Rejuvenated - decoration of the garden with "stone roses". Planting and Care Recommendations

And outdoor plant juveniles are called stone rose and hare cabbage. With a rose, it’s more or less clear, hard, like stone, the leaves of this plant form a kind of rosette, it is somewhat reminiscent of a rose. Why this outlandish plant was called cabbage remains a mystery. To say that young people are now in fashion is to say nothing. They are adored by flower growers in all countries. On any garden market you will definitely see pots with neat round rosettes different colors and sizes. In the photo, popular varieties were young:


"A princess"

See how much they differ from each other in shape and shade. AT Latin name genus Semprevivum (translated as "alive forever") is some exaggeration. No, young people don't live forever. Not much time is allotted to a separate outlet: it grows fat, blooms, gives seeds and dies. But in addition to seeds, the rosette manages to form countless children. We can say that her life continues in numerous offspring. Look at the photo how the young flowers look on the bush:

When they fade, the rosette itself will die after them. You can find a description of this plant, as well as recommendations for its cultivation on this page.

Landing and proper care of the young at home

These beautiful plants grow in the harshest conditions. There is a joke among flower growers: “The worse for young people, the better.” And there is. The drier the earth and the less humus in it, the lower the threat of decay - the sockets are more compact and brighter in color. This plant resembles a cactus in its vitality. If create the necessary conditions, it will feel comfortable both in a pot and in the front garden. At home, it is impossible for a juvenile to recreate the soil and harsh conditions of the desert, but you can choose a special soil and protect the plant from its worst enemies. The invincible Achilles has weak spots: juveniles are contraindicated in excessive moisture, they quickly rot if they fall into the water. And, of course, they need the sun to be bright and attractive. In the shade, they turn pale and stretch. In order to plant young at home in a pot and provide care at home, a lot of work is not needed. It is worth planting sprouts in a special mixture for cacti. If there is none, then you can take poor dry soil and mix it with sand, gravel, wood shavings and expanded clay. If you try to grow a stone rose in mineral-rich soil, then it will lose frost resistance, and although the rosette will be larger and more magnificent, its shades will become completely pale. The plant feels good scorching sun, so in summer its place is on the window in the hottest room, and in winter - away from frost and wind. Proper care of juveniles at home room conditions involves a strict watering schedule. In winter, it is worth watering the plant once a month, in summer - no more than once a week. At the same time, it is worth watering only at the very root and carefully protect the sockets from water ingress - otherwise they will begin to rot.

Remember that in this case it is better to underdo than to overdo it. Without watering, a stone rose can do for several months. If you flood the plant, you will either have to immediately transplant it into very poor soil, or watch it rot.

How to grow young: how to plant a flower and how to care for it

If you want to plant young and provide care for him in open field, then it is worth trying a little in order to make him comfortable. Choose the driest and poorest soil for the plant. If there are no worked-out places on the site, dig the soil, sprinkle with sand, gravel and wood shavings.
Give the plant the sunniest spot. Do not plant it next to plants that can provide shade. If you plant several bushes, then the distance between them should be at least 5 cm for small species and at least 10 for large ones.
If you are concerned about the question of how to take care of young people in winter, do not worry. Frost-resistant young. Even in the harsh snowless winter of 2002-2003, when herbaceous perennials in the orchards suffered serious damage, the young suffered less than others. And when there is snow, the young are invincible.

The only one winter care for young when planting in open ground - closing the outlet from snow. It can be covered plastic bottle, but so that the root remains in the snow - this is how heat is retained in it and the plant winters well. If you filled up the drainage or fine gravel, then the spring standing waters of the stone rose will be nothing. Under natural conditions, young - the owners of the desert. That is why they do not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds. In order for the stone rose to decorate your garden for a long time, periodically remove pests that “take over” all the sun it needs. The plant gives young growth, so every 3-5 years you need to dig out the budding shoots and find a separate place for them. How to plant a small juvenile on separate plot you already know - to provide him with the same conditions as the mother plant - and it will delight you for a long time.

How to propagate young: growing a stone rose from seeds

The juveniles mainly reproduce vegetatively. This means that independent rosettes can separate from the mother plant in a few years, which must be transplanted to another place in order for them to fully develop on their own. Among the people, the youth spreads “from hand to hand” - after a few years, the housewives no longer find a place for new individuals and give small sockets to friends or neighbors. Look at the photo, on it - the correct landing was young, which was separated from the mother plant:

The rosette has enough room for further growth, but the pot is not too big. If you are going to plant sockets in open soil, then let them grow a little in a pot. The plant will strengthen root system and then he is not afraid of any cataclysms. It is best to transplant in April - July. Only plant in soil when you are sure it is dry enough and the weather is sunny enough for a fragile plant. Look at the photo, on it - planting and caring for a young juvenile, which was planted in the ground:

Stone roses are very interesting to collect. True, the pedigree of hundreds of varieties is lost in the wilds of free pollination, but does it really matter? A lot of varieties have been obtained through selection by scientists. So in some species a variety of a different shade appeared or a variety with larger rosettes. Selection occurs by planting two types of seeds side by side. Fans themselves are not averse to indulging in the breeding of new varieties, since young people grow easily from seeds. In order to breed your unusual variety of this plant, or simply grow a rosette from scratch, you need to collect seeds from a flower. They usually bloom in the spring, but if the plant has lived in a room, the flowering cycle may have gone astray, and the flowers will produce seeds by the end of summer.

It is best to plant "fresh" seeds that you have just harvested from the plant. But of those that have lain for some time in a warm, dry place, sprouts also sprout and quite worthy specimens are obtained.
You can plant it both in small glasses with soil, and directly on the garden. If you have a lot of experience as a gardener, it is better to immediately grow in open ground.

If you don’t know how to propagate the young in the garden from seeds, because you don’t have enough experience, or you don’t want to bother with breaking through the weeds that are inevitable on open ground, pick up a suitable pot in order to grow it in the house. For such purposes, disposable glasses, old deep plates and, of course, small pots are well suited. If you want to keep the young at home in a pot, you can go right to where the outlet will grow in the future.

Choose acidic or slightly alkaline soil - better get a special one. In order to successfully grow young sprouts from seeds, you need to sow a lot of seeds on the surface of the soil and moisten it a little.
The first week you need to keep the seedlings at a temperature of at least 20 degrees, otherwise the shoots will not sprout. You will see the first leaves in 3-5 days. During this period, it is worth especially carefully watering the sprouts in order not to accidentally wash the plant off with a stream of water. Depending on how many shoots have risen, you need to seat them as needed in separate containers. If they took a rather wide pot, and there were few shoots, then they will calmly “live” together until disembarkation. In order to understand how to grow young from the seedlings that you grew in pots in the garden, you need to remember the tips on how the child rosettes are planted. The weather should be dry and warm, grown seedlings should be dug at a distance from each other. It is also worth breaking through the weeds so that the shoots have enough heat and light. And the soil needs to be drained.

Growing a rock rose (aka young) from seeds can be interesting if you have seeds from several different types and you want to develop your talent as a breeder. In this case, it is worth planting seeds in 3-5 pieces of each type and pour them into one point. Guarantees that you will succeed new variety, no, but gardening is a huge niche for experimentation and discovery. It is in order to increase the possibility of the emergence of a new variety that it is necessary to plant the seeds in different glasses with the expectation that 1 sprout will be obtained from one glass. Look at the photo, on it - young sprout care:

The use of youth in landscape design (with photo)

In nature, juveniles grow in the cracks of stones, with little or no soil and water. This allows flower growers to create expressive and unusual compositions. Of course, you can plant young square meters, although this option is more suitable for the steppe or desert, and not for a garden near Moscow, where weeds fly from all sides. In landscape design, the young plant is used very widely. Due to the fact that sockets take root on the most infertile soils, you can close any "bald spot" in your area. They also look good in unusual pots and unexpected places. A bowl with amazing hedgehogs on the steps of the porch (for the winter they simply put it on the ground), a gap between the bricks in the old fence, a chip in the cladding of the house, a recess in the stone near the pond - these are the places for young people. And, of course, she was young - ideal plants for a rocky garden, an alpine hill. In the photo - an example of the use of youth in landscape design:

See how well they fit side by side different varieties and colors, creating a pleasing to the eye picture.

Types and varieties of youth: photo, name and description

The young are very diverse. Some are glossy, already shiny, others are entangled in a thick cobweb; yellow and burgundy; with a rosette from 1 to 10 cm in diameter; the leaves are pointed or blunt ... You can continue endlessly! By the way, some varieties also bloom nicely. True, it is better to remove a faded rosette with a dried peduncle to maintain the decorativeness of the picture. Here is a list of the names of popular varieties of youth with a description:

"Pharaoh"- purple and green leaves, plant height 10 cm.

"A princess"- dense balls with dark brown tips.

"Montana"- features large green rosettes.

"Green King"- Another bright green variety.

"Julia"- the unusual thing is that the rosettes are swamp-colored, and in the fall they turn red.

"Red"- small red sockets.

The photo below shows that the name of this variety is young and fully corresponds to its appearance:

Types of this plant:


AT recent times a fashionable trend in horticulture and landscape design has become the creation in the local area alpine slides. In order for such a slide to look beautiful, ground cover plants must be involved in the planting.

But most of them have certain disadvantages: some of them lose their foliage for the winter, so in spring the hill looks very modest. Some plants cannot stand frosty weather and die, while others summer period grow so much that the compositions created by the designers are completely broken. All these shortcomings are unusual for such a plant as young. It belongs to the Crassula family.

What kind of plant is young? Planting and caring for it will be discussed in this article.

plant description

The Latin name was young - sempervivum - translated as "always living." This perfectly characterizes a very unusual outwardly, completely unpretentious perennial. Since the juvenile retains water reserves in its thick and succulent leaves, it belongs to the genus of succulents.

It is also popularly called stone rose or hare cabbage, because the rosette of the plant really resembles a rose flower or cabbage. It is surrounded by leaves that have a leathery dense cover, each rosette consists of a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 80 leaflets.

It includes a genus of Crassulaceae a little more than 60 species, 10 hybrids and a lot of varieties. A young flower grows, planting and caring for which should be similar to natural conditions, in the highlands of the Mediterranean, in the Balkans, in Caucasus mountains.

The plant has a very short stem and many leaves, neatly folded into a dense and compact rosette. Young people are well tolerated hot weather, strong wind and long drought. Before the onset of winter, the rosette of the plant dries out, loses its weight and attractiveness. Thus, removing excess moisture, the young are preparing for winter.

Enemies of this plant:

  • excessive waterlogging, which leads to decay, as a result of which the young die;
  • poor lighting, with it the flower loses its decorative qualities;
  • overly fertilized soil under the young (excessive care), the plant in it reduces resistance.

Varietal diversity

Man-made hybrids young are distinguished by their beauty and attractiveness. Breeders tried to combine the best decorative properties sources such as flower shape and size, foliage color. Most of these plants are selected in European nurseries, so they are the owners of an attractive appearance but not very resistant to climate change.

For temperate climate the following plant varieties are most suitable: "mountain", "cobweb", "Russian", "roofing", "lime", "Caucasian". Varietal groups of complex hybrid structures with amazing beauty have also been created. Such varieties are called tender female names: Diana, Amanda, Elena, Anna, Julia. In the names of some geographical areas are immortalized: Dallas, Dakota, Damascus, and others are given great names: Caesar, Aldo Moro.

The most common types

The most common and favorite species of gardeners were young:

  1. Young "shoot-bearing" has a six-centimeter rosette with salad green leaves and edges painted red. The leaves have an oblong-pointed shape and cilia, rosettes-babies look like dense balls attached to the mother flower with thin threads and easily separated from it. When flowering, it throws out 10-centimeter yellow inflorescences.
  2. Young "roofing" - a large perennial with a rosette size up to 15 centimeters. It has lanceolate fleshy leaves with a brown tip. It produces a pubescent peduncle about 40 cm tall, the flowers look like two-centimeter stars. Rosettes-daughters are attached to the plant with strong branches.
  3. Young "calcareous", planting and caring for which is similar to other species, is one of the most beautiful plants. The flower has gray-green or bluish-green rosettes 8 cm in diameter with pointed tips, painted red-brown or black. Its leaves are thinner than other species. This variety blooms with small flowers of pale pink color.
  4. Juvenile "cobweb" - this species is very common in the Caucasus Mountains. The rosettes of the plant are very small, only three centimeters in diameter. They are covered with a web-like edge, blooms with reddish flowers.

In general, when growing young, planting and caring for which are completely simple, you need to remember some points:

  1. The right choice of landing site. It is better for the plant to be in an open, sunny, elevated place, which should be slightly elevated so that moisture does not collect there as a result of watering and precipitation.
  2. Soil preparation. For favorable cultivation, young planting is carried out in poor sandy soil, because well-fertilized soil can damage the flower, and there will be good drainage with an admixture of sand. by the most the best place for planting is rocky soil.
  3. Proper watering requires young. Planting and care in the open ground provide that the plant should be watered only during its planting, in the subsequent period it will have enough climatic precipitation, since the flower stores the necessary moisture in the leaves.
  4. For the winter, young people do not need to be covered at all, even when the snow cover is small. It is allowed to cover with spruce branches only young shoots or adult plants planted late.


You can transplant a flower at any time, except for the end of autumn. If the roots are accidentally cut off during transplantation, the plant quickly restores them. Therefore, after transplantation, the young practically do not get sick. AT young age, while the plant has not yet overgrown with children, you can carefully weed the soil around to destroy the weeds.

If you need to transplant the entire group at once, which was formed from the mother plant and its processes, it is not at all necessary to transplant each flower separately. Planting and caring for a group is simple: just cut it with a shovel, grabbing a layer of soil about six centimeters thick. Then transfer all this and put it in the right place, compact the soil. In this case, it would be better to wait about a year until the plant settles down in a new place, gives new outlets, takes up an area, gets stronger and there is no longer a need to weed the soil.

Reproduction by seeds

Almost all varieties of this flower are subject to rapid self-propagation vegetatively and by seeds. If the creation of a certain pattern is pursued in the landscape, then it is desirable to control the reproduction process.

In order to propagate the plant by seeds, at the beginning of spring they are simply sown in the ground, deepening by about 2 mm, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. When the ambient temperature reaches 20 degrees, sprouts will hatch within five days. Before the appearance of young shoots, the young are regularly watered, and then this process suspend. Toward the middle of summer, when the seedlings have grown, it can be planted on permanent place.

The method of propagation of juveniles by seeds is used very rarely, this is due to the inconvenience due to the fact that the seeds are quite small, dusty.

Vegetative propagation

Vegetatively young reproduces by children or mustaches.

In the first case, a small rosette-baby is formed in each adult rosette before flowering in the axils of the lower leaves. The shoot is separated from the mother plant, planted in the right place.

The second case concerns those species where not children are formed, but elongated shoots in the form of a mustache, having a kidney at the end, from which it develops in the future. young plant. In order for a new shoot to develop, you need to loosen the soil and firmly press the socket with a mustache to the ground, water it well. Planting and care provide that the mustache is not cut, but if this must be done, then so that most of mustache remained with a socket. In the future, a tap root will form from it.

In the case of independent vegetative propagation, the sprouts are held on strong flexible stems until they reach the ground, where they begin to take root. If no action is taken, after a while the mother plant will be tightly surrounded by daughter outlets.

Rejuvenated: planting and care at home

Rejuvenated is such an unpretentious plant that it can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home in pots. And for this they use not only large containers for the whole rejuvenating family, but also plant this flower in separate small pots. Then they make beautiful compositions from them.

For planting juveniles, earthen mixtures for cacti with the addition of charcoal. The pot must be drained with walnut shells or expanded clay for one third of the capacity.

Watering is done every three weeks, or less often, as needed. Do this carefully so that water does not get in and does not linger in the axils of the leaves. Best of all, young in pots will feel on a sunny balcony.


Patient flower growers can wait for the fruit to ripen, which gives the plant a younger look. Planting and care will bring results: this plant bears fruit once in its life at the age of about 3 years. The largest rosette throws a stem 25 cm high up and overgrown with small leaves. Thus, a peduncle is formed, which at the top eventually forms racemose or corymbose inflorescences. Its flowering will last about a week, then the fruit will be tied and seeds will appear. The plant will begin to dry out gradually. The grower should carefully remove the dried shoot to prevent arbitrary self-seeding.

Rejuvenated: photo, planting and care

Young plants are necessarily planted in open sunny areas from March to the end of September. This is necessary so that the sockets have time to take root and get stronger before the start of a cold snap. If you plant young on the site in October or even later, with almost one hundred percent probability we can say that the plant will die.

If you plant young in a shaded area or along a wall, the leaves of the flower will become elongated, the stem will stretch and begin to wrap, the plant will cease to be decorative.

It is impossible to plant "roses" in areas under trees, since, in addition to shading, there is a danger that falling leaves will cover it, as a result of which the young will die. Planting and care in the open field requires space.

If it was decided to transplant young people into a garden from a pot, this is done with the obligatory preservation of the root coma of the earth. The planting process itself consists of a simple, gentle pressure of the outlet into the soil a few centimeters. It is not necessary to deeply deepen the young, because this can harm its underdeveloped superficial root system.

The planting scheme provides that maintaining a distance between adult plants should be within 15 cm.

Light drained soil is selected for planting, watering is carried out moderately, since with abundant moisture and poor moisture removal, the lower leaves can rot.

It is not necessary to fertilize plants, it is only possible, starting from the fourth year of his life, to introduce half doses into the soil for feeding.

Youth in landscape design

The distinctive decorativeness of this plant makes it possible to use it to decorate landscapes:

  1. Rejuvenated is used for planting in order to form rocky gardens. Any variety is organically combined with its natural habitat - stones. A large boulder, ringed with a coating of juveniles, turns out to be very spectacular. It looks especially beautiful if you choose contrasting color combinations.
  2. Designers also find solutions for using juveniles in mini-gardens or flowerpots, in which the plant is combined with other perennial ground cover plants. Together they form very dense thickets.
  3. Foreground design. It is very good for these purposes to use juveniles in mixborders for planting them with colored ribbons along garden paths in sunny places. It is quite beautiful to make such a landing with winding paths with decoration in the middle of juniper, spruce or arborvitae.
  4. Young looks good in combination with not very bright and low annuals in the flower beds.
  5. Organizing arrays. Large areas densely populated with such plants look unusual. A motley multi-colored carpet looks very original and colorful; islands of several stones are often placed on it.
  6. Last fashion trend is the design of the roof of buildings, created with the help of youngsters.

The medicinal properties of the plant

AT folk medicine young is used as a remedy for skin diseases and injuries. The action of its substances is similar to aloe.

It is one of the natural safe medicines. To obtain the substance, the leaves are cut longitudinally and applied directly to the affected surface, or the tissue is moistened with juice from the cut leaf and applied to the affected surface.

Molodila juice has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps with burns, insect bites, swelling and abrasions.

To relieve eye inflammation, the juice of the plant is instilled directly into the eyes. Also, the pulp of the young leaves has a softening effect, it can be used to treat rough areas on the elbows and legs.

Molodilo represents perennial grass with fleshy, dense, pubescent with small hairs leaves, collected in multi-leaf rosettes, which reach a diameter of 15 cm.

The plant produces many side shoots that form rosettes of all colors of the rainbow: green, light green, with a purple rim around the edge, pink, purple, lilac, ocher.

The plant is flowering, the stems with peduncles are usually tall, erect, not branching.

The flowers were rejuvenated correct, collected in paniculate inflorescences. Peduncles fleshy, shaped like a star. The shades of the flowers are varied: purple, white, greenish-yellow, scarlet, pinkish, yellow, silver.

Origin and growth

There are over 50 species of juveniles.

The tenacious grows mainly in the mountainous areas of the Middle, Southern and of Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Asia.

AT middle lane Russia grows mainly young Russian, which has many varieties popular in horticulture.

There are more than 50 species of young, or stone rose, which include a large number of varieties


The youth was not too whimsical, but there are several points that affect the beauty and health of the plant.

Location selection

The tenacious is demanding on lighting, it is the choice of location that largely determines the color of the rosettes of the plant and their size.

Younger is best placed in an open space, on the south side of the site. It is under the influence of sunlight that the leaves of the plant become patterned, colorful, and the rosettes become numerous and dense.

Planted away from the sun, the stone rose will remain green, only some varieties in the shade are able to maintain a decorative look.

In this article, you will learn.

About choice ornamental shrubs read .


Young can be planted in a permanent place from May to September: the plant takes root very well and quickly takes root.

Planting a plant later than September is not worth it: in autumn, the vegetation slows down, so the stone rose will not have time to give roots and, most likely, will die.

Soil preparation

Despite the general unpretentiousness, planted on heavy, loamy soils, the plant will suffer from an excess of moisture, the leaves will begin to rot and fall off.

The stone rose prefers soils that pass water well, therefore, at the planting site, the earth should be mixed with a peat-sand mixture.

It is necessary to plant a stone rose in a sunny place and in soil that passes moisture well.

To prepare the most suitable soil mixture, you need to take 3 parts of sand and 1 part of peat. The resulting mixture is poured onto the landing site with a layer of no more than 10 cm.

You can also use normal river sand, pouring it in a small layer on the dug up earth or adding expanded clay, pebbles, granite chips to loosen the soil.


The young are propagated in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

Reproduction by seeds

The method takes quite a long time, but it is quite well suited for those gardeners who want to grow a new variety to decorate their site.

Sowing is done in late February - early March.

Soil for cacti is poured into a tray 5-6 cm deep. The earth should be slightly compacted with the palm of your hand, sprinkled with water from the sprayer to moisten, and then spread the seeds on the surface of the soil. It is not worth sprinkling them with soil on top: small seeds sprout better when spread out on the surface of the soil.

The top of the tray is covered with glass or a thick transparent film: this allows you to keep the necessary humidity inside the dishes.

The container is placed on the windowsill, closer to the light. At a temperature of 20-25 ° C, tiny sprouts appear within a week.

Within two weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the tray with seedlings should be periodically opened for ventilation. It is not worth over-watering young plants - they may begin to rot.

The lid from the tray can be completely removed two weeks after germination, and after two months, the seedlings can be picked at a distance of 5 cm, and later - 10 cm.

It will be possible to plant plants outside in June.

Propagation by vegetative means

Depending on the variety, the juvenile can breed: “children” or mustaches.

Reproduction "kids"

A stone rose gives shoots pretty soon after planting. These "babies" almost immediately throw out their own roots, which makes the breeding process very simple: just carefully remove the process from the ground and transfer it to a prepared place.

Reproduction "mustache"

Some types of tenacity form a mustache, at the end of which buds appear. From them, after that, a young plant appears.

To propagate such a youth, you need to loosen the soil, press the kidney to the loosened place, deepening it a little. Mustache from above should be sprinkled with earth and watered moderately: a tap root is formed from it.

Some time later, the young plant will take root, after which it, together with the mustache, can be separated from the mother and moved to another place.


Young is an undemanding plant. At first, after planting, it is occasionally necessary to loosen the soil to a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm and remove weeds in a timely manner. As the tenacious grows, it will independently displace the weeds from its site.

In addition to weeds, dying shoots and inflorescences should be removed in a timely manner: they unnecessarily thicken the flower bed, interfering with the growth of young layers and reducing the decorativeness of the plantations.

Like other cacti, the stone rose does not like frequent watering. In dry summers, it is enough to water the plant sparsely once a week; in rainy seasons, such moistening is not required.

top dressing

Rejuvenated is an unpretentious plant, it does not require abundant watering, top dressing and tolerates frosts well.

planted in suitable soil, tenacious practically does not need additional feeding, moreover, the introduction of organic matter or mineral fertilizers can kill the plant.

winter care

The juvenile tolerates frosty winters well. Wintering under snow cover, the plant retains the integrity of the rosettes and green coloring leaflets. You should not cover a stone rose before wintering - warm winter the plant may rot.

For young tenacious plants planted after September and not having time to take root, shelter in the form of spruce branches may be needed in winter.

Disease and pest control

The rock rose is disease resistant.

The main problem is rot that develops on the roots and lower leaves.

The main cause of rotting is waterlogging, coupled with excessive planting density. The rot does not spread to other plants, so to eliminate the trouble, it is enough to reduce watering and remove rotten rosettes and shoots.

The young are quite often attacked by the larvae of the May beetle. Settling in the soil, the larvae gnaw the roots of the plant, and are able to bite the main stem.

To prevent the appearance of larvae, you should not bring humus under the young: it is in it that pests develop most actively. Another preventive measure will be transplanting the plant to a new habitat every 2-3 years.

Birds do not disdain tenacity either: they peck at dense shoots, and sometimes turn young plants out of the ground along with their roots. A small windmill of a decorative nature or an ultrasonic bird repeller will help scare away the birds.

Find out how to use honeysuckle in landscape design, as well as how to plant and care for it.


There are many varieties of young, each of which is attractive in its own way.

spring mist- a variety characterized by a special density of lilac-pink rosette. The leaves resemble cloves arranged in a spiral in a rosette.

Othello. The color of the rosette in the core is pale green, the middle leaves are lilac with a greenish rim around the edge, the outer leaves are lilac-purple. The shape of the leaves is interesting: they resemble small turrets.

Arachnoideum f. rubrum. The rosette was young at the edges brownish, in the center - green. The leaves are oval, slightly pointed at the top. Very beautiful "children" that form a colony around the legs of the mother plant.

nocturno. Stone rose rich purple color. The center of the rosette is very dense, really resembling a rose in shape.

Sir William Lawrence. Green juvenile with brightly purple-colored leaf tips. A tight fit looks very colorful.

Pacific Blazing Star. Peach-pink rosettes with elongated, separately seated leaves resemble blooming flowers.

Galahad. Broad, spreading leaves are collected in a large rosette of lilac-pink color.

Pruhonice. Brownish-pink petals stretch towards the center of the rosette, which makes the young of this species very similar to a pine cone.

Vivalli. The plant forms small rosettes with a small number of petals. The rounded leaves are colored dark purple, and their tips are light green.

Some varieties of stone roses look at the photo in the gallery:

Young, also called hare cabbage, stone flower, stone rose, is known to almost every gardener or amateur indoor plants. The popularity of the youth is well-deserved - both planting and caring for it in the open field or on the windowsill do not require any effort at all. However, to learn some of the nuances of growing stone flower useful to everyone.

Description and varieties

Younger - perennial, belongs to the Crassulaceae family and has a full set of qualities inherent in the popular indoor flower. Thick juicy stems, fleshy leaves that accumulate moisture and form a rosette similar to a rose flower give charm to hare cabbage. The flowers of the young are often discreet, painted in delicate white, pink or yellow tones. They are located on peduncles, towering 15-20 cm above the leaf rosette.

Of more than 50 species and varieties of stone roses for outdoor cultivation, summer residents choose the following.

  1. Rejuvenated roofing- quite a large plant. Rosette diameter - up to 20 cm, bush height - 8 cm, flower stalks often exceed half a meter. Dark or light purple flowers open in mid-July, flowering time is 5-6 weeks. The leaves are green with a thick red, purple or golden brown border.
  2. Young Russian interestingly large leaves, up to 35 cm long, with a small rosette diameter - 7-10 cm - and stems mottled with grooves. Loose fluffy inflorescences on a 10-centimeter peduncle reveal yellow flowers from July to August, the flowering period is about 6 weeks.
  3. rejuvenated cobweb forms very small, up to 2 cm in diameter, leaf rosettes of saturated green color with reddish transitions. special charm the plant is given thin hairs that envelop the leaves like a cobweb. Purple-red flowers adorn the plant since July.
  4. Rejuvenated marble attracts attention with the spectacular color of the leaves - they are reddish with a green border. Young leaves are slightly pubescent, which adds to the unusualness of the plant. Rosettes up to 10 cm, peduncles - up to 20 cm, densely covered with pink flowers with white edging petals.
  5. The young Wolf is valued by summer residents for unusual view: green shiny leaves with a beautiful red base framed with bristles-cilia. Peduncles growing from small (4-5 cm) rosettes, reach a length of 25 cm, lemon yellow flowers with a purple base. Grows only on neutral or slightly alkaline soils.
  6. young caucasian- a group of plants that require increased content calcium in the soil: in the natural environment, they grow on poor rocky soils. Rosette diameter - from 2.5 to 5 cm, depending on specific type. The height of the peduncles, often leafy, is up to 25 cm. The color of the flowers is yellow, purple, purple.
  7. Young Gamma is the only variety bred by breeders that tolerates slight waterlogging of the soil and shading. The leaves are dark brown, the flowers are white.

Landing Rules

The stone flower looks outlandish, whimsical. It seems that landing is so unusual plant- a tricky one. This is not true. The fulfillment of only a few mandatory, but simple conditions guarantee the full development of the young on the site.

  • Planting dates are from spring to autumn. The main thing is that the young have time to take root before the final cold weather arrives.
  • The landing site must be sunny. A semi-hidden plant fades, develops poorly, a completely shaded plant quickly dies.
  • The soil is infertile, with a high content of sand, not retaining moisture.
  • Planting holes are made small - the root system rabbit cabbage develops poorly. The step between plants is from 5 cm for miniature varieties to 15 or more for varieties with large rosettes. Seedling glomeruli are placed in holes and slightly pressed into the ground. It is not necessary to add soil.

After planting, the plants are moderately watered.

If the site has heavy soil or the land is too fertile for the young, it is planted on artificial elevations of pebbles and a mixture of earth and sand.

Outdoor care

Care for the young is minimal, but has some features.

  • Water immediately after planting, then after 2-3 days it is very scarce. The leaves and stems of the plant are able to store moisture and spend it as needed. Plants have enough natural rainfall. Only with a prolonged drought (more than 7-10 days) they add a little water.
  • The stone rose loves loosening the soil very much, but it must be done carefully so as not to damage the surface root system.
  • Removing weeds is a must. Unexpected guests not only negatively affect the decorativeness of plantings, but also create a shadow, which is harmful for the young.

Faded flower stalks are removed without waiting for them to wither. Otherwise, you can lose the plant itself: giving all its strength to the formation of seeds, the outlet dries up.

  • You can only feed plants older than three years, applying once a season fertilizer for cacti or succulents in half the dose. But this is not necessary either, because fertilizers give impetus to the active growth of leaves. This significantly reduces the decorative effect of the young: the color of the plump leaves is leveled to a monochromatic green color. In addition, top dressing has a negative effect on the ability of the plant to survive the frosty winter.
  • Wintering young requires the construction of a shelter. Although the plant is frost-resistant, it is covered for the winter for the sole purpose of preventing moisture from entering the leaf rosettes, this usually leads to decay. They use any materials at hand, plastic transparent containers have proven themselves especially well. Plants that overwinter for the first time are covered with spruce branches.
  • Transplantation is carried out from spring to mid-autumn. The overgrown "plantations" are divided and transferred to another place with the help of an ordinary shovel: they simply pick up a layer of earth with plants and move it.

The young grow without problems in one place for four years, then it begins to degenerate - the leaves become smaller, rotting or diseases of the leaf rosette are possible. To avoid this, the plant is dug up, old socket thrown out, the rest are seated.

Reproduction methods

The young are propagated in three ways: cuttings, children and seeds.

Stone flower cuttings are not the usual twigs with leaves, but parts of the mother plant that develop after rooting into an independent specimen, completely similar to the parent. As a rule, take leaves for reproduction. The preferred time of the year is spring, the period of active growth was young. It is desirable that the weather be dry and warm.

The places of cuts on the cuttings are powdered with wood or activated carbon and dried for 10-15 days. The lower parts are wrapped in paper, future flowers are kept in a dark place.

Rooted in lightly moistened sand or other substrate devoid of nutrients. To maintain the microclimate, the cuttings are covered transparent material. A tiny leaf rosette that appeared at the base of the cutting is a sign that the process was successfully completed. Baby plants can be watered warm water and put in a permanent place.

Babies, or daughter rosettes, are young, fully formed side shoots, in most cases, have already formed their full-fledged root system. They are separated and planted in a slightly damp substrate. For fidelity, they are sprayed with stimulants, but young people cope with rooting without additional procedures. In order for the children to take root well and quickly, they need the sun and warmth - about 25 ° C.

Some types of rabbit cabbage throw arrows up to 30 cm long, on which daughter rosettes are formed.

Newly planted young plants need reliable wind protection: a strong gust of wind easily “rips out” shoots with weak roots.

The most difficult breeding option for young is sowing seeds. The difficulty is that the seeds quickly lose their germination. The process itself is simple and unpretentious. The substrate is taken on the basis of sand - infertile. The seeds are laid out at intervals of 4 cm in holes no more than 1 cm deep, which are made with an ordinary pencil, lightly pressed down with a finger. Then moderately watered through a fine sprayer. The duration of seed germination depends on the variety, usually the process takes one and a half to two weeks. Seedlings need light (bright but diffused) and warmth. They will be ready for landing in a permanent place in a month.

Pests and diseases

The youngest pests primarily include birds visiting the site - crows, jays, jackdaws, thrushes. They simply scatter rosettes that are weakly held in the soil around the site, often damaging the succulent leaves. Another enemy of the stone rose is the May beetle larvae, which love to feast on the base of the stem. After a raid of birds and a feast of larvae, the rosettes are collected, the damaged parts are removed and re-rooted.

The main disease was young - rot. The disease develops if there is a prolonged bad weather, or during overflow. Affected plants are removed.

Undemanding to growing conditions, the juvenile serves as a wonderful decoration for alpine hills, beautifully borders flower beds and sun-drenched paths. For minimal care - according to the principle "do not interfere" - the plant responds with unusual beauty that attracts everyone's attention.

Young is a very interesting succulent plant. The literal translation from Latin is “alive forever”. Indeed, young people can live for a very long time, constantly being replaced by young leaf rosettes. In ancient times, rejuvenating properties were attributed to the plant. The name "stone rose" is common. It is more often grown in flower beds, but planting and care at home for juveniles is also practiced.

Succulent belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The genus includes about 40 plant species. Types of young are divided into thousands of varieties. Growth area - Western Europe, Siberia, Caucasus. The leaves of the flower are fleshy, green or of a different color, collected in dense rounded rosettes. There is no stem, the socket lies on the ground. They grow rapidly, form solid carpets.

During the flowering period, a peduncle rises from the center of the rosette. The inflorescence consists of small star-shaped or bell-shaped flowers. After flowering, the mother plant dies, leaving many children. Children root on their own. Flowering is not of particular interest - the plant is valued for very decorative rosettes of leaves.

Important! This plant is ideal for beginner gardeners. In nature, the juvenile settles in rocky areas, is distinguished by vitality. The flower is not afraid of drought, cold, diseases and pests.

Indoor varieties

Varieties of young differ in color, shape of leaves, size of rosettes. More than 10 varieties are suitable for growing in an apartment, including dozens hybrid varieties.

  • Rejuvenated roofing. Leaf sockets are flattened, low, small. The maximum diameter is about 7 cm. The color is green, cilia are visible along the edge of the oblong pointed leaves. When the light intensity changes, the leaves acquire a reddish tint. Flowers star-shaped, purple. Collected in multi-flowered corymbose inflorescences. Peduncles rise 40-60 cm above the ground. Flowering occurs in July-September.
  • Young mountain. It has very small sockets. Their size does not exceed 2 cm. It grows rapidly, forming a dense carpet. Leaves lanceolate, pointed. The margins of the leaves are covered with long hairs called cilia. Surface with pubescence. Peduncles are short. The inflorescence is corymbose, collected from small purple-violet flowers.
  • Cobweb young. Leaf rosettes are small. A characteristic feature is the coating with a dense white gossamer. Inexperienced flower growers often take the feature of a variety for defeat. spider mite. The flowers are pink, flowering occurs in mid-summer. Flowers exude a specific mushroom smell.
  • Youthful marble. Leaf rosettes are flattened, relatively large. Young leaves are pubescent, becoming bare as they grow. Color - green or red. Peduncles of medium length.
  • Young hybrid. The combined name of numerous hybrid, artificially bred varieties. Among them there are specimens with unusual shape leaves or rosette form. The colors are very different - green, gray, silver, burgundy. Two-tone varieties are popular.

Advice! All varieties are remarkably resistant to drought and other adverse factors. The only thing required condition in indoor cultivation- good lighting. It looks good young, as an independent plant or as part of compositions of succulents.

Microclimate and cultivation features

Differs in simplicity of leaving, unpretentiousness, preservation of decorative effect under any circumstances. Responsible for complete care more active growth, color saturation.

LightingCan grow in full sun and partial shade. The color of the leaves depends on the degree of illumination. In sunny places, the color is intense. In shaded places, the colors fade, but the rosette grows larger. In the shade it stretches, loses its decorative effect. It is recommended to grow on the south window.
Temperaturespecial temperature regime not required. Withstands all temperatures down to 0°C. Freezes at sub-zero temperatures.
WateringThe need for moisture is low. Rarely watered. In summer - once every 6-7 days. In winter at intervals of 20-25 days. Water carefully, avoid getting liquid into the leaf outlet.
HumidityThick succulent leaves store enough moisture for full development. Do not spray, do not artificially increase the humidity in the room.
top dressingUsually not fed. Responds gratefully to the introduction of a small amount of organic matter. In the spring, it is recommended to pour a little humus on the surface of the soil. Occasionally, you can feed a small dose of fertilizer for succulents.
The soilIt grows on poor, neutral soils with a predominance of sand. In rich soil, it develops intensively, builds up large rosettes, but turns pale, loses color saturation. It is allowed to use ready-made soil mixtures for cacti.
TransferTransplanted as the children grow. In close quarters, sockets become smaller, deformed, and lose their decorative effect.
rest periodIn winter, provide a dormant period at 0-5°C. Feels good on a glazed, insulated, but not heated balcony.

Reproduction features

The main way - vegetative reproduction young children. To grow new hybrid varieties resort to seed propagation.

  • Children. mature plant for the season gives a lot of children - small leaf rosettes. In spring or summer, they are separated and planted in a separate container. The soil is kept moist. It is not required to cover with a film, glass, to create any special conditions. Children take root easily, begin to grow quickly.
  • Seeds. Younger seeds are best purchased in specialized stores. They sprout quickly and amicably - the first sprouts appear in 3-5 days. The recommended time for sowing is the end of February. Seeds are distributed over the surface of moist soil, sprinkled with soil on top with a layer of no more than 2 mm. The temperature is maintained at 20°C. Seedlings are hidden from the sun, regularly moistened. Juveniles from seeds grow more slowly than with vegetative reproduction. It will be possible to transplant young plants into separate containers only by the end of July.

Important! Young is considered medicinal plant. AT official medicine it is not used, but in the people beneficial features young people are widely known. Herbalists use it to treat fever, heart disease, stomach ulcers. In ancient times, it was considered a powerful antidote.

Growing difficulties

When grown in open ground, birds, larvae of May beetles, and weeds are dangerous. The main problem faced at home is the rotting of the root system as a result of heavy watering. It is believed that it is better to skip one watering than waterlog the soil.

In rare cases, it is affected by fungal diseases. They appear as black or brown spots on the leaves. The reason is excess moisture. Treatment - fungicide treatment, transplanting into a fresh substrate.

Minimum care, high decorativeness - the main features of this room culture. Young can be collected following the example of cacti. The variety of varieties and colors is very large.

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