Wright style home design. Wright Style Country House (Prairie House or Prairie Style)

The main idea of ​​the "Wright" style in architecture is maximum harmony with nature. Such buildings organically fit into the surrounding landscape, become a natural addition to the landscape and combine simplicity, comfort and functionality. This is an ideal option for suburban construction, and therefore Wright-style houses are becoming more and more popular every year.

The style of organic architecture was created in the early 20th century by American pioneering architect Frank Lloyd Wright. He was an opponent of complex and bulky structures, the monotony of buildings, and therefore actively involved the natural landscape in his projects. The flat steppes of America inspired him to create squat houses, as if trying to merge with the horizon, and this direction became known as the prairie style.

During his life, Wright created more than a thousand projects, among which were not only residential buildings, but also churches, schools, museums, office buildings and skyscrapers. He used various styles and their elements, but the main emphasis was, of course, on organic architecture. Over time, the popularity of "prairie houses" has grown markedly, and the style direction began to be called the name of its creator.

Distinctive features

Wright-style mansions and cottages are very diverse, but they all have common features:

  • horizontal orientation of buildings;
  • angularity and squat;
  • visual division of the facade into many sections;
  • open plan;
  • finishing with natural materials in various combinations.

The houses look very concise and cozy, no pretentious details, complex elements, everything is simple and functional.

style architecture

Initially, the layout of such houses was T-shaped or in the form of a cross: rectangular elements intersected at right angles, forming a non-standard, but very convenient and reliable design. Modern projects are predominantly rectangular and L-shaped, which saves building space.

The houses are low, even if there is a second and third floor, and the impression of earthiness is further enhanced by the horizontal orientation of the buildings. The angularity of the buildings is given by numerous rectangular ledges - bay windows, multi-level extensions, square columns. There is no basement and high foundation, but the house itself is most often built on a hill. The roofs are 3 and 4 pitched, with a slight slope, sometimes almost flat. characteristic feature roof structures are very wide overhangs, borrowed from oriental architecture.

Materials for construction and decoration

Brick is widely used for building walls. ceramic blocks, natural stone. For overlays - wooden beam and concrete. And here frame structures for Wright's style are not typical, as well as completely wooden houses. Eclecticism is welcomed in the decoration: a combination of concrete and glass with natural wood and rough stone. There are many options for combining stone and smoothly plastered walls.

The most common option exterior finish is a facade cladding with decorative brick or torn stone, broken down into sections horizontal stripes concrete. The borders of ledges, parapets and awnings, sometimes windows are also framed with concrete. Wood is used for lining eaves overhangs, finishing of terraces and extensions, erection of partitions. As roofing material the most demanded is natural and soft tiles, less often - corrugated board.


The windows in such houses are adjacent to the roof itself, they can be located along the perimeter of the building with a continuous tape. As a rule, they have a square or rectangular shape, a small number of lintels, and no shutters. Window openings are always framed with concrete strips or thick boards. Expensive projects suggest the presence of panoramic windows on both sides of the main entrance.


The layout of the houses necessarily includes the presence of a wide open terrace, and sometimes more than one. The interior spaces are also quite spacious, despite low ceilings, and the smooth transition from one room to another creates a sense of continuous space. Doorways are wide, strict rectangular shape. Arched structures for this style are uncharacteristic.

Wright houses: color palette
facades and interiors

Color spectrum

The color scheme of Wright-style houses includes predominantly neutral and warm colors. natural colors: beige, sand, all shades of gray and brown. White is rarely used, and is always combined with other shades. The roof should be darker than the walls, and the overhangs should be light-colored (usually white or beige). Design elements of corners and openings are matched to the color of the roof.

House "Kenneth Laurent"

Facade decoration in the style of Wright

It is very difficult to design and build a building in the Wright style on your own if you do not have an architectural education. But with the right finishes, you can transform standard housing and make it look like prairie houses. To make the facade seem squat, at the level window openings around the perimeter of the house you need to mount a wide concrete cornice or. The same cornice must be installed along the upper edge of the walls.

For cladding suitable tile under wild stone or torn brick - this finish looks great, and it’s easy to do it yourself.

Preparatory stage

Exterior walls before finishing should be properly prepared. Cladding requires a strong, reliable base with flat surface, without vertical deviations. Having cleaned the walls of dirt and dust, they carefully inspect them for defects: cracks, chips, fungus damage, peeling of the old coating. Everything that does not hold tightly, crumbles, should be removed to a solid base, otherwise quality finishes will not work. The areas affected by the fungus must also be cleaned with a scraper, and then treated with any agent containing chlorine.

Protrusions of more than 15 mm are knocked down with a chisel and a hammer.

After that, a level or an even long rail is applied to the wall plane in several places to determine the degree of surface curvature. If there are many irregularities and differences in height are more than 15-20 mm, leveling with plaster should be done according to beacons.

Before leveling, the walls are primed and allowed to dry well.

For plastering, you can use the usual cement-sand mortar or purchased mix cement base. It is a little more expensive, but much better in quality: it does not shrink, has increased resistance to moisture, and dries quickly. Applied plaster mixture in 2-3 layers, each of which, after drying, is rubbed and polished. Finally, the walls are again covered with a primer.

Installation of facade cornices

When building prairie houses, the horizontal demarcation of the facade is done with concrete strips during the laying of the walls. In our case, you can use wide facade cornices made of polyurethane or fiber-reinforced concrete, which look just as good. You can buy them at any hardware store.

Advice. In order for the cornices to match the style of decoration, you should choose products of a simple rectangular shape, with the least pronounced relief. Optimal Height eaves - 140-150 mm.

To install polyurethane cornices you will need:

If fiber-reinforced concrete cornices are chosen for finishing, you will additionally need dowel-nails for fastening, as well as drills and a drill.

Step 1. Determine the height of the cornice on the facade. If the house is two-story, the cornice is attached between the floors and along the upper edge of the facade. AT one-story houses the demarcation line can run at the level of the lower or upper edge of the window opening, or in the center of the window. If the walls are high, you can mount two cornice belts.

Step 2 At the selected height, a horizontal line is beaten off along the perimeter of the house. Along the marking line, the walls are primed to the height of the eaves. It is desirable to take the soil with quartz filler.

Step 3 Glue is prepared: pour the dry ingredients into a container with water and stir with a mixer until smooth.

Take a polyurethane cornice, cover back side glue and form grooves with a notched trowel. The wall is also covered with a uniform layer of mortar, after which a cornice is applied to the surface. Check the location with a level, press it to the base along the entire length of the product. Excess glue along the edges is carefully removed with a narrow spatula.

Step 4 They take the next element, glue the back side and the end of the cornice with glue, apply it to the wall, tightly joining with the previous one. The rest of the elements are fixed in the same way, constantly controlling the horizontal. When finishing corner joints, the ends of two adjacent cornices are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 5 When the glue dries, the surface of the cornice is sanded with fine sandpaper, dusted off, and the seams are sealed with sealant. Finally, the finish is primed and painted white.

Fibre-reinforced concrete cornices are much heavier than polyurethane ones, so glue alone is not enough. In this case, holes for fasteners are carefully drilled from the back of the product, in its upper part, deepening by half the thickness of the cornice. The distance between the holes is 40-50 cm, the extreme holes are located 10-15 mm from the ends. The same holes are drilled in the wall, exactly observing the specified distance.

Dowel-nails are inserted into the holes in the wall, then an adhesive solution is applied to the wall and to the cornice, the product is applied to the surface so that the fasteners fit exactly into the holes. Having aligned the horizontal, the cornice is pressed against the wall and the excess mortar is removed with a spatula. Finishing is carried out in the manner described above.

Facade cladding

Ideal for cladding fake diamond, which in appearance practically does not differ from natural, but has less weight and is easier to install. You can choose two types of stone that differ in texture and color, then the lining will look even more spectacular.

In the process of work you will need:

Before starting work, experts recommend spreading stones from 2-3 packs on the ground to see how the finish will look on the wall. This will help determine the optimal width of the seams between the elements, select the pattern of the masonry.

Advice. Before installation, you need to inspect the back side of the stones: if it is glossy or has traces of cement milk, additional processing with a metal brush is required.

Step 1.: pour the dry component into a container with water and stir with a mixer until smooth. Be sure to adhere to the proportions specified by the manufacturer, otherwise the quality of the masonry may decrease.

Step 2 The stones of the first row are laid face down and the back side is moistened with water. While the water is absorbed, the adhesive solution is applied with a spatula to the wall, starting from the bottom of the corner. The layer should be even and not too thick. A notched trowel is carried out over the applied layer, forming a relief.

Step 3 A solution is also applied to the back side of the stone and it is leveled with a spatula with a layer of about 6 mm thick. They are pressed against the wall, leveled and pressed into the mortar with zigzag movements. Additionally, you can trim the element with a rubber mallet.

Step 4 The next fragment is fixed, leaving a seam of the required width between the stones. If glue gets on the front surface, gently wipe it off with a damp sponge.

During installation, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the row by applying a level to the upper edge of the stones. For ease of installation, special corner elements are attached to the corners.

Step 5 Having completed the laying of the first row, proceed to the second. To prevent the stones from slipping and to ensure the evenness of the seams, wooden wedges of appropriate thickness are inserted between the lower and upper stones. Vertical seams should not match, so you need to start the row not with a whole stone, but with a half. The material is easy to process, and cutting it with a grinder is not difficult.

Step 6 All subsequent rows are laid in exactly the same way, observing the dressing of the seams and controlling the horizontal level of the lining. During the installation process, try to evenly alternate the stones in size and color, so the finish will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Step 7 After 3-5 days, you can start processing the seams. To do this, knead the grout solution, collect it in a special bag and gently squeeze the mixture into the cavity of the joints between the stones. Joints must be filled to the same depth, but not less than 5 mm from the base.

Step 8 About half an hour after application, when the grout begins to set, it is smoothed out with a joint or a narrow spatula. Excess mixture is carefully removed from the lining with the same spatula or brush.

After the solution has completely dried, the lining is treated with a water repellent. You can apply the composition with a brush, but it is more convenient to use a sprayer, especially if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade is large enough. Before treating the surface with a water repellent, you should carefully study the instructions for its use.

Unitarian Meeting House - architect Frank Lloyd Wright

Video - Wright style houses

Video - Stone cladding

Video - Installation of the facade cornice

Idea organic architecture , which is one of the directions constructivism and rationalism , was put forward by the American architect and art theorist Frank Llod Wright (1869 - 1959). It has received worldwide recognition and practical implementation in many countries.
F. L. Wright assigned the role of architecture as a unifying principle between man and the environment. In his opinion, it should first of all "serve" the vital activity of a person, and only then be a symbol of the abstract concepts of "good" and "beauty". The building should not overwhelm the landscape, but naturally grow out of it, merging with it and forming an organic unity.

F. L. Wright's most famous building in the style of organic architecture, recognized by art critics and historians as a masterpiece of architecture, most embodying main idea of this style - merging with the natural landscape, has become Villa E. Kaufman "Above the waterfall" built in 1936 - 1939 years in Pennsylvania:

Rough masonry walls of chipped stone naturally continued the rocks, merging with a small waterfall, mighty trees and a small stream. Reinforced concrete beams fixed in the rock supported complex system overhanging terraces. The stairs in the center of the house descended directly to the waterfall. Thus, the inhabitants of this dwelling had real opportunity to live, as it were, inside a wonderful landscape, and not just admire it from the outside. The architecture of this building literally "dissolved" in nature.

Here are some more views of the villa "Above the waterfall":


F. L. Wright's interests included private country villas, as well as massive urban developments. But unlike Le Corbusier, in his understanding of functionality, he included not only the appropriate layout of rooms and the choice of structures, but also the connection with nature, climate, established traditions and local building materials.
Under the influence of Japanese architecture, he developed his so-called "prairie style" - light, overhanging cornices, low open terraces, located in secluded gardens near natural reservoirs.

In just a decade, Wright has created more than 100 private homes, each of which brought a unique architectural solution, thus proving that constructivism can be interesting and diverse (in general, Wright's authorship belongs to more than 300 different structures).

Here are some of the most interesting buildings of this architect:

Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium
at the University of Arizona (1962 - 1964):

Imptrial Hotel
in the Japanese city of Nagoya (1916):

Taliesin East (1937) in Wisconsin:

and Taliesin West (1937) in Arizona:

The Westcott House in Springfield, Ohio (1908):

One of the most famous buildings in New York - Museum contemporary art Solomon Guggenheim - is also the work of F. L. Wright, and his last work; it was finished in 1959 year, in the year of the 90th anniversary of the architect and the year of his death:

However, it is obvious that in this project Wright moved away from the organic style, moving on to the international style of Le Corbusier. And although this building is considered "the apotheosis of Wright's work," I find it much less attractive than his buildings in the style of organic architecture.
Although, Wright's idea was very interesting. Museum visitors had to view the exhibition from top to bottom, first taking the elevator to top floor, and then gradually descending the central spiral ramp. This plan of the architect was not realized: at present, the exposition is viewed from the bottom up.

Wright architectural style or Orient is common in modern residential building construction.

He "came" to Russia from amazing and beautiful Japan, bringing oriental flavor to the development of architecture.

The main feature of Wright style houses- these are interesting roofs flat shape which look very unusual. They have large offsets, which is also typical for this direction.

The famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright was the founder of this style in America and Europe.

Wright style features

The style is considered very organic for country houses and cottages.

The famous architect himself was of the opinion that buildings should be squat and angular.

Luxurious pilasters and majestic columns are not his direction.

Houses created in the Wright style should be a continuation of the earth, that is, they should look as natural as possible - nothing pretentious and outrageous.

Segmented buildings are also characteristic of this style direction.

These are one-story or two-story eclectic houses.

natural wood and natural stone are successfully combined with concrete and glass finishing elements. Houses built in the Wright style are small, contrasting buildings that are rarely seen in Russia.

Decorated facades are not typical for this architectural direction. The "highlight" of the style is huge panoramic windows, which allow you to fill the interior space with natural light.

In the construction of suburban buildings, Wright's style has long been very popular. Over the years, its popularity has only increased.

Real fans functionality, aesthetics and concise details should appreciate such an architectural design.

Features of projects of houses in the style of Wright

The houses, which were built according to the plan of the famous American architect, have long been historical monuments. But in the creation of new residential buildings, this style continues to be actively used.

What does Wright's house plans look like?? They may have their own nuances, but the general direction will still be visible.

To the main features inherent in all such structures include:

  • Large wide windows;
  • Usage horizontal lines ;
  • Feeling of building integrity divided into segments;
  • Hinged flat roofs with original finish;
  • The combination of minimalism with natural, natural forms.

For architectural projects This style is characterized by a combination of several materials.

Stucco, marble and brick look perfect together and create a feeling of some kind of monolithic, imposing buildings.

Art Nouveau is closest to Wright's style in its unique features.

Therefore, in the project can take into account the creation original stairs with wrought iron railings with patterns in the form of leaves. However, much should depend on the individual wishes of the customer himself.

In houses, you can combine rectangular volumes in different planes.

Depending on the project unique interiors are created.

For example, a combined living room and kitchen, as well as separate bathrooms with a toilet, can occupy the largest areas.

The rest of the area can be evenly distributed between the hall and the hallway. A Wright-style house with a small summer terrace is the preferred option for many clients.

The project may include long roof overhangs.

Such a design protects from excessive hit of sunshine in the room in the hot summer and allows not to hang up blinds. The development of an architectural and structural design plan can take approximately one and a half months.

In the houses of the “Wright style”, a certain integrity of the space of the room with furniture immediately catches the eye.

Typically, designers select interior items in such a way that vertical lines was as small as possible. This provides a large free space.

The segmentation and angularity of the external architecture is also reflected in the internal interior.

Fixtures square shape suspended from the ceilings create an even greater sense of boundless space.

Style color scheme

Wright's style suggests unique combinations. Dining room decoration with natural stone and a standard kitchen will be an excellent example of submission to this architectural direction.

Concerning colors, then preference is given to calm and neutral shades. But the randomness of colors and artsy gilded patterns will clearly not correspond to the classical ideas about Wright's houses.

When developing a project, it will be appropriate to remember about the combination of features of ethnos and minimalism. Prairie style (Wright) is always striking in its simplicity and uniqueness. Outwardly identical houses differ in original features of interior decoration.

Unfortunately, projects of such residential buildings are not in great demand in Russia. Only little by little these Japanese houses with flat roofs are beginning to be built in some cities.

Love large areas, lots of decor and functionality? Then a prairie-style house will suit you best. Such buildings are distinguished by their squatness, low roofs and massive cornices protruding from the general geometry. The features of this direction were formed under the influence of Japanese architecture - as a result, numerous internal spaces appeared, smoothly flowing into each other.

Interesting, "spread out" buildings fit perfectly into the environment due to the presence of a variety of loggias, terraces, windows, and hinged roofs. Although the style itself is minimalist.

With a prairie-style home design, you can embody your own personality - you don't have to follow the rules. The direction is quite flexible, first of all, it involves the preservation of the conceptual "handwriting".

Prairie Style - Wright's Free Plan

Large rectangular rooms made of natural material and in harmony with nature - that's what Wright's houses are called. The architect calls his buildings organic, because his main desire was to create maximum functionality and comfort in the house. Thus, free construction began to appear, based on many horizontal lines and squat.

The first houses directly from the creator of the style were T-shaped, where 2 similar rectangular spaces intersected with each other. The design looked a little unusual, even eccentric, but it was distinguished by sufficient strength and stability. Moreover, the architect Special attention paid high level lighting, so even the choice of terrain for the construction of a new house, he approached quite carefully - he determined the best place for building on a hill, so that as much as possible got into the house natural light. In this regard, in the projects of prairie-style houses, a large number of windows, sometimes large in size, are assumed.

Where did Wright, the founder of the prairie style, get his inspiration?

Probably many people have a question why this direction in architecture has acquired such a name. The Great Plains of the United States became the source of the style, giving it its horizontal orientation and squatness. It seems that the houses want to become invisible, to merge with the horizon line.

The architect learned a lot from oriental motifs. Hooked on his hinged roofs, which strove to get away from the main foundation. Minimalism also had a special impact, and thanks to functional, neat forms, it was possible to bring it closer to the conditions of naturalism. By adding naturalness, Wright was able to create beautiful, comfortable and practical interiors. He adhered to the paradigm of natural organicity, the house must be combined with the landscape. The clear boundary is blurred.

Consider the main features of the prairie style:

  • All lines are horizontal. A prairie-style cottage of 2 or more floors will still visually “spread”, “snuggle” to the ground.
  • Angularity, clear lines of minimalism. The style has a peculiarity in that, with a pronounced severity of external forms, they try to merge with nature, fitting perfectly into the space.
  • The presence of hinged flattened roofs, which suggest the location a large number long balconies. Such a roof is the “right” hand of horizontality, because it is thanks to it that even a high-rise building can be “grounded”, divided.
  • Segmentation. Interfloor ceilings, roofs divide the building into sections, auxiliary elements become columns that carry the role of vertical dividers. The peculiarity is that such a structure from the side looks like it was built from many solid cubes.
  • Naturalness. As for the decoration, such materials as stone and wood prevail here (of course, on a par with concrete and glass). Today, siding fits perfectly into the outlines of prairie-style houses, and mixing several types of materials is also popular, which further emphasizes the geometric, segmented division of the structure. For example, the room in which the kitchen is located can be isolated from the outside with a stone, etc. - everything is in your hands and depends on the imagination and skill of the architect.
  • Unity with nature. Such residential buildings should not create a contrast in the existing landscape. Key moment architectural style- Eastern orientation, which allows us to perceive the building as a single whole with nature.
  • Panoramic glazing. The correct forms of the building, its even high walls are conducive to placement large windows. This is a great tactic that works both outside and inside the home. Such a structure reflects the surroundings, merging with nature, and the interior areas become brighter, more spacious due to the large amount of natural light.

Wright's aspiration was the reunification of the modern and nature, as indeed happens in modernity. But there is a difference here:

  • Art Nouveau “packs everything in nature”, where smoothness and aesthetics become the main elements;
  • prairie extracts all the most important things from nature, skillfully combining with functionality and neutral forms.

What does the interior of prairie-style guest houses look like?

To make your home as functional, organic and at the same time cozy as possible, you should adhere to a given style not only when decorating the building from the outside, but also take care of its correct design inside.

What are the features of the interior of Wright's house inluxury house projects ?

  • Form specifics. The first thing that catches your eye is the integrity of the common space and furnishings. Each piece of furniture is selected in such a way as to emphasize the horizontal extent and elongation of the direction as much as possible. Visually, it is done so that there are as few vertical lines as possible, and at the same time they are shorter. Due to the fact that the rooms are thought out high ceilings, large spaces, panoramic windows, the house is spacious, filled with natural light. In terms of functional orientation, prairie-style cottages resemble loft houses. Segmentation and angularity are present not only in architecture from the outside, but also in design. interior spaces. A special atmosphere is created by interesting angular lamps, which not only emphasize the geometry of the style, but also resemble paper lanterns in Asian motifs. Often the choice stops at simple plain cabinets, but at the same time their color should be slightly different from the shade of the walls. Therefore, in such houses it is customary not to divide the space with walls, but by zoning (using various finishes, masonry, smoothly turning into painted walls, etc.).
  • Convenience, practicality. These moments are achieved thanks to the minimalist bias. Therefore, the interior contains everything you need - everything so that nothing "clutters up" the space, but only contributes to maximum functionality. Ordering the construction of a cottage in the Wright style, you need to remember that you will receive not only an aesthetically perfect building that is pleasing to the eye, but also a comfortable home that promotes relaxation of body and soul. When choosing furniture, these points are also taken into account - it is geometrically correct, simple, comfortable (squat and strong beds, square cabinets made of durable wood). The interior will “speak” about the reliability of the home, while in no way losing its lightness.
  • Color solutions. Luxury prairie-style houses are also characterized by minimalism in colors. Everything is simple here - the shades are simple, restrained, calm. The basis of the entire interior is natural tones (sand, gray, white, brown), but it is also possible to use a few bright spots for accents that can somewhat “revive” the overall image.
  • Finishing facilities. The rooms are decorated to match the outer walls - brick, marble, gypsum plaster. It is these materials that create a sense of security, weight on large areas Houses. There are no restrictions on the use of only natural components - eclectic intersection with modern ones is allowed.
  • Accessories are also present. Let minimalism have everything you need, and in Wright's style there is always a little more. To the natural simplicity, clarity of forms, details of the ethnic group, it is possible to pick up any details, both specially selected for the style, and simply insanely liked. At the same time, it is important to know when to stop - in prairie-style guest houses there should not be chaos and an overabundance of details that can lead to a violation of the basic concept of style. It is beautiful in itself, and too much jewelry can only spoil everything.

It's easy to create a unique luxury home in the prairie style

The exclusivity of this architectural, design direction, created by Wright, is explained by the combination of several styles (ethnos, organic, minimalism). Perhaps such a mixture would be called eclecticism, only now Lloyd Wright managed to create a separate, independent direction. And he managed to perfectly combine comfort, spaciousness, uniqueness and simplicity.

The maximum freedom of space is skillfully complemented by ergonomics, engineering systems, competent planning and zoning purposefully "work" to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house.

Correctly recreate the style, clearly following the traditions, while professionals with extensive experience will be able to build a strong, reliable, durable house. Turning to InnovaStroy, you will receive a lot of benefits and guarantees. The company has a lot of successfully implemented luxury house projects created according to individual customer requests.

Specialists undertake the execution of all tasks from scratch, starting with surveys and selection of suitable areas for construction, ending with the construction of a residential building and the coordination of all documents in responsible authorities.

Organic architecture is a whole philosophy based on the ideas of harmonious coexistence of man and the environment. The founder of this style was the American architect F. L. Wright, who created his own school, where future architects study in the 21st century.

organic architectural style

Any architecture is created according to certain physical and aesthetic natural laws, as well as according to the rules of geometric constructions in the Euclidean coordinate system. Unlike traditional facilities built in rectangular shapes, in organic, the concept of inscribing the building into a single living complex with the surrounding landscape and nature is taken as a basis.

Organic Architecture Challenge ( organic architecture, lat.) that the form of the structure and its placement should be in harmony with the natural landscape. Only natural materials are allowed.

This architecture has 3 main aspects:

  • environmentally friendly materials that are safe for humans;
  • the bionic form of the object;
  • use of the natural landscape.

The founder of this style is the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, who developed and supplemented the theory of his mentor Louis Sullivan.

F. L. Wright and his objects

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959 ) over 70 years of creativity created and translated into reality the theory of the composition of architecture as an organic integral space, which is completely inseparable from its environment. The idea of ​​its continuity is based on the principle of free planning and is widely used by modern architects.

According to the projects of F. L. Wright, country mansions and residential buildings were built, as well as public buildings, during the creation of which he used the principle of overflowing spaces. In total for your creative life he managed to design 1141 buildings, including not only residential buildings, but also churches, schools, museums, offices, etc. Of these, 532 projects have been implemented, and 609 are at an unfinished stage.

In addition to F. L. Wright, he also designed furniture, fabrics, art glass, tableware, and silverware. He also became famous as a teacher, writer and philosopher, having written 20 books and many articles, actively promoted his ideas, lecturing in different regions USA and Europe.

One of Wright's projects, devoted to the development of decentralized American cities on the example of Broadacre, continues to be discussed by scholars and writers of the 21st century.

Main used Construction Materials: stone, bricks, wood and concrete. Their natural texture is an additional decorative technique that creates an impression of the integrity and naturalness of the object and nature. For example, concrete wall fits like a rock in the middle of the forest. The stone facade is often made of rough blocks, the floors are made of rough granite; if logs, then only rough and uncouth.

One of the main ideas of organic architecture - integrality, or wholeness, is designed to create the impression of a constructed object as a single whole, not divided into details. Minimalism and the desire for simplicity are welcome, the smooth flow of one room into another. It was Wright who came up with the idea to combine the dining room, kitchen and living room into a single whole using an open plan.

Instead of a lot of decor and variety in color design a limited number of materials are used large area buildings and reception of the maximum degree of glazing.

Wright architecture principles

The new doctrine of the evolution of architecture was formulated by L. Sullivan, taking into account the provisions biological science in the 1890s. It was later embodied and refined by his follower, F. L. Wright, in the 20th century.

The main principles of organic architecture formulated by Wright:

  • use straight lines and streamlined shapes whenever possible when designing a building, the proportions of which should be as close to human as possible for comfortable life in him;
  • develop the minimum required number of rooms in the house, which together should form a closed space, permeated with air and freely visible;
  • linking the structural parts of the building into a single whole, giving it a horizontal extension and emphasizing a plane parallel to the ground;
  • leave the best part of the surrounding landscape outside the object and use it for auxiliary functions;
  • it is impossible to give the house and rooms the shape of a box, but to use the flow of one space into another with a minimum number of internally divided rooms;
  • instead of foundation utility rooms at the base of the building there should be a low base;
  • entrance openings must correspond to the proportions of a person and be placed naturally according to the scheme of the building: instead of walls, transparent enclosing screens can be used;
  • during construction, strive to use only one material, not to use a combination of various natural textures;
  • lighting, heating and water supply are designed as components of the building itself and its building structures;
  • the interior and furnishings should have a simple form and be combined with the elements of the building;
  • do not use decoration in the interior.

Architectural style and human needs

The famous psychologist A. Maslow developed a general hierarchy of human needs, called the pyramid:

  • physiological (proper nutrition, clean air and environment);
  • feeling of security;
  • family;
  • social recognition and self-respect;
  • spiritual.

The goal of creating any object in an organic style in architecture is to implement all levels Maslow's pyramids, especially the most important of them - the self-development of the person for whom the house will be built.

According to the concept of F. L. Wright, great importance when designing and building a house, it is given to personal communication with the customer and the creation for him of such a living space that would satisfy all his spiritual, social, family, physiological needs and provide the necessary security.

Architectural career and Prairie Houses

F. L. Wright's career began at the Adler & Sullivan Architecture Company of Chicago, founded by the ideologue of the Chicago school. Then, in 1893, he founded his own firm, in which he began designing his first houses. Already in his initial works, a clear perception of spatiality can be traced, in which he “spreads” all the houses along the ground.

At the beginning of his activity, Wright was engaged in the construction of private mansions for clients. Great fame was brought to him by the "Prairie Houses", which were built in 1900-1917. and created using the principles of Wright's organic architecture. The architect created the objects using the ideal of the unity of the building and nature.

All houses are made with an open horizontal plan, the roof slopes are taken out of the building, finished with raw natural materials, on the plot there are terraces. Like Japanese temples, their facades are rhythmically divided by frames, many houses are built in the shape of a cross, where the center is a fireplace, and around is an open space.

The architect also designed the internal interiors on his own, including furniture and decor, pursuing the goal of fitting them organically into the space of the house. The most famous houses: Willits, Martin, Robie's house, etc.

At the beginning of the 20th century F. L. Wright achieved great popularity in Europe, where he released in 1910-1911. two books about the new organic style in architecture, which marked the beginning of its spread among European architects.


Own dwelling, or "Taliesin" ( Taliesin) F. L. Wright built in his style in 1911, and it became his longest project, which was repeatedly completed and altered. A house was being built from local limestone among the hills of northwestern Wisconsin, in a valley that had previously belonged to relatives of his family. The name comes from the name of an ancient Welsh druid and translates as "luminous peak".

Taliesin was designed according to all the principles of organic architecture on a hillside surrounded by trees. The building embodies the idea of ​​a harmonious unity of man and nature. Horizontally located window openings alternate with creeping rows of roofs and wooden railings, which serve as interfloor fencing. The interior of the house was created by the owner himself and decorated with a collection of Chinese porcelain, antique Japanese screens and sculptures.

There were two fires in "Taliesin" - in 1914 and 1925, and each time the house was rebuilt. For the second time, together with Wright, students who studied at his school participated in the revival of the house.

Wright School of Architecture

The official name of the educational institution established in 1932 is “Architectural School of F.L. Wright", but during the life of the organizer it was called the Taliesin partnership, which attracted young people who wanted to learn the principles of organic architecture of the 20th century. Workshops were also set up here, in which future specialists learned to process limestone themselves, cut down trees and make the necessary parts for construction.

Another "Taliesin West" was founded in Arizona, where workshops, educational and residential buildings for students were built, and later - a library, a cinema hall and theaters, a canteen and other necessary buildings. The guests called this complex "an oasis in the middle of the desert". Many of Wright's students continued to work on various projects architect, others left and founded their own architectural firms.

In 1940, the F. L. Wright Foundation was founded, which still manages his school of architecture and prepares students for a master's degree in architecture.

Architect's personal life

The founder of the new architectural style, F. L. Wright, had a stormy personal life: in the past 92 years, he managed to get married 4 times and had many children. His first chosen one in 1889 was Catherine Lee Tobin, who bore him 6 children.

In 1909, he left his family and went to Europe with his future wife Maymah Botwick Cheney. After returning to the USA, they settle in a built own house"Taliesine". In 1914, a mentally ill servant, in the absence of the owner, kills his wife and 2 children and burns down their house.

A few months after the tragedy, F. L. Wright met his admirer M. Noel and married her, but their marriage lasted only a year.

From 1924 until the end of his life, he was next to his 4th wife, Olga Ivanovna Lazovich-Gintsenberg, whom they signed in 1928. They had a daughter. After his death in 1959, Olgivanna managed his foundation for many years.

house above the waterfall

F. L. Wright became world famous for his country house in Pennsylvania, built by him on the order of the Kaufman family, built over a waterfall. The project was implemented in 1935-1939, when the architect began to use reinforced concrete structures and learned to combine them with the romance of the surrounding landscape.

Having learned about the architect's decision to erect a building almost above the waterfall, civil engineers unequivocally came to the conclusion that it would not stand for long, because according to the project, water flowed directly from under the foundation. To meet the requirements of the client, Wright additionally strengthened the house with steel supports. This building made a huge impression on contemporaries, which helped the architect to increase interest in himself among customers.

The building is a composition of reinforced concrete terraces, vertical surfaces are made of limestone and placed on supports above the water. The house above the waterfall stands on a cliff, part of which remains inside and is used as an interior detail.

House-attraction, which still surprises with used building technologies, was reconstructed in 1994 and 2002, when steel supports were added to it for strength.

Public buildings designed by F.L. Wright

In 1916-1922. the architect takes part in the construction of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, in which he widely used the ideas of integrity structural elements which helped the building to withstand the 1923 earthquake.

In the 1940s and 50s, Wright used his style to build public buildings in the United States. by the most famous examples The headquarters of Johnson Wax, located in Racine (Wisconsin) and the S. Guggenheim Museum in New York (1943-1959), are considered organic architecture.

The structural basis of the central hall of the Johnson Wax company is "tree-like" columns, expanding upwards. The same structure is repeated in the laboratory room, where all the rooms are grouped around the “trunk” with elevators, and the floor slabs are combined in the form of squares and circles. Lighting is provided through transparent glass tubes.

The apotheosis of Wright's architectural creativity was the building of the museum, which was designed and built over the course of 16 years. The project is based on an inverted spiral, and inside the structure looks like a shell with a glass courtyard in the center. Inspection of the exposition, according to the architect's idea, should take place from top to bottom: having taken the elevator under the roof, visitors then gradually go down in a spiral. However, in the 21st century the museum management abandoned this idea, and the expositions are now viewed in a standard way, starting from the entrance.

The style of organic architecture in the 21st century

The revival of modern organic architecture in the design and construction of buildings is facilitated by architects from many European countries: Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Poland, etc. All of them adhere to the principles of organic unity of space and nature developed by F. L. Wright, enriching modern architectural trends with their creativity and embodying philosophical and psychological ideas of building real structures as living objects designed for a comfortable and harmonious life of people.

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