Winter flowerbed. Flowerbed of continuous flowering from perennials: scheme

Before making a flower garden continuous flowering with perennials, you need to carefully prepare for this interesting and responsible process.

The first thing to do is to choose a place for the flower bed. Depending on the terrain, the flowers may be in the sun or vice versa - in the dense shade of trees and buildings.

Then you need to choose the flowers that will be planted.

In fact, this is the most important stage in the work. In parallel with the choice of plants, a plan is drawn up for their placement in the flower garden. The next step is preparing the soil for perennials.

After that - you need to arrange a flower bed natural stone or other suitable material.

The choice of form and place for a flower garden

In a summer cottage, which was originally intended for growing vegetables and fruits, finding a place for a flower garden is not so easy.

For many years, beds with carrots, beets and other vegetables have been given priority.

At the same time, some types of flowers were planted under the window of the house or along the path. Such landings did not require special care on the part of the owners.

At the same time, they helped to create a favorable atmosphere and served as decorative ornament territory.

The situation has changed even today, when the estate plan is developed, as a rule, places for plants of continuous flowering are determined on it.

Depending on the size and configuration of the allotted space, you should also decide on the shape of the flower garden.

The most widely used to date the following forms flower beds:

  • border;
  • flowerbed;
  • mixborder;
  • parterre;
  • discount.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.


A border is a narrow strip of land, 40-50 cm wide, on which one or two types of plants are placed.

It is often used as a decorative divider for certain areas on the site. It's very easy to create it.

The most important thing is to choose planting material from the category of annuals that have a maximum flowering period.

It is preferable to choose low-growing plants from annuals, although not necessarily. It depends on the specific conditions.


The flower bed, well known to gardeners, is a flower garden of regular geometric shape. Most often, a flower bed is placed in open areas, accessible for viewing from all sides.

One of important rules, which must be observed when breaking down, is the possibility of continuous flowering (including annuals) for a long period.

For this, perennial plants are selected, which are planted in a designated place according to a certain scheme.

With some experience, the gardener can choose color scheme for a flower garden that will be in harmony with the surrounding landscape.

If you have any questions, you can always get advice from a professional flower designer.


Mixborder in its form is a wide line that frames some object or is adjacent to the wall of the house.

Plants are selected in this flower garden in such a way that it looks elegant most of the year.
In addition to perennials, the mixborder contains ground cover plants, shrubs and small trees.

The layout of plants, as in all other options, is developed in accordance with specific conditions.

In order for the flowering of the mixborder to be continuous, it is necessary to know the features of growth ornamental plants. Know and skillfully combine them when placing.


Parterre is called a flower garden, on which plants form some kind of pattern or ornament. Most often it is made out using annual plants.

Rabatka is a wide and elongated strip. Sometimes it is confused with a curb. Rabatki are unilateral and bilateral.

In the first variant, plantings spread along hedges, buildings, structures. Double-sided plantings are placed parallel to each other along the path.

They consist of two or three crops, most often summer ones.

The choice of plants and the arrangement of such plantations is carried out according to general rules, which apply to all decorative objects.

A grand plan is not required here.

How to make a flower garden all-season?

Compositions of flowers always attract attention. However, not every one of them is able to hold the eye for a long time.

The simplest flower garden is done quickly and easily. The main thing is to have seeds or seedlings on hand. Until recently, some summer residents did just that.

It often turned out that for a month the flower bed delighted the eye with a riot of colors and shapes. Then the flowers withered and the remaining months, until winter, at best, turned green.

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering began to come into fashion gradually. As a rule, it takes only a year from an idea to implementation.

The main thing is to understand the basic principles and approaches to achieve your goal.

The first rule of creating a continuous flowering flower garden is to choose plants from among the perennials, so that they bloom at different times.

It is necessary to achieve such a result that the flower bed is in flowers, with early spring and until late autumn. Moreover, in winter period it should not turn into a snowdrift.

For the first time, the layout of the plants will not hurt. The diagram can be drawn on paper or drawn up on a computer using a program.

When a flower garden is broken up in an open area, then tall plants are placed in the center. Closer to the edge - medium and low. Ground covers can be planted along the contour.

The same sequence is observed when decorating a mixborder located along a wall or fence.

In order to create a flower bed with continuous flowering of perennials, it is not necessary to collect dozens of varieties and species.

It will be enough to choose 7-9 species that bloom at different times.

It is desirable to take into account the flowering period of each plant, within 3-4 weeks.

The simplest calculation shows that for one flowering plant there will be two species in the withering stage and the same number in the flowering stage.

The composition can include decorative deciduous specimens and re-blooming.

To fill the resulting gaps, it is allowed to sow annuals, which can be changed every year.

Plant selection

The scheme of the flower garden, which is formed from perennials, may include other types of plants. As a rule, perennial plants bloom for a short time.

This fact has to be taken into account and have ornamental grasses and individual plants with bright foliage “in stock”.

In this case, throughout the entire warm period, the flower bed will retain its design appearance.

It is important to make an accurate calculation of the timing of flowering for the main elements of the composition.

blooming in spring

This list includes: backache, snowdrop, lungwort, styloid phlox, crocus, narcissus.

All these perennials do not require special care and tolerate residual spring frosts well.

Here you can also add carnations, irises, coreopsis, peonies, yasnotka, which bloom until mid-June.

blooming in summer

Here, the list of perennials is much longer - delphinium, mallow, panicled phlox are unpretentious and resistant to hot weather.

This list also includes lilies, sage, sage, echinacea purpurea.

There are many other colors that will suit any flower bed.

blooming in autumn

First of all, you need to name the aster, which grows in all climatic zones and blooms until the first snow.

Next to her look good stonecrop-skripun, catnip, Japanese anemone, aconite, gelenium.

In some of these perennials, flowers are as bright as summer varieties.

Flowerbed care

A flower garden of perennials, which pleases the eye with continuous flowering from spring to late autumn, needs regular care.

Drawing a plan, picking up and planting plants are actions necessary, but not sufficient to achieve a lasting result. It is very important to water and weed the flower bed in a timely manner.

Loosening the soil is easy to make, but it is important to do this work early in the morning or after the sun has gone down.

Top dressing of perennials, removal of dried inflorescences and replanting of annuals is also done in a timely manner.

If an empty space appears on the flower bed, then it can be closed decorative stone or drop off suitable flower from annuals. It is advisable to close heat-loving varieties for the winter.

You can make a reliable shelter from special matter. Fallen leaves are not recommended.

It is advisable to draw up a work plan for preparing perennials for winter.

And then, already in the next season, a flower garden of perennial flowering will decorate the estate or summer cottage without additional efforts and costs on the part of gardeners.

Leafing through glossy landscape design magazines, you, sighing more than once, asked yourself the question: “How can you create such beauty with my own hands? Naturally, in order to create landscape compositions, whether it is a flower bed, an alpine slide or a stream, certain knowledge is needed.

Video piggy bank of ideas for creating a flower paradise in the country

How to break a flower garden: options for resolving the issue

If you do not have sufficient knowledge about how to set up a flower garden in a summer cottage, but you nevertheless take up its creation with enthusiasm, the result may not meet your expectations. What is the way out of the situation?

Spring riot of colors

There are several options:

- enroll in landscape design courses, pay a tidy sum for them, spend several months and gain basic knowledge about plants, soil and flower beds. But you still have to create flower beds on your own, making annoying mistakes and mistakes.

- choose a simpler method that will give guaranteed result, - use ready-made flower garden schemes suitable for the conditions of your summer cottage.

Do you have a desire to create? Then I advise you to choose the second, more affordable option. This option is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, if you have ready-made schemes and designs for flower beds. After studying them, you can do “drawing flowers” ​​- create a flower bed of your dreams with your own hands.

Choosing a place for a flower bed

First of all, on the plan of the summer cottage, it is necessary to determine the place for the flower bed. The flower bed can be different: a rabatka or a mixborder along the path, an arabesque flower bed against the backdrop of a lawn, a rustic or romantic flower bed in a shady corner of the garden.

The forms of flower beds are also different: geometric and free. Which flower garden to choose - it all depends on landscape design area and your preferences.

Flower garden-mixborder

On the plan of the flower garden, it is necessary to note the illuminated and shady places. This is very important for right choice assortment of plants and creating optimal conditions for their development and flowering.

These rules must be followed when forming a flower garden of continuous flowering, or, as it is also called, the “flower garden of four seasons”. These flower beds look beautiful all year round.

Flower garden of four seasons - the dream of any summer resident

The right combination of perennials makes it possible to contemplate the blooming splendor of plants for a whole season - from spring to late autumn. If you supplement the flower garden with conifers and some types of tall grasses, as well as a periwinkle or tenacious border, the flower bed will remain elegant even in winter.

When choosing plants for a continuous flowering flower bed, it must be remembered that the number of plant species depends on the size of the flower bed. If the flower garden is small, and there are too many perennials, instead of a sense of harmony, we get the exact opposite effect - a feeling of disorder and discomfort.

Low-growing perennials reveal their beauty in large groups. Their correct placement in the flower bed will appear during flowering. blooming in spring undersized perennials (snowdrops, primroses, muscari, hyacinths) are placed in the foreground.

Four Seasons Flower Garden

Plants of medium height (tulips, pyrethrums, digitalis) will occupy the middle part of the flower bed. The background will remain behind the high summer and autumn perennials - stonecrops, chrysanthemums, septembers. Herbs are planted between them - a cuff and a gray fescue.

Naturally, you should not count on the fact that in one season you will be able to create an ideal flower garden project. Therefore, if there is no experience, it is better to start with simpler flower beds.
Mistakes can be corrected by planting annual flowers between perennials.

Do-it-yourself flower beds according to ready-made schemes - you can’t imagine easier

Here are examples of decorating a garden with your own hands, using ready-made flower garden schemes.

"Piece of cake" in the corner of the garden

The shape of the flower garden resembles a piece of cake with a diameter of 2 meters. This flower garden will find a place in any corner of your garden. The color scheme of the flower bed is red-crimson and silver.

Sketch of the flower garden "Piece of Cake"

Scheme of the flower garden "piece of cake"

1. In the corner of the flower bed we plant a daylily of dark red color "Ed Murray" - 3 bushes.

2. Silvery leaves of wormwood "Silver Queen" will emphasize the beauty of velvet daylily flowers and create a favorable background for geyhera - 4 copies.

3. Macedonian corostavnik, variety "Mars Midget" dark red - 6 copies.

4. Heuchera with leaves burgundy- 6 bushes.

5. The wide part of the flower bed will be decorated with silver leaves of the chistets. We plant 5 copies.

Flower garden layout for the impatient

If you really want to see the fruits of your labors this year, I propose a flower bed scheme for the impatient. Its peculiarity is that all plants require a lot of sun. The background for this flower bed will be a fence, a blank wall or a group of coniferous plants.

Sketch of a "flower garden for the impatient"

Scheme "Flower garden for the impatient"

1. In the background of the flower garden we plant stock-roses of white, red and yellow color.
2. decorative sunflower, with inflorescences-baskets of bright yellow color, will complement the background.
3. Icelandic poppy will make the flower bed even brighter with its flowers.
4. Cardinal lobelia will lie in a red ribbon in the flower garden.

Blue-blue accents in the flower garden will place:
6. Kotovnik.
7. Poskharsky's bell.
8. Blue katananhe.

Bright red spots will create:
9. Feuerbal gravel.
10. Stonecrop "Matrona" will please with its splendor in the fall.
11. Blood red geyhera leaves will decorate the flower bed until frost.

Mixed flower beds

A flower garden of continuous flowering can be made more vivid and expressive if perennial and annual plants are planted in it. When planning the creation of such a flower garden, we take all the same perennials as a basis, we plant annuals in the free places between them, which will decorate the flower bed with abundant and long flowering.

Usage annual plantsperfect option when it is necessary to close unsightly places in a flower bed after perennials have faded, for example, bulbs.

It is better to start the process of creating a mixed flower bed, armed with a sheet of paper and colored pencils. On the plan of the flower garden, which is based on perennials, between faded plants or in their place, given the color scheme and flowering time, we “write” annuals with pencils. Thus, you can perfectly match the combination of colors in a mixed flower bed.

Scheme of a bright flower bed of annuals and perennials

Do you love everything bright? I offer you a project of a flower garden, which will become a real decoration of your dacha. It is so simple that even a "teapot" can create it. The color scheme is red, orange, pink and purple tones, and, of course, the bright green of the leaves.

Bright summer flowerbed

In the background of the flower beds we plant perennial heliotrope tree (1), the middle tier of the flower bed forms Sander's tobacco with scarlet flowers (2) and terry bright orange marigolds (3). In the parterre, the flowerbeds gave place to the pink New Guinean balsam (4).

Floral arrangement with dahlias

Although dahlias are perennials that require special care: digging in the fall and storing in the basement in the winter, many gardeners really like them. Bright and expressive, dahlias will perfectly fit into a summer flower bed. The peak of flowering of these beauties falls on July-September.

In our flower garden scheme, a bright yellow dahlia (1) is located in the center of the flower bed, next to it is a blue delphinium hybrid (2) and a monard (3). Bottom part flowerbeds are assigned to the common dubrovnik (4).

To make this flower bed look well-groomed, it is necessary to regularly remove wilted flowers of monarda and dahlias. If, after the first flowering, all flower stalks are removed from the delphinium, at the end of summer it will bloom again.

A flower bed in white and green tones: a scheme of a flower garden from annuals

If you need to lighten up a dark corner of the garden, or bright flowers annoy you, you can use the ready-made annual flower garden scheme, which looks very noble and sophisticated.

Green and white flower bed

Only three plants were planted at the club: smooth mollucella (1), tailed amaranth (2), large snapdragon (3), but they created a stunning effect.

Create an illusion with a flower garden

If your site has a dry stream, plants are planted on its banks. You will probably be wondering: how to properly break a flower garden around a dry stream to create the illusion of cool murmuring water? Here is one of options.

The bed of the brook is filled with large pebbles round shape. The stones in the center are painted blue. You can use blue glass balls for decoration. All these design "tricks" together with plants of cold colors will create a feeling of dynamics and coolness.

From the blue stream...

Bamboo leaf (1) will give the composition a sense of volume. If there is no bamboo, we can replace it with an ostrich. Bearded iris hybrids (2) will find their place on the bank of the stream, next to them lobelia (3) and creeping tenacious (4) will feel good. Downstream, between the boulders, lush bushes of the Poskharsky bluebell (5), hybrids of obrieta (6) and large-leaved bruner (7) will grow. Bright greenery will be added by awl-leaved bryozoan (8). The whole composition will be completed by a tenacious creeping red (9).

Flowers are the decoration of any garden, no matter where it is and no matter what size it is. Thanks to the successive color spots, even the most inconspicuous corner comes to life, only each flower garden requires careful and painstaking care.

The only way out of this situation is, which should be successfully picked up once, and the problem of annual planting and digging will be forgotten for several years. Only planning such a flower garden will have to take into account several important rules.

perennial flower garden layout

First of all, you should choose a site for the future flower bed and decide on the shape of the flower garden. There are no special rules and restrictions here, however, from any side, the flower bed being built should look decent.

As for the selection perennials for a flower bed in the country, it is important here to build on not only the preferred color scheme, but also on the type of parameters of the plants themselves:

  • The center of the composition should be perennials with the largest and bright colors.
  • They should be supplemented more modestly flowering plants.
  • Small and undersized perennials are used for gap filling and edging.

When choosing, it is important to see not only flowers, but also leaves: their shape, color and size. Greenery is no less decorative than flowering plants.

Tall plants are planted away if the flower bed is against a wall or. If the flower garden can be walked around, then the largest plants must be in the center of the composition. In such a structure, you can enter existing plantings: trees, shrubs or garden buildings, for example, an arch or a gazebo.

The best perennials for flower beds

These perennials are the most popular, unpretentious and spectacular at the same time, only on their basis you can create many options. original flower beds that will decorate the garden for several carefree years:

  • Astilbe - this is a unique plant that can be extremely decorative even in dense shade, and depending on the variety, they can be different sizes and have different colors of fluffy panicles - flowers that work for a record long time, up to ten weeks.
  • Helenium. Its flowering is abundant and long, from June until frost.
  • Geranium is magnificent- famous not only for large flowers, but also for decorative foliage, it grows in partial shade, under trees and in mixborders with other perennials, blooming from May to June, and then pleasing the eyes with feathery reddish leaves.
  • Kotovnik- unpretentious, resistant to any conditions and any light, but blooms especially luxuriantly in the sun.
  • Oriental poppy- unique in size of magnificent flowers. There are varieties that bloom in May - June, and later in June - July.
  • Cuff one of the most durable and unpretentious perennials for a flower bed with spectacular leaves.
  • sedum- able to revive planting at any time of the year, it is unpretentious and multiplies rapidly.
  • Rudbeckia- illuminates the garden with its flowers in late summer and autumn. The plant itself loves light and nutritious soil.
  • yarrow- his baskets different shades decorate flower beds from June to September.
  • hosta- one of the few shade-loving perennial flowers for the flower bed. classically combined with astilba.
  • Sage- decorates the garden with inflorescences of all shades of purple, and a delicate aroma from June until autumn.
  • Japanese anemone- this is the most beautiful perennial among the unpretentious. delicate flowers of all kinds of colors are magnificent not only in flowerbeds of perennials, but also in bouquets.

Perennial flower beds of your own design

When thinking about creating a flower bed from perennials, you should not particularly trust the beautiful photos on the bags of seeds. In order for plants to please with friendly and long flowering, much more important characteristics plants that will be useful when planning a flower garden.

You should not chase the number of species, it is more important to choose plants by color and flowering time.

First determine the size future landing and, based on the surrounding landscape and personal preferences, choose specific perennial flowers for the flower bed.

This takes into account:

  • the timing of flowering of each plant, so that at least three species constantly bloom in the flower bed;
  • conditions of growth and care;
  • harmonious combination with other species, for example, in terms of flower size or color.

On the square meter depending on the growth of a particular perennial planted a certain amount of plants:

  • At a height of 1 to 2 meters, 2-5 plants are planted.
  • With a height of 50 cm to 90 cm, 5-9 plants are required.
  • With a height of 20 cm to 40 cm, 7-12 plants are required.
  • Ground cover and undersized species are planted in the amount of 10-16 pieces.
  • Bulbous plants, regardless of growth, are planted at the rate of 12-25 pieces.

It is better to plant perennials according to pre-applied markings.

In an effort to achieve a dense cover in a flower bed, you should not plant perennials too closely. This will not allow the plant to grow and bloom in full force in the future.

Flowerbed of perennials for beginners

  1. Phlox purple or crimson;
  2. Astilba with pink tassels, blooming luxuriantly throughout the summer;
  3. Daylily with purple or lilac cups;
  4. Geichera with decorative frost-resistant leaves;
  5. Geranium is magnificent, pleasing with both flowering and variegated foliage.

Only five species of common and very unpretentious perennials for flower beds, it turns out, can become the basis of a very attractive composition of long flowering.

Flower garden of perennials on the background of the lattice

In such a flower garden, not only the horizontal plane is used, but also the vertical one. This decorative lattice, on which the clematis (15) and tender (14) that make up the background of planting are based. A little closer to the viewer is medicinal echination (13) and decorative allium balls (7), tall Korean mint (12) and lofant.

In the center of the composition are cone-shaped boxwood (10), silvery feathery wormwood (11) and deep purple multi-grate (8). On the sides, the flower bed is bordered by verbena (9), hybrid yarrow (6) and one of the types of cinquefoil (5).

In this example, the shortest species were closest to the edge of the flower bed: geranium with azure flowers (3), stonecrop (4), thyme (1) and cuff (2).

It is not at all necessary to copy with maximum accuracy the schemes and photographs of flower beds with perennials that you like and found in the network or gardening magazines. Any of the plants can be completely replaced if you choose another one with similar flowering periods and comfortable growing conditions. In the same way, you can change the color scheme of the flower bed, reduce or increase its size, adjusting it to your needs.

Healing flowerbed of perennial plants

Perennials are good because they allow you to experiment from the heart and create unique flower beds, even from not the most ordinary plants. For example, why not make a flower garden of medicinal herbs in some ownerless, but not sunless corner?

The above diagram shows how the plantings of each plant are located, and also gives the concept of colors.

When creating this flower garden, the following names of perennial flowers for the flower bed were used:

  1. Echinacea, blooming together until mid-autumn,
  2. Marigold,
  3. Unpretentious tansy or flax,
  4. Veronica officinalis,
  5. Lavender or sage similar in parameters,
  6. Badan, which creates dense bright spots, or oregano,
  7. fragrant basil,
  8. plantain lanceolate,
  9. Mullein, decorating the flower garden with powerful peduncles,
  10. pulmonaria,
  11. Yarrow.

Similarly, you can plan a flower bed of spicy-flavoring herbs, replacing tall and short perennial flowers for a flower bed, the photos and names of which are indicated in the source for no less attractive crops. In the background of such a gastronomic flower bed, you can plant juniper, catnip, lavender and lemon balm, place mint, sage, all kinds of onions and oregano closer in the path, and you can border the flower bed with thyme and borage.

Perennial plants require control over their reproduction, otherwise over time they will run wild, flowering will decrease, and the flower bed will lose its shape.

Flowerbed of perennials of continuous flowering

However, the dream of every gardener is a flower bed that blooms from the moment the snow melts until the onset of winter. It is difficult to plan such a miracle, but if you take into account the sequence of flowering plants and ensure proper care for the plantings, then the task will be quite within the power of many flower lovers.


  1. Muscari or Pushkinia;
  2. Pulsatilla meadow;
  3. Arabis;
  4. tulips undersized varieties cream color;
  5. Parrot or double yellow tulips;
  6. Aquilegia;
  7. Daffodils of delicate colors with a short crown;
  8. Yellow large-flowered daffodils;
  9. Fringed yellow tulips in a vase;
  10. Wintering east;
  11. Multi-flowered pastel rose with medium-sized flowers;
  12. Lilac medium flowering.


The dominant feature in a perennial flower bed in summer is a biennial stock rose, but it can be replaced with foxglove or another shade.

Decorative planting in the summer months give:

  1. Multi-flowered rose;
  2. Lilac;
  3. hare cabbage;
  4. Eringium;
  5. Lavender;
  6. Blue cereal;
  7. Kosmeya;
  8. Lily Tibetan;
  9. Feverfew pink;
  10. Malva or foxglove;
  11. Oregano ordinary;
  12. Delphinium.

When planting, it is important to take into account the competition among the planted plants.


In autumn, the flowering of many perennials ends, but the task of providing decorativeness is taken over by the foliage and grasses that change colors.

  1. Small-flowered spray rose;
  2. Hare cabbage or stonecrop;
  3. Eringium;
  4. Blue cereal or kneeless;
  5. Kosmeya;
  6. Feverfew pink;
  7. Chrysanthemum Siberian;
  8. Hubei anemone;
  9. Black cohosh is simple.


The decorativeness of the flowerbed up to the very snow is preserved by the turned naturally in dried flowers that finished flowering in autumn, as well as:

  1. Wintering east;
  2. stonecrop;
  3. Giant eryngium;
  4. Lightning.

Perennial Care

Perennials cannot be called overly whimsical, but they also have their own preferences and requirements for planting and care conditions:

  • For perennials, loose, light, nutrient-rich soils are preferred.
  • If wild plants are planted in a flower bed, then it is important to create conditions for them that are as close to natural as possible.
  • To retain moisture and create protection for plants for the winter, you can use mulch, sawdust and needles.
  • Watering and fertilizing even the most unpretentious perennials for a flower bed should be done very carefully to prevent waterlogging under the sockets.
  • Should be created reliable protection flower garden from the wind.
  • Marigolds and lavender planted along the edge of the flower bed will become a natural protection against pests.

A careful approach to the selection of perennials and their care is the key to creating an exemplary flower garden, which for many years will be a true decoration of the site, and a source of pride for its creators.

Video - perennial flowers for the garden

It is difficult to imagine a suburban area without a bright flower garden. To enjoy the riot of colors throughout the warm period, it is not necessary to be an experienced landscape designer.

Principles of flower garden formation

Before proceeding with the improvement of the territory of the cottage, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with fundamental principles flowerbed decoration.

The shape and location of the flower bed in the country affects the choice of plant height. A strict and narrow ridge is often filled with plants with the same height within 15-40 cm. For a round flower garden, a flower bed with tall plants in the center is suitable, then medium-sized specimens are planted, the outer circle is formed by undersized species. A mixborder near a fence or building wall is also equipped with plants of various heights, but according to a different principle: in the background, flower beds are tall flowers or a neat shrub with a gradual transition to medium-sized and then undersized species.

Beginners, in order to arrange a harmonious flower garden at the dacha with their own hands, should first draw up or select a suitable scheme indicating the landing zone of each type. This will make it easier to calculate the need. planting material and the whole process of landscaping the flower garden.

Information about the flowering period

Flowerbeds of continuous flowering transform the cottage, making the site attractive all season. The key condition when drawing up diagrams for such a flower bed is the regular presence of at least one flowering species. For the correct configuration of the scheme, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of flowering plants:

Types of flower beds and choice of location

The place for a flower garden is determined based on its shape. A flower bed in the country can take on various shapes, the most common are the following types:

With proper drawing up of a flower garden scheme, even primitive plantings can look spectacular and attract admiring glances. When choosing a flower bed scheme, it is preferable for beginners to stop at flower beds of an irregular nature, such as a mixborder or Alpine slide. The accumulated experience will allow in the future to engage in the design of regular flower beds in the country, where a strict geometric pattern is achieved by selecting plants with the same flowering time and observing a certain interval between planting.

To attract butterflies, a mixborder of arborvitae, David's buddley, zinnia, goldenrod and purple echinacea will help.

The optimal place for a flower garden is a plot that is well visible from all sides of the cottage. Multi-level plantings are usually arranged near walls or a fence, original decoration the lawn will become an arabesque flowerbed, it is better for beginners to practice on an alpine hill.

Comment! Forming a flower bed scheme for a specific area for summer cottages, shaded and well-lit places are marked on it. This will help to properly equip the flower garden, providing plants optimal conditions for development.

Flower bed preparation

To calculate the required number of seedlings, the flower garden scheme is divided into squares with a conditional side of 1 m. After that, the area occupied by each species is calculated. The resulting value is divided by average rate landings per 1 m 2:

  • large plantings 1.0-1.2 m high - 2-3 pieces;
  • medium-sized flowers from 40 to 90 cm tall, 4-6 pieces are enough;
  • with a plant height of 20-40 cm, 7-9 specimens are planted in a flower garden per 1 m 2;
  • for dwarf flowers from 5 to 20 cm, the norm is 16-20 pcs.

To transfer the flowerbed scheme to the dacha site, the landing contours are marked with sawdust, sand or chalk. Before this, the earth is dug up to a depth of 0.4 m, all weed roots are removed and upper layer turf. Specially prepared soil is poured on top for the flower garden.

An example of a successful decoration of the entrance to the cottage is presented in the following diagram, where roses, petunias, thuja, delphinium, lilies, asters and a cuff are used in the design of the flower bed:

Before planting in a flower garden for 2-3 hours, seedlings need preliminary watering. The optimal landing time in the country is the absence bright sun i.e. early in the morning or at the end of the day. It is even better to choose the period before the rain. A round-shaped flower garden is filled from the center to the edges, a flower bed located near the fence of a summer house or building begins to be drawn up from the background according to the chosen scheme.

The roots of the seedlings are straightened, after deepening the soil near the neck of the plant is compacted. Upon completion of the work, the flower garden is watered abundantly, tall weak seedlings are propped up with a stick. If a flower has not taken root, it can be replaced at any time with a new specimen from the pot. Don't expect perfect appearance perennial flower garden in the country in the first year of breakdown.

Advice! The unattractive voids of the flower beds are temporarily filled with annual flowers that are suitable for the conditions of detention with the whole scheme.

It looks interesting fragrant flower garden of hibiscus, kufei, penstemon, milkwort and petunia, the diagram of which is shown below:

Do not be afraid to make adjustments to the existing flower bed scheme. Replacing one species with another similar in content, changing the shape or area is only welcome.

In addition to the flowering period, when forming a flower garden scheme for a summer residence, the requirements of plants for soil acidity, lighting conditions, as well as their height are taken into account.

In a group undersized plants there are unpretentious bulbous specimens: hyacinths, snowdrops, crocuses and muscari. For beginners, as perennials for a flowerbed scheme, you can advise a felt stalk, awl-shaped phlox and primrose. Decorate the cottage and bright biennials in the form of daisies, forget-me-nots and pansies. Annual representatives of the flora in the form of undersized marigolds, petunias, purslane are capable of organically complementing the flower garden scheme.

Flowers of medium height are the basic basis of the summer cottage flower garden, therefore it is preferable to choose specimens with a special decorative effect for the scheme. These conditions are met by such perennials:

  • daylilies;
  • peonies;
  • chamomile;
  • lilies;
  • irises;
  • bells;
  • phloxes;
  • hosts.

Fill in the voids new flower bed help in the country annual species: marigolds, asters, lavatera and salvia. In the background or in the center of the flower bed in the scheme there is a place tall plants. Aconite is suitable for these purposes, decorative sunflower, clary sage, delphinium, lupine.

Shaded areas of the cottage will be decorated with flower beds with Japanese anemones, sedum sedum, hosts of various colors of flowers and leaves, ferns, common primrose and dark geranium. A dacha with acidic soil is a great place to decorate a flower garden with hydrangea, rhododendron, fern. The flower bed scheme may also include herbal carnation, heather, Canadian dogwood, broom or hearty bergenia.

Examples of harmonious flower beds

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more examples of flower beds for giving different levels of complexity.

The scheme of the simplest flower bed for teapots will decorate the cottage with a warm palette of pink, orange and red flowers, diluted purple tone. Heliotrope arborescens is planted in the background (1). Terry marigolds and Sander's tobacco form the middle tier (in the diagram they are marked with numbers 3 and 2, respectively). The parterre of the flower garden is occupied by a low-growing New Guinean balsam at number 4.

For an extensive mixborder flower garden you will need:

  1. Giant mallow Pleniflora.
  2. Ten-petalled sunflower.
  3. Icelandic poppy.
  4. St. John's wort
  5. Lobelia cardinalis.
  6. Fassen's catnip.
  7. Bell.
  8. Katananhe "Blue Cupid"
  9. Avens
  10. Sedum Matrona.
  11. Heuchera Miracle.

The scheme of a flower garden, resembling a piece of cake in shape, must be prepared:

  1. The corner of the flower bed is filled with a daylily in the amount of 3 bushes.
  2. Under the number 2 are silvery leaves of wormwood, 2 copies on each side.
  3. A dark red bark is planted in the center, 6 pieces are enough.
  4. The edges of the flower garden are decorated with 3 bushes of geyhera with burgundy leaves.
  5. On the front of the flower bed there are 5 specimens of silver leaves of the chistets.

The absence of a reservoir in the country can partially replace a flower bed, the scheme of which contains flowers of blue and blue hues. The bed of the stream imitates large pebbles, painted in blue. Glass beads will add transparency and dynamism. The flower garden is decorated with the following plantings:

  1. Bamboo leafy.
  2. Iris bearded.
  3. Lubelia.
  4. Creeping tenacious.
  5. Bell.
  6. Shaving hybrid.
  7. Bruner large-leaved.
  8. Awl-leaved bryozoan.
  9. Creeping tenacious.

The proposed schemes are not an unshakable postulate. Based on them, in the country you can create your own unique flower garden, pleasing to the eye throughout the warm season.

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