View of a soft roof after repair. Soft roof repair – high-quality roof reconstruction in winter and summer

The service life of a roof covered with soft roofing materials is 15 years. But the roof will only withstand this period if it is properly maintained and sometimes repaired. Therefore, today we will talk about how to properly repair a soft roof. What nuances should you pay attention to in order to increase the quality of the final result? Accordingly, the roof will last longer.

Soft roof repair

Defects in soft roofing

It is not difficult to understand that the roof requires repair. It will just start leaking. Therefore, first of all, you need to climb onto the roof and determine its possible defects. True, you should not allow situations with leaks. It is recommended to inspect the soft roof periodically. Experts advise doing this twice a year.

So, what defects can be detected:

    cracks and tears in roofing material;

    its swelling due to penetration of moisture under the canvas;

    peeling of material at the joints of strips;

    the appearance of mold, mildew or moss, which indicates moisture collection in these areas;

    depressions or grooves from mechanical pressure where moisture collects.

Defects in soft roofing

Selection of repair material

To cope with all of the above flaws, it is necessary to prepare material for repairing the soft roof, as well as a fastening composition. Since the structure soft roof– these are two applied layers: internal and external, respectively, and the repair material for each of them must be selected separately, taking into account the characteristics of the products.

For the bottom layer, roll coatings with high thermal properties and increased elasticity are usually used. This group includes materials such as technoelast, fiberglass and bireplast. They are smooth with a thickness of 3-3.5 mm. For the top layer, they try to use a material with high waterproofing qualities. For example, uniflex, isoplast or isoelast with a thickness of 4-4.5 mm.

It should be noted right away that the top coating requires products sprinkled with stone chips on top. It protects the roof from sunlight. In principle, this is what it is distinguishing feature, which becomes the basis for the choice of materials for the bottom layer and outer cover.

Uniflex roll

Choosing a fastening composition

Until recently, ordinary bitumen was used to repair soft roofs. It was heated in a barrel over a fire and served hot to the place where the soft roofing material was laid. We must pay tribute that this technology has not yet become obsolete. There are areas where bitumen is still used to repair roofs.

Modern restoration of soft roofing involves the use of bitumen-based mastics. In this case, mastics can be used both hot and cold.

Bitumen mastic

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer turnkey roof repair services of any complexity. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Repair features

The first stage is identifying defects roofing and the scope of upcoming work. Based on complexity and volume, repairs are divided into three categories:

    current, when minor flaws are found on the surface;

    capital, when it becomes clear that sealing cracks is not enough;

    emergency when the roof simply began to leak.

Let's consider each situation separately.


The easiest way is to repair the cracks. They are simply filled with mastic or hot bitumen, and a patch cut from roofing felt is laid on top. After which the repair site is completely filled with a fastening compound. The main thing is that the mastic also covers the joints of the patch with the main roofing material.

If it is necessary to repair a crack on the roof ridge, then to do this, cut out a patch, which is glued to the defect location with mastic and additionally pierced with nails.

How to patch a crack in a skate

Peeled joints are also repaired, but for this they additionally use a hair dryer or a gas torch. Both types of equipment are used to dry the space under the outer layer of a soft roof.

    The latter is lifted and dried inner surface the top flooring and the upper plane of the bottom layer.

    Bitumen mastic is applied between layers.

    Place the top layer on the bottom and press it well, using, for example, a spatula or roller.

    The joint must be coated with mastic.

A defect in the form of a depression where water collects is repaired using a special technology.

    To do this, the place of the flaw must be cut sharp knife in the form of a cross. It is better to make the slots to a solid base.

    Here the hole is filled, for example, with cement mortar.

    After drying, the base is treated with a bonding mixture, onto which the cut ends of the lower layer are laid.

    The bottom flooring is treated with mastic from above.

    Lay the cut ends of the outer covering.

    Another layer of mastic is applied, which is immediately sprinkled with stone chips on top.

How to repair a depression on a soft roof

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

If soft roofing material was laid on a continuous lumber sheathing or wood boards, then the depression is sealed using the mastic itself or hot bitumen by pouring it onto the bottom layer.


Let's now talk about the technology for repairing soft roofs, where simple operations in the form of patches are not enough. The essence overhaul consists in the fact that the old roofing covering is partially dismantled in those areas where the defects are significant. For example, in the photo below you can see the condition of a roof covered with bitumen shingles. This area definitely needs to be completely renovated.

Roof defect requiring major repairs

The essence of the technology is that the soft roofing material is carefully removed from the installation site. The main thing is not to damage areas that are in good condition. If rolled material was used to cover the roof, it is cut along the boundaries of the defective area. It is better to do this in smooth, straight lines, even if you have to dismantle part of a good section.

If a roof covered with soft tiles, you will have to remove shingles that have actually become unusable.

Ideally, cut the coating down to the base. If the roof is insulated, then check the condition of the insulating material. If it was expanded clay, then it is simply dried construction hairdryer. If the slab material is made from mineral wool or polystyrene foam boards, they are dismantled and replaced with new ones. Because the moisture that passed through the roofing probably ruined the insulation.

Be sure to inspect the base. As with the depression, it will have to be cleaned and leveled.

The repair process itself is carried out using soft roof installation technology. That is:

    mastic is poured onto the repaired base;

    the bottom layer of roofing material is laid;

    another layer of mastic on top;

    outer covering.

Major repairs of soft roofing

It is important to make sure that the new layers overlap the old ones. And at the joints they must use mastic. It performs the functions of both a fastening composition and a waterproofing material.

It should be noted that repairing a soft roof with insulation is the most difficult process. This especially applies to flat roofs, where they were used for thermal insulation. slab materials. This requires a special attitude towards connecting the sections (new and old) to each other. Therefore, the gaps between the laid slabs are filled with polyurethane foam. This is an old technology that is rarely used today. Better filling apply a special sealant, which is also available in foam cans. It’s just that the latter of the sealant does not expand in volume and lasts a long time.


There is no point in discussing this for a long time, because emergency roof repair (its technology) is comparable to the technology of covering a roof with a soft roof. That is, they completely dismantle the roofing material, remove the thermal insulation layer, and check the base for technical condition. And based on the results of the research, they decide whether to repair the roof base or not.

All other operations are carried out in the following sequence: repair of the base, laying a thermal insulation cake, installation of roofing material. Essentially, you are getting a new roof.

Let's add that today on construction market You can purchase special mastics based on bitumen and polymers. They cost more than rolled and piece soft roofing materials, but are better in all respects. And it’s easier to lay them on roofs, because it’s mastic, which is applied using a regular spatula. In this case, a seamless coating with high mechanical strength and heat resistance.

Video description

Modern roofing mastics for repairing soft roofs in the video:

Conclusion on the topic

The degree of complexity of repairing a roof covered with soft roofing materials lies in the type and number of defects. Sometimes craftsmen decide to completely re-lay the structure, just so as not to bother with big amount cracks In many cases, this is a justified decision, because a cracked surface is a sign that the roofing material is at its limit.

Roof of a residential building

The main cause of damage and deformation of soft roofs is operational wear. In some cases, defects may be caused by installation or maintenance errors. Regardless of the reason that caused the violation of the integrity of the coating, repair of a soft roof should be done as soon as possible. This will help avoid complete dismantling of the old covering and refurbishment of the roofing material.


In order to delay the need repair work, must be observed preventive measures to protect the roofing:

  • During operation, roof slopes may sag. The reason for this is excessive load, to which the soft roof is exposed. The load may be the result of errors during the installation of the roof covering or the result of rotting and deformation of the beams on which the roof rests. The load is caused by natural phenomena. In Moscow and other regions of Central Russia, it is often caused by snow. Therefore, the soft roof should be regularly cleaned of it, as well as dirt and debris.
  • Roofs need to be washed periodically clean water, supplied under pressure. After washing the surface is treated special compounds, protecting the outer layer of the roofing pie from moss and mold. It is enough to wash it once a year.
  • Additional preventive measures are required in regions with high humidity. The roofs of houses in such areas are further protected. For example, you can install a zinc strip near the ridge.
  • IN winter period in Moscow and Central Russia, it is necessary not only to regularly remove snow and icicles, but also to treat the surface with chemical compounds that prevent the accumulation of snow and the formation of an ice crust.
  • If there are trees near the house, it is necessary to trim off the branches hanging over the roof. The distance between the nearest tree branches and the roofing must be at least one meter.

These measures avoid frequent repairs soft roof.


It is necessary to begin repairing a soft roof if at least one coating defect was discovered during the inspection. These include:

  • Mechanical damage to the roofing pie.
  • Presence of plants, moss or mold.
  • Swollen areas.
  • Peeling of roofing material.
  • Cracks.
  • Damage to previously completed patches.

Any of these defects requires immediate intervention and repair of the surface of the soft roof. Otherwise, they will cause roof leaks.

Roof installation

Depending on the frequency of occurrence, leaks can be of different types:

  • Appearing immediately after precipitation. Most often, leaks of this type are caused by mechanical damage to the roofing pie or natural wear and tear. If a leak appears immediately after installation or repair of the coating, we can say that the work was carried out in violation of the technology, or low-quality materials were used.
  • Appearing some time after the snow begins to melt. Such leaks may indicate that there are mechanical damage or cracks at the joints or in the areas where the roofing pie is adjacent to the ventilation ducts.
  • “Flickering” leaks that appear periodically. They are caused by microcracks in the coating. When flickering leaks appear, a major repair of the soft roof is most often required.

Even if there are no leaks, the roof covering should be inspected regularly. The objectives of such a survey are spring period are:

  • Detection of swellings, determination of their size and nature.
  • Assessment of the condition of roofing waterproofing.
  • Determining the integrity of aprons and the correctness of their installation.

Preparing for work

IN summer period The following defects can be found:

  • Bubbles in the coating.
  • Cracking of roofing material to varying degrees.

In autumn the following are revealed:

  • Blockages in funnels and drains.
  • Wet walls.
  • Water stagnation.

Repair technology

Repair of a soft roof can be routine or major. Major repairs require the complete dismantling of old materials with the installation of new hydro- and vapor barriers, screeds, etc.

Selection of materials for repairs

The construction market of Russia and Moscow offers a variety of different materials for repair of soft roof coverings. The roofing pie is arranged in several layers. Materials must meet a number of requirements:

  • For the outer layer, you need to choose products with a mineral coating and a thickness of 4.5–5 mm.
  • For the lower layers, materials with a thickness of 3–3.5 mm are suitable.
  • All textures used must be compatible with each other.

Installation by non-specialists

In Moscow and Central Russia, bitumen roll materials have become most popular. They are easy to install, especially on flat roofs, and can be used for residential and industrial buildings. In terms of reliability of coating, bitumen-based roll materials are superior to most other methods of arranging a roofing pie. Such materials are well suited not only for Moscow with its relatively stable climate, but also for areas where sudden temperature changes are observed.


Maintenance carried out for minor damage, cracks or loose joints. Cracks and mechanical damage can be eliminated by filling them bitumen mastic, over which a patch is glued. Roll roofing materials are selected for it. It is advisable to pour another layer of bitumen on top of it.

Broken joints are also treated with bitumen. Before pouring mastic, you need to thoroughly dry the lower layers of the roofing pie gas burner. After drying, bitumen is poured onto which it is laid old material, and another layer of mastic is performed.

Major renovation

Work completed

Major roof repairs are a complex task that is best left to specialists. Moreover, in Moscow and other major cities It’s quite easy to find a specialized company providing such services.

The repair is carried out in several stages:

  • Dismantling the old roofing pie.
  • Performing a cement roof screed.
  • Arrangement of steam and waterproofing layers.
  • Laying rolled roofing materials.

Violation of any of the stages of the technological process will lead to the fact that the soft roof will quickly become damaged, and all problems associated with leaks will return, requiring new repairs.

Repair work must begin with surface preparation. The roof must be cleared of debris, and the old roof covering must be completely dismantled. The base of the roof must be level. Next, the functionality of the ventilation and drainage systems is checked.

On flat roofs, a cement screed is required to ensure a flat surface. For additional protection the base is primed with bitumen primer or mastic. First, the composition is applied completely to the entire base, including parapets, abutments and podiums. In this case, the surface must be thoroughly impregnated with primer. After the material has dried, the following layers can be laid.

Installation process

The vapor barrier is mounted on cement screed, and then a layer of insulation is laid. To protect the resulting cake, reinforcement with road mesh is used. Steam and thermal insulation materials are selected depending on the roof structure.

Materials are stacked different ways depending on the angle of the roof slope. On roofs with a slope angle of less than 15º, materials must be installed perpendicular to the direction of movement of water as it flows into drainage system. At an angle of more than 15º, laying is carried out from top to bottom in the direction of water movement. After laying the roofing material, all joints, parapet elements, gutters, etc. are sealed.

Repair work in winter

Carrying out roof repairs in Moscow and Central Russia in winter is impossible. In fact, all work when leaks occur comes down to patching the damaged area. The area to be treated is dried with a gas burner, after which a patch is fused to the surface. required size. With the onset of the warm period of the year, the roof is carefully inspected, and current or major repairs are carried out, which depends on the degree of damage to the coating.


Repair of a soft roof is required when the slightest defects in the coating appear. Despite the relative simplicity of laying rolled bitumen surfaced materials, the work must be carried out by specialists. One single violation of the technological process, which may seem insignificant to a layman, can lead to rapid wear of the new coating, and in worst case reduce the result of work to zero.

So, your roll roofing is leaking! Repairs need to be done.
The concept of roof repair is quite loose. There are several ways to repair soft roll roofing.
Roughly, soft roof repairs can be divided into 2 types: routine roof repairs and major roof repairs. But these 2 types of repairs also involve several methods. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Current repair of soft roll roofing.

Current repair of a soft roof in our understanding is any roof repair that does not involve the dismantling of the old roofing carpet.

Repair of soft roofs with rolled carpets

Polyurethane self-leveling roofing

What exactly is self-leveling roofing? This is a synthetic polyurethane liquid rubber that polymerizes (hardens) from air moisture turning into ordinary rubber. It is applied to the roof with special devices and after that the roof turns into a solid rubber carpet, without seams, actually a swimming pool.
The elasticity of roofing is whiter than 442%. Those. this coating completely absorbs any movement of the building from temperature changes, precipitation and earth movement during the freezing and freezing of groundwater.
Another plus. Polyurethane is a unique synthetic polymer material, it does not rot, does not contribute to the proliferation of fungi and microorganisms, since it is synthetic, fungi cannot multiply on it, trees cannot grow, destroying the remains of the screed with their roots.
Operating temperature -50 to +120. Very easy to check the change operating temperature bitumen rolled carpets and even bitumen mastics - just put the sample in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Even +5C will dramatically change the elasticity of the material, actually reducing it hundreds of times!! Not to mention that bitumen cold mastics that imitate self-leveling roofing are diluted with a huge amount of solvent (up to 70%), which leads to increased costs for materials, since according to the norm, the thickness of the polymer carpet (dry residue) should be at least 1.5 mm, and the solvent will evaporate. Thus, if you use cheap bitumen polymers, you need to apply about 5 kg of polymer to the roof. Which negates all the benefits of their cheap cost. I'm not even talking about the increase in labor costs, because polymers can be applied thin layers.
Polyurethane mastic is one-component and has a solvent content of 2-5%; after polymerization it has no odors, which is especially important when located near the roof of windows and air intake shafts. Polyurethane does not shrink, which once again confirms its quality and distinguishes it from cheap roofing mastics.
Another plus is that a polyurethane self-leveling carpet weighs 1.5-2 kg per m2 in 3 layers. Which is significantly less than any roofing roll materials.
-All work is carried out without fire. There may be exceptions for selective roof repairs of bubbles of old rolled carpet, but these jobs are few and far between.
A separate plus is the enormous adhesion to bitumen coatings and roofing carpets, which allows application roofing mastic carry out on old rolled carpets without dismantling.
- A huge advantage of working with self-leveling roofing is the availability of work in hard to reach places, under ventilation and an easy opportunity to properly process all connections. It is in these places that the highest qualifications of a rolled carpet roofer are required, but our qualifications are ordinary. It’s still good when the material is of high quality and is quite easy to work with - this significantly reduces the number of failures in work.
Water absorption is significantly lower than that of rolled materials - approximately 1.1% per 24 hours in water.
Separately, I would like to say that only at our enterprise, before going to work, each employee is trained to operate roofing equipment, eliminate bubbles, work on sealing joints and applying the coating itself. It is this training that increases the knowledge and responsibility of employees when performing work. It is this responsibility, a production culture in which the customer’s property is not damaged and the surrounding area is not dirty, that most customers note in their gratitude for the work of our company.

The need for roof insulation

If the roof is pitched, especially if leaks of this type have not been eliminated for a long time flat roof, huge icicles may appear during even subzero temperatures. This indicates that the mineral wool (insulation) has completely failed and the dew point is higher than the insulation and even the roofing carpet. In this case warm air from interior spaces rises to the roof and melts the snow, freezing a little later and forming edges of ice that do not allow water to leave the roof in time, which leads to additional filling of all internal layers with water and additional destruction of the insulation under the screed.
If large icicles are forming, you cannot avoid insulating the roof. The roof can be insulated either with extruded polystyrene (a synthetic dense material that does not rot and is very durable) or with mineral wool, which has a fire certificate. Warming can occur with dismantling the screed, and on top of the screed. It must be taken into account that, according to modern standards, the screed should fully facilitate the free outflow of water, therefore it is laid with a slope of 3 cm per m / p (1.5% -3% according to SNiP standards). However, if the roof is made of rolled materials with top layer from materials with coarse-grained topping, the slope can be increased to 10-25%. SNiP II-26-76
At its thinnest point it should be at least 3cm. If the roof is 15m wide and the funnel is in the middle, then for every 7 meters there is a slope of 21cm, i.e. on average the roof thickness will be 12cm. i.e. the weight of the screed will be approximately 8m2 = 1m3. Weight of 1 m3 of concrete = 2.2 tons. Those. an area of ​​1000 m2 can reach 275 tons. And this consumption will approach GOST standards. And now we do not take into account the weight of the insulation, ceilings and roofing carpet. But because high flow rate materials (weight), on our roofs very often they are defective with a small slope, which leads to serious difficulties in draining water. I would also like to note that it is precisely because of this weight that it is advisable to use light filler and foam concrete, as well as raise the slope using insulation. This way it will be possible to significantly reduce the weight of concrete on the screed.
I met designers who thoughtlessly allowed a screed to be made on top of the old one, but after my insistence on carrying out the calculations (which is above), they also demanded that the old screed be dismantled. However, what to do if the building is not under construction, but is already in operation? We recommend using extruded (synthetic insulation) and laying a durable membrane on top. According to the standards of GOST and SNiP (Building Norms and Rules), mineral insulation serves effectively only 10 years under a screed, and even this I don’t think is long, so I recommend synthetic insulation - extruded styrene foam (penoplex or teplex (manufactured Nizhny Novgorod)). The service life of this insulation is virtually unlimited, since it does not rot and does not fill with water (does not absorb). Even less efficient operation mineral insulation - if the insulation is placed on top of the screed.


As you noticed, replacing insulation is a serious test for the entire building, so you need to extend its life by repairing roofs and not allowing chronic leaks to reduce the service life of the insulation. I'm not even saying that the formation of large icicles can also lead to criminal cases, since they regularly fall and injure passers-by.
The strength and durability of your building directly depends on the condition of the roof and load-bearing structures. Always carry out these works with a margin of safety and durability, do not wait until the last minute, this will significantly save both money and time, and there will be no damaged property.

Working with a reliable partner, quality materials will save you effort, time, money.

Our company operates completely legally. This will create additional security for you in connection with changes in VAT legislation. All employees are Russians and work legally.

Call us for further consultations 8-925-740-8188

Best Manager of Moscow in the Construction category for 2001
Honored Entrepreneur of Russia
Manager of VYSOTREMSTROY WEISS LLC Elena Vladimirovna Krotova

Soft roofing is one of the popular types of roof covering. It is successfully used both in the construction of private houses, outbuildings, and for multi-storey buildings. Materials of this group are made on the basis of bitumen and fiberglass. They have such advantages as: ease of installation, increased noise, hydro and thermal insulation properties. Moreover, even for repairs special costs not required. And you can do all the work yourself.

Roof repair documentation

When carrying out repair work on a soft roof, the following documents are used:

  • estimate (work performance document). It takes into account all planned repairs on a given roof. For example, dismantling the roof, preparing the base, installing new material and sealing seams, creating a waterproofing layer. The estimate includes the cost of consumables and combustible materials, as well as the cost of their delivery. This document will help you estimate the budget for future repairs and decide whether to carry them out yourself or to allow specialists to do it;
  • SNiP ( building codes and rules). During repairs, it is important to follow the requirements set out in the SNiP document “Repair of Soft Roofing” number 11-26-76. It specifies all the necessary materials for waterproofing, types of mastic, roofing materials and requirements for the order of work;
  • PPR (works project). This document is important if roof repairs are being carried out apartment building. It indicates the rationale for the repair work, the results of the roof inspection, its characteristics, methods of organizing and methods of performing roofing work.

Types of damage and types of repairs

Soft roofing needs periodic inspection. It will help to identify any violations of the integrity of the roofing covering in a timely manner and carry out restoration work in a timely manner. Frequent problems soft roofs are considered:

  • bloating;

    Swelling of a soft roof may occur as a result of violation of the technology for laying materials

  • rotting, the appearance of fungus and moss as a result of the formation of cracks with accumulated water;

    Moss on a soft roof appears as a result of improper installation technology

  • delamination of material at the joints of the canvases;

    Delamination of the roofing material can be repaired by sealing the ends and strengthening the seam with a patch

  • mechanical damage - appears due to possible contact of the roof with antennas and branches;

    Soft roofing may crumble after the end of its service life or under unfavorable conditions of use.

  • dark spots;

    Asphalt shingles can change color and even delaminate over time.

  • curved edges of asphalt shingles.

Conduct preventive examination should be at least twice a year. It is recommended to regularly clean the roof of branches, debris and snow. These measures will increase the service life and minimize repair costs.

Depending on the type of damage, there are three types of soft roof repair work:

Video: local repair of bituminous tile roofing


Current repairs are carried out when minor defects in the soft roof are detected. The solution to the problem depends on its type. For example, the following repair options are used for rolled roofing:

A damaged section of bitumen shingles can also be replaced. To do this, use a trowel to carefully lift all the damaged plates, as well as those adjacent to them, in order to pull out the defective ones. Remove the nails with a nail puller. Lay new pieces of roofing material, securing them with nails, and further process the joints silicone sealant.

For local repairs bitumen shingles, only damaged tiles need to be replaced

Video: partial repair of a soft garage roof

Major renovation

Major repairs of soft roofs are carried out in the following sequence:

Video: step-by-step implementation of a major overhaul of a fused roof

Emergency repairs

Emergency roof repair involves urgent restoration of the damaged part of the roof. For example, creating a large patch where materials are damaged.

This measure can prevent the formation of a leak, but is effective only if the area of ​​the damaged area does not exceed 20% of the total area roofs.

To install patches you need:

The patch can also be applied to an asphalt shingle roof. The repair method is similar, only a special solution or silicone sealant is used for gluing.

This repair method is only effective if the cause of the leak is a visible defect.

Video: replacing damaged areas on a shingle roof

Necessary materials

Different materials are used to repair soft roofs. The choice depends on which layer of the roofing pie is intended to be repaired:

  • for the top layer - “Uniflex”, “Linokrom”, “Isoplast”. Their service life is more than 10 years;
  • for the bottom layer - “Beriplast”, “Stekloelast”, “Tekhnoelast”. They are characterized by increased elasticity and the ability to create additional thermal insulation.

The materials of the top layer of the roof must contain mineral coating, which serves to protect against solar radiation. The thickness of such a canvas should be chosen in the range from 4.5 to 5 mm. And for the bottom layer, the rolled roofing felt can be thinner.

Cold styling mastic

The most commonly used mastic is suitable for laying roofing felt without heating. It is used for repairs inner layers roofing pie. You only need to choose a mastic that contains bitumen and a dust-type mixture, for example, gypsum or lime.

You can prepare mastic yourself if you have the necessary ingredients.

If desired, you can make mastic yourself.

To do this, you will need to mix one portion of filler and two portions each of bitumen and gasoline. But the components must be connected after the bitumen has heated to 180 o C and the water has completely evaporated from it. Before repair, the resulting mixture must be cooled.

The method of using this mastic is as follows:

Video: urgent roof repair with liquid mastic

Liquid rubber

Sometimes liquid rubber is used to repair soft roofs. It is capable of creating a seamless coating, which virtually eliminates the penetration of water into roofing pie. Liquid rubber is used to seal small cracks and cracks and for major repairs.

It is more convenient to apply liquid rubber from a spray bottle.

Its peculiarity is that the material can be applied in two ways:

  • using spraying from a spray bottle - this method is relevant when repairing roofs large area;
  • with a roller or brush - it takes longer, so it is only suitable for local repairs or small buildings.

If you have no experience working with special equipment, then for self-repair roofs, it is better to choose the second method.

Liquid rubber is applied in several layers. Moreover, each subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. This is usually done at intervals of 7–10 minutes.

The application technology itself is as follows:

Video: spraying liquid rubber onto roofing felt

Rolled waterproofing is usually used for major repairs of soft roofs. This requires complete dismantling of the old coating.

Gidroizol - inexpensive roll waterproofing material on a glass base, made with double-sided application of bitumen and coating

This deposited material has the following structure:

  • base (fiberglass or fiberglass);
  • modified bitumen coating on both sides of the base;
  • slate powder as a protective layer.

The waterproofing is spread in two layers. Can be used both cold and hot way installation The laying technology using the fusing method is as follows:

Remember that excessive heat will lead to damage to the material or fire. Hydroizol is also available in the form cold mastic.

Waterproofing in the form of mastic consists of polymer bitumen and is used as a protective roofing layer

Video: how to properly fuse rolled roofing material

Repair equipment

Before starting work, not only the material is prepared, but also necessary equipment. You will need:

If emergency repairs are performed in winter time, then you will need a shovel to clear the roof of snow.

Repair work is carried out in special work clothes: gloves, boots, pants made of thick fabric, safety glasses.

Before working on restoring a soft roof, it is important to consider how badly damaged the covering is. Based on the inspection data, it is easy to make a decision about upcoming work. And then determine: what materials to use, how extensive the repair will be (whether the entire roofing covering will need to be replaced or only the restoration of some layers of the roofing pie).

It is necessary to repair a soft roof when the first defects are detected. Otherwise, leaking water will destroy the insulation, render the hydro- and vapor barrier unusable, and you will have to spend more effort and money on restoration.

The final cost of restoration work depends on the type of soft roof. It is known that to put things in order roll covering much cheaper than rebuilding bitumen shingles.

The price of all activities depends on the chosen repair option:

  1. Cosmetic restoration includes the elimination of minor defects - divergence of seams, holes, dents and swellings.
  2. Capital work consists of complete replacement existing material for qualitatively new components.
  3. Emergency repairs are carried out when it is impossible to efficiently eliminate the damage due to weather or other conditions. The main thing here is to fix the problem, not to preserve the appearance.

Matching Type necessary measures determined based on inspection of the structure from the inside and outside. This will allow us to identify the most problem areas and focus attention on them.

Cosmetic work

Cosmetic repair allows you to return a beautiful appearance roof and at the same time eliminate the leak. They resort to it in cases where water has not spoiled the “roofing pie”.

Defects are usually eliminated in two ways, depending on their type:

  • cracks and holes are eliminated by applying patches and subsequent application of mastic or bitumen;
  • the separated joints are glued again with roofing glue on both sides - top and bottom.

It is more difficult to repair a soft roof with swelling. The reason for this phenomenon is the penetration of moisture into the insulation. To eliminate the defect, the thermal insulation is replaced and a new layer of waterproofing is laid. Air channels are also constructed to circulate air and remove moisture.

Major restoration

Major repairs are required when there is extensive damage to the roofing, when partially filling the holes does not make sense. Measures are also taken due to the aging of the material.

In this case, the work consists of several stages:

  1. Dismantling the old system means removing not only the roof, but also the “pie”.
  2. Drying of all structural elements, processing wooden elements antiseptics.
  3. Laying a vapor-permeable membrane, insulation and waterproofing.
  4. Installation of roofing.

Major repairs may also be necessary in cases of extensive swelling. In this case, in technological process installation work included ventilation ducts with the installation of aerators, gaps are left for air circulation.

Here are the main aspects of soft roof repair. The number of activities and complexity of work depends on the type roof truss, surface area. And if you want to save money and carry out high-quality restoration, then contact a professional company.

Price for soft roof repair

Types of jobsUnitsPrices:
Complete dismantling of the existing roof ( waterproofing coating, screeds, insulation) with garbage removalm2250 rub.
Installation of a two-layer roofing carpet by fusing roll material on a vertical surfacem2350 rub.
Thermal insulation device made of slabs 150 mm thickm2200 rub.
Device cement-sand screed thickness up to 50 mmm2300 rub.
Installation of reinforced cement-sand screed up to 50 mm thickm2350 rub.
Priming the base with a primerm2100 rub.
Deflection device made of expanded clay with an average thickness of 100 mmm2200 rub.
Fused single-layer vapor barrier devicem2150 rub.
Dry vapor barrier devicem280 rub.
Installation of drainage funnelsm22000 rub.
Installation of roof aerators and deflectorsm22500 rub.
Dry coating of parapets up to 500 mm wide with galvanized steelm2300 rub.
Installation of an apron made of galvanized steel at the junction of the roofing carpet to vertical surfacesm30 rub.

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