Tree of love flower indoor title. Aichrizon, tree of love: photo, home care, signs, reviews

Aichrizon is an undemanding evergreen with pretty flowers. Dense, as if carved from stone leaves invariably attract attention. It is not difficult to grow a succulent at home, even a novice grower can take care of it.

Description of the "tree of love"

Origin and appearance of aichrizon

Aichrizon is a typical representative of the Tolstyankovye family, extremely similar to the well-known crassula (aka "money tree"). The only uncharacteristic feature is the fragility of rather strong-looking stems. The name is formed by combining two Greek words: ai, meaning "always", "forever", and chrysos, which means "golden" in translation. Most likely, it is associated with a long and abundant flowering(flowers in most species of Aichrizon are sunny yellow). The genus is not numerous: fifteen of its representatives are currently known.

In nature, the habitat of the aichrizon is rather limited - it is the coast of North and North-West Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria), as well as islands beyond Strait of Gibraltar(Canarian, Azores archipelago, Madeira). Some species are also found in Europe (on the coast of Portugal).

Succulents can be annual or perennial, herbaceous or semi-shrub.

The conditions in the historical homeland of Aichrizon are quite harsh. The soil is poor, rocky. Most of the year the plant is under the hot sun. Rainfall minimum. Therefore, aichrizon, like other succulents, stores water and nutrients in fleshy leaves (they look like stuffed pads) and stems.

In order for the "usable area" to be larger, the aichrizon branches intensively, its stems almost never woody. Bright green or lettuce leaves are collected in rosettes at the tops of the shoots. Olive, yellowish, reddish brown and whitish blotches fit into the norm. The leaves may be smooth or slightly hairy. Villi are another natural mechanism for regulating water balance. Broken leaves of the plant smell rather unpleasant.

In shape, the leaves of aichrizon are similar to hearts, hence the popular name - “tree of love”. But this is how the flower is called only in Russian-speaking countries. In the rest of the world, this nickname belongs to another houseplant - cersis (crimson).

The roots of aichrizon, like all succulents, are not too developed, thin. In nature, the plant is forced to cling to the smallest cracks in the rocks, hiding between them. This is the only way to find at least some shade.

Flowering only adds decorativeness. The buds are collected in rosettes or shields. The flowers are small, like stars. The petals are bright yellow and with shades of cream, vanilla, reddish. Flowering begins in April or May, lasts almost six months. At the end of it, the rosette that released the peduncle dries up.

Compactness is another advantage of the plant. Both in nature and at home, aichrizon rarely grows above 40 cm. The crown diameter is 25–30 cm.

According to signs, aichrizon is a guarantor of peace and prosperity in the house, the preservation of love. Therefore, the plant is often given to newlyweds, new settlers or spouses celebrating the next wedding anniversary. A reliable indicator of the “weather in the house” is the regularity and duration of flowering of aichrizon.

Species diversity of succulents

At home, of all the already small genus of aichrizons, only some perennials have taken root:

  • The most popular plant among flower growers, a breeding hybrid. "Parents" - aichrizon is winding and dotted. The height of the plant approximately coincides with the diameter of the crown and ranges from 20 to 30 cm. The leaves are small (length - 1.5–2 cm, width - 0.8–1 cm), shaped like pinheads. The edge of short and sparse white hairs is characteristic. The length of the peduncle is 15–20 cm, the flowers are bright yellow. What is atypical for the species, they have a pronounced aroma. There is a variegated variety.
  • Very intensively branching shrub, growing more up than sideways. At a height of 35–40 cm, the crown diameter rarely exceeds 15 cm. The leaves are slightly sticky to the touch, salad or yellowish in color. Under the bright sun, a pattern of thin reddish lines appears. Rosette diameter - about 8 cm, leaf length - up to 1.5 cm, width - up to 6 cm. Inflorescences are found in the form of a panicle or brush, golden yellow flowers. At home, it reacts most strongly to excessive watering. During the dormant period, it can become significantly bald. Flowering rarely lasts more than 2 months.
  • BUT ichrizonloose or spread. The height of the shrub is up to 40 cm, the diameter of the crown is up to 30 cm. The leaves are shaped like rhombuses with rounded corners, located on long petioles. Leaf length - 2.5-3 cm, width - 1 cm. Flowering is very abundant - brushes can reach a length of 15-20 cm. Flowers are cream or yellowish. After flowering, the plant loses most of its green mass, but does not die.
  • Creeping succulent. At a height of 15–20 cm, the crown reaches a diameter of 30–40 cm. The leaves are covered with short and sparse villi, petioles are practically absent. The length of the leaf is 1.5–2 cm, the width is 1 cm. Strong branching and compactness make it possible to form a bonsai from it. This species blooms earlier than the others.
  • Height - 25–30 cm. Khaki shoots are densely covered with almost transparent long hairs. On the leaves, the edge is less, but also present. The petioles of the leaves are long, the edges are decorated with very small teeth.

Photo gallery: What are the aichrizons?

Aichrizon sedum is distinguished by an unusual color of the leaves.
Aichrizon loose during the flowering period looks very decorative Aichrizon sinuous forms a continuous mass of rosettes and shoots in a pot. Aichrizon dotted has bright, eye-pleasing leaves. Aichrizon homemade is the most famous breeding hybrid

Table: Microclimate for keeping a flower

At home, aichrizon learned to survive in extreme conditions. Therefore, "in captivity" he is very unpretentious. But flowering occurs only if the plant is provided with the right microclimate.

LocationWindow facing northeast or northwest. On the north side of the world, there is not enough light for growth and development, not to mention flowering. When placed on window sills of a different direction, shading is required (in spring and summer). In order for the crown to take the correct shape, the pot is turned a little weekly (by about 10–15º). Move the flower at least 1.5–2 m away from working heaters and other heat sources.
LightingThe light is bright but diffused. To protect from direct sunlight, a paper screen, gauze or curtain is sufficient.
TemperatureDuring the period of active vegetation - 20–25°С. The flower will also endure heat above 30 ° C, but it can “go into hibernation”, stopping growing and becoming bald. During winter holiday- 8–10°С. Wintering in warmth greatly worsens the appearance of aichrizon. The plant will not survive the negative temperature.
Air humidityDry air for aichrizon is not a problem. In extreme heat, you can put a bowl of water next to it, cover the soil with wet expanded clay, peat, moss. It is impossible to spray pubescent species.

If it is not possible to place aichrizon in winter period on an unheated loggia, in a greenhouse, winter garden or another place with a suitable temperature, place it as close as possible to the window, placing some heat-insulating material (for example, a piece of foam plastic) under the pot. This will protect the roots from the heat coming from the batteries located under the windowsill.

How to repot a houseplant?

right time

AT optimal conditions Aichrizon grows quite quickly, so he needs a transplant every 2-3 years. During this time, the flower manages to tightly braid the roots of an earthen ball. The procedure is carried out in early spring, before the plant "wakes up" after winter rest.

Soil and pot selection

Since the root system is superficial and relatively undeveloped, a pot in the form of a bowl is suitable for an aichrizon. A very large container is not suitable, increase the diameter by a maximum of 5 cm, the depth by 2-3 cm. It is advisable to choose ceramic pots - they are heavier, which means they are more stable, and air passes through the pores, which prevents stagnation of water and the development of rot.

Aichrizon is planted in the ground for succulents and cacti. It meets all the needs of the plant. The substrate is prepared independently according to the following recipes:

  • fertile turf land, universal soil for indoor plants, leaf humus, coarse river sand (4:1:1:1). A useful additive is small pieces of coal or old red bricks crushed into crumbs (5–10% of the total volume);
  • leafy earth, fertile turf, sand or fine expanded clay (2:2:2:1);
  • soil from the garden the best way- light loam) and any "baking powder" - sand, perlite, vermiculite, pieces of pumice, lava, brick chips (3: 1).

Step-by-step instruction

There is nothing complicated in transplanting aichrizon:

  1. Cover the bottom of the pot with expanded clay or other material with similar properties, creating a layer about 2 cm thick. Add the same amount of fresh substrate on top. Lightly moisten the soil.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot, cut off dead rosettes and dried shoots with a sharp clean knife. Sprinkle slices with activated carbon powder, crushed chalk, colloidal sulfur. Do the same with rotten and dried roots.
  3. Leave aichrizon outdoors for 1-2 days.
  4. Place the plant in a new pot, add soil. It is not necessary to crush it strongly, it is better to shake the container a couple of times so that the soil is evenly distributed and there are no voids left.
  5. Remove the flower in partial shade. Water the plant for the first time 5-6 days after transplanting. Then return to its original place and resume watering carefully. During the first month, you need to moisten the earth moderately so as not to cause rot.

Succulent care at home


Starting from April, aichrizon is watered regularly, but not too plentifully. Between waterings, the soil should dry up to half the depth of the pot. In order not to delve into it every time, look at the leaves. Aichrizon needs moisture when they lose their tone, wrinkles appear on the surface, density and elasticity disappear. It is usually enough to water the flower once every 4-6 days, if it is not very hot outside.

Abundant and frequent watering is a sure way to ruin the plant. But the flower grower's forgetfulness will be transferred relatively painlessly.

To stimulate the growth of green mass, a warm shower (30–35 ° C) is shown. The procedure during the active growing season is carried out every 7-10 days. The plant is watered for 3-5 minutes. Then it must be left in the bath until the drops on the leaves are completely dry.

Succulents are very sensitive to the hardness of the liquid. If it is not possible to constantly water them with melt or rain water, add a few drops to the tap water. apple cider vinegar or crystals citric acid. This neutralizes chlorine, fluorine, calcium compounds that precipitate from grayish flakes.


During the active growing season, the flower is watered every 2-3 weeks with a solution of a special fertilizer for cacti and succulents. If you can not find such top dressing, it is better not to make anything at all. From universal fertilizers these products are distinguished by a very low nitrogen content, which aichrizon, like other succulents, strongly dislikes.

rest period

The plant has a pronounced dormant period. The faded aichrizon is removed to a well-ventilated bright room, in which a constant temperature of 8-10 ° C is maintained. Top dressing is not applied, the shower is stopped, watering is replaced by spraying the soil every 10–12 days.

What to do when the plant begins to bloom?

Flowering in almost all types of aichrizon lasts about 6 months. Plants obtained from cuttings at home bloom in the second or third year after rooting.

Mandatory conditions for flowering:

  • suitable in size, not too spacious pot;
  • the right temperature and enough light in winter;
  • rare watering.

If leaves fall after flowering (in some cases, the plant may lose up to 60–80% of its green mass), this is normal.

There is an opinion that after flowering, aichrizon will certainly die, but this is not so. Therefore, there is no need to cut flower stalks.

How to cut and pinch to form a crown?

In nature, aichrizon is a sprawling shrub. But regular pruning can turn it into a kind of tree. To do this, during intensive growth, the tops of newly formed shoots are pinched by 2-3 cm, and the weakest and unsuccessfully located branches are promptly disposed of.

If the plant has lost its shape after a period of rest in unsuitable conditions, it is better to cut and root the cuttings, and not waste time trying to restore its former decorative effect.

Table: Leaves turn yellow, shrink, fall off - typical grower mistakes

It is very difficult to ruin aichrizon, given the conditions to which the plant is accustomed to at home. But its decorativeness from inept actions can suffer significantly.

What does the plant look like?What is the reason for what to do?
The lower leaves fall off, the shoots are ugly exposed.During the dormant period, the temperature was too high. Prune the plant and/or root the resulting cuttings.
The shoots are stretched and thinned, the leaves become smaller and turn pale.Aichrizon lacks light. Move the pot closer to the window.
Leaves turn yellow and fall off.As already mentioned, after the end or even during flowering, this is normal. At other times, wrong (too plentiful or excessively moderate) watering is to blame. Another possible reason is the long stay of the plant in direct sunlight.
The leaves lose their tone, become covered with wrinkles.Aichrizon lacks moisture. Most often this is due to high temperature in room.
The bases of the shoots and petioles turn black, become unpleasantly slimy.Rot develops. The reason is abundant watering, especially in combination with low temperatures. Let the soil dry well, do not flood the plant in the future.

Video: How to grow aichrizon at home?

Table: Diseases and pests

Disease or pestExternal manifestationsControl and prevention measures
Gray rot causing leaf spotOlive-gray, as if weeping spots on the leaves, covered with a grayish coating with black patches. The fungus quickly spreads to stems and buds.Prevention:
  • sterilization of soil and pots;
  • sufficient illumination;
  • proper watering;
  • regular ventilation of the room;
  • introduction into the soil when transplanting Trichodermin or crushed chalk, watering the substrate with Fitosporin solution.
  • cutting and destruction of all at least slightly damaged leaves, shoots, buds;
  • immediate transplantation of the plant into a new sterile soil and pot;
  • watering for 2–3 weeks with a 1% solution blue vitriol, Fundazol, Skor, Abiga-Peak; spraying with Alirin-B, Planriz.
root rotBlack slimy spots ringing shoots and bases of petioles. Above the site of the lesion, the shoots dry and die, the rest of the leaves quickly turn brown.Prevention:
  • measures indicated for gray mold;
  • use of suitable (rather light and loose) soil;
  • introduction into the soil during the transplantation of Glyocladin;
  • watering with a 1.5% solution of Bordeaux mixture or dusting with colloidal sulfur every 7–10 days;
  • when growing aichrizon from seeds, pre-soak them in Maxim's solution.
  • transplantation, associated with radical pruning, complete replacement of the soil and sterilization of the pot;
  • soaking the roots for 3–5 minutes in a solution of Alirin-B, Previkur, Ordan, Gamair (fill the container with the solution, place the pot in it so that the soil is completely covered, then dry well).
spider miteThin, almost imperceptible threads braiding the stems and petioles of yellowing leaves; discolored areas on the wrong side of the sheet; bud deformation. With extensive damage, the plant is almost completely hidden under a layer of whitish mass.Prevention:
  • quarantine for newly acquired plants;
  • maintaining the humidity in the room at a sufficiently high level;
  • irradiation of plants with an ultraviolet lamp for 3–5 minutes weekly;
  • watering infusion of onions, garlic.
  • thick application soap suds and subsequent warm shower;
  • treatment of the most affected parts of the plant with ethyl alcohol;
  • application of acaricides - Vermitek, Nissoran, Borneo, Akarin, Omite, Neoron, Apollo, Agravertin, Antiklesh, Kleshchevit - up to 3 times with an interval of 7-12 days (place the pot with the sprayed plant in a bag, tie, leave for 2-3 days) ;
  • watering with a decoction of cyclamen tubers.
ShchitovkaAt first almost flat, then quickly swelling brownish or grayish rounded growths on shoots and leaves; yellowing or reddening tissues around them. The ground becomes unnaturally black.Prevention:
  • regular inspection of plants;
  • moderate watering;
  • avoidance of crowding on the windowsill;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • spraying with infusion of tobacco chips, hot pepper every 12-15 days;
  • applying onion and garlic gruel to the leaves for 15–20 minutes before a shower.
  • destruction of visible individuals (lubrication of shells with kerosene, alcohol, turpentine with a cotton swab);
  • the use of Aktellik, Aktara, Phosbecid, Fufanon, Metaphos, Fitoverm.
root bugFading, yellowing, losing tone leaves; like soil mixed with ash, which moves away from the edges of the pot, exposing a ring of whitish waxy substance.Prevention:
  • regular sanitary pruning;
  • soil treatment before planting with a solution of Aktara, Aktellik, Allaund;
  • weekly spraying with infusion of calendula flowers, horsetail rhizomes, dry citrus peels.
  • immediate transplant with complete replacement of the substrate and sterilization of the pot;
  • hot (45–50°C) root bath for 25–30 minutes followed by drying for 18–24 hours;
  • spraying the plant and soil with Confidor, Apache, Mospilan, Regent, Fitoverm, Dantop, BI-58, Iskra-Bio (within 2–3 months every 8–10 days, alternating preparations).
root nematodeSpherical white or light beige growths the size of poppy seeds on the roots; most of roots unnaturally thin, filiform. The growth of the flower stops, the leaves are deformed.Prevention:
  • sterilization of soil, pots, tools;
  • placing succulents separately from other indoor plants;
  • sufficient natural light;
  • watering the soil before planting with a solution of Bak-Ekogel or adding preparations containing verkema-ruscamine to it.
  • watering with a solution of Phosphamide, Rogor, BI-58, Mercaptophos, Nemafos, Bazamid, Lindan;
  • immersion of the roots in hot (50–55 ° C) water with the addition of potassium permanganate (to a pale pink color) for 5–7 minutes, followed by transplantation.

Possible methods of reproduction

Growing succulents from seeds

Aichrizon seeds ripen with artificial cross-pollination of several simultaneously flowering bushes. At home, this rather time-consuming method of reproduction is rarely used.

  1. Fill the containers with a mixture of universal soil for flowering houseplants and sand (2: 1), level the soil, lightly moisten the substrate.
  2. Sow the seeds as evenly as possible. Do not cover with soil on top.
  3. Cover the containers with glass or polyethylene film, provide a temperature of about 25 ° C and bright diffused light, ideally bottom heating. Ventilate the plantings daily, spray the dried substrate from the spray bottle.
  4. 2-3 weeks after germination, plant the seedlings in boxes filled with a leaf mixture, sod land and sand (2:2:1), leaving 1–1.5 cm between plants and rows. Set up the containers so that the aichrizons receive as much light as possible.
  5. After 2-3 months, once again transplant the plants into individual pots. The substrate is prepared from the same components, but combined in equal proportions. Remove for a week in a place with a temperature of 18-20 ° C, water very moderately every day. Carry out regular care afterward.

Aichrizon cuttings

Rooting cuttings - the most affordable way obtaining a new aichrizon at home. Planting material is taken only from perfectly healthy plants. The optimal cutting length is 7–8 cm (no more than 10 cm). It is advisable to cut upper part escape along with the socket.

  1. Sprinkle the slices with crushed chalk, activated charcoal or colloidal sulfur. Let the cuttings lie down for 2-3 hours in a dark and dry cool place.
  2. Fill small containers with a mixture of succulent soil and sand, perlite or vermiculite (1:1). Moisten the substrate. You can also root cuttings in water with the addition of a rooting stimulator or activated carbon powder (every 2-3 days the liquid is changed).
  3. Create the same conditions for cuttings as for germinating seeds.
  4. When the roots appear (usually after 20-30 days), plant the aichrizons in individual pots. The soil is a mixture of leafy, soddy soil and sand. Take care as usual.
  5. Next spring, transplant the plants again into the substrate for adult flowers.

Cuttings are cut either immediately before the dormant period, or at its very end.

Video: How to root flower cuttings?

The love tree is a fairly popular indoor plant due to its beauty and unpretentiousness. Several beliefs are associated with it, but for some reason only in Russia. It is believed that this plant brings love and happiness to the house. In a house where the plant is well cared for, it blooms, and in turn responds well to the owners.

A photo of an indoor flower Tree of Love can be viewed in the encyclopedia of house plants.

This plant is native to Madeira.

And it can also be seen in Portugal, the Canaries and the Azores archipelago and Morocco. From the Greek, the name of the genus is translated as "always golden", which fully describes the unusual beauty of this succulent.


The scientific name is Aichryson. Translated from Greek - "forever golden". This plant is a succulent and belongs to the Crassulaceae family and has 15 species.

The tree of love is a low shrub (depending on the species, it grows from 15 to 40 centimeters) with a dense thick trunk and fleshy dark green leaves with a margin. The leaves are slightly shaped like hearts, which is probably the reason for the name. It blooms from spring to autumn with bright yellow flowers.

Indoor plant tree of love photo:


One of the features of aichrizon can be called the fact that by its appearance it is possible to say exactly what state the plant is in and what it lacks:

  • If the leaves are wrinkled, then this signals a lack of moisture.
  • If the stems stretch too much, the plant does not have enough light.
  • If the leaves fall, you need to check the soil: it may be too dry or too wet. Another likely reason is that the plant was in direct sunlight.
  • In autumn or winter, the cause of leaf fall may be too warm air, since the love tree needs coolness for a comfortable winter.

Aichrizon is perfect for already prepared soil for cacti and succulents.

Also, the recommended soil composition for aichrizon: soddy soil - 4 parts, humus 1 part, purified sand or fine brick chips - 1 part, soil - 1 part. Be sure to put drainage from stones at the bottom of the pot small size. Water the plant after transplanting only after five days.

The roots of the plant are small, so the pot is selected exactly under it and is replaced only as it grows. Of course, after the purchase, the plant needs to be transplanted. It is simply gently carried along with earthy clod into another pot and add soil. The capacity for aichrizon should be a couple of centimeters wider and five - deeper than the one from which it is transplanted. This feature is due to the fact that in nature the plant lives in the rocks, where there is little room for roots.

The tree of love indoor flower tolerates drought well, loves warmth, light, but not direct sunlight. Blooms from early spring to late autumn. Flowers small, yellow.

Aichrizon is a plant that loves diffused, but at the same time bright light.


The best place for aichrizon is a bright, warm room, but so that the flower does not fall under direct sunlight.

Do not place it near heating and household appliances.

Windows are suitable for the tree of love, but if the side is south, then in spring and summer you need to do a little shading. It can be provided with light fabric or paper screen. Also, if the light source is on one side, then it is recommended to rotate the plant regularly so that all its branches receive enough light.

You can place a love tree on a closed balcony or loggia.

If the climate allows, then you can plant aichrizon in the garden. The area should be slightly shaded. The best thing is to create conditions for the plant that are close to natural, those in which it usually grows. Make a hill of stones, and plant a tree of love between them.

Or you can just put drainage in the ground, right under the roots, just like when growing in a pot - small stones. If in winter the temperature drops below 5-6°C, the plant can be covered.

Can be in summer period relocate aichrizon to a garden or balcony, but at the same time take care that it is protected from direct sunlight, rain and wind.


Aichrizon should be watered as the soil in the pot dries up. Since aichrizon accumulates ox in the trunk and leaves, it can easily survive some period of drought, but still do not forget about watering. In summer, it is recommended to regularly spray it with water to clean the leaves from dust. In winter, you can spray once a month.

The optimum temperature is 20-25°C. late autumn and in winter 10°C is enough for the tree of love. For him, this is a period of rest and accumulation of strength for flowering, therefore, watering is moderate. Water for irrigation must be defended, and with increased hardness, add a little bit (literally a drop per liter or two of water) of apple cider vinegar.

In order for Aichrizon to bloom, it needs to be fed in the warm season. The love tree is suitable for most common succulent fertilizers. The only limitation is that top dressing should be low in nitrogen., otherwise aichrizon will put all his strength into the growth of stems and leaves, but will not bloom.

Aichrizon has rather heavy stems and sometimes they break under their own weight. To prevent this from happening, as well as to update the branches, it is better to prune. You can also give the crown of aichrizon various shapes.

Pests, diseases

The love tree is quite resistant to most of the diseases that affect plants. And the pests that attack most indoor plants are not afraid of him. The only danger for him is rot, the appearance of which indicates improper care behind the plant (usually excessive watering). If the plant is not severely affected by rot, it can still be saved.

There are special drugs (apinin, trichodermin, discor) with which the plant can be cured.


Aichrizon can be propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds. Seeds are placed in soil consisting of leaf soil (1 part) and clean sand (½ part). Close glass. The room temperature should be 16-18 °C. Crops are regularly watered and ventilated.

Two weeks later, the sprouts are transplanted into another soil (light soil - ½ part, sand - ½ part, leafy earth - 1 part) at a distance of 10 mm from each other. They need regular watering and light to grow. Then the sprouts are transplanted into small pots.

Propagation by cuttings. The size of the cuttings for growing 8-10 centimeters. Cut cuttings should be put in a dark, dry place for a couple of hours to dry. And then planted in a container with wet sand, verminculite (a layered mineral that contains water) or soil for succulents mixed with sand. Roots appear three to four weeks after planting. Not recommended high humidity otherwise the cuttings may rot. After rooting, plant in pots with a diameter of 5-7 centimeters.

You can put the cuttings in water for rooting, but you need to make sure that they do not rot. Plant as soon as roots appear. A young tree begins to bloom two to three years after planting.


Aichrizon calmly coexists with any house plants. The only thing to consider is that it itself takes up quite a lot of space, so space must be left between it and another plant so that they do not interfere with each other. In addition, if you put small plants nearby, the tree of love can block its light.

The tree of love is beautiful and not capricious plant so it is easy to grow. Aichrizon will perfectly decorate any room and will delight the owners with its dense foliage and bright colors. And maybe it will really bring happiness to the house. Who knows?

See also video

Many of our compatriots on the windowsills can be seen small bushes, reminiscent of their appearance. This indoor plant is called aichrizon, or as they call it behind the eyes, “the tree of love and happiness.” The flower received such an unusual nickname thanks to the fleshy leaves, which in their shape are very similar to small hearts.

In contact with


The popularity of this plant is well founded. It does not require special complex care and is perfect for decorative needs. Aichrizon is very plastic, it can be given almost any shape, planted in small pots alone or used to make various compositions from indoor flowers. In total, there are fifteen species of this wonderful plant in the world.


The tree of love and happiness was brought to us from Portugal. There aichrizon grows in wild environment, in cool places. Most often, such a plant is found in rocky and mountainous areas or between large stones.

In addition to Portugal, these flowers grow in the following places:

  • North Africa.
  • Madeira Island.
  • Canary Islands.
  • Azores.

At home, the flowering of aichrizon occurs in mid-spring. Some species boast a long flowering period, which lasts about six months. It comes if in winter the tree of love had enough light, it was warm and the pot is a little cramped for the root system.

Aichrizons begin to bloom only two years after landings. During and after this process, some varieties of the plant shed about seventy percent of their foliage to ease the load.

The most common types

Among a large number of various species, differing from each other in leaves, sizes and flowering, at home flower growers prefer to keep only five of them:

  • Aichrizon home (Aichrysondomesticum).
  • Aichrizon loose or prostrate (Aichrysonlaxum).
  • Aichryson sinuous (Aichrysontortuosum).
  • Aichryson point (Aichrysonpunktatum).

How do these species differ from each other? What care is required for each of them?

Aichrizon home looks like a small one bush, it grows up to a maximum of thirty centimeters, the diameter of the plant is usually equal to its height. This is a hybrid species, it was obtained as a result of crossing the sinuous and dotted aichrizons. Such a plant has small leaves in the form of a small club, their length rarely reaches two centimeters, and their width is one centimeter. Between themselves, the leaves are fastened like a rosette and covered with a little white fluff.

The color is dominated by bright and saturated green shades. The inflorescences are yellow, reminiscent of the sun, with a tart aroma. At home, this species can bloom for a very long time, sometimes up to six months.

Aichrizon stonecrop or aeonium

Aeonium is a small shrub with broad, very short leaves that reach up to 15 millimeters in length. They grow very close to each other and form rosettes up to six centimeters in diameter. The leaves are green or green with a yellowish tint. On some leaves you can see pale red stripes. With the help of them, the plant secretes special a sticky substance that spreads over the entire surface of aichrizon.

Aichrizon stonecrop can grow up to forty centimeters in height. He has straight shoots. During flowering, it is covered with yellow flowers, which form small inflorescences, in the form of brushes. In cold weather, and especially in winter, it can drop foliage.

Aichrizon loose or prostrate

This plant is in the form of a compact shrub up to forty centimeters in height, growing in a cube-like shape. Aichrizon loose leaves resemble small rhombuses in a white fluff and are attached to long cuttings. The size such diamonds are three centimeters long and one wide. The inflorescences of the prostrate aichrizon consist of yellow flowers and last for about six months. This species tends to shed its foliage after the bloom fades.

A modest shrub up to thirty centimeters high. It has leaves in the form of small rhombuses, painted in light green color and covered with white villi. On the shoots are arranged in groups, forming small rosettes. characteristic peculiarity Aichrizona sinuous are very short petioles. The leaves are one centimeter long and one and a half centimeters wide. Starts to bloom in early spring, inflorescences hold on for a long time, sometimes up to six months.

A miniature shrub-type plant can reach forty centimeters in height. Has very fluffy, white hairs shoots green with a brown tint. This is what is distinctive feature point type, in other aichrizons on the leaves the fluff grows much thicker than on the stems.

Aichrizon dotted has diamond-shaped leaves with a very sparse fluff. They form rosettes and are attached to the stems with long petioles. The inflorescences are yellow flowers, their shape resembling small stars.

Tree of love - care at home

How to properly care for a tree of love? What should be considered in its content and what rules should be followed?

When placing an aichrizon, you must first of all pay attention to whether there are household appliances and heating appliances in the immediate vicinity. Also an important aspect when looking for a suitable place for plants of this species is good consecration. But to expose indoor flower impact direct sunlight is not worth it, as they have a detrimental effect on aichrizons.

Well, if you have the opportunity to place the plant on a window facing west or east. And if all your window sills are located on the south side? In this case, it is necessary to exclude the direct effect of the sun on aichryosis, otherwise the tender leaves may get burned. Shading can be created using light curtains, thick tulle or gauze. In order for the bush to grow lush from all sides, it should be periodically turned in different directions to the sun.

Since this is still a plant from the southern regions, in the warm seasons it needs an air temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees. In winter, aichryosis is able to grow quietly even at ten degrees Celsius. If the flower is too hot, it will begin to throw off the foliage.

Aichrizon - picky plant. It is very easy to care for him, as he does not require special treatment. This indoor flower is able to take root even in adverse conditions for itself.


Since the roots of Aichrizon are thin and weak, it cannot be planted in tall pots and rough soil, this can lead to rotting of the root system. For planting a plant, you should choose low, fairly flat pots. To the bottom in without fail drainage is laid, it is made of vermiculite ( natural material from mica) and brick chips.

To prepare an excellent primer for aichrizon, mix the following Components in equal parts:

  • Peat land.
  • Expanded clay or gravel.
  • Sod land.

also in prepared soil you can add birch embers, this will suit your plant's taste.

Before planting, the roots are straightened and carefully covered with planting soil from all sides. Then the earth is lightly tamped around the trunk to provide stability to the plant.

In summer and spring, aichrizon is required fertilize. This is done so that the plant is lush and the shoots bush well. Top dressing should be applied every two weeks, choose formulations with a low nitrogen content.

In winter, the plant does not need fertilizers.


Although aichrizon is not a very demanding plant, it needs to maintain an optimal air temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius. Since at low temperatures the plant may begin to rot, and at too high it tends to stretch.

In winter, ten degrees of heat will suffice for aichrizon.


To determine if your plant needs watering, first contact Attention on the state of its foliage. If the leaves are sluggish and do not spring, then aichrizon needs to be watered urgently. If they are tight and elastic, then the indoor flower should not be watered.

With excess moisture in the soil, the roots and stems of aichrizon begin to rot. If the plant does not have enough water, then its leaves begin to wither and wrinkle, which eventually leads to their abscission. During flowering, aichrizon requires more frequent and plentiful watering.

Indoor colors of this type do not need additional promotion humidity in the room, they feel good even in dry rooms. But you should know that plants are very fond of a warm shower. It should be held at least once a week, excluding the winter period.

Transplanting and pruning the tree of love and happiness

With proper care of the plant, it should be borne in mind that it requires periodic transplantation and pruning.

Aichrizon branches just ask for pruning, it is necessary to form a beautiful and rounded shape. With it, you can turn the plant into a small spherical tree.

Pruning is done in the spring, and then, to maintain the required shape, periodically pruned grown shoots. In winter, the tree of love is prone to stretching and deformation of the crown, which forces each spring to take up scissors or pruners again.

Main regulations trimming:

  1. The upper part of the shoots should be carefully pinched.
  2. Old and weak shoots are removed completely.
  3. In the spring, you need to prune the branches that are strongly elongated during the winter.
  4. After the flowering period is over, all inflorescences must be removed so as not to burden the plant.

transplant should be carried out in the spring and only if it is really necessary. This is done in two cases:

  1. after purchasing the plant. Shop soil is rarely of high quality and contains many harmful additives that make aichrizon bloom and give the leaves a lively look. Therefore, it should be replaced with a fresh one.
  2. If the roots strongly filled the pot. This means that the plant has become cramped and it's time to move it to a larger pot.

Ways of breeding aichrizon

Aichrizon breeds two different ways. A new bush can be obtained using cuttings and leaves or grown from seeds.

When growing a new tree of love from cuttings, you should cut off a small branch from an adult plant, and then leave it to dry slightly for several hours at room temperature in a dark place. After that, the cutting is planted in a shallow planter with a wet mixture of sand and vermiculite.

Reproduction using leaves occurs according to the same scenario. The leaf is left to dry, and then planted in moist soil.

After the plant gives roots, it should be transplanted into a larger pot.

When propagating aichrizon using seeds, follow these rules:

  1. Make the ground. To do this, mix sand and soddy soil.
  2. Pour the resulting soil into shallow containers (you can use cropped yogurt cups) and place the seeds in it.
  3. Seeds are spread directly on the surface and sprinkled on top with a small amount of soil.
  4. The soil should be regularly moisturize. You can do this with a spray bottle for flowers, spraying soil from it. The main thing is that the earth is never dry.
  5. Seedlings will appear in about two weeks.
  6. Seedlings should be moved closer to the light, a not too bright lamp is best.
  7. After the seedlings grow up, they will need to be transplanted into separate pots.

Such simple ways aichrizon multiplies.

An interesting fact is that the plant is a tree of love only in the opinion of the inhabitants of Russia, but this does not prevent aichrizon from being an international tree of happiness. Now you can purchase this wonderful indoor flower, as you know all the rules for caring for it and how to propagate it.

Or, as it is otherwise called, the “tree of love”, is a popular indoor flower, which is quite common in home floriculture. Own vernacular name plant received thanks to decorative leaves heart-shaped.

It is popularly believed that a flower brings happiness and love in the house where it is good for him. Therefore, if you pay more attention to airchizone, the plant will reward its owner with long flowering, high decorative qualities and emotional comfort in the house. Growing an indoor "flower of love" is not difficult even for a beginner grower, as it is quite simple to care for him.

Did you know? There is a sign that aichrizon grows well and blooms only in an atmosphere of love, tranquility and mutual understanding, where there are no loud quarrels and negative energy. If the “flower of happiness” withers, loses leaves, does not bloom, then it is necessary to improve relations in the family. Also, the weakness of a flower may portend that people enter the house unkind people with bad intentions, communication with which should be limited.

Aichrizon: description of the genus

Let's consider what the "tree of love" plant looks like and its main characteristics. Airchison belongs to the family, from a genus of plants growing in the mountain crevices of the Azores and Canary Islands, as well as in Morocco, Portugal and Madeira.

The scientific name "aihrizon" the plant received from two Greek words: "ai" - "always" and "chrysos" - "golden". "Flower of Love" is very similar to its "relative" - ​​therefore they are often confused.

Did you know? As a gift, a houseplant "tree of happiness" is very relevant and suitable for everyone. It is often given to young families for housewarming and wedding anniversaries in order to establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding and emotional comfort.

Aichrizon indoor flower has branched, rarely lignified stems with fleecy, rounded ovate leaves located on them, resembling a heart in shape and collected in rosettes. The leaves are green or dark green, sometimes with gray, yellow, reddish or white patches.

Aichrizon inflorescences are corymbose or paniculate, consisting of small star-shaped flowers of white, cream or red. The plant blooms in April - May, after which the rosette forming the peduncle dies.

Of all the existing types of airchizone in indoor floriculture can only be found five of them:

  • Aichrizon home is a low-growing shrub, no more than 30 cm high. It has small fleshy green leaves, pubescent with white hairs. It has a long flowering period, which, with proper care, can stretch for six months: from spring to autumn. Flowers yellow, fragrant. You can grow a houseplant aichrizon home as a bush or as a standard tree.

  • Aichrizon stonecrop - a very dense shrub, has straight, thin branches, reaching a height of 15-40 cm. Leaves 1.5 cm long, fleshy, club-shaped, collected in rosettes. Sheet plates sticky, light green or yellowish green with red patches. There is no leaf pubescence in this species. The inflorescences are large, racemose, about 2-7 cm long, the flowers are golden yellow. A feature of the species is the partial fall of the leaves, which is observed during the dormant period.

  • Aichrizon loose - medium-sized square shape. The height of the stems reaches 40 cm. The leaves are pubescent, diamond-shaped, green. The plant blooms from spring for six months. Inflorescences are large brushes 30 cm long, golden yellow.

  • Aichrizon sinuous - a small height of about 15-30 cm. The leaves are light green, fleshy, rhomboid, pubescent with white hairs. Flowering lasts for six months.

  • Aichrizon dotted - herbaceous bush up to 40 cm high. Shoots are brownish-green, with pubescence. The stem is denser than the leaves. Leaf plates are fleshy, rhomboid, light green. Inflorescences star-shaped, bright yellow.

Did you know? Aichrizon is associated with love only in the countries of the post-Soviet space, and all over the world, purple is considered the flower of love.

Features of growing aichrizon: how to create conditions for successful growth

"Tree of love" requires almost the same care as any other decorative flower cultivated at home.

Lighting for the "tree of love"

Aichrizon prefers a lot of light, but it should be diffused. It is best to place the plant on a window that faces east or west. Be sure to protect the plant from direct sunlight, as this leads to leaf burns.

However, in winter, when there is less light, the plant must be provided with direct sunlight and ensure that burns do not appear. In order for the leaves to grow evenly and beautifully, it is necessary to periodically turn the flowerpot with the “tree of love”.

Temperature and humidity

In spring and summer, the air temperature should be at least +25 °C. In autumn and winter, it must be lowered to +10 ° C. If in winter it is too stuffy and hot from the radiators, the leaves will fall off, and the shoots will stretch.

Aichrizon does not require high air humidity; it feels fine in moderately dry rooms. In the hot summer period, you can wash the leaves of the plant with water at room temperature. The rest of the time, washing and spraying the plant is not recommended.

Important! In winter, place a piece of foam on the windowsill, under the pot with aichrizon. This will prevent the plant from dropping leaves due to the heat coming from the radiators..

Soil Requirements

Reproduction of aichrizon, how to plant a plant

Aichrizon can be propagated in two ways: both by cuttings left after pruning, and by planting seeds.

Reproduction by seeds

Aichrizon seeds are sown in soil consisting of leafy soil and pure sand 2: 1. Crops should be covered with glass and placed in a well-lit room. Seedlings are regularly ventilated and also sprayed. After a couple of weeks, when shoots appear, they dive into containers at a distance of 1 cm. In this case, the soil should be different: clean sand, light earth and leafy earth (1: 1: 2).

After a while, the plant is transplanted into pots, after laying a layer of good. When choosing which pot is needed for aichrizon, stop at a low option, since the plant has a shallow root system. It is necessary to grow small seedlings of the "plant of happiness" by providing them with an air temperature of +16 ... + 18 ° С. On the fifth or sixth day after transplantation, daily watering should be started.

plant cuttings

Much faster and easier than seeds, the "tree of love" propagates by cuttings. After the trimming procedure, the aichrizon remains planting material, which is used for propagation by cuttings. Before planting the cuttings, you need to hold them for a couple of hours in a dry, dark place. Then the planting material is planted in a shallow container, in a mixture of sand with (a layered mineral containing water in its structure) or in a special soil for succulents mixed with sand.

The planted cuttings take root quickly, after which they are transplanted into pots with a diameter of 7 cm. You can also root the cuttings in water mixed with charcoal. The composition of the land for transplanting into pots and further care the same as when planting seedlings obtained from seeds.

How to properly care for the "tree of love", features of growing aichrizon

The "Tree of Love" is unpretentious flower how to care for it in order to ensure long-term flowering and a favorable atmosphere in the house, we will consider below.


Airchizone is necessary regularly and moderately in the spring and summer. The next watering is carried out when the soil in the pot is half dry. The roots of the plant are very sensitive to excess moisture, so you can not fill the plant so that they do not rot.

In winter, watering is reduced, but the soil in the pot should not be allowed to dry out and the leaves wither. When to water a plant, you can tell by the turgor (swelling) of the leaves and shoots of the plant. If the leaves and shoots spring when pressed, it means that you can still wait a little with watering. If the leaves are sluggish, watering is urgently required.

top dressing

To improve the well-being of the plant in spring and summer, when aichrizon blooms, it is recommended to apply every two weeks. Suitable for this complex fertilizers for succulent plants, with a low amount of nitrogen in the composition.


The “flower of love” is transplanted as the pot is filled with roots. Clay pots are best, as they are porous and allow high air permeability. As a substrate, a mixture of sand and soddy soil, or soddy, leafy and humus earth mixed with sand 4:1:1:1 is suitable.

Latin plant name- Aichryson

Attitude towards families- Crassula

Growth area- the island of Madeira, partly found in wildlife in the Canaries and the Azores archipelago

plant height- medium height, compact

Regularity of flowering- spring, with an intensive increase in daylight hours

Environmental requirements- does not tolerate direct sunlight, the ideal air temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Drought-resistant, does not require regular watering.

special instructions- spraying of foliage is necessary, providing a dormant period from December to March with a decrease in the temperature of the content to 10 degrees Celsius.

The main type of reproduction- shoots and lignified cuttings.

"Tree of love" is a common indoor plant that feels great in the summer on the balcony and loggia, in shady garden. In the open air it develops better due to increased gas exchange. Aichrizon flower is a natural representative of the Mediterranean flora, therefore it requires careful and attentive care at home.

It should create favorable conditions growth and choose a suitable place of "residence". How to organize all this - you can read in this article.

When describing the species as a whole, it is worth noting that this is a real representative of the Crassula family. It has thick leathery leaves resembling soft pads filled inside. The plant is able to accumulate and store moisture in its structural parts (mainly in foliage).

Most often, there are bright, green-saturated foliage and characteristic red and yellow inflorescences that appear 40-60 days after the withdrawal of aichrizon from the dormant period. The flower has the shape of an asterisk, multiple bunched inflorescences are characteristic. The leaves may be smooth or slightly hairy.

Popular types of aichrizon and their photos

Variety of foliage and flowering options is the result of breeding work many generations. The most popular types of Aichrizon are hybrids from the Aeonium x domesticus group, belonging exclusively to domestic plants.

You can see these types of aichrizon in the photo, which perfectly illustrate the external attractiveness of a compact bush:

This species is distinguished by a non-syoxim stem that grows up to a maximum of 30 cm in height and a spreading crown up to 40 cm in diameter. The leaf blade is oval in shape with a width of 10 mm and a length of 20 mm.

Leaf color is light green or light green. Dropped with white villi. It has a long flowering period, lasting from early May to late October. Peduncles long, buds rich yellow shade.

Another popular species is the stonecrop aichrizon, which has the second name Aeonium. Belongs to the group of succulents with a low stele up to 40 cm in height. The leaves are short and wide. On average, the length does not exceed 15 mm, and the width can reach 60 mm.

On the surface of the leaf there is a sticky substrate secreted by reddish veins typical of this species. the flowering period is short and rarely exceeds 2 months. Yellow flowers on peduncles up to 70 mm long. There is a tendency to completely shed foliage during winter dormancy. You shouldn't be afraid of this.

Aichryson laxum is called prostrate, there is another name - loose aichryson. It is characterized by diamond-shaped leaves with a length of not more than 30 mm and a width of up to 15 mm. Flowers of a yellow shade, blossoming - not less than half a year.

The winding appearance of aichrizon can be distinguished by a short handle, with which the leaf is attached to the central trunk. It is practically absent, so the fleshy diamond-shaped leaves literally stick around the trunk and branches. It has a tendency to strong branching, which allows the plant to be used in bonsai culture.

Look at the types of aichrizon in the photo, showing all the charm of this representative of the tropical flora:

Proper care at home

Properly organized care for aichrizon at home allows you to grow beautiful plant which will bring many moments of happiness to its owner. To begin with, it is worth choosing a suitable place for this handsome man to live. It is best if it is a north or northeast window.

On other window sills, it is necessary to hang the tree with a thick layer of gauze in the morning. With a frequency of 1 time per week, it is necessary to turn the pot 10 degrees.

This agricultural technique allows you to form a uniform spreading crown. An excellent place for growth and development is a distance of up to 1.5 - 2 meters from the window, hung with a transparent veil, which transmits a sufficient amount of sunlight in a diffused form. Therefore, the aichrizon flower is successfully used for interior gardening. country houses, apartments and offices.

Second important condition proper care at home - ensuring optimal ambient temperature. Even the slightest drafts should not be allowed, this leads to the complete dropping of the deciduous mass and even the death of the bush.

During active growth and development requires an air temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, after the end of flowering, the temperature should be lowered to 8 degrees Celsius. This can be done by moving the tree of love to the basement or to the glazed loggia.

Watering the plant

Watering is carried out as the earthen coma dries up. Often this can not be done in any case, since the probability of rotting of the root system is high.

  • In summer, watering is carried out approximately 1 time in 3 days.
  • In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to 3 times a month.

You can determine the need for watering by assessing the turgor (saturation) of the leaves. You can lightly press the crown with the palm of your hand from above. And you can just touch the leaf. If there is no elasticity, then watering is needed.

To stimulate the growth of new deciduous mass, it is necessary to carry out a warm shower 2 times a month. To do this, the plant is placed in a bath and poured abundantly with water at a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.

Important! The bathroom should be left until the water drops are completely dry, otherwise you can get sunburn or other diseases.

For a dormant period water procedures stop completely until the plant emerges from hibernation. Aichrizon care at home involves the introduction mineral fertilizer and crown formation.

For top dressing, complex fertilizers with a low nitrogen content should be used, otherwise you can never wait for flowering. But about the formation of the crown - there are a lot of options.

You can grow a bonsai-style tree on 1 stem, or you can create any green sculpture. Aichrizon is great for this type of creativity.

To stimulate flowering, a tight pot, occasional watering and diffused sunlight are needed. After flowering, a dormant period is required. The plant does not die after flowering, so you should not remove the flower stalks.

Reproduction of aichrizon

If it is not possible to get layering, you can resort to sowing seeds. They germinate in about 20 days. Seedlings quickly grow and develop. Further reproduction is carried out by layering and cuttings, which can be harvested in April and October. Rooting can be carried out in water or loose substrate with cuttings covered glass jar or film greenhouse.

What difficulties can arise when growing an aichrizon flower?

Very often, novice flower growers are faced with various problems that are easy to solve with experience and knowledge. What difficulties may arise?

The first is the regular fall of leaves. It's to blame improper watering and deficit nutrients. But flowering should not be stopped in any case. If the foliage is shed after the end of flowering, this is a sign that after a dormant period, aichrizon will produce even more peduncles. In this case, it is necessary to increase watering and fertilize weekly for 30 days. Then provide a dormant period for the plant for 2 months. And you can enjoy the magnificent view again.

When growing an aichrizon flower in conditions of a “warm” wintering, the stems are stretched and exposed, forming an irregular skeleton. Here you can only root the tops and thereby rejuvenate the plant. Although in some cases pinching the apical bud and pruning the central stem helps.

The plant is resistant to most pests and diseases. But may be amazed various types rot, which is the result of improper care.

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