Monstera indoor flower - why you can’t keep it at home, in an apartment: folk signs, magical properties, superstitions. Is monstera harmful or poisonous to human health? Is it possible for an unmarried woman to keep a monster at home? Where should the monstera be in the house? P

Monstera is one of the most popular colors in interior design today. To occupy a high niche in the hierarchy indoor views, the plant had to go through hard way. Of gigantic proportions, this tropical liana actively settled in the South American jungle, densely braiding trees. The first travelers who studied the flora of South America, faced with the wild world of the tropics, spread the most incredible legends around the world.

Some of them could see such a picture: a powerful liana, biting its tentacles into the skeleton of a person or animal lying under a tree. So the Old World knew about the existence terrible plant the killers. Much later, scientists found out that the terrible tentacles were just aerial roots of a plant that tried to take root in the ground, passing through everything that lay in their path. But the deed was done, and the vine was dubbed "monstrum". However, in Latin, the derivative of this word, “monstosus”, means bizarre, amazing, which is more in line with the monstera flower that adorns our interiors.

In the Aroid family, the genus Monstera Adans is represented by 50 species of large vines, with carved leaves of various lengths, from 25 to 60 cm. They wrap around tree trunks, stretching up to 12 meters in height. In the photo, the monstera is completely different from the liana, but this is not her fault, this is the merit of the flower growers, who provided the plant with props and forbade it to curl. Paradoxically, thanks to a little trick, we got indoor "monsters" of amazing beauty.

Tip: use special tubes glued over to support the plant artificial moss. They organically fit the monstera, without violating its decorative effect.

Proper care of the monstera

To cope with a beauty accustomed to climbing, it is necessary to scrupulously follow all the rules for caring for a monstera at home, recommended by plant experts.


Despite the natural thermophilicity, the flower calmly refers to + 20-25 degrees. If you want your pet to grow actively, add heat, that is, provide it with a temperature of +25 degrees during the growing season. In winter, when frost and cold reign in the temperate zone, make sure that the thermometer next to the plant does not fall below +10.

Important: do not allow the plant to be in a draft, especially in the autumn-winter period.


Monstera loves bright but diffused light. With its deficiency, the leaves become smaller and lose their external attractiveness. When breeding at home, place your pet on an east or west window, protect from direct sunlight.

The soil

The choice of substrate is very important point for proper plant development. A young monstera needs soil with neutral acidity (Ph 5.5), consisting of two parts of humus, and one part of sand, peat and sod land. For an adult creeper, acidity is increased to 6.5-7.0, three parts of soddy land and one part of humus, sand, peat and hardwood are introduced into the substrate.


Watering should be plentiful from spring to autumn. Noticed that upper layer the soil is dry, water the plant immediately. Closer to winter, reduce the frequency of watering, let's drink to the pet two or three days after the soil has dried up. Spraying for monstera is a must. Even better, if you regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


The frequency of transplants depends on the age of the plant. The first years of the monster's life are transplanted annually, at the age of 3-4 they do this with an interval of two years. After 5 years, transfer to a new pot is carried out every 3-4 years. Monsters prefer wide and deep containers.

Tip: Given the long breaks in transplanting adult plants, periodically add soil to the pot where your pet lives.

How to propagate monstera

Propagation of monstera is not difficult for most gardeners. Most often, apical or stem cuttings formed after cutting. They take root easily and form new shoots from dormant buds.

You can also use for reproduction. side shoots, which have formed on the stem from the buds and have already formed several aerial roots. This method is the easiest, but not often used, because. when the shoots are removed, the trunk is exposed and the plant loses its decorative effect. You can try to propagate the monster with a leaf, the rooting success using this method is much lower, but there is still a chance of getting a new plant.

With home maintenance, it is almost impossible to make a plant bloom, therefore, propagation by seeds is possible only if it is possible to meet them on sale. It is not difficult to get seedlings, but it should be borne in mind that the seeds lose their germination capacity very quickly.

Monster pests and diseases

Monstera has no outright enemies, eager to feast on a plant. Sometimes she can get attacked spider mite, but can be easily controlled with insecticides. Wrong care behind the monstera affects the plant much more negatively.

Brown and drying leaves - the pet lacks moisture.

When waterlogged, the monstera cries, and its roots rot.

By the way, if everything is in order with the soil, and the monstera is “crying”, then it will rain soon or in your apartment high humidity. For this unusual property, the plant is sometimes called a "crybaby".

Myths and facts about the character of monstera

Even though the monstera is easy to care for, many are afraid to bring it into the house. Of course, no one considers her a killer plant, but some of the creeper's negative abilities are often voiced. We will also figure out whether it is possible to keep the monstera at home and what her “bad” behavior is expressed in.

There is a prejudice that the amazing tropical liana is an energy vampire. And indeed it is. The only difference is that the monstera does not pull vitality from a person, on the contrary, she absorbs him negative emotions, purifying and ionizing the air.

It is also true that such a large plant absorbs a lot of oxygen. Due to the fact that she does this at night, idle people accuse the liana of being able to "strangle" the owner. The process of photosynthesis refutes this myth. During the day, the monstera gives off so much oxygen that it is enough for ten people.

Girls are not advised to start a monstera. There is an opinion that she destroys the aura, changes fate, and the young mistress cannot get married while the liana grows in her house. And who counted how many single girls got married after getting rid of an innocent plant? And again a mystery.

All the assumptions about why it is impossible to keep a monster at home have been expressed by the people, and now let's see what the science of amazing properties plants.

Monstera is able to absorb formaldehydes harmful to the human body, which are contained in some building materials.

It releases biologically active substances that destroy viruses and bacteria.

Monstera leaves effectively trap dust particles, making the air in the room cleaner.

The plant, releasing special substances, helps its owner to more easily endure stressful situations and provides him with restful sleep.

Whom to believe, folk speculation or scientifically based facts, is up to you. What there is no doubt about is the natural attractiveness of the South American creeper, which is only to blame for the fact that it was born so beautiful.

Before you start the notorious "monster" in the apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with all aspects of your choice. First of all, why can't you keep a monstera at home. In any case, what are the reasons for the negative attitude towards the plant of many people, including some scientists. To some, these arguments will seem far-fetched and stupid, but they can alert suspicious flower growers. Only the formidable appearance of a creeper with large holey leaves can scare away, what can we say about the myths and signs that shroud the coexistence of a flower and a person.

The reasons why Monstera is a dangerous representative of the flora and is at risk

The flower came to Europe several centuries ago, but even the most illustrious minds of mankind are still arguing about its safety for human body. Initially, the reason for this attitude was the stories of travelers about how they found skeletons through which the leaves and aerial roots of the plant passed. Today it can be assumed that the monstera launched its parts already through the skeletons of those who died in the jungle, but a couple of centuries ago, because of this, many refused to keep a “bloodthirsty” flower in their home.

No less popular is the theory that a plant should not be in a home environment, because it actively absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, causing suffocation in a dream. No one has given official confirmation of this, but the thought alone can terrify some.

Finally, opponents of the plant operate with the facts that the monstera is poisonous. But even this cannot be considered 100% true. A flower can really provoke a number of negative effects, but only if you try to extract its juice, and then apply the composition to the skin, mucous membranes or ingest it.

The juice of a representative of the flora contains active irritants that can even cause gastric bleeding, but few people will keep the plant in the house for such dangerous manipulations.

Ripe monstera fruit

A few facts in favor of a green pet

It turns out that there is not a single reason why the monster cannot be kept in an apartment or house. But there are many facts that speak in favor of such a neighborhood:

  1. A significant area of ​​​​leaves contributes to the active purification of the atmosphere from carbon dioxide and its saturation with oxygen. The flower also releases moisture, so it can be used as a natural moisturizer.
  2. The plant is able to absorb particles of soot, dust, molecules that cause unpleasant odors.
  3. Monstera releases a special substance that acts on microorganisms as an antibiotic or antiviral drug.
  4. Huge leaves can be used as a sensor for changes in humidity outside. They feel the approach of rain and are covered with small droplets of moisture. It is not necessary to keep the pot on the balcony or windowsill.
  5. Do not forget about the attractiveness of the green giant. The flower will easily decorate any interior, giving it the look of the tropics.

giant monstera

Based on the above facts, it remains to be agreed that one can only benefit from staying in a monstera house. True, in some cases, all the good points are blocked by superstitions.

Non-traditional approaches to resolving the issue: Feng Shui practice, signs and observations

Often, in response to the question of why it is impossible to have such a positive flower from all points of view in the house, you can get the most unexpected answers:

  • Monstera scares away men. Unmarried girls will not be able to find a husband, married girls will not keep the existing one. The statement has no practical evidence, but it’s better not to take risks for those who are especially suspicious, or they will blame the plant for all their failures.
  • Monstera sucks energy from households, especially if kept in living rooms. One can partly agree with this, because almost all indoor green spaces have a similar property. But we must not forget that flowers readily absorb negative vibes. You just need to put the pot next to the TV, computer or microwave, then a healthy atmosphere in the house is provided.
  • A special role is given to the flower by the philosophy of Feng Shui. With its help, there is a chance to achieve harmony and tranquility. To do this, a pot with a plant can be placed in the hallway, kitchen or living room. Then the thoughts of the family will always be in order, they will be able to painlessly resolve all issues. It is better not to keep the monster in the bedroom, this is fraught with cooling of the spouses' feelings for each other. Monstera will get along well in the office at home. She will push the occupant of the room to take more decisive action, which will serve as an activator for career growth.

You should not start a monstera at home or in the country if there are any concerns about her. Like all houseplants, she perfectly feels the attitude of others and simply cannot exist in a hostile atmosphere, even if she is kept in optimal conditions.

Judging by the reviews of people involved in keeping or breeding monsters, we can only note their attachment to their pets. Nobody notes negative impact plants for health. Quite the contrary, they observe the lightness of the air in the room and the absence of asthmatic or allergic attacks.


Monstera flower is unusual in the truest sense of the word. This is how its name is translated into Russian. Those who start this plant are often faced with a huge number of conflicting signs and superstitions. Someone considers monstera a plant of good luck, someone is an energy vampire, someone is a "husband". Such statements may seem controversial. But the beauty of monstera does not require proof.

Monstera: truth and fiction

Monstera can be called a scandalous plant. Several centuries ago, she was accused of murder! On one of the continents, allegedly, skeletons of people were found under the shoots of this plant. Of course, it was all newspaper duck. Monstera is absolutely safe. Unlike some plants, such as dieffenbachia, it is not poisonous. This means that it can be safely grown in homes where there are children or pets. In this case, you should ensure that they do not pluck the leaves of this vine. Inside them there are sharp formations that look like small needles. When in contact with mucous membranes, they cause a slight burning sensation.

Monstera acts as a green filter for rooms. It not only absorbs bad impurities in the air, but also inhibits the development of viruses, microorganisms and fungi.

In terms of human impact, monstera has different abilities. It can pacify, suppress negative emotions.

Monstera is able not only to purify the air, but also to humidify it. Therefore, it is recommended to put it in excessively dry rooms. By the way, they say that this houseplant is able to predict weather changes. Before heavy rain or a thunderstorm, small drops of water can be seen on its large carved leaves.

The positive effect of monstera on the indoor climate can be increased. To do this, you need to properly care for the flower. Its leaves purify the air, so dust constantly accumulates on them, which reduces the absorption of harmful impurities. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically wipe the leaves of the plant and give them a light shower.

Many consider the monstera a flower that absorbs energy. There are pros and cons to this. If you put the pot in the room where you sleep or often visit, then manifestations of a negative influence are possible. On the other hand, they say that a flower can also draw on bad energy. For example, treat severe headache. To do this, it is enough to rest a little near the pot.
Plants are recommended to be grown in houses with a bad atmosphere. Monstera will help to expel all the negative. But in an apartment where peace and tranquility reigns, it is not advised to keep such a flower.
Another feature tells flower growers that you should not put a monstera pot in the bedroom. At night, it takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
Most likely, such a number of negative opinions around the cultivation of a flower is associated with its appearance. Huge leaves, twisted roots, growing in the dark leave an imprint of mysticism and mystery on the monstera.

It is worth noting that in other countries the plant is considered extremely useful. Monstera is adored in Asia and the East. In some regions, it is placed in a room with a sick person for a speedy recovery, in others it is planted in front of the house as a talisman. Other positive qualities of monstera: the ability to eliminate chaos in thoughts and streamline them, increase the concentration of a person's attention.
Monstera is necessary for those who are dual and grab many things at once. This plant eliminates the mess around. It is believed that the flower keeps the hearth, brings happiness and good luck. For those who want to grow monstera at home, but are afraid bad omens, it is recommended to keep other flowers in the same room. Geranium and begonia will help balance the absorption of energy. It is believed that the plant becomes harmless if there is a cat in the apartment.
If you still dare to grow a monstera, believing in its positive properties, then it is best to choose a large-diameter pot. The plant has strong roots. It is better to keep the flower in partial shade. Every few years it needs to be transplanted into a larger pot. The flower is propagated by aerial roots or cuttings.

Monstera, or philodendron, is a beautiful ornamental plant, which has large quantity aerial roots and beautiful shiny leaves. Unique properties This plant is associated with the ability to predict rain. Before the appearance of precipitation, large drops can be seen on the leaves of this plant. However, the monstera is associated with a large number of myths and legends. For example, many people are convinced that this plant should not be grown at home.

Why can't you keep a monstera at home?

Many believe that the plant is able to absorb energy. This has certain advantages and disadvantages. If you place a pot in the bedroom, you may encounter a negative effect. At the same time, many people believe in signs that the monstera successfully heals - just lie down a little near the plant.

This flower should be grown in rooms where a negative atmosphere reigns. Thanks to the monster, it will be possible to improve the energy in the room. If everything is fine and calm in your house, it is better to refuse to grow a plant.

It is also not recommended to keep the flower in the bedroom due to the fact that it consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide at night. In fact, most signs and myths are related to the appearance of the flower. Thanks to its large leaves and curved roots, the monstera resembles a mystical plant.

Growing monstera at home

Watering and fertilizing

Because monstera has enough big leaves, the moisture evaporation area is quite large. Because the flower needs regular moisture. To do this, it must be constantly sprayed with water. room temperature. Of no small importance is the control of the condition of the leaves. If dust accumulates on them, it must be removed with a soft cloth.

Monstera should be watered systematically, especially in spring and summer. In this case, watering should be plentiful enough and carried out after the top layer of the earth has dried. Monstera needs to be watered with settled water.

In autumn, the number of waterings must be reduced, and in winter this must be done a couple of days after the earth has dried. Although the plant is very fond of water, it should still be watered sparingly. An excess amount of moisture will also negatively affect the state of the monstera, as well as its deficiency.

Monstera fertilizer is of no small importance. Bring in special means you need it in spring and summer, and do it a couple of times a month. In this case, it is worth feeding only an adult flower, while young plants do not require fertilizer. For monstera, it is worth choosing products from organics and minerals.

How to propagate by seeds and cuttings

Monstera breeding should be carried out at the beginning of scales or summer. This process requires several steps. To do this, you need to take the lateral processes, which are located at the bottom of the stems. Cuttings from the upper or middle part are also suitable. Slices are best sprinkled with a powder obtained from charcoal.

The stems should be planted in small pots, and expanded clay drainage should be performed at their bottom. The shoots should be placed in a pot and covered with a glass flask. The room temperature should be 25 degrees.

To propagate the monstera by cuttings, you need to cut off a small cutting that has two buds from the main stem. Then it is laid in the ground and systematically watered. It is not recommended to sprinkle the stalk with earth - it is better to cover it plastic wrap. After the roots appear, the cutting can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Plant transplant - video

A young monstera should be transplanted in the spring. Large adult plants need to be transplanted only once every 3-4 years. However upper part substrate should be changed annually. For this purpose, you need to choose a breathable soil with a high content of humus. To properly transplant a plant, you can watch the video:

Features of flower care

In its natural environment, Monstera usually blooms every year. When grown at home, many people do not even suspect how monstera blooms. If everything is done correctly, then biennial plant can release the first inflorescences.

Monstera flowers are white or cream. A year after the end of flowering, fruits appear on it. Caring for a monstera during the flowering period is no different from another period.

At the same time, it is important to prevent direct exposure to sunlight, since the tips of the leaves turn black from this. As the monstera grows, she needs to provide good support. It is strongly not recommended to remove aerial roots. They provide good food and getting enough moisture. They are recommended to be sent to a pot for rooting.

Monstera does not like prolonged exposure to the sun. If you keep the plant in conditions with bright diffused lighting, its leaves become larger and more carved. Monstera should be protected from direct sunlight, as this can lead to blanching and appearance yellow spots. In case of insufficient lighting, the growth of the plant is disturbed. In this case, the leaves become smaller and change their shape.

Monster should be placed away from batteries and opening windows. In winter, the temperature should not be less than 12 degrees, while fast growth starts at 16-18 degrees. It is also allowed to increase the temperature up to 30 degrees, especially in conditions high humidity and proper ventilation of the room.

Possible problems and diseases

During the cultivation of monstera, you may encounter certain problems and difficulties.

Leaves turn yellow and dry

Monstera first of all reacts to all errors in the care in the form of a change in the shade of the leaves. They may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • if it happens in winter time, this indicates excessive watering;
  • if, in addition to yellow leaves, there are brown spots, this indicates insufficient watering;
  • if the leaves turn yellow and fall off strongly, this indicates high temperature and dry air in the room;
  • if the monstera becomes pale yellow, this indicates an excess of lighting.

Why is monstera crying

Sometimes drops appear on the leaves of the plant. This indicates excessive moisture in the coma of the earth. To cope with this problem, it is worth leaving the soil to dry out a little. It is also recommended to increase the intervals between watering.

The appearance of drops on monstera leaves is often observed before cloudy weather or the onset of precipitation.

Indoor flower does not grow

Some people are faced with the fact that the monstera stops growing. To stimulate these processes, you need to provide the flower with sufficient lighting and optimum temperature air. It is also recommended to moisten its leaves - for this you can spray them regularly. The earth should be watered only after the top layer has completely dried, but it should be done very plentifully.

Types of monstera and their description with a photo

In the natural environment, there are quite a few types of monster. However, only two varieties are grown at home:

1. Delicious. In a greenhouse, the height of this plant can reach 12 m. At home, you can grow a flower about 3 m tall. At quality care such a monstera can bloom annually, but you can get fruits only in a greenhouse.

There is also a variegated form of such a monstera. It is more demanding for care, but does not grow as fast as the main variety. Monstera Borsigiana is a very popular variety. It is also called borziga - this plant is not as big and strong as the original species.

2. Oblique. This plant is native to Brazilian forests and has beautiful lacy leaves. Their length is about 20 cm, and their width is 6 cm. The leaves have a solid structure, a short petiole and peduncle, as well as an unequal base. It should be borne in mind that in cultural conditions such a monstera does not bloom.

Monstera is a houseplant related to vines, native to South America. It has an unusual structure: large, large, dark green, leathery, rounded leaves with many holes, slits various shapes. At good care grows up to several meters in height. Monstera flowering can be seen quite rarely, since it needs special climatic conditions, which are difficult to create in ordinary rooms.

Many people are interested in the question: how to properly care for this plant and is it possible to keep a monstera flower at home?

Features of care

Is it possible to keep a monstera at home?

There are many legends and myths about this plant. Superstitious people do not recommend keeping a monstera flower at home. There are many signs associated with it. She is believed to provide Negative influence per person and brings a lot of misfortune to its owner.

Monstera in the house: signs say that the plant emits negative energy, absorbs a lot of oxygen, releases toxic toxic substances and disrupts the human aura. It is especially not recommended to grow monstera at home for unmarried women in order to avoid problems in their personal lives and careers.

Is it really? scientific confirmation no such hypotheses.

Exist interesting fact, based on real events, thanks to which people began to be afraid of this plant.

Once upon a time in South America travelers got lost in the jungle. Closer to the night, wandering and exhausted tourists for a long time saw large aerial roots of the monstera. In complete darkness, they greatly frightened them and dreamed of them with tentacles scary monster. After that, travelers began to tell the locals that these plants kill people and animals. This is where the statement came from that the name of the monstera flower comes from the word "monster", "monstrous". In fact, it comes from the Latin language, where monstruosus means "wonderful, bizarre."

Beneficial features

Actually this indoor flower brings a lot of benefits to its owner.

What does Feng Shui say about this plant?

According to this ancient Eastern teaching, the monstera flower puts things in order in a person’s thoughts, strengthens nervous system, helps to get rid of headaches, brings good luck and longevity. However, it is not recommended to put the plant in the bedroom, as libido may decrease in married couple. The best place in the house for her there will be a living room, an entrance hall, a kitchen. Unless, of course, the size of the living space allows you to grow such a plant, because it takes up a lot of space in the apartment.

Monstera can often be seen in large office space. It is believed that there it contributes to good negotiation between business partners, radiates beneficial energy and pushes people to make the right decisions.

Why can't monstera be kept at home?

It is not recommended to grow monstera for those who have small children and pets at home. The fact is that the leaves of the monstera flower really contain poisonous juice. You can get poisoned by them when you try to chew or break these leaves, which contain needle-like formations. If this poisonous juice gets on the mucous membrane of a person, severe irritation and inflammation will occur, which is very dangerous.

The following symptoms may appear:

  • Feeling of numbness or burning in the mouth.
  • Mucosal swelling.
  • Strong soreness.
  • Partial or complete loss of voice.
  • Difficulty, discomfort when swallowing.

Due to the fact that moisture sometimes forms on the leaves of the monstera, it should not be placed next to polished furniture. This can lead to gradual damage to your property.

Based on the foregoing, we learned what benefits a monstera flower can bring and in what cases it can harm a person. To start this plant in the house or not, it's up to you. If you do not believe in signs, various superstitions, then you can safely keep such a plant at home. You just need to carefully monitor animals and small children so that they do not climb to this plant and do no harm to their health.

Not less than interesting plant is a spathiphyllum. People call him " female happiness". Unlike the monstera flower, this houseplant takes much less space in the apartment and brings many benefits to its owner. There are many popular beliefs about this plant. It is especially popular with unmarried girls and women who want to attract family well-being, happiness and love.

What is this flower and how to properly care for it?

Spathiphyllum is an evergreen home plant. It has unusual shape leaves, resembling a veil, which, as it were, envelop the inflorescence. The inflorescence itself is pale yellow, the veil white color, and at the end of flowering with a greenish tint. Grows up to 60 cm in length. Flowering can be observed in May or June. With abundant watering, it is possible to repeat flowering in autumn or winter.

How to care for spathiphyllum at home

Proper care of this plant plays a very important role for its flowering and beautiful appearance. And also, according to folk signs, it is believed that if this flower dries up, family well-being and happiness leave the house. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate scandals, quarrels, screams in the house. Therefore, you need to carefully look after him and monitor the favorable energy in the apartment.

Spathiphyllum - is it possible to keep at home?

There is a legend that says that it was this flower that the goddess Astarte gave to an ordinary girl on her wedding day. She endowed him with wonderful magical properties bringing luck, happiness, love. This magic manifests itself with good flower care, makes women and unmarried girls happy.

In what cases does a flower bring a lot of happiness to its owner?

It is necessary to communicate with the flower, talk with it, daily you need to inspect the leaves of the plant, additionally spray them. For your efforts, you can see beautiful flowering and wait for the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Such a flower is a wonderful gift for women. They say that unmarried girls it helps to find love sooner and get married successfully.

If a woman is lonely and she has no one to give this flower to, she can buy it herself, following some rules:

  • It is better to make a purchase on special women's days: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.
  • The seller must be blonde with blue or gray eyes.
  • It is better to pay for the purchase a little higher than the cost of the flower itself, without taking change for yourself.

You cannot give your flower to anyone. Thus, you can lose your feminine happiness.

To gain family well-being and strengthen marital relations, a woman needs to put a flower in the bedroom at the head of the bed or sofa. This flower helps to strengthen relationships in the family, when several flowers appear at the same time, it is believed that happiness awaits all family members.

Rituals and ceremonies

They also perform many rituals with the help of a flower to attract profit in the family and to gain love.

Rather, such a ritual will help you find your soul mate: put a flower on the window so that moonlight falls on it. The ceremony is held from Thursday to Friday with the growing moon. We look carefully at the flower and inhale its wonderful aroma, while imagining our future betrothed. We ask the goddess Astarte to fulfill your innermost desire. Every night you need to light a candle near the plant and wait for the next full moon.

To save and attract cash profit to the house, it is necessary to bury it in a pot banknotes, coins and fill them with plenty of earth from above. If the flower began to suddenly dry out, the leaves turn black, you need to get rid of this flower and purchase a new one before noon.

Various indoor plants carry their own energy and can affect a person in different ways. Your attitude to the plant also plays a big role, with proper care, care and attention, it will definitely thank you. beautiful flowering and even, perhaps, bring good luck, happiness and help improve your life. With a good understanding, indoor plants with the owner who cares for them become one. Believe it or not magical properties plants, it's up to you.

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