The healing properties of purple stonecrop, what is useful "hare cabbage". hare cabbage

hare cabbage(as it is popularly called) belongs to the sour family. This perennial culture has already fallen in love not only with hares, but also with people. All because of the interesting sour taste and delicate appearance. In appearance, the plant is somewhat reminiscent of clover, only in addition it has white and pink flowers. Interesting fact: You can determine the weather by culture. If it leans towards the ground, it means to be raining. About others interesting features rabbit cabbage you will learn in our article.

Varieties of rabbit cabbage

There is a wide variety of species. We list the most popular and widely occurring varieties. Oxalis is a traditional oxalis that grows in the forest. Nine leaf culture garden plant used for decorative purposes. Has a grayish-silver color and big flowers white or Pink colour.

A reduced clone of the nine-leaved culture belongs to the minitifolia variety. Another species is Sheffield Swan. He is distinguished big leaves and flowers. The Alba species is characterized by huge white flowers. Light green leaves of the Regnel variety.

Among the varieties are indoor cultures. These include the Deppe variety, which has gained great popularity in European countries. There, sour is called the "clover of happiness" and is given for Christmas or New Year. Such a plant looks quite gentle due to the beautiful crimson flowers. Another gentle species is green. The variety is characterized by the presence of three double leaves and white flowers.

Interesting purple cabbage. In the common people, she is called "Madama Butterfly", because. she has big purple leaves striking in their beauty.

Variegated sour is decorative. White-red flowers are somewhat reminiscent of caramel. The so-called buds bloom in the bright sun and close in the evening. garden view has large pinkish flowers. He covers the ground with a carpet. Also, resistance to sub-zero temperatures is considered a plus.

Among everything species diversity there are weeds. Carob sour just refers to them. In appearance, the weed is completely inconspicuous. However, it poses a great danger to other plants. The culture multiplies rapidly and spreads throughout the site. You can recognize the weed by burgundy-brown leaves and small yellowish flowers.

Why rabbit cabbage is useful

Culture has a valuable chemical composition. It contains carotene, rutin, ascorbic acid and others. useful material. The composition of the perennial also includes oxalic acid, which stimulates peristalsis in human body. This component is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis.

Oxalic acid contributes to the filling of the body with magnesium and iron. We must not forget that the secretion of the stomach and pancreas increases due to this acid. Calcium is more easily absorbed.

However, there is also back side. Oxalic acid can also be dangerous to humans. If it enters the body a large number of this acid, it will precipitate in the form of crystals. These crystals will begin to irritate tissues and form stones in the kidneys and bladder.

If oxalic acid is subjected chemical treatment, it will impair the absorption of calcium. This can lead to bone breakdown. It poses a great danger to people with kidney failure.

Hare cabbage is especially useful after winter. Due to the high content of trace elements, you can not be afraid of vitamin deficiency. The plant gets rid of bad smell from the mouth, regulates the process of digestion of food, cleanses the skin. Culture is good helpers in case you need to bring down the temperature. Also, the juice has antiseptic properties and promotes the healing of wounds, ulcers, boils.

How to grow rabbit cabbage

Taking into account the varieties of culture, we can conclude that oxalis can be grown both in the country and at home. Oxide - ornamental plant. White and pink flowers will appeal to everyone. The flowering period is from April to October. If you touch it, it folds its leaves. Equally interesting are the seeds of oxalis. They burst when pressed on.

Hare cabbage is annual and perennial. There are also self-pollinating species and those in the distribution of which insects are involved.

Each type of sour has its own characteristics of planting and care. Some varieties can be planted directly into the ground, others require more effort. If you want to use culture as decorative tool then plant it under the trees.

Houses of culture are most advantageously placed in clay pots. Oxalis is able to grow in different lighting: in the shade, partial shade. However, it is better that it is in the sun.

Ideal for planting is normal or acidic soil. Reproduction of culture occurs through seeds, tubers, rhizomes. Care is carried out with the help of top dressing and watering. Manure is usually used as fertilizer. In winter, it is recommended to cover the sour with dry leaves.

Harvest and storage

Oxygen can be harvested in late May or early June. Flowers, leaves, stems of oxalis are perfect for medicinal purposes. To do this, choose only healthy parts: those that do not contain damage. The crop must be thoroughly washed, then dried in the shade. If you are using electric dryers, set the temperature to no more than forty degrees. It will be more convenient to keep the "medicine" in plastic bags, but not more than a year.

Thus, sour is beautiful, valuable plant. It is often used in medicinal and decorative purposes. As a medicine, hare cabbage has a beneficial effect on the circulatory and digestive systems, relieves fever, and as an element of decor, it will pleasantly please the eye with delicate flowers of the most different shades. special care sour is not required. The main thing is to water it and feed it.

Ordinary - long-term herbaceous plant, Crassulaceae family. This grass leaves consist of three parts on the same long petioles. Leaves and flowers have a slightly reddish color due to the presence of pink veins. It begins to bloom in late spring - early summer (May June). Height up to 12 cm. With a careful study of the grass, you can see yellow spot near the base of the corolla. A feature of hare cabbage is that the ripe fruits give out small red seeds. This happens due to the fact that inside the fruit the level of humidity changes and the shell of the fruit bursts, changing its shape.

You can usually find rabbit cabbage in Europe and North America. It can also be found in the Caucasus, Turkey, Mongolia and China. In Russia it can be found on European territory countries and Western and Eastern parts of Siberia. Medicinal herbaceous plant prefers shady and humid forests, oak forests, birch forests. And, of course, still prefers places near streams and ponds.

Harvesting and storage of rabbit cabbage

For harvesting, the raw materials of oxalis (stems, leaves, and flowers) begin to be collected during the flowering period, that is, from May to June. After harvesting, the herbs are immediately washed and dried in the air. If I dry it indoors, then it should be well and regularly ventilated. Also today, a very common option for drying raw materials in automatic dryers. This method significantly speeds up the harvesting process. When drying in the chamber, the temperature should not exceed 40-50C. Hare cabbage is stored in a dry form for no more than a year, after the expiration of the term, the grass loses all its medicinal qualities.

Application in everyday life

On the farm, rabbit cabbage can be used to remove rust and ink stains on fabric and paper. It also helps in refreshing colors on clothes. Fresh cabbage leaves are eaten. It is added to soups, salads, preparing a vitamin drink. Hare cabbage is still a honey plant, but it is not possible to collect much honey from it. Cabbage is also used as an ornamental plant.

The composition and medicinal properties of hare cabbage

  1. Drugs affect the activation of breathing, increases blood pressure, causes constriction of blood vessels.
  2. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as a laxative and tonic, as well as dropsy and malaria, it is advisable to drink a tincture of hare cabbage.
  3. Powder from dried oxalis is used for epilepsy.
  4. It is used for bruises, to remove warts and calluses.
  5. Fresh grass is used for cancerous tumors.
  6. The medicinal plant stimulates the work of the heart muscle, enhances the tone of the heart, increases the amplitude of contractions.
  7. It is used for rheumatic pains, eczema, diseases of the kidneys, respiratory organs, bladder.
  8. The root of the plant is consumed in the treatment of impotence and other diseases associated with the functions of the male genital area.
  9. Cabbage extract is used in the treatment of eye diseases, used for periodontal disease, trophic ulcers and fractures, for faster bone fusion.
  10. Also, this extract is used as a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, tonic.
  11. Hare cabbage leaves are used for burns, cuts, rashes, panaritiums, skin inflammations, for quick healing. Poultices from the plant are made for arthritis, painful calluses.
  12. Hare cabbage is brewed as tea for heart pain, pain in the stomach, liver disease, diathesis, furunculosis, atherosclerosis.
  13. The use of hare cabbage in folk medicine

    Hare cabbage juice for periodontal disease

    Skip the plant (without root) through a meat grinder or blender and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, pour the juice into enamel pan. Add as much water as there is juice. Boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Rinse your mouth three times a day for half a glass, holding the juice in your mouth for a few minutes.

    Decoction for kidney disease

    Take 15 g of dry leaves of hare cabbage grass and 250 g of water, put on water bath for 10 minutes. Separate the thick, drink in a small sip 3-4 times a day. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

    With gastritis, kidney disease, female infertility.

    To 1 tbsp. dried leaves add 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 4 hours. Separate the thick and drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

    With ulcers, burns, cuts.

    Add 600 ml of boiling water to 50 g of chopped dried grass. Let it brew in a thermos for 4 hours. Make lotions, wash the wounds.

    hare cabbage for diarrhea

    To 1 tsp. dry plant add 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. After separating the thick and drinking 15 ml 4 times a day.

    Infusion for heartburn

    Take 15 g of fresh leaves, add 500 ml of boiling water, insist, do not strain. It is drunk 2 times a day, for several days.

    For diseases of the digestive tract

    Add 250 ml of boiling water to 7-8 g of fresh leaves, let it brew for 5 minutes and separate the thick. Drink during the day - every day until the disease goes away.

    Infusion of hare cabbage for abscesses

    To 10 g of dried grass add 100 g of alcohol or vodka. Insist 10 days in a dark place. It is applied externally as a compress.

    Hare cabbage green tea to normalize metabolism

    Collect grass leaves, rinse and put in enamelware. Add boiling water 250 ml, let it brew for 20-25 minutes. Drink as a simple tea, you can also cold.


  • It is not advisable to take the plant in question for such diseases: gout, severe liver and kidney diseases, blood clotting disorders, oxaluria, urolithiasis, a tendency to convulsions.
  • Long-term use may lead to irritation of the kidneys and urinary tract. May cause irritation when applied externally.
  • This medicinal herb belongs to the weak poisonous plants therefore, the use of drugs based on it in large doses is not recommended.
  • In order to avoid unforeseen reactions, it is better to use hare grass after consulting and prescribing the attending physician, under his supervision and observing the dosages and terms of treatment.

Perennial herbaceous bare plant is not too large. The average height of rabbit cabbage can vary between 20-60 cm. The shortened type of rhizome has characteristic crowded and thickened, tuberous or spindle-shaped lateral roots. The number of such roots is often very significant. The stem part is strong, more or less uniform foliage. The stem base is arcuately curved. The stem part is annual, so in winter period the above-ground part dies off and is renewed only in spring period from overwintered buds located on the rhizome.

The foliage of Sédum teléphium is fleshy, entire, alternate, oblong-elliptical or broadly lanceolate, with a rounded apex. The leaves are fairly dense. Average length the leaf is 3-10 cm. The lower foliage has a narrowed or wedge-shaped leaf blade. The upper foliage is sessile, rounded at the base.

Flowers are collected in apical type, many-flowered inflorescences. The flower is bisexual, with a double perianth and five green colors, thick sepals, which are lanceolate, pointed, slightly fused at the base, with an entire edge. Five loosely arranged, thin, pointed, elliptical-lanceolate in shape, bent in the middle, the petals are collected in a corolla. As a result of a slight fusion of the petals in the apical part, a kind of "hood" is formed. The corolla has a dark pink, lilac or raspberry color.

Hare cabbage: common sorrel (video)

The fruit of Sédum teléphium is a multi-leaflet of red or pink coloration. The leaflet can be straight or multi-seeded, and also have a short nose, slightly curved in outside. Elliptical shape, numerous seeds are very small. On greater territory In our country, the flowering period falls on the period from June to September. Fruiting occurs from August to September.

The medicinal properties of the plant

Medical and healing properties rabbit cabbage are quite well studied. However, when using stonecrop for medicinal purposes, it is important to remember that the plant is classified as poisonous, so its use should be strictly limited. The powerful herbal biogenic stimulant Sédum teléphium outperforms the well-known aloe and can be used in the treatment of diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, hepatitis, impotence and nervous disorders. Good result noted in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

The plant is most often used in therapeutic purposes in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases:

  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • anemia of various origins;
  • diseases digestive system;
  • chronic constipation of various etiologies;
  • long non-healing and weeping ulcers, acne, abscesses, wounds and gangrenous changes;
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin, warts and corns;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • problems in the urogenital area;
  • fevers and malaria.

Stonecrop: varieties (video)

  • with oncological changes in gastrointestinal tract it is recommended to take infusions based on dry stonecrop, which must be poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour and a half. The standard consumption of vegetable raw materials is four tablespoons per liter of water. To relieve symptoms, it is enough to use a quarter cup three times a day;
  • in the treatment of malaria, a decoction of stonecrop is used. For this purpose, a couple of tablespoons of dry vegetable raw materials are boiled in two glasses of water for seven minutes, after which the broth must be infused until cooled. Take ready-made broth room temperature followed by 50 ml three times a day.

Violation of cooking technology medicinal product and dosage can cause very severe indigestion, and can also cause problems in the cardiovascular system and cause paralysis of the respiratory center. Improper external use can cause inflammatory processes on the skin.

Features of care

When growing rabbit cabbage in home gardening, the main care comes down to fairly frequent weeding. Stonecrop needs relatively abundant irrigation measures only in abnormally hot and dry weather. It is very important to constantly monitor the growth processes of the aerial part and timely shorten the shoots.

In landscape gardening, common stonecrop is used quite widely. However, when choosing a site for planting and growing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that rabbit cabbage is quite light-loving plant, and in the presence of sufficient sunlight, the leaves become brighter and juicier appearance.In shading, stonecrops often bloom and grow very poorly, losing almost completely their decorative effect. Among other things, on damp areas ornamental culture can be affected by pathogenic microflora, which is manifested in the formation of spots on the stems or foliage.

To maintain the decorative appearance of the Sédum teléphium plant, all fading inflorescences and dried foliage should be regularly cut off. in spring and autumn period be sure to carry out top dressing of ornamental culture through the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers or liquid organics in the form of diluted mullein infusion or bird droppings. It is important to remember that you can not use fresh manure as fertilizer for hare cabbage.

Combination with other plants

Sedum, or hare cabbage, is quite often used in the design of independent solo groups. Stonecrop looks great on large carpeted lawns or is used in the formation of multi-level flower beds and flower beds. In this case, it is advisable to supplement the sedum with other, shading types of decorative stonecrops. Almost all creeping varieties of Sédum teléphium are very decorative in the foreground of flower beds and are in demand in the design of lawns, framing flower beds or garden paths.

IN last years landscape designers are increasingly using Sédum teléphium in decorating the fountain and pond areas, as well as complementing arbors and terraces with creeping stonecrops planted in pots. Sedum looks spectacular in composition with any non-aggressive perennials. When planting and growing stonecrops in home gardening, it is important to remember such an interesting characteristic as cross-pollination, as a result of which new hybrids appear that can amaze even the most sophisticated grower. unusual shape and coloring.

How to propagate stonecrop (video)

hallmark stonecrop or Sédum teléphium is the ability to maintain decorativeness when grown in one place for four to five years, after which the plant will require anti-aging measures, including pruning old shoots, adding fresh soil to the root or transplanting while dividing the plant into several parts.

Bunny cabbage - edible plant with very characteristic leaves: oval, thick, juicy, fleshy, shiny, as if covered with a wax coating.

Names of rabbit cabbage

Hare cabbage is called: Skripun, living grass, Stonecrop large.

What does Hare Cabbage (Sedum) look like?

hare cabbage a - Stonecrop is a perennial herbaceous plant with gnarled roots. Stems erect, cylindrical.

The leaves of Hare cabbage are thick, juicy, oval, covered with a wax coating, sour taste.

Hare cabbage flowers are small, white, with five petals, ten stamens and five pistils. The flowers are collected at the top of the stem in a dense corymbose panicle. Height 20-40. cm.

When the Hare Cabbage (Sedum) blooms

Stonecrop large blooms in June - August. The grass is harvested during the flowering period, the roots - in September - October.

Where does Stonecrop grow - Hare cabbage

Stonecrop large They are found in the European part of the USSR, in Western and Eastern Siberia and in the Far East.

Stonecrop grows in bushes, clearings, forest edges, among bushes, in pine forests, along the slopes of ravines.

Application Stonecrop - Hare cabbage

Applied Part. Grass (leaves, stems, flowers), leaves and roots.

Chemical composition. Not studied enough. It is known that the leaves of plants contain organic acids and a lot of vitamin C.

Application in food. Hare cabbage is slightly sour and pleasant in taste, it can be used for cabbage soup, salads, vinaigrettes, drinks. Boiled root cones are crumbly, sweetish and mealy.

IN traditional medicine infusion of leaves Stonecrop is used inside for rheumatism, jaundice, malaria, scurvy, eczema, dropsy, nervous diseases. With impotence, men drink an infusion of roots. Grass in the form of fresh juice is used externally to treat chronic wounds, warts, cancerous tumors and skin itching.

Aqueous extract, hare cabbage juice possess biostimulating properties, enhance the processes exchange and regeneration, provide a common tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat clouding and injuries of the cornea of ​​the eye, with periodontal disease, trophic ulcers, gastric and duodenal ulcers, to accelerate bone fusion in fractures.

Application. Hare cabbage has a tonic, tonic, good wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

In Russian folk medicine, an infusion of hare cabbage is used as a tonic, tonic for general weakness of the body, and especially as a good external wound-healing remedy - (remember the fabulous "living water")

Grass and roots of hare cabbage are used externally for healing wounds, burns And How effective wart remover and calluses. With prolonged application of the leaves of hare cabbage - to the corns, the latter turn white, lose their sensitivity and disappear. Poultices of fresh and dry steamed leaves relieve joint pain in rheumatism and colds.

Mode of application.

1) 1 tablespoon of fresh hare cabbage leaves for 4 hours in 1 cup of boiling water, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

2) 4 tablespoons of leaves insist 4 hours in 3 cups of boiling water, strain. Use for washing purulent cuts and wounds.

3) Boil 3 tablespoons of leaves with boiling water, wrap in gauze. The pads are used for pain relief poultices.

Information taken from the book « medicinal plants in folk medicine"

Stonecrop is caustic perennial with thick roots and short rhizome. The first years, strewn with many leaves, are very short, and there are no flowers on the plant in the first year. In the second year of life, it becomes much higher, while the leaves are much smaller in size, in addition, their number is significantly reduced. In early summer, stonecrop is covered with soft golden flowers that delight the eye all season long. They are collected in inflorescences located on straight pedicels. In this case, the rhizome is branched, which helps to extract moisture from the soil even in dry summers.

The stonecrop fruit is 5 green leaflets assembled together. Inside it are brown oblong seeds. The fruits of the plant fully ripen in September.

It should be noted that “hare cabbage” is the name of the same stonecrop, which, in fact, was young. It can be found in North Africa, Europe and in many regions of Russia. It grows on rocks, glades, loves meadows, wastelands, as well as light deciduous forests.

Biochemical composition

IN medicinal purposes mainly use leaves, stems, flowers. They accumulate fructose, sucrose, complex carbohydrates, sedoheptulose. In addition, rabbit cabbage contains alkaloids, organic acids and phenols. There are tannins, vitamin C, flavonoids. Due to the high content of alkaloids, the stem and leaves are poisonous.

For medicinal purposes above-ground part plants are harvested during flowering, then very finely cut. After the raw materials must be doused with boiling water, dried a little in the sun and dried in an oven or dryer. The finished product does not lose its medicinal properties for about two years.

Reproduction stonecrop

Hare cabbage is propagated by division, cuttings and seed method.

Seeds are sown in autumn or spring in boxes that must be dug into the ground or removed to the greenhouse. Very small shoots appear. As soon as two true leaves appear (cotyledons do not count), a dive and transplant to permanent place. With this method, the plants will begin to bloom 1-2 years after planting. Hare cabbage grown from seeds does not retain its varietal characteristics, therefore, such reproduction is most often used in breeding.

Stonecrop is often propagated by cuttings, since this method is more reliable and easier. The cuttings take root quickly enough - so if an accidentally fallen shoot appears on the ground, it will take root quickly and easily. The plant can be spread by a small rodent or bird, thanks to which it sometimes sprouts in the most unexpected place. Planting occurs in the following way: the cut cuttings are removed to the side, while the soil is being prepared. It is necessary to level the area selected for planting, and on prepared soil spread the cuttings. Then they are covered with a small layer garden soil, slightly compacted. After that, watering should be done. After 14 days, the shoots can be transplanted already in open ground.

In spring, hare cabbage reproduces by dividing the bush. To do this, you need to dig a curtain and cut it in such a way that all plots have roots along with buds. The incision site must be treated with a fungicide, while the plots should be left to dry for several hours. Having found a cool fertile site, the resulting plants are planted in the soil.


Hare cabbage, the photo of which is presented in this article, does not tolerate shade well and prefers bright places. If the place for planting the plant was chosen unlit, then the stonecrop will stop blooming and grow in height. This plant is unpretentious to the soil, but still prefers the one where there is compost or humus.

IN summer period hare cabbage (sedum) is actively blooming, therefore, at this time it is necessary to water it, albeit moderately. In winter, it is watered no more than once a month (with home breeding). If watering is excessive, this will lead to rotting of the roots, which means death.

During active growth the plant needs top dressing, for which various mineral fertilizers are suitable.

When they want to transplant it, they prepare a loose substrate containing turf and leaf ground, humus and sand. These components should be combined together in equal shares. Young stonecrops are transplanted every two years, and old ones - no more than once every four years.

Hare cabbage is a plant that is often affected by pests. Due to this, the roots of the plant swell, the leaves wither. If worms are found, the diseased specimen must be dug up and destroyed.

Collection of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, the herb of caustic stonecrop is harvested during the flowering period. You need to know that when harvesting raw materials, you should be careful and carefully monitor that the juice this plant did not end up on the skin, as it causes its inflammation. Dry outdoors in the shade or in dryers at 40°C. Before drying, the raw material is immersed in boiling water for 1 minute.

Hare cabbage: useful properties

Due to the fact that the plant contains various useful substances, it has pronounced therapeutic properties. Stonecrop has an irritant and diuretic effect. Used as effective remedy in the treatment of malaria hare cabbage. Medicinal properties plants are due to the tannins contained in it, organic acids, glucosides. Stonecrop caustic proved to be a means to reduce blood pressure and enhance intestinal motility.

Stonecrop also has wound healing properties, preparations based on it are used for eczema, wounds and ulcers. Medicines from hare cabbage also have an analgesic effect. Its juice is very useful, but it is used with great care and in very small doses, because, although it contains a huge amount of substances needed by the body, one should not forget about toxic components.

The use of stonecrop

The plant has long been used in folk medicine. On its basis, various preparations, means for washing, compresses and painkillers are prepared. For example, the juice of the plant is used to treat ulcers, burns, wounds, and also to remove warts. Stonecrop is used in homeopathy for hypertension and for the treatment of hemorrhoids. The juice of the plant also helps in the treatment of epilepsy, fever, anemia, jaundice, pruritus and gangrene.

Hare cabbage is used in the form of juice, infusion, decoction, tea and externally - in the form of poultices, ointments and rinses. A decoction of the plant is used for gastrointestinal diseases, anemia and arthritis. Stonecrop tea helps in the treatment of diathesis, heart pathologies, and childhood eczema. The ointment is applied to sore spots in the treatment of bone fractures, lichen and wounds.

Infusion of hare cabbage for stomach cancer

In order to prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon of powdered dry grass. It is combined with 250 ml of boiling water, after which it is poured into a thermos. After two hours, filter. The infusion is taken three times a day, 50 ml after meals.


To prepare the composition, you need to take a fresh stonecrop, squeeze the juice out of it. Next, 1 tablespoon of this product is mixed with twenty grams of softened butter. An easy-to-prepare ointment promotes the rapid healing of wounds and even chronic ulcers.

Poultices for rheumatism

You need to take rabbit cabbage, make powder out of it. Next, take gauze, into which pour three tablespoons of grass, and then tie it in a knot. Now you can pour over the compress with boiling water and apply it still warm to the sore spot.

How else is stonecrop used?

The plant is actively used in veterinary medicine in the treatment of digestive system disorders in cattle.

Hare cabbage is a wonderful honey plant. When a drought sets in, she releases a huge amount of nectar, attracting bees from all over the area. Honey is very fragrant, golden yellow. It belongs to the elite varieties used for medicinal purposes.

In addition, the plant is also used as an ornamental in summer cottages. With its help create a continuous vegetable green carpet, they cover rocky, sandy, bare areas of the garden.


As mentioned above, this plant is poisonous. Therefore, caution must be exercised when using it. If you allow even a small overdose, you may encounter indigestion, respiratory and cardiac disorders.

But when using fresh juice externally, severe skin irritation can occur, up to the appearance of blisters. This means that before applying the product, healthy skin around the wound must be sealed with strips of adhesive tape.

I hope you find the information in this article useful. Be careful when using this plant for healing. Better yet, consult your doctor. Stay healthy!

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