Tikun herb medicinal properties. Magic herbs in Russia

Useful properties of plakuna

The chemical composition of the herb contains phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, essential oil, resin, flavonoids, vitamins, there are traces of alkaloids. The roots contain saponins, and the flowers contain anthocyanins. Leaves, flowers and roots are harvested for medicinal purposes. The collection of the aerial part of the plant is carried out before flowering, it is advisable to dig up the roots in the fall. Raw materials are collected and dried in a well-ventilated area, stored in a dark, dry place for no more than a year.

Plakun-grass is a wonderful honey plant that attracts many bees and butterflies in July with its bright beautiful flowers. The honey collected from this herb is very fragrant, it has a slightly tart taste and rich color.

The use of plakuna

The plant is widely used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and tonic. An infusion of flowers is recommended as an astringent for dysentery. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are good for nervous disorders, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, hemorrhoids. A whole dry plant can be used for. Treatment with plakun-grass gives a positive result in uterine bleeding, gastritis, and a cold.

The plant also effectively helps with cardiovascular diseases and some skin (, dermatitis). To ensure quick and painless wound healing, gruel from fresh grass should be applied to the sore spot. With a painful feverish condition and general weakness of the body, herbal tea will be useful.

One of the most important medicinal properties of the plakuna is that the plant effectively counteracts cerebral edema when bitten by an encephalitis tick.

Plakuna infusion: to prepare an infusion, pour 10 g of dry grass into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for at least four hours, then strain through a very fine sieve. To improve the general condition of the body, it is recommended to drink the infusion 3 times a day, 25 mg each.

plakuna flower

Plakun-grass is famous for its beauty. Thickets of plants in natural conditions and in flower beds look extremely beautiful. The straight tall stem is densely dotted with purple or pink flowers, collected in decorative pyramidal inflorescences. The plant blooms from June to the end of September.

Plakuna flowers are widely used in folk medicine. They contain tannins, pectin, carotene and other bioactive compounds. Flower tea helps with headaches, decoctions and infusions with their addition are used for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Once the flowers of the plant were in demand in cooking as a food coloring.

Plakun willow

This perennial plant with a straight dark green stem reaches a height of 100 cm. Its leaves are opposite, elongated-pointed. Small beautiful flowers are collected in a dense spike-shaped panicle. The fruits are oblong double-winged capsules. Willow-leaved plakun blooms in June-August. This plant is widely distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine. Preparations from it are widely used in folk medicine.

Plakun willowy has a tonic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, astringent and hemostatic properties. Decoctions and infusions from it help with chronic and enterocolitis, various nervous diseases, epilepsy, typhoid. Outwardly they are used for neurosis, varicose veins and venereal diseases. In the old days, it was believed that this herb is an antidote for the bites of snakes and rabid animals.

Contraindications to the use of plakuna

Plakun is not toxic. It is contraindicated to take its preparations only with high blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis. Caution should also be exercised in the use of this herb for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, especially with atonic constipation. Plant preparations can constrict blood vessels, so hypertensive patients should be carefully monitored when using them.

loosestrife loosestrife (popularly - plakun-grass, oak forest, field leuconia, God's grass, etc.) is a perennial herbaceous honey plant of the Derbennikov family. It grows on the banks of reservoirs, water meadows, swamps in Europe, Asia, New Zealand, North Africa. It is also grown in ornamental gardening: on the banks of house water bodies, alpine slides, flower beds.

Good for cutting. loosestrife is used in folk medicine as a plant with a number of valuable medicinal properties.

Description and preparation

The loosestrife has a thick taproot with many lateral shoots, a tetrahedral red-violet stem reaching up to two meters in height, basal leaves collected in whorls, lanceolate stem leaves up to 20 cm long and upper pubescent leaves. In any weather, droplets of moisture and excess liquid flow from the leaves of the loosestrife - hence the popular name "plakun-grass". From the beginning of summer until autumn, the plant blooms with dark pink or purple-red flowers, collected in whorls and spike-shaped inflorescences. The fruits are oval capsules with small seeds.
As medicinal raw materials in folk medicine are used: grass with leaves and flowers and roots of loosestrife. Grass is harvested during flowering: the upper parts of the plants are cut off and dried, laid out in the shade in the fresh air, or tied into small bunches and hung. The roots are dug up in autumn, cleaned of soil, cut into pieces and dried in a dryer at a temperature of 50 ° C.

Composition and properties

The loosestrife herb is rich in: flavonoids, tannins, choline, resins, vitamin C, carotene, anthocyanins, pectin, polysaccharides, phenol carboxylic acids, essential oil. The roots contain tannins and saponins. The seeds contain glycosides and alkaloids. The loosestrife has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing, hemostatic, analgesic, diuretic, fixing and restorative effects.
In folk medicine loosestrife loosestrife is used for:

  • a cold;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • headache;
  • epilepsy and other diseases of the nervous system;
  • chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • enterocolitis;
  • gastralgia;
  • diarrhea
  • hemorrhoids;
  • whites;
  • menorrhagia;
  • rheumatism;
  • convulsions;
  • gastric, intestinal and other bleeding;
  • open wounds, eczema, varicose ulcers, lichen.


Infusion (general recipe):

  • 3 tbsp loosestrife herbs;
  • 2 tbsp. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the loosestrife, let it brew for half an hour and strain. Take 1/3 cup 4 times daily before meals.
Infusion for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract:

  • 1 tbsp dried flowers;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Pour the flowers with boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion. Take one tablespoon three times a day.
Infusion for rheumatism and diseases of the nervous system:

  • 1 tsp dry grass loosestrife loosestrife;
  • 250 ml of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the loosestrife and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Strain the resulting infusion. Drink 60-80 ml three times a day.
Infusion for diarrhea and hemorrhoids:

  • 15 g of loosestrife leaf;
  • 180 ml of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the loosestrife and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove the broth from the stove and let it brew for 45 minutes. Strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. Also, this recipe is used in the treatment of enterocolitis.


  • 2 tbsp loosestrife herbs;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

Fill the grass with water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then remove the decoction from the heat and let it brew until it cools down. Strain. Drink 1 glass three times a day before meals.

  • 50 g of chopped grass loosestrife loosestrife;
  • 500 ml 70% alcohol.

For headaches and colds, take alcohol tincture. Fill the grass with alcohol and put in a cool dark place for 15 days. Shake the container with the mixture periodically. Strain the finished tincture. Take 20-30 drops diluted in a small amount of water, 3 times a day before meals.
Collection for ulcerative colitis:

  • 30 g of loosestrife herb;
  • 30 g of herb Veronica longifolia;
  • 15 g of budra ivy herb;
  • 15 g of grass winter-loving umbrella.

Prepare a collection of the indicated herbs. Brew 20 g of the finished collection with 150 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. Strain. Drink 100 ml of infusion every 4 hours.

Decoction for external use:

  • 1 tsp dry root of loosestrife loosestrife;
  • 1 st. boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the roots and boil for 5 minutes. Let the broth brew for an hour and strain. Use for washing with wounds and other skin diseases, bathing excitable children.
In order to stop bleeding, crushed fresh roots and leaves of loosestrife are applied to open wounds.
With eczema, convulsions, varicose ulcers, baths are taken with infusion of loosestrife.


loosestrife loosestrife is contraindicated in:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • senile constipation;
  • acute inflammation of the intestinal walls;
  • individual intolerance.

Before using loosestrife preparations for medicinal purposes, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 12 years of age, should consult a specialist.

The botanists called him a loosestrife. loosestrife willow ( Lythrum salicaria) is a representative of the Derbennikov family.

This is a very beautiful perennial plant with a height of 50-100 cm, but larger specimens are also found, reaching a height of 150 cm.

The stem is straight, tetrahedral, the leaves are lanceolate with a heart-shaped base, sessile, opposite, sometimes collected in whorls of 3, the root is thick, woody.

The flowers are collected in long spike-shaped panicles of pink-lilac color, the fruit is an elongated-oval bivalve box. Blooms in June-August.

On the reverse side of the loosestrife leaves there are stomata through which excess moisture is removed from the plant, transparent drops resemble tears, it seems as if the plant is crying - hence its other name - plakun-grass.

And since the leaves of the loosestrife look like willow leaves, the plant received the specific name "willow".

Plakun-grass: legendary plant

The loosestrife is very widely distributed. It is found throughout the territory of Ukraine, in the European part of Russia, Europe, the Caucasus, in the temperate zone of Asia.

It grows singly and in thickets on the banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, swamps, in damp places, ditches and ravines.

When we see thickets of flowering loosestrife in the meadows, we involuntarily admire the fabulous beauty of this place. Flowers, like torches, burn with a cold flame.

No wonder there is a legend that this plant grew from the tears of the Most Holy Theotokos shed during the agony of Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the "Pigeon Book" it is said about him: "plakun-grass is the mother of all herbs."

What kind of care is needed for plakun-grass?

The plant is moisture-loving. For abundant flowering, he needs sunny places or partial shade and nutritious, moist soil.

It has several garden forms with flowers of different shades of raspberry and pink. The loosestrife grows actively, forming loose curtains.

Winters without shelter.

Our advice:

In autumn, the stems should be cut short, and in spring the soil around the plant should be mulched.

How to propagate loosestrife?

Propagated by seeds and division of the bush. It can do without division and transplantation for several years.

When propagated by seeds, they are sown for seedlings in May, bloom in the same year.

Where is the best place to plant climbing grass?

The loosestrife is very decorative, it is planted near water bodies, on lawns, in discounts and mixborders.

When planted away from water in dry times, the plant needs watering.

The magical properties of plakun-grass

In ancient times, the plant was credited with mysterious magical powers. On the plakun-grass, healers and sorcerers conspired against evil spirits.

The root of plakun-grass was used for amulets, including cross-vest.

The use of plakun-grass in folk medicine

Grass (stems, leaves, flowers) and loosestrife rhizome are used for medicinal purposes.

Our advice:

Grass is harvested during flowering, and rhizomes - in the fall. The tops of the stems with flowers are cut with scissors and dried under a canopy in the open air.

Pounded fresh leaves are used to stop bleeding and in the treatment of wounds.

Healing properties of infusions and decoctions of plakun-grass

  • infusions and decoctions of herbs are used for food poisoning, dysentery, diarrhea, chronic intestinal catarrh, as an analgesic for pain in the stomach and hemostatic for any bleeding, and they also wash wounds and ulcers with them;
  • decoction is used for bathing young children, for convulsions, uterine bleeding, as a diuretic, sometimes taken orally for colds and nervous diseases;
  • they drink a decoction or eat a root with bread, sour milk when bitten by rabid animals, when bitten by a snake;
  • tincture of roots on vodka is drunk with stomach pains, colds, headaches;
  • used for lotions for bruises;
  • a decoction of the whole herb is drunk with noise in the head, epilepsy;
  • herbal tea is effective for general weakness of the body and a painful feverish condition.

In the past, a decoction of plakuna, which has tannic properties, was used to impregnate fishing nets, which, after tanning, became strong and durable, the intense pink color of the flowers was used in the confectionery industry, and young shoots and leaves were used as an edible vegetable.


  • The plant is non-toxic, but with great care should be used for gastrointestinal diseases with atonic, especially senile constipation.
  • A contraindication may be high blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis.
  • With hypertension, you need to monitor the pressure, since loosestrife contributes to vasoconstriction.

The loosestrife is not included in the state pharmacopoeia, and there is no information about its use in official medicine.

Alexey KULIK
© Magazine "Ogorodnik"
Photo: depositphotos.com

In ancient Slavic legends, miraculous properties were attributed to many herbs. The most “important” were considered “plakun-grass”, “gap-grass” and, of course, a fern flower (Perunov or fire-color).

Tears of a mother and sadness of the earth

They rose from the earth like a plakunu-flower.
Silently tears pour over the arable land
Over dashing misfortune over yesterday.

There is a grass named Plakun, grows near rivers and lakes, high in hemp, the color of crimson ... Its flowers are like a torch, and in the morning it cries with bright tears.

Tall, slender, beautiful, with willow-like leaves. They have stomata that secrete excess water in high humidity. The grass is crying! This property of the plant was the reason for its deification. Plakun not only cries, but also makes evil spirits cry.

Plakun mother of all herbs - they say about him wild cornflower, and oak forest, and coastline, and bloodweed, and willow-grass. He opens access to the cursed treasure, overcomes evil spirits, makes evil spirits cry. Gather plakun-grass at the morning dawn on Midsummer's Day. And no metal! As you dig, take off everything iron from yourself, otherwise the root will not be given to your hands and you will not have the strength. We dug with a special bone stick.

And when you start digging, say: "Cryer! Plakun! You cried for a long time and a lot, but you cried a little, do not roll your tears across the open field, do not carry your howl across the blue sea. Be afraid of evil demons, semi-demons, old Kiev witches. And they won’t give you submission, drown them in tears, but they will run away from your disgrace, shut them up in the pits of the underworld. May my word be with you firmly and firmly. A century of a century!

Not a single healer went to the field and forest for herbs without a talisman from the root of the plakuna around his neck. Not a single treasure hunter went out without him, because he might not have returned, because he did not have protection from evil spirits guarding treasures.

The mother of all herbs, she saved the ancient Slavs not only from the bite of snakes and rabid animals, but also from the machinations of kikimor, goblin and other evil spirits. The root was especially valued.

loosestrife loosestrife, plakun-grass - a perennial herbaceous plant with a thick, woody root. Stem 50-150 cm tall, erect, as opposite, or in whorls of 3, less often 4, the upper ones are alternate; all leaves are sessile, almost heart-shaped at the base, and pointed at the top. The flowers are crimson, on pedicels, collected in whorls at the top of the stem and lateral branches in long discontinuous racemose-spike inflorescences. The fruit is an oval box, 1.5-2 times shorter than the calyx. It blooms in July-August.

The Old Russian "derba", which gave the name to the plant, denotes a damp deposit covered with moss. So it is: loosestrife loosestrife prefers moist, but bright places. Most often it can be found along the banks of water bodies or in swampy meadows, among shrubs, in damp forests and on their edges, in crops on drained peat bogs. It occurs quite often, in places it forms thickets.
Distributed in the European part, Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia.

In the people, loosestrife is called plakun-grass. And there is an explanation for that. The plant is characterized by unusual behavior: during a period of heavy dew or rain, large drops collect on the tips of the leaves, which then drain like tears. So it seems that a flower is crying and cannot calm down.

Preparation and collection.

The aerial part of the plant should be harvested before the flowering of the plant, and the roots - in the fall. But there is a special day when it is allowed to do both - on Ivan Kupala in the morning dawn.

However, since the root is mainly harvested, when planning large harvests, it is necessary to take measures to preserve the natural thickets, as well as to cultivate this plant. All parts of the loosestrife are used for medicinal purposes. The roots are carefully dug up, and the tops of the stems with flowers are cut off with scissors.
Raw materials are dried in the attic, spread out in a thin layer or hung in small bundles, crushed and stored in paper bags.

Useful properties of loosestrife.

The loosestrife contains flavonoids, polyfinol, glucosides, tannins (tannins), phenolcarboxylic acids, essential oil, and vitamins. In the roots there are tannins and saponins, in the seeds - an alkaloid, glycoside lytrarin; in the grass - the glycoside salikarin, traces of essential oil, resin, tannins, but in smaller quantities than in the roots; flowers contain flavones and anthocyanins.

Looseberry has an antiseptic, hemostatic, tonic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. If you fill the pillow with the leaves and flowers of the plant, then the dream will be deep and calm.

The use of loosestrife

For medicinal purposes, leaves, roots, seeds and flowers of loosestrife are used.
It is used for colds, general weakness, diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, for bleeding, ulcers, indigestion, noise in the head, epilepsy. For this, decoctions, infusions and tea are used. Dry inflorescences and leaves are added to herbal teas. The loosestrife gives them a pleasant astringent (tea) taste.

The polyphenols contained in the plant help in the treatment of venous insufficiency, tannins weaken the action of alkaloids and salts of heavy metals, temporarily precipitating and binding them. Further medical intervention is required to completely remove the formed poisonous sediment.

A decoction of the roots is good for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, convulsions, headaches and toxicosis in pregnant women.
An aqueous decoction is drunk for stomach pains, female diseases, uterine bleeding, as a diuretic, for diseases caused by weight lifting; bathe emaciated children in a decoction; they drink a decoction or eat a root with bread, sour milk when bitten by rabid animals and snakes;

Infusions from the aerial part improve the patient's condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, epilepsy, nervousness.
Infusions can also be used externally for varicose ulcers and eczema, bruises and wounds. Tea from the roots and flowers of loosestrife relieves headaches.

Decoction loosestrife: 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh grass is required to pour a glass of boiled water and put on a "steam bath" for 10-15 minutes. The mixture should be infused for 45 minutes and only after that the broth is filtered. A decoction is taken in a warm form, 1/4 cup (50 mg) 3 times a day.
Another decoction recipe: 1 tbsp. l. Pour 200 ml of fresh loosestrife herb with water, bring to a boil, let stand for 15 minutes, strain, take 1/4 cup 3 times a day. Helps with uterine bleeding, fibroids.

Infusion: 2-3 tablespoons of dry chopped loosestrife grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for four hours and filtered. The resulting infusion is consumed 50 mg (1/4 cup) 3 times a day. Helps with colds, prostatitis, colitis.

The use of loosestrife in folk medicine.

Looseberry acts astringently and anti-inflammatory in diarrhea, dysentery, chronic catarrh of the stomach and intestines. In medical practice, it is used as an astringent. The gruel from the fresh plant is used as a poultice for bleeding wounds.

In folk medicine, the root is also used, in its absence, grass is used. tincture of roots on vodka is drunk with stomach pains, colds, headaches; make lotions for bruises, drink a decoction of the whole herb with a noise in the head; epilepsy.

Like every remedy, loosestrife has its contraindications. It can not be used in patients with increased blood clotting, it is contraindicated in atherosclerosis and a tendency to thrombosis. With great care and only after consulting a doctor, you can use the plant for hypertensive patients, since the herb leads to vasoconstriction. As a result, the pressure may rise even more. (c)

The chemical composition of plakuna grass contains phenolcarboxylic acids, tannins, essential oil, resin, flavonoids, vitamins, and there are traces of alkaloids. The roots contain saponins, and the flowers contain anthocyanins. Leaves, flowers and roots are harvested for medicinal purposes. The collection of the aerial part of the plant is carried out before flowering, it is advisable to dig up the roots in the fall. Raw materials are collected and dried in a well-ventilated area, stored in a dark, dry place for no more than a year.

Plakun-grass is a wonderful honey plant that attracts many bees and butterflies in July with its bright beautiful flowers. The honey collected from this herb is very fragrant, it has a slightly tart taste and rich color.

The use of plakuna

The plant is widely used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and tonic. An infusion of flowers is recommended as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are good for epilepsy, nervous disorders, rheumatism, catarrh of the stomach and intestines, hemorrhoids. The whole dry plant can be used for insomnia. Treatment with plakun-grass gives a positive result in uterine bleeding, gastritis, enteritis, and a cold.
The plant also effectively helps with cardiovascular diseases and some skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis). To ensure quick and painless wound healing, gruel from fresh grass should be applied to the sore spot. With a painful feverish condition and general weakness of the body, herbal tea will be useful.

One of the most important medicinal properties of the plakuna is that the plant effectively counteracts cerebral edema when bitten by an encephalitis tick.

Plakuna infusion: to prepare the infusion, pour 10 g of dry grass into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for at least four hours, then strain through a very fine sieve. To improve the general condition of the body, it is recommended to drink the infusion 3 times a day, 25 mg each.

plakuna flower

Plakun-grass is famous for its beauty. Thickets of plants in natural conditions and in flower beds look extremely beautiful. The straight tall stem is densely dotted with purple or pink flowers, collected in decorative pyramidal inflorescences. The plant blooms from June to the end of September.

Plakuna flowers are widely used in folk medicine. They contain tannins, pectin, carotene and other bioactive compounds. Flower tea helps with headaches, decoctions and infusions with their addition are used for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Once the flowers of the plant were in demand in cooking as a food coloring.

Plakun willow

This perennial plant with a straight dark green stem reaches a height of 100 cm. Its leaves are opposite, elongated-pointed. Small beautiful flowers are collected in a dense spike-shaped panicle. The fruits are oblong double-winged capsules. Willow-leaved plakun blooms in June-August. This plant is widely distributed throughout almost the entire territory of the European part of Russia, in Belarus and Ukraine. Preparations from it are widely used in folk medicine.

Plakun willowy has a tonic, tonic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic, astringent and hemostatic properties. Decoctions and infusions from it help with chronic colitis and enterocolitis, various bleeding, nervous diseases, epilepsy, typhoid. Outwardly they are used for neurosis, varicose veins and venereal diseases. In the old days, it was believed that this herb is an antidote for the bites of snakes and rabid animals.

Contraindications to the use of plakuna

Plakun is not toxic. It is contraindicated to take its preparations only with high blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis. Caution should also be exercised in the use of this herb for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, especially with atonic constipation. Plant preparations can constrict blood vessels, so hypertensive patients should carefully monitor their pressure when using them. It is undesirable to use decoctions and infusions for pregnant and lactating women.

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