Secrets of a strong personality and examples of strong people. Developing Spiritual Power

Is it possible to determine the strength of character by the way a person sits and drinks coffee? Or by what brand of car he prefers or what kind of perfume he uses? Does a person's behavior always betray a strong personality in him? ChTD figured out what qualities can be considered defining and how they can be changed.

What is a strong personality

Psychological stability and maturity are manifested in stressful situations when a person leaves their comfort zone. Strong people become even stronger by constantly adapting to the unknown.

Qualities of a strong personality: can they be developed?

Strong personality not a given. Indeed, some people can naturally tolerate more stress: their brains are not as sensitive to stimulation as others. But they are more impulsive, less capable of self-control. This side of their personality is not the strongest.

A strong personality is more determined by the choice of how to deal with shocks. And even more precisely, how to “mark” them in your picture of the world.

Research by Bonanno, Werner, and Garmesi shows that all the qualities of strong people come from the belief that they are the creators of life's circumstances, and not their victims.

Social psychologist Julian Rotter called this an internal locus of control (as opposed to an external locus of control often chosen by victims).

What are the qualities inherent in a truly strong person? What behavioral strategies testify to its sustainability?

1. A strong personality doesn't focus on the negative.

Such unconditionally strong and successful people like Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon and BlueOrigin), Jack Ma (founder of Alibaba), Steve Jobs(Apple ideologue), Pavel Durov (founder of the Vkontakte social network and creator of Telegram). You can take almost any biography of a person with great achievements and discover that at some point he stumbled, lost a lot of money and a place in his own company, his project, followed by millions of eyes, experienced a fiasco.

But they did not allow themselves to be succumbed to emotions and did not conclude that the next failure speaks of them as second-class people. “Well, well, it happened,” they reasoned. “One door has closed, now you need to understand where to go next.”

2. A strong personality has a proactive life position.

The reactive lifestyle assumes that a person only responds to external challenges. He begins to think about the problem only when she gets up in full height. For example, he tries to create a financial "airbag" only after the announcement of impending cuts in the company. Of course, this approach does not allow you to play ahead of the curve.

A person with a proactive position is constantly experimenting, his thought is ahead of reality. His motto is "Why not?"

Why not create one monetary system, which will not be controlled by states? Not to make a global electronic market without intermediaries? Why not transfer all the buttons from the phone to the screen? There are many examples of such proactive solutions.

3. Such a person is aimed at the future, not the past.

Whatever a man's past may be, it cannot determine his new decisions. An example that demonstrates strong will to life and forgiveness, is the story of an American farmer, Hector Black, who sent a letter behind bars to his daughter's killer.

Black wanted to understand the motives for this terrible act. As a result, the correspondence stretched for long years and even became an inspiration for theatrical production( Recent letters the killers were signed "With love".

4. A strong personality looks for a positive meaning in everything that happens to her.

The tragedy of Hector Black could have been the end of his life, but he turned it into an occasion to study the nature of a person who decided to take the life of another, to try to awaken remorse from the criminal and find enough strength in himself to forgive. And he succeeded because he was looking for a way out.

The same thing happens in everyone's life. strong man who is facing upheaval. Being fired can be the end of a career, or it can be a reason to finally start doing something of your own. Or figure out if you were moving in right direction last few years.

5. A strong personality uses stress as a source of opportunity.

Psychotherapist Ivan Kirillov coined the term "stress surfing" to explain how people can turn intense stress into a source of development.

Strong people automatically react to stress with arousal: “Now I can turn around. Finally, I have the opportunity to prove myself."

At the same time, if the efforts do not give a result, they think something like the Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma: “Today there are clouds, tomorrow it will rain, but the day after tomorrow the sun will definitely come out.”

How to learn to be a strong personality?

You can’t become a good writer right away without squeezing a line out of yourself. Similarly, you can't change your thinking and behavior overnight to stay enthusiastic even in a crashing plane, but you can start by learning about typical situations and how you handle them. More specifically, automatic responses to stressful events.

Psychologist Martin Seligman - a specialist in the problem of happiness in human life and the author of the term "learned helplessness" - suggests consciously adjusting your way of explaining the world in the direction of increasing your own responsibility and power over events.

Move away from generalizations towards specifics. Instead of “Why does this always happen to me?” Think like this: “This particular event happened to me because I did not pay enough attention to preparation, did not take into account the reactions of others, did not consider whether I would have enough time and energy.”

Consider everything that happens as temporary, changeable. Instead of “I just can’t manage people,” you can argue like this: “I don’t have the necessary skills yet, but over time I will master them. And right now I'm looking for ways to do this more efficiently.

Look for your active role in what is happening. Instead of "again in the company of difficulties" to argue: "We need to figure it out - maybe I can offer a solution or at least find where I can improve my performance."

Becoming a strong personality does not mean being always ready to solve any problem. It means being curious about problems and stresses, looking for an opportunity to express yourself and become stronger in them. If it becomes a habit, you have already become such a person.

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Many people believe that personality traits are something we are born with. Someone was already born with a sense of humor, and someone was just lucky to grow up charismatic person. Therefore, we often do not even think about embarking on the path of self-development. Of course, something is given to us easier and easier, but we have to constantly work and train on something. However, in reality there is no such positive trait personality that you could not develop in yourself to become even more attractive and successful.

We are in website collected exactly those character traits that you can develop in yourself for a successful and happy life.


Self-confident people always have an advantage over doubters, because it is strong personalities that inspire others and control the course of events. According to a study, confident people earn more and move up the career ladder faster.

Go in for sports: a sense of composure and a sense of control over the body gives stability both physically and emotionally. Stop treating other people's reactions to your actions as rules to be followed. Don't look for outside approval. A confident person manages his own life, bearing responsibility for his actions.

The ability to say "no"

Everything you need for effective work, is concentration. Turn off messengers, phone sound, do not listen to music if it distracts you. Immerse yourself completely in the task that needs to be done. Just as appetite comes with eating, inspiration comes with work. When you're constantly twitching, it's hard for your brain to readjust back. And what is given to the brain with difficulty, we consider unpleasant. Therefore, motivation is reduced.

In addition, you need to adjust the daily routine: sleep and eat enough so that it does not interfere with work.

The ability to read other people

Many people are sure that the ability to read minds is in the category of superpowers and for this you need to be a psychic, but this is not at all the case. It is enough just to listen to what they say, and not think more. Do not think for a person, do not conduct mental dialogues with him.

You communicate, for example, with a person for some time. And then he abruptly disappears, and you are perplexed: how did this happen? After all, everything was fine. And then it turns out that nothing was normal. You wanted to meet, and he fed you "breakfasts", ardently promising to see you next time. No matter how good the reasons are, those who want to meet will always find time. Empty promises are nothing more than a courtesy.

A person confessed his feelings to you and for you it became like a thunder among clear sky? Because before that you did not pay attention to the fact that he singled you out from everyone else, often wrote, asked how you were doing, took the initiative.

To guess the motives of other people, to understand the reasons for their behavior, it is enough just to pay attention to what they say and what they do, where they look and who they smile at. Compare these things and draw conclusions. Of course, you do not need to do this all your free time.

Ability to attract people

Some people are so charming that everyone seems to like them. These people have charisma - a quality that anyone can develop.

When communicating, try to establish eye contact: look at the interlocutor with a relaxed and calm look, smile. Charismatic people know how to listen to the interlocutor and be on the same wavelength with him. Therefore, do not rush to spread information about yourself, it is better to ask him questions. Do not suppress your emotions if you were told something offensive - show that you do not like it. But only not with a boring lecture, but with the termination of the conversation. Absent to a bar or to the toilet, or simply change the topic.

Respond to frankness with frankness, if you like. After all, a person has opened up to you, open up to you.

The ability to control your body's reactions

More simple reactions like irritation, rudeness or raising your voice can be even more stopped by simply pulling yourself together in time.

Today many people give great importance body cult: they go in for sports, lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right. This allows you to be energetic and physically strong. But in order for the mind and consciousness to also develop, it is necessary to take care of the spiritual forces as well.

Before you begin to feed your spiritual power, you need to understand what it is. This is the power of the spirit. In any religion, a person is considered a unity of the spirit, soul and physical shell. The Lord, when creating man, thought that the spirit would rule in him. The hierarchical chain is as follows: the spirit is the main thing, the soul is subordinate to it, and the body can be called subordinate to the subordinate. Acquiring spiritual strength is equal to allowing the spirit to enter into its rights and dictate to the soul and flesh how one should live and act.

The strength of the spirit is impossible without the realization of inner freedom. This means that guilt must be dropped, because it destroys a person and does not give any chance for progress. Instead of living with guilt, a person must take responsibility for his life and begin to manage it.

To control your actions, you should learn to control what you do not do: give up addictions, condemnation of people around you, negative thinking. In any situation, you need to maintain the ability to stick to the chosen path, doing it without fear, but with full responsibility. The antonym of spiritual strength is the weakness of the spirit. To become strong, you need to reject everything that accompanies spiritual weakness.

spiritual weakness

By nature, man is weak. This is described in most religious treatises. For example, according to the Bible, the flesh had an effect on a person: he sinned, for which he was expelled from paradise.

As a result of the spiritual weakness of a person, not only he himself suffers. Mental and physical torment has to be experienced by those who are connected with him in any way: by family, love, industrial ties.

Everything that harms a person and hinders his inner development can be attributed to the weakness of the spirit. For example, the state of irritation, common cause making wrong decisions. An irritated person judges other people more often than usual, is dissatisfied with circumstances and does not think about his true state, which prompts him to such behavior. As a result, he first walks in a circle, and then falls down.

Developing Spiritual Power

It is necessary to learn to notice the states that characterize the weakness of the spirit. For example, fear, anger and a feeling of disappointment, embracing a person, deprive him of spiritual strength. Under the influence of these emotions, people blame others or circumstances for personal failures.

In such a situation, you should stop transferring your negative emotions on those around you. Everything that happens to us is somehow our own fault. Realizing this, we are forced to take the next step: to try to get out of an unfavorable situation on our own.

Other important rule- stop judging. The subject of the accusation may always be before one's eyes, but a person should not judge others, because he himself is not without sin. By acting as a contemplative, you can calm your emotions and look at the situation from new perspectives.

In addition, by being constantly open to the world, we can better understand the reasons why we ignite internally. This will allow you to learn to control yourself, since only those who have found and recognized it in themselves can eliminate internal weakness.

When fear is defeated, and the need to control the actions and desires of others disappears, you can move on to further movement on the path to spiritual strength. It includes eight important points:

  1. Development of self-expression. A person will be able to express personal beliefs and aspirations, freely talk about them to others, because he is responsible for what comes out of it all.
  2. The application of forces in real life. In order for the spirit to be healthy and strong, and the body to emit light, certain actions must be performed, which can be expressed in proper nutrition, physical activity attending religious events.
  3. Communication. Interacting with other people, we exchange with them not only our views on life, but also energy. If it is positive, it charges us for action, helping to translate desires into reality.
  4. Constant inspiration and self-motivation. At the beginning of any action lies an idea, a dream. For it to arise, the ability to be inspired is required.
  5. Readiness for manifestation means the need to translate the energy of inspiration into actions, transferring them to a real dimension.
  6. The ability to distinguish - to know when you need to show yourself, and when it is better to be inactive and silent. At this time, other people receive the strength to find and express their opinion. But a spiritually developed person understands that he is responsible only for his own spiritual growth, and considers it right to teach others, setting an example for them.
  7. Maintaining balance. One should always adhere to the middle path, which manifests itself in moderation in everything. This makes it possible to truly enjoy life without going to extremes and radiating harmony and peace.
  8. The need to go beyond. After mastering the seven aspects of spiritual power, it is necessary to develop the ability to go beyond the boundaries of old rigid beliefs, studying life and gaining new skills.

Being a spiritually strong person means following the path that is inaccessible to ordinary people who do not dare to overcome their weaknesses. Having become enlightened, a person will be able to explore the unknown, because he will feel in himself all the skills and resources necessary for this. But it will not happen before he curbs his own ego, becomes harmonious, full of happiness, beauty and peace. Then not only the spiritual, but also the material world will open to him.

To have spiritual power also means to let God in. And God is synonymous with joy, delight, happiness. A person who is constantly dissatisfied, sad, loaded with problems can never be close to the divine.

Why do people need spiritual powers?

Willpower and strength of mind are close in meaning and expression. To put it simply, the spirit manifests itself where a person analyzes the desires of his soul and gives them a value assessment: is this desire good, good or not? The Spirit knows what is right and what is harmful. Therefore, willpower is close to the strength of the spirit - it teaches people to do what they must.

A person with spiritual strength can be called someone who has patience, perseverance. He finds in himself the strength and courage to be cheerful even in moments of sorrow and sadness. Therefore, where there is spirit, there is usually willpower. Man is like a reed. When the weather is calm, all the reeds stand straight, but as soon as the wind blows, some of them bend and break under its pressure. Man, strong-willed, remains firm and unshakable. Thanks to this, he can conquer others, because the power is attractive. Then they will begin to look at him, listen to his advice, become better, stretch up after him.

All people should strive to be strong, because weakness does not lead the way for good, it drives one into despondency and sadness. Internal comfort generates external, any confrontation destroys it.

Action of the power of thought

It is very difficult to control feelings. But a person endowed with fortitude, it is quite possible to take control of his thoughts. Thoughts have a very great power over our lives. They can attract positive and negative situations to us. If you learn to control your mind, dreams and desires will easily come true.

Positive thoughts attract us good experience, negative - negative. It is often said that what you fear is bound to happen to you. As a rule, this is what happens. We set ourselves up for one or another outcome of the situation, program it, and life recreates it for us.

But, dreaming about something, you should be active in life. In addition, you will need to change the way you think: instead of “I can’t” and “I don’t want,” you need to say in your mind “I can” and “I want.”

Getting rid of gloomy thoughts, having a good attitude, we help ourselves to maintain health. Our body reflects what is happening in our inner world. Therefore, we can definitely conclude that mental health a person is shaped by his physical condition. To be healthy and harmonious on the outside, you need to achieve health and harmony on the inside.

We all know people who have lived unhappy lives, blaming bad times, bad environments and chance. But at any time, even during wars, there were those who knew how to live happily and make others happy. The thing is that you need to pull yourself together in time and work on your soul as well as on your body. Success is largely determined by our inner strength, which can also be called the strength of the spirit. The people who have a developed presence of mind are strong.

If strength is in truth, then whoever is stronger is right.

(Folk gangster wisdom)

What is the psychological strength of a person? How is it defined? The question of strength is asked by any person who is interested in managing this world, in influencing people, in changing something around him and in his life in general. Have you ever wondered why it is so unfairly arranged - some have this gift, others do not, some want to obey, others not so much, some can have an impact, others try to do it this way - which becomes ridiculous. As a child, if you remember, all the boys dream of possessing tremendous strength in order to win any fight, scatter any enemies, not be afraid of anyone, achieve everything, and be respected in the team. Personally, at a young age, I envied, oddly enough, a girl, only a special, very strong girl named Pippi Longstocking, who had absolutely unprecedented abilities and, on occasion, demonstrated miracles that no weightlifter in the world dreamed of. For example, she threw villains to the tops of trees, held cars by the bumper with her hands, pulled ships out of the sea onto the shore, and performed similar feats. With age comes the understanding that physical strength in this world can no longer solve all the issues - you need another strength, internal, personal.

What happens in our communication in life? When meeting a person, we intuitively, subconsciously, evaluate him and compare our personal strength with his strength. And, as a result of this comparison, we build relationships. If intuition tells us that he is stronger, relationships are built with the so-called "add-on from below." That is, we recognize the supremacy of a person, allow him to teach us life, with respect and listen to his opinion. If we feel that we ourselves are stronger than a partner, then relationships are more likely to be built with the so-called "extension from above." That is, we ourselves subconsciously feel more important, express our opinion more, less value we attach to his opinion, we allow ourselves to teach him life and “lead our hands” in his direction. Well, the third possible variant, when the forces are approximately equal, then relations are built "with an extension on an equal footing." It is not clear who controls whom, who controls whom, then you are me, then I am you, the relationship is like "friend - friend." It is clear that this scheme of three relationship options is somewhat simplified, in life it can be more and more difficult, but the essence is just that. It is psychological strength that makes us submit or obey, listen or obey, convince or convince. It is she who allows you to win negotiations, psychological fights, conflicts, makes you respect your opinion and achieve success in society. And this strength is more important than all the rest of the physical, because it is it that allows you to work miracles.

The question is what is psychological power and how to increase it? When I ask the participants this question - what is psychological strength and how to define this concept in one exhaustive phrase, then immediately smart people usually find a range of answers. For example, it's confidence, some say. Yes, confidence good quality, but this is not a synonym for psychological strength, but rather a consequence, a concomitant quality. It is incorrect to put an equal sign between the concepts of strength and confidence. Confidence is rather a consequence of strength. Another option is purposefulness. It is also a concomitant quality, a consequence of strength, but not the same thing. Often called the ability to be happy, not to give up in the face of difficulties, "to take a hit" - also wonderful qualities, but they also do not exhaust the concept of strength and do not define it. As a rule, the participants receive only consequences and associations on the inner strength, but not the definition itself.

Of course, you remember that this sacred question is what is the power, brother? - Bodrov Jr. was also tormented in the films "Brother-1", "Brother-2". And he went around and pestered everyone with it, even foreigners:

- Here you are, a German, you say, the city is a force, and what a force is here, everyone is weak here ...

- The city is an evil force...

And that's where the joke came from.

Bodrov Jr. is sitting in the office of an American businessman, a dead man is lying nearby American businessman, they drink vodka, play chess and Bodrov Jr. says:

- Tell me, American, what is the strength? Do you think money is power? Here is the brother, he says, in money ... But the force, it is in newtons !!!

Indeed, in order to define this concept, the scientific Oh, if you want, you need to turn to the origins - where the legs grow from. And they grow from classical physics, I hope there will be excellent students among readers. Let's remember first the definition of physical strength, and then move on to psychological strength. How the concept of "physical strength" was defined in grade 7 high school? That's right, the magical and unforgettable formula "f equals m times a" - force equals mass times acceleration. Remember, in textbooks, physics liked to push cubes, and so, if one cube pushes another from a place, then the physical force of the first could be determined from the mass and acceleration of the second, and it was measured, indeed, in newtons. In human terms, physical strength is the ability of an object to do work on another object. Work is movement in space. Once again, we rely on this definition: "Physical strength is the ability of an object to perform work on another object."

And now, based on this definition, now, let's transfer it to the world of people. Then - by analogy, what is already "psychological strength"? Try to find the definition yourself from here and compare with the correct answer. For the lazy, the correct answer will follow now. Psychological strength is the ability of a person to work on people, including himself, since you are also a person. Only under work in the world of people are understood all three types of influence. The first type, influence on consciousness - that is, the ability to convince, inspire, change values ​​​​to a person, teach, make it clear, "set the brain", finally. The second type, the influence on the emotional world of a person, is the ability to create a new emotion for him, to remove an extra old one, to shake feelings, to influence the spiritual, emotional and sensory world of a person. And thirdly, the influence on the will of a person is the ability to induce to action, to push against inaction, the ability to make a person move in body and mind, or, conversely, stop before the abyss.

And, if all this is taken into account, we get such a definition.

Psychological strength is the ability of a person to influence people, including himself.

What does it mean to influence yourself? All three types of influence, on consciousness, on emotions, on will, only in relation to oneself. Sometime to straighten your brains and change values, sometime to cope with your feelings, sometime to force yourself to do what you don’t want, but you need to. Self influence is special case influence on people in general, moreover, not knowing how to manage oneself, it is impossible to adequately manage other people. And by the way a person manages himself, it is quite possible to judge his strength. The simplest test on personal strength - how long do you get out of bed in the morning? Self-management is closest to the concept of willpower, with the help of volitional qualities man influences his lazy nature.

The basis of this ability to influence is a high and independent self-esteem of the individual. Those. degree of self-love, degree of self-respect, degree of self-acceptance. High enough - allowing you to live comfortably among other people and feel worthy, as an equal among equals (and in some ways even higher). Independent - means stable, allowing not to lose self-respect in the negative assessment of others and not falling in case of failures. Self-esteem is the core of personal strength; without it, strength, figuratively speaking, loses its backbone and falls apart.

Another very important point. The ability to influence is a kind of opportunity, an internal quality, and one must be able to present it, that is, to show it externally. Otherwise, this force will remain in potential, unmanifested and imperceptible to the environment. There is always an inside and an outside, and so it is with force. Strength is inner rod man, but to make people feel this power is the second, external task.

Imagine that you are the world boxing champion. You have a huge potential and opportunities for forceful influence on hooligan elements in the night alley. But only you and your surroundings know that you are a cool master. The punks don’t know this yet, and you are forced to show them your strength and skill, show these inner capabilities in all their glory, and until you bite off the leader of the gang’s ear, no one in this gang will respect or fear you.

I agree with the statement that people feel power with some kind of sixth sense, but still this is not always the case. You can be strong but new team won't notice it yet. Or vice versa, to be weak, but successfully splurge, making a strong impression. And this also often happens, history knows such cases, let us recall at least Khlestakov. Therefore, in order for the force to truly work in life for your influence, it is necessary that the external correspond to the internal. It is necessary to learn how to show strength, sometimes demonstrate, prove, and even, if necessary, exert active force. And here they buy essential the already mentioned qualities accompanying the power, through which the power is manifested and with what it is associated. Namely - confidence, demeanor, purposefulness, ability to take a punch, courage, voice control, and others. Basically, they are tools. psychological impact that through which personal power manifests itself in outside world and through which our personality influences. But that's another, next topic.

It's easy enough to imagine a strong person. Powerful physique, large muscles, confident look. But do these signs always prove true strength? And what is this inner strength that one hears about so often? Does it match the imposing appearance? Can a physically less developed person be stronger than his superior opponent? In what cases is the inner strength of a person manifested? Is it possible to develop it, or is it an innate quality that is inherited? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is inner strength?

inner strength- this is the strength of the spirit, a set of strong-willed qualities that allow you to overcome various life difficulties. Accordingly, it manifests itself in stressful cases, when a person, feeling that he cannot control the situation, still continues to act “in character”.

This quality literally endows people with superhuman abilities, allowing them to pass where even two-meter bouncers will break. Inner strength does not depend on age, gender or other parameters of a person.

It can manifest itself in anyone, the main thing is not to suppress it. The main factors that suppress the development of internal strength can be considered bad habits, complexes, negative mood, stress, fears, resentment, worries and fatigue.

How does inner strength come about?

The inner strength of a person does not depend on his external power, but does not exclude it either. After all, for any power, there is always a greater power. And in the event of a collision with it, it is precisely the inner strength that manifests itself.

Of course, it is easier to defeat a weaker opponent. But we all know examples when a small but “spiritual” person emerges victorious from a skirmish with someone who is clearly superior in size. Why is this happening? Apparently he is more confident in himself and this confidence is transferred to the enemy, literally disarming him. According to the principle of the textbook Moska, which strikes terror into all local elephants.

There are five main components that make up the inner strength of a person:

  • The strength of the spirit is the core of the personality;
  • Life energy is all that is necessary for life;
  • Willpower is an internal reserve that opens up during times of difficulty;
  • Self-control - the ability to control your body and thoughts;
  • Psychic energy - emotional and mental stability.

Their interaction determines how strong a person will be in a given situation, therefore it is very important to pay attention to the development of each of these components.

Strength of mind- the ability to take responsibility for your life on yourself. It determines the determination of a person, his character and assertiveness. It develops both through physical self-development and spiritual self-improvement.

Vital energy implies the necessary resources for activity. All processes occurring in the body require energy. It is replenished with nutrients that we consume. After all, we are what we eat.

Strength of will- the ability to move towards the intended goal, despite all the obstacles and difficulties. It is strengthened in the fight against its weaknesses, fears and stereotypes. Daily work on yourself is the best hardening of your strong-willed qualities.

self control allows you to not lose control in any situation. Inner strength is based on inner calmness and composure. It is necessary to develop the ability of self-control by leaving the zone of your inner comfort. After all, this quality manifests itself only in unusual situations.

Psychic Energy- the emotional stability of a person, his ability to control his psyche, especially its darkest corners. Strengthening the mind is no less important than exercises to develop strength, endurance or agility.

Secrets of Inner Strength

Like any other human quality, inner strength can be trained and developed. Its nature and causes of manifestation should be understood. Simple Rules tempering character are given below:

  • Do not avoid difficulties, but boldly face them;
  • Learn to control your emotions;
  • Overcome fear and not panic;
  • Tune in a positive way, be an optimist;
  • Believe in your "second wind";
  • Learn to make strong-willed decisions;
  • Fight laziness in all its manifestations;
  • Avoid communication with "energy vampires" and manipulators;
  • Do not take "to heart" stress factors;
  • Pay attention to proper rest and recuperation.

If you strictly follow these rules, then the internal reserves of the body will always be in combat readiness, thereby increasing the ability of a person to endure difficulties and failures.

The bulk of the points does not need explanation, we argue only the question of "second wind" and "energy vampires".

The fact is that the capabilities of the human body and mind have not yet been fully explored. Therefore, being in difficult situation, a person is able to demonstrate skills that even Olympic champions in various types sports. The inner strength manifests itself approximately at the stage when the “first wind” closes and the “second wind” is about to open.

What does this mean? The internal reserves of the body, which are included when all the usual arguments have been exhausted. Their nature is not fully understood, but the fact of existence is obvious. That is why it is important to know that the “second wind” is inherent in every person and in case of certain conditions it will definitely come to the rescue.

There is also no unequivocal scientific point of view regarding "energy vampires", which, however, does not prevent such people from doing their "dark" deeds. Really, it's just energy. certain people does not fit well, which causes some discomfort.

In addition, there are individuals who like to provoke negativity in others, as if fueled by their emotional energy. It is difficult to judge whether this is true or fiction, but if there is a person in the environment with whom it is unpleasant to communicate or even be in the same territory, then it is better not to do this. The inner voice rarely deceives and its advice should be heeded.

As mentioned earlier, an important component of a person's inner strength is a positive attitude and thinking. Psychologists recommend clearly presenting yourself as a winner.

For example, imagine yourself with a goblet in your hand, standing on a pedestal. You should remember the sensations that appear at such a moment, and remind yourself of them in situations where your hands begin to fall. The fact is that everything in the body is interconnected. We smile in response to the production of "hormones of happiness" in the blood.

What prevents the process from starting in the opposite direction. And if someone tries even by an effort of will to “pull” a smile on his face and keep it for a while, the body may in response begin to produce the same hormones, improving mood. Similarly, the euphoria of success. If you remember these feelings, you can take a break from difficulties for a while and mobilize your internal reserves.

The inner strength of a person cannot be measured or analyzed. It arises as a result of the action of stress factors and subsides during periods of stability and comfort. There is inner strength in each of us, it's just that someone has it better developed. You can develop this quality in yourself through training and self-development. The main thing is to always believe in yourself and your strengths, and also not to forget that a person is capable of much if he wants to.

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