Ideal bedroom layout. Successful bedroom layout, interior photos Choosing furniture for a small room

When choosing a bedroom layout, there are many factors to consider. First of all, you need to take into account the size and shape of the bedroom, its location in the apartment or house, the direction of the world on which the windows face and, of course, the personal tastes and preferences of the inhabitants of the bedroom.

First of all, before you start choosing and purchasing furniture, draw up a detailed, competent plan for its placement in the room. When compiling it, take into account the space that will be occupied by furniture and the free space between furnishings, accessories and decorative elements (paintings, photo frames, for example) that you plan to place in the room, houseplants, especially when it comes to large flowers in large flowerpots or tubs. The bedroom for children should include play area(but we will talk about this separately in more detail).

Small bedroom: size matters

Small size bedrooms obliges you to create a careful, thoughtful and scrupulously selected design.

Such dimensions force you to choose furniture and accessories only on the most necessary things. Besides beauty prerequisite becomes functionality and ergonomics. For small rooms, it is optimal to use interior items that perform several tasks simultaneously.

For example, a chest or chest of drawers, which, in addition to storing things, is useful as a table. Bed in no large bedroom can become a center-forming point, or you can place it near the window, thus breaking the usual stereotypes. A model that does not have sharp corners, backs or sides is preferable for a small bedroom. And if it is equipped with drawers for bed linen, then this is a godsend!

Using furniture modules

Comfortable and beautiful in a toddler's bedroom furniture modules, functionally retractable for as long as they are needed, and quietly retracted into place the rest of the time. Folding tables and chairs, beds that are retracted against the wall during the day and do not take up space, transforming wardrobes, chair-beds and sofa beds - all this allows you to use furniture with maximum functionality and save free space in the room.

We place furniture correctly

In a small bedroom with regular geometric shapes, placing furniture along the walls allows you to free up the center of the room.

If this is not possible, then the room should be furnished in such a way that the furnishings do not interfere with the free movement of the bedroom inhabitants. The niches available in the bedroom should be used with possible functionality, by placing, for example, a wardrobe in a sufficiently large wall niche, placing a wardrobe in it dressing table or chest of drawers.

If the ceiling height allows (it happens that the bedroom, having a small footage, has enough high ceilings), let your bedroom “grow” upward: wardrobes with mezzanines, hanging shelves in several tiers, bunk beds(especially relevant in children's bedrooms, or in cases where children and parents are forced to spend the night in the same room) will significantly save space and make good use of the height of the walls.

Bedroom layout - removing all unnecessary things

Given the need for many furnishings and the small space available, the distances between furniture will most likely be reduced to a minimum. However, you should plan the arrangement of furniture in such a way that the passages in the room allow free movement, and the interior items do not interfere with each other’s functioning: the cabinet doors do not cling to each other when opening, to the upholstery of the chair or the fabric of the bedspread, excluding the possibility of damaging it.

A reasonable solution would be to abandon some furnishings in favor of expanding the living space, however, not everyone is ready to do this. When placing indoor plants, give preference to small forms and small flowerpots on the windowsill; let the flowers in large tubs live in another room, for example, in the living room.

Visually expand the room bright hues finishing, light fabrics and soft textures, but, unfortunately, they still won’t significantly add space in the room.

Large bedroom: if I were a sultan

Bedroom large sizes gives enormous scope for creativity. To decorate such a room and furnish it, you can choose absolutely any style; you can only be limited by your imagination or lack of enough Money. However, neither one nor the other is a problem - a huge amount of materials on the Internet, in design magazines provides rich food for thought, and if there is no money for new furniture, then you can experiment well with the old one.


The main piece of furniture in the bedroom, after all, remains the bed. In a large bedroom, the bed itself can be large. Its location is a matter of taste and habit: some people prefer a sleeping bed located against the wall, while others make it the central element of the room.

A large room involves zoning into a bedside area and, for example, a relaxation area where you can read a book in a cozy chair or do some beauty work near the dressing table. This area can be equipped with a beautiful floor lamp, a stylish sconce, and it is also recommended to install flowerpots or tubs with plants here. Thus, your bedroom will have a separate recreational area.

Little tricks

Unlike a small bedroom, in a large bedroom the existing niche can be used in decorative purposes, placing a panel in it, a small shelf with photographs, a vase of flowers or cute trinkets. The bedside area can be highlighted with a canopy made of soft translucent fabrics descending from the ceiling.

A large bedroom can accept screens and partitions; furniture made from solid wood, solid wood, chairs with large armrests and a monumental bed. In a large bedroom, you can afford the entire desired range of furniture, arranging it in the order that will be convenient, and provide sufficient distances for movement.

Wardrobes and a dressing table can be moved to a separate area, thus freeing up space for a bed, where nothing will “pressure”, and the sleeping environment will be the most favorable. It is better to place the dressing table perpendicular to the line of the window so that the light falls on the mirror correctly.

Pleasant trifles

A double bed requires approaches to it from both sides in order to lie down comfortably and make the bed in the morning without any problems. If the size of the room allows, then the distance to the nearest piece of furniture should be more than half a meter, with the exception of bedside tables.

If a small bedroom forces you to abandon them altogether, then in a large bedroom this handy item furniture can be used with pleasure. On the bedside table you can place the necessary little things: a book you read before bed, a glass of water or an alarm clock. At the feet you can place an ottoman, on which a robe or blanket that was used to cover the bed remains at night. A chest of drawers can also replace a bedside table, but when placing furniture, take into account the space in order to open the doors of the closet or chest of drawers.

To prevent the bedroom from seeming empty and boring, you should not place all the existing furniture along the walls, otherwise there will be a lot of unfilled space inside. Don't be afraid to experiment with arranging objects, the most unexpected decisions, sometimes, become real know-how.

Form – what to pay attention to?

Regardless of the size of the room, you should take into account its shape. If square or close to square rectangular shapes more or less everything is clear, then in elongated long “pencil cases” you will have to tinker with the situation.

In such a bedroom, it is better to place the bed across the room, or place it along long wall(unless there is enough space between the headboard and the wall to go around the bed). In addition, an original way out of the situation would be to place the bed diagonally. It looks somewhat unusual, but it is quite convenient and rational. In this case, bedside tables can be replaced with small shelves that will cope with the functions assigned to them no worse than bedside tables, but will save space and enliven the interior.

Children bedroom

When planning a bedroom where children will live, you should consider some details. First of all, taking into account the age of the children, determine whether they need space to play? A play corner in a child’s bedroom should provide comfort and safety so that, if carried away, the child does not hit the protruding corner of the closet or the headboard.

It is generally better to separate the sleeping area in such a way that when going to bed in the evening, the child is distracted from everyday activities and calms down. There can be a favorite book on the bedside table, and a night light above the bed can provide dim light.

A closet in a child's bedroom should be comfortable for the child; pieces of furniture should not interfere with each other and be freely accessible.

For older children and teenagers, when planning, provide a corner where they can receive friends, communicate, and relax: a small sofa or cozy armchairs will make such a relaxation area comfortable.


  • Whatever style you plan to make your bedroom in, whatever ideas you plan to bring to life, first of all, armed with a tape measure, carefully measure and write down all the dimensions - length, width, height, so that you know what to start from in the future.
  • When choosing furniture, always pay attention to its dimensions, and do that first. It is very disappointing to refuse a cabinet chosen with great love or bedroom set, finding out in the process that you have nowhere to put it.
  • Select furniture and interior items, suitable friend to a friend in style. If the bedroom is generally furnished and you are planning to purchase some additional furniture, go with what you already have, rather than simply purchasing furnishings that you like.

Don’t chase fashion, the bedroom is, first of all, a place to relax and sleep, let it be comfortable and cozy.

Photo gallery

The true purpose of the bedroom necessitates a particularly careful approach to its layout and design. Creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere is one of important nuances proper arrangement relaxation rooms, the atmosphere of which will subsequently become the main component of the psychological well-being of the owners. Experts say that the layout and interior design of a bedroom are determined by its initial parameters, such as shape, size and degree of illumination, on which the designer’s tactics and his further sequence of actions subsequently depend. It is also important to take into account the personal preferences of the owners, who, of course, have their own ideas about comfort and coziness. If the room is characterized by an impressive area, and its correct configuration allows you to arrange the furniture in the room in accordance with the basic rules of ergonomics, this greatly simplifies the task for the owners. But what to do if the room has the wrong configuration, and its area limits the number of necessary furniture to a minimum? We will give comprehensive answers to these and other problematic questions related to the arrangement of furniture in the bedroom in this article.

Furniture arrangement that complies with ergonomic rules

In order to arrange the furniture in the bedroom as ergonomically as possible, you need to start with a careful study of the sketch, when creating which, experts advise paying attention to even the most seemingly insignificant details, such as the location of switches in the room. In addition, experts say that all the nuances of the bedroom layout are in direct relationship with the sleeping place, the location of which determines the further sequence of measures for arranging the bedroom.

So, in order to arrange furniture in the bedroom taking into account all the rules of ergonomics, it is necessary to prepare a floor plan that most accurately reflects the further location of the main pieces of furniture. When creating a bedroom plan, it is important to pay Special attention ensure that the distance between pieces of furniture is minimal, and if the room is characterized by a small area, these distances must be reduced to a minimum, not even paying attention to the fact that you will have to put up with the inconveniences that arise. However, it is important to remember that with a competent approach to drawing up a control sketch of the room, all inconveniences that arise can be minimized.

Basic rules of bedroom ergonomics: what to pay attention to?

Rule #1

The minimum distance from the sides of the bed to the wall or adjacent pieces of furniture, with the exception of bedside tables, should be at least 70 cm, which will allow you to move around the room without any inconvenience. If your plans include placing a double bed in the room, then this distance must be left on both sides, which will make cleaning the bed and changing bedding much easier. If the bedroom area precludes such an arrangement of a double bed, it is recommended to position it so that one of its sides is in contact with the wall. In this case, it is necessary to provide a free space at the foot of the bed so that one of the family members sleeping against the wall can easily get out of bed without disturbing the sleep of their partner.

Rule #2

The rule will be especially relevant for those who plan to put a dressing table in the bedroom. To sit comfortably at the dressing table, you need to know that the distance between it and neighboring pieces of furniture should not be less than 70-80 cm, provided that the free space is not a passage. If you plan to move between the dressing table and adjacent pieces of furniture, the passage needs to be made slightly wider.

Rule #3

For the convenience of using a wardrobe or chest of drawers, when installing it, you also need to know a certain rule, according to which the distance between the wardrobe is calculated using the following formula: open door cabinet + additional 30-35 cm.

Rule #4

Experts do not recommend blocking the space in front of the window, thereby making it difficult to get to it. This is only possible when all the considered options for arranging furniture in the bedroom are not possible to implement. Otherwise, you will soon see that additional difficulties will arise in order to go to the window and simply straighten the curtains, not to mention opening it, or even more so, washing it.

Despite a number of rules that it is advisable to follow when drawing up a plan for arranging furniture in the bedroom, experts are convinced that there are exceptions to all rules. For example, in the case when the view from the window is not remarkable enough, designers advise resorting to covering the window with a wide dressing table or a double bed, and giving the curtains a rigid shape, leaving a small free area for the unhindered opening and closing of the window.

Arrangement of furniture in the bedroom photo

Bedroom layout: the bed is the centerpiece of the bedroom

Undoubtedly, the bed plays a fundamental role in the bedroom. In this regard, a place for her optimal location selected most carefully. When arranging minor pieces of furniture, designers suggest focusing on the location of the bed, which will be the key to the most advantageous bedroom layout. If you are going to allocate a separate room for the bedroom, it is all the more important to decide on the location and parameters of the bed. As practice shows, one of the main parameters of the bed that influences the arrangement of secondary furniture in the bedroom is its width.

Experts advise choosing a bed of the largest size that a room equipped as a bedroom can accommodate. Of course, you need to take into account the size of the rest of the furniture that you plan to place in the bedroom, but still, the bed should be as large as possible, taking into account the parameters of secondary furniture.

Typical bedroom furniture

Despite the fact that a bed is a necessary attribute of any bedroom, designers do not advise forgetting about other elements of the bedroom interior, which are also difficult to do without.

A typical bedroom furniture set includes the following elements:

  • Bedside tables or bedside tables;
  • Poufs or small soft sofas at the foot of the bed;
  • Wardrobe or chest of drawers (both elements may be present at the same time);
  • Dressing table.

All these elements, in fact, are secondary, but if you are not limited by space, experts advise not to abandon the above-mentioned bedroom attributes, since each of them tends to fulfill a special purpose. Everyone knows that in addition to relaxation, the bedroom is intended to prepare for a new day, as a result of which it is necessary to provide for the arrangement of a dressing area, which can be represented either by a separate dressing room or a specially designated area in the bedroom, the center of which is the wardrobe.

  • It is also welcome in the bedroom to have a small chair or banquette on which you can put a blanket from the bed and decorative pillows.
  • If you are not limited to a small area, you can easily increase the functionality of the bedroom by equipping it in addition to a dressing table, a small sports section, an area for reading or drinking tea.
  • You can also place a TV or plasma panel in the bedroom. If you don't plan to stop watching TV or movies while in the bedroom, you should definitely make a plan for the location of electrical outlets.

Additional furniture for the bedroom: how to increase the functionality of the room?

If the space allows, you can organize an additional seating area in the bedroom, which can be equipped in a free corner. The main furniture for its arrangement is an armchair, near which you can place a small comfortable ottoman for your feet, as well as coffee table and a floor lamp. This solution will especially appeal to those who like to read or knit in the bedroom.

A good solution for those who like to dress in the bedroom is to install a mirror, which is easy to use (before going to work, you can see yourself in full height) and the mobility of the design, thanks to which it can be rearranged from one room to another.

Bedroom layout: bed placement rules

Having introduced readers to the basic rules for arranging furniture in a rectangular bedroom, we consider it necessary to cover in more detail all the nuances of the arrangement of each individual element furniture and let's start, of course, with the bed.

In a wide, spacious bedroom, it is recommended to install the bed with the head of the wall, preferably one that is characterized by the absence of windows and doorways. When placing the bed, it is advisable to take into account the fact that, in accordance with the rules of ergonomics, it should be located almost in the middle of the room. This is most preferable both from the point of view of attractive symmetry and comfortable movement around the room. It is important to remember that in a bedroom characterized by large dimensions, it is advisable to abandon the placement of furniture around the perimeter in order to avoid the “box effect”.

  • The arrangement of furniture in a small bedroom has its own characteristics, which also need to be taken into account. In a small bedroom, the double bed must be positioned in such a way as to achieve unobstructed passage to any of the sleeping places, and also not to neglect the free space at the foot of the bed.
  • If your bedroom is designed for one person who plans to be content with a single or single bed, then everything is much simpler here: it is enough to leave an unobstructed approach to one side of the bed, and turn the other with the foot or side to the wall.
  • The arrangement of furniture in a narrow bedroom is somewhat different from the previous one. If your bedroom is narrow and long room, it is better to place the bed perpendicular to a long wall. However, if there is a space between the wall and the foot of the bed that is somewhat smaller than the standards we have specified (70 cm), it is better to place the bed parallel to the long wall, taking into account the fact that at least 70 cm will remain near each of the sleeping places.

  • Provided that it is both small and narrow bedroom, the diagonal arrangement of the bed will be relevant, the purpose of which is to ensure unobstructed passage to any of the sleeping places. Designers' points of view: placing a bed designed for two diagonally visually changes the geometry internal space rooms, visualizing a qualitatively new concept of the room. The diagonal arrangement of a single bed is also often practiced by designers who, through this technique, pursue the goal of clearing the passage to the window.

In order to give the bedroom an intimate atmosphere, psychologists advise positioning the bed in such a way that it is not completely visible to the person at the entrance to the room.

Arrangement of secondary furniture in the bedroom: current design techniques

The most common piece of furniture installed in the bedroom is the wardrobe, and it correct location in the room is also of no small importance in the overall interior of the room. If the closet does not have mirrored doors, it is better to place it in the most remote corner, where it will be practically hidden from prying eyes. In the case of an open room layout, it is better to give preference to a built-in wardrobe, for the installation of which it is not necessary to build complex designs. This task is quite feasible if you purchase a cabinet whose width corresponds to the length of the wall, since a cabinet that occupies the entire wall will create the effect of the absence of any furniture and will resemble a free wall.

The dressing table should be located perpendicular to the window opening, while for a right-handed person the window should be located on the left, and for a left-handed person on the right, which will not interfere natural light places where ladies prefer to apply makeup.

For those who dress in the bedroom, it will not be superfluous to have free space between the closet and the mirror, which will greatly facilitate getting ready in the morning, while constantly stepping over even a small ottoman will undoubtedly cause additional morning stress.

Alternative options: how to save space?

To significantly save space in a small bedroom, you can avoid bedside tables without loss, replacing them with shelves located next to the bed. And by placing a night light or lamp on these shelves, you will not only save space, but also advantageously lighten the interior, ridding it of unnecessary details.

By purchasing a wardrobe with a built-in chest of drawers, you can easily do without a chest of drawers, and by hanging a mirror on the wall and adding a shelf to it, you can also do without a dressing table. Hanging shelves are another profitable alternative to a chest of drawers. The chair or armchair in front of the dressing table can be replaced with a small pouf, which takes up less free space.

The closet is also not necessary element bedrooms, because if you are the owner of a platform bed, complemented by drawers for storing linen, you can store home clothes and bed linen in this kind of built-in storage. If your bedroom is small in size, but you still need a wardrobe, you can choose an excellent alternative to traditional furniture - a wardrobe, the sliding doors of which allow you to leave less space between it and neighboring interior elements.

As for the mirror, it should not be placed opposite front door, sleeping place or windows.

How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom and what kind? — We explain using the example of standard series houses.

Photos of projects do not always convey reality

Owners of large bedrooms and large apartments more often turn to a designer for a project than residents of small-sized apartments. Yes, there is both the prejudice “design is not for people like me” and the financial situation. But we are not discussing it now, but the source of ideas on the basis of which a person in a small space organizes his bedroom. Usually this is the Internet.

So, the user goes online, Googles images and begins to “collect ideas.” But he doesn’t always read the designer’s techniques correctly. For example, small bedrooms often look small in photos because of the framing: that’s why the photographer thought it was right to frame the frame this way and not otherwise. And not at all because they are actually small.

Here is a plan of the apartment from the previous interior. In fact, the photographer filmed it from the door and showed us only part of the space. If I were the user, based on one photo, I would also conclude, “Oh, how cool they made a shallow shelving around the painting: I’ll hang the same one for myself.” But you don’t suspect, for example, that you can also get to the bed in this room through the dressing room - there’s absolutely no need to squeeze through at the foot of the room and knock things off the shelves when you’re asleep.

Conclusion: Try to learn as much as possible about the project you are borrowing an idea from.

Not everything you see is appropriate to copy

Many design solutions emerge as a response to constraints faced by the architect, or due to the special persistence of the project owner. In an apartment of a different size, under different living conditions of the owners, the author might not have repeated the same idea.

Evidence - photos from the project and layout (next frame). Any designer will tell you: the minimum area of ​​a bedroom for two should be at least 9 square meters, otherwise you simply won’t have enough fresh air for normal sleep.

On the plan we see about 6 meters, and even with a bed that was pushed close to the wall (usually they don’t do this). But how do you know what made the designer and owners agree to such a decision? Is it the desire to give the child the only spacious room? The owners do not have the habit of getting up at night (and, accordingly, there is no need to jump over someone sleeping in the dark. Agree, there are many questions that arise when looking at this photo. Do not try to evaluate the project out of context.

Conclusion: Try to try the solution on yourself and check its “practicality”. In some situations, the real experience of small apartments will help you, but in others it is more appropriate to read SNiPs and follow them.

Theory: what to consider when planning a small bedroom

Footage The norm is 9 meters for two without additional supply ventilation. If the room is smaller, fresh air must be pumped in and exhaust air must be removed.

Passages. Even the smallest bedroom should have convenient passages around the perimeter of the bed. Optimal width- 70 cm. In conditions of austerity, you can reduce them to 45-60 cm. Tolerable, but realistic - tested from personal experience.

Insolation. The bedroom should receive at least 2.5 hours of direct sunlight per day. A false window partially solves the issues of decor and psychological comfort.

Entrance. Don't enter the bedroom directly from the kitchen. Even with a good hood, the bedroom will still be saturated with the smells of the food being prepared for dinner.

Privacy. The bedroom is a private room. Under no circumstances should it be passable. Ideally, it should be located in the room farthest from the front door of the apartment.

In the photo: an example of how not to make a bedroom! The living room (even if tiny) can be a walk-through, but not the bedroom

What's a must in the bedroom

Bed. Lay it at least 2.1 meters long and at least 1.7 meters wide. The most common mistake when planning is taking into account the dimensions of the mattress rather than the bed. This leads to serious problems after the renovation, when they start arranging furniture.

Nightstands. Even in the smallest bedroom, you will need at least a mini-shelf near the bed - for glasses, a phone or a book. Don't fit? — Make shelves on the wall.

Sconces or bedside lamps. Necessary item. Many designers practice abandoning the upper central lighting of the bedroom in favor of local lighting. In a small bedroom this is especially reasonable: when the chandelier hangs strictly in the center of the room, no matter where you move the bed (and there are not many options), the light will still blind the person lying down. It is much more comfortable to achieve dim light using lamps. There should be two of them, and it’s good when each has its own switch and dimmer. You also need a traditional switch at the entrance, from which these sconces will also be controlled.

Wardrobe (wardrobe). A must have in every bedroom. If there is not enough space, it is not necessary to make it 60 cm deep - at least 30. Or consider a redevelopment option in which a cabinet of standard depth “goes beyond the boundaries” (in next room). If the room is very tiny, plan at least a chest of drawers - it is better to store linen in the bedroom.

When planning a bedroom, in addition to personal preferences, you should take into account a number of factors: size, shape of the room, where the windows face. Before you start buying furniture, it will be useful to study the photo possible options bedroom layouts. You need to make a plan. Think about where and what will be located. The passages between interior elements should be at least 70 cm. A smaller distance will make movement difficult.

Secrets of small bedroom layout

Light colors in the decoration and straight-line furniture will visually expand the room, but they will not add space. The small size of the room forces you to buy only the most necessary things.

Except appearance future bedroom, you should consider its functionality and convenience. Furniture should not interfere with free movement around the bedroom.

The doors of cabinets and cabinets should open freely without coming into contact with the upholstery of the sofa or chair. The most good decision These questions include interior elements that can perform several tasks.

A convenient option for planning a small bedroom - modular furniture. It allows you to make maximum use of space. During the daytime, such interior elements can be easily folded or removed. This helps to save more free space.

The center of any bedroom is the bed. Its size and position determine where the rest of the furniture will be located. To save space, you can place it against the wall. If the bed is double, you should leave the foot of the bed free. Then it will be easier for those who sleep against the wall to get to their sleeping place.

But it’s more convenient when there is a passage on both sides. For this, a space of 70 centimeters on each side is sufficient. Place the bed diagonally - this unconventional method will provide easy access to it.

Another option for efficient use of space is a bed with lifting mechanism. You can store bed linen at its base. And this will eliminate the need to buy a separate cabinet or chest of drawers for it.

The bedside tables are very comfortable. But in a small bedroom there is often no room left for them. Hanging shelves can replace them without compromising space. A shelf, if you hang a mirror above it, will also replace a dressing table.

Important correct placement items. When planning a rectangular bedroom, if you place furniture along the walls, the space in the center of the room will be free. Niches will be useful. They can accommodate shelving or a dressing table without sacrificing free space.

Tall cabinets and hanging shelves for storing things save space. If we are talking about a children's room, a bunk bed would be a good solution.

You should not place massive decorative elements in a small bedroom. Tall vases, large indoor plants will look much more organic in the living room.

Arrangement of a large bedroom

A large bedroom is space for imagination. This size allows you to choose from a variety modern options layouts. The room does not impose restrictions on the choice of furniture, style and decorative elements.

The main rule is that you should not place all the furniture clearly around the perimeter. Otherwise, a corridor effect will appear. IN small room It is most convenient to place furniture near the walls, but in a large one this will lead to unnecessary empty space appearing in the center.

When planning the arrangement of furniture in a large bedroom, there is no need to be guided only by functionality. In such a room, massive furniture made of solid wood or a large bed. There are no restrictions in the range of furnishings.

In a small bedroom bedside tables They may block the passage to the bed, but in a large room they will not become a hindrance. This means there is no need to give up such a convenient piece of furniture. The presence of a chest of drawers in the bedroom and an ottoman at the foot of the bed will increase comfort.

It is more convenient to divide the room into zones. The largest one is for sleeping. Its location depends only on the taste of the owner.

The bed can become the center of the interior or be placed against the wall. The bedside area can be visually separated from the rest, for example, using light transparent fabrics or screens.

The second part of the room can be a recreation area. There will be an armchair or dressing table here. Plant tubs or a stylish floor lamp will help make it more comfortable.

The niche can be used as a decorative element. Shelves with photographs or souvenirs look great in it.

Bedroom for a child

When planning the environment, the age of the children is taken into account. Often a children's room includes a play and learning area. The play area must be safe. It should be thought out so that the child does not accidentally hit the corner of a table or cabinet. The sleep area is separated. This will allow the child to fall asleep faster.

Teenagers need a place in their room where they can communicate with friends. You can create it using small sofa or a comfortable chair.

How to arrange the furniture?

The main criteria in the arrangement are the tastes of the owner. But in order not to suffer from comfort, you should adhere to a number of simple rules:

If the closet does not have mirrored doors, then it is better to place it in a dark corner. A cabinet whose length coincides with the long wall looks organic. Then it will be perceived as part of the wall, and not as a bulky addition to the bedroom.

The dressing table is located on the side of the window. For a right-handed person, the light should fall from the left, for a left-handed person - from the right.

The choice of place for the bed is determined by the size of the room and the preferences of the owner. The double bed should be placed so that it can be approached from both sides.

Should be left free zone window. You have to approach it several times a day to open it or adjust the curtains. It’s inconvenient if you have to go around the furniture every time to do this.

Cabinet doors and drawers there shouldn't be anything stopping you. The comfortable distance is calculated as follows: opened door, or extended drawer plus 30 cm.

It will be convenient to have a full-length mirror. Especially for those who prefer to change clothes in the bedroom;

Ottoman - no required element layouts. But it will increase comfort. Before going to bed, you can put a robe or blanket on it.

Bedroom layout photo

Many people do not pay enough attention to sleep, believing that it comes and goes on its own. You can simply verify the fallacy of this approach by paying attention to the room in which our average contemporary spends the most time. With the exception of notorious careerists who sleep in the office, most people will answer unequivocally - in the bedroom.

That is why, when choosing, planning and furnishing this room, you should pay special attention to the little things, especially those that can create an atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth in the room. Or deprive her of it completely...

Bedroom layout: where to start

Before you plan your bedroom new apartment, you should carefully choose suitable room. Perhaps in this case the view from the window will not have of decisive importance, but it is better not to neglect the location of the room in relation to the walls adjacent to its neighbors and its dimensions.

The logic is obvious: the more adjacent walls, the better you will hear your neighbors, including after midnight. Therefore, an ideally located bedroom should not come into contact with other people's rooms.

On the other hand, there is no need to be guided by the consideration “you won’t feel cramped at night” and allocate too small a room for the bedroom.

Here, the key concept is space and volume, because for two adults to sleep comfortably, a considerable amount of fresh air is needed. Therefore, it is not recommended to build a bedroom for two in a room of less than 10 square meters. m and finish it with cheap synthetic materials.

Bedroom ergonomics: just the important things

Having decided on the bedroom, you can move on to planning it. Everyone has their own ideas about comfort, however good layout does not involve cluttering the room extra furniture and interior items.

First of all, because every extra shelf will collect dust, which vacationers will have to inhale throughout the night and periodically clean during the day. For this reason, it is worth initially deciding on a reasonable and sufficient list of furniture and decor to create comfort, taking into account the following considerations when placing it:

The passage between the side of the bed and the wall should be at least 70-75 cm wide (for a double bed, this distance should be provided on both sides). If this condition is met, you can undress and make your bed linen without resorting to the wonders of acrobatics.

For the comfortable use of two vacationers, it is better not to place the double bed with its side against the wall, but if no other option is given, then you should at least plan for free space “at the feet.”

The distance from the dressing table to other furnishings should also not be less than 70-75 cm, since this is the only way to sit in front of it without resting your knees. If the table “looks” into the aisle, then it is better to increase this distance to 100-105 cm, giving your other half a chance to move freely about their business.

Wardrobes, bedside tables, chests of drawers and any other furniture with opening doors or drawers should be positioned so that these parts can function freely. In addition, for comfortable use, you should calculate the space based on a simple formula: a pulled out drawer or an open door plus 30 cm.

The furniture is positioned in such a way as not to cover the space in front of the window and not block free access to it. A window decorated with exquisite curtains, regardless of the view behind it, is a important detail interior Besides, having to wash it while bending over the bed is definitely not the greatest pleasure in life.

What should be present in the bedroom and where to place it

Minimum necessary set furniture must include a bed, adjacent cabinets, and a chest of drawers. Less important are a wardrobe, a dressing table with a pouf and easy chair with floor lamp.

The main place in the relaxation room is, of course, occupied by the bed. When purchasing new furniture, make sure that the bed is as large as the room can accommodate. It's better to put up with small closet than sleeping with your legs dangling.

In any successful bedroom layout, the bed is placed first and in the most convenient place. It should be remembered that it should be sufficiently far from the window (so that light from the street does not disturb sleep), if possible, not be located against a wall adjacent to neighbors (to minimize the impact of unwanted noise), and not be placed opposite the window and door at the same time (so that vacationers are not exposed to exposure to drafts).

When planning a large rectangular bedroom, the double bed is placed in the middle of the wall to create pleasing symmetry and allow easy access from all directions. In small bedchambers, a single or one-and-a-half bed is placed with its side against the wall, which significantly saves space.

However, in elongated rooms it is better to place the bed crosswise, since this option will visually make the room more square. You can also try to mark the bed diagonally in the corner, which will apparently change the geometry of the room and bring it into the room. additional element aesthetics.

Having placed the bed on the plan, you can work with other elements of the furnishings. The next most important interior detail is the bedside tables, because without them your favorite book, phone, glass of juice or alarm clock will have to be stored on the floor, trampling them down from time to time.

Actually, the beauty of these nightstands lies in their proximity to the bed, which makes it difficult to understand owners who place them closer to the foot of the bed or even further away from the bed.

A chest of drawers is an extremely convenient item for storing clean linen. In this case, when remaking the bed, you won’t have to go far to get a fresh set. In addition, in large chests of drawers, many people put blankets and pillows used for sleeping in the morning, and in the evening - decorative blankets and pillows that create an entourage.

A wardrobe is a familiar element of the interior, but not at all necessary for modern bedroom. In new buildings you can often find pre-planned dressing rooms; in addition, corridor wardrobes have long been in fashion.

The already mentioned significant argument in favor of such an apartment layout is dust. That is why wardrobes, filled with a variety of clothes, are categorically not recommended in the bedrooms of allergy sufferers.

If you can’t do without a closet, it’s better to put it in the darkest corner, where the eye is least likely to stop on it. Most photos of bedroom layouts show just such a solution.

An interesting option would also be a built-in structure, which, located from wall to wall, will look like part architectural solution, and not an outdated piece of furniture.

Modern bedroom layout ideas gravitate towards the classics. Most of them include a dressing table, convenient for ladies who are used to applying makeup early in the morning. In addition, he organizes jewelry and cosmetics well, allowing the lady to comfortably take care of herself.

For ease of use, it should be placed close to the window (after all, makeup is applied when daylight) and in such a way that for a right-handed person the light falls from the left, and for a left-handed person - from the right.

An easy chair with a floor lamp will create additional comfort in a large bedroom and become another relaxation area in the apartment. It is better to set aside a free corner for it with sufficient distance from other interior items: nothing and no one should disturb the vacationer.

Modest and tasteful: how to save space in the bedroom

The layout of a small bedroom requires special skill from the owner, since it needs to take into account many nuances, give up a lot, while maintaining the important.

In the struggle for living space in the bedchamber, you can sacrifice bedside tables, replacing them with small shelves. They will allow you to store a small set of necessary things, gaining precious centimeters. A small pouf. When pushed up against the wall, it will take up minimal space.

However, you can abandon the closet in favor of a chest of drawers, or the chest of drawers in favor of a closet. But it is better to optimize the space by equipping a wardrobe, which can be placed closer to other furnishings due to the absence of opening parts. Good decision there will also be a platform bed with a lifting mechanism and large capacity for storing linen.

There are as many bedroom design options as there are designers. And since everyone creates their own “dream architecture,” make sure that your bedchamber reflects the character and is fully consistent with the habits and needs of its owner. After all, in the end, this is the secret of a successful layout.

Bedroom layout photo

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