Textured paint textured plaster which is better. Painting textured plaster - do-it-yourself secrets

Coating decorative plaster with paint is final stage. Accordingly, the overall impression of the finished finish depends on the quality of this work.

Why paint plaster

First of all, let's consider why give the plaster some color at all, if they look so pretty anyway?

There are several reasons for this:

  • Such or the interior of the room due to the possibility of using almost any color.
  • Protects the coating from negative external influences, such as moisture, sudden changes in temperature, ultraviolet radiation etc.
  • facade painted in light colors, protects the room from excessive heating in hot weather. Thanks to this, you can save on air conditioning.
  • It makes it possible to change the appearance of the interior or facade at low cost, we will consider how to repaint decorative plaster below.

In addition, high quality and competent painting has a number of practical functions.

Painting options

It should immediately be said that there are two:

  • White - intended for subsequent painting.
  • Colored - having tinting components in their composition. For this, even at the stage of preparing the solution, color is added to it.

Thus, in addition to painting the plaster, it is possible to apply an already painted solution to the wall. This option is especially relevant if the surface is assumed to be monophonic. However, it is quite possible to give color to an already tinted coating in the mass.

An interesting effect can be obtained if you use an airbrush to apply decorative plaster.
In this case, the composition must be pre-colored with color.

If decorative plaster and paint are applied separately, then finishing will require much more time, money and effort, however, it will allow you to use different colors. As a rule, all kinds of facade or interior compositions listed below are used for these purposes.

decorative paint

Separately, it should be said about such a type of coating as paint with the effect of decorative plaster. It can be applied to ordinary cement surface, concrete, or other smooth surfaces, while outwardly they will resemble decorative plaster.

I must say that such coatings can also imitate other textures, for example, they allow you to achieve the effect of silk, velvet, pearls, leather and many other materials. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which is better, decorative plaster or paint.

In order for decorative paints and plasters to look harmonious and decorate the room, it is necessary to think over such interior details in advance, as well as others.
It is advisable to carry out a 3D project in order to visually verify the correctness of the decision made.

Types of paints

To paint the surface, different paints are used, which, of course, have different properties and characteristics:

  • Silicate - these compositions are usually used in the decoration of facades. They are based on liquid glass. In addition, the composition includes mineral pigments and a filler, most often also silicate.
    Distinctive features of the coating are long service life, moisture resistance, UV resistance and vapor permeability.
  • Lime - most often used indoors, as they easily get dirty and washed off by precipitation. However, indoors they prevent the occurrence of fungus even on damp walls. The disadvantages of the composition include a poor color scheme, which is limited to pastel colors.
  • Cement - these compositions are made on a mineral basis. They fully inherit the properties of lime coatings, however, they are more resistant to moisture, but they do not have a bactericidal property. Their advantage is not high price.
  • Acrylic - today this species the most popular. They are distinguished by good operational qualities, durability and low cost. In addition, they have the ability to hide minor surface defects.
  • Silicone compounds - have the best performance, but at the same time they are much more expensive than all of the above paintwork. The disadvantages include only slightly less elasticity and wear resistance, compared with acrylic compounds.

Thus, the choice of paint depends on the conditions in which the painted surface will be and your financial capabilities.

Paint application technique

So, having dealt with the types of finishes and coloring compositions, now consider the technology of applying paint.

The instruction looks like this:

  • First of all, the surface must be treated with a special primer. This is especially important for cement-based plasters, which have a tendency to crumble. Thus, the adhesion between materials will be improved and the base will be strengthened.
  • If the decoration is carried out indoors, then it is necessary to cover all the furniture and flooring to prevent contamination.
  • After the primer dries, proceed directly to painting. For the convenience of performing this procedure, you should purchase not only a roller, but also a special tray. The composition is poured into a tray and then applied with a roller to the surface to be painted.
    As a rule, to give the surface color, one pass with a long pile roller is enough.

Painting the plaster with your own hands can be done only after the decorative layer has dried.
Usually, it takes 24 to 48 hours after the completion of the plastering work.

In the photo - the plastered and painted facade of the building

The nuances of working with paint and plaster

Usually, finishing walls and ceilings "from scratch" raises much fewer questions and difficulties than reworking it, for example, when performing cosmetic repairs. Therefore, we will further consider the main nuances that you need to know when performing this procedure, if decorative paint and plaster are used as finishes.

Plastering over paint

Often there is a need to plaster a surface previously covered with paint. Of course, ideally, it is desirable to remove the old coating. However, this is a very laborious work, and besides, it is not always possible to perform it. Accordingly, many home craftsmen are interested in whether it is possible to apply decorative plaster on paint?

This finishing option is quite acceptable, but only if the following preparation of the base is performed:

  • First of all, the surface should be sanded with sandpaper.
  • Then the walls need to be primed with fine-grained plaster, for example., FEIDAL Streichputz, diluted by 15-20 percent with water.
  • After the primer layer dries, you can apply a coating of the desired grain size and texture.

Surface repainting

As mentioned above, if necessary, the decorative coating can be repainted.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust.
  • Then on the old coating must be applied thin layer white acrylic paint. The work should be done carefully so as not to “lose” the texture.
  • Then, a tinted wax or other color composition is applied to the prepared surface.

In the same way, the previously painted surface is covered with decorative paint.


Painting decorative plaster is modern look finishes, which allows you to realize the most unusual and striking design ideas. In addition, this solution is very practical and affordable.

In this case, it is necessary to choose the right type of paint and apply it in accordance with the technology described above. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

Quite often we hear from those who make repairs: “I'd rather stick wallpaper, it's cheaper!”. Let's try to figure out if wallpaper is really better and cheaper than decorative plaster? To do this, consider some facts, and only then you can form your own opinion.

Fact one: decorative plaster is inexpensive

Judge for yourself, a roll of medium wallpaper costs about 2,000 rubles (we don’t take into account cheap non-woven wallpaper for painting, they only need to decorate temporary offices and an apartment for rent, it won’t be a pity if it gets spoiled). In a roll 10 m long and 0.5 m wide. 4 strips can be cut from one roll only if you have ceilings below 2.4 meters and wallpaper without pattern selection. In most cases, we can only get 3 strips of 3 × 0.5 m. In total, 4.5 square meters of net area for 2000 rubles. So the cost of one square meter will be about 450 rubles. And this is provided that your wall is a multiple of the strip width, i.e. 0.5 m

And what happens to the prices for decorative plaster? It is enough to look at a number of sites Italian manufacturers, and it will immediately become clear that prices start at 200 rubles per square meter. Those. things are not as clear cut as initially thought.

Fact two: applying decorative plaster costs no more than wallpapering a room

The same opinion from the distant past. Now the technology is such that there are a huge number of materials that you can apply with your own hands. Fortunately, the Internet is full of video tutorials. Or, for example, the site of Italian paints Ferrara Design offers free workshops on applying decorative plaster. Just 2 hours and you can create at home exclusive interior for less money.

And last but most important!

In addition to the fact that modern decorative paints and plaster are safe (only choose materials with an A + safety certificate, they are clean and hypoallergenic), they are much more elegant than wallpaper, they do not have joints, they will never peel off, and most importantly, they are easy to restore (wallpaper in general not restored - if torn, then everything must be re-pasted).

Check out what prestige brands like Ferrara Design, Oikos or Antica Signoria have to offer - these decorative coatings can be tinted to absolutely any shade. It is unlikely that in the case of wallpaper you will get such a choice.

Based on these facts, each of us will already make a choice - someone in favor of wallpaper, in the old fashioned way, and someone will make himself an inexpensive and modern interior from decorative plaster.

If the structural paint in a small fragment looks good, then the plaster needs to more area, for example, a whole wall to the best way highlight the idea.

Decorating walls with structural plaster is a popular idea, not only because of the bold proposals of designers, but also because a large assortment products available on the market. Internal walls we decided to decorate with paint or structural plaster, in both cases the final result depends on what texture we provide to the fresh surface.

Decorative wall painting: paints for structural plaster

Concrete, metal, stone or materials such as velvet or even denim - decorative structural paints can imitate many finishing materials. Interior design depends only on our imagination. We do not need professionals to select structural paint - original design we can choose in our imagination.
The formation of the final effect of fine-grained paint (grit - about 0.2 mm) can be simulated regular roller, brush or spatula, as well as less "standard" tools such as a sponge, cloth or... our hand.

Structural plaster has entered well into our houses, both decorated in modern style and more traditional ones. It creates a strong decorative accent in the interior, thanks to clear textures and penetrating colors.
More grit of the product (approx. 1 mm) and a thicker layer (layer thickness is about 2-5 mm, on average 0.3 kg of plaster mass per sq. m.) requires the use of a metal steel trowel (rust that can form on surfaces are very difficult to remove). A thick mass is more difficult to apply and requires more physical effort.

Structural paints and plasters - differences

The products differ from each other not only in the mentioned grain size, which determines the resulting thickness of the structure. A very important difference is the base on which finishing materials can be applied.
Structural plaster can be laid on almost all types of walls: cement, gypsum, concrete and even wood. The surface must only be dry, clean and dust-free. A plaster underlay is needed only if the wall is very uneven.

Meanwhile, structural paint, like any interior paint, requires a finer surface finish. First of all, paint should not be applied directly to damp wall, as in the case of plaster. Previously, the surface must be either plastered or covered with plasterboard slabs. The next step is the possible leveling of the surface, masking the defects and applying the primer paint.

A wall primer will strengthen old paint coats, remove dirt and dust from the walls, or sanding dust. If the walls are new, the primer evens out or reduces their absorbency, causing top coat dries evenly without forming unaesthetic spots on the surface. The primer improves the adhesion of the finishing paint - the coating becomes durable and aesthetic.
A significant difference will be when it comes to updating old walls, masking their defects. Structural paint will hide only small cracks, large irregularities or defects must be pre-filled with putty and then carefully sanded.
A thick layer of structural plaster will certainly cope better with large bumps on the wall, holes after hooks.
The disadvantage of both solutions is the relatively high price and low production efficiency. Decorative painting walls, most often, consists in applying the structure only on a fragment of the wall: in niches, on columns or to emphasize an interesting element of equipment. Too big structural surface can crush the interior or bring chaos to it.

Quite often one hears: “decorative plaster is expensive”, “it is easy and cheap to paint with plain paint”, “wallpaper is cheaper” or even “I can paste the wallpaper and paint it myself” ... Is this really so? Are these statements true? We tried to delve deeper into this issue and calculate - what and how much it costs ...

Comparative analysis of prices for finishing materials

When conducting the analysis, of course, we did not dig very deep and took the most popular options for wall decoration in apartments or cottages today. We deliberately did not include clapboard or natural stone- after all, we are talking about a place to live, and not about a summer house or a palace.

So here's the comparison list:

  • regular paint
  • Velatura decorative paint
  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting
  • Venetian decorative plaster
  • Decorative texture paint
  • Decorative textured plaster
  • Wallpaper with a pattern

In order to compare these materials equally, we took data from websites about their cost per unit of goods, calculated the consumption and converted everything into the cost per square meter. In the first table you can see a comparison of the above materials at a price per 1 square meter.

This calculation is approximate and indicates only the order of prices, for ease of comparison. However, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that different materials require different wall preparation. Yes, and service life different coatings- different. The last but not least factor, which is also related to the service life, is the ability to restore the coating locally. If the wall can be restored so that the coating will look like new, then you will not have to redo the repair for a long time.

Comparative cost of materials and work on their application

We figured out the cost of a meter, but there is still the cost of application work. And for some, it’s not a problem to glue the wallpaper yourself, but someone has never even held brushes in their hands. Therefore, we found out average cost work on all the options we indicated and added it to the cost of the material. We took as an example the calculation of the cost of finishing one room with an area of ​​20 square meters on the floor, which averages about 50m2 of area on the walls.

And so, in table number 2 you can see the calculation of the cost of finishing the walls of such a room with both decorative plaster and various wallpapers or paint. We deliberately do not indicate any brands so as not to advertise to anyone, only bare numbers.

Options to save on finishing without losing beauty and quality

Most The best way to do something well is to do it yourself. Fair enough, but not always. Sometimes it can cost more. Therefore, if you are ready and able - do it, you don’t know how - it’s cheaper to hire professionals.

The second way to save money is to choose a cheap coating for the main volume of the walls, and select only one wall in the room expensive coating. Such design decision quite often found in those projects where the finish is implemented with decorative plaster. Or part of the walls (especially in places that are not very accessible) are finished with wallpaper, in passageways - with decorative plaster, in technical ones - with ordinary paint or tiles.
The third way to save on finishing is to contact the manufacturer or master importer directly (if the material is not produced in Russia). Most often, they can give additional discounts, since this is not their main business, and they usually do not sit in shopping malls with expensive rent.

What is important to know when choosing materials for wall decoration

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the safety of materials. Now a person is affected so much negative factors that sometimes we raise our hands to the top and no longer want to think about own health. All, absolutely all materials included in the analysis are divided into various classes security. The cleanest of them have an A + safety mark. Accordingly, A is slightly worse, then B, then C. If the material does not have a safety sign, it is better not to risk it.

The second thing to consider is the math. No matter how much the material itself costs, no matter how much the work of preparing the wall, applying it, it is important to initially understand the final expenses for finishing. Therefore, roughly divide all the work into two stages - rough finish walls (plastering and puttying) and fine finish(wallpapering or painting). Calculate each option completely in advance - add up the cost of work and the cost of the material as a whole. You will notice that with a larger volume, the cost of the meter as a whole drops. At proper preparation material consumption falls. Yes, and when buying wallpaper, where the pattern does not fit, you can save a lot on the material.

And the third - do not save on beauty. Clearly define the task for yourself - make an apartment for "delivery" - make it easier, cheaper. Do it for your own living - do it beautifully. As they say, the right answer can only be obtained by asking the right question.

The choice of modern building materials is striking in its diversity and a wide range, and therefore it is not surprising that many who wish to make repairs are faced with quite difficult choice. And in this article we will talk about such a type of finishing materials for walls as decorative paint - what such products are, what varieties manufacturers offer, what effects it has and how it differs from decorative plaster, and we will also suggest watching a video tutorial on how properly applied to the surface.

How is this product different from other products?

For many people who have not previously encountered construction or repair, it will be difficult to answer the question of how decorative paints differ from other coloring compositions ( decorative plasters or regular paints). In fact, there is practically no difference - they have a thicker consistency and have various additives in their composition. However, decorative paint has been developed with the aim of embodying the most various ideas wall decoration, decorating surfaces with imitation of different textures.

Of course simple coloring compositions can also be used for original finish walls, but it will be necessary to take into account the structure of the processed base, as well as to follow a special application technology.

Decorative coatings (paints and plasters), on the contrary, allow you to create different effects on the surface without special efforts. So, for example, there are those that allow, due to the additives included in the composition, to make an imitation of wood or other material, as well as to obtain a surface with the effect of silk, velvet (velor), mother-of-pearl, gold and many other options.

All these visual effects on wall surfaces are formed due to special additives and the consistency of a special plastic element that is present in the solvent intended for diluting the paint. These additives can change physical properties the main mixture and therefore, after it dries, unusual decorative patterns are obtained. In an effort to make their home not only cozy, but also beautiful inside, many resort to decorative coatings. With their help, you can easily achieve high-quality everything Finishing work Moreover, the result will definitely exceed all expectations.

Advantages of decorative coatings

Like every variety finishing coatings for walls, decorative paints there is a lot of merit. These include:

· Economy. Unlike other finishing materials (decorative plaster, ordinary paint, etc.), decorative coloring compositions have a lower consumption, which leads to a reduction in the cost of repair work.

· Efficiency. The use of decorative paints provides a lot of opportunities for fans of extraordinary ideas, as it allows you to create surfaces with amazing effects, as well as create original patterns when changing the application of mixtures.

· Texture. Some types of decorative paints contain particles that are responsible for the texture of coatings, which also provides a variety of effects (silk, velvet, etc.).

Unusual colors (chameleons). Some varieties of such finishing materials have unusual colors that can change depending on the angle at which you look at the wall.

· Individuality. Surfaces after applying decorative paint acquire individuality and become unique.

· Durability. Choosing high quality decorative paintwork for walls, be sure that it will last for many years, delighting with its impeccable appearance without flaws (cracks, peeling areas).

· Easy to mix. Unlike other coatings (the same decorative plaster), texture paints They are light in weight, which greatly simplifies the repair work.

· Anti-static. Walls painted with such coloring mixtures do not collect dust, for example, like wallpaper or panels.

· Ecological cleanliness and safety. These paints do not contain toxic substances, and therefore are safe for humans.

· Ease of use. Applying decorative paint to surfaces is as easy as other types. paintwork materials. With their own hands, everyone can make the surface of the walls beautiful and original.

At the same time, despite the abundance of advantages of decorative mixtures for coloring, they also have disadvantages. For example, the range of such products is not as large as that of other varieties of finishing raw materials. In addition, the use of such paints provides for the preparation of surfaces and their alignment. In addition, these mixtures do not have thermal insulation properties, unlike plaster or wallpaper.

How to choose the right composition?

When choosing a decorative paint for painting walls with the effect of silk, velvet, mother-of-pearl, etc., you need to take it into account specifications. First of all, you should pay attention to such an item as gloss or matte composition. For finishing walls with minor flaws better fit matte paint- it will hide minor defects. At the same time, if there is a need to visually make the room larger, it is worth giving preference to a glossy coloring composition. It will also help to hide the irregularities of the painted base.

One more important criterion choice of decorative coating - its adhesion or adhesion. The better the interaction of the coloring mixture with the treated base, the more durable the repair will be. So, for example, alkyd decorative coloring compositions are intended for plaster and structures made of wood or metal. Emulsion - for plaster, concrete foundations, wooden products, metal structures as well as primed walls. There are also adhesive decorative paints. They are similar in their properties to water-based, which, in turn, are divided into polyvinyl acetate, latex, acrylic, mineral, silicone and silicate.

In addition, the quality of the finish will be affected by the transparency of the paint. The covering coating is opaque and is able to tear off the surface on which it is applied, while the translucent coating is translucent and the base will be visible through it.

The protective properties of paints must also be considered. For example, features such as wear resistance, fire resistance, fungus resistance can be useful in certain conditions and extend the operational life of the coating itself.

Paints with effects (gold, velvet, silk, etc.) are best chosen according to samples. Thus, you can see what happens as a result. The main and most popular effects of decorative paints:

1. Chameleon (mother of pearl). The variability of color, due to which this decorative paint is considered the most popular, allows you to diversify the design of the room. After drying, such paint acquires the effect of silk. Its shade can change, depending on the angle at which you look at the surface. Also, the color of the coating will show variability if different lighting is set. In addition, the properties of such coatings include the ability to visually increase the volume of the room.

2. Velor (or velvet). Part coloring mixtures with a similar effect, solid colored particles enter, which, after drying on the surface, cause an imitation of fabric. If you do not touch the surface of the walls with such an effect, you may not even suspect that the finish was made with paint.

3. Granite. Surprisingly, granite itself is missing from the paint. However, walls painted with such a mixture acquire just such a visual effect. A similar result is achieved thanks to acrylic bubbles different colors present in the composition.

4. Mixtures with particles different materials. Using specific view such a coating, you can get a coating with the effect of a sand dune, sea ​​wave, light breeze, etc. It is worth noting that before applying paints with particles, you do not need to study special technologies - just watch the video tutorial and purchase a special tool designed for a particular effect (roller, brush or spatula).

By themselves, decorative coloring compositions, like decorative plasters, provide an interesting and beautiful result when applied normally. However, if applied different variants application, you can get an additional effect.

Before you start finishing, you should choose the right paint, tools, and also prepare the surface for processing. You can then get to work creating different decors walls. The most popular of them are:

Silk effect. Such a pattern can be obtained by adding polymer sawdust to the paint. The matte silk effect finish is weather resistant and relatively wear resistant. When working with paint that provides the effect of silk, you do not need to wait long for it to dry, because the mixture contains binders that harden when water evaporates.

· A shade of metallic, gold, silver, copper, etc. Similar effects are relevant when decorating rooms in high-tech style.

"Frozen Waves" To get such a pattern on the wall, you can apply textured decorative paint. After applying it to the surface (stucco walls or other bases, pre-primed), with light wave movements, you can “draw” waves with a spatula as the video tutorial demonstrates:

However, this is not the whole list of special effects that can be created using decorative paints. Deciding to paint your walls decorative coating, you have a chance to get a unique author's work of art.

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