answered quite a few questions, and who are active on a daily basis. A businessman can become this way, or you can make a profit from this by paying the best forum users to create the desired topic;

2) create your own groups on social networks - an old but reliable method: the creation of a group always manifests itself in the appearance of subscribers. The more subscribers, the more activity in your group, the higher it is in searches, the better off you are. It’s better to replenish the group daily with unique news from your website and post all your work. This will encourage subscribers to buy at least one of your works, and in others - to become regular customers. Alternatively, a businessman can buy a group with a huge number of subscribers and start posting his work there;

3) buy a subscriber base and send out news and just your website - very productive method, however, requiring its own investments. Such subscribers of the entrepreneur read the news that he sends to them by email. The main thing is to dump your work - this is the key to success;

4) ask friends to tell their friends and so on. The operating principle is word of mouth. This method depends on the number of your friends. Of course, the more there are, the better you are. It’s better to take friends who are interested in your work. They will sincerely talk about you.

Of course, we can summarize the financial results:
When creating and promoting a website with the help of professionals, you will spend about 150,000 rubles, but if you create it yourself: advertising (10,000 rubles) + buying a subscriber base (10,000 rubles) = 20,000 rubles. What can be concluded? When creating your own website, the cost is several times less, but you should also be prepared that the result will not be as effective as when using the services of specialists.

Investments in a hydrographic printing workshop.

Akvapechat - interesting thing, because you can act as an investor. Your funds will be used both by private owners and in workshops. Investments are always scary, they are a constant risk. But aquaprint reduces the risk to a very low percentage. Do companies need investment? Most likely yes, especially developing ones. This is so because they need material resources for equipment and materials. Why not look at each example separately?

If you invest in professional teams that already have their own workshop, equipment, and materials. You invest in the development of their industrial part. They find clients, act according to the scheme... Six months later they turn into a large company producing hydrographic printing, and give the investor a large sum, saying thank you for once helping them. Why is the risk of “investing in nowhere” minimal? Yes, because this topic is relevant, it is still developing strongly in Russia, and, therefore, is always beneficial for investors. Another advantage of investing in an enterprise is that the risks are minimal. The ruin (insolvency) of an enterprise occurs in extremely rare cases, which is why experienced investors invest in them rather than in private entrepreneurs.

Let's sum it all up:
Let's say the investment was 1,500,000 rubles. According to the contract, the return amount will have to be 100% greater than the original amount, the terms will be half a year. The contract has been signed. 6 months pass, the investor receives 3,000,000 rubles. In total, his net profit amounted to 1,500,000 rubles.

You can clearly see the labor costs using the example of hydrographic printing on car discs (video):

Investments in a home-based hydrographic printing business.

But as an investor, you can make money in another way. If you invest in private production, there is a risk that is greater than the risk when investing in an enterprise. What can you do to get the refund? To do this, you should invest smaller amounts, negotiate a guarantee of return at any cost and establish as soon as possible refund.

For example:
We invest 50,000 rubles in an aquaprint for one person, period - 2 months. If the investment is successful, namely in 85% of cases, after 2 months the investor will receive 100,000 rubles, that is, net profit - 50,000 rubles. In the remaining 10% of cases, the investor will receive back only the amount he invested, and in 5% of cases the investor will burn out.

As a final calculation, we can determine that any absolutely business using hydrographic printing will pay off in 1 or 2 months with active work, so it can be considered profitable.

Calculation of payback and growth of a hydrographic printing business.

This calculation was carried out taking into account the fact that the initial investment will pay off in the first two months of operation. If the payback of the business occurs later than two months, it’s okay, the calculation schedule can begin to be calculated from the moment of payback, since this does not affect the calculated percentage figures for monthly growth in any way. The percentage of monthly growth moves from 25,000 to 50,000 rubles per month, this is the figure included in our business plan as a profit goal 10 months after payback.

In the graph we tried to reflect the optimal monthly profit growth in percentage. From 25,000 thousand rubles to 50,000. Based on these data, we will calculate investments in an advertising company.


As a conclusion, it should be noted that the business of producing water-immersion printing is very profitable, because the topic is not yet very developed in Russia. All types of business that are related to hydrographic printing, be it self-production, mediation or sale, will bring a considerable amount of net profit, the topic is relevant. The payback of the business is amazing: statistics summarize that after working for two months or 8-12 large orders, such as the interior of a car or its exterior, a motorcycle, etc., the businessman returns the amount that was needed for the development of the industry. After further work his net profit will begin to grow. Do not forget about the constant purchase of material, which will take a smaller part of the money yourself.

Do you have a Business Idea? On our website you can calculate its Profitability Online!

Water immersion printing allows you to obtain a unique and unusual look interior items, car parts or household appliances. Akvaprint (this is also the name of this technology of applying images to various surfaces with the help special equipment) is very popular among people who want to emphasize their individuality, and their number is constantly growing.

Many of them prefer to make the exterior or interior of their car stylish, while others prefer cool tuning of their favorite gadgets. Modern technologies allow creative individuals who wish to discover profitable business, perform hydrographic printing with your own hands at home with minimal costs and still earn decent money. Let's consider the features of this type of activity, the pros and cons of running your own business, as well as the nuances of its organization.

What is aquaprint?

Waterprinting is a method of applying a pattern with texture to any surface. Some people confuse this technology with vinyl film coating of individual parts or the car body, which allows you to change the exterior, giving it original look.

The hydrographic image is applied to almost any previously prepared surface. To do this, the object or part is immersed in water, while the design is already on the liquid used. Then the image is fixed using a special activator, after which the product is dried and coated with a special composition.

Video - aquaprint at home:

Texture printing (painting) technology reveals almost nothing limited opportunities to create real masterpieces. The master can apply texture images to the following materials:

  • glass;
  • metals and various alloys;
  • stone;
  • tree;
  • any types of plastic.

The themes of the drawings can be very diverse. Thus, a hydrographic artist can apply a portrait of a person, various inscriptions, as well as stylized images of natural phenomena, flowers, camouflage, cartoon characters, patterns and ornaments of any complexity to an object.

Various textures applied to cars, interior items and other surfaces are very popular. These can be tree species, any type of stone, as well as imitation carbon fiber, reptile skins and various animals. The result of water immersion printing is to obtain a realistic drawing that has clear contours and is of excellent quality.

The aquaprint master carries out special preparation of the part or object before applying the picture. First, the part is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and paint and varnish materials, after which it is sanded and polished. The leveled surface is covered with a primer. If the base needs to be given a certain color, the artist applies paint of the desired shade to it.

At the next stage, the hydrographer prepares a special film for a specific part. IN mandatory such a coating is made several centimeters larger than the dimensions of the object. This is necessary for even distribution of the pattern. Then the artist does:

  • immersing the film in a tank of liquid;
  • applying the activating composition to the film;
  • immersing the part in the prepared solution;
  • washing and drying the item.

Important: It’s not difficult to learn aquaprint technology. If you do not have experience working with immersion printing, you need to invite a specialist who will teach you all the intricacies of this type of activity in just a few months.

Aquaprint as a business - pros and cons

Before opening your own business to provide aquaprinting services at home, you need to consider positive aspects this business and its pitfalls. The advantages include:

  • great consumer demand for hydrographic printing;
  • low competition in this niche;
  • good income due to the high cost of the service;
  • lack of large investments to start a business.

There is a great demand for hydrographic printing this type highly profitable activities. A person's desire to be stylish and have something that no one else has is the main reason why immersion printing at home will bring a lot of income to a hydrographic artist. After all, many people want to have a cool car with an unusual exterior, as well as give it an original look mobile phone, laptop and other things.

Beginning businessmen are almost always faced with solving a pressing issue - the search for a low-competition and profitable niche. The production of hydrographic texture designs is one of them. Please note that today in Russia this type of activity is not widespread, so opening this business will become a source of constant, and most importantly, large income.

Craftsmen who provide hydrographic printing services earn decent money. Judge for yourself: the cost of processing a surface of 1 m² and applying a pattern starts from $100, despite the fact that the cost of this amount of work does not exceed $15. As you can see, most of the money goes to the master to pay for his work.

For this reason, aquaprint is a profitable investment of your own funds in the development of a successful business. As practice shows, the hydrographic business is considered low-cost. If a person has the skills of immersion printing, it is possible to achieve success in this field without having a large start-up capital.

The only disadvantages of this type of activity include the lack experienced specialists, capable of independently (without prior training) performing hydrography. If a novice businessman knows this technology, in addition to his main work related to hydrographic printing, he can begin training those who want to master this craft and earn a lot of money from it.

Do-it-yourself hydrographic printing at home

Let's look at the basic steps for starting a business.

Business registration

It will not hurt for aspiring businessmen to know that their own enterprise can be organized at home independently, as well as with the involvement of a professional. If you lack experience, you should start working with small items and take small requests, gradually expanding your activities. Over time, you can hire an employee, transfer the bulk of production to him, and focus on finding clients.

In order to carry out its activities legally, it is mandatory to register the enterprise with the tax service. It is important to gain experience so that immediately after registration necessary documents start providing hydrographic services.

Let's consider the option of registering a business, which will allow a novice entrepreneur to receive benefits from the state for its development. So, first, a person must become unemployed (otherwise one cannot count on a subsidy for business development) and receive the appropriate status. To do this, you need to contact the employment center at your place of residence.

After registering and obtaining the status of unemployed, it is necessary to coordinate the registration of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) with the employees of the central bank. After obtaining permits to conduct entrepreneurial activity a novice businessman can receive a subsidy from the state in the amount of 60 thousand rubles.

A prerequisite for receiving money is the submission of a developed business plan to the Central Bank. A person may be refused a subsidy if the documents for receiving it are filled out incorrectly, as well as if there is no money from the employment service.

As practice shows, most of The state approves and funds such appeals. In addition, the employees of the central plant are interested in this, since a number of incentives are provided for them for supporting the newly created enterprise.

Important: individual, who has registered an individual entrepreneur and received a state subsidy for business development, can employ 2 unemployed people. At the same time, the Central Bank undertakes to pay (almost immediately) another 60 thousand rubles for each person hired. These funds can be used to pay salaries to employees, as well as to develop your own business.

Equipment selection

Let's consider what equipment is required for water printing. To save on costs, you can purchase used equipment. For full production operation you will need:

  • spacious bathtub for aquaprint;
  • decorative special film for immersion printing;
  • spray gun;
  • separate tank for washing finished products;
  • a set of tools for roughing and surface grinding;
  • activator, paints, varnishes.

In order to be able to apply aquagraphics to large objects, it is recommended to purchase a bathtub with a volume of about 500-1000 liters. It is imperative to connect a water supply to it, as well as install a drain to drain the waste solution.

If you purchase filter equipment for hydrographic printing, the water in the tank can be reused many times. Since the ideal temperature of the liquid for hydroprinting ranges from 29-34 ° C, you will need to install a thermometer (it is better if it is alcohol or mercury). You will also need a water heater or industrial boiler.

Please note that the film must have a gelatin base, which is necessary for uniform application of the pattern over the entire surface of the part. It is important not to confuse it with construction film. You also need to know that material that has scratches and all kinds of irregularities cannot be used for hydrographic printing.

Don’t forget about your own safety, so along with necessary equipment you need to buy personal protective equipment. This should include waterproof overalls, rubber shoes and gloves, respirators, and goggles.

Important: The final price of the equipment includes the purchase of all accessories. So, a bathtub will cost about 70 thousand rubles (with a built-in heating element, water circulation device and thermometer), activator and paint and varnish materials- about 8 thousand rubles, angle grinder - 10 thousand, washing - 7 thousand, set of parts - 5 thousand, additional expenses - 10 thousand. In total, about 110 thousand rubles will be required to purchase equipment.

Selection of premises

For production you will need to find an appropriate premises. At the initial stages of work, 40-50 m² will be enough.

If you rent production space, this will allow you to quickly install equipment and start working. However, you will have to deduct money for the use of other people's premises from your income. Building your own will require considerable investment and time, but subsequently it will turn out to be much more profitable than rental costs, so before starting your activity you should carefully consider where hydrographic work will be carried out.

Important: note that production process requires the use of chemicals, so a good exhaust system is essential. It is also worth taking care of the proper level of lighting in production workshops.

Personnel search

When it comes to hiring employees, there are several important factors to consider. First of all, the lack of a large number of highly qualified specialists forces the entrepreneur to invest money in training himself and his employees. It would be good if applicants are familiar with the skills of applied arts and crafts, which will allow them to quickly master all the intricacies of hydrographic printing. Hired employees must take their responsibilities responsibly and be willing to learn a new profession.

Search for clients

The first thing a novice businessman should know about is the impeccable quality of the services provided. For this reason, it is necessary to increase the level of your skill to such an extent that you want to order an aquaprint from yourself.

As soon as the first customers like the result of the order, they will immediately tell their friends and acquaintances about the work of the workshop - the “word of mouth” effect will work. This method will allow you to acquire regular customers over time, their number will grow tirelessly. Besides this method attracting customers does not require any investment.

The Internet is an excellent tool that will allow you to express yourself as a professional. To do this, you should create thematic communities on social networks and attract people there not only from your city, but also from nearby settlements (we already know that a good craftsman is not so easy to find even in a large city).

It is imperative to create a business card website for your company, which will indicate the features of the service, categories of work and prices for water prints. To quickly dial large number subscribers on the Internet, as well as attract real target customers, you need to order targeted advertising from marketers.

It is also necessary to launch advertising campaigns in the city where the workshop is planned to open. If you distribute leaflets in crowded places, it may not bring the desired result. For this reason, it is worth considering car parking near supermarkets, shopping centers, car markets and specialty stores where interested people may be located. The same applies to points of sale of mobile gadgets, furniture and other household items. Good results will advertise the enterprise in print media and on television.

An aspiring entrepreneur needs to be smart to attract target customers. To do this, you can communicate with the heads of repair shops and service stations and offer them mutual PR: they will recommend a company where you can do hydrographic printing, and you will recommend the services of professional auto mechanics. In this case, bright information banners that will depict hydrographic elements and the address of the production enterprise will work well.

Costs and profits from a hydrographic printing business

We discussed above that the cost of purchasing equipment for hydrographic printing is approximately 110 thousand rubles. Monthly rental of premises total area about 50 m² will cost about 30 thousand rubles. If you rent a production workshop outside the city, costs can be reduced to 5-10 thousand rubles, so you should consider this option.

1 cm² of work costs on average 6-8 rubles. 1 linear meter gelatin film is 10 thousand cm², it must be taken into account that about 2.5-3 thousand cm² will go to waste. This means that only about 7 thousand cm² will be used in the case, therefore, for this amount of film you can earn 42-56 thousand rubles. The cost of film and chemicals will be no more than 3 thousand rubles.

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Technologies for applying hydrographic patterns are becoming popular among the population every day, and the work of artistic enterprises is not limited only to updating the exterior of cars and mobile gadgets. Furniture tuning and decoration of large household appliances are becoming increasingly popular. For these reasons, such a business will be in demand for many years and will not cease to bring significant income to its owner.

Today it is quite easy to change the appearance of any product beyond recognition. After all, hydrographic printing has now become available to us - the technology of applying a decorative coating to objects itself. different shapes. It has many names - immersion printing, aquaprint, 3D decoration.

A little history

This technology began to be used in the 80s of the last century, but has not lost its relevance to this day. Moreover, it has now become publicly available. It’s not difficult to do. To do this, you just need to have a set of necessary devices.

Hydraulic printing technology

Immersion printing is quite easy to use. Special films, which today can be bought in almost any specialized store, are placed in a solution and applied to the part. The pattern remains due to the fact that the film envelops the product. The coating is applied under the influence of potent chemicals certain temperature and density of water.

Stages of applying hydrographic printing

Who among us doesn’t want to update the appearance of our own car or furniture, elegantly decorate windows or various souvenirs?! Hydraulic printing at home makes our wishes possible.

The process itself consists of several stages.

  • First you need to decide on the design of the film,
    choose color and protective varnish.
  • Then you will have to work with the surface on which you intend to apply hydrographic printing. It must be cleaned, degreased, sanded and painted in the base color you chose at the very beginning.
  • Now you can proceed to the hydrographic printing itself.
  • Finally, several layers of varnish are applied to the dried product, which gives the treated item a finished look.

Do-it-yourself hydrographic printing

Of all the above stages, the most difficult is applying the print. Although you shouldn't worry about this. It is safe to say that each of us can apply hydrographic printing with our own hands; for this we do not need to have special skills.

You need to take any container that is suitable in volume and fill it with water at a certain temperature. The film for aquaprints has a water-soluble base, so it is laid out in water. It gradually becomes soft and is distributed in an even layer on the surface. Next, an activator is applied, turning the film into liquid. Immediately after this, the product you have prepared for processing is immersed in the container. Thanks to water decorative coating evenly applied to the surface of the object.

As you can see, hydrographic printing, done with your own hands according to the instructions, is accessible to almost everyone. But any product regains its former attractiveness and presentable appearance.

Advantages of hydrographic printing

This technology has many advantages that those who have encountered it at least once have long recognized.

You see how many advantages hydrographic printing has! You can create miracles with your own hands, repainting products, making them prettier and more attractive.

Aquaprint is separate species immersion printing, which was very popular in Japan in the last century. Its spread was due to the ability to imitate a variety of different surfaces, regardless of the original shape of the structure, its complexity and texture.

General information

Now this type of printing is very popular in the field of tuning a car, decorating a yacht or housings of various electronic devices.

Few people know that you can make an aquaprint with your own hands. To make any thing unique, you just need to purchase everything necessary tools, materials and be patient.

Surface preparation

Of course, before you start making waterprints with your own hands at home, you need to carefully prepare the surface on which the design will be placed.

  1. First, the surface must be degreased. Degreasing involves washing surfaces with a solvent - this is all necessary to completely get rid of the rubberized product that covers many decorative parts of the car for preservation.
  2. We can do waterprinting with our own hands, but it is labor-intensive and complex process, therefore, it is necessary to make the task of drawing a drawing as easy as possible for yourself. To do this, sand all surfaces. It is necessary that all existing roughness become smooth.
  3. After sanding, you need to apply a special primer, which can be purchased at a store that sells auto goods.
  4. The final stage of preparation is priming the surfaces. For these purposes, it is recommended to use ordinary automotive primer, familiar to every master. When the primer is completely dry, it must be thoroughly sanded.

Applying base color

To make an aquaprint with your own hands at home, you need to apply a neutral base color to the selected surfaces. And for it to stick well, it is best to use nitro-based paint. In addition, this paint dries quickly, and in just 15 minutes you can begin the next stage.

The choice of paint directly depends on the desired waterprint pattern. If you have questions about choosing the right base color, it is best to contact a professional, because often in stores they specially mix several colors to get the desired base.

After applying the paint, you must wait. An aquaprint made with your own hands requires careful handling, and, therefore, the surfaces should under no circumstances be sticky.

Now we need a properly equipped workplace.


Often people who are interested in how to make an aquaprint with their own hands do not even realize how many special tools are needed for this.

  1. Large thermometer (it is best to use mercury or alcohol).
  2. Electric boiler.
  3. Water container. To do this, you can separately see how to make a bathtub for aquaprint with your own hands.
  4. Compressor.
  5. Special spray bottle.

Film preparation

To get started, you need to pour water into the bathtub or another selected large container. Using a boiler, water is heated to 30 degrees. And accurate measurements are made using a thermometer.

The next step is to cut the film to the required size. You should not save money here, because if there is not enough material, you will simply have to throw it away. Small notches are made along the edge of the finished film, which will be located approximately 2 cm from each other.

Once the film is prepared, it must be immersed on the surface of the water and securely fixed to avoid any movement. To correctly determine which side to lay the film on, you need to wet your fingers in water, press them on the still dry material and look. Whichever side your fingers stick to, that side is where you need to immerse the film in water.

The next stage is to observe how the edges of the film begin to gradually curl up to the notches made. After all the edges are curled, you need to wait about two minutes. In the first half a minute you will need to blow out the small bubbles that appear on the surface. If no bubbles appear on the surface, then no action should be taken.

Application of aquaprint

After 2 minutes have passed, you must begin applying a special activator. This action must be carried out in zigzag movements, repeating them both vertically and horizontally. After this, you will need to time it again - this time it is enough to wait 10 seconds.

Now you can start immersing the parts in water. This must be done from a pointed angle. As soon as the part is completely immersed in water, it must be immediately removed to the surface and left to dry for several minutes.


Do-it-yourself aquaprint also involves processing the part after applying the film. First you need to thoroughly wash it from fat. This can be done either in the water where the film was located, or in clean water. The most important thing is to comply with the established temperature regime, otherwise all the work may go down the drain.

Next, you need to dry the part and varnish it to avoid dust particles and smudges. To achieve a deep shine, you will need to varnish the part in 3-4 layers, but the result will be worth the effort. And for additional effect You can also add a small amount of metallic or pearl to the varnish.

More and more people are interested in how to make water prints with their own hands at home. Nowadays, more and more drivers are trying to make their car more beautiful. External tuning is becoming increasingly popular. After all, this is how you can stand out from the stream of identical cars. IN recent years More and more new ways to improve the appearance of a car are appearing. Basically, these are modified old methods, but at the same time, they turn out to be much more convenient. Thanks to new technologies, changing the exterior of a car has become much easier. For these purposes, you no longer need to visit the service; you can do everything yourself.

How to make an aquaprint with your own hands at home? To answer this question you need to understand what it is. In fact, waterprint is a type of water immersion printing. Using this method, you can imitate a variety of surfaces. Moreover, it can be applied to any surface, customized to the design features. This method of decoration was actively used in Japan at the end of the last century.

Now, it has gained unprecedented popularity among craftsmen who are interested in car tuning. The film fits perfectly on all possible surfaces. This allows you to decorate cars of any model. The material practically does not fade, and also, it is not afraid of water. The latter characteristic makes this film popular among yacht owners.

What will you need?

This type of tuning requires quite a lot different instruments, which will allow you to carry out this work as accurately as possible. Therefore, stock up on the following devices:

  • Water thermometer;
  • Electric boiler;
  • Bath for water. It must be the right size;
  • Compressor;
  • Spray.
This is the required minimum. A spray gun may also be required. It all depends on the volume of work.

Preparing the car

An extremely important point is the correct preparation of the part for applying the film to it. This work consists of several stages. The appearance of the car after tuning largely depends on the correctness of their implementation. Preparation is carried out in the following order:

  • First, degrease the surface. To do this, wipe the part with a solvent. Please note that many decorative parts of the car are coated with a rubber-containing substance. This is done to protect the part. Be sure to remove this substance completely;
  • Treat the surface with fine sandpaper. This will greatly simplify gluing the decorative film;
  • After sanding the part, a special primer is applied to it;
  • The part is primed. For this, a regular primer is used. If a small area of ​​the body is being processed, you can purchase it in an aerosol can. For large volumes, the easiest way is to use a spray gun.
It remains to carry out the last preparatory operation - applying the base color. The easiest way to do this is to use nitro-based paints. It dries quickly enough and allows you to stick the film without much difficulty. It is important to choose the right color. This is done taking into account the characteristics of the film that you plan to use. To select a color, it is better to take the advice of professionals. Most stores that offer car paints will mix the best color for you.

Application of aquaprint

Before the main work, make sure that the paint is completely dry. If everything is in order, then you can start gluing the part.

We do it this way:

  • First, heat the water in the bathroom. It should be at a temperature of 30°C;
  • We cut the film. We make cuts along the edges every 2 cm;
  • We immerse the prepared pieces of film in water. This should be done with the adhesive side down. You can determine the correct position of the material by touching it with wet fingers. On one side they will stick, on the other they will not;
  • We observe the film floating on the water; after about 2 minutes, the cuts along the edges should turn upward;
  • We apply the activator to the part, the easiest way to do this is with a brush;
  • The next stage varies depending on the characteristics of the part being glued. Small elements are removed from the machine and immersed in the bath. The process of applying aquaprint takes place directly in water. Large body parts are generously moistened with water, after which they are covered with film.

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