Standard temperature in the apartment during the heating season. The temperature regime in the apartment is the norm (SanPiN)

When it comes to paying utility bills, many tenants apartment buildings complain that in winter the temperature in their apartments did not meet the standards. As a result, consumers have to overpay for services that they did not receive in full.

This means that the temperature of the coolant in the heating radiators was below normal. To understand this issue, it is necessary to consider the standards that have been developed government agencies operating throughout Russia in the winter season.

Begins heating season in autumn, when the air temperature outside the window drops below +8 °C. But this takes into account the fact that this indicator is kept for at least five days.

If there is an abrupt change, for example, two days +5 °C, one day +10 °C, the next two days +7 °C, then heating in apartment buildings is not switched on. Switching off is made when the thermometer rises above +8 °C. The same rules apply with a five-day condition.


Heating standards are legalized, that is, their violation is followed by administrative or criminal punishment. All of them are determined by SNiPs, which is the law for public utilities. So, here is a list of the main norms in force for residential and non-residential premises in apartment buildings:

  • +18 °C in the living quarters of the apartment;
  • if the apartment is corner, then +20 °C;
  • in the kitchen, the temperature should be at least +18 ° C;
  • in the bathroom +25 °C;
  • on the staircase and in the lobby (if such a room is present) not lower than +16 °C;
  • in the elevator temperature norm+5 °C;
  • in the attic and in the basement +4°C.

How to take measurements correctly?

Measurement of the air temperature inside the residential premises of apartment buildings is done in certain places. From external walls at a distance of 1.0 m, from the floor at a height of 1.5 m. Control measurements done every hour during the day. In this case, it is precisely the decrease in temperature from the standard that is taken into account. If this fact is confirmed, then apartment residents can pay for services less by 0.15%.

At the same time, an act of measurements taken is necessarily drawn up, one copy of which remains in the hands of the residents. Please note that the public utilities will correct all the shortcomings within a week, so do not disturb them and remind them every day.

There is one more point to which attention should be paid. If the temperature in the heating radiators was below the norm by 3 °C during the day and by 5 °C at night, then Management Company must recalculate utilities.

By the way, the amount of rent reduction will depend on the area of ​​the apartment. And the more it is, the less you have to pay.

There is another standard on which the quality and comfort of living in an apartment depends high-rise building- air exchange rate. That is, there are certain indicators that are based on sanitary and hygienic standards, requiring that the air in the apartment constantly change.

In residential premises with an area of ​​18-20 m², air exchange should be 3 m³ / h per square meter. In kitchens, this figure is 60 m³ / h, this is if it has hob with two burners. If a three burner cooker is used then 75 m³/h and a four burner cooker 90 m³/h.

In the bathroom, this figure will depend entirely on its area. For example, an area of ​​25 m² - an air exchange rate of 25 m³ / h. If the same area, but in the bathroom, then 50 m³ / h. In the toilet 25 m³/h with an area of ​​16 m².

These two standards are related. It is impossible to ensure that the temperature in the apartment meets the standards, and air exchange is not taken into account. Or vice versa. Everything must be taken into account comprehensively. Only then it will be possible to talk about comfortable living conditions.

How to measure the temperature of the coolant?

Maybe not everyone knows, but the hot water that flows from the tap in the hot water supply system is the coolant flowing through the heating pipes.

The easy way

Therefore, if you want to check its temperature yourself, just use a thermometer to measure hot water poured, for example, into a glass.

Its temperature limits: 50-70 °C. Deviations can be, but only for an increase, and only by 4 degrees.

Measurement of the heating level of heating devices

There are other ways to measure temperature limits. To do this, you will have to measure this indicator for pipes or heating radiators. This can be done with an infrared thermometer-pyrometer or a conventional alcohol thermometer. In the second case, the measuring device is applied to the pipe or battery and covered with insulation.

Measurements with an electrothermometer

There is a more complex measuring device - an electric thermometer.

Its thermocouples are applied to the plane of a pipe or radiator, they are fixed and measured, including the “Measure temperature” function.

Instrument corrections

Usually each device has its own scale of deviations. For example, for alcohol - up to 2 ° C, for infrared - 0.5 ° C. Therefore, after carrying out all measurements, it is necessary to add 1-2 ° С to the obtained digital indicator.

What to do next?

If the result of the measurements taken does not suit you, and you think that the temperature of the coolant does not correspond to the norm, then you must write an application to the management company. A commission should come from her and take their measurements. All their actions must comply with the rules of GOST 30494-90 "Control Methods". At the same time, employees must use a measuring device that has been registered and has a quality certificate.

The device must meet certain technical specifications:

  • temperature range from +5 °С to +40 °С;
  • measurement error - 0.1 °С.

Temperature dependence

There is a certain dependence of the air temperature inside residential premises on the air temperature outside the window. This dependence determines the supply of coolant with a certain level of heating. During the heating season, this figure may change daily, or it may not change for months.

Gosstroy in 2003 issued a resolution that precisely defined temperature parameters coolant. Please note that they are taken into account only at the bottom feed hot water. Multiple positions:

  • air temperature outside +5 °C, in the heating circuit supply +50 °C, in the return +39 °C;
  • outdoors 0 °C, supply +65 °C, return +48 °C;
  • outside -5°C, supply +78°C, return +56°C.

Dependence on the type of system

And one more thing that determines the temperature regime. If a two-pipe system is installed in an apartment building heating system, then the temperature of the coolant should be +95 °C.

If the system is single-pipe, then the rate is increased to +105 ° C. But note that in corner apartments the air temperature will still be lower.

Which external factors affect employee performance? Such a question, of course, should be asked by any leader who wants to take care of his subordinates and increase monthly revenue. Unfortunately, features that are obvious at first glance often go unnoticed. So, for example, at enterprises, both small and large, temperature standards at the workplace are often ignored. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not every employee will be able to fully work, freezing or suffering from unbearable heat.

Who regulates the weather at work?

Are there official documents regulating such indicators? Yes, there are. These are SanPin norms for temperature in the workplace. The regulations given in them apply to absolutely all companies and all employees (regardless of the size of the company and its nationality).

All information in the norms can be divided into two main blocks: temperature recommendations for various categories of employees and the employer's responsibility for their violation. Among other things, the norm of air temperature in the workplace is also regulated by the 212th article of the Labor Code of our country, which states that the employer in without fail obliged to provide favorable conditions and a regime for work, as well as rest for their employees.

How to protect yourself in the workplace?

What can an employee do if the temperature at the workplace is above normal? If a person is aware of the real risks to their health in such a situation, then it is quite possible to temporarily refuse to perform their official duties. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an official written statement and transfer it to higher management.

The document must contain information that the implementation of the employment contract work poses certain health risks. It would be useful to refer to the 379th article of the Labor Code, which contains information about the legality of such intentions. If the paper is drawn up in accordance with all the rules, then the employee will not only not lose, but will retain all existing rights. However, do not overdo it in your desire to take a break from work, it is likely that the authorities will offer you alternative options.

How to get around the law without breaking it?

The leadership also has its loopholes and detours. The thing is that SanPin in its documentation indicates such a concept as “stay time”, and not “length of the working day”. Simply put, an employer is not always required to let an employee go home early when they are uncomfortable in order to comply with the law. He can take the following actions:

  • Organize an additional break in the middle of the working day in a room with more acceptable conditions for relaxation.
  • Transfer workers to another location that meets the requirements.

summer workplace temperature

Of course, office employees are most concerned about the temperature standards in the workplace, but it is difficult to say what this trend is connected with. It should be noted that managers, secretaries and other employees of intellectual labor belong to the category of workers with minor physical exertion. It is generally accepted that the normal temperature for them should range from 22.2 to 26.4 (20-28) degrees Celsius. Any deviation from the established figures should lead to a reduction in the working day. The reduction scheme looks like in the following way:

  • 28 degrees - 8 hours;
  • 28.5 degrees - 7 hours;
  • 29 degrees - 6 hours and so on.

According to a similar algorithm, the term for performing work duties in the office is reduced to a temperature of 32.5 degrees above zero. With such initial data, no more than one hour is allowed to work. With the above work, it is completely required to cancel or transfer to another room.

temperature in winter

It should be noted that employees in the workplace can suffer not only from stuffiness and heat, but also from cold (such situations are even more dangerous, but they are much less common). What is the minimum allowable rate temperature at work? To begin with, let's discuss the algorithm of the day in cool conditions for office workers. The number of working hours for them begins to decrease from 20 degrees according to the following scheme:

  • 19 degrees - 7-hour;
  • 18 degrees - 6 hours;
  • 17 degrees - 5 hours and so on.

The final mark of 13 degrees Celsius implies the work of an office worker in unheated room within one hour, at lower rates of work it is required to cancel at all.

It should be noted that these rules apply only to production and office rooms, for social objects, the requirements also exist, but are slightly different. For example, the recommended temperature for clinics is about 20-22 degrees.

Classification of all professions

SanPin norms for temperature at the workplace are different for each category of employees. In total, there are three main categories, of which two are also divided into additional subgroups:

  • 1a. Energy consumption up to 139 W. Minor exercise stress performing work duties in a sitting position.
  • 1b. Energy consumption from 140 to 174 W. Slight physical exertion when performing duties that can be performed both sitting and standing.
  • 2a. Energy consumption from 175 W to 232 W. Moderate physical stress, the need for regular walking, moving loads weighing up to 1 kg in a sitting position.
  • 2b. Energy consumption 233-290 W. Active, but moderate physical activity, which consists in constant walking and moving loads weighing up to 10 kilograms.
  • 3. Energy consumption from 290 W. Intense load, requiring considerable strength and impact. It consists in walking, carrying large loads.

You should not assume that the higher the category of the employee, the more scrupulously the temperature standards at the workplace should be observed in the summer and in winter time of the year. In fact, the law requires to protect each person very carefully. Moreover, people engaged in active physical labor endure coolness much easier, as they have the opportunity to warm themselves from the efforts made.

Where to turn for help?

What to do if the temperature standards at the workplace are violated, and the management continues to force employees to work? In this situation, time that goes beyond the boundaries given in the laws can be considered processing. And processing, as you know, should be paid at double the rate.

Where can I complain about the fact that the temperature standards in the workplace are occasionally or regularly violated? Unfortunately, there is no official institution dealing with this issue. However, if necessary, all their complaints regarding the unsatisfactory organization of conditions in the workplace, employees can send to the local labor inspectorate, which will be able to record the complaint and initiate proceedings on it.

In addition to your wishes for the organization comfortable temperature at the workplace in your company, it is possible to send to Rospotrebnadzor, they will also help you resolve a dispute with the employer.

The amount of punishment and its types

What punishment can an unlucky employer run into? The simplest is the usual fine, the size of which can range from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Much worse for any organization is a temporary suspension of its activities, which can last up to 90 days. To avoid punishment, it is necessary either to improve the existing conditions, or the employee to the required norm in this case.

How to fix violations?

How can you achieve the required temperature at the workplace in summer? Perhaps the only effective way The solution to this issue is to install modern air conditioners, as well as maintaining the existing ventilation system at high level. No open windows and drafts will help create comfortable conditions in the heat, but only ensure the distillation of heated air from room to room. Another disadvantage of this method is the high risk of colds among people in the room.

With regard to the need to increase the air temperature, the most appropriate is the use of a central heating system.

Heat / Heating batteries

Problems with heating during the heating season and the cold in the apartment can be a reason to go to court. By law, batteries must warm the room no lower than the temperature established by special regulations.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Legal requirements

Temperature in living quarters apartment building is determined by the "Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", as well as "GOST R 51617-2000. State standard Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. Are common specifications

The "Rules for the provision of public services" states that in residential premises the temperature should not be lower than +18 ° C (in corner rooms- +20 °C). And in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period of -31 ° C and below, the air temperature in residential premises should not be lower than +20 ° C (in corner rooms - +22 ° C).

At night (from 00:00 to 05:00) the air temperature in the apartment can drop by no more than 4 °C. In the daytime, the decrease in temperature below the standard level is not allowed.

At the same time, GOST R 51617-2000 (State standard of the Russian Federation. Housing and communal services. General specifications. approved Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated June 19, 2000 N 158-st) establishes a minimum level of air temperature for certain types of premises in an apartment.

room The air temperature in the rooms cold period year, °C
Living room of an apartment or hostel 18 (20 )
The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 °C and below 20 (22 )
Kitchen of the apartment and hostel, cubic: 18
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment -
Bathroom 25
Restroom individual 18
Combined restroom and bathroom 25
The same, with individual heating 18
Washroom 18
Shared shower room 25
Common restroom 16
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the hostel 18
Vestibule, common corridor, front in the apartment building, staircase 16
Lobby, common corridor, stairwell in the hostel 18
Laundry room 15
Ironing, drying room in hostels 15
Storage rooms for personal belongings, sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12
Isolation room in the hostel 20
Elevator machine room 5
Garbage chamber 5

Notes: In corner rooms apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 ° C higher than the specified

How to measure the temperature of the air in your apartment?

The current "Rules for the provision of public services" explain the situation as follows:

... Measurement of air temperature in residential premises is carried out in a room (if there are several rooms, in the largest living room), in the center of planes spaced from inner surface outer wall and heating element by 0.5 m and in the center of the room (crossing point diagonal lines premises) at a height of 1 m. measuring instruments must comply with the requirements of standards (GOST 30494-96) ...

What to do if the temperature in your apartment drops below normal?

If you find that your apartment is colder than required by law, you must notify your emergency dispatch service. The application can be made both in writing and orally (by phone call).

The duty officer is obliged to register your application and set the time for the verification.

The time for the inspection is appointed no later than 2 hours from the moment the consumer receives a message about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed with the consumer.

Upon completion of the audit, an audit report is drawn up. If during its course the fact of a violation of the quality of the utility service is established, then the inspection report indicates the date and time of the inspection, the identified violations of the quality parameters of the utility service, the methods (tools) used during the inspection to identify such violations, conclusions about the date and time of the beginning of the violation of the quality of the utility services.

Cold in the apartment: what compensation can you expect?

If no one comes to you, or comes, the acts are signed, but nothing changes, then you have a natural desire to influence the situation in more radical ways.

Before proceeding to consider possible methods of influencing public utilities, let's clarify what obligations the current legislation imposes on a heat supplier to a residential building.

The requirements for an allowable interruption in the heat supply are formulated as follows (for details, see Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, Appendix 1, Section VI):

  • no more than 24 hours (in total) within 1 month;
  • no more than 16 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from + 12 ° С to standard temperature indicated in the table above;
  • no more than 8 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from + 10 ° С to + 12 ° С;
  • no more than 4 hours at a time - at an air temperature in residential premises from + 8 ° С to + 10 ° С

The responsibility of public utilities for violations of these requirements is as follows:

  • for each hour of excess allowable duration interruption of heating, calculated in total for billing period, in which the specified excess occurred, the amount of payment for the utility service for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the amount of the fee determined for such a billing period.

Well, what if heat is supplied to the apartment, but the batteries do not heat the room? In this case, the following requirements are set:

  • permissible decrease in the standard temperature at night (from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3 ° C from the level indicated above;
  • decrease in air temperature in the living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) is not allowed

Responsibility for violation of these rules is established as follows:

  • for each hour of deviation in the air temperature in the residential premises in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of the utility service fee for such a billing period is reduced by 0.15% of the fee determined for such a billing period for each degree of temperature deviation.

Thus, the current legislation allows:

  • In case of disconnection of your batteries for each hour in excess of the permitted duration of disconnection of batteries (the terms are indicated above), collect 0.15% of the monthly (this is our settlement period) payment for heat
  • If the apartment is cold, but the batteries still heat, then you can demand a reduction in the monthly heating fee by 0.15% for every hour when the temperature was below the standard.

The recalculation can be a significant amount. Let's count.

Suppose you pay about 3,000 rubles a month for heating your apartment in winter. You are tired of constantly freezing and, say, on December 3, you drew up an act stating that the temperature in your apartment does not exceed 15 degrees Celsius (determined based on the temperature in the largest room in terms of area).

However, within a month there was no response from the public utilities. The house is still cold. What will be the recalculation?

We take 27 days following the drawing up of the act. It will be 648 hours. We multiply this number of hours by 0.15%, we get a figure of 97.2%. For this amount, you must recalculate. It turns out - that you are actually not obliged to pay for heating if this service is not provided with high quality.

Naturally, no one will return this money to you voluntarily. You have to go to court.

What are the chances of winning a lawsuit about cold batteries in an apartment?

There are precedents that residents managed to achieve a recalculation of heating fees due to the cold in the apartment.

In particular, in 2014, in several court instances, a resident of the Perm Territory managed to recover from 136,000 rubles in favor for the low temperature in a residential building.

According to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a resident of Gubakha, Natalia Alekseeva (surname changed), filed a lawsuit against the local management company in the spring of 2014, demanding 350,000 rubles from public utilities. She substantiated her statement by the fact that during the heating season of 2012-2013, as well as in the winter of next year, the temperature in her apartment did not rise above 15 degrees. Meanwhile, according to the rules for the provision of public services, the air in residential premises should be warmed up to 18 degrees, and in corner rooms - up to 20.

Alekseeva invited employees of the Criminal Code to take her temperature. In total, such measurements were made ten times. And never once did they fit the bill. The plaintiff even noted in her statement to the court that because of the cold in the apartment she fell ill, and listed several diseases that brought her to the hospital.

Alekseeva did not stop complaining to various authorities, district and regional, trying to achieve a recalculation utility bills. And in 2013, she even refused to pay for heating, believing that the money was taken from her unreasonably. The case then reached the world court, which issued an order to recover 31 thousand rubles of debt from Alekseeva. But this decision was overturned, as she was able to prove the improper provision of a service such as heating.

As a result, all attempts to resolve the problem peacefully failed. Claims with a request to recalculate the payment for heat were rejected. No compensation was offered to the woman. And then she went to court.

At the trial, representatives of the management company completely denied their involvement in low temperatures in Alekseeva's apartment. They stated that there is no contract between them for the provision of such a service as heating, and the money for it does not go to their cash desk. Therefore, they did not recognize the demands made.

However, the Gubakhinsky City Court decided otherwise. The fact is that according to the management agreement apartment building, where Alekseeva lives, the Criminal Code is obliged to provide services for water supply, sanitation and heating. According to the same document, payment for them should be made directly to resource-supplying organizations.

The management company, in addition, has an agreement with the local housing and communal services department on the supply of thermal energy. It states that this resource is intended for heating residential buildings, and the air temperature in them must comply with the standards.

Therefore, the court recognized Alekseeva's demands as legitimate, and all the objections of the Criminal Code as unfounded. The absence of a heating contract between them does not play any role, since this obligation of the communal organization is indicated in the contract for the management of an apartment building.

Taking into account that the management company could no longer argue the fact of poor-quality heat supply, the court granted the plaintiff's demands for the recovery of money. At the same time, Alekseeva is obliged to return 77 thousand rubles as a recalculation, in addition, a fine of half this amount and 20 thousand rubles as compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Total 136 thousand.

You love cool air and completely tortured your family with constant drafts and open windows, or vice versa, are you a heat-loving person and torment them with exhausting heat? Let's figure out what temperature is the most comfortable and optimal for your home.

Air temperature in the apartment

The air temperature in the apartment is one of the most important factors of the microclimate. in different climatic zones optimal temperature parameters are different. So for a hot climate it is 17-19 0С, for a moderate one from 18 to 20 0С and in cold conditions 20-22 0С. Discomfort and poor health can be observed at a temperature of 24 0C or more.

But, of course, the optimal temperature regime is the one in which the inhabitants of the living quarters feel comfortable.

According to SNiP minimum valid value temperature during the heating season in the apartment is threshold at 18 0C. Most of people experience a state of thermal comfort at a temperature in 21-25 degrees Celsius. But for different groups population, this figure fluctuates. So studies have shown that for women and children optimum temperature indoor air is at the level of 23-25 ​​0С, and for the male population - 21-23 0С.

Hygienists, together with psychologists, have developed their own simple rules and conditions under which the temperature in the living room will approach the maximum comfortable conditions. According to their calculations normal temperature air in the house should be within 18-24 degrees Celsius. It is this temperature of heat that will provide the most acceptable for the human body.

The temperature in the apartment for different rooms

Sanitary standards are advised to adhere to the following temperature regimes.

The concept of the magnitude of temperature differences horizontally and vertically in residential buildings. Moving around the apartment, a person should not feel the temperature difference. This is possible if the horizontal temperature fluctuations are within 2-3 0С.

How to measure the temperature in a room

The temperature in the room is measured at inner wall at a distance of 1 m from the outer wall and 1.5 m from the floor.

The regulations are valid only after the heating season. Before him - there are no standards - warm yourself as best you can!

Hot water temperature in the apartment

And the temperature of hot water should be year-round- not lower than +50 and not higher than +70 degrees (according to the sanitary norms and rules of SNiP 2.08-01-89 "Residential buildings"). Measure it at an open tap by immersing the thermometer in a glass under running water.

The temperature in the apartment does not meet the standards: what to do?

If the temperature in the apartment during the heating season does not meet the standards, you can write an application to your DEZ with a request for verification. For this, a caretaker technician or an engineer of the local deza usually comes. After checking the batteries or the plumbing system, an act is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the owner of the apartment. If the complaints are confirmed, the public utilities undertake to fix everything within 1 to 7 days.

One of the main tasks of the employer can be considered the provision of a favorable microclimate in the workplace.

However, many employers do not comply temperature requirements thus violating the law.

What should be the temperature in the room according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

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Is the employer obligated to monitor the temperature in the room?

Article 212 can answer this question, according to which the employer will be held administratively liable for sanitary work not carried out on time.

The list of these measures also includes compliance with the temperature regime established by the Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN), as it is too low or vice versa heat can lead to a decrease in energy levels and, as a result, its performance.

Accordingly, if the employer evades this obligation, he violates the law and must be punished.

We can say that the employer is obliged to monitor the temperature during the entire working period.

Temperature regimes at different times of the year

The temperature in the room in the summer, according to the Labor Code, should not be higher than:

  • 28 degrees Celsius for 8 hours of operation.
  • 30 degrees Celsius for 5 hours of operation.
  • 31 degrees Celsius for 3 hours of operation.
  • 32 degrees Celsius for 2 hours of operation.
  • 32.5 degrees Celsius for 1 hour of operation.

Working at temperatures above 32.5 degrees is considered dangerous. The employer has some way to avoid the heat, namely: to install special equipment (air conditioners, fans) in the work premises or to reduce the number of working hours by special order.

The temperature in the room in winter, according to the Labor Code, should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius. If it does not meet the standards, the employer must install a heater in the workroom or reduce the number of working hours. Labor Code establishes the following temporary standards at low temperatures:

  • no more than 7 hours of operation at 19 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 6 hours of operation at 18 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 5 hours of operation at 17 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 4 hours of operation at 16 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 3 hours of operation at 15 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 2 hours of operation at 14 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 1 hour of operation at 13 degrees Celsius.

Labor regulations have established that working at temperatures below 13 degrees Celsius is dangerous.

Summarizing the above data, we can say that the temperature in the room in summer period should not exceed 28 degrees Celsius, and in winter period should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius.

What should an employee do if the employer does not comply with the temperature regime?

Salaried workers often face negligent attitude of the employer. What to do in this case? There are several options:

  • ask the employer to normalize the temperature with the help of equipment (air conditioning, heater)
  • demand a reduction in hours of work in accordance with the regulations
  • file a complaint with the CPS
  • ask for help from the labor inspectorate

With the last two options, a special check will be conducted at the place of work, during which it will be established whether an offense has been committed.

As a result, we can say that the employee has several legitimate methods of influencing.

What punishment threatens the employer for non-compliance with the temperature regime?

In accordance with the Code of Administrative offenses, an employer who violates sanitary standards will be fined up to 20 thousand rubles, or his activity will be suspended for a certain period.

What else to read