Indoor flowers with great energy. Energetics of indoor plants to improve the energy of a person and at home

Houseplants help to improve the climate in the room, purify the air and reduce the effects of electrical magnetic field. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to put pots with cacti near computers. But many psychics insist that some plants can affect the biofield and change a person's life.

Psychics believe that some plants absorb negative energy. In addition, individual cultures are able to convert negative energy into positive.

Mandatory plants that should be in the house:

  • Geranium
  • Chlorophytum crested

According to psychics, it is these colors that have a strong energy field and are able to neutralize anger and negative thoughts. Therefore, it is recommended to put pots with these crops at home.

It is very useful to install flowerpots with flowers that emit negative ions at home. They absorb anger, nervous excitability. Such plants are simply necessary for residents of large cities.

Many plants are different positive energy.

List of plants with good energy:

  • Begonia. This culture has a beneficial effect on the body. Begonia is recommended to be placed in the room of children and the elderly. It helps to restore the immune and nervous systems. A pleasant aroma cures depression.
  • Lemon. It is a symbol of friendship and cheerfulness. Thanks to this plant, you can cheer up and increase vitality.
  • Hyacinth. This plant fills the house with emotions. With its help, you can improve your well-being, acquire harmony. In addition, it will be possible to establish relationships between family members.
  • Hibiscus. This is one of the varieties of roses. With its help, you will be able to establish a former relationship with your soulmate. Place a flowerpot with a plant in the matrimonial bedroom.
  • Cyclamen. This plant disciplines, accustoms to order. Culture enhances creativity.
  • Dracaena. This plant has been known since ancient Egypt. Culture improves memory, helps get rid of depression.

Generally bad plants does not exist. But there are cultures that are recommended to be installed in some rooms and not worth it in others. Basically, these plants include vampires, that is, cultures that absorb energy.

List of vampire plants:

  • Monstera. This culture absorbs active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots are placed in reception rooms and offices. Monstera will help defuse the situation in the room and prevent quarrels. But in a room with the elderly and children, you can’t put a pot of culture.
  • Epipremnum. This plant is called "devil's ivy". In addition, the plant is called a male racer. That is why culture is recommended to Virgos, it enhances their energy and increases vitality.
  • Chlorophytum. This plant absorbs energy, but not positive, but negative. That is why pots are placed in offices and public spaces.
  • Orchid. Highly beautiful flower, and which actively absorbs energy at night. That is why culture should not be planted in the bedroom. The ideal place is an office, living room, business room.

Below is a description of some indoor plants:

  • Ficus. An excellent plant that is created for the home with big family. It helps to calm down, build relationships. Childless couples will be able to have offspring. But unmarried women do not keep the culture in your home. He drives away suitors.
  • Bougainvillea. According to Feng Shui, bougainvillea in the house is considered an auspicious sign, it attracts energies that contribute to good luck and financial prosperity.
  • Aloe. This is medicinal plant helps to restore the aura in the house. Accordingly, it is worth planting a culture in houses where they often quarrel.
  • Spathiphyllum. The energy of the spathiphyllum is arrow-shaped and directed upwards. Spathiphyllum has the ability to normalize extreme energy fluctuations. And it gives to everyone peace of mind, wise calm.
  • Cyclamen. The plant is able to restore balance in the house. It improves energy and unites the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, households quarrel less often.
  • Spurge. The plant should be planted only in houses where wealthy families live. Otherwise, the culture withers.
  • Gloxinia. This is a neutral plant, it cannot be attributed to vampires or donors. Most energy is released during flowering. Gloxinia is able to push for changes in life.

  • Guzmania. This is also a neutral plant. To achieve success at work, the plant should be located on the east side.
  • Primrose. Brings joy and happiness to the house. Helps to reconcile loved ones.
  • Calathea- a symbol of happiness created by the family, it is believed that it brings peace and tranquility to the house, because it can absorb aggressive energy, and because of this it can be called one of the best flowers for the home.
  • Begonia. It is recommended to put flowerpots in the room of unbalanced people. It helps to find harmony and calm down.
  • Kalanchoe. This culture brings material well-being to housing. Helps eliminate financial difficulties.
  • Clivia. The flower improves heart function and helps to remove negative energy in the house.

  • artificial plants. According to Feng Shui, all artificial flowers should be thrown away. They weigh down the aura in the house and can provoke a number of diseases.
  • Zamioculcas. This plant should not be kept in a house with single people. Culture brings celibacy.
  • Monstera. This culture absorbs active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots are placed in reception rooms and offices. But in a room with the elderly and children, you can’t put a pot of culture.
  • Dieffenbachia. The plant drives men out of the house. Therefore, married women should not grow a plant.
  • Orchid. The plant belongs to the muzhegon. It should not be grown by unmarried ladies.
  • Sansevieria. This plant is called "mother-in-law's tongue." It should not be placed in nurseries and bedrooms. The plant has a strong energy. The ideal place for growing is the living room, offices.
  • Croton. The plant makes sure that people with bad and negative thoughts do not come into the house.

  • Chlorophytum. Improves energy in the house, prevents quarrels and swearing.
  • Peperomia. It will be necessary in the society of those people who always complain about their troubles, failures and declines. It will help set these people on a positive wave and increase self-esteem.
  • Philodendron. Helps to overcome difficulties, improves resistance to trouble. Increases durability.
  • Thuya. There are many signs associated with this tree. It is believed that this is a graveyard culture that brings death and celibacy.
  • Tradescantia. A positive culture that develops a sense of humor. In addition, the plant maintains a friendly atmosphere in the house.
  • Eucharis. Culture gives vivacity and activity. This is a great flower for a child's room. It will help develop perseverance and attentiveness in the baby.
  • Geranium. The plant brings happiness and money to housing. This is an excellent culture to strengthen family happiness.

  • Hamedorea. Belongs to the palm family. Such flowers can be considered a source of energy and vigor.
  • Aechmea. If you are often in a sad state or lovers of crying come to you, you need striped echmea. She does not allow a dull mood to spread around the house, to merge with the atmosphere.
  • Ivy. Bindweed, familiar to all, brings health to the house. It helps the bones heal faster.
  • Cactus. Opinions regarding the plant differ. Many consider the cactus to be a magnetic field absorber. As for the effect on a person, the cactus will be useful for quick-tempered people.
  • Money Tree. Almost everyone knows about the energy of this culture. The plant helps to improve the financial situation.
  • Dracaena. This is also a palm tree that increases vitality, improves mood and helps to cope with depression.
  • Myrtle. The plant preserves love and mutual understanding. In a house where they often quarrel, the plant may dry out.

  • Fuchsia. This is a plant that does not like conservatism. Therefore, it is recommended to plant a crop in the house where conservatives live.
  • Gardenia. The plant is best planted in the bedroom, as it gives mutual understanding, love and tranquility.
  • Hoya. The plant gives harmony and comfort. Recommended for newlyweds. This will allow partners to quickly get used to each other.
  • Violet. An unbalanced person, and even suffering from periodic depression, is better not to start a violet. If the plant has to constantly equalize your mood swings, without having time to replenish its energy reserves, then it risks dying.

  • Pike tail. This plant should not be planted at home. It is believed that this is how to let the mother-in-law on the threshold. Quarrels and misunderstandings will arise in the house.
  • Anthurium. This flower is called male happiness". It is believed that the plant gives success to a man.
  • Laurel. This culture has been used for purification since ancient times. If guests often come to your house, put a plant pot in the hall. This will help transform negative energy into positive.
  • Pachira. Feng Shui experts believe that this miniature baobab tree brings success and health to the home.
  • Aglaonema. The plant is best grown in the office or in the office. It will help you focus and get the job done faster.

Any plant purifies the air in the room and saturates it with oxygen. But in addition, the right culture will help to achieve harmony in the family.

VIDEO: Plant Energy

In this article, I would like to touch on the topic of indoor plants and that energy they bring to us. Plants are related to the living world, they are just like, for example, animals react to our attitude towards them.

If we care for them with love, take care of them, water and feed them in time, talk to them, they open up in response to us, come to life, begin to grow more intensively, their leaves become brighter, flowers appear.

If your houseplant starts to wither, try to change your attitude towards it, share your love with it and you will see how the plant begins to come to life, and you will feel an energetic connection with this flower. Such interaction will have a beneficial effect on both the flower and yourself.

Houseplants, like all living things, are capable of both energize a person, and draw out bad energy. It is important to know the secret properties of plants in order to skillfully use them and not harm your health.

To check how this or that flower affects you, put it where you spend time most often. If you feel a surge of energy, you are in a good mood, then such a flower is yours. If you feel tired, put such a flower in the place where you think negative energy accumulates. Another option is to give such a flower to the person to whom it energetically suits.

But how to decide on your plant when you are in flower shop and want to get yourself a room friend? How not to make a mistake? First, think about what you expect from a flower - energy replenishment? Maybe you want this plant to take away excess negative energy from you? To do this, you need to know which flowers are donors and which are vampires.

What can we say, for example, about cactus ? There are many conflicting stories about him. You have probably noticed that in many workplaces this plant stands near the computer. There is an opinion that in this case the cactus takes some of the bad energy coming from the computer onto itself. This is of course greatly exaggerated. Most likely, a small cactus gives us a feeling of tenderness than protection from harmful influences. In order for the cactus to really take on some of the negativity, it must be much more powerful and older.

It is believed that it makes people more aggressive, can cause depression. There is such a point of view: the cactus not only takes energy, but also gives it to us. It is a kind of plant-universal, able to adapt to a certain state of a person, and can also protect a person from bad energy from the outside. In this case, in order to understand its effect on you, leave the cactus next to you for a while, and then listen to your feelings.

Violet- a plant common in apartments. She demands special care, very whimsical and demanding emotionally. She does not like being stroked on the leaves, this can cause her to develop diseases. Violet will not grow well if it is not treated with due respect, if there are quarrels and scandals in the house. Having given away her energy, she can wither herself. Therefore, try not to load this plant with bad emotions.

Often in the house you can see and ficus. He does not like sunlight, so they put him away from the window. Highly auspicious plant. If quarrels, irritability and Bad mood- be sure to get a ficus. It will bring harmony and emotional well-being into your life.

What do we know about geraniums? Geranium has a powerful positive energy. But not everything is always perfectly good, it happened with geraniums. It has a very offensive and heavy smell. If the geranium is in the same room with a person, the latter may have a severe headache. Therefore, this flower is undesirable to put in those places where people are constantly. But it can be placed in a room with bad smell. This flower is a must have for those people who have weak energy. After sitting next to a flower for several minutes, you can feel a surge of strength and a desire to act, you feel rested and cheerful. Geranium, like chrysanthemum, contributes to protection from the "evil eye".

Tradescantia also a common occurrence in the house, as it is unpretentious and does not require special care, it puts up with any place in the room, but only if this place is favorable.

If tradescantia is placed in a zone with disturbed energy, it begins to wither and lose foliage. She also reacts strongly to a person who pulls energy from others - an energy vampire. In a favorable environment and with people with positive energy, the plant gains its strength and begins to delight others with its bright leaves.

By the way, there is an opinion that tradescantia helps people with cancer, and also reduces the risk of this disease. The thicker and fleshier the leaves of Tradescantia, the more benefits it brings to its owners.

It also grows on the sills of many windows. primrose. The peculiarity of this plant is that after touching it, a person’s hands begin to itch a lot. Therefore, it is necessary to handle this plant with care so as not to harm your health. But there are also advantages in primrose - it neutralizes scandals, quarrels and negativity. Therefore, it should be acquired by people who are emotionally unbalanced. But people with such a psyche are contraindicated to keep in the house, for example, date palm, lemon Tree , because these plants both take energy from us and give it away, that is, they are also energetically unbalanced.

Begonia pleases us with abundant flowering and beauty, therefore it is very common among flower growers. This flower has its own peculiarity - it can absorb bad energy, process it and give it to us in in a positive way. Try to understand what effect this flower has on you. And depending on the sensations received, place it in the right place.

Orchid- a very beautiful flower that requires special care. There are conflicting reports about orchids. Someone believes that this plant gives masculinity and courage, gives people health. Also attributed to this flower magical properties that help people resist the dark forces. Another opinion - the orchid renders negative impact on weak-willed and indecisive people, since this flower has a huge ability to pump out energy.

There are also various opinions about monstera. For some, this plant gives tremendous energy, while others suffer from its vampiric effects. There are reviews of the beneficial effects of monstera for headaches. Everything is individual.

Beloved by many the Rose sung in songs and poems. How does it affect our energy? Rosa loves to draw attention to herself, so it is very suitable for those who have an excess of energy. For people with weak energy, it is better not to keep such a plant in the house, otherwise they may feel physically and mentally exhausted. With caution, such people need to start and ferns, as these plants have strong vampiric properties. But if it is reasonable to use the properties of this plant, for example, by placing it in negative energy zones, the fern can bring benefits to its owner.

Good to grow at home creeper, since this plant, in addition to perfectly cleaning the room, serves as an inexhaustible source of energy. If you are experiencing a breakdown and exhaustion of the nervous system, you simply need a liana. It helps those people who suffer from insomnia, relieves their anxiety. But given plant reacts very painfully to a bad and inattentive attitude towards him and can wither away from this. It's the only thing it won't tolerate. And so the vine will grow anywhere in the house, regardless of whether negative or positive energy is present there. The same useful properties possess ivy and passionflower.

Who wants to wake up Creative skills, start in your house azalea. She shares her positive energy and cheerfulness with others, and envelops the house with joy.

It is considered impossible to keep cypress due to its ability to draw energy in rooms where people are often, it is better to take it out to the balcony or to the street.

Each of us has houseplants. Someone carefully cares for them, and someone just waters them at a certain time without thinking that each flower brings a certain energy to your home. Positive or negative, you will learn from our article. It is best to keep chrysanthemum, calceolaria, codium, balsam, aloe, lemon, or any citrus plants, yucca, violet, pelargonium, blooming begonia, cyclamen, ficus, fat woman.

Also with there are plants with strong energy, cactus, ivy, echmea, yucca, and all those with thorny or hard leaves .

Donate a flower that you did not like. Grow flowers, only flowers you like. Since ancient times, indoor plants were considered amulets for the home. . When you plant flowers in a pot, you nourish and energize the flower. And when it grows up, it gives positive energy to you and your home. Try not to swear next to a flower, flowers do not like this and can wither from negative energy.

The most energetically strong are citrus fruits, dracaena (Dracaena), chlorophytum (Chlorophytum), bamboo, ivy (Hedera L.), orchid, nephrolepis (Nephrolépis) .

Flowers with strong vibes are considered to be cacti, echmeas, poinsettia (POINSETTIA), three-striped sanseveri, yucca (Yucca).

To enhance the energy of flowers, you need to turn on not loud beautiful music near them, you can put gem in a pot or in irrigation water.

In houses with impure and heavy energy, you need to bring flowers that are strong in energy, and how the more of them the better. It can be adult large plants.

Ivy is best kept in the corridor, he is an energy vampire, and climbing plant, which is not desirable to keep in the house, but it also protects Your home, preventing negative energy from passing through.

The plant of love is oxalis, hibiscus, avocado . Well-being and good luck in your family will bring ficus, especially small-leaved . You can speak out blooming geraniums, reo motley or tricolor arrowroot, they will recycle your negative energy . Fuchsia is better to put for new energy. Azalea will protect from the evil eye and gossip .

Flower bouquets should not be kept in the bedroom, it is better to put them in the hall or in the kitchen. Flowers without roots take away positive energy. Also, do not keep cypress in the bedroom.Geocinth and mother-in-law's tongue- calls headache in pregnant women, contributes to conflicts in people and therefore it is better to keep them on the balcony. Codium, chrysanthemums, balsam - have a positive effect on the energy of your home. blooming git is better to keep the rubbish in the kitchen.

Cactus is better to put opposite front door, or to the bedroom only necessarily in a pair, or to the window that leads to the street, it repels negative energy.

Aloe and lemon can be put in the nursery, they contribute spiritual development and development of creativity.

Yucca is better to put in the hall or in the office, it helps to take the right and quick fixes also helps in career development .

Violet helps to develop creatively, it is better to put it in the kitchen or in the hall .

When you sit down Money Tree, it is better to put a coin at the bottom, it is believed that in this way you charge the flower with monetary energy .

Take care of your flowers and they will help you with their positive energy. Successful flowering !


Hello my dear readers! Today we will talk about the energy of indoor plants, about their influence on human energy.

Houseplants familiar to us on the windowsill in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen not only allow us to admire their charming appearance, but can also help a person by becoming a friend (with correct use) and give us energy of indoor plants. And if they are mishandled, they can bring a lot of trouble.

Let's talk about the energy that plants and flowers form. A houseplant is a living body with a sensitive and powerful biofield capable of contacting the human biofield.

This biofield of plants eliminates the undesirable effects of external negatives surrounding a person. They sensitively capture changes in energy flows, improve the atmosphere in the house, increase the vitality of its inhabitants, cleanse its home, and protect it from troubles and troubles.

Flowers for planting, you must be sure to choose so that they fit individual characteristics living in this room, revealed their creative potential, had a beneficial effect on the psychological, physical, energy state of a person.

Indoor plants with their energy able to reduce the harmful effects of radiation from electrical appliances, negative impact chemically harmful various synthetic materials, purify the atmosphere of the room.

This is because plants absorb negative energy, transforming it into positive, creating an aura of kindness and love of life. The energy of your favorite plants can work wonders, but this applies to planted plants. The ones in the vase lose some of that energy.

Flowers are not only beautiful decor your apartment, they are living creatures that need to be looked after, loved and protected. Having received your love, they become best friends and protection. The energy of domestic plants can work real miracles.

As soon as a plant appears in your home, it becomes an integral part of its bioenergy system. And everything starts to change for the better - especially if we made the right choice.

All parts of the plant are important, and the leaf is what carries the protective and cleansing action as a whole. Not all plants may be suitable, each has its own special character.

How to determine if this or that houseplant suits you with its energy?

In order to determine if the energy of indoor plants is right for you, you need to hold your palms over the plant. If you feel the warmth entering your hand, if it is good and pleasant next to this plant, this is your plant. If you feel slight anxiety, dislike or anything negative, this plant is not for you.

With living plants, you need to be very careful, as their energy is different. These can be vampire plants or donor plants, some.

Properly selected indoor plants help us improve the climate in the house, mentally and physically, and they count. When picking up a plant, be sure to listen to the voice within you. And all recommendations for choosing plants should be taken critically, because they are generalized.

It is an excellent protector from gossip and deceit, promotes good mood, neutralizes nervousness and uncertainty. Azalea refers to. For more information about Azalea as an emotional and physical helper, read the article on this topic.

ALOE is used in tinctures and extracts; it is a donor that gives its energy to maintain energy immunity.

- a symbol of courage, freedom, masculinity, life. It is also called the tail flower, the devil's tongue, the pig's tail, the artist's palette. A source of positivity and raising vitality.

BALSAM is a source that brings a sense of joy and harmony. It collects and enhances creative energy. Helps a person in revealing his talents and contributes to the manifestation of his best qualities.

best friend hospitable hostesses, is used as an "energy cesspool". It transforms harmful energy into healing and benevolent. This is such a natural miracle - a converter.

Begonia is a positive vampire, it transforms the negative energy of strangers into positive energy, which it transfers to the surrounding space.

Begonia, like azalea, is an Aries plant.

Dracaena, or it is also called "bamboo of happiness", brings good luck, increasing the energy level of a person, enhances the positive effect on the biofield of those living in the apartment. Brings good luck to the house.

Dracaena deremskaya and dracaena dushy - this. And here . About this in the articles on the relevant links, go if you are interested.

Likes to transform negative and aggressive energies, such as the energies of irritability and anger. This beneficial property of geranium is good in homes where relationships are on the verge of exploding. Geranium also belongs to Aries plants.

CACTUS removes negative energy. If you put it in front of the door, then the cactus is able to linger in the house for a long time to a person who came to you with evil intentions. Envy, hatred, irritation and anger are absorbed by the cactus and converted into positive energy.

Kalanchoe gently and purposefully helps a person who is in a state of apathy or depression. Kalanchoe opposes them and does not allow them to settle in an apartment, helping those living in the house to find confidence in the future. , and its influence on human energy can be found in the article at this link.

- a plant that can balance the energy flows from the outside and the own flows of the human energy body. The energy of the fern helps to reveal the inner experiences of a person, forms a feeling of warmth and harmony in the soul.

Ferns are in astrology

It has long been established: all our green friends have a certain biofield. Already in the twentieth century, not only mystics, but also biologists became interested in this issue. A number of scientific research confirming energetic influence flora on people.

But best of all, the energy of indoor plants is known to psychics. I again turned to bioenergy therapist Irina Rudenko for help. And today I will share information about what green exotics need to be grown for family happiness, wealth, health and longevity, as well as protecting the house from the evil eye and damage.

...Even if you are indifferent to indoor floriculture, in the apartment it is necessary to have three plants: aloe tree (agave), crested chlorophytum and pelargonium (geranium, it is also kalachi).

These amulets in flowerpots work as the most important energy cleaners in the house. Geranium, among other things, is able to transform negative energy into positive. And if the rolls die for no reason, then damage has been brought to your house. (Important! In this case, the flower dies, as it were, on its own. Lack of watering or overflow with rotting of the roots, other non-compliance with the conditions of detention do not count). I’ll add from myself: these representatives of the flora do not require effort in growing. For example, agave can be watered only once every 1-2 weeks.

And now - about how this or that flower affects us.

Tradescantia (as well as zebrina).
Indicator of "bad" places. If you put it on a site with bad energy the plant will die. And, on the contrary, where there is a positive field, this ampel will delight with a healthy and magnificent look.

Azalea (rhododendron).
It enhances creativity in a person. Helps to achieve success in any endeavors. Keeps health, cheerfulness, protects the love of married couples.

It attracts negative energy to itself, transforms it into positive energy, makes babies more obedient, kindly wean them from whims. And generally improves the fate of children. Helps adults overcome any difficulties. It is a plant for attracting money, wealth and material prosperity to the house. This plant, which is capricious in care, is also recommended to be grown by lazy, slow, and also very accommodating, compliant people who do not know how to say: "No."

Cyclamen is very useful for diabetics. It is desirable for them to grow such a flower from seeds in order to maintain health.

Helps people with diseased lungs and respiratory system. It is useful for them to keep this citrus in the bedroom.

Chlorophytum crested. This unrivaled living air filter enhances learning and has an overall positive bifield.

Bosom green friend in a tub! All types of dracaena contribute to favorable and warm relations in the house. They increase the energy in the apartment, especially improve the energy in the case of a goal and contribute to the fulfillment of desires. Such an exotic reveals psychic abilities and helps to maintain peace of mind in any everyday situations. Dracaena energy plus 18.

His energy field is plus 30. In this regard

ficuses are recommended to start in every home. It promotes the development of organizational skills, helps to develop intuition in business, and achieve heights in terms of building a career. But this representative of the tropics has another invaluable property: if someone is sick in the house, he can take the hit. And die - thereby healing a sick person

Energetically, it is a plant of longevity. To plant this bush means to prolong life for yourself and your loved ones. And it also kills pathogenic bacteria in the air and promotes the healing of the lungs and the entire respiratory system.

Prickly pear.
Destroys harmful alien energy, the energy of envy, protects the home from the evil eye and damage.

Improves mood, prevents stress, ensures well-being in the home. Useful for speakers, singers and just talkative people who strain their throats a lot. Energy is very good in the kitchen. Given that this plant adores high humidity, there she - the most place.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose).
Biofield plus 22-24. Energy purifier, has a beneficial effect on the human liver and blood, as well as on nervous system and psyche. Nourishes the upper aura and provides contact with God. Hibiscus is good to have in the living room.

Passiflora (passion flower, "cavalier star"). Energy field plus 35. Removes nervous tension and stress, removes neuroses, fears, phobias. Brings pleasant dreams. Perhaps this plant is highly recommended to put in the bedroom.

Common ivy (hedera helix).
Absorbs the negative energy of a person and helps to maintain a stable state of mind, as well as get rid of uncertainty, obsessive thoughts, weakness, throwing and complexes. Neutralizes quarrels, conflicts, scandals, smooths out sharp corners in relationships. Neutralizes negative zones. Indispensable for people who are going to quit drinking, smoking and generally getting rid of other addictions.

Ferns (nephrolepis, maidenhair - "venus hair", asplenium, cyrtomium, davallia, pelletia, pteris, platicerium, woodwardia, and so on).
Also, like ivy, it helps to neutralize negative zones, smooth out radiation. It is useful to place both ferns and ivy next to the TV. Here we should especially talk about such a plant as -

Nephrolepis. It has a biofield plus 20. Like all ferns, it removes the negative energy of the place where it is located. Contributes to the normalization of the emotional and physical condition. Helps to be collected, develops internal self-organization, helps to put things in order. Indispensable if a person with laziness. It also removes worries, problems, increases activity and helps to carry out the planned tasks, removes the chaos of thoughts. If nephrolepis grows in the house, people begin to listen to each other.

Develops intellectual and creative abilities. It takes on the envy of strangers - and in general the negative energy and bad thoughts of all the people who came to the house with bad intentions. This moisture lover is able to increase income. But he acts, as in the fairy tale "Twelve months". Income increases only for benevolent people. For evil, envious, greedy, well-being, on the contrary, does not increase.

Its biofield strengthens the immune system, maintains energy at the proper level and distracts from gloomy thoughts and anxieties. It will benefit the elderly with poor health.

They save you from computer addictions and hanging in chats and social networks. To do this, prickly charms must be placed in front of the monitor or 2 copies on the sides of the computer on the desktop. Prickly cacti will help us not to sink, not to stick in virtual reality. Any plants with a strong smell will work in the same way - fragrant geranium, plectranthus "room mint", lemon eucalyptus, flowering jasmine, muraya, roses, and so on.

It is useful to keep people with dictatorial habits. It reduces selfishness, attempts to impose one's will on others. But it also protects those who are subjected to moral and emotional pressure. Harmonize partnerships.

Sign. If the Decembrist suddenly blossomed "out of time" - expect an increase in salary, better living conditions, any other pleasant event, as well as recovery from illness.

Attention! We are talking only about the biofield of representatives of the flora, but not about their treatment in the literal sense and eating them.

Fat woman oval ("money tree").
It's such money! After all, it gives energy to provide housing space with the necessary material goods. But you need to think positively about money. If you focus on indispensable wealth, too zealously ask for it from this succulent, then the reaction may be reversed. A fat woman (crassula) has many other virtues. Her energy field is plus 26. She saturates the house with positive. It also enhances the sexual energy and social significance of the individual. It helps to achieve what you want and not give up in front of difficulties. If it grows in an apartment or house for many years, it helps to rejuvenate all household members.
But planting a money tree in a red pot or tying a red thread to it, according to our consultant, is not at all necessary. It is rather an "anchor" for our subconscious. But in no way does it affect the biofield of the plant itself.

Palm trees (chamedorea, areca, date, livinston, coconut, govea, rapis, cat palm, caryota, Spanish cryosophila, trachycarpus, actionectia, adonidia, chuniofenix, likuala, acelorafa, graceful psychosperm, and so on).
The strongest indoor plants. Their energy field is plus 40. They increase activity, vitality, remove the cottony state, fill with enthusiasm and vigor. They also help to turn dreams into reality and contribute to the completion of the work begun. Brave telephone energy vampires. And all the palm trees make us feel like children. They bring an atmosphere of cheerfulness, fun and playfulness into the house.

Plant diplomat. An excellent tamer of quarrels, scandals. It balances the energetic background, therefore it is good to grow it on the windows of communal apartments or in a house where many inhabitants live.

Hoya kerri (hoya "valentine", hoya in love). Plant of family happiness. Provides the fusion of male and female energy into a single whole. Strengthens relationships. This can be seen in the special shape of the leaves in the form of hearts.

Violet (Saintpaulia).
It's great to have a lot of violets in the house. She does not tolerate base energies, excessive passions of scandals in the house. It is good to entrust the care of Saintpaulias to children. After all, violet is considered a plant - a child psychologist.

Rescues with a lack of strength and replenishes energy hunger. If you feel exhausted, just pat your hands long leaves this flower.

It also helps with lack of energy. Removes anxiety, fear, anxiety and insomnia. It is useful to grow this plant for the elderly.

Lianas (philodendron, scindapsus, aka epipremnum, and so on).
A source of energy, smooth out quarrels and conflicts.

Datura fragrant (datura).
Provides peace of mind. humility in life, gentleness and kindness. Reveals and develops psychic abilities. However, this plant is highly poisonous.

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