Conifers in garden design, photo compositions and recommendations. Coniferous compositions in landscape design with a photo Coniferous landscapes in the country

Today, landscape design has become a favorite hobby of many owners of land and private houses. It is thanks to their efforts that the space that surrounds many private houses, in Lately began to change significantly.

On some household plots, vegetable gardens and even ordinary orchards gradually begin to lose ground and give way decorative lawns, bright flower beds and unexpected plant compositions that delight their owners.

But if, flower arrangements have always been held in high esteem by our gardeners, and some, unpretentious shrubs always often found on the plots, then conifers evergreens in landscape design are not yet widely used. Although their popularity is growing.

Conifers in landscape design make it possible decorate outdoor space aesthetically pleasing and rich, in addition, the garden will look like this in all seasons.

The increasing use of coniferous shrubs and trees in landscape design is due to their properties: plants are harmonious both in single plantings and in compositions all year round, most species and forms are unpretentious to soils, tolerate harsh weather, less than deciduous, susceptible to pests and diseases.

In addition to the already mentioned aesthetic effect, such landings compare favorably:

  • Good absorption of street dust and noise;
  • Windproof properties;
  • Improving the microclimate in the local area;

Suppression of the reproduction of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, due to the release of biologically active substances by all parts of the plant;

Air supply all year round significant amount of oxygen, since most conifers are not deciduous.

Therefore, if there is a dream of a green environment in which the most favorable microclimate for people will be naturally provided, then compositions of coniferous shrubs and trees in landscape design will optimal solution. Moreover, there is always the opportunity to pick up plants of the most unexpected shape and any size of crowns, this allows you to create any compositions on your site.

Landing and care

For planting and growing compositions from coniferous plants, certain rules have already been formulated that are well known to both professional botanists and landscape designers. But, since some site owners want to deal with the design on their own, while others simply do not have the financial ability to hire a qualified specialist, it is necessary to start the process of creating a composition from coniferous from the theoretical part.

When planning a landing, you must immediately take into account that the finished landscape compositions will look holistic if the distance from the place from which they will be most often viewed is at least two of their heights.

An essential point is the careful preparation of the site for planting the plant. Its further development will depend on this, and, consequently, the beauty of the whole composition. Places on the site that are subject to periodic flooding are unsuitable for planting. It must be borne in mind that each species develops best on a certain composition of the soil. This needs to be clarified at the stage of choosing species for your garden plot.

By timing, most optimum time for landing work is the period from the end of April to the beginning of May. At this time, coniferous shrubs and trees have not yet begun to active growth and as a result, transplantation is easier to tolerate and take root in a new place.

When digging a hole, it is necessary to calculate its depth in such a way that when planting a seedling, it is located in it no deeper than the root neck (this is the border where the trunk goes into the root). After planting, you need to water abundantly, this is done to ensure the best contact of the soil with the roots, that is, you need to water it regardless of soil moisture. For the next month, the soil around the plant should not be allowed to dry out until it begins to develop its root system in a new place.

Most conifers are not very capricious when grown, but they, like other artificially grown plants, need care. In hot years, it is required to cover young plants from sunburn, especially for various firs. In winter, take measures to protect southern, imported species from frost (this includes sheltering stunted plants, snow retention, etc.) Saplings are sold with a closed root system (with a clod of earth or in a container) and with an open one (the roots are bare). If planting takes place in the spring, and the roots are open, you need to pay attention to the presence of young roots.

Breaking up the lawn to create a backdrop for coniferous plants will greatly improve the overall visual perception. Often coniferous plants planted next to water bodies, so that, together with weeping deciduous plants, they make up a common original composition.

  • various types and varieties of junipers: Cossack, rocky, Virginian, Chinese, etc.;
  • firs: prickly, European;
  • pines: mountain, black, ordinary.

Those. those species of conifers that are common in the wild in our forests without any care. Naturally, wild plants often growing too big, they do not have sufficient decorative qualities, so you need to buy varieties with known qualities.

Junipers, pines and North American prickly spruces are quite photophilous, undemanding to the level of humidity and soil fertility. If the flower bed is in shading for a significant part of the daylight hours, it is recommended to choose zoned (that is, those that have been tested and suitable for growing in your region) varieties of yew berry, European spruce or western thuja.

For a low-maintenance garden (requiring a minimum of work throughout the year) in our latitudes, carefully purchase cypress, hemlock, pseudo-hemlock, microbiota, tuevik, cypress, cupressocypress, fir, Kemfer larch, Japanese cryptomeria, marsh cypress, thuja folded and other rare species of conifers.

According to the size of an adult plant, conifers can be conditionally divide into three groups.

Tall species of coniferous plants

Large plants include: common types:

Srednerosly plants for coniferous compositions

  1. Branchy and very aesthetic evergreen tree. Growth is slow.
  2. Yew berry. Compact shrub, dense needles. Popular due to the combination of rich greens and berries, red.
  3. The yew is golden. It tolerates partial shade well, combined with tall and stunted plants. It grows in the shape of a bowl, the needles are yellowish green, green or golden color. They often serve as the basis for compositions.

Undersized and creeping conifers

For such forms of conifers, it is very important to have enough space for development, because they do not grow up, but in a horizontal plane, forming something similar to a kind of lawn.

  1. Spruce Lombers ordinary. Undersized plant, thick needles, bright, emerald color.
  2. Pine mountain Hampi. Used in rock gardens. An unusual property - the kidneys, at temperatures below zero, are painted in beautiful reddish-brown shades.
  3. Mountain pine, grade Mini Pug. It grows in the form of a kind of pillow.


Despite the unpretentiousness of most coniferous species to growing conditions, it is necessary to form compositions based on them, taking into account some features. Many conifers are characterized by their "aggressiveness". Species are called aggressive, which in the process of evolution have developed the ability to secrete substances that inhibit the development of other plants. In conifers, this feature allows in nature, with their very slow growth, to compete with fast-growing species. That's why:

Near larch, all coniferous plants feel bad, although they can be planted, but at some distance.

Purchase of plants

Coniferous trees for creating compositions can be bought both in special nurseries and in garden shops.

Digging in natural forests and groves is not worth it, because, firstly, it may turn out to be illegal (if this territory belongs to some kind of biosphere reserve), and secondly, it is unpredictable what an adult plant will be like, even within the same species, wild specimens can vary greatly (it depends on many factors and heredity), thirdly, it is possible to bring new types of pests into your garden.

You don’t need to buy a plant just because it is beautiful and pretty. Definitely recommended explore Latin name , first inquire about the size and habit of an adult plant and buy only those plants that are suitable for a particular site.

Conifers, especially of a small age, are strikingly similar and only a specialist is able to distinguish them outwardly. This is a rather expensive acquisition, designed for more than one year, so you should prepare for it in advance, arm yourself with a catalog with descriptions and photographs. Very often one sees the disappointment of buyers of extremely expensive, grown in Western nurseries, topiary (formed by special pruning of seedlings) forms, when they are created from species that are not zoned in our latitudes.

It should not be forgotten that it is advisable to buy coniferous plants with a clod of earth, dendrological nurseries sell them in burlap or wire mesh, the most the best way– grown in a container, they can be plant in any season. Naturally, you need to buy seedlings only in reputable garden centers, after checking the general condition of the needles and the quality of the root system. Many novice gardeners have been “burned” by buying cheap potted cupressocypresses and cypresses often sold in supermarkets, often they stand there, without watering, for weeks. After such conditions, these delicate plants are extremely difficult to recover, most often they die during the first wintering.

As for the price of seedlings, conifers usually cost more than deciduous ones, container ones are more expensive than those grown in the ground, grafted and topiary ones are more expensive than those grown without shaping, etc. Designers most often recommend purchasing several accent, central plants(size about 1.0-1.5 m in height), to give the flower bed volume, and buy the rest small (no more than 40 cm). But at the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that dwarf species grow extremely slowly (sometimes less than one cm per year) and having planted them very small, it will take many years to expect the required decorative effect from them.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design

The principle of constructing a landscape composition of coniferous plants

For the correct planning of a composition of conifers, it is initially necessary to decide where exactly it should be located, what type is needed, what elements will be included in it. And after that, choose plants that meet the characteristics necessary for the formation of the composition, taking into account the existing conditions.

The facade of the house and the front garden, as a rule, are the first to be seen by guests, so its design should be somewhat solemn and necessarily elegant, it is appropriate here. landscaping with basic elements regular style, which is built on symmetrical arrangement all components or a repeating rhythm. It will be better when the range of species here is unnecessarily diverse.

The main, accent plant is a pyramidal, standard plant, which in adulthood reaches a size of no more than 2.5-3 m (based on the size of the flower bed). Then, plants of the second order (sub-accents) are placed symmetrically from it on the sides, with dimensions up to 1-1.5 m. Between them, it is possible (without deviating from a predetermined pattern) to plant dwarf and prostrate conifers, compact ornamental deciduous shrubs and ground cover.

In informal-style plantings, compositions of coniferous plants are recommended to be placed on the lawn. in the form of a flower bed - "island", include them in the composition of the mixborder along the edges of the site, interspersed with decorative foliage plants, thus zoning the space. Here it is more optimal to select the habitus of plants according to the system of "irregular scalene triangle".

After, the remaining space is filled with plants as their importance and external saturation decrease. In the foreground, flower beds are planted over low plants, and to the center - higher and more voluminous. It is advisable to choose plants with different colors of needles so that the flower bed does not look boring. If the accent plant has silver-colored needles, you do not need to plant a variety of the same color nearby. Do not forget about the illumination of the flower bed and various seasonal plants. Against the background of bright greenery, early bulbs will look great.

For landing on alpine slide or in flowerbeds with a variety of annuals and ground covers, you can use miniature varieties with spherical and cushion forms of growth, as well as ground cover species that cover the ground with a carpet or cascade down from retaining walls.

To create a harmonious landscape composition, certain rules must be observed.

Shape geometry

Contrasting combinations

By combining contrasting colors and shapes, various visual effects can be achieved. Against the background of small plants, large-sized trees will catch the eye; in transitions of various sizes and outlines of crowns, you can smooth out the lines of the exterior.

Asymmetry and symmetry

The use of coniferous plants landscape design, implies a combination of incongruous. That is, you can decorate the site with both symmetrical compositions and unexpected asymmetric elements that will look quite harmonious.

On the this moment a large number of coniferous plants have been bred, differing in color. Those who like to experiment with colors should remember that contrasting color scheme components of a small coniferous group can "break up" the composition. Therefore, experts advise in groups of conifers, from three plants, to use no more than two colors, in groups of five seedlings, no more than three colors can be planted. But in significant coniferous groups (more than 30 in number), you can plant plants with different colors, not forgetting to combine them in small groups of three plants of the same color.

Crown height and shape

When creating compositions, it is necessary to take into account not only the color of the seedling, but also its dimensions in adulthood and the outlines of its crown. In order to predict the type of composition in the future, you should initially study the characteristics of the proposed varieties before buying them.

Composition types


The mixborder can be placed where, in accordance with the wishes of the owner of the site, it will look best. Don't be afraid to do what you want. From the manifestation of individuality garden landscape only wins.

For the largest plants prepare a place at the very edge of the future composition, then the plantings are arranged in descending order of size, so the smallest plants are planted at the base of the mixborder. No need to strive to maintain the same geometric accuracy of plantings. Curvature will only emphasize the original beauty of the composition.

The natural harmony of the mixborder must be observed: the width of plantings of large plants must necessarily exceed the space allocated for stunted plantings. As part of the plantation, there may be specimens that differ in the color of the needles and the outlines of the crown.

Coniferous hedge

hedge, using coniferous plants, create quite often. In plantings of a regular style, which is rarely found in our latitudes, a coniferous hedge is nothing more than a hedge, but landscape style and modern makes it possible to apply evergreen hedges as a background for bright perennials. From conifers, dense shaped or unshaped hedges can be formed. In order to create a dense green hedge, plants are placed in several rows, in a checkerboard pattern. One of the most impenetrable hedges is considered to be a shaped staggered spruce planting.

Compositions of coniferous circular view

Compositions of a circular view are called landings, the decorative effect of which should be visible from all sides of the view. Compositions of this kind are usually planted in paving openings or in round flower beds. Planting plants, maybe any - irregular shape or symmetrical. The most dimensional plant is placed in the center of the symmetrical composition, around it at an equal distance are species of small dimensions.

For asymmetrical groups, the same principle applies: the height of each subsequent row should gradually decrease, thereby emphasizing the visual perception of the previous row. Forming an asymmetrical composition is one of the most difficult jobs for a landscape designer. It must provide an overview of the landing from all angles.

For example, consider the option of using Scots pine as an accent plant. It is necessary to choose the variety of this tree, reaching a height of 2-2.5 m, with small bluish-gray needles.

A specimen of a slow-growing, fairly frost-resistant Korean cedar pine is planted in front of it, a variety is desirable pyramidal shape, with long needles of a silver-blue hue. Three Cossack junipers can be placed in the corner of the composition. To the left of them, plant two slow-growing dwarf ones. You can add several western thujas to the composition. The space between the plants is covered with a layer of decorative mulch, it is aesthetically pleasing to use ground fir cones. Such a composition does not need special care.

Compositions with a geometric shape of the crown

In such a composition, prickly spruce, with bluish-white needles, will look good. The height of the selected variety should not be more than 3-4 meters.

To the left of it, you can place the thuja western, a variety with a narrow cone-shaped crown. Between spruce and thuja, four plants of slow-growing mountain pine, a spherical variety with dark green needles, will look good. There are varieties of mountain pine with an original property - they have needles, with the first frosts, turn yellow, and green color returns in the spring.

In addition to those listed, there are still a huge variety of different compositions and combinations of plants. This article lists only some of the more common ones.


Here, in a nutshell, are the basics of creating coniferous compositions. But this information is only an invitation to world full of creativity and beauty landscape design, in general, and the creation of coniferous compositions in particular.

Any person can turn both a significant plot and a small area near the house into a unique and unique composition of living plants. It is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance - a little patience, knowledge and your own imagination.

The garden looks especially advantageous, because when the rose beds fade, coniferous trees complete the picture and the garden remains forever green. Properly selected crown of trees, growth and shape of conifers give the garden a special charm. With the help of coniferous trees, it is possible to create any design suitable for buildings on the site.

Which conifers go best with roses?

It is believed that the combination with is ideal, since it does not interfere with the development of the root system of the rose and does not extinguish the rose, allowing it to gain strength and bloom every year.

Roses develop well with vertical conifers. These include: and also. The main thing is that the thuja do not give growth in breadth, since in this case they cover rose bushes. From well suited varieties: Blue Arrow, Moonglow, Sky rocket.

Fig. 1 Only roses and conifers, no other plants, the composition, in the opinion of the site's editors, is magnificent, nothing superfluous (photo from

Fig. 2 Variant diluted with deciduous trees, shrubs and annuals (photo from

For planting, you need to choose less aggressive conifers so that over time they do not displace rose bushes. Aggressive conifers and junipers are: Blue Alps, Blue Carpet, Gray Owl, Blue Danuba.

Before landing, be sure to outline the goal of what you want to get from the composition, highlight the roses or just close the empty space. From this it is necessary to build on which of the conifers to choose for landing on the site: spherical or growing up.

The compatibility of roses and thuja - is such a neighborhood possible?

Tui can be planted next to roses, but at a distance of one and a half meters, since thuja grows rapidly root system, and she can destroy the rose. If the rose has been growing on the site for more than five years, then you can safely plant thuja, since the root system of the rose is already stable and nothing will interfere with it.

Photo source -

According to information from the forum, it is not recommended to plant asparagus with roses, as it depresses the root system and the roses become invisible. And also, according to the notes of a forum user, the planted squash inhibits growth, and when it is dug up, the rose began to grow. Not recommended plant cloves and other cereals, lilies.

Members of the forum agreed that the rose loves freedom and it is best to grow it separately from everything.

How beautiful to plant thuja on the site

Thuja is unpretentious and practically grows in any conditions: in well-lit places or partial shade, but does not like very dark and northern places. For growing a fence, they use the Columna variety, arborvitae grow into a beautiful hedge.

To create a beautiful hedge, you should find out in advance how much the selected variety grows up and in breadth, planting depends on it, so that even for several years the hedge remains beautiful.

To create a hedge, the smaragd variety is also excellent. The distance when planting each plant is 70 cm. Planted from the fence should be a meter or a half meters. For three years, the thuja grows into a tall, beautiful hedge. thuja western emerald, has a regular - cone-shaped crown, reaches up to 4-6 meters in height and up to 1.80 in width. This thuja is always evergreen. Grows in any soil, best in full sun. The soil must be moist and fertile. Already fertilized seedlings are planted in the ground. Hardy and frost-resistant. Good quality of this variety - it does not turn yellow.

Thuja is suitable for planting along with roses. But we must take into account the rule of building an ensemble. If three elements are involved in the landing, then the ensemble should combine no more than two colors. So, the constructed composition will look organic. If there are more colors, then the elements are combined into groups of three copies with the same colors.

The use of roses and conifers in landscape design is possible, but a large area should be allocated for this. Due to the extensive root system of both plants, they are planted at a distance of at least one and a half meters.- this contributes to the further development of plants. It is recommended to plant thujas in a semi-shaded area, and roses in lighter and ceremonial places. A rose will not look advantageous if it is planted in the shade.

Is it possible to plant roses between thujas along the fence?

Photo source -, rose variety - "Iceberg". An example of a very beautiful successful combination roses and thuja along the fence.

First of all, the rule applies that conifers should be planted at a distance of 1.5 meters from the fence, since when they grow, they can damage the installed fence. The development of a composition where thujas and roses are the soloists looks very beautiful, but requires constant care. Plants should be pruned in a timely manner and monitor their growth.

When planting, thujas are planted closer to the fence (albeit at an acceptable distance), since they create the main hedge, and roses are planted at a distance of one and a half meters in another trench. For planting, it is desirable to use ready-made, proven seedlings. Next rule- this timely watering so that the root system is stable and does not dry out. When composing the composition, you can plant, although in both of our examples varieties of climbing roses are used and they are planted in the background.

Photo from the site They let you over the fence climbing rose, a thuja is planted at a distance of a meter and a host is planted below, which completes and sets off the composition.

In general, there are no obstacles to plant roses with thujas along the fence, but keep in mind: the proximity of these plants will require a lot of space. And pay attention to the height of the fence. It is no coincidence that in both our examples it is very high.

Flowerbeds of roses and conifers: schemes

In order to plant a coniferous flower bed in landscape design, use this composition:

  • A flower bed with a lawn or a flower bed in the form of a slide is taken as a basis;
  • Decor can be stones or bark;
  • Priority are undersized varieties conifers;

Source -

  • On the first composition variety Globosa;
  • Number two is Selena;
  • In the center, number three is a cedar pine;
  • Number four is Tsuga Canadensis;
  • At number five, junipers, the Tamariscifolia variety, are planted;
  • Number six, they plant a pine, Pinus sylvestris variety.

Scheme from the site

How to create a mixborder?

A mixborder is the creation of a flower bed in groups, where each group of plants smoothly flows into another. The flowerbed consists of three stages:

  1. Volumetric plants are planted in the background;
  2. Tall plants;
  3. Plants without lush foliage.

Source -

planted blooming perennials in front of the thuja, they will look especially advantageous, at the very bottom of the composition, a creeping thuja or horizontal juniper is planted.

Flower bed with roses and conifers (scheme):

Rice. from

In this composition, juniper will emphasize the roses and highlight them against the background of the entire flower bed. Sage helps to look favorably light varieties of roses. In case the sage grows, it is possible to form it in any shape. Hosta, planted along the edge of the flower bed, complements the created composition.

The best neighbors for roses

The material presented in the video is quite controversial. Do the cultures proposed by the authors really look good with roses? And does everyone like such a thicket garden?

The mass enthusiasm for landscape design contributed to a noticeable transformation of country houses, cottages and summer cottages. Gardens with vegetables and fruits, popular in the recent past, have been replaced by flower beds, and other decorative plant compositions.

A special place in landscape design is occupied by coniferous trees, some species of which have appeared in the vastness of our country relatively recently.

Representatives of the coniferous group of plants gained their popularity thanks to unique properties, allowing them to look great both in single (solitary plantings) and in group plantings all 365 days a year. Coniferous plantations are not demanding on the types of soil, rarely get sick and tolerate any weather changes well.

The value of conifers for the garden

In addition to the aesthetic effect, evergreen conifers can benefit people and nature:

  • qualitatively absorb dust and noise;
  • stop gusts of wind;
  • soften the microclimate around the house or cottage;
  • stop the reproduction of certain viruses, bacteria and insects;
  • provide the air with a colossal amount of oxygen and phytoncides (the undisputed champion among healing trees is juniper).

Therefore, if you dream of a beautiful, well-kept garden with a favorable microclimate, turn your attention to compositions of coniferous plants. Their charming appearance, exquisite shape and medium-sized crowns reveal unique opportunities to create the most daring compositions in landscape design, as in large areas, as well as small ones.

How to make coniferous compositions in landscape design?

  • Spruces, pines, junipers, cypresses, firs, thujas and many other evergreens are usually located in the very center of the backyard plot, to form coniferous sculptures, or on the borders of the territory.

  • The ensemble of pine needles looks very picturesque, surrounded by heather, roses, eric, rhododendrons and deciduous plants. They bring a certain brightness, contrast to the design and allow you to change the design of the garden seasonally. (The exception is bird cherry and birch - they have a bad effect on plants with needles).

  • Coniferous pyramidal shapes look great. Landscape designers based on them create complex geometric figures, spiral columns, tiers and intricate front alleys. Figuratively trimmed conifers divide the space of the site into so-called "rooms", decorate stone hills, small ponds, colorfully complement rock gardens and relief drops.

  • In order for landscape design with coniferous plants to please the eye with its three-dimensional structures and coloristic pictures not only in summer, but also in winter, it is necessary at the time of creating compositions to pay increased attention to combinations in the coniferous group of different shapes, textures and colors.

  • As accent trees and shrubs, experts recommend choosing winter-hardy species that are stable all year round. In the background, as a rule, plants with a spreading crown are placed. And the coniferous composition of landscape design is completed by properly creeping, low plants.

  • The decorative possibilities of conifers (they are easy to cut) are great for creating hedges and masking unsightly areas in the fence.

When choosing conifers for backyard compositions, one should not forget that in many plants the color of the needles changes in winter.

Conifers in landscape design: landing rules

  1. Planting conifers is best done in early autumn.

  2. In depth, each hole for seedlings should not exceed 85 cm, and the junction of the stem with the root (required with earthy clod) exactly match the ground level.

  3. The distance between neighboring plants ideally ranges from 90 to 160 cm.

  4. For better growth young plantings, it is necessary to add sand and clay to the ground.

  5. Within six months after planting conifers, the soil needs to be nourished with mineral fertilizers.

  6. In dry summers, watering is important for plants. During the season, it is enough to produce 5-6 waterings of 20 liters per plant.

  7. To make the crown thicker, annual shoots need to be cut by a third every spring.

  8. Young trees that have not reached a meter in height by winter are recommended to be covered with spruce spruce branches or bagged craft paper to avoid winter burn.

  9. Regular loosening of the soil around the trunk contributes to rapid growth coniferous plants.

Conifers in landscape design - planting video

Coniferous trees and plants for landscape design - how to choose the right one?

Plants for the garden must be purchased in specialized, proven nurseries, and not in mass supermarkets, long before the start of the planting season. Before you go for seedlings, you need to have on hand a clear plan for the future garden and a list with the necessary plants.

Consider what is older plant the more difficult it will be for him to settle down in a new place.

In the case of buying large-sized conifers, trees and shrubs of 5-6 years of age will be the best option.

When choosing coniferous trees and plants, you should consider what shape and form they will take in the near future. Owners of spacious plots, you can safely plant big trees with a spreading, oval crown. Here are the giants small garden will look rather ridiculous, drowning out the rest of the "residents" with their size.

Evergreens provide a lot of advantages in the arrangement of the site. Depending on the season, the weather conditions change, and with them the panorama of the landscape. The use of evergreen plantings enlivens the space even in winter, giving the backyard a majestic and rich look. Such types of plants are successfully combined with deciduous shrubs, for example, with barberries, hydrangeas or rhododendrons.

How to use evergreen plantings in the landscape design of the yard and what are their advantages, we will consider in this material.

Advantages of conifers

Planting on an evergreen site offers great advantages over other plants.

  1. Aesthetics. Conifers retain decorative appearance throughout the year regardless of weather conditions.
  2. Diversity. Numerous varieties will help create lively compositions of different shapes and colors.
  3. unpretentiousness. Such green spaces do not require constant maintenance. Grows on all types of soil, does not need in large numbers sunlight and regular watering, so any part of the yard is suitable for planting.
  4. Environmental friendliness. Conifers allocate essential oils, enriching the surrounding air with the rich smell of the forest.

Consider shapes and sizes

When using evergreens in landscape design suburban area their spatial characteristics are taken into account. It is important to take into account the shape, as well as the size that the plant will reach after a certain period of time.

The use of one or another type of evergreen depends on right combination geometric proportions. For example, it is good to combine straight paths with squat and voluminous plantings, and a pond with low fluffy trees.

also in without fail take into account overall dimensions site. Large ones are decorated with large plants, and small ones are decorated using dwarf varieties.

What types of conifers to choose

If the dimensions of the site allow, the following evergreens are planted:

  • Thuja western. The height of the tree reaches 5 meters. To give him an arrow different shapes branches are trimmed. Thuja is used to create hedges. The only requirement is the shading of the landing site.
  • Juniper Skyrocket. Reaches a height of up to 3 meters. The shrub is popular due to the unusual color of needles with a bluish tint.
  • El Hupsi. Grows up to 15 meters tall. Suitable for single and group planting. Thanks to the silvery color with a bluish tint, it gives the composition an incredible look.

The plants listed above belong to the category of large plantations and are used in spacious areas. But for small areas, low-growing varieties with crowns of different shapes are suitable.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of conifers that are used in landscape design. Among the many species and varieties of evergreens, it will not be difficult to choose plants for decorating a summer cottage.

Design options

With the help of conifers, various compositions are created that perform aesthetic and practical functions.

  1. Hedges.
  2. Lawn decor.
  3. Group landings.
  4. Mixborders with conifer elements.
  5. Evergreens in rockeries.
  6. Container garden and bonsai.


Such coniferous plantations serve throughout the year, and not only in the warm season. They are used both for fencing the site, and for zoning individual parts of the space.

Conifers with a spherical, pyramidal or columnar crown are best suited for hedges, which tolerate cutting branches well.

Varieties of evergreens are selected depending on the purpose of the hedge. Spruce, pine, fir are suitable for fencing the site. If you need a fence of medium height for zoning, then use different varieties of arborvitae, juniper, yew or cypress. To create low green borders, dwarf species are chosen.

Thematic material:

Varieties of silvery or bluish tones will help to highlight the hedge against the background of other plantings. The main requirement when creating a living fence is the use of fast-growing conifers of the same species.

lawn elements

If green lawns are broken on the site, then they can be supplemented with coniferous crops. At the same time, high-growing or medium-height varieties with expressive crown shapes are chosen. For landing on the lawn, pyramidal and arrow-shaped, as well as spherical varieties of conifers are suitable.

These plants look great alone. A neatly trimmed lawn will serve as a decorative frame and background for separately growing trees and shrubs.

Group landings

Instead of a banal round flower bed with roses, a group planting of conifers is often used, where plants are combined in crown shapes and colors. Ensembles based on the contrast of shades and configurations are expressive. For example, columnar varieties of evergreens are combined with spherical and creeping ones. Good option- a combination of arborvitae, silver spruce and juniper in one composition.

An expressive effect is achieved by combining deciduous species with conifers. Hydrangea shrubs coexist well with them.

Group plantings are also original, in which coniferous plants with needle and scaly leaves are combined.

When planning such compositions, the size of mature trees and shrubs is taken into account. After all, many evergreens can reach large dimensions.

Mixborders with conifer elements

Mixborders - compositions using different types plants, including evergreens. At the same time, coniferous inclusions often occupy the central place of a prefabricated flower bed or act as a backdrop for perennial flowers.

A win-win option is a combination of conifers in one mix along with deciduous shrubs, for example, hydrangea, barberry, cotoneaster and others.

When creating a mixborder, it is important to consider plant compatibility. Fallen needles change the acidity of the soil, and some deciduous plantings may simply not be suitable for such a neighborhood.

But the hydrangea coexists without problems with spruces and junipers. When dropping this decorative flower it is even recommended to add coniferous soil. Hydrangeas love shaded areas with acidic soils - just the conditions that create coniferous plantings.

Evergreens in rock gardens

Today, rockeries and rock gardens are often used in landscape design, which provide for the mandatory presence of conifers.

Which plants to choose - depends on the size rocky garden. In small rockeries, creeping varieties are used, and if space allows, they include dwarf pines and spruces.

Thuja, junipers, firs and other undersized conifers become truly an adornment of rocky gardens.

Evergreens that tolerate shearing with ease are great for topiary. After all, it is here that decorative figures of bizarre forms are created from trees and shrubs, up to the image of people and animals.

The popularity of evergreens in topiary art is also explained by the fact that dense and dense needles make it possible to easily form objects of complex configuration. At the same time, you can create masterpieces all year round.

Container gardens and bonsai

Our climatic conditions do not always allow the use of some varieties of coniferous plants. Trees growing in the southern regions are sensitive to temperature changes, and even an indicator of zero degrees leads to their death.

The way out of this situation is to plant plants in containers that are placed on the site during the warm season and removed for the winter in unheated room. The same rule applies to coniferous bonsai.

Each variety of plants requires a certain amount of soil, which must be taken into account when planting in containers. feel good in confined space dwarf and creeping species of conifers. Moreover, the larger the plant, the more spacious the container is chosen.

The advantage of such gardens is that the design can be updated over time, simply by changing the arrangement.

For landscape design, the use of coniferous plants will be an excellent option to diversify the design. In addition, such landings are unpretentious in care and delight the eye all year round. One or more types of evergreen plantations will transform the summer cottage, turning it into a cozy place to relax.

The composition of conifers in the country is becoming an increasingly common element of landscape design. This design of the territories adjacent to the buildings looks original and aesthetically pleasing. But the implementation of design projects using coniferous plantations cannot be called simple, since it requires not only artistic taste and imagination, but also theoretical preparation.

The topic of the article is not accidental, since conifers are popular in landscape design, but not everyone knows the instructions for planting, arranging and combining these plants. In this article we will talk about which plantings to choose and how to use them for their intended purpose in order to simplify the care of conifers in the country.

Plant selection

The science of decorating a summer cottage with ornamental plants is not easy. Therefore, beginners who decide to join landscape design are forced to combine practice with a permanent search. useful information. Meanwhile, planting conifers in the country can serve as a good start in your passion for landscape design ().

Breeding such plants is not particularly difficult, if you decide in advance on the choice of a suitable species. It would seem that it is not easy to determine which types of conifers are suitable and which are not, but in reality there will be no problems with the choice.

The fact is that all types of coniferous plantations used by domestic designers are derived from three varieties of trees and shrubs:

  • juniper,
  • pines,

Species bred by breeders are optimally adapted for existence in domestic difficult climatic conditions. It is not advisable to choose something from import catalogs or import it from abroad, since it is likely that an exclusive foreign ephedra simply will not take root in our open spaces.

Tip: when choosing the best solution, purchase domestic products, the price of which, by the way, is more affordable.

Properly selected conifers are characterized by a number of advantages, including:

  • unpretentiousness in terms of soil on the site;
  • no special lighting requirements;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • unpretentiousness in relation to moisture content parameters;
  • acceptable cost in comparison with other varieties of ornamental plantings;
  • ease of maintenance, which is very important if the country house is used mainly for seasonal living.

Features of application in landscape design

Coniferous plants are not unreasonably considered one of the most popular plantings for landscape design. Such plants are widely used to create decorative backstage, alleys, hedges and a wide range of different compositions in combination with other plants.

We bring to your attention an overview of the main ways of using conifers in landscape design.


Mixborders in landscape design are usually called variants of mixed and prefabricated flower beds.

Tip: In most cases, coniferous shrubs and small trees are of paramount importance in the formation of a mixborder. The main concept of mixed compositions is the compatibility and compactness of seemingly incompatible plant forms.

When forming mixborders with your own hands, try to apply the following recommendations:

  • Do not use tall wild spruces, junipers and arborvitae in the composition.
  • The best solution for the implementation of most ideas are low-growing plants, such as creeping juniper, narrow-pyramidal thuja, dwarf globular spruce, yew, mountain pine.
  • Rhododendron, undersized barberry, dwarf spirea, heather, creeping cotoneaster, etc. can advantageously emphasize the aesthetics of coniferous plantations.
  • When forming a mixborder using pine needles, it is advisable to use bulbous flowers in combination with ground cover plants.. Such combinations are justified from the point of view of aesthetics, and based on agrotechnical aspects.


It is no secret that coniferous plants are used to create flower beds. Such solutions have been relevant for a long time. But you need to understand that the optimal aesthetic effect will be guaranteed only with the competent implementation of the design project.

  • In the flower beds we plant only compact and undersized plants. However, the center of the composition can be distinguished by a shrub or tree, the size of which will be above average.
  • At the heart of the composition, in the absence central element, you can use the principle of different shapes and color contrast. For example, vertically arranged cylindrical elements can be emphasized or highlighted using dense creeping shrubs. If desired, within the same flower bed you can combine different plants with needles of different shapes and colors.
  • In order to facilitate the subsequent care of the flower bed, slow-growing plantings should be used.
  • Ground cover plants such as horizontal juniper, cross-pair microbiota, etc. can be used as the main background.

rock garden

This kind of landscape design is a miniature imitation of mountainous terrain. A feature of such design projects is the use of those plantations that will create the impression of a natural landscape, in the formation of which a person did not take part. It is not difficult to create such an effect with your own hands using coniferous plants in your backyard.

The only recommendation in this case will be the use of those trees and shrubs that grow in the mountains. Of course, you will have to make an adjustment for the size of the plantations, so that the rock garden becomes a miniature likeness of mountains.

A good solution would be to imitate the transition of the forest into alpine meadows. To do this, a hill is formed from dense soil without stony inclusions, on which dwarf trees will coexist with lush grass.

Tip: When forming a rock garden, the best solution would be to use subalpine fir, Cossack juniper, western arborvitae, drooping thuja, pea-bearing cypress, mountain pine, etc.


Now that we have looked at how to apply conifers in the landscape, we can take a fresh approach to shaping the design of the infield ().

If you still have questions, you can find more useful information by watching the video in this article.


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