Comet is a celestial body. Space comets: danger or forced neighborhood

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COMET, a small celestial body moving in interplanetary space and abundantly releasing gas when approaching the Sun. Various physical processes are associated with comets, from sublimation (dry evaporation) of ice to plasma phenomena. Comets are the remnants of the formation of the solar system, a transitional stage to interstellar matter. The observation of comets and even their discovery are often carried out by amateur astronomers. Sometimes comets are so bright that they attract everyone's attention. In the past, the appearance of bright comets caused fear among people and served as a source of inspiration for artists and cartoonists.

Movement and spatial distribution.

All or almost all comets are constituent parts of the solar system. They, like the planets, obey the laws of gravity, but move in a very peculiar way. All planets revolve around the Sun in the same direction (which is called "forward" as opposed to "reverse") in almost circular orbits lying approximately in the same plane (the ecliptic), and comets move both in the forward and backward directions in highly elongated ( eccentric) orbits inclined at different angles to the ecliptic. It is the nature of the movement that immediately gives out the comet.

Long-period comets (with an orbital period of more than 200 years) come from regions located thousands of times farther than the most distant planets, and their orbits are tilted at all sorts of angles. Short-period comets (periods less than 200 years) come from the region of the outer planets, moving in the forward direction along orbits that lie close to the ecliptic. Away from the Sun, comets usually do not have "tails", but sometimes have a barely visible "coma" surrounding the "core"; together they are called the "head" of the comet. As it approaches the Sun, the head enlarges and the tail appears.


In the center of the coma is the core - a solid body or a conglomerate of bodies with a diameter of several kilometers. Almost the entire mass of a comet is concentrated in its nucleus; this mass is billions of times smaller than the earth. According to F. Whipple's model, the comet's nucleus consists of a mixture of various ices, mainly water ice with an admixture of frozen carbon dioxide, ammonia and dust. This model is confirmed by both astronomical observations and direct measurements from spacecraft near the nuclei of comets Halley and Giacobini–Zinner in 1985–1986.

When a comet approaches the Sun, its core heats up and the ice sublimates, i.e. evaporate without melting. The resulting gas scatters in all directions from the nucleus, taking dust particles with it and creating a coma. Destroyed by sunlight, water molecules form a huge hydrogen corona around the comet's nucleus. In addition to solar attraction, the rarefied matter of the comet is also affected by repulsive forces, due to which a tail is formed. Neutral molecules, atoms and dust particles are affected by the pressure of sunlight, while ionized molecules and atoms are more strongly affected by the pressure of the solar wind.

The behavior of tail-forming particles became much clearer after the direct study of comets in 1985–1986. The plasma tail, which consists of charged particles, has a complex magnetic structure with two regions of different polarity. On the side of the coma facing the Sun, a frontal shock wave is formed, which exhibits high plasma activity.

Although less than one millionth of the mass of a comet is contained in the tail and coma, 99.9% of the light comes from these gas formations, and only 0.1% from the nucleus. The fact is that the core is very compact and also has a low reflection coefficient (albedo).

Sometimes comets are destroyed when approaching planets. On March 24, 1993, at the Mount Palomar Observatory in California, astronomers K. and Y. Shoemakers, together with D. Levy, discovered a comet with an already destroyed nucleus near Jupiter. Calculations showed that on July 9, 1992, comet Shoemaker-Levy-9 (this is already the ninth comet discovered by them) passed near Jupiter at a distance of half the radius of the planet from its surface and was torn apart by its attraction into more than 20 parts. Before destruction, the radius of its core was approx. 20 km.

Having stretched out in a chain, the fragments of the comet moved away from Jupiter along an elongated orbit, and then in July 1994 again approached it and collided with the cloudy surface of Jupiter.


Comet nuclei are the remnants of the primary matter of the solar system, which made up the protoplanetary disk. Therefore, their study helps to restore the picture of the formation of planets, including the Earth. In principle, some comets could come to us from interstellar space, but so far no such comet has been reliably identified.

gas composition.

In table. 1 lists the main gas components of comets in descending order of their content. The movement of gas in comet tails shows that it is strongly influenced by non-gravitational forces. The glow of the gas is excited by solar radiation.


To better understand this section, we advise you to read the articles: CELESTIAL MECHANICS; CONIC SECTIONS; ORBIT; SOLAR SYSTEM.

Orbit and speed.

The motion of the comet's nucleus is completely determined by the attraction of the Sun. The shape of a comet's orbit, like any other body in the solar system, depends on its speed and distance from the Sun. The average speed of a body is inversely proportional to the square root of its average distance from the Sun ( a). If the velocity is always perpendicular to the radius vector directed from the Sun to the body, then the orbit is circular, and the velocity is called circular velocity ( vc) on distance a. The speed of escape from the gravitational field of the Sun in a parabolic orbit ( vp) times the circular velocity at that distance. If the comet's speed is less vp, then it moves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit and never leaves the solar system. But if the speed exceeds vp, then the comet passes the Sun once and leaves it forever, moving along a hyperbolic orbit.

The figure shows the elliptical orbits of two comets, as well as almost circular orbits of the planets and a parabolic orbit. At the distance that separates the Earth from the Sun, the circular speed is 29.8 km/s, and the parabolic speed is 42.2 km/s. Near the Earth, the speed of Encke's comet is 37.1 km/s, and the speed of Halley's comet is 41.6 km/s; that is why Halley's comet goes much farther from the Sun than Encke's comet.

Classification of cometary orbits.

Most comets have elliptical orbits, so they belong to the solar system. True, for many comets these are very elongated ellipses, close to a parabola; According to them, comets leave the Sun very far and for a long time. It is customary to divide the elliptical orbits of comets into two main types: short-period and long-period (almost parabolic). The boundary period is considered to be an orbital period of 200 years.


Almost parabolic comets.

Many comets belong to this class. Since their periods of revolution are millions of years, only one ten-thousandth part of them appears in the vicinity of the Sun during a century. In the 20th century observed approx. 250 such comets; hence there are millions of them. In addition, not all comets approach the Sun enough to become visible: if the perihelion (the point closest to the Sun) of the comet's orbit lies beyond the orbit of Jupiter, then it is almost impossible to notice it.

Considering this, in 1950 Jan Oort suggested that the space around the Sun at a distance of 20-100 thousand a.u. (astronomical units: 1 AU = 150 million km, the distance from the Earth to the Sun) is filled with comet nuclei, the number of which is estimated at 10 12, and the total mass is 1–100 Earth masses. The outer boundary of the Oort "comet cloud" is determined by the fact that at this distance from the Sun, the movement of comets is significantly affected by the attraction of neighboring stars and other massive objects ( cm. below). Stars move relative to the Sun, their perturbing effect on comets changes, and this leads to the evolution of cometary orbits. So, by chance, a comet may be in an orbit passing near the Sun, but on the next revolution its orbit will change slightly, and the comet will pass far from the Sun. However, instead of it, “new” comets will constantly fall from the Oort cloud into the vicinity of the Sun.

short period comets.

When a comet passes near the Sun, its core heats up, and the ice evaporates, forming a gaseous coma and tail. After several hundreds or thousands of such passages, no fusible substances remain in the core, and it ceases to be visible. For short-period comets regularly approaching the Sun, this means that in less than a million years their population should become invisible. But we observe them, therefore, replenishment from "fresh" comets constantly arrives.

Replenishment of short-period comets occurs as a result of their "capture" by planets, mainly Jupiter. Long-period comets from the Oort cloud were previously thought to be captured, but are now thought to originate from a cometary disk called the "inner Oort cloud". In principle, the concept of the Oort cloud has not changed, but calculations have shown that the tidal influence of the Galaxy and the impact of massive clouds of interstellar gas should destroy it rather quickly. You need a source to replenish it. Such a source is now considered to be the inner Oort cloud, which is much more resistant to tidal influence and contains an order of magnitude more comets than the outer cloud predicted by Oort. After each approach of the solar system with a massive interstellar cloud, comets from the outer Oort cloud scatter into interstellar space, and they are replaced by comets from the inner cloud.

The transition of a comet from an almost parabolic orbit to a short-period one occurs if it catches up with the planet from behind. It usually takes several passes through a planetary system to capture a comet into a new orbit. The resulting orbit of a comet typically has a small inclination and a large eccentricity. The comet moves along it in a forward direction, and the aphelion of its orbit (the point farthest from the Sun) lies near the orbit of the planet that captured it. These theoretical considerations are fully confirmed by the statistics of cometary orbits.

nongravitational forces.

The gaseous products of sublimation exert a reactive pressure on the comet's nucleus (similar to the recoil of a gun when fired), which leads to the evolution of the orbit. The most active outflow of gas occurs from the heated “afternoon” side of the core. Therefore, the direction of the pressure force on the core does not coincide with the direction of the sun's rays and solar gravity. If the axial rotation of the nucleus and its orbital circulation occur in the same direction, then the pressure of the gas as a whole accelerates the movement of the nucleus, leading to an increase in the orbit. If the rotation and reversal occur in opposite directions, then the comet's motion is slowed down, and the orbit is reduced. If such a comet was originally captured by Jupiter, then after some time its orbit is wholly in the region of the inner planets. This is probably what happened to Comet Encke.

Comets hitting the Sun.

A special group of short-period comets are comets that "touch" the Sun. They probably formed millennia ago as a result of the tidal destruction of a large, at least 100 km in diameter, core. After the first catastrophic approach to the Sun, the core fragments made approx. 150 revolutions, continuing to fall apart. Twelve members of this family of Kreutz comets were observed between 1843 and 1984. Perhaps their origin is related to the large comet seen by Aristotle in 371 BC.

Comet Halley.

This is the most famous of all comets. It has been observed 30 times since 239 BC. Named after E. Halley, who, after the appearance of the comet in 1682, calculated its orbit and predicted its return in 1758. The orbital period of Halley's comet is 76 years; the last time it appeared in 1986 and the next time it will be observed in 2061. In 1986, it was studied at close range by 5 interplanetary probes - two Japanese ("Sakigake" and "Suisei"), two Soviet ("Vega-1" and "Vega- 2") and one European ("Giotto"). It turned out that the nucleus of the comet has a potato-like shape with a length of approx. 15 km and a width of approx. 8 km, and its surface is “blacker than coal.” Perhaps it is covered with a layer of organic compounds, such as polymerized formaldehyde. The amount of dust near the core turned out to be much higher than expected.

Comet Encke.

This dim comet was the first to be included in Jupiter's family of comets. Its period of 3.29 years is the shortest among comets. The orbit was first calculated in 1819 by the German astronomer I. Encke (1791–1865), who identified it with comets observed in 1786, 1795 and 1805. Encke's comet is responsible for the Taurid meteor shower, observed annually in October and November.

Comet Giacobini-Zinner.

This comet was discovered by M. Giacobini in 1900 and rediscovered by E. Zinner in 1913. Its period is 6.59 years. It was with her that on September 11, 1985, the International Cometary Explorer space probe first approached, which passed through the comet's tail at a distance of 7800 km from the nucleus, due to which data were obtained on the plasma component of the tail. This comet is associated with the Jacobinids (Draconids) meteor shower.



All manifestations of a comet are somehow connected with the nucleus. Whipple suggested that the comet's nucleus is a solid body, consisting mainly of water ice with dust particles. Such a “dirty snowball” model easily explains the multiple flybys of comets near the Sun: during each flyby, a thin surface layer (0.1–1% of the total mass) evaporates and the inner part of the nucleus is preserved. Perhaps the core is a conglomeration of several "cometesimals", each no more than a kilometer in diameter. Such a structure could explain the disintegration of nuclei into pieces, as was observed in comet Biela in 1845 or comet West in 1976.


The observed brightness of a celestial body illuminated by the Sun with a constant surface varies inversely with the squares of its distances from the observer and from the Sun. However, sunlight is scattered mainly by the comet's gas and dust envelope, the effective area of ​​which depends on the rate of ice sublimation, which, in turn, depends on the heat flux incident on the nucleus, which itself varies inversely with the square of the distance to the Sun. Therefore, the brightness of the comet should change inversely with the fourth power of the distance to the Sun, which is confirmed by observations.

Kernel size.

The size of the comet's nucleus can be estimated from observations at a time when it is far from the Sun and is not shrouded in a gas and dust shell. In this case, the light is reflected only by the solid surface of the nucleus, and its apparent brilliance depends on the cross-sectional area and the reflection coefficient (albedo). The nucleus of Halley's comet had a very low albedo - approx. 3%. If this is also characteristic of other nuclei, then the diameters of most of them lie in the range from 0.5 to 25 km.


The transition of matter from a solid to a gaseous state is important for the physics of comets. Measurements of the brightness and emission spectra of comets have shown that the melting of the main ices begins at a distance of 2.5–3.0 AU, as it should be if the ice is mostly water. This was confirmed by the study of comets Halley and Giacobini-Zinner. The gases observed first during the comet's approach to the Sun (CN, C 2) are probably dissolved in water ice and form gas hydrates (clathrates). How this "composite" ice will sublimate depends largely on the thermodynamic properties of the water ice. Sublimation of the dust-ice mixture occurs in several stages. Gas flows and small and fluffy dust particles picked up by them leave the core, since the attraction near its surface is extremely weak. But dense or heavy dust grains fastened together are not carried away by the gas flow, and a dust crust is formed. Then the sun's rays heat the dust layer, the heat passes inside, the ice sublimates, and gas flows break through, breaking the dust crust. These effects manifested themselves when Halley's comet was observed in 1986: sublimation and outflow of gas occurred only in a few regions of the comet's nucleus illuminated by the Sun. Probably, ice was exposed in these areas, while the rest of the surface was covered with crust. Escaped gas and dust form observable structures around the comet's nucleus.


Dust grains and gas from neutral molecules (Table 1) form an almost spherical comet coma. Usually a coma stretches from 100 thousand to 1 million km from the nucleus. Light pressure can deform the coma, stretching it in the antisolar direction.

Hydrogen corona.

Since the core ices are mostly water, the coma also contains mostly H 2 O molecules. Photodissociation breaks H 2 O into H and OH, and then OH into O and H. Fast hydrogen atoms fly far from the core before they become ionized, and form a corona, the visible size of which often exceeds the solar disk.

Tail and related phenomena.

The tail of a comet may be composed of molecular plasma or dust. Some comets have both types of tails.

The dust tail is usually homogeneous and stretches for millions and tens of millions of kilometers. It is formed by dust grains pushed back by the pressure of sunlight from the nucleus in an anti-solar direction, and is yellowish in color because the dust grains simply scatter sunlight. The structures of the dust tail can be explained by the uneven eruption of dust from the core or the destruction of dust grains.

A plasma tail tens and even hundreds of millions of kilometers long is a visible manifestation of the complex interaction between a comet and the solar wind. Some molecules that have left the nucleus are ionized by solar radiation, forming molecular ions (H 2 O + , OH + , CO + , CO 2 +) and electrons. This plasma impedes the movement of the solar wind penetrated by the magnetic field. When hitting a comet, the field lines wrap around it, taking the shape of a hairpin and forming two regions of opposite polarity. Molecular ions are trapped in this magnetic structure and form a visible plasma tail in the central, densest part of it, which has a blue color due to the spectral bands of CO + . The role of the solar wind in the formation of plasma tails was established by L. Birman and H. Alven in the 1950s. Their calculations confirmed measurements from spacecraft that flew through the tails of comets Giacobini-Zinner and Halley in 1985 and 1986.

In the plasma tail, other phenomena of interaction with the solar wind incident on the comet at a speed of approx. 400 km / s and forming a shock wave in front of it, in which the matter of the wind and the head of the comet is compacted. The process of "capture" plays an essential role; its essence is that the comet's neutral molecules freely penetrate into the solar wind stream, but immediately after ionization they begin to actively interact with the magnetic field and are accelerated to significant energies. True, very energetic molecular ions are sometimes observed, which are inexplicable from the point of view of the indicated mechanism. The capture process also excites plasma waves in the giant volume of space around the nucleus. The observation of these phenomena is of fundamental interest for plasma physics.

A remarkable spectacle is the “tail break”. As is known, in the normal state, the plasma tail is connected to the head of the comet by a magnetic field. However, often the tail comes off the head and lags behind, and a new one forms in its place. This happens when a comet passes through the boundary of solar wind regions with oppositely directed magnetic fields. At this point, the magnetic structure of the tail is rearranged, which looks like a break and the formation of a new tail. The complex topology of the magnetic field leads to the acceleration of charged particles; Perhaps this explains the appearance of the above-mentioned fast ions.

Collisions in the solar system.

From the observed number and orbital parameters of comets, E. Epic calculated the probability of collision with nuclei of comets of various sizes (Table 2). On average, 1 time in 1.5 billion years, the Earth has a chance to collide with a core with a diameter of 17 km, and this can completely destroy life in an area equal to the area of ​​North America. For 4.5 billion years of the history of the Earth, this could happen more than once. Catastrophes of a smaller scale occur much more often: in 1908 over Siberia, probably, the nucleus of a small comet entered the atmosphere and exploded, causing the lodging of a forest over a large area.

General information

Presumably, long-period comets fly to us from the Oort Cloud, which contains millions of cometary nuclei. Bodies located on the outskirts of the solar system, as a rule, consist of volatile substances (water, methane and other ices) that evaporate when approaching the Sun.

More than 400 short-period comets have been discovered so far. Of these, about 200 have been observed in more than one perihelion passage. Many of them are included in the so-called families. For example, approximately 50 of the shortest period comets (their full revolution around the Sun lasts 3-10 years) form the Jupiter family. Slightly smaller than the families of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (the latter, in particular, includes the famous comet Halley).

Comets emerging from the depths of space look like nebulous objects, behind which a tail stretches, sometimes reaching a length of millions of kilometers. The nucleus of a comet is a body of solid particles and ice, shrouded in a foggy shell called a coma. A core with a diameter of several kilometers can have around it a coma 80 thousand km across. Streams of sunlight knock particles of gas out of the coma and throw them back, pulling them into a long smoky tail that drags behind her in space.

The brightness of comets depends very much on their distance from the Sun. Of all the comets, only a very small part approaches the Sun and the Earth enough to be seen with the naked eye. The most notable ones are sometimes referred to as the "Great Comets".

The structure of comets

Comets move in elongated elliptical orbits. Notice the two different tails.

As a rule, comets consist of a "head" - a small bright clot-core, which is surrounded by a light foggy shell (coma), consisting of gases and dust. In bright comets, as they approach the Sun, a “tail” is formed - a weak luminous band, which, as a result of light pressure and the action of the solar wind, is most often directed in the opposite direction from our luminary.

The tails of celestial wanderers of comets differ in length and shape. Some comets have them stretching across the sky. For example, the tail of a comet that appeared in 1944 [ specify], was 20 million km long. Comet C/1680 V1 had a tail stretching for 240 million km.

Comet tails do not have sharp outlines and are practically transparent - stars are clearly visible through them - as they are formed from extremely rarefied matter (its density is much less than the density of gas released from a lighter). Its composition is diverse: gas or the smallest dust particles, or a mixture of both. The composition of most of the dust grains is similar to the asteroid material of the solar system, which was revealed as a result of the study of comet Wild (2) by the Stardust spacecraft. In essence, it is "visible nothing": a person can observe the tails of comets only because the gas and dust glow. At the same time, the glow of the gas is associated with its ionization by ultraviolet rays and streams of particles ejected from the solar surface, and the dust simply scatters sunlight.

The theory of tails and shapes of comets was developed at the end of the 19th century by the Russian astronomer Fyodor Bredikhin (-). He also owns the classification of comet tails, which is used in modern astronomy.

Bredikhin suggested that the tails of comets be classified into three main types: straight and narrow, directed directly from the Sun; wide and slightly curved, deviating from the sun; short, strongly deviated from the central luminary.

Astronomers explain such different forms of comet tails as follows. The particles that make up comets have different compositions and properties and respond differently to solar radiation. Thus, the paths of these particles in space "diverge", and the tails of space travelers take on different shapes.

Comets up close

What are comets themselves? Astronomers got an exhaustive idea of ​​them thanks to the successful "visits" to Halley's comet by the spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" and the European "Giotto". Numerous instruments installed on these vehicles transmitted to Earth images of the comet's nucleus and various information about its shell. It turned out that the nucleus of Halley's comet consists mainly of ordinary ice (with small inclusions of carbon dioxide and methane ice), as well as dust particles. It is they that form the shell of the comet, and as it approaches the Sun, some of them - under the pressure of the sun's rays and the solar wind - pass into the tail.

The dimensions of the nucleus of Halley's comet, as scientists correctly calculated, are equal to several kilometers: 14 in length, 7.5 in the transverse direction.

The nucleus of Halley's comet has an irregular shape and rotates around an axis, which, as the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel (-) suggested, is almost perpendicular to the plane of the comet's orbit. The rotation period turned out to be 53 hours - which again agreed well with the calculations of astronomers.

NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft rammed Comet Tempel 1 and transmitted images of its surface.

Comets and Earth

The masses of comets are negligible - about a billion times less than the mass of the Earth, and the density of matter from their tails is practically zero. Therefore, the "celestial guests" do not affect the planets of the solar system in any way. In May, the Earth, for example, passed through the tail of Halley's comet, but there were no changes in the motion of our planet.

On the other hand, a collision of a large comet with a planet can cause large-scale consequences in the planet's atmosphere and magnetosphere. A good and fairly well-studied example of such a collision was the collision of debris from comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in July 1994.


  • Collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter: what we saw (Physics of our days)

These "tailed" inhabitants of the solar system are comets. The very name of the comet in Greek means "hairy", "shaggy". In ancient Greece, and later in the Middle Ages, comets were usually depicted as severed heads with flying hair.

Comet Ikeya-Janga .
She was visible in March 2002. It is famous, in particular, for the fact that it was visible in the sky near the famous galaxy of the Andromeda Nebula.

Comets are shapeless cosmic bodies in the solar system. They move in highly elongated elliptical orbits. Many comets have a very long period of revolution by human standards and is more than 200 years. Such comets are called long-period comets. Comets with a period of less than 200 years are called short-period comets. Currently, several dozen long-period and more than 400 short-period comets are known.

Comet orbit compared to planetary orbits

These space objects have an insignificant mass and do not reveal themselves in anything far from the Sun. Comets consist of a stone or metal core enclosed in an icy shell of frozen gases (carbon dioxide, ammonia). As it approaches the Sun, the comet begins to evaporate, forming a "coma" - a cloud of dust and gas that surrounds the nucleus. Moreover, these substances of the comet pass into the gaseous state immediately from the solid, bypassing the liquid - such a phase transition is called sublimation. The nucleus and coma form the head of the planet. As it approaches the Sun, the gas cloud forms a huge gas plume - a tail tens or even hundreds of millions of kilometers long.

Light rays emanating from the Sun and streams of electrical particles deflect comet tails in the opposite direction from the luminary. The same solar wind causes the glow of rarefied gas in the tails of comets.

comet parts
Pay attention to two tails - dust and plasma

The bulk of the comet's mass is concentrated in its nucleus, but 99.9% of the light radiation comes from the tail, because the nucleus is very compact, and also has a low reflectivity.

Large comets can remain visible for several weeks. Having circled the Sun, they move away and disappear from the field of view. Many comets are observed regularly.

Comet McNaught .
This comet became a real sensation in January 2007. Bright, with a huge fan-shaped tail, she did not leave indifferent among those who were lucky enough to see her. But in all its glory, Comet McNaught was observed only in the southern hemisphere of the planet.

Comets attract everyone's attention. Their appearance in ancient times caused fear and was perceived as a heavenly sign of future terrible events.

Human history in antiquity was very rich in various tragic events, such as wars, epidemics, palace coups, assassinations of rulers. Some of these events were accompanied by the appearance of bright comets, and the predictors began to connect the phenomena of heaven and earth with each other.
This famous antique French tapestry from the time of William the Conqueror shows Halley's Comet as it appeared in 1066. That year there was a battle in which the duke defeated the army of the Anglo-Saxon king Harold II and took the English throne. This victory was then attributed to the influence of a heavenly sign - a comet. The inscription on the tapestry says - "marvel at the star."

In fact, the comet cannot have any noticeable impact on our planet because of its insignificant size: the mass of the comet is about a billion times less than the mass of the Earth, and the density of the tail matter is almost zero. So, in May 1910, the Earth passed through the tail of Halley's comet, but did not experience any changes.

The death of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in the gravitational field of Jupiter
The comet approached Jupiter in 1992 and was torn apart by its gravity. In July 1994, its fragments collided with Jupiter, causing fantastic effects in the planet's atmosphere.
The comet was discovered on March 24, 1993, when it was already a chain of fragments.

By their origin, comets are remnants of the primary matter of the solar system. Therefore, their study helps to restore the picture of the formation of planets, including the Earth.

The most famous comet is Halley's Comet.

Comet Halley

The orbital period of Halley's comet around the Sun is 76 years, the semi-major axis of the orbit is 17.8 AU. e, eccentricity 0.97, orbital inclination to the ecliptic plane 162.2°, perihelion distance 0.59 AU. e. The size of Halley's comet is 14 km long and 7.5 km across.

It was thanks to her that the English astronomer Edmund Halley discovered the periodicity of the appearance of comets. Comparing the parameters of the orbits of several bright comets of the past, he concluded that these were not different comets, but the same one, periodically returning to the Sun along a highly elongated path. He predicted the return of this comet, and his prediction was brilliantly confirmed. This comet was named after him.

From 239 BC Halley's comet has been observed 30 times. The last time it appeared in 1986 and the next time it will be observed in 2061. On the last visit of a space guest to our region, it was studied at close range by 5 interplanetary probes - two Japanese ("Sakigake" and "Suisei"), two Soviet ( "Vega-1" and "Vega-2") and one European ("Giotto").

These "tailed" inhabitants of the solar system are comets. The very name of the comet in Greek means "hairy", "shaggy". In ancient Greece, and later in the Middle Ages, comets were usually depicted as severed heads with flying hair.

She was visible in March 2002. It is famous, in particular, for the fact that it was visible in the sky near the famous galaxy of the Andromeda Nebula.

Comets are shapeless cosmic bodies in the solar system. They move in highly elongated elliptical orbits. Many comets have a very long period of revolution by human standards and is more than 200 years. Such comets are called long-period comets. Comets with a period of less than 200 years are called short-period comets. Currently, several dozen long-period and more than 400 short-period comets are known.

Comet orbit compared to planetary orbits

These space objects have an insignificant mass and do not reveal themselves in anything far from the Sun. Comets consist of a stone or metal core enclosed in an icy shell of frozen gases (carbon dioxide, ammonia). As it approaches the Sun, the comet begins to evaporate, forming a "coma" - a cloud of dust and gas that surrounds the nucleus. Moreover, these substances of the comet pass into the gaseous state immediately from the solid, bypassing the liquid - such a phase transition is called sublimation. The nucleus and coma form the head of the planet. As it approaches the Sun, the gas cloud forms a huge gas plume - a tail tens or even hundreds of millions of kilometers long.

Light rays emanating from the Sun and streams of electrical particles deflect comet tails in the opposite direction from the luminary. The same solar wind causes the glow of rarefied gas in the tails of comets.

comet parts
Pay attention to two tails - dust and plasma

The bulk of the comet's mass is concentrated in its nucleus, but 99.9% of the light radiation comes from the tail, because the nucleus is very compact, and also has a low reflectivity.

Large comets can remain visible for several weeks. Having circled the Sun, they move away and disappear from the field of view. Many comets are observed regularly.

Comet McNaught.
This comet became a real sensation in January 2007. Bright, with a huge fan-shaped tail, she did not leave indifferent among those who were lucky enough to see her. But in all its glory, Comet McNaught was observed only in the southern hemisphere of the planet.

Comets attract everyone's attention. Their appearance in ancient times caused fear and was perceived as a heavenly sign of future terrible events.

Human history in antiquity was very rich in various tragic events, such as wars, epidemics, palace coups, assassinations of rulers. Some of these events were accompanied by the appearance of bright comets, and the predictors began to connect the phenomena of heaven and earth with each other.
This famous antique French tapestry from the time of William the Conqueror shows Halley's Comet as it appeared in 1066. That year there was a battle in which the duke defeated the army of the Anglo-Saxon king Harold II and took the English throne. This victory was then attributed to the influence of a heavenly sign - a comet. The inscription on the tapestry says - "marvel at the star."

In fact, the comet cannot have any noticeable impact on our planet because of its insignificant size: the mass of the comet is about a billion times less than the mass of the Earth, and the density of the tail matter is almost zero. So, in May 1910, the Earth passed through the tail of Halley's comet, but did not experience any changes.

The comet approached Jupiter in 1992 and was torn apart by its gravity. In July 1994, its fragments collided with Jupiter, causing fantastic effects in the planet's atmosphere.
The comet was discovered on March 24, 1993, when it was already a chain of fragments.

By their origin, comets are remnants of the primary matter of the solar system. Therefore, their study helps to restore the picture of the formation of planets, including the Earth.

The most famous comet is Halley's Comet.

Comet Halley

The orbital period of Halley's comet around the Sun is 76 years, the semi-major axis of the orbit is 17.8 AU. e, eccentricity 0.97, orbital inclination to the ecliptic plane 162.2°, perihelion distance 0.59 AU. e. The size of Halley's comet is 14 km long and 7.5 km across.

It was thanks to her that the English astronomer Edmund Halley discovered the periodicity of the appearance of comets. Comparing the parameters of the orbits of several bright comets of the past, he concluded that these were not different comets, but the same one, periodically returning to the Sun along a highly elongated path. He predicted the return of this comet, and his prediction was brilliantly confirmed. This comet was named after him.

From 239 BC Halley's comet has been observed 30 times. The last time it appeared in 1986 and the next time it will be observed in 2061. On the last visit of a space guest to our region, it was studied at close range by 5 interplanetary probes - two Japanese ("Sakigake" and "Suisei"), two Soviet ( "Vega-1" and "Vega-2") and one European ("Giotto").

Since ancient times, people have sought to uncover the secrets that the sky is fraught with. Ever since the first telescope was created, scientists have begun, step by step, to collect grains of knowledge that are hidden in the boundless expanses of space. It's time to find out where the messengers from space came from - comets and meteorites.

What is a comet?

If we examine the meaning of the word "comet", then we come to its ancient Greek equivalent. It literally means "with long hair". Thus, the name was given in view of the structure of this Comet has a "head" and a long "tail" - a kind of "hair". The head of a comet consists of a nucleus and perinuclear substances. The loose core may contain water, as well as gases such as methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. The Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, discovered on October 23, 1969, has the same structure.

How the comet was previously represented

In ancient times, our ancestors were in awe of her and invented various superstitions. Even now there are those who associate the appearance of comets with something ghostly and mysterious. Such people may think that they are wanderers from another world of souls. Where did this one come from? Perhaps the whole point is that the appearance of these heavenly creatures has ever coincided with some kind of unkind incident.

However, time passed, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat small and large comets were changed. For example, such a scientist as Aristotle, investigating their nature, decided that it was a luminous gas. After a while, another philosopher named Seneca, who lived in Rome, suggested that comets are bodies in the sky moving in their orbits. However, it was only after the creation of the telescope that real progress in their study was made. When Newton discovered the law of gravity, things went up.

Current ideas about comets

Today, scientists have already established that comets consist of a solid core (from 1 to 20 km in thickness). What is the nucleus of a comet made of? From a mixture of frozen water and space dust. In 1986, pictures of one of the comets were taken. It became clear that its fiery tail is an ejection of a stream of gas and dust that we can observe from the earth's surface. What is the reason for this "fiery" release? If an asteroid flies very close to the Sun, then its surface heats up, which leads to the release of dust and gas. Solar energy puts pressure on the solid material that makes up the comet. As a result, a fiery tail of dust is formed. This debris and dust is part of the trail that we see in the sky when we observe the movement of comets.

What determines the shape of a comet's tail

The comet post below will help you better understand what comets are and how they work. They are different - with tails of various shapes. It's all about the natural composition of the particles that make up this or that tail. Very small particles quickly fly away from the Sun, and those that are larger, on the contrary, tend to the star. What is the reason? It turns out that the former move away, pushed by solar energy, while the latter are affected by the gravitational force of the Sun. As a result of these physical laws, we get comets whose tails are curved in various ways. Those tails, which are mostly composed of gases, will be directed away from the star, and corpuscular (consisting mainly of dust), on the contrary, will tend to the Sun. What can be said about the density of a comet's tail? Usually cloud tails can be measured in millions of kilometers, in some cases hundreds of millions. This means that, unlike the body of a comet, its tail consists mostly of rarefied particles, having almost no density. When an asteroid approaches the Sun, the comet's tail can split in two and become complex.

Particle speed in a comet tail

Measuring the speed of movement in the tail of a comet is not so easy, since we cannot see individual particles. However, there are cases when the velocity of matter in the tail can be determined. Sometimes gas clouds can condense there. From their movement, you can calculate the approximate speed. So, the forces moving the comet are so great that the speed can be 100 times greater than the attraction of the Sun.

How much does a comet weigh

The entire mass of comets largely depends on the weight of the comet's head, or rather, its nucleus. Supposedly, a small comet can weigh only a few tons. Whereas, according to forecasts, large asteroids can reach a weight of 1,000,000,000,000 tons.

What are meteors

Sometimes one of the comets passes through the orbit of the Earth, leaving behind a trail of debris. When our planet passes over the place where the comet was, these debris and cosmic dust left from it enter the atmosphere with great speed. This speed reaches more than 70 kilometers per second. When the fragments of the comet burn up in the atmosphere, we see a beautiful trail. This phenomenon is called meteors (or meteorites).

Age of comets

Fresh asteroids of huge size can live in space for trillions of years. However, comets, like any other, cannot exist forever. The more often they approach the Sun, the more they lose the solid and gaseous substances that make up their composition. "Young" comets can drop in weight very much until a kind of protective crust forms on their surface, which prevents further evaporation and burnout. However, the "young" comet is aging, and the nucleus is decrepit and losing its weight and size. Thus, the surface crust acquires many wrinkles, cracks and breaks. Gas flows, burning, push the body of the comet forward and forward, giving speed to this traveler.

Comet Halley

Another comet, similar in structure to the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet, is an asteroid discovered. He realized that comets have long elliptical orbits along which they move with a large time interval. He compared the comets that were observed from the earth in 1531, 1607 and 1682. It turned out that it was the same comet, which moved along its trajectory through a period of time equal to approximately 75 years. In the end, she was named after the scientist himself.

Comets in the solar system

We are in the solar system. At least 1000 comets have been found not far from us. They are divided into two families, and they, in turn, are divided into classes. To classify comets, scientists take into account their characteristics: the time it takes for them to travel all the way in their orbit, as well as the period from circulation. Taking Halley's Comet, mentioned earlier, as an example, it takes less than 200 years to complete one revolution around the sun. It belongs to periodic comets. However, there are those that cover the entire path in much shorter periods of time - the so-called short-period comets. We can be sure that in our solar system there are a huge number of periodic comets that orbit around our star. Such celestial bodies can move so far from the center of our system that they leave behind Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Sometimes they can get very close to the planets, because of which their orbits change. An example is

Comet Information: Long Period

The trajectory of long-period comets is very different from short-period comets. They go around the Sun from all sides. For example, Heyakutake and Hale-Bopp. The latter looked very spectacular when they last approached our planet. Scientists have calculated that the next time from Earth they can be seen only after thousands of years. A lot of comets, with a long period of movement, can be found at the edge of our solar system. Back in the middle of the 20th century, a Dutch astronomer suggested the existence of a cluster of comets. After a while, the existence of a cometary cloud was proved, which is known today as the "Oort Cloud" and was named after the scientist who discovered it. How many comets are in the Oort Cloud? According to some assumptions, not less than a trillion. The period of movement of some of these comets can be several light years. In this case, the comet will cover its entire path in 10,000,000 years!

Fragments of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9

Reports of comets from all over the world help in their study. A very interesting and impressive vision could be observed by astronomers in 1994. More than 20 fragments left from the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter at a crazy speed (approximately 200,000 kilometers per hour). Asteroids flew into the planet's atmosphere with flashes and huge explosions. The incandescent gas influenced the formation of very large fiery spheres. The temperature to which the chemical elements warmed up was several times higher than the temperature that is recorded on the surface of the Sun. After that, telescopes could see a very high column of gas. Its height reached enormous proportions - 3200 kilometers.

Comet Biela - double comet

As we have already learned, there is plenty of evidence that comets break down over time. Because of this, they lose their brightness and beauty. We can consider only one example of such a case - Biela's comets. It was first discovered in 1772. However, subsequently it was noticed more than once again in 1815, after - in 1826 and in 1832. When it was observed in 1845, it turned out that the comet looks much larger than before. Six months later, it turned out that it was not one, but two comets that were walking next to each other. What happened? Astronomers have determined that a year ago the Biela asteroid split in two. The last time scientists recorded the appearance of this miracle comet. One part of it was much brighter than the other. She was never seen again. However, after a while, a meteor shower was more than once striking, the orbit of which exactly coincided with the orbit of Biela's comet. This case proved that comets are capable of collapsing over time.

What happens in a collision

For our planet, a meeting with these celestial bodies does not bode well. A large fragment of a comet or meteorite about 100 meters in size exploded high in the atmosphere in June 1908. As a result of this disaster, many reindeer died and two thousand kilometers of taiga were knocked down. What would happen if such a block exploded over a large city such as New York or Moscow? It would cost the lives of millions of people. And what would happen if a comet with a diameter of several kilometers hit the Earth? As mentioned above, in mid-July 1994, it was “fired upon” by debris from the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Millions of scientists watched what was happening. How would such a collision end for our planet?

Comets and the Earth - the views of scientists

Information about comets known to scientists sows fear in their hearts. Astronomers and analysts draw terrible pictures in their minds with horror - a collision with a comet. When an asteroid hits the atmosphere, it will cause destruction inside the cosmic body. It will explode with a deafening sound, and on Earth it will be possible to observe a column of meteorite fragments - dust and stones. The sky will be engulfed in a fiery red glow. There will be no vegetation left on Earth, as all forests, fields and meadows will be destroyed due to the explosion and fragments. Due to the fact that the atmosphere will become impervious to sunlight, it will become sharply cold, and plants will not be able to perform the role of photosynthesis. Thus, the nutrition cycles of marine life will be disrupted. Being without food for a long time, many of them will die. All of the above events will affect the natural cycles. Widespread acid rain will have a detrimental effect on the ozone layer, making it impossible to breathe on our planet. What happens if a comet falls into one of the oceans? Then it can lead to disastrous environmental disasters: the formation of tornadoes and tsunamis. The only difference will be that these cataclysms will be much larger than those that we could experience for ourselves over several thousand years of human history. Huge waves of hundreds or thousands of meters will sweep away everything in their path. There will be nothing left of towns and cities.

"Don't Worry"

Other scientists, on the contrary, say that there is no need to worry about such cataclysms. According to them, if the Earth comes close to a celestial asteroid, then this will only lead to sky lighting and meteor showers. Should we worry about the future of our planet? Is there any chance that we will ever be met by a flying comet?

Comet fall. Should I be afraid

Can you trust everything scientists present? Do not forget that all the information about comets recorded above is just theoretical assumptions that cannot be verified. Of course, such fantasies can sow panic in the hearts of people, but the likelihood that something like this will ever happen on Earth is negligible. Scientists who explore our solar system admire how thoughtful everything is in its design. It is difficult for meteorites and comets to reach our planet because it is protected by a giant shield. The planet Jupiter, due to its size, has a huge gravity. Therefore, it often protects our Earth from asteroids and comet remnants flying by. The location of our planet leads many to believe that the whole device was thought out and designed in advance. And if this is so, and you are not a zealous atheist, then you can sleep peacefully, because the Creator will undoubtedly preserve the Earth for the purpose for which he created it.

The names of the most famous

Reports on comets from various scientists around the world form a huge database of information about cosmic bodies. Among the most famous, there are several. For example, comet Churyumov - Gerasimenko. In addition, in this article we could get acquainted with the comet Fumaker-Levy 9 and the comets Encke and Halley. In addition to them, Sadulaev's comet is known not only to researchers of the sky, but also to lovers. In this article, we have tried to provide the most complete and verified information about comets, their structure and contact with other celestial bodies. However, just as it is impossible to embrace all the expanses of space, it will not be possible to describe or list all comets known at the moment. Brief information about the comets of the solar system is presented in the illustration below.

sky exploration

The knowledge of scientists, of course, does not stand still. What we know now was not known to us some 100 or even 10 years ago. We can be sure that man's tireless desire to explore the expanses of space will continue to push him to try to understand the structure of celestial bodies: meteorites, comets, asteroids, planets, stars and other more powerful objects. Now we have penetrated into such expanses of space that reflection on its immensity and unknowability plunges one into awe. Many agree that all this could not have appeared by itself and without a purpose. Such a complex structure must have an intention. However, many questions related to the structure of the cosmos remain unanswered. It seems that the more we learn, the more reason to explore further. In fact, the more information we acquire, the more we realize that we do not know our solar system, our Galaxy, and even more so the Universe. However, all this does not stop astronomers, and they continue to struggle further on the mysteries of life. Every nearby comet is of particular interest to them.

Computer program “Space Engine”

Fortunately, today not only astronomers can explore the Universe, but also ordinary people, whose curiosity encourages them to do so. Not so long ago, a program for computers “Space Engine” was released. It is supported by most modern mid-range computers. It can be downloaded and installed completely free of charge using a search on the Internet. Thanks to this program, information about comets for children will also be very interesting. It presents a model of the entire universe, including all comets and celestial bodies that are known to modern scientists today. To find a space object of interest to us, for example, a comet, you can use the oriented search built into the system. For example, you need the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet. In order to find it, you must enter its serial number 67 R. If you are interested in another object, for example, Sadulaev's comet. Then you can try to enter its name in Latin or enter its special number. Thanks to this program, you can learn more about space comets.

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