What vegetables to plant next to each other. Order in the beds: which plants are incompatible with each other

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Pollution environment there is a result not of chemicalization in general, but of the imperfections of the preparations used, violations of the rules for their use, insufficient development of methods of agricultural technology, and culture of agriculture. With each harvest, a huge amount is extracted from the soil. nutrients, and, if the deficit is not made up artificially, the earth will be completely barren.

Fertilizers for the crop

Compost, which is often "voted" by conservationists, is not a fertilizer, but a soil improver. It is not able to make up for the lack of nutrients on its own. Therefore, we can talk about high yields only if integrated use organic and mineral fertilizers. The same applies to pesticides. Despite the active fight against pests and diseases of agricultural crops, crop losses due to these reasons sometimes reach 30%. Denial of funds chemical protection plants will cause much greater losses.

Garden castling and fertilizer.

How to plant vegetables

A significant drawback is that, relying on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the modern farmer completely neglects the possibilities that the plant organism is fraught with. Any plant, to one degree or another, forms an excretion (into the soil, air) that attracts or repels insects, oppresses or promotes the development of neighboring crops; some plants need some elements, others need others, and so on. This is how nature forms plant communities where the regulation of nutrient intake, mutual protection from pests and diseases operates. Unfortunately, most cultivated plants largely lost the ability to self-sustain.

Vegetable Compatibility Chart.

And yet, skillfully selecting cohabitants on the same plot, you can achieve the effect when the need for fertilizers and pesticides drops sharply. So, for example, potatoes at an early stage of development need nitrogen compounds, and the soil is depleted of them. If you plant legumes nearby that enrich the soil with nitrogen, the balance will be restored to some extent. Moreover, if beans become a neighbor of potatoes, the benefits will be mutual: tubers will not suffer from wireworms and moles, as well as worst enemy - colorado potato beetle.

Vegetable compatibility.

It is on this symbiosis of different cultures that the meaning of specially developed seed maps lies. Understanding the patterns that determine active growth and fruiting helps to model crop compositions that are resistant to pests and even out nutrient intake from the soil. At the same time, the efficiency of land use and the assimilation of nutrients from it increases, the cost of fertilizers and pesticides decreases, and the ecological culture of management increases. Below is the following example.

Example of joint planting of vegetables

Carrots - parsley - onion sets - radishes. In a joint planting, these crops grow and bear fruit better. Such a planting scheme allows you to get high yields even on marginal lands and under adverse weather conditions.

Five furrows are carried out along the ridge, in which onions are planted at intervals of 30-40 cm. Between the bulbs - radishes. Between the furrows, two rows of parsley and two carrots are sown, alternating with each other. There are nine rows in total. After harvesting, radishes, then onions, carrots and parsley occupy the entire area and produce large root crops by the end of the season.

Vegetable compatibility table.

  • Carrots and parsley can be planted, but they are not “friends” with dill. Carrots get better nutrients together with their neighbors: peas, lettuce ( Chinese cabbage) and tomatoes (tomatoes).

  • Onions and garlic are best planted with beets, lettuce and tomatoes. Peas and beans and any other legumes they do not like.

  • Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots are friends with beans.

  • An excellent combination in obtaining nutrients is organized by cucumbers: radishes, sunflowers, corn, beans and peas.

  • The beetroot receives the most prosperous neighborhood from onions.

  • Tomatoes (tomatoes) prefer to grow with onions and parsley, but they should not be planted with potatoes.

  • Corn will serve as an ideal support for peas and beans. Plant cucumbers along with corn, it will safely hide them in the shade that they so much need. Corn is also planted between rows of pumpkins or potatoes.

  • It is not recommended to plant potatoes with pumpkin.

  • Radishes are best planted with peas, cucumbers or lettuce.

Studies have shown that a well-chosen combination of plants can grow in one place for up to 10 years. At good care even in conditions of poor soils, you can grow up to 8-9 kg of vegetables per 1 meter per square garden plot.

Many gardeners at the beginning of their "agricultural career" strive to grow as many vegetables as possible on their 6 acres. The enthusiasm of a novice gardener does not dry out while seedlings are purchased or grown, while the earth is being dug up, and the greenery begins to take root. To be honest, we zealously monitor how our beds grow, whether they lag behind their neighbors. In case of success, we are very proud of them. But sometimes no amount of enthusiasm and diligence helps to collect a decent harvest. Something is going wrong. It seems that the weather is good, and the forces spent, unmeasured ...

And then a neighbor who looked at the heavy sighs explains: “Who is planting peas among onions!”

Indeed, vegetables and herbs do not always get along with each other. The neighborhood of some increases the harvest, and diseases, the neighborhood of others - depresses.

Take, for example, the most common vegetable - carrots. Carrots get along well next to and mixed with peas, spinach, radishes, lettuce, beets, chard. Good carrot grows with onions, leeks or perennial onions. Neutral to radish and turnip. But he does not tolerate dill, celery and parsley, he does not tolerate anise nearby.

Dill in our gardens spreads by self-sowing and often on carrot beds by the end of June, lush dill branches turn green. But do not be lazy and weed the carrots from dill, immediately put it in okroshka!

Basil grows well alongside beans, peppers, fennel, cucumbers, lettuce, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, corn, and squash. It is not recommended to plant it next to marjoram and dill.

Eggplant grows well next to bush beans, peas, peppers, does not like neighborhood with cucumbers and rather conflicting opinions about their neighborhood with other nightshade. Many gardeners who have eggplants planted next to tomatoes or next to potatoes are convinced that such a neighborhood is quite successful. Other gardeners believe that eggplants are losing their harvest. But thyme is believed to have a beneficial effect on the eggplant harvest.

Beans grow well next to many crops: corn, tomatoes and cucumbers, carrots and radishes, as for potatoes, there is one feature: beans cannot be planted mixed with potatoes, but only along the edge of a potato field. In the common ridge, beans lead in terms of nutrient consumption, potatoes will receive less, first of all, potassium, tubers form small ones. But beans planted around the perimeter of potato ridges repel moles. They do not like neighborhood beans with onions (all kinds), garlic and peas. If important good harvest beans should be planted next to them oregano or rosemary.

Grapes grow well next to radishes, radishes, bush beans, carrots, and beets. Tomatoes, cabbage, corn, onions (all kinds), horseradish, soybeans are considered harmful to it. Regarding cabbage, white cabbage spoils the taste of grapes, and cauliflower, on the contrary, has a beneficial effect (according to Moser), like cucumbers, they are not the best neighbor, but definitely do no harm. Moser in his experiments notes the beneficial effect of sorrel, yellow mustard, spinach, alfalfa, melon, and other plants on grapes. The worst effect on grapes: eggplant, potatoes, peppers, dandelion, wormwood, nettle.

Peas - a good relationship with carrots and cucumbers, zucchini and cabbage, do not like his onions, watercress, tomatoes, garlic.

Strawberries - compatible in plantings with lettuce, beans, garlic, spinach, grows well next to beets, onions, radishes, parsley. It does not tolerate the neighborhood with horseradish, the joint planting of strawberries and strawberries is highly doubtful.

Zucchini - for him good neighbors- peas, onions, lettuce, bush beans, spinach. It is undesirable to plant zucchini next to pumpkin, potatoes, radishes and radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley.

Cabbage - it is not difficult for her to find a place in the garden. Many crops are friends with cabbage: these are bush beans, carrots, beets, beans, celery, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes (except red cabbage), leeks, beets. Greens can be planted next to cabbage: dill, onion. Conflicting opinions about the compatibility of cabbage and strawberries, strawberries (possibly depends on the variety and method of planting), as well as parsley.

Different types of cabbage relate differently to onions, a number of agronomists believe that Chinese cabbage and onion are incompatible, but onions and broccoli give good combination. We recommend based on your own observations.

Kohlrabi cabbage differs from other types of cabbage - it is planted next to peas, potatoes, radishes, asparagus, bush beans, it does not like being next to tomatoes, horseradish and garlic.

Potato - grows next to diverse cultures, it is easier to list those whom potatoes do not like: these are melons, legumes (except for bush beans or beans along the perimeter of the field), cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as raspberries, sunflowers, asparagus and celery.

Strawberries can be planted next to greens (dill, parsley, lettuce), onions, radishes, beets and beans. Does not like strawberries cabbage and horseradish.

Watercress is a fairly selective crop. It is good to plant it next to carrots, tomatoes, radishes, spinach, but not next to legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, and herbs- celery, fennel, dill and parsley. As for onions, the data are contradictory, the German gardener Hubmann recommends joint plantings of watercress, chives and spinach. A number of other gardeners in their notes indicate that watercress does not combine with onions, leeks or green onions.

Corn - rarely grown by gardeners, but if you really look for a place for it in the beds, then preferably next to potatoes or peas. Can be planted next to cucumbers or tomatoes, not next to grapes, celery and beets.

Onions are traditionally planted next to carrots. They protect each other from the most common pests: carrots drive away the onion fly, and onions drive away the carrot fly. Also, onions can be planted next to melons, cucumbers, beets, lettuce. Onions are contraindicated in proximity to beans (only leeks are friends with it), asparagus, and legumes.

Marjoram - can be planted next to any kind of onions, carrots, turnips, spinach. Joint plantings of marjoram with fennel and basil are undesirable.

Carrot grows best mixed with onions, next to peas, as already mentioned, it grows well in the neighborhood of many crops, but does not like the neighborhood with spicy herbs (celery, parsley, anise). Sage and rosemary protect carrots from the carrot fly.

It is good to plant cucumbers next to beans (bush and curly), peas, beans, white cabbage, kohlrabi, broccoli, beetroot, lettuce, onion, basil, dill, fennel, radish (not clear with radish), garlic, spinach. Do not plant cucumbers next to potatoes, zucchini, turnips, leeks, watercress, eggplant. Question joint landings cucumbers and tomatoes is controversial, should be at the discretion of the grower and personal experience. The same goes for the combination of carrots and cucumbers (more data on incompatibilities).

Pepper can be planted next to eggplant, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, thyme and basil. Bad neighbors for him will be beets, any beans, fennel. Interest Ask about the compatibility of pepper and kohlrabi - some sources claim that they are incompatible, others claim that kohlrabi and Bell pepper- they match wonderfully. Possibly depends on the type of pepper, for example, there is no data on hot pepper.

Radishes and radishes grow well alongside watercress, green onions, parsley, carrots, potatoes, lettuce, spinach, bush beans, peas, and tomatoes. It is undesirable to plant radishes and radishes next to horseradish, basil.

Turnip - sweet and tasty will grow next to legumes, watercress, marjoram, radish, celery, spinach. Do not plant it next to cabbage (common diseases), there is no exact data on tomatoes, but turnips are less demanding crops, tomatoes are quite demanding, so if the soil is well fertilized and nutritious, you can plant turnips next to tomatoes.

Leaf lettuce can be planted next to cabbage, onions, strawberries, dill and parsley. Dislikes neighborhood with celery and fennel.

Beets - it is favorable for her location next to bush beans, dill, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, zucchini. Do not plant beets next to perennial onions, peppers, curly beans.

Tomatoes for better harvest planted next to basil, beans, watercress, perennial onions, carrots, radishes, radishes, lettuce, celery, cabbage can be planted nearby (except kohlrabi). But plant tomatoes away from grapes, peas, potatoes, as well as zucchini, kohlrabi, dill, and fennel. controversial issue joint planting of tomatoes and cucumbers, perhaps it depends on the method of planting and varieties.

Pumpkin is often planted together with zucchini, but this is wrong, they are pollinated, and as a result, something in between grows with low taste. Pumpkin can be planted next to beans, beans or peas. Although it is better to plant pumpkins separately somewhere on compost heap. The main thing is that there are no plantings of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, potatoes, peppers nearby - the pumpkin takes a lot of nutrients.

Lentils and beans they are quite similar in terms of requirements - in joint plantings they are friends with radishes, spinach, cucumbers, they grow well next to tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, peppers, beets, celery, Americans often practice with cabbage (all kinds). Very conflicting data with onions: it is permissible to plant leeks next to lentils and beans, all other onions (including decorative ones) cannot. It is impossible to plant garlic, fennel, dahlia flowers next to beans and lentils. To help beans and lentils, there will be sowing in the immediate vicinity of the savory (repels aphids). Pumpkins, zucchini - they do not have a positive or negative effect if they are planted in the neighborhood.

In order to reap a rich harvest, save fertilizer and not spend all your free time on pest control, it is not enough to choose the right seeds and seedlings, plant them in a good one. It is also important to know which vegetables can be planted with each other and which cannot, as well as which vegetables are better to plant after which. After all, vegetables inevitably affect their “neighbors”: some “get along” well and even help each other fight pests, while others, on the contrary, “harm” their environment. Before planting any vegetable, it is also necessary to analyze the representatives of which family grew in this place before. If from year to year in the same place to place representatives of the same family, then the soil will quickly be depleted. In addition, pests of this particular plant species can breed in this place. In connection with the above planning suburban area on the eve of the sowing season, it is necessary, in advance it is necessary to analyze everything and decide which placement of vegetables in the beds will be the most successful.

"Good neighborly" relations in the world of vegetables

We suggest that you study the information on which vegetables can be planted nearby, and which ones will never be able to “make friends”.

  • Gourds are "friendly" with legumes, as well as with corn, beets, radishes and sunflowers. But they cannot share a garden with representatives of the pumpkin family, they have a particularly bad relationship with cucumbers.
  • Eggplants thrive with legumes, basil, or tarragon growing nearby.
  • Peas do not get along, perhaps, only with onions and garlic, as well as with beans.
  • Zucchini should not be planted next to potatoes, but next to beans, radishes and corn they will be comfortable. You can also plant nasturtium nearby. This flower zucchini like.
  • Cabbage does not get along with tomatoes, strained relations develop with her and with strawberries. But in the company of beets, celery and potatoes, she will feel "at ease".
  • Next to potatoes, it is best to plant cabbage, beets or corn. You can plant lettuce and radishes nearby. He will also “rejoice” at the proximity of some ornamental plants, for example, marigolds. But with tomatoes and representatives of the pumpkin family, he is not “friendly”.
  • Onions can not be planted only with legumes.
  • Carrots are unfriendly to dill and anise.
  • Cucumbers are well located near cabbage, tomatoes, celery. You can not plant aromatic herbs next to them, such as sage, fennel, mint.
  • Pepper does not like beans and kohlrabi, but likes carrots and basil.
  • Tomatoes are not planted with potatoes and beets, but next to garlic, onions, parsley, basil and spinach, they feel incomparable.
  • Radishes are not picky about their neighbors, but still, most of all, they “will be happy” with pumpkin and legumes.
  • Lettuce can be planted with radishes, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, but not with parsley.
  • Beets and cabbage can be planted side by side, including with kohlrabi, but tomatoes and beans should not be allowed to be in the neighborhood.
  • Celery has no "sworn enemies", but it also has its own "preferences" - legumes, tomatoes, onions.
  • Pumpkin should not be planted next to potatoes, they will "outlive" each other.
  • Garlic and beans are like Montagues and Capulets. Garlic can be planted next to cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, and eggplants.

If we take into account the neighborhood of vegetables, then the chances of getting high yield rise significantly.

"A bed as an inheritance", or which vegetables to plant after which

It is equally important to take into account precursor vegetables. If a vegetable “inherits” a vegetable garden from a representative of its own family, don’t expect good. It is worth considering the following recommendations, which vegetables can be planted after which:

  • peas will feel at ease in the garden, left "inherited" from garlic, potatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini, potatoes, and legumes are not planted only after legumes;
  • boldly plant greens after legumes, onions and garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers;
  • zucchini can be planted after any other vegetables with the exception of pumpkin;
  • a bed is suitable for potatoes, where onions, garlic, cabbage, beets, cucumbers previously grew; beds after carrots, peppers, tomatoes will not work;
  • plant cabbage after legumes, onions and carrots, but radishes and turnips are not good predecessors for it;
  • it is unacceptable to plant onions only after garlic;
  • carrots fit beds after tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, onions, cabbage, zucchini, do not fit - after greens and potatoes;
  • cucumbers will gladly “settle” in the garden after tomatoes, legumes, peppers, cabbage, potatoes, but in the garden after pumpkin and garlic they will “not be good”;
  • The “bad” precursors of garlic are onions, carrots and cucumbers, the rest of the vegetables are good or neutral;
  • do not “settle” pepper in the garden left after potatoes or tomatoes, after other vegetables - you can;
  • radishes, turnips and radishes cannot be planted after each other;
  • celery is not planted only after greens;
  • beets should not be planted in beds where celery, cabbage and carrots used to grow;
  • tomatoes do not grow well after peppers and potatoes.

Knowing the "bad" and "good" predecessors of each vegetable, you can correctly "settle" them in the beds, getting a good harvest and at the same time saving on fertilizers.

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Antonina Shelestnaya 04/10/2014 | 51834

Some plants that are planted side by side can oppress each other or, conversely, stimulate the growth and development of their neighbors. What plants can be planted nearby?


grows well with the majority horticultural crops.
Do not plant along with the root.
Peculiarities: improves the taste and growth of horticultural crops, especially tomatoes and lettuce; repels mosquitoes.


grows well with beets, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, catnip, corn, calendula, potatoes, strawberries.
Do not plant next to dill, garlic, leek.
Peculiarities: potatoes and calendula planted next to beans repel Mexican bean bugs; catnip repels midges.


grows well next to strawberries and tomatoes.
Peculiarities: repels tomato worms and improves taste qualities and growing neighbors.


grows well next to the broccoli Brussels sprouts, beans, white and cauliflower, kohlrabi, onions, chard.
Do not plant next to field mustard, curly beans.

Broccoli and Brussels sprouts

grow well near beets, buckwheat, calendula, carrots, chamomile, dill, hyssop, marigolds, marigolds, nasturtium, onions, rosemary, sage, thyme, wormwood.
Do not plant next to strawberries.
Peculiarities: marigolds planted next to broccoli and Brussels sprouts repel cabbage moths well, and nasturtiums repel aphids.

Cauliflower and white cabbage

grow well near broccoli, brussels sprouts, celery, chard, spinach, tomatoes.
Do not plant next to strawberries.
Peculiarities: tomatoes and celery planted nearby scare away cabbage caterpillars.


grows well near cabbage, onion, early potato, leeks, lettuce, onions, peas, radishes, rosemary, sage, goatskin, wormwood.
Peculiarities: onions, leeks and wormwood planted nearby repel carrot flies.


grows well near apple trees, berries, carrots, grapes, peas, roses, tomatoes.
Peculiarities: improves the taste and growth of neighboring plants. Protects nearby crops from aphids.


grows well near beans, cucumbers, early potatoes, melons, peas, pumpkins, soybeans.
Peculiarities: soybeans planted nearby protect the corn from bed bugs.


grow well near beans, cabbage, corn, early potatoes, radishes, sunflowers.
Do not plant Near late potatoes.
Peculiarities: radish planted nearby deters pests of cucumbers.


grows well near broccoli, Brussels sprouts, white and cauliflower, cucumbers, lettuce, onions.
Do not plant next to carrots.
Peculiarities: improves palatability and improves the growth of cabbage plants.


grows well near green beans, sweet peppers, potatoes, tomatoes.
Peculiarities: planted next to green beans repels the Colorado potato beetle that damages eggplant.


grows well next to the cabbage fruit trees, roses, tomatoes.
Do not plant next to peas, beans.
Peculiarities: repels aphids and Japanese beetle, as well as onion fly.

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When planting garlic, you need to follow many rules that relate to the selection of a place for planting, soil preparation and planting material. But it is equally important that all the crops on the site be planted in such a way that the garlic has the “right” neighbors. Many novice gardeners make an irreparable mistake by planting incompatible crops nearby. Let's try to give some tips that will help avoid unpleasant consequences, and figure out what can be planted next to garlic.

Proper crop rotation is of great importance in any horticultural business. Experienced gardeners carefully plan where, which beds will be located, what will grow on them. It takes into account which crops grew in the garden in the previous year. Compatibility with other crops is important, if the combination is chosen correctly, berry, vegetable, green crops will not get sick, and in the fall they will delight in a healthy and rich harvest.

Unsuitable crops can inhibit plant growth. They will “reward” the plant with many diseases, fungal infections, which will adversely affect the crop, or lead to death. All this fully applies to garlic, the most popular vegetable in the garden.

precursors of garlic

You can’t just choose a place to plant and plant garlic. You need to know what plants grew in this place. Each crop has its own effect on the growth of garlic.

It is not recommended to plant garlic after garlic and onions. It is better to give preference to melons and cereals. These plants, as well as fodder grasses, legumes, saturate the soil with useful microelements, have a positive effect on mineral composition. This allows you to get big harvest healthy large bulbs.

Undesirable crops for garlic are radishes, carrots, turnips. Coriander, mint, basil, celery are also not suitable as predecessors. Lettuce is also not perceived by garlic as a previous crop, although it grows well next to it. Strong and fragrant heads of garlic can be harvested if you plant a vegetable after potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, squash or pumpkin. It should be noted that garlic itself is a good predecessor for almost all cultures.

What to plant next to garlic

What to plant garlic with? Are there plants that cannot grow next to this spice? Garlic has a high concentration of biologically active substances; in the garden, it plays the role of a suburban fungicide that successfully copes with any fungal infections. The plant also secretes phytoncides that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. These qualities of garlic affect most of the culture's neighbors beneficially, nourishing and strengthening the plants.

For example, potatoes and healthy garlic crops together help potatoes suffer less from late blight. When planting garlic between strawberry bushes, most insects that harm the crop can be scared away from garlic. If a bed of garlic is located next to a lettuce, carrots, this will help get rid of the psyllid or carrot fly, which often infect carrots.

Garlic becomes a good companion for vegetables and herbs. You can plant cloves between plants such as cucumbers, tomatoes, parsley, any kind of salad.

What to plant next to garlic? Garlic is a real protector of flowers and berries. Especially favorable is the neighborhood with currants, raspberries, gladioli, roses and tulips.

Onions and garlic: together or separately

Can onions be planted with garlic? This question often worries gardeners. We have already found out that garlic should not be planted after onions, but how do these crops behave when they are located in the neighborhood? Growers have different opinions on this. Growing onions, garlic in neighboring beds is a bad choice. This is not strictly prohibited, but these cultures belong to the same family, the diseases are also the same.

These plants have a lot in common: they are planted at the same time, they also ripen almost at the same time, these crops feel good only in sunlight. Therefore, if the site is small, you need to save space, you can place plants nearby. It is still not recommended to plant onions and garlic close to each other on the same bed, the distance should be about 15 cm. You just need to carefully monitor that in planting material there were no pests or diseases.

Garlic and strawberries: better together

Strawberries (strawberries) with garlic are the most friendly neighbors. They can only benefit each other. From such combined (joint) plantings, everyone only benefits, both crops and the gardener. Garlic is a biological protector of strawberries from pests, as well as fungal, underground diseases of strawberries. This becomes possible due to the emitted phytoncides.

Garlic not only repels slugs, but also the bear, the larvae of the cockchafer. Both plants are moisture-loving. Once every five to six days, it is necessary to water the beds. Some gardeners grow garlic in strawberry beds, but do not dig it up, but only cut the greens in the summer. Next year's garlic harvest will also be good. Strawberry-cabbage, strawberry-cucumber, strawberry-carrot are also excellent neighboring crops.

The combination of garlic and legumes

After legumes garlic grows well, but it does not want to see beans, peas in its neighbors. These vegetables do not want to get along with each other. They get sick, their productivity decreases. Peas-cucumbers are a good combination, but beans and peas also conflict with each other. Vegetables have complicated relationships, don't they?

Mixed landing: landing or harm

Mixed cultivation (allelopathy) is a special type of cultivation of several crops on the same bed, planted according to a certain pattern. Is such a landing valid? For what cultures is it needed and why?

The advantage of planting several crops is that each plant performs its function, protecting each other. Even the American Indians cultivated plants according to this principle. The most popular combination: corn, peas and pumpkin. Peas saturate the soil with nitrogen, pumpkin fights weeds, corn serves as a support. The main task is to choose the right culture. Some plants growing next to others can enhance their flavor. For example, celery, onions improve the taste of tomatoes. Cucumbers next to a sunflower will grow crispy and juicy.

But garlic rarely wins in any neighborhood, despite all its beneficial features. It is impossible for a garden bed with garlic to be located next to peanuts, lentils. These crops cease to develop normally and bear fruit. Planting perennial onions next to garlic does not grow. But with raspberries, currants, garlic grows excellently, having a beneficial effect on berry crops.

dropping off different cultures on one bed, it is necessary to strictly observe the planting pattern. Plants should not block sunlight from each other. It is necessary to take into account the height of each plant that will grow together, providing a tiered planting. The main crops should be taller than the compactors. This landing creates favorable conditions for the root system.

The disadvantages of the method include the fact that allelopathy is too in a complicated way landing. He demands deep knowledge of all crops, their properties, terms of cultivation, as well as a lot of experience. It is better for beginner gardeners not to risk planting, because improper planting of at least one plant will lead to the death of the crop.

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