April is the best time to repot houseplants. When is the best time to repot indoor flowers?

See the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019. We tell you when it is better to transplant indoor flowers according to lunar calendar with expert advice.

choose auspicious days for transplanting by months to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

New moon

It is a critical moment for all living things. Manipulations with plants are advised not to be performed. When urgently needed, you can deal with urgent matters (for example, fighting diseases or pests).

Waxing Crescent

It has long been established that in this phase the flow of juices to the stem from the root system increases significantly. The more the illumination of the disk of the Moon increases, the more appreciably the juices rise to the tops of the shoots.

With the growing moon, small mechanical damage to the root is easier to bear. Given time the most successful plant for planting, which grows up and bears fruit from above the ground - "tops" (vegetables, fruits, berries), as well as flowering, medicinal and decorative leafy species and lawn grasses.

Full moon

With it, the stems, leaves and fruits are maximally saturated with their juice. The moon transfers all its power and there comes a peak level of vitality. It is impossible to transplant and prune, but it is better to collect fruits (on these days the highest value of nutrients).

Waning moon

In this phase, the juices are sent to reverse side to the roots. The moon gradually rests, and reduces the activity of plants. It is optimal to carry out preventive actions - pruning, grafting, harvesting and medicinal herbs, mowing and transplanting plants.

At the same time, it is advised to plant flowering, decorative leafy species and "roots" (potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, garlic).

Moon phases

How do zodiac signs affect the success of a plant transplant?

The success of the transplant is greatly influenced by the sign of the zodiac. If the plant was transplanted with the growing Moon, but in a barren sign, then it will develop weaker in comparison with a transplanted flower in a fertile sign in a waning phase.

  • Infertile: Virgo, Capricorn. Fertile signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - they are all female. They are the most successful time for planting or transplanting plants.

Some astrologers divide differently: barren - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius, neutral - Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn and fertile - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Individual features of indoor plants

Before you start transplanting houseplants according to the lunar calendar, many flower growers recommend taking them into account individual characteristics. According to astrologers, the signs of the zodiac affect growth and development differently. different types home flowers.

  1. It is better to transplant decorative leafy species during some signs of the zodiac: with the growing moon - Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces, and with the waning moon - Cancer.
    Of the decorative leafy species, the following are primarily distinguished: asparagus, dieffenbachia, dracaena, monstera, peperomia, ficus and chlorophytum.
  2. Bulbous and tuberous plant species are best transplanted when the moon is waxing in Capricorn, and waning in Scorpio. Plants: amaryllis, tuberous begonia, vorsleya, hippeastrum, gloxinia, oxalis, clivia, lily, cyclamen and eucharis.
  3. Ampelous and curly domestic species (liana, hoya) are recommended to be transplanted with the growing moon in Gemini, and waning in Virgo and Sagittarius.

Auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants in 2019

Unsuccessful or successful days for transplanting domestic plants are determined based on the phase of the moon and its zodiac sign.

  • The most favorable period for transplanting indoor flowers is the phase of the growing moon in the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Highly important role for successful growth and development of indoor plants plays compliance general rules transplantation and recommendations for a particular instance.

You need to know for sure that home flower can or should be transplanted, as well as doing it right.

Rules for the perfect transplant

  1. The plant needs to be transplanted (development retardation, decrease in decorative effect, small size pot).
  2. The flower is transplanted in compliance individual recommendations (suitable size pot, drainage, preparation for transplanting, properly selected soil mixture) and without damaging the root system.
  3. Moon phase and zodiac sign.

In order for the flower to grow and develop as well as possible in the future, ideally all these factors should coincide. Now it becomes clearer why the transplantation of indoor plants according to the lunar calendar has great importance for their future fate, but not decisive.

Read more here:


It is possible to transplant indoor plants in January only in an emergency (root rot, etc.). Most species are dormant. Prepare wisely soil mix for future transfers.



Spring is the best time for transplanting, pruning and most house plants. And March and April are a “hot” time for every grower, gardener and gardener.

In March, the amount of sunlight increases, and vital processes are accelerated. Therefore, they resume, and become more frequent, and also begin the forcing of bulbous species.


April is a favorable month for breeding and transplanting flowers at home. They are actively growing and need more and more feeding, especially fast-growing and flowering species.

Carry out sowing seeds, prevention and pruning. The forcing of bulbous species continues.


In May, many indoor plants continue to be transplanted, while some are already beginning to bloom. May - optimal time for transplanting euphorbia species (- then it will bloom in December). Most often they work with early-flowering species that have already faded in spring.


In the summer, transplants are rarely done at home, because this is not very auspicious time. In June, you can transship plants that have faded in spring or those that have stopped spring growth.


In July, indoor flowers can be transplanted only if absolutely necessary.


In August, houseplants are transplanted in an emergency. It is better to pay more attention to increasing the humidity of the air, watering and protection from the scorching sun.


Starting in September, plants that have a dormant period in winter should not be transplanted, as fresh soil will activate their growth. If it is impossible to reschedule the transplant to March-April, then do a transshipment in order to minimally disturb the flower.

Violets can be transplanted from the end of August until the end of September. And then in about 30-40 days they will bloom.

In September-October, if necessary, orchids are transplanted.


In October, only some healthy home flowers can be transshipped: amaryllis, asparagus, dracaena, tradescantia, chlorophytum.

For transplanted plants, it is especially important with the beginning heating season support optimal humidity air.

From the end of October, most types of indoor plants go into a dormant state.


In November, transplantation is carried out only in an emergency. It is categorically not advised to touch the bulbous species, they accumulate during this period nutrients.

Many flowers need additional.


In December, most indoor plants are already in "hibernation". Transplantation is carried out in exceptional cases by the transshipment method. If desired, you can do transshipment or succulents.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

In addition, we have recorded favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers in 2019 in a convenient table.

Also in the table are the days when plants cannot be transplanted at home - these are the New Moon and Full Moon.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

  • FOLK SIGN. The most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants are the first three to five days after the New Moon.

In order not to miss a good day for a transplant, use a special calendar that will remind you of an important matter.

We hope that now you can easily transplant home flowers on favorable days according to the lunar calendar.

  • save the calendar indoor florist bookmark, and then the plant transplant will go smoothly.


We wish that flowers always cheer you up!

The moon influences not only human body but also for flowers. Right choice time for transplanting indoor shrubs will help avoid damage to the roots, stems, leaves.

On what days is it better to transplant plants according to the lunar calendar. Compiling a table

For many years, scientists have explored the moon and found that heavenly body has a significant impact on all processes in the world. Thanks to these conclusions, people have learned to adapt to the lunar state. They began to pick right time for planting, transplanting, pruning and watering flowers.

There is a unique development - the Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers, which will tell you about the rules for caring for them.

Below in the text in the form of a table we will consider it in detail.

the date Days according to the lunar calendar Recommendations
01.05. 16-17 (the luminary is under the sign of Scorpio)

Time for fertilizer and top dressing.

Landing and transfer is prohibited.

02.05. 17-18 (Moon is waning in the constellation Sagittarius) It is allowed to transplant plants that need emergency help.
03.05. 18-19 (the luminary is decreasing in the constellation Sagittarius) Transplantation of bulbous and tuberous flowers.
04.05. Day 19 (Moon wanes in Capricorn)

You can plant seeds.

The ideal time for transplanting tuberous shrubs (cyclamen, etc.).

05.05. 19-20 (shone in departure under Capricorn) Time for planting and transplanting indoor flowers (in priority with a tuberous root).
06.05. 20-21 (Moon is waning in Capricorn) Work similar to 4 and 5.05 is allowed.
07.05. 21-22 (Moon wanes under the sign of Aquarius) Flowers cannot be replanted. Pharmaceuticals can be used folk recipes for plant health.
08.05. 22-23 (luminary wanes in Aquarius) It can be treated and prevented. Drop-offs and transfers are not permitted.
09.05. 23-24 (Moon waning under Pisces)

Allowed water procedures cleaning leaves from dust.

In the neutral position is planting and transplanting.

10.05. 24 25 (luminary in departure under Pisces) Fertilizing, watering, cleaning plants is allowed.
11.05. 25-26 (Moon is in a state of departure under the sign of Pisces) Neutral advice for transplanting flowers.
12.05. 26-27 (Moon waning in the constellation Aries) Cannot be transplanted, planted.
13.05. 27-28 (Moon wanes under the sign of Aries) It is recommended to prepare for transplantation.
14.05. 28-29 (Moon in the state of departure under the constellation of Taurus) Favorable time for planting and transplanting flowers, as well as rooting.
15.05. 29-30, 1 (New Moon under the sign of Taurus) Landing and transfer operations are not carried out.
16.05. 1 2 (luminary in growth in the constellation Gemini) The period of transplanting climbing shrubs, healing plants.
17.05. 2-3 (Moon in growth under Gemini) Recommended antibacterial treatment, planting climbing flowers.
18.05. 3-4 (luminary in growth in the constellation Cancer)

Favorable for transplanting decorative leaf flowers: ficus, Money Tree. etc.

Watering, fertilizing and planting are allowed.

Fertilization is prohibited.

28.05. 13-14 (Moon in growth in the constellation Scorpio)

Transplantation of plants (priority leafy species). It is allowed to feed those flowers that have been transplanted recently.

Fertilize flowers for better growth need 14 days after transplantation.

29.05. 14-15 (Full Moon in Sagittarius) It is recommended to loosen the soil, weeding. Transfer prohibited.
30.05. 15-16 (Moon is waning in the constellation Sagittarius) Neutral phase for transplant.
31.05. 16 17 (luminary in a state of departure under Sagittarius) You can make an unscheduled transplant of plants.

Based on the tablet, the conclusion follows: from May 16 to May 24 - a favorable time for transplanting, from May 1 to May 10 - an unfavorable phase, on other dates - neutral advice for planting.

How often should indoor flowers be repotted?

There are certain rules for the frequency of transplantation, adherence to which will enhance the flowering time:

  1. Once every 2-3 years, you need to transplant flowers that grow slowly.
  2. Every year a transplant is needed for young fast growing plants.
  3. Once in 2-3 years, adult home flowers are transplanted.
  4. tree shrubs planted every four or five years.
  5. During the dormant period, they transplant coniferous varieties.
  6. After the flowering period, early-flowering types are transplanted.

An emergency transplant can be carried out in case of illness or damage to the pot.

How does the moon affect the transplant

The process of transplanting does not pass without a trace for the plants: the root system is disturbed, the leaves and stems are damaged. The least damage to plants is caused during the period when the liquid from the roots enters the leaves and stems. Therefore, roots are preserved during transplantation. Such phenomena are observed during the period of lunar growth.

The implementation of transplanting indoor plants during favorable periods will help the flowers to better adapt to new living conditions. It is a kind of shield against disease and injury.

We transplant indoor plants only on favorable days

It is forbidden to transplant plants on unfavorable days.

The phases of the moon are the periods of time during which full update moon. This happens once every 28-29 days. The beginning of the lunar phase is marked by the new moon and is characterized by the period of the growing moon, and the end by the full moon and the waning moon. Astrologers say that in the phase of lunar growth, living organisms better accept everything useful, so all procedures have a positive effect. This opinion is also shared by flower growers who transplant plants exclusively on days that are favorable for this.

When applying the lunar calendar, it should be remembered that the new moon is replaced by a growth phase, and the full moon is replaced by an aging phase. So experienced growers recommend transplanting flower crops in the first week and a half after the birth of the month. It is on the growing moon that all the life processes of plants work in full force: damage heals faster and stress passes more easily. Therefore, at this time, the flowers take root better and actively grow after transplantation.

The benefits of the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants

The creators of the lunar calendar mark suitable and inappropriate days for various manipulations with indoor green crops. ornamental plants quite capricious and often painfully react to minor injuries: they stop growing, start to get sick and die.

  • influence of the lunar cycle on living organisms. In people, this is expressed in fluctuations in well-being. Today, a person feels great, cheerful and cheerful, and sometimes there is a feeling of malaise and depression.
  • the process of sap flow in plants is controlled by the moon
  • carrying out planting and transplanting plants on favorable days marked in the lunar calendar leads to better rooting and more active growth, development and flowering

The transplanting process is stressful for green crops. At this point, the plant is subject to various injuries - broken leaves, damage to the stems and root system. And following the tips of the lunar calendar harm can be minimized:

  1. the lunar calendar is presented in the form of a table in which good and bad periods are noted for various manipulations with indoor plants
  2. during specific lunar phases there is an outflow of juice from the root system and an inflow to the stems and leaves, so the root structure becomes more pliable and the plant takes root better in the ground
  3. using the table of the moons, you can grow beautiful and healthy flowers at home. But if the flowers suddenly fall ill, then an emergency transplant is required to save the green friend. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an unscheduled transplant, even if this day is marked as unfavorable in the lunar calendar.

It should also be remembered that even in favorable periods, plants should not be transplanted during flowering. Such events will lead to early dropping of flowers and oppression of green culture.

In their natural habitat, green cultures feel complete freedom and occupy the territory they need. AT room conditions root development limits size landing capacity. Over time, the roots braid all the available soil, the plants become crowded and there is a lack of useful trace elements.

Therefore, the process of transplanting indoor flowers is an integral part of care and should be carried out regularly.

The intervals for transplanting are determined by the growth and development of the plant. Some flowers should be repotted annually, while others that grow slowly can be repotted every few years.

Often the flower itself tells when it needs a transplant:

  • the root system braided an earthen clod and went beyond the soil. This is clearly seen when watering the plant. And sometimes you need to remove the flower from the container and check the condition of the roots
  • overgrown roots begin to fall out through the drainage holes or look unhealthy, signs of pest damage
  • the plant stops growing, the leaves turn yellow, wither and fall off

Biological needs should also be taken into account. different cultures. Some varieties of plants lack regular top dressing and need to change the soil annually. Another factor is unsuitable soil.

Any transplant is a stress for the plant, so you need to take into account some points when flowers should absolutely not be subjected to this procedure:

  1. immediately after changing the usual conditions, the flower needs to acclimatize. This process lasts about two to three weeks and after this time, you can transplant
  2. flowering plants should not be manipulated, because they will direct all their strength to rooting in a new pot and quickly drop all the buds
  3. at the time of recovery from an illness, the plant spends a lot of energy, so unnecessary stress can lead to death

But the last point has an exceptional moment - a transplant is required if the disease has affected the roots of the culture. In such situations, it is necessary to replace the soil and remove all affected areas.

Plant transplantation by months: favorable and unfavorable days

The developers of the lunar calendar tried to create convenient scheme for the organization of care for green crops at home. And the designation of favorable and unfavorable periods will allow you to navigate by the timing of the conduct and planning of manipulations, taking into account the lunar phases.

For each month, the presence of good and bad periods falls on different days.

January for many plants is a month of rest, so it is not recommended to transplant them during this period. But if the prerequisites for manipulation arise, then this should be done exclusively in good days, indicated in the lunar calendar:

  • favorable periods are the first three days of the month and the last one and a half weeks
  • unfavorable days in the lunar calendar indicate the interval between the first and third weeks of the month

In the last month of winter, many flower growers prepare flower crops for the new season. At this time, green cultures are awakening and they tolerate transplants more easily:

  • good days are dates: from 13 to 17, as well as 21-22 and 27, for sheet ones - from 3 to 8
  • unfavorable numbers for manipulation are: 1-2, 5-6, 9-10 and the period from 23 to 26

The beginning of spring is marked by the active development of plants and they can be safely transplanted based on the lunar calendar:

  • it is possible to carry out transplant manipulations in the period from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31
  • it is not recommended to carry out transplants from 13 to 27
  • cannot be done on the 12th

In April, many plants enter the flowering phase, so transplants are made only as needed:

  • favorable periods are the beginning and end of the month
  • unfavorable are the dates in mid-April

In the last month of spring, it is customary to sow seeds and plant green crops. During this period, some plants begin to take out to fresh air:

  • transplantation will be successful if carried out in the second and last week of the month
  • manipulations should not be carried out in mid-May

In the first month of summer, indoor flowers are under attack harmful insects and in case of defeat, you need to take the necessary measures:

  • good days for transplantation are periods from 1 to 8 and from 25 to 30
  • it is recommended to avoid such events from 10 to 24.

In July, plants should not be transplanted, given too hot weather, but if necessary, it is better to carry out the procedure only at a good time:

  • good periods for manipulation are from 1 to 8 and from 20-31
  • events should be avoided between the 10th and 19th

The last month of summer is also not particularly suitable for transplantation, but if necessary, the procedure is carried out in the second half of the month, and in the first, manipulations should be avoided.

At the beginning of autumn, plants are gradually being prepared for a dormant period - they are brought into the house, irrigation procedures and fertilization are reduced:

  • transplantation is possible in the first week of the month and in the last ten days
  • the procedure should be avoided in the second and third week

More information can be found in the video:

In October, transplant flowers:

  • recommended in the first four days and in the last two weeks,
  • it is forbidden to carry out the procedure from 7 to 20

November is considered a bad month for transplanting - at this time, the plants are preparing for the sleep period and you should not disturb them once again.

  • the procedure will be more successful if it is carried out from 14 to 16 and from 26 to 28
  • on other days it is not recommended to do this

In December, the plants rest and their transplantation is carried out only in case of emergency.

  • the most suitable days for this are marked in the lunar calendar: 1-2, 11-13, 19-20, 24-24
  • at other times, flowers should not be transplanted, and on the third day - it is strictly forbidden

Many flower growers have already managed to appreciate the benefits of lunar calendars and adhere only to favorable periods when planting and transplanting flowers. They noticed that following such rules helps plants to take root and begin their development faster, and also, if the advice is followed, flowering plants endow their owners richer.

It is usually recommended to transplant houseplants in early spring when they start to wake up from hibernation. Appearing sprouts or buds can serve as evidence of the readiness of the flower to leave the “habitable” place. In no case should a plant be transplanted at rest or at the time of flowering.

However, some representatives of the plant world are not particularly sensitive to the change of season. If your pet pleases with inflorescences all year round, you can change his "apartment-ku" soon after he fades.

Whether a flower needs a transplant can be understood by the following signs: it has stopped growing; leaves and flowers have become noticeably smaller than before; the plant withers and turns yellow for no apparent reason.

But there is a more reliable way to understand whether it is time to change the substrate and increase the size of the dishes. Gently cover the ground with your palm, passing the trunk between your fingers, and turn the pot over (do not do this immediately after watering; wait for the soil to dry and spread newspaper on the floor). If a lump of earth does not come out of the pot, lightly tap it on the corner of the table. When examining a large specimen, move the earth away from the edges of the container wide knife or a special spatula.

Your task is to explore root system. If it has grown so much that it has filled the entire space, it is time to increase the size of the pot. It is worth transplanting the plant even if you notice darkened and softened roots. The affected areas should be removed, the cut points should be sprinkled with charcoal.

When is the best time of day to transplant houseplants?

It is believed that the best time of day for transplanting flowers is from 16.00 to 20.00. It is not recommended to transplant flowers in the early morning (when they have not yet woken up) or at noon (when the phase of greatest activity begins). According to the lunar calendar, the first days after the new moon are chosen for transplantation. To determine a specific transplant day, you can use the lunar calendar for gardeners.

Indoor plants are not only a living corner in the house, but extremely useful inhabitants for our health. If you want indoor flowers to please with lush foliage, abundant and long flowering, you must not only water, observe temperature regime, fertilize plants, but also transplant in time.

Flower growers noticed that the position of the Moon in relation to the Earth affects the survival rate of plants after transplantation and began to highlight favorable and bad days keeping records in the lunar calendar. Today we will find out how and at what time it is better to transplant home flowers according to the 2018 lunar calendar.

Observing the behavior of indoor plants before and after transplanting, flower growers noticed the influence of three factors on the survival rate - this is the current lunar day and the phase of the moon, as well as what sign of the zodiac it is in. Any of these factors determines the energy of the day, affects the processes occurring inside a living organism.

You need to remember:

  • On the new moon and full moon a day before and after, it is impossible to carry out work related to transplanting, as well as transshipment of plants.
  • If the Moon is in the Growth phase, you can do work on the propagation of indoor plants (leaf, shoot, cutting).
  • When transplanting plants, pay attention to which this moment zodiac sign fertile or infertile.
  • Pisces and Cancer are the most favorable signs for transplantation. Scorpio and Taurus are signs that are distinguished by good fertility, plants take root easily and tolerate transplantation.
  • Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini - signs with negative energy, infertile.
  • Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn are semi-fertile.

When is a lunar transplant necessary?

  1. If the roots of the plants begin to ask out, growing through the holes in the bottom of the pot or do not fit in the planter, then you need to take care of a new home for the plants.
  2. The soil in the pot is hard, powdered with white, bad-smelling bloom - this indicates hyperacidity PH, which inhibits plant growth.
  3. According to the biological parameters of the growth and development of the flower, it becomes necessary to transplant it into a new soil.
  4. plant purchased in flower shop, most often has an artificial substrate, which must be replaced with soil recommended for this crop.
  5. flower sheds yellow foliage, grows poorly, does not bloom, looks painful.

It is important to know:

  • A large pot is more likely to cause a plant to feel unwell than a small one.
  • If not necessary, it is best not to transplant plants during the colder months. Spring is the best time to transfer your green pet to a new pot.
  • Despite the heat, in the summer there is no ban on transplanting indoor plants.

It is forbidden to transplant and transship during flowering. If the plant is infested with pests, first get rid of the source of the problem (aphids, thrips, spider mites, mealy mites, nematodes in the soil ...) and only then transplant.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for January 2018

It is worth transplanting to the young moon:

  • in the sign of Pisces (January 20)
  • in Taurus (January 25, 26)

Do not plan work on propagation and transshipment of flowers into new pots for January if there is no need (updating the substrate for new settlers, urgent transplantation when the plant is in a depressed state).

January, the month of rest for plants, they gain strength before spring, vital processes slow down

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for February 2018

  • in Pisces (16, 17, 18 February)
  • in Taurus (February 21, 22)
  • in the sign of Cancer (25.26 February)

Transplanting home flowers according to the lunar calendar is best done at the end of the last month of winter. The sun warms, the life rhythm of plants changes, we begin the chores of choosing a substrate (for each type of plant, its own), we prepare pots, fertilizers.

Orchid transplant: lunar calendar 2018

If your favorite orchid needs to change the substrate or the pot becomes too small for the roots, it needs to be transplanted. Flower shop consultants advise replanting the plant two, maximum three years after purchase.

For transplantation, you will need a transparent pot, an orchid is an epiphyte jungle plant that lives in crevices in the bark of trees, on trunks, branches. Roots in natural, natural conditions open, participate in the process of photosynthesis and absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere.

We choose a pot with a slight increase in diameter and holes in the bottom, for watering into the pan. For an orchid, an unusual substrate is used in our view. It is purchased at a flower shop or collected independently using:

  • needles of gymnosperms (spruce, pine, fir)
  • pieces of wood and bark that have been charred or immersed in water for a long time
  • expanded clay
  • small stones
  • sifted sand

Pour boiling water over everything and mix. We carefully transfer the orchid to a new pot, after removing the old roots, we fall asleep with a man-made substrate.

Video: Transplanting orchids

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for March 2018

  • in Taurus (March 21)
  • in Cancer (March 25.26)

The first month of spring is great for transplanting and propagating flowers on your windowsill:

  1. If the plant is young, it is advisable to transplant it every year; it is forming and fast growth root mass, and if an adult - once every few years is enough.
  2. For small crops, pots should not be purchased for growth and exceed in diameter by more than two to three cm.
  3. Large giant plants are transplanted very rarely, once every 8-12 years.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for April 2018

  • in the sign of Pisces (April 17.18)
  • in the sign of Cancer (April 21.22)
  1. In April, plant strong orchid sprouts from an adult plant.
  2. The lunar calendar for transplanting violets (Saintpaulia) is spring (early) and autumn (late)

Growing and propagating violets is not at all difficult. It is necessary to be careful when working with the plant and choose the optimal time for better survival. If the mother bush forms small daughter offspring with developed roots, this is the oldest and easiest way to get a new plant by planting. With a spatula, we separate the process from an adult plant and plant it in the soil from the store or prepared with our own hands.

If there are no daughter bushes, it’s not scary, violet, just like gloxinia, is propagated by a leaf with a petiole or a piece of a leaf. Carefully, with a blade, cut off the petiole with the leaf blade and lower it into the water, and after the formation of the roots, we determine it into the ground.

We transfer the flower to a new substrate, first remove the drooping leaves, the dried petiole with the flower.

Video: Rejuvenation and transplantation of violets

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for May 2018

  • in Scorpio (May 26, 27, 28)

The last month of spring is characteristic abundant flowering if your green pet blooms, refrain from transplanting.

  1. We transfer indoor plants to balconies, loggias.
  2. Begonias, coleus, geraniums can be planted directly in a flower bed or in street flowerpots, we keep it in the garden for a week, in the shade, so that there is no leaf burn.

A beautiful paunsettia plant (the most beautiful euphorbia or a Christmas star) blooms when the main group of indoor plants is in a state of suspended animation, winter dormancy. It is recommended to transplant euphorbia in the last month of spring - May.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for June 2018

  • in Cancer (June 15, 16)
  • in Scorpio (June 23, 24)

At the beginning of summer, it is good to transplant conifers indoor cultures as well as azaleas and camellias. These plants are difficult to transplant, so we do the work carefully. Reliable way- this is a transshipment, the roots are little injured, and quickly take root.

We remove the plant from direct sunlight in the shade, for better adaptation.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for July 2018

  • in Scorpio (July 20, 21)

The middle of summer is a lot of work and it's rare for anyone to plan to transplant houseplants, although this is a great time to update the substrate in a pot with date palm, ficus, asparagus, as well as for transshipment of lemon and tangerine tree. Who did not have time to transplant the azalea and conifers - July is the right month.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for august 2018

  • in Scorpio (August 18, 19)

If you planted a houseplant in a flower bed, before returning to the house, you need to update the substrate in flower pot. Over the summer, the flower adds to the green mass, gives offspring, so when transplanting, you can divide the bush and plant it in several pots or a flower box.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for September 2018

  • in the sign of Scorpio (September 13-14),
  • in Pisces (September 22)

In the first month of autumn, we begin the autumn transplantation of flowers so that they can easily endure the winter, cold, time. We change the soil and increase the volume of pots for crops in the active stage of growth. September is a good time for an autumn transplant of violets, orchids, if the plants have not yet bloomed or have already shed their color.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for October 2018

We transplant to the young moon:

  • in Scorpio (October 10, 11, 12)
  • in the sign of Pisces (October 1.20)

We continue the autumn transplantation of indoor plants. Throughout the year, flower growers are engaged in crops that require special attention. In October, a lot of free time appeared, the plants are preparing for winter rest, unpretentious crops of tradescantia, chlorophytums, asparagus can be transplanted.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for November 2018

We transplant to the growing moon:

  • in the sign of Pisces (November 16.17)

In November, it is not advisable to transplant plants, only if this is an emergency and only by transshipment, so as to leave as much as possible more land on the roots. It is especially not recommended to touch the bulbous crops, which accumulate nutrients in the bulbs and will grow during intervention.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for December 2018

  • in the sign of Pisces (December 16)
  • in the sign of Taurus (December 19, 20)

In the first winter month, flower growers do not transplant plants; almost all flowers are at rest and cannot tolerate being disturbed. The only thing is that lovers of cacti (succulents) can start transplanting their various species of pets.

Anyone who grows cacti knows how prickly a plant it is, which is difficult to transplant:

  1. For transshipment of large specimens, we use special gloves that do not allow injuring hands.
  2. If a mature plant with children (small cacti on the mother's body), we tear them off and place them in pre-prepared soil.
  3. Some types of succulents have young plants with aerial roots, which makes it easier to establish.

For houseplant owners, biologists and astrologers strongly recommend transplanting flowers according to the lunar calendar. Try it, the result will exceed all expectations!

Video: Cactus transplant

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