Interesting information about the dacha and vegetable garden. Garden and vegetable garden are not like everyone else’s: interesting ideas

Do you want to pass by your land plot, people opened their mouths in amazement? It's possible. Our article on the topic “ Garden, vegetable garden, dacha: all the brightest and interesting things with your own hands” will reveal to you the best ways to transform your possessions. We have selected the most effective and easy-to-implement ideas, thanks to which every trip to suburban area will make you happy.

Do-it-yourself bright crafts for the garden, vegetable garden or dacha: photos

A cottage, garden or vegetable garden will be decorated with bright crafts made from tires. And even though the idea is not new, the main thing is that it looks very interesting. By using all your creative potential, you can create a real masterpiece. If you don’t have enough imagination, here are some ideas that you can copy to make your vegetable garden, or garden, bright and attractive.

Interesting pebbles decorated like this will look no less impressive on the lawn near flowers or trees. with your own hands. For such crafts it is better to use acrylic paints. Banks acrylic paint 200 ml volume should be enough for 60 large stones.

Interesting crafts from plastic bottles- actual topic recent years for garden. You can easily find master classes on creating pigs, birds, bunnies, bees and other various animals from plastic containers. Here's what bright decorations for a garden, cottage or vegetable garden you can create with your own hands.

To scare away birds, a do-it-yourself scarecrow is often installed in dachas and gardens. Why not make it not only useful, but also a pleasant element on the site, using a little imagination?

An interesting flower garden will decorate any garden, vegetable garden or cottage

Flowers framed by stones, logs or bottles look interesting in a dacha, vegetable garden or garden. They can be painted bright colors or leave it as is. The main thing is to carefully and tastefully decorate the territory with your own hands.

A flower stream is an excellent replacement for a banal flower bed. Creating one is not difficult at all. You need to place a flowerpot, bucket or other suitable container on an elevated place, and plant the flowers in such a way that they resemble a stream flowing from it. Creeping and ground cover flowers are excellent for creating a stream: periwinkle, violet, carpet phlox, and coin loosestrife. To make the “stream” uniform, plant plants with seedlings, not seeds.

The wealth of imagination of the owners of summer cottages is especially noticeable in the variety of flower pots. What summer residents and gardeners don’t plant flowers in! By the way, the results are quite interesting - you can take note to reproduce it yourself.

Don’t forget an idea that is as old as time, but has not lost its relevance - the use of climbing flowers (vines) in landscape design. Morning glory looks interesting sweet pea, dolichos, kobeya, nasturtium. Thanks to the widest range liana it will not be difficult to make a choice according to your taste. Plant them in your dacha, garden or garden so that they intertwine a fence, the walls of a house and other buildings, columns or gates. Such a bright design always attracts the attention of passers-by.

Original furniture for a cottage or garden with your own hands

Ideas for creating an interesting country house or garden furniture there are many. This does not always require expensive materials or tools, so you can do without any special financial costs. For example, such a compact table, chairs or sofa for a summer house or vegetable garden can be built from pallets.

photo ideas for furniture made from pallets

Hemp and beams are excellent materials for creating country furniture. By covering the stumps with soft seats, you can get comfortable stools for the garden.

📝 A COMPLETE COLLECTION OF COUNTRY TRICKS FOR GARDENERS AND GARDENERS! 📌 1. Beets love watering using the sprinkling method and frequent but careful loosening. 2. After the second thinning, the beets are fed with mineral fertilizers. 3. Beets grow best in narrow beds, a maximum of 3 rows wide with distances between plants of 15-17 cm. 4. Until the carrots sprout, they are watered regularly. When the shoots appear, it is better not to water them for 12-15 days, with the exception of dry days. This allows the roots to go as deep into the soil as possible. 5. If mustard is sown next to peas, its yield will be 2 times higher. 6. It is better to sow dill in the sun, as the aroma of the leaves decreases in the shade. Do not add ash or lime under dill 7. Water clematis in spring lime milk- for 10 liters of water 100-150 grams. 8. In mid-July, carefully remove the soil from the celery fruits and wipe with a cloth. After 15-50 minutes they spud again. Watering is carried out only after 2-3 days. 9. To stimulate the fruiting of the pumpkin, its vines are pinned to the ground and rooted. 10. Seedlings of pumpkin crops, such as cucumber, squash, and zucchini, can be grown in this way: cut the sod into 10*12 cm cubes, turn them upside down, make a hole and plant a seed in it. 11. To ensure that rhubarb petioles grow thick, the soil under the plants is fertilized every year. 12. Do not feed beans, peas, onions, garlic, and beans with nettle infusion. 13. Apple and pear trees require more potassium, and cherries require more nitrogen. 14. If you stroke the tops of the seedlings for 1-2 minutes every day, they will not stretch. When touched, ethylene is released, which inhibits this process. 15. Nettle increases the resistance of nearby plants to diseases. That is why it is useful to mulch the rows with chopped nettles. 16. Green manure from mustard enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and also cleanses it of mole crickets and wireworms. 17. Onions will grow better if mustard grew in this place. 18. Repellent plants: lupine, celandine, nastrutia, calendula, marigold, onion, kanufer, tansy, wormwood. 19. It is useful to mulch strawberries with pine litter. This will improve the taste of the berries and also help cope with gray rot, weevils, mites, and wireworms. And mulching with fern will help strawberries cope with nematodes and gray mold. 20. After a sharp cold snap, the plants are sprayed with immunocytophyte or zircon. Or you can use an infusion of onion peels. Pour 10 liters of water 0.5 liter jar husks, boil, leave for 12 hours, strain. When spraying, dilute with water in a ratio of 2/10. 21. When it gets cold, buckets of hot water, on metal sheets heated bricks are laid out. 22. To increase productivity, pollinating insects must be attracted to the site. To do this, pink and white clover, fescue, and bluegrass are sown. Insects are also attracted to white mustard and carrot flowers. 23. To remontant varieties strawberries produced more abundant fruit in the second half of summer; flower stalks are broken off in the spring. 24. Dill is a good companion for cucumber. 25. Beetroot sown along potatoes and tomatoes helps them cope with late blight. 26. If you stick a nettle stalk next to each planted cabbage plant, the cabbage will take root better. 27. From cabbage butterfly and aphids, dill, coriander, celery, marigolds, calendula are sown in the cabbage rows, and wormwood branches are also laid out. 28. When planting potatoes, pour a handful of ash into the hole - it is a fertilizer and helps against wireworms. 29. To increase yield and improve taste, in the first half of June, garlic is first watered with salted water - 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water, and then regular. 30. When poor growth carrot beds with this crop are watered with a salt solution - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water. 31. Cucumber is demanding of moisture, especially during flowering and fruiting. However, at the beginning of flowering, it is better to reduce watering and then increase it again. This promotes faster fruit formation. 32. In hot weather, cucumbers combine frequent spraying with abundant watering. 33. Cucumber pollen dies at t>30ºC. Therefore, at this time, containers with water should be placed in the greenhouse. 34. Low temperatures and sudden changes in day and night temperatures are the causes of deterioration taste qualities cucumber Also, cucumbers do not tolerate drafts at all. 35. Increased content carbon dioxide in the air accelerates the ripening of fruits and increases yield. Therefore, it is useful to place a container with mullein in greenhouses and stir from time to time. 36. If at the beginning of summer several fruits have formed on the pepper plants, but flowering has stopped, then these fruits must be plucked out. The plants will then begin to bloom with renewed energy and by the end of the season will produce a high yield. 37. To provide fresh air to the pepper roots, loosen the soil more often and prevent the formation of a soil crust. To attract beneficial insects, bees, butterflies and bumblebees, plant dahlias, calendula, and marigolds next to the beds of cucumbers and tomatoes. In addition to the benefits for the plants themselves, you will greatly decorate your garden, which will look more like a fragrant flower garden with useful buzzing... Memo for a gardener Onions - Before planting: pour 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water for 3 hours. - After salt: dark solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours. Be sure to rinse. - From onion fly: 1. The first leaf has appeared 1) Spill with water. 2) Watering 2 tablespoons ammonia per bucket of water (3 watering cans per 6 square meters of bed) 3) Spill water. 2. After 10-14 days. Using the same scheme, water 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water 3. After 10 days. Using the same scheme, watering with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. - Feeding: Likes yeast infusion: 100g. leave yeast for 1 bucket for 1 hour, pour, feed, pour. - Thin out the shallots, don’t be sorry. - Finish watering, rake the land. - Fry it in the sun in the garden, don’t drag it into the attic. Cucumber - Before sowing, 5-6 days before sowing, spill the soil with hot water and 1 tbsp. copper sulfate on a bucket of water, cover with film. - Watering only warm water In the evening. - Feeding: they love yeast, 100g. yeast for 1 bucket, leave for 1 hour, pour, feed 1 glass of infusion onto the bush, spill. The best feeding: nettle with ash, so put it in the greenhouse. - Make a frame for the lashes along the top. - Don’t loosen, add soil. - Place a bucket with slurry or grass. - Spraying against illness: 1 liter of skim milk + 20 drops of iodine per bucket of water. As a preventive measure, you can add green soap once every two weeks. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Tomatoes - Before sowing, 5-6 days before sowing, pour the soil with hot water and 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate in a bucket of water, cover with film. - Plant: in the greenhouse and in the garden bed nasturtium - from whiteflies, basil - from disease and just loves being in the neighborhood, spread Vaseline on a yellow piece of paper. - Keep the greenhouse open, don’t close it. - Mulch when the ground warms up with grass and hay. - Watering under mulch. - Do steaming a couple of times: close the greenhouse for half a day, then ventilate thoroughly. - Spraying against illness: 1 liter of skim milk + 20 drops of iodine per bucket of water. As a preventive measure, you can add green soap once every two weeks. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. - Pierce the trunks copper wire or a toothpick. - Chop the tops and tuck them into the ground. - Prevention of late blight: five days after planting seedlings 1g. CuSO4 in 4 liters of soft rainwater - spray. Five days after the first treatment from a watering can: 40g. Pour dry horsetail with water, boil for 15 minutes, drain the broth and save. Pour in the sediment and boil for 10 minutes. Combine the decoctions and bring to 5 liters. - Five days after the previous treatment. 0.5 liters of skim milk + 50 drops of iodine per 5 liters of water. - 7-10 days after the previous treatment, 1 ml. Epina for 5 liters of water. Raspberries - Do not untie the raspberries until you have processed them. - Draw the large-fruited one and the yellow one. For a week in damp moss in the barn, for 1-3 days on the veranda, then plant in cups under film. - First treatment - Bordeaux mixture with a broom. - The second in a week - 3 handfuls of urea per bucket of water from a watering can. - From the raspberry beetle and weevil on the buds - actellik, fufanon, karbofos. Remember, at +13 degrees he has already gone hunting. Try spraying it a couple of times at the end of May up to the buds so that the shoots don’t bend. - Folk remedy for weevils: 1 tablespoon of mustard per 1 liter of warm water, also for buds, a decoction of wormwood. Place the wormwood under the raspberries and over the strawberries. - Water, water and water again. - Weed, trim, bend. Gladiolus - Cover with black film to warm up. Top dressing: - 2 sheets - 1 tablespoon of urea + 1.5 tablespoons of potassium sulfate per bucket of water per 1 m2, spray with zircon to form roots. - 3-4 sheet - the same + foliar feeding microfertilizer + 2g. (a little less than half a teaspoon) boric acid on a bucket of water. - 5-6 leaves -1 tbsp. spoons of urea + 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate + 0.5 tablespoons of superphosphate. - Peduncle release - 2 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska + 2g (slightly less than half a teaspoon) of boric acid per bucket of water. - After flowering 1.5 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate + 1.5 tbsp. spoon of potassium sulfate. At the same time, 0.5 teaspoon of KMnO4 per bucket of water over the leaves. Stop feeding in September. - It is better to feed when watering once a week. - From diseases and pests: 100 grams of garlic per 10 liters of water, 30-40 grams. HOMA for a bucket of water, phytosporin, Actellik, fufanon, karbofos, fitoverm. - Remember, tris are renewed every ten days and get used to the fungicide, change and treat. - Mulch with pine needles, take your time, add little by little, let the earth warm up. - Plant nasturtiums and marigolds along the bed. - I dug it up, washed it, karbofos (decis), after 4-5 days Maxim and a month or two (until it dries) near the stove (20-25 degrees) in one layer. Iris Feeding: - in early spring- fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1:1:1, respectively; - during the formation of buds - fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 0.5:1:3, respectively; - a month after flowering - fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium in a 1:1 ratio. Actinidia - Do not loosen the plants, but sprinkle them with humus, since the roots are located close to the surface. - Fertilizers - complex in early spring mineral fertilizer, in the fall - superphosphate, potassium sulfate, ash. - Protect from cats. - The bulk of the plant's roots are located in the surface layer of soil. Therefore, in hot weather, daily watering is required. It is better to carry them out in the late afternoon, irrigating the crown and tree trunk. - Don’t even think about pruning in the spring - you’ll pay for it and won’t recover. - In the fall, after the end of the growing season, branches that are broken, underdeveloped and thicken the crown are cut out. All annual shoots cut to 50-70 cm, since all the fruit buds of the plant are located within this length. Keep in mind that you cannot prune actinidia in the spring. Otherwise, she will “cry” bitterly, that is, juice will flow from the wounds. Clematis - The soil should be permeable, loamy, slightly alkaline (carbonate) or neutral, fertile, well fertilized and loose. - To the bottom landing pit(size 60x60x60 cm) put a 10–15 cm layer of crushed stone and perlite for drainage. Completely replace with fertile soil with the addition of humus or compost). Add 150 g of superphosphate and 200 g of lime. - A suitable fertilizer is water in which unsalted meat or fish was washed. - Cover your legs with 50-6 cm flowers. - Water your clematis with lime milk every spring ( dolomite flour, chalk) and a solution containing copper (one tablespoon per bucket of water). - Good results powdering the lower part of the vines with wood ash after rain - this prevents the shoots from withering. Heather - Spread the roots horizontally. - Add pine needles and sand to the hole. - Water with acidified water. - Feed kemira in the spring. - Trim early in spring, after flowering and late in autumn. - Mulch with pine chips. - Cover it for the winter. - Soil for cuttings; moss, sand and peat, we cut: those branches that did not bloom, end of August, beginning of October, cutting length - 4 cm. Rhododendron - The hole is shallow. - Add pine needles and sand to the hole. - Feed with highly diluted fertilizers and mulch. - Spray occasionally. - Cover for the winter with a cover, a box, or a box. Tree hydrangea - Spring feeding - kemira flower. - Second feeding for the budding period. Fertilize only with phosphorus and potassium (about 50 g of superphosphate) and 25-30 g of potassium sulfate. - A young bush can be fed 2-3 more times over the summer, but with significantly smaller doses of mineral fertilizers. She likes it when sometimes watered with diluted whey or sour milk, kefir, and feeding from bread leftovers soaked and sour in water is also good. - During the spring, shed three times with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Pour not only at the root of the bush, but also along the crown. - Do not prune until 4 years old, then in early spring to 1/3 of the length of young shoots - Green cuttings cut during flowering of the bush, using the tops of non-lignified shoots of the current year. Such cuttings take root without problems if they are treated with Kornevin. - Bend the branches on the apple tree and the cherries so that they bloom and bear fruit - Place sticks with polystyrene in the cabbage - Place blackbird decoys on the strawberries and tinsel on the shadberry - Cuttings of the roses

In the spring, as soon as the sun begins to shine and the seedlings on the windowsills turn green, you immediately want to go to the garden, to the dacha, to Fresh air. Especially the site editors website loves when everything blooms in the garden - cherries, apple trees, pears.

Each of them has accumulated vast experience in gardening, and we have prepared for you secrets, tips and gardening needs that will make your garden even more productive and well-maintained. Follow these gardening tips and your garden will have bees buzzing, birds singing and people talking.

1. All plants love settled warm water, preferably a barrel, where beneficial bio bacteria are bred. Install a special barrel to collect rainwater and use it for irrigation.

2. Kill weeds with a homemade non-toxic product. To do this, dilute 4 liters of vinegar, 250 g of table salt and 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing detergents. Mix all this, fill a garden sprayer with this solution, and spray the weeds with it in the heat.

3. Eggshells are a natural source of calcium. You can grow seedlings in egg shells. For example, plant cucumber seedlings or peas in them. As soon as the green heads appear, plant them in the garden along with the shells. You can also use eggshells as a soil fertilizer. Finely grind it in a blender or simply crumble it in your hands and sprinkle it on the area.

4. Coconut flowerpots look very beautiful; they are used to decorate verandas and country porches. However they have significant drawback- the soil dries out quickly, such a pot needs daily watering. To retain moisture longer, place the baby diaper down when boarding. This is truly a dacha necessity.

5. Many animals that cause damage to summer cottages, for example squirrels, do not like the smell of soap. A soap solution will help you in the fight against aphids.

Dissolve 300 g of laundry (or 100 liquid) soap in 10 liters of water. Soap can be grated.

Ash-soap solution for aphids:

150 - 300 g wood ash fill 10 l hot water, bring to a boil and add to warm solution 40 g soap.

Even after spraying folk remedies You will be able to eat vegetables in a few days. Do not overdo it with spraying against aphids, the plants may get burned.

6. Many household items can be used as... So, used tea bags in fertilizers will increase the concentration nutrients as a basic fertilizer.

Also, a diluted tea decoction protects against fungal infections.

7. Finely crushed citrus peel helps get rid of aphids and mosquitoes in the country.

8. Coffee and coffee grounds are often used as they contain a large number of nitrogen, magnesium and potassium, which are necessary for plant development. If you add coffee grounds into the soil, you will improve its breathability. The smell of coffee repels some garden pests, some types of ants and animals.

9. Plastic forks inserted in this way will protect the garden from animals.

10. Cover newly planted seedlings with plastic bottles. This will protect heat-loving plants.

11. Crafts made from stones with plant symbols, which can be used instead of signs, will make your garden more cozy and interesting.

12. Sprinkling personal plot Bitter salt or Epsom salt will replenish the mineral levels in the soil. This will result in your plants becoming bushy and blooming.

13. Excellent modern useful advice for the garden states that there is a very controversial method, but you can try it and draw conclusions whether it is worth doing or not.

14. Don't forget about. It can also be used to grow herbs, greens and flowers in boxes.

15. Most plants like warm water for watering. To help it reach the roots faster and keep warm, it is watered using plastic bottles with holes made in them. Plastic bottles make excellent garden supplies.

With these useful tips for the garden and vegetable garden, your plot will become the best and most productive. Be sure to use them and write which tips you liked the most.

How to do beautiful garden and a garden with your own hands, which would delight us and bring us pleasure? Nowadays, the garden and the city are not just a land where food is grown for the table - it is a refuge from bustle and stress, a place where our soul returns to beauty. And the principles of creating a beautiful garden can be applied to your summer cottage, and to landscaping a balcony or even to your collection of indoor flowers.

You can be in the garden for a couple of minutes or for hours - it doesn't matter, because... you get pleasure every second with every cell of your body.
And although our home and garden are a purely personal and private space, there are several general recommendations will help you achieve true perfection and create a beautiful garden with your own hands.

Visually separate the garden and vegetable garden.

Zoning the space in the garden will help you create a more holistic and harmonious design. Flowerbed with tall ornamental grasses and flowers serves as a kind of partition between the vegetable garden and the garden.

And although the garden is located very close to the vegetable garden, separated by such a decorative border, it will turn out to be more cozy and beautiful.

Consider the view from different parts of the garden.

It's beautiful to admire your garden from afar, but it's much more important to enjoy it from the inside. Therefore, the views that open both from your gazebo and from a path or secluded bench in the garden are important.

To create an interesting structure, use curved paths and arches with climbing plants, carefully fitting them into the general arrangement of shrubs and fruit trees.

It is important to take into account not only the beauty of flowers, but also their aroma, then, walking through the garden, you will be able to feel how the aroma of roses flows into the wonderful aroma of jasmine or lilies.

Use any corner of your garden as a flower garden.

Your garden is not just a place of struggle for the harvest. With a little effort, you can always give it more interesting view- planted as a border spices or flowers that repel insects.

Even small corners garden space such as the space at the back wall of the house can be used to create a cute flower garden with unpretentious perennials.

A fence is an excellent place for a flower garden with garden vines; it is enough to strengthen the garden net on it. For the sunny side of the fence, you can plant a climbing rose that will bloom all season.

For shady place plant honeysuckle, which blooms, although not for long, but has a very pleasant aroma.

And, of course, use clematis! This is the most popular garden vine, which can transform your garden in an absolutely stunning way. Moreover, clematis will feel best on garden arch, because it needs shade in the root zone and light for shoots.

A garden is not only a decoration, but also, mainly, a harvest. Using grapes to entwine garden gazebo, we will solve two problems at once.

Firstly, grapes will create a pleasant coolness on a sunny day, and secondly, in the fall they will delight us with a generous harvest.

Shade-loving and light-loving plants can be planted side by side.

In any corner of your garden you can combine your favorite plants, creating the lighting regime they need.
It is important to highlight light-loving tall plants more sunny side, perhaps even removing some of the shading high seating, A shade-loving plants plant nearby in their shade.

Create a luxurious look.

Don't be greedy and don't plant every beautiful variety of flower that catches your eye in your garden. Better choose 1-2 beautiful varieties, but create a truly luxurious flower bed out of them by planting several bushes nearby.
It is important to learn how to grow very few plants - so for this arch near the gate, two varieties of climbing roses were chosen, but these are, indeed, healthy and well-groomed bushes that produce abundant flowering.

Add contrast.

Where there is no interesting structure, use color. The mint thickets in the far corner of the garden do not have a particularly interesting aesthetic appearance; adding a container with contrasting foliage to these plantings yielded an excellent result.

Moreover, contrast can be not only color, but also light. So white flowers in a shady corner of the garden will visually make it less gloomy, giving it an almost mystical charm.

Mix it up.

A beautiful garden with your own hands means creating an informal, relaxing atmosphere. This can be achieved by using a combination of plants in the garden in the most unexpected way.

By adding a little simple flowers next to planting vegetables, you will turn a simple vegetable garden into a triumph of the beauty and bounty of nature in your garden.

Agree that good harvest brings no less aesthetic pleasure than a flower garden?

And enjoying the taste of homemade vegetables is another gift from nature for us.

Use unpretentious plant varieties.

Do-it-yourself gardening involves organically pure products, preferably with minimal use of chemicals.

AND The best way Avoiding the use of chemicals means choosing disease-resistant varieties.

Before bringing a new plant to the site, inquire about its resistance to diseases and pests so that it does not create problems for you or the surrounding plantings in the garden or vegetable garden.
This applies to both vegetables, fruits and flowers.

You can always find those varieties of plants that will grow well in your conditions, without requiring increased attention or the use of chemicals from you.

Everyone has their place.

Every corner in the garden has its purpose, has the right to exist and your love.

That's why compost bin and a shed - should not be grimy foundlings in your garden, but be as loved and well-groomed as flower beds and a vegetable garden.

In return, every corner of your garden will only delight you.

Think big.

When creating a garden with your own hands, it is important to plan plantings not only on a plane, but to use the height difference - then your landscape design will be more rich and interesting. In this regard, those who have a garden on a slope are lucky - if there are certain problems, such a garden will always look better than flat plantings with a vegetable garden and a couple of fruit trees in the corners.

The question often arises about how to cover climbing roses for the winter. In fact, you make a minimum of movements - you cover the roses with film directly on the arch.

Vegetable garden as a place for creativity.

While it may be too late to make any changes to your garden this year, it's never too early to take a quantum leap towards the best vegetable garden in future. Analyze what your garden looks like now, what you would like to add, remove or change. Draw a plan.

Think about where the gaps are, where are the mistakes? Is your garden not as luxurious as you would like?
Visually, fewer varieties in one place create a greater effect. Plant only one type of vegetable in the beds - then it will look denser.

Surprise yourself. Always try one or two new ideas per season.

Do your best. Don't give up because your space or time is limited. Start small - plant something that inspires your admiration.

It is true that they say that the most delicious vegetables and fruits are those that grow in our garden. A DIY garden will give you more satisfaction in life than anything else.

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