Everything about the distance from the gas pipe to other elements and buildings. At what distance from the gas pipe can a cable be laid in a cable duct? Distance from the gas pipeline to the house

External gas pipelines, structures / SNiP 2.04.08-87*

General instructions

4.1. The requirements of this section apply to the design of external gas pipelines from gas distribution stations or gas distribution centers to gas consumers (external walls of buildings and structures).

4.2. Projects of external gas pipelines laid through the territory of settlements should be carried out on topographic plans on the scale provided by GOST 21.610-85. It is allowed to carry out inter-settlement gas pipeline projects on plans M 1:5000 when the route axis is fixed in kind. It is allowed not to draw up longitudinal profiles of sections of a gas pipeline laid in areas with calm terrain, in the absence of intersections of the gas pipeline with natural barriers and various structures.

* Sections, paragraphs, tables, formulas to which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and regulations with an asterisk.

4.3. The laying of external gas pipelines in settlements should be provided for. As a rule, underground in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89*. Aboveground and above-ground installation of external gas pipelines is permitted inside residential areas and courtyards, as well as in other individual sections of the route.
The laying of gas pipelines in relation to the metro should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP*.
In the territory industrial enterprises The laying of external gas pipelines should, as a rule, be carried out above ground in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80*.

4.4.* The choice of route for underground gas pipelines should be made taking into account the corrosive activity of soils and the presence of stray currents in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9.602-89.

4.5.* Gas ​​pipeline entries into residential buildings must be provided for non-residential premises available for inspection of gas pipelines. In existing residential buildings, owned by citizens on the basis of personal property rights, it is allowed to enter a gas pipeline into a residential building where a heating stove is installed, provided that the disconnecting device is located outside the building.
Gas pipeline entries into public buildings should be installed directly in the room where gas appliances are installed, or in corridors.
The placement of disconnecting devices should, as a rule, be provided outside the building.

4.6. Gas pipeline entries into buildings of industrial enterprises and other production buildings should be provided directly into the room where the gas-consuming units are located, or into an adjacent room, provided that these rooms are connected by an open opening. In this case, the air exchange in the adjacent room should be at least three times per hour.

4.7. Gas pipeline entries should not pass through foundations or under the foundations of buildings. It is allowed to cross foundations at the inlet and outlet of hydraulic fracturing gas pipelines.
4.8. Entry of gas pipelines into technical undergrounds and technical corridors and distribution through these premises in residential buildings and public buildings is allowed only when external gas pipelines are connected to them low pressure in intra-block collectors.

4.9. It is not allowed to enter gas pipelines into basements, elevator rooms, ventilation chambers and shafts, waste bins, transformer substations, switchgears, engine rooms, warehouses, premises classified as explosion and fire hazard categories A and B.
4.10. Constructive decisions inputs should be taken taking into account the requirements of paragraphs. 4.18 and 4.19*.

4.11. Connections of steel pipes should be made by welding.
Detachable (flange and threaded) connections should be provided in places where shut-off valves are installed, on condensate collectors and water seals, in places where instrumentation and electrical protection devices are connected.

4.12. It is not allowed to provide detachable connections in the ground on gas pipelines.

Underground gas pipelines

4.13.* The minimum horizontal distances from underground and above-ground (in embankment) gas pipelines to buildings (except for gas distribution centers) and structures should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01-89*. The indicated distances from the gas fracturing buildings to the incoming and outgoing gas pipelines are not standardized.
It is allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01-89* by up to 50% for gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2), when laying them between buildings and under the arches of buildings, in cramped conditions on certain sections of the route, as well as from gas pipelines with pressure over 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2) to detached non-residential and ancillary buildings.
In these cases, in areas of approach and 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be provided:
the use of seamless or electric-welded pipes that have passed 100% control of the factory welded joint using non-destructive methods, or electric-welded pipes that have not passed such control, but are laid in a case; checking all welded (assembly) joints using non-destructive testing methods.

The distance from the gas pipeline to the outer walls of wells and chambers of other underground utility networks should be taken at least 0.3 m. In areas where the clear distance from the gas pipeline to wells and chambers of other underground utility networks is from 0.3 m to the standard distance for a given communications, gas pipelines should be laid in compliance with the requirements for laying gas pipelines in cramped conditions.

When laying electric-welded pipes in a case, the latter must extend at least 2 m in each direction from the wall of the well or chamber.
Distances from the gas pipeline to the supports of the overhead communication line, the contact network of trams, trolleybuses and electrified railways should be taken as up to the supports of overhead power lines of the appropriate voltage.

The minimum distances from gas pipelines to the heating network of channelless installation with longitudinal drainage should be taken similarly to the channel installation of heating networks.
The minimum clear distances from the gas pipeline to the nearest pipe of a ductless heating network without drainage should be taken as to the water supply. Distances from anchor supports that extend beyond the dimensions of the heating network pipes should be taken taking into account the safety of the latter.

The minimum horizontal distance from the gas pipeline to the pressure sewer can be taken as to the water supply.
The distance from the gas pipeline to the narrow gauge railway tracks should be taken as to the tram tracks according to SNiP 2.07.01-89*.
Distances from gas pipelines to warehouses and enterprises with flammable materials should be taken according to the standards of these enterprises, but not less than the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01-89*.
The minimum horizontal and vertical distances from gas pipelines to main gas and oil pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.05.06-85.
Distances from inter-settlement gas pipelines with a pressure of 0.6 MPa or more to the base of the embankment and the edge of the excavation slope or from the outermost rail at the zero marks of the railways of the general network should be taken at least 50 m. In cramped conditions, in agreement with the relevant railway departments of the Russian Ministry of Railways, a reduction is allowed the specified distance to the values ​​​​given in SNiP 2.07.01-89*, provided that the gas pipeline is laid in this section at a depth of at least 2.0 m, the pipe wall thickness is increased by 2-3 mm more than the calculated one and all welded joints are checked using non-destructive testing methods .

4.14. It is allowed to lay two or more gas pipelines in one trench, on one or different levels(in steps). In this case, the clear distances between gas pipelines should be sufficient for installation and repair of pipelines.

4.15.* The vertical clear distance at the intersection of gas pipelines of all pressures with underground utility networks should be taken at least 0.2 m, s electrical networks- in accordance with the PUE, with cable communication lines and radio broadcast networks - in accordance with VSN 116-87 and VSN 600-81, approved by the USSR Ministry of Communications.

4.16. In places where underground gas pipelines cross heating network channels, communication manifolds, channels for various purposes with a passage above or below the structure being crossed, it is necessary to provide for the laying of a gas pipeline in a case extending 2 m on both sides from the outer walls of the crossed structures, as well as testing by non-destructive testing methods of all welded joints within the intersection and 5 m to the sides from the outer walls of the intersected structures.
At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under the protective device.

4.17. The depth of laying gas pipelines should be at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or casing.
In places where traffic is not expected, the depth of gas pipelines can be reduced to 0.6 m.

4.18. The laying of gas pipelines transporting undrained gas must be provided below the zone of seasonal soil freezing with a slope towards the condensate collectors of at least 2 ‰.
Entrances of undrained gas pipelines into buildings and structures must be provided with a slope towards the distribution gas pipeline. If, due to terrain conditions, it cannot be created required slope to the distribution gas pipeline, it is allowed to provide for the laying of a gas pipeline with a bend in the profile with the installation of a condensate collector at the lowest point.
The laying of LPG vapor phase gas pipelines should be provided in accordance with the instructions in Section. 9.

4.19.* Gas ​​pipelines where they pass through the outer walls of buildings should be enclosed in cases.
The space between the wall and the case should be carefully sealed to the full thickness of the structure being crossed.
The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

4.20. The laying of gas pipelines in soils containing construction waste and humus should be provided with a foundation made of soft or sandy soil thickness of at least 10 cm (above protruding uneven bases); backfilling with the same soil to the full depth of the trench.
In soils with bearing capacity less than 0.025 MPa (0.25 kgf/cm2), as well as in soils containing construction waste and humus, the bottom of the trench should be strengthened by lining antiseptic wooden beams, concrete beams, installation of a pile foundation or compaction of crushed stone or gravel. In this case, adding soil under the gas pipeline and backfilling it should be done as indicated in the first paragraph of this paragraph.

4.21. In the presence of groundwater measures should be taken to prevent the floating of gas pipelines, if this is confirmed by calculations.

Overhead and ground gas pipelines

4.22.* Aboveground gas pipelines should be laid on free-standing supports, shelves and columns made of non-combustible materials or along the walls of buildings.
In this case, the following installations are permitted:

  • on free-standing supports, columns, overpasses and shelves - gas pipelines of all pressures;
  • along the walls of industrial buildings with premises of categories B, D and D - gas pipelines with pressure up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2);
  • on the walls of public buildings and residential buildings of at least III-IIIa degree of fire resistance - gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2);
  • on the walls of public buildings and residential buildings of IV-V degree of fire resistance - low pressure gas pipelines with a nominal pipe diameter, as a rule, no more than 50 mm, and when gas pressure regulators are placed on the external walls and other structures of these buildings - gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa - in areas before they are introduced into the regulators.

The transit laying of gas pipelines is prohibited:

  • along the walls of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools and entertainment enterprises - gas pipelines of all pressures;
  • along the walls of residential buildings - gas pipelines of medium and high pressure.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of all pressures in buildings with walls made of panels with metal cladding and polymer insulation and in buildings of categories A and B.

4.23. Overhead gas pipelines laid on the territory of industrial enterprises and supports for these gas pipelines should be designed taking into account the requirements of SNiP II-89-80* and SNiP 2.09.03-85.

4.24. High pressure gas pipelines are allowed to be laid along blank walls, above windows and doorways single-story and above the windows of the upper floors of multi-story industrial buildings with explosion and fire hazard rooms of categories B, D and D and auxiliary buildings interconnected with them, as well as buildings of free-standing boiler houses.
In industrial buildings, it is allowed to lay low and medium pressure gas pipelines along the sashes of non-opening windows and to intersect the said gas pipelines with light openings filled with glass blocks.

4.25. The distances between gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and other utility networks should be taken in accordance with the requirements for laying gas pipelines indoors (Section 6).

4.26. It is not allowed to provide detachable connections on gas pipelines under window openings and balconies of residential buildings and public buildings of a non-industrial nature.

4.27. Aboveground and above-ground gas pipelines, as well as underground gas pipelines in areas adjacent to the points of entry and exit from the ground, should be designed taking into account longitudinal deformations due to possible temperature effects.

4.28. The height of laying overhead gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80*.
In a free area outside the passage of vehicles and the passage of people, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines on low supports at a height of at least 0.35 m from the ground to the bottom of the pipe.

4.29. Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground should be enclosed in a case. In places where the possibility of mechanical damage to gas pipelines is excluded (impassable part of the territory, etc.). installation of cases is not necessary.

4.30. Gas pipelines transporting undrained gas should be laid with a slope of at least 3 ‰ with installation of condensate removal devices (drain fittings with a shut-off device) at the lowest points. Thermal insulation should be provided for these gas pipelines.

4.31. The laying of LPG gas pipelines should be provided in accordance with the instructions of Section. 9.

4.32. The horizontal clear distances from above-ground gas pipelines laid on supports and above-ground (without embankment) to buildings and structures should be taken no less than the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 6.

4.33. The distance between above-ground gas pipelines and other above-ground and above-ground utilities should be taken taking into account the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of each of the pipelines.

4.34. The distances between gas pipelines and overhead power lines, as well as cables should be taken according to the PUE.

4.35.* The distances between the supports of above-ground gas pipelines should be determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.12-86.

4.36. It is allowed to provide for laying on free-standing supports, columns, overpasses. Shelves of gas pipelines with pipelines for other purposes in accordance with SNiP II-89-80*.

4.37. Joint laying of gas pipelines with electrical cables and wires, including those intended for servicing gas pipelines (power, for signaling, dispatching, valve control), should be provided in accordance with the instructions of the PUE.

4.38. The laying of gas pipelines on railway and road bridges should be provided in cases where this is allowed by the requirements of SNiP 2.05.03-84*, while the laying of gas pipelines should be carried out in places that exclude the possibility of gas accumulation (in case of leakage) in the bridge structures.

Gas pipeline crossings through water barriers and ravines

4.39. Underwater crossings of gas pipelines through water barriers should be provided on the basis of hydrological, geotechnical and topographic survey data.

4.40. Underwater crossings across rivers should be located on straight, stable stretches with gently sloping, non-eroded river banks with a minimum width of the floodplain. The underwater crossing should be designed, as a rule, perpendicular to the dynamic axis of the flow, avoiding areas composed of rocky soils.

Table 6
Buildings and constructions Clear distance, m, to buildings and structures from overhead gas pipelines laid on supports and ground ones (without embankment)

low pressure medium pressure high pressure category II high pressure category I
Industrial and warehouse buildings with premises of categories A and B 5* 5* 5* 10*
The same categories B, D and D - - - 5
Residential and public buildings I-IIIa degree of fire resistance - - 5 10
The same, IV and V degrees of fire resistance - 5 5 10
Open warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids and warehouses of combustible materials located outside the territory of industrial enterprises 20 20 40 40
Railway and tram tracks (to the nearest rail) 3 3 3 3
Underground utility networks: water supply, sewerage, heating network, telephone sewer, electrical cable blocks (from the edge of the gas pipeline support foundation) 1 1 1 1
Roads (from a curb, the outer edge of a ditch or the bottom of a road embankment) 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
Fencing of open switchgear and open substation 10 10 10 10
* For hydraulic fracturing gas pipelines (incoming and outgoing), the distance is not standardized.
Note. The sign “-” means that the distance is not standardized.

4.41. As a rule, underwater crossings of gas pipelines with a width of water barriers at a low-water horizon of 75 m or more should be provided. In two lines with a throughput of each 0.75 of the calculated gas flow.
It is allowed not to provide a second (backup) line of the gas pipeline when laying:
looped gas pipelines, if when the underwater crossing is disconnected, uninterrupted gas supply to consumers is ensured:
dead-end gas pipelines to industrial consumers, if these consumers can switch to another type of fuel for the period of repair of the underwater crossing.

4.42. When crossing water barriers less than 75 m wide by gas pipelines intended for gas supply to consumers that do not allow interruptions in the gas supply, or when the width of the floodplain is more than 500 m at the level of the high water horizon (HWH) with a 10% probability and duration of flooding by flood waters of more than 20 days, as well as mountain rivers and water obstacles with an unstable bottom and banks, laying a second (reserve) line is allowed.

4.43. The minimum horizontal distances from bridges to underwater and overwater gas pipelines at places where they cross water barriers should be taken according to Table. 7.

4.44. The wall thickness of pipes for underwater passages should be taken 2 mm more than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm. For gas pipelines with a diameter of less than 250 mm, it is allowed to increase the wall thickness to ensure negative buoyancy of the gas pipeline.

4.45. The boundaries of the underwater transition of the gas pipeline, which determine the length of the transition, should be considered the area limited by the water supply not lower than the 10% supply level. Shut-off valves should be placed outside the boundaries of this area.

4.46. The distances between the axes of parallel gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be at least 30 m.
On non-navigable rivers with a bed that is not subject to erosion, as well as when crossing water barriers within settlements, it is allowed to lay two gas pipelines in one trench. In this case, the clear distance between gas pipelines must be at least 0.5 m.
When laying gas pipelines in floodplain areas, the distance between gas pipelines can be taken the same as for the linear part of the gas pipeline.

4.47. The laying of gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be deepened into the bottom of the crossed water barriers. The design elevation of the top of a ballasted gas pipeline should be taken at 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and floating rivers, 1 m below the predicted bottom profile, determined taking into account possible erosion of the riverbed within 25 years after the completion of construction of the crossing.

Table 7
Horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, m, when laying the gas pipeline
Water obstacles Bridge type above the bridge below the bridge

from the overwater gas pipeline from an underwater gas pipeline from the overwater gas pipeline from an underwater gas pipeline
Shipping freezing All types According to SNiP 2.05.06-85 50 50
Shipping anti-freeze Same 50 50 50 50
Non-navigable freezing Multi-span According to SNiP 2.05.06-85 50 50
Non-navigable anti-freeze Same 20 20 20 20
Non-navigable pressure gas pipelines:

low Single and double span 2 20 2 10
medium and high Same 5 20 5 20

At underwater crossings through non-navigable and non-raftable water barriers, as well as in rocky soils, it is allowed to reduce the depth of laying gas pipelines, but the top of the ballasted gas pipeline in all cases must be below the level of possible erosion of the bottom of the reservoir for the estimated life of the gas pipeline.

4.48.* The width of the trench along the bottom should be taken depending on the methods of its development and the nature of the soil, the regime of the water barrier and the need for a diving survey.
The steepness of the slopes of underwater trenches must be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-42-80.

4.49. Calculation of underwater gas pipelines against floating (for stability) and their ballasting should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.05.06-85.

4.50. For gas pipelines laid in sections of underwater crossings, solutions should be provided to protect the insulation from damage.

4.51. Identification signs of the established types should be provided on both banks of navigable and timber-rafting water barriers. At the border of the underwater crossing, it is necessary to provide for the installation of permanent benchmarks: if the width of the barrier at low-water horizon is up to 75 m - on one bank, with a larger width - on both banks.

4.52. The height of laying the overwater passage of the gas pipeline should be taken (from the bottom of the pipe or span):
when crossing non-navigable, non-floating rivers, ravines and gullies where ice drift is possible. - not less than 0.2 m above the water supply level with a 2% probability and from the highest ice drift horizon, and if there is a grub boat on these rivers - at least 1 m above the water supply level with a 1% probability;
when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - no less than the values ​​​​established by the design standards for underbridge clearances on navigable rivers and the basic requirements for the location of bridges.

Gas pipeline crossings across railways, tramways and roads

4.53.* Intersections of gas pipelines with railway and tram tracks, as well as with roads, should be provided, as a rule, at an angle of 90°.
The minimum distance from underground gas pipelines at places where they are crossed by tram and railway lines should be taken as follows:
to bridges, pipes, tunnels and pedestrian bridges and tunnels (with large crowds of people) on railways - 30 m;
to the switches (the beginning of the points, the tail of the crosses, the places where suction cables are connected to the rails) - 3 m for tram tracks and 10 m for railways;
to the contact network supports - 3 m.
Reducing the specified distances is allowed in agreement with the organizations in charge of the crossed structures.
The need to install identification posts (signs) and their design at gas pipeline crossings through the railways of the general network is decided in agreement with the Russian Ministry of Railways.

4.54.* The laying of underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railways and tramways, roads of I, II and III categories, as well as expressways within the city, main streets and roads of general city importance should be provided in steel cases.
The need to install casings on gas pipelines at the intersection of main streets and roads of regional importance, roads of freight importance, as well as streets and roads of local importance is decided by the design organization, depending on the intensity of traffic. In this case, it is allowed to provide non-metallic cases that meet the conditions of strength and durability.
The ends of the cases must be sealed. At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under the protective device, and on inter-settlement gas pipelines - an exhaust candle with a sampling device, placed at a distance of at least 50 m from the edge of the roadbed.
In the interpipe space of the case it is allowed to lay an operational communication cable, telemechanics, telephone, electrical protection drain cable intended for servicing the gas supply system.

4.55.* The ends of the case should be brought out at distances, m, not less than:
from the extreme drainage structure of the railway subgrade (ditch, ditch, reserve) - 3;
from the extreme rail of the railway track - 10; and from the path of an industrial enterprise - 3;
from the outermost rail of the tram track - 2;
from the edge of the roadway - 2;
from the edge of the roadway highways - 3,5.
In all cases, the ends of the cases must be extended beyond the base of the embankment to a distance of at least 2 m.

4.56.* The depth of laying the gas pipeline under railways, tram tracks and roads should be taken depending on the production method construction work and the nature of the soil in order to ensure traffic safety.
The minimum depth of gas pipeline laying to the top of the casing from the base of the rail or the top of the covering at zero marks and notches, and in the presence of an embankment from the base of the embankment should be provided, m:
under the railways of the general network - 2.0 (from the bottom of drainage structures - 1.5), and when performing work using the puncture method - 2.5;
under tram tracks, railways of industrial enterprises and roads:
1.0 - during work open method;
1.5 - when performing work using the punching method, horizontal drilling or panel penetration:
2.5 - when performing work using the puncture method.
At the same time, at the intersections of railways of the general network, the depth of laying the gas pipeline in areas outside the casing at a distance of 50 m on both sides of the ground should be at least 2.10 m from the surface of the earth to the top of the gas pipeline.
When constructing crossings under the railways of the general network in heaving soils for gas pipelines with the temperature of the transported gas in winter above 5 ° C, they should be checked minimum depth gaskets designed to comply with conditions under which the influence of heat generation on the uniformity of frost heaving of the soil is excluded. If it is impossible to ensure the specified temperature regime, replacement of heaving soil or other design solutions should be provided.
The thickness of the walls of gas pipeline pipes at crossings through the railways of the general network must be taken 2-3 mm more than the calculated one, and for these sections in all cases a very reinforced type of insulating coating must be provided.

4.57. The height of laying overhead gas pipelines at intersections with electrified and non-electrified railway tracks, tram tracks, highways, and trolleybus contact networks should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80.

Building regulations

    Section 5. Placement of hydraulic fracturing. GRU deployment. Hydraulic fracturing and gas distribution equipment. Placement of combined regulators. Section 10. Permanently frozen soils. Mining areas. Seismic areas. Areas with heaving, subsiding and swollen soils.

Distance from home to gas pipe(gas pipeline) - the distance necessary for the safety of the structure, which is selected, depending on several components, according to the standards. The installation method, the level of safety of the gas pipeline, the delivery system and the pressure under which the liquid fuel is supplied all play a role. Determination of the required distance from a residential building on the site to the gas pipe is provided for in SNiP 42-01-2002 in relation to the pressure of the supplied raw material: low, medium or high. The regulatory document entitled “Gas distribution systems” provides the necessary conditions aimed at various situations.

Near the city

To determine the required distance from the gas pipe, after developing a residential building project, citizens of the Russian Federation apply for the appropriate permit (approval) from the local gas distribution organization. For a definite answer, you need to know the type of gas pipeline and what pressure is used when supplying it. If there is no data on the type of laying and the pressure in the pipes, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer.

Gas distribution station

SNiP 42-01-2002 is one of the natural results of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation” No. 184, adopted in December 2002. In November 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 858, according to which the current sets of rules were developed and approved. This SP was approved at the legislative level in an updated version and was named SP 62.13330.2011.

Registration by Rosstandart made it the source of the standard that is followed when laying and connecting gas pipes to the building.

The most affordable type of fuel has become widespread and has become a publicly available energy resource. Its widespread use has led to the urgent need to develop regulatory documents, in which you can find the permitted distances.

Compressor station

Since 2010, SNiP registered by Rosstandart:

  • are legislative documents, compliance with which is mandatory;
  • checked by supervisory organizations designed to ensure the safety of such structures;
  • may be the basis for a decision in a lawsuit;
  • are recognized as a significant reason for imposing an administrative penalty upon violation.

Read also: At what distance from the fence can a bathhouse be built: SNiP norm 2018-2019 in SNT and individual housing construction

SP 62.13330.2011 regulates the distances that must be observed depending on the type of laying of the main gas pipeline or its branches and the pressure of liquid fuel in the pipes.

Near a residential building

If gas is supplied in cylinders, only the prescribed fire safety standards must be observed. More economical and high-volume transport in pipes provides differentiated requirements for different types deliveries and the level of pressure during their implementation.

Connection diagram

Types and levels

The population is supplied with high-calorie gas, the most optimal option for use for household needs. The level of safety of the transported main pipes fuel is considered higher than its movement and use in cylinders. The laying of pipes for this purpose depends on the terrain and the required operation and is divided into 3 types:

  1. Overhead communications are the least problematic type of installation, also used on summer cottages due to the absence of the need for expensive work both during the assembly process and if repairs are necessary. It is made only of steel (as regulated in SNiP), but no special strictness is specified in the distance to the building. The only requirement is a two-way security zone around the pipe of at least 2 m.
  2. Underground pipelines are recognized as the safest installation method, with minimal likelihood of damage from external causes. They can be made of polymer or steel pipes, but here the distance is normalized depending on several components.
  3. Internal networks are located inside the building and must be left in open access, and assembly should be made only from steel and copper. There are also standards for internal networks - they are determined by the object of consumption and its installation, taking into account everything that could pose a potential threat of fire or explosion, right down to the chimney.

Table of distance of buildings from the gas pipeline according to SNiP standards

Underground gas pipeline

For underground structures, the distance at which a residential building can be placed during planning and development is dictated by the diameter of the pipe and the pressure under which the gas is supplied.

It is believed that the pressure level of liquid fuel and its supply under high pressure are directly proportional.

The higher the pressure during transportation, the greater the potential danger to a residential building. That is why the distance from the gas pipe to the house must be strictly observed.

Table of distances from the gas pipeline to buildings

To obtain permission, calculations are made by type of communications:

  • considered low is up to 0.05 kgf/cm2 - supplied for residential, specialized and public buildings;
  • a gas pipeline with medium pressure (from 0.05 kgf/cm2 to 3.0 kgf/cm2) is needed in city boiler houses or in the main line if the city is large;
  • high pressure can be used in industrial facilities or in a separate project, used quite rarely.

The use of “blue fuel” for domestic needs has a significant drawback - the difficulty in implementing delivery and storage. This shortcoming was overcome thanks to a gas holder - a “tank” for liquefied hydrocarbon gas.

The installation of autonomous gasification is subject to a set of requirements and standards. First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the parameters of the site, determine the distance from the gas tank to the residential building, nearby buildings and communications.

The main gasification of remote villages has not yet been completed, and many settlements remain without convenient “blue fuel”. An alternative solution to centralized gas supply is the installation of a gas tank and the arrangement of an autonomous network.

A gas holder is a monolithic tank for storing natural gas. Structurally, the tank is made in the form of a tank with a neck. In the upper part there are elements that control the pressure and remaining fuel.

Undoubtedly, the operation of any gas equipment is associated with a certain risk, therefore a number of requirements are imposed on the organization, location and installation technology of the gas tank.

In Galgozero liquefied gas are gradually converted into steam, the propane-butane composition enters the reactor and acquires required pressure. The gas pipeline supplies “blue fuel” to consumers

The site for installation of a gas storage facility is assessed according to the following criteria:

  • relief;
  • the composition of the underlying and enclosing soil layers and the proximity of groundwater;
  • availability of water intake points, residential, utility and public premises.

Relief. The area selected for surface mounting must be level. This requirement is especially relevant when installing ground-based modifications - installation on a slope is prohibited.

Priming. It is permissible to place a gas storage facility in soil masses with different moisture contents. From physical and mechanical properties rocks The convenience of carrying out excavation work and the choice of gas tank type will depend.

If there is no risk of flooding of the fittings, models without a high neck can be used. As an option, a tank is suitable, where the bends are attached to welded pipes 12 cm long - this is the “safety” height, if there are doubts about flooding.

For places with "high" groundwater designs with an elongated neck have been developed to protect the fittings. Due to the protection device, the operation of the gas tank is stable and efficient

Water is an excellent conductor of heat waves, and the process of evaporation of the propane-butane mixture is determined by the temperature of the environment. The higher the indicator, the more intense the process. Installation work in low-moisture rocks it is easier, but the environment for normal operation gas holder is less favorable.

Coarse soil can be dangerous, especially if its components are weakly rounded, i.e. with sharp edges. Boulders, pebbles and large crushed stone complicate the installation of equipment, and the mass of gravel and debris creates additional stress on the gas pipeline.

In most cases, a pit is developed for installation, which is recommended to be filled with river or quarry sand after the structure is immersed.

Proximity to water intake sources. According to building regulations the minimum distance from the gas tank to the reservoir (well, well) is 15 m, to the water main - 5 m.

Neighborhood with buildings. Fire safety distances from liquefied gas tanks to structures are indicated in paragraph 8.1.6 of the regulatory document “Gas distribution systems” (SNiP 42-01-2002). The next section is devoted to this issue.

It is more practical to place the gas holder closer to the gate for unhindered access of the gas carrier and filling the tank.

The area above the gas storage facility is a kind of exclusion zone. It is prohibited to set up a barbecue area, install barbecues and other flammable equipment on it.

In addition, concreting or paving the site, as well as organizing a parking space and planting trees, is prohibited.

Fire distances to protected objects

Determining the optimal location on the site depends on the volume of the tank and the method of its installation: underground or above-ground installation. For each option, strict standards are defined, the neglect of which is unacceptable due to explosive, environmental and fire safety requirements.

Volume is a determining parameter for the distance of buildings

Not only the location of the container on the site, but also the ease of use depends on the correct choice of volume. The capacity of the gas tank is selected so that one refill is enough for 1-1.5 years. The volume is calculated based on the area of ​​the house.

According to standards, 20 liters of “blue fuel” per year are consumed to heat 1 square meter of housing. If gas is simultaneously used for cooking and hot water supply, the figure increases to 27 l/year.

Knowing the dimensions of the house and the needs of the residents, it is easy to perform the calculation. For example, for a cottage of 200 sq.m, a gas holder with a volume of 4000 liters or more is suitable. An alternative option is to determine the size of the tank based on the power of the boiler installation. For example, a 50 W boiler will require a 5000 liter gas holder.

It should be noted that the maximum filling of the gas storage is 85% of the total displacement, and the minimum remaining fuel is 5%. Therefore, when choosing a gas tank, you need to take into account a certain reserve (plus 10-15%)

Standards for the location of underground gas tanks

For year-round operation in cold winter conditions, it is necessary to choose an underground “storage”. The module is immersed below the soil freezing line, which supports the natural evaporation of gas during sub-zero temperature on the street.

General standards for distance from underground tanks of any volume:

  • sports grounds, children's playgrounds, garages - 10 m;
  • underground pipeline for heating mains and sewerage – 3.5 m;
  • external communications not included in the backup equipment group – 5 m;
  • edge of the carriageway of a non-high-speed road for 1-2 lanes – 5 m;
  • highways and expressways with 3 or more lanes – 10 m;
  • access tram track, industrial railway tracks - 10 m.

Distance to buildings for various purposes determined by the capacity of the liquefied gas tank. A gradation of values ​​is provided for “storage” volumes: up to 10 cubic meters, 10-20 cubic meters, 20-50 cubic meters.

Distance to residential buildings for monoblock tanks up to 10 cubic meters - 10 m, up to 20 cubic meters - 15 m, up to 50 cubic meters - 20 m. Distance from public buildings - 15, 20 and 30 m, respectively

Various standards apply to industrial premises. The range of distances is 8-15 m. The distance to general purpose railways is also regulated - 20-30 m, depending on the displacement of the gas tank.

SNiP allows for a reduction in the interval between a residential building and a “gas vat” by 50%. However, such a decision must be justified on technical grounds and approved by the local gas distribution systems department.

The distance should be measured from the nearest point of the foundation to the wall of the gas tank. This norm is not specified in regulatory documents, but is practiced when installing a gas storage facility

In addition to the requirements for the distance of the gas tank from various objects, there is a list of rules for regulating underground “storage”:

  • installation depth - at least 60 cm from the top wall of the tank to the ground surface;
  • the distance between underground gas tanks is at least 1 m;
  • the neck and fittings of the container must remain freely accessible.

Regardless of the displacement, the underground tank is mounted on a foundation - a concrete slab. The base prevents the tank from “floating” in the event of ground movements.

Subtleties of installing an above-ground tank

The use of a ground-based gas tank has several significant advantages: simplicity, speed of installation and reduction in the intensity of metal corrosion. Local damage is easy to detect and correct in a timely manner.

However, this type of equipment is rarely used to supply gas to a private home. The main reason is a significant decrease in system performance in winter. At subzero temperatures (below -0.5°C), liquefied gas does not evaporate naturally.

To support the process, the gas tank must be equipped with an evaporator. With insignificant consumption of “blue fuel”, capital investments in gasification take a very long time to pay off. Due to the above-ground location, the requirements for fire safety distances from the gas storage facility to buildings and other objects are more stringent.

The minimum distances are given separately for three groups of standard sizes: up to 5 cubic meters, from 5 to 10 cubic meters and tanks with a capacity of 10-20 cubic meters. The “+” sign indicates the distance from the gas tank to real estate not served by the installation

Additional restrictions on the location of the above-ground “gas vat”:

  • general purpose railways – 25-30-40 m in accordance with the volume;
  • local tram and railway tracks – 20 m;
  • roads IV-V categories (1-2 lanes) – 10 m, I-III categories (from 3 lanes) – 20 m.

For safety reasons, a kind of open cap is installed above the gas tank, protecting the module from direct sunlight and precipitation. Overheating of the tank or lightning can lead to an explosion, and rain and snow can lead to accelerated corrosion.

Placement of mobile gas storage facilities

A mini-gas tank is a capacious gas cylinder with a volume of up to 500 cubic meters, equipped with the fittings required for safe operation: a reducer, a level gauge and safety valves. The equipment is characterized by compact dimensions, for example, the parameters of a 480 liter tank are: length - 2 m, diameter - 60 cm.

When used correctly, its service life is the same as that of a full-size gas tank. The mini-model is placed permanently or installed on a trailer, which ensures the mobility of the gas storage.

Refueling is greatly simplified, as it becomes possible both at the location and at the gas filling station.

An important advantage of a mini-gas holder is the absence of strict requirements for its placement. Work on connecting the tank to the gas system of the house takes about two hours

According to SP 63.13330 of 2011, the minimum distance from the house to a small gas tank is acceptable, namely placement directly next to the wall. The distance between the equipment and other protected objects is not specified.

Mini-gas tanks are in demand to ensure autonomous gasification of premises with relatively low or seasonal fuel consumption: country houses, heating of cafe areas, hotel. The reservoir is often used as backup source gas in case of interruptions in the centralized pipeline.

Set of requirements for laying a gas pipeline

Certain standardized standards are also required for the installation of a gas pipeline running from the gas tank to the house. Gas is supplied to the premises via an underground pipeline through the basement inlet. Safety rules prohibit introducing a gas pipeline into a house underground.

Scheme of introducing a pipe line into a house. Designations: 1 – gas tank, 2 – concrete base slab, 3 – condenser tank, 4 – underground pipeline, 5 – base input unit

General requirements for laying a gas pipeline in the gas tank-house section:

  • track depth – at least 1.7 m;
  • trench width - there are no strict restrictions, the value depends on the footage of the gas pipeline and the quality of the soil;
  • the minimum slope towards the condensate collector is 1 cm per 1 m (no more than 5°), the maximum slope is 100 mm;
  • the distance from the highway to the foundations of buildings is 2 m or more;
  • the distance to parallel located communications is 1 m, with a cross arrangement – ​​2 m in height.

The underground gas pipeline line is mounted from polyethylene pipes high density containing nitrile. Ground line - steel gas pipes. The polymer pipeline should not reach the point where the ground temperature drops to -20°C or less.

The transition of the polyethylene-steel gas pipeline is carried out at a depth of 40 cm. The area must be protected from electrochemical corrosion - it is used polymer coating to a height above ground level

Safety of gas tank operation

Despite all the advantages of autonomous gasification, many consumers are scared off by the thought of the risks of storing a flammable substance on a site near a residential building.

To ensure safety, it is not enough to maintain the required distances during installation; it is necessary to comply with all conditions for refueling, operation and maintenance of the gas holder installation.

Operating rules:

  1. Preservation of an inexhaustible supply - about ¼ of the volume. When all the fuel is used, a vacuum is formed in the container; further refueling in violation of the technology may result in an explosion.
  2. Filling of the gas tank exclusively by a specialized company. Insignificant savings on the services of unqualified gas workers can lead to a fire.
  3. Monitoring the operation of the safety valve. Timely troubleshooting will prevent an emergency.
  4. Prevent gas leakage. The leakage of “blue fuel” is the most dangerous - the propane-butane mixture “spreads” downwards, since it is heavier than air.

There is a possibility of fuel leakage if the tank is damaged, the fittings are faulty, unqualified repairs or refueling are performed, as well as if the gas distribution system elements are not hermetically sealed.

Safety of operation and refueling is ensured by the following equipment: 1 – draining residues from the condenser tank, 2 – safety valve, 3 – reducer, 4 – gas pipeline, 5 – level gauge – measuring the fullness of the tank, 6 – filling valve, 7 – gas vapor extraction valve, 8 – pressure gauge, 9 – liquid gas sampling valve

Mandatory precautions include the use of lightning protection and grounding. It is prohibited to carry out welding work or light a fire near the gas holder.

You will be introduced to the standard prices for installing a gas tank, in which all the items of upcoming expenses are analyzed in detail and recommendations for possible savings are given.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video report on the operation of an installed gas tank for servicing a private home. The review discusses the equipment that ensures safe use and the permissible distances to objects on the site:

One of the main requirements safe work gas holder - compliance with standardized distances from a residential building and other objects to the gas storage. If the conditions of the site itself are unsatisfactory, some leniency regarding the boundary distances is permissible. It is better to entrust the assessment of the installation site and installation to a specialized company.

Tell us about how you selected a place on your personal property to install a gas tank. It is possible that you have useful information that will be useful to site visitors. Please write comments in the block below, post photos related to the topic of the article, and ask questions.

5.1.1 The placement of external gas pipelines in relation to buildings, structures and parallel adjacent utility networks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, and on the territory of industrial enterprises - SNiP II-89.

When laying underground gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in cramped conditions (when the distances regulated by regulatory documents are not possible), in certain sections of the route, between buildings and buildings, as well as gas pipelines with a pressure of over 0.6 MPa when they are brought closer together with detached ancillary buildings (buildings without permanent presence of people), it is allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01 and SNiP II-89 by up to 50%. In this case, in areas of approach and at a distance of at least 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be used:

seamless or electric-welded steel pipes laid in a protective case, with 100% physical control of factory welded joints;

polyethylene pipes laid in a protective case, without welded joints or connected by parts with embedded heaters (ZH), or connected by butt welding with 100% control of the joints by physical methods.

When laying gas pipelines at distances corresponding to SNiP 2.07.01, but less than 50 m from railways common use in the area of ​​approach and 5 m in each direction, the laying depth must be at least 2.0 m. Butt welded joints must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

In this case, the wall thickness of steel pipes must be 2–3 mm greater than the calculated one, and polyethylene pipes must have a safety factor of at least 2.8.

5.1.2 The laying of gas pipelines should be provided underground and above ground.

In justified cases, it is allowed to lay gas pipelines above ground along the walls of buildings inside residential courtyards and neighborhoods, as well as in certain sections of the route, including sections of transitions through artificial and natural barriers when crossing underground communications.

Above-ground and above-ground gas pipelines with embankment can be laid in rocky, permafrost soils, wetlands and other difficult soil conditions. The material and dimensions of the embankment should be taken based on thermal engineering calculations, as well as ensuring the stability of the gas pipeline and embankment.

5.1.3 Laying gas pipelines in tunnels, collectors and canals is not permitted. An exception is the laying of steel gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89 on the territory of industrial enterprises, as well as in channels in permafrost soils under roads and railways.

5.1.4 Pipe connections should be permanent. Connections of steel pipes with polyethylene and

in places where fittings, equipment and control and measuring instruments (instruments) are installed. Detachable connections of polyethylene pipes with steel pipes in the ground can only be provided if a case with a control tube is installed.

5.1.5 Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground, as well as gas pipeline entries into buildings should be enclosed in a case. The space between the wall and the case should be sealed to the full thickness of the structure being crossed. The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

5.1.6 Gas pipeline entries into buildings should be provided directly into the room where gas-using equipment is installed, or into an adjacent room connected by an open opening.

Entering gas pipelines into basement and ground floors buildings, except for the introduction of natural gas pipelines into single-family and semi-detached houses.

5.1.7 Shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided:

in front of detached or blocked buildings;

to disconnect risers of residential buildings above five floors;

in front of outdoor gas-using equipment;

in front of gas control points, with the exception of gas distribution points of enterprises, on the gas pipeline branch to which there is a shut-off device at a distance of less than 100 m from the gas distribution point;

at the exit from gas control points connected by gas pipelines;

on branches from gas pipelines to settlements, individual microdistricts, blocks, groups of residential buildings, and when the number of apartments is more than 400 and to separate house, as well as on branches to industrial consumers and boiler houses;

when crossing water barriers with two lines or more, as well as with one line when the width of the water barrier at a low-water horizon is 75 m or more;

at the intersection of railways of the general network and highways of categories I–II, if the shut-off device that ensures the cessation of gas supply at the crossing section is located at a distance from the roads of more than 1000 m.

5.1.8 Shutting off devices on above-ground gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and on supports should be placed at a distance (within a radius) from door and opening window openings of at least:

for low pressure gas pipelines – 0.5 m;

for medium pressure gas pipelines – 1 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category II – 3 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I – 5 m.

In areas of transit laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings, the installation of disconnecting devices is not allowed.

5.2.1 Gas pipelines should be laid at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or casing. In places where traffic and agricultural machinery are not expected, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines can be at least 0.6 m.

5.2.2 The vertical (clear) distance between the gas pipeline (case) and underground utilities and structures at their intersections should be taken taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, but not less than 0.2 m.

5.2.3 At places where gas pipelines intersect with underground communication manifolds and channels for various purposes, as well as at places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline should be laid in a case.

The ends of the casing must be brought out at a distance of at least 2 m on both sides from the outer walls of the crossed structures and communications, when crossing the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the casing must be sealed with waterproofing material.

At one end of the case top point slope (except for places where the walls of wells intersect), a control tube should be provided that goes under the protective device.

In the interpipe space of the casing and the gas pipeline, it is permitted to lay an operational cable (communications, telemechanics and electrical protection) with a voltage of up to 60 V, intended for servicing gas distribution systems.

5.2.4 Polyethylene pipes used for the construction of gas pipelines must have a safety factor in accordance with GOST R 50838 of at least 2.5.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes:

on the territory of settlements at pressure above 0.3 MPa;

outside the territory of settlements at pressure above 0.6 MPa;

for transporting gases containing aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as the liquid phase of LPG;

when the temperature of the gas pipeline wall under operating conditions is below minus 15 °C.

When using pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8, it is permitted to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with pressures exceeding 0.3 to 0.6 MPa in settlements with predominantly one- to two-story and cottage residential buildings. In the territory of small rural settlements, it is permitted to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa with a safety factor of at least 2.5. In this case, the laying depth must be at least 0.8 m to the top of the pipe.

5.3.1 Depending on the pressure, overhead gas pipelines should be laid on supports made of non-combustible materials or along the structures of buildings and structures in accordance with Table 3

Table 3

Placement of above-ground gas pipelines

Gas pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa, no more

1. On free-standing supports, columns, overpasses and shelving

1.2 (for natural gas); 1.6 (for LPG)

2. Boiler houses, industrial buildings with premises of categories B, G and D and GNS (GNP) buildings, public and domestic buildings for industrial purposes, as well as built-in and attached roof boiler houses to them:

a) on the walls and roofs of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, fire hazard class SO (according to SNiP 21-01)

II degree of fire resistance class C1 and III degree of fire resistance class CO

b) on the walls of buildings of Ill degree of fire resistance class C1, IV degree of fire resistance class CO

IV degree of fire resistance classes C1 and C2

3. Residential, administrative, public and service buildings, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms

on the walls of buildings of all degrees of fire resistance

in cases of placement of SHRP on the external walls of buildings (only for SHRP)

* The gas pressure in the gas pipeline laid on building structures should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in table 2 for the corresponding consumers.

5.3.2 Transit laying of gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls and above the roofs of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, public, administrative and domestic buildings with large numbers of people is not allowed.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls, above and below rooms of categories A and B, determined by fire safety standards, with the exception of GRP buildings.

In justified cases, transit laying of gas pipelines not exceeding average pressure with a diameter of up to 100 mm is permitted along the walls of one residential building not lower than the III degree of fire resistance class CO and at a distance to the roof of at least 0.2 m.

5.3.3 High-pressure gas pipelines should be laid along blank walls and sections of walls or at least 0.5 m above the window and door openings of the upper floors of industrial buildings and adjacent administrative and domestic buildings. The distance from the gas pipeline to the roof of the building must be at least 0.2 m.

Low and medium pressure gas pipelines can also be laid along the frames or mullions of non-opening windows and cross window openings of industrial buildings and boiler houses filled with glass blocks.

5.3.4 The height of laying overhead gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-89.

5.3.5 On pedestrian and automobile bridges built from non-combustible materials, it is permitted to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa from seamless or electric-welded pipes that have undergone 100% control of factory welded joints by physical methods. Laying gas pipelines over pedestrian and automobile bridges built from flammable materials is not permitted.

5.4.1 Underwater and overwater gas pipelines where they cross water barriers should be placed at a horizontal distance from bridges in accordance with Table 4.

5.4.2 Gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be laid deep into the bottom of the water barriers being crossed. If necessary, based on the results of floating calculations, it is necessary to ballast the pipeline. The elevation of the top of the gas pipeline (ballast, lining) must be at least 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and floating rivers - 1.0 m below the predicted bottom profile for a period of 25 years. When carrying out work using directional drilling - at least 2.0 m below the predicted bottom profile.

5.4.3 At underwater crossings the following should be used:

steel pipes with a wall thickness 2 mm greater than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm;

polyethylene pipes having a standard dimensional ratio of the outer diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness (SDR) of no more than 11 (according to GOST R 50838) with a safety factor of at least 2.5 for transitions up to 25 m wide (at the level of maximum water rise) and not less 2.8 in other cases.

When laying a gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa using directional drilling, polyethylene pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.5 can be used in all cases.

5.4.4 The height of laying the surface passage of the gas pipeline from the calculated level of water rise or ice drift according to SNiP 2.01.14 (high water horizon - GVV or ice drift - GVL) to the bottom of the pipe or span should be taken:

when crossing ravines and gullies - not lower

Table 4

Water obstacles

Bridge type

The horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, not less than m, when laying the gas pipeline

above the bridge

below the bridge

from an overwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from an underwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from the overwater gas pipeline

from an underwater gas pipeline

300 or less

300 or less

all diameters

Shipping freezing

All types

Shipping anti-freeze

Non-navigable freezing


Non-navigable anti-freeze

Non-navigable for gas pipelines pressure: low medium and high

Single and double span

Note – Distances are from overhanging bridge structures.

0.5 m above GVV 5% probability;

when crossing non-navigable and non-raftable rivers - at least 0.2 m above the water supply line and water line of 2% probability, and if there is a grub boat on the rivers - taking it into account, but not less than 1 m above the water supply line of 1% probability;

when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - no less than the values ​​​​established by design standards for bridge crossings on navigable rivers.

Shut-off valves should be placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the transition boundaries. The transition boundary is considered to be the place where the gas pipeline crosses the high water horizon with a 10% probability.

5.5.1 The horizontal distances from the places where underground gas pipelines intersect tramways, railways and highways must be no less than:

to bridges and tunnels on public railways, tram tracks, motor roads of categories I–III, as well as to pedestrian bridges and tunnels through them – 30 m, and for non-public railways, motor roads of categories IV–V and pipes – 15 m ;

to the turnout zone (the beginning of the switches, the tail of the crosses, the points where suction cables are connected to the rails and other track intersections) - 4 m for tram tracks and 20 m for railways;

to the contact network supports – 3m.

It is permitted to reduce these distances in agreement with the organizations in charge of the crossed structures.

5.5.2 Underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railway and tram tracks, highways of categories I–IV, as well as main city streets should be laid in cases. In other cases, the issue of the need to install cases is decided by the design organization.

Cases must meet the conditions of strength and durability. At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under the protective device.

5.5.3 The ends of the casings when crossing gas pipelines of public railways should be placed at a distance from them not less than those established by SNiP 32-01. When laying inter-settlement gas pipelines in cramped conditions and gas pipelines on the territory of settlements, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 10 m, provided that an exhaust candle with a sampling device is installed at one end of the case, placed at a distance of at least 50 m from the edge of the roadbed (the axis of the outermost rail at zero marks).

In other cases, the ends of the cases should be located at a distance:

at least 2 m from the outermost rail of tram tracks and 750 mm gauge railways, as well as from the edge of the roadway of streets;

at least 3 m from the edge of the road drainage structure (ditch, ditch, reserve) and from the outermost rail of non-public railways, but not less than 2 m from the base of the embankments.

5.5.4 When gas pipelines cross 1520 mm gauge public railway lines, the gas pipeline laying depth must comply with SNiP 32-01.

In other cases, the depth of laying the gas pipeline from the base of the rail or the top of the road surface, and in the presence of an embankment, from its base to the top of the casing, must meet safety requirements, but be no less than:

when performing open-pit work – 1.0 m;

when carrying out work using the method of punching or directional drilling and shield penetration – 1.5 m;

when performing work using the puncture method - 2.5 m.

5.5.5 The thickness of the walls of steel gas pipeline pipes when crossing public railways should be 2–3 mm greater than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm at distances of 50 m in each direction from the edge of the roadbed (the axis of the outer rail at zero marks) .

For polyethylene gas pipelines in these sections and at the intersections of highways of categories I–Ill, polyethylene pipes of no more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used.

5.6.1 Gas supply to cities with a population of more than 1 million people. when the seismicity of the area is more than 6 points, as well as cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. if the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, it should be provided from two sources or more - main gas distribution stations with their placement on opposite sides of the city. In this case, high and medium pressure gas pipelines should be designed in a loop with their division into sections by shut-off devices.

5.6.2 Transitions of gas pipelines through rivers, ravines and railway tracks in excavations, laid in areas with seismicity of more than 7 points, must be provided above ground. The structures of the supports must ensure the possibility of movements of gas pipelines that occur during an earthquake.

5.6.3 During the construction of underground gas pipelines in seismic areas, in mined and karst areas, at intersections with other underground utilities, at corners of turns of gas pipelines with a bend radius of less than 5 diameters, in places where the network branches, transitions underground laying control tubes must be installed every 50 m on the above-ground, locations of permanent polyethylene-steel joints, as well as within settlements on linear sections.

5.6.4 The depth of laying gas pipelines in soils of varying degrees of heaving, as well as in bulk soils, should be taken to the top of the pipe - at least 0.9 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m.

With uniform heaving in pounds, the depth of laying the gas pipeline to the top of the pipe should be:

not less than 0.7 standard freezing depth, but not less than 0.9 m for medium heaving soils;

not less than 0.8 standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m for strongly and excessively heaving soils.

5.6.5 For LPG tank installations with underground tanks in heaving (except slightly heaving), medium and highly swelling soils, provision must be made for above-ground laying of liquid and vapor phase gas pipelines connecting the tanks.

5.6.6 If the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, in undermined and karst areas, in areas of permafrost, pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used for polyethylene gas pipelines. Welded butt joints must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

5.7.1 To restore (reconstruct) worn-out underground steel gas pipelines outside and on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the following should be used:

at a pressure of up to 0.3 MPa inclusive, drawing polyethylene pipes in a gas pipeline with a safety factor of at least 2.5 without welded joints or connected using parts with a seal, or connected by butt welding using welding equipment of a high degree of automation;

at a pressure from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa inclusive, stretching polyethylene pipes in a gas pipeline without welded joints or connected using parts with welded joints or butt welding using highly automated welding equipment with a safety factor for gas pipelines in settlements of at least 2, 8, and outside settlements – at least 2.5. The space between the polyethylene pipe and the steel worn-out gas pipeline (frame) along the entire length must be filled with sealing (sealing) material ( cement-sand mortar, foam material);

at a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa, cleaned cladding (using Phoenix technology) inner surface gas pipelines with a synthetic fabric hose on a special two-component glue, subject to confirmation in in the prescribed manner their suitability for these purposes at the specified pressure or in accordance with standards (technical conditions); the scope of which extends to this pressure.

5.7.2 Restoration of worn-out steel gas pipelines is carried out without changing the pressure, with an increase or decrease in pressure compared to the existing gas pipeline.

In this case, it is allowed to save:

intersections of restored areas with underground utilities without installing additional casings;

depth of installation of restored gas pipelines;

distances from the restored gas pipeline to buildings, structures and utilities according to its actual location, if the pressure of the restored gas pipeline does not change or when the pressure of the restored gas pipeline increases to 0.3 MPa.

Restoring worn-out steel gas pipelines with increasing pressure to high is permitted if the distances to buildings, structures and utilities meet the requirements for a high-pressure gas pipeline.

5.7.3 The ratio of the sizes of polyethylene and steel pipes during reconstruction by the pulling method should be selected based on the possibility of free passage of polyethylene pipes and parts inside steel ones and ensuring the integrity of polyethylene pipes. The ends of the reconstructed sections between the polyethylene and steel pipes must be sealed.

1. What is the distance of the gas pipe from the fence?

1.1. Dear Vladimir,

Issues with the construction of structures in the security zone of gas pipelines are quite controversial. The main regulatory act in this area is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 878 (as amended on May 17, 2016) “On approval of the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks.”
To start:
“protection zone of the gas distribution network” - a territory with special conditions of use, established along the routes of gas pipelines and around other objects of the gas distribution network in order to ensure normal conditions of its operation and eliminate the possibility of its damage (clause “e” of clause 3 of the Resolution);
According to paragraphs. “a” clause 7 of the Resolution,
The following security zones are established for gas distribution networks: a) along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines running at a distance 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline.
I assume that you are talking about an ordinary low-pressure gas pipeline, that is, pipes that are often laid along the streets on iron poles.

The types of activities prohibited in the security zone are established by clause 14 of the Resolution, in particular, there is clause "e", prohibiting:
fence and block security zones, prevent personnel of operating organizations from accessing gas distribution networks, carrying out maintenance and eliminating damage to gas distribution networks.

The security zone itself must be marked in the land management documents for the site.

Please keep the following in mind:
1. In relation to structures, including fences, it matters what was built first: the fence itself or the gas pipeline.
2. Nowadays, there are often cases when a gas transportation organization (the corresponding “Oblgaz”) stupidly enters into public easement agreements with land owners, that is, the owner must allow a gas service employee to enter his territory for Maintenance pipes. This excludes claims regarding the fence in the security zone.
3. The law distinguishes between the concept of a security zone and the concept of a minimum distance to an object. If the object is located within the security zone and does not interfere with the operation of the gas pipeline, the courts do not make a decision on the demolition of such objects;
4. Disputes regarding the possible demolition of structures within the protected zone are resolved exclusively in court, and, as a rule, land management and () or construction and technical forensic examination is required. That is, the neighbor/regional gas company will not argue over every fence.

Based on this, if you need to build a fence in the security zone of a gas pipeline, I recommend going to the regional gas office and consulting - perhaps they will not have any claims if an easement agreement is concluded.

2. What is the distance of the gas pipe from the fence in St.

2.1. Nina Vasilievna, it is impossible to answer your question unambiguously, since there is no information available on the type of gas pipeline laying and its pressure.
1. If the gas pipeline is underground: According to SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems, updated version SP 62.13330.2011 Appendix B, the distance from gas pipelines to the foundations of buildings and structures with a nominal diameter of up to 300 mm: - up to 0.005 MPa - 2 meters; - St. 0.005 to 0.3 MPa – 4 meters; - St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa – 7 meters. Over 300 mm: - up to 0.005 MPa – 2 meters; - St. 0.005 to 0.3 MPa – 4 meters; - St. 0.3 to 0.6 MPa – 7 meters. Also, according to the Rules for the Protection of Gas Distribution Networks approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 878, a security zone is established for gas distribution networks along the routes of external gas pipelines - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline.
2. If the gas pipeline is above ground: The distance to residential buildings is not standardized. It is only necessary to comply with the conditions for the intersection of the gas pipeline with window and door openings - 0.5 m and below the roof - 0.2 m.

3. At what distance from the gas pipe can a kebab bar be placed?

3.1. Check with the owner of the pipe. Gas pipelines may vary in hazard class, and accordingly, the zones may be different.

4. Hello, at what distance from the gas pipe can you build a house?

4.1. To answer your question, you need to have information about the gas pipeline (class, diameter, categories, etc.), but if you have such information, you have the opportunity to independently determine the minimum distance at which there are legal grounds for building a residential building (in order to eliminate the risks of demolition of the house).
Follow clause 3.17 of the SNIP Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee dated March 30, 1985 No. 30, SNiP 2.05.06-85*.
I also recommend contacting the owner of the specified gas industry facility for clarification on your question.
Receive an extract for the land plot, the specified extract reflects information about the encumbrance, according to the specified cadastral number of the object of encumbrance, receive an extract of ownership.

According to Art. 90 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, the boundaries of security zones on which gas supply system facilities are located are determined on the basis of building codes and regulations, rules for the protection of main pipelines, and other normative documents approved in the prescribed manner. On the specified land plots, when economic use The construction of any buildings, structures, structures within the established minimum distances to gas supply system facilities is not allowed.
It is not allowed to interfere with the organization that owns the gas supply system or the organization authorized by it in carrying out work on the maintenance and repair of gas supply system facilities, eliminating the consequences of accidents and disasters that occur on them (pu. 6, Article 90 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation).

Good luck to you.

5. At what distance from the gas pipe can the land be plowed?

5.1. A security zone is a piece of land located between two parallel lines, passing on both sides of the gas pipeline axis (parallel).

The distance from the axis of the gas pipeline to the border depends on the category of the gas pipeline. The following standards are currently in effect:
along the routes of external gas pipelines - 2 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;
along the routes of underground gas pipelines made of polyethylene pipes when using copper wire to designate the gas pipeline route - in the form of a territory limited by conditional lines passing at a distance of 3 meters from the gas pipeline on the wire side and 2 meters on the opposite side;
along the routes of external gas pipelines on permafrost soils, regardless of the pipe material - in the form of an area limited by conditional lines running at a distance of 10 meters on each side of the gas pipeline;
around separate gas control points - in the form of a territory bounded by a closed line drawn at a distance of 10 meters from the boundaries of these objects. For gas control points attached to buildings, the security zone is not regulated;
along underwater crossings of gas pipelines through navigable and floating rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals - in the form of a section of water space from the water surface to the bottom, enclosed between parallel planes spaced 100 m on each side of the gas pipeline;
along the routes of inter-settlement gas pipelines passing through forests and trees and shrubs, in the form of clearings 6 meters wide, 3 meters on each side of the gas pipeline. For above-ground sections of gas pipelines, the distance from trees to the pipeline must be no less than the height of the trees throughout the entire life of the gas pipeline.
Moreover, standard distances are established taking into account the significance of objects, conditions for laying a gas pipeline, gas pressure and other factors, but not less than building codes and regulations approved by a specially authorized federal body executive power in the field of urban planning and construction. That is, more of the above is possible, but less is not possible. These standards were introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 No. 878 “On approval of the Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks.”

As a rule, on private land plots there are only pipes supplying gas consumers. For example, this could be a steel pipe with a diameter of 80 mm. Such a gas pipeline has a security zone of 2 meters on each side.

My friends bought a plot of land where they built a house more than 20 years ago. Since then, they have paid taxes and completed documents for the house, everything is as it should be. Only last year they learned that at a distance of 270 meters from the house there is a high-pressure gas main pipe. And there is a threat of demolition of the house. What can you do in this situation? Read answers (2)

6. At what distance should a 10 kV power line support be placed from the main gas pipe.

6.1. GOST 12.1.051-90 System of occupational safety standards (SSBT). Electrical safety. Safety distances in the security zone of power lines with voltages over 1000 V


2.1. The security zone along overhead power lines is established in the form of an air space above the ground, limited by parallel vertical planes spaced on both sides of the line at a horizontal distance from the outermost wires indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

Line voltage, kV

Distance, m

7. At what distance from the low pressure gas pipe can trees be planted?

7.1. Uv. Igor, according to those. The standard protection zone of a low-pressure gas pipeline is 2 meters. Based on this, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of forming a tree crown at a specified distance from the pipe.

8. A neighbor asks for consent to install a gas pipe (overground) along my property along the fence. A bathhouse is adjacent to the fence (approximately 1 m distance from the fence to the bathhouse). What burdens are imposed on me?

8.1. The security zone from the overhead gas pipeline (depending on the pressure) is 2 meters. There may be problems with the demolition of your bathhouse.

9. A neighbor wants to lay a gas pipe to his house along my fence, the fence is 2 m high, there are brick posts between them, a fence made of metal profiles, what are the standards for laying a gas pipe by air to a private house, what supports for the pipe should be, at what height, at what is the distance from the neighboring house or plot, is it a violation to run a gas pipe along the fence.

9.1. Good afternoon
All these questions should be addressed, first of all, to the gas service.
As for your fence, if it is only YOUR fence, then placing a gas pipe on it is only with your written consent.
Otherwise, placing an overhead gas pipeline to your neighbor’s house is possible on the territory land plot neighbor

9.2. Hello, your neighbor does not have the right to install a pipe along your fence without your consent. This is your property and you only have the right to dispose of it as an owner in accordance with Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

9.3. In accordance with SNiP 42-01-2002 Federal Law "Technical Regulation" No. 184 of 2002, as well as Government Decree No. 858 - SP 62.13.3310.2011, the distance should be from 2 to 3 m.

9.4. The distance should be from 2 to 3 m in accordance with SNiP 42-01-2002 Federal Law "Technical Regulation" No. 184 of 2002.

9.5. Gas pipe on the site: what restrictions and rules must be followed during gasification
Laying a gas pipeline on the site of a private house is a responsible task, since gas is an explosive substance. The installation of a gas pipeline must comply with all building codes and regulations, and also take into account some restrictions that are imposed on these systems for safety reasons. First of all, to understand the issue, it is necessary to understand the types of gas pipelines.
The presence of gas pipes and equipment on the site requires compliance with safety rules during construction.
1 Types of gas pipelines
2 Operational Features gas pipelines made of different materials
3 Options for laying gas pipeline systems
4 Rules for gasification of a private house
5 SNiP restrictions when laying a gas pipeline
6 Security zone of the gas pipeline
7 Gas pipe on the site: what restrictions exist for the security zone?
Types of gas pipelines
Depending on the pressure under which gas moves through the pipes, gas pipelines are classified into three main types:
low pressure lines;
medium pressure lines;
high pressure lines.
Low pressure line. The pressure indicator in such communications reaches 0.05 kgf/cm². Such pressure in gas pipeline structures is typical for economic systems that supply gas to ordinary consumers. Such networks are installed for residential and administrative buildings, which include: multi-storey residential buildings, educational institutions, offices, hospitals, etc.
Note! For household needs, as a rule, gas is used, which has a high thermal conductivity coefficient (about 10,000 kcal/Nm³).
Pipelines with average pressure indicators. In such pipelines, gas is transported under pressure from 0.05 kgf/cm² to 3.0 kgf/cm². Such lines are in most cases used as main lines, and are also installed in the main city boiler houses.
High pressure gas pipelines. The pressure indicator in such pipelines can vary from 3.0 kgf/cm² to 6.0 kgf/cm². Such lines are installed to supply gas to various production enterprises.
Gas pipe on the site, what are the restrictions?
Networks transporting gas to end consumers are low pressure lines
There are situations in which the pressure in a gas pipeline structure may exceed the established limits. In some cases it reaches 12.0 kgf/cm² (highest pressure line). Organizing a system with such pressure indicators requires separate calculations. All gas pipelines are classified not only by pressure, but also depending on the material from which they are made.
Operational features of gas pipelines made of different materials
Gas pipelines with high pressure are mounted from pipes that have large dimensions. In cases where it is necessary to make a structure of increased strength, seamless steel pipes are used. The joining of such pipes is carried out using welding equipment. Welding such products is a rather labor-intensive process.
The most suitable material for pipes through which gas will be transported is copper. This is due to the fact that copper has several performance advantages over its steel counterparts. The main advantages of pipelines made of this material:
small weight;
easy installation;
corrosion resistance.
However, copper gas pipelines are used quite rarely, as they are expensive.
If pipes with thin walls are used when laying gas transmission lines, it is recommended to take into account their high thermal conductivity coefficient. Due to their high thermal conductivity, such products tend to become covered with condensation.
Helpful information! To ensure anti-corrosion properties, it is recommended to coat the surface of steel pipelines oil paint(in several layers).
Gas pipe on the site, what are the restrictions?
When laying gas networks underground, the use of polymer pipes is permitted
When laying gas transmission lines underground, as a rule, pipes from modern polymer materials. The most popular polymers used for these purposes are polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). The main advantages of such polymers:
high coefficient of flexibility;
corrosion resistance;
ease of installation;
democratic price.
Pipes made of polymer materials are ideal for underground installation, as they feel comfortable under such conditions. It is very important to remember that plastic pipelines are used only for organizing lines with low pressure levels. Polymer pipes have appropriate markings that determine their operational affiliation. For example, polyethylene pipes used for gasification of private buildings are produced black and have a yellow marking.
The distribution of the gas transport structure inside the house is carried out using special flexible hoses. Such hoses are made from a special material - vulcanized rubber, and are also distinguished by the fact that they have reinforcement. In most cases, they are used to connect gas stoves to geysers.
Such hoses have operational limitations that are worth paying attention to:
they do not apply if the room temperature exceeds +45 °C;
It is prohibited to use rubber hoses in areas that are located in seismically active areas (more than 6 points);
they are not used in high-pressure communications.
Options for laying gas pipeline systems
Today, there are three main options for installing gas pipeline structures:
underground (closed);
aboveground (open);
Gas pipe on the site, what are the restrictions?
The depth of the gas pipe on the site depends on the type of gas that will be transported through it
Closed method. This method of laying gas pipelines is the most common today. The depth of laying the pipe depends on the gas moisture content. If wet gas moves through the pipe, then it is laid below the freezing level of the soil. A pipe with dry gas is installed 80 cm below ground level. All necessary restrictions, including the distance to a residential building, are described in the relevant regulatory documentation (SNiP 42-01-2002). In a closed way You can install pipes made of steel or polyethylene.
Helpful information! In most cases, gas pipelines in summer cottages are laid in an open way. This is due to the fact that this method is considered the most appropriate from an economic point of view.
Open method. As a rule, this method of laying gas transportation communications is used if it is impossible to install the system underground due to the presence of natural or artificial barriers. Such barriers include:
bodies of water;
various buildings;
other communications.
For open installation, it is allowed to use only those pipes that have high strength. This description includes steel products, which are the main structural elements such systems. The distance of an open steel gas pipeline to a residential building is not established.
Internal method. This method of laying gas pipeline systems implies their location indoors. In this case, the distance to the walls and to other objects inside the room is determined depending on the specific case. When laying gas pipelines internally, their installation inside walls is prohibited. For arrangement of internal gas structures pipes made of steel and copper are used.
Gas pipe on the site, what are the restrictions?
For open installation, only metal pipes are used.
Rules for gasification of a private house
First of all, before starting installation of a gas pipeline on a private plot, it is necessary to notify the local gas service. As a rule, the order of future work is determined together with the gas service. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission to carry out future work from another inspection - automobile. Next, it is necessary to draw up a plan for gasification of the site. To do this, it is recommended to contact specialists, since drawing up a plan yourself can lead to an emergency.
If in your area there are already houses connected to the gas pipeline, then the work is simplified. In such a situation, all you need to do is connect to the main highway passing nearby. However, before connecting, it is definitely recommended to contact the gas service, which must provide you with the parameters of the operating pressure in the main line. This data is necessary to select the material of the pipes from which the future structure will be installed.
All systems transporting gas to consumers are divided into two main types:
Let's consider step by step the actions that need to be performed directly when laying a gas pipeline in a private house:
Lay a gas pipe from the distributor to the house. If necessary, the pipe is inserted into the main line.
A special cabinet must be installed at the point at which the gas pipe enters the house. Such a cabinet must be equipped with a device that reduces pressure (reducer).
At the next stage, in-house wiring is performed. To organize a gas pipeline inside the house, it is recommended to use pipes that can withstand low pressure.
Next, the installed system is checked for functionality. All necessary commissioning work is carried out.
Gas pipe on the site, what are the restrictions?
At the inlet of the pipes from the house, a special box is installed in which a pressure reducer is located, and a gas meter can also be installed in it.
Important! The new gas pipeline is checked in the presence of a gas service inspector.
SNiP restrictions when laying a gas pipeline
As mentioned above, SNiP 42-01-2002 describes all the necessary restrictions on the installation of gas pipeline structures. The distance between a residential building and communications is determined by the gas pressure: the higher this indicator in the pipe, the farther it must be located from the house.
Let's consider the main provisions that are described in SNiP:

Items prescribed by building codes and regulations must be complied with without fail, as they take into account fire safety and plumbing standards.
Gas pipeline security zone
The security zone of a gas pipeline communication is the space that is located between the pipe and two conventional lines located parallel to the sides of it. The distance from the axis of the pipeline to these lines can be different, since it depends on the pressure inside the communication.
Gas pipe on the site, what are the restrictions?
The security zone for areas with low pressure is at least 2 meters on each side of the pipe
Let's look at examples of security zones for various gas pipelines:
for communications that are laid in an open way, the security zone will be 2 m on each side of the pipe;
for lines that consist of polyethylene pipes with special copper wires marking the route, it is 3 m from the communication (on the wire side) and 2 m on the other side;
along gas transmission lines that are laid in permafrost soil conditions, the security zone is 10 m on each side of the communication. This indicator remains the same regardless of what material the track is made of;
for points that regulate gas in the pipeline, the conditional, closed line of the security zone is 10 m from their boundaries. For private gas control points, the security zone is not regulated;
the security zone for gas pipelines laid under water is 100 m;
for communications laid in forest belts and in areas with trees and shrubs, the security zone is 3 m (in the case of underground laying of the route). And for communications installed above the ground, the distance from the tree to the pipe must be no less than the height of this tree;
for private purposes, as a rule, pipes with a cross-sectional index of at least 80 mm are used. For such a pipeline, the security zone will be 2 m on each side.
Gas pipe on the site: what restrictions exist for the security zone?
Certain restrictions are imposed on the territory that is located within the security zone. Let's look at them:
The construction of various buildings is strictly prohibited;
if part of the bridge falls within the protected zone of the gas transmission communication, then its demolition or reconstruction work is prohibited without obtaining permission from the relevant authorities;
Important! The destruction of benchmarks and other signs located on communications is strictly prohibited.
The construction of landfills in the protected zone is prohibited;
It is prohibited to store toxic waste, acids, alkalis or other aggressive chemical compounds within the security zone;
It is forbidden to erect obstructing elements within the security zone (for example, fences);
In no case should a fire be lit in areas located within such a zone;
It is prohibited to cultivate the soil at a depth that exceeds 30 cm.
For gas pipeline structures that are in the process of being laid, approval of such zones is carried out in the presence of the owner of the site. For existing gas transmission lines, the presence of the owner of the land plot is not mandatory.

9.6. Dear Svetlana, Krasnodar!
Article 274 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The right to limited use of someone else’s land plot (easement)
Part 1. The owner of real estate (land plot, other real estate) has the right to demand from the owner of a neighboring land plot, and, if necessary, from the owner of another land plot (adjacent plot) to provide the right of limited use of the neighboring plot (easement).
An easement can be established to ensure passage and passage through a land plot, the laying and operation of power lines, communications and pipelines, provision of water supply and land reclamation, as well as other needs of the owner of real estate that cannot be provided without the establishment of an easement.

Based on the above:
- only after establishing in Judicial procedure An easement (paid) can allow this gas pipe to be laid along your fence.

Good luck to you Vladimir Nikolaevich
Ufa 08/30/2019

9.7. Firstly, if the fence is yours and was built with your money, then your neighbor cannot fence off his gas without your consent, “Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One)” dated November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ (as amended on July 18, 2019)
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 209. Contents of property rights

1. The owner has the rights to own, use and dispose of his property. Secondly, this action contradicts the requirements of SNiP 42-01-2002 Federal Law "Technical Regulation" No. 184 of 2002, as well as Government Decree No. 858 - SP 62.13.3310.2011, since they are provided with a distance of 3 meters from the boundary. If he does it without your consent, you can force him through the court to take everything back.
Good luck!

9.8. Your fence is your property. Only you have the right to dispose of this property (Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
And for the construction of the gas pipeline there is a land plot, which is determined by the construction organization.

9.9. To run a gas pipe through your fence, your neighbor must obtain permission from you; this is expressly stated in clause 7, paragraph e)
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2013 N 1314 (as amended on February 21, 2019) “On approval of the Rules for connection (technological connection) of facilities capital construction to gas distribution networks

f) consent of the main subscriber to connect ( technological connection) to the gas distribution and (or) gas consumption networks of the main subscriber, as well as the construction of a gas pipeline on the land plot of the main subscriber, if the connection is made on a land plot the owner of which is the main subscriber, in the cases provided for in paragraph 34 of these Rules

The issue of providing a neighbor with the technological ability to connect to a private home is decided by the gas distribution organization.

9.10. SNiP 42-01-2002 describes all the necessary restrictions on the installation of gas pipeline structures. The distance between a residential building and communications is determined by the gas pressure: the higher this indicator in the pipe, the farther it must be located from the house.

The main provisions that are described in SNiP:

The distance between the foundation of a residential building and the low-pressure gas transmission communication is 2 meters;
the distance between the foundation of a private house and the medium-pressure pipe is 4 meters;
high-pressure gas pipelines should be located at a distance of 7 meters from a residential building;
in accordance with SNiP, the distance of the pipeline that transports gas to the window or doorway must be at least 50 cm;
the distance from the pipe to the roof of the house should be at least 20 cm.
Items prescribed by building codes and regulations must be complied with without fail, as they take into account fire safety and plumbing standards.

9.11. I would not coordinate the installation of a pipe along the fence, even if leads through his area, he needs a pipe. There is a gas pipeline security zone there, nothing can be built, etc.

The standards of protective zones are regulated by SP SP 62.13330.2011* ( former SNiP 42-01-2002) valid in all regions of the Russian Federation. Gas pipeline routes and other gas distribution network facilities must be operated in conditions of strict safety, excluding the possibility of damage, and prevent third parties from accessing the location of the gas pipeline, shut-off valves and gas equipment. Even minor damage to the insulation of steel pipes provokes corrosion of the metal and can lead to...

10. Please, is it a violation that my drain hole, outbuildings, wooden outdoor toilet, located at a distance from the low pressure gas pipe. Thanks in advance.

10.1. The distance was not specified. But - it is not a violation in any case if it was legally installed before the gas pipeline was laid.

11. Are there any standards for the distance from the gas pipe to the fence, so that you can apply for easement with the gas company.

11.1. The gas pipe does not pass through the territory of your land plot, so it is impossible to establish an easement here because the gas company does not use your land. plot.

12. The gas pipe runs along the edge of a private plot, at a distance of 1 m from the boundary. Tell me, can a corrugated sheet + brick fence be installed on this boundary? Or what should the indent be?
And on the other hand, how much should you retreat when planting trees and shrubs?

12.1. Depends on which gas pipeline runs underground. Most likely the security zone will be 5 meters from the axis in each direction.

13. Do I need my neighbor’s consent when I lay an underground gas pipe along his property from the street side at a distance of 2 m from his fence? He's afraid for his lawn.

13.1. Good afternoon Vlad. You don't need your neighbor's consent.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

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