Drill for timber for dowels. Reviews from experienced builders - how to properly install dowels in the timber of the wall of a timber house? What are wooden dowels made from? What is the diameter of the dowel for timber 150

Most traditional material for the construction of a private house - timber. It can be made from the most different breeds tree. IN lately very popular laminated veneer lumber, which is made on the basis new technology by using adhesive compositions. The section of timber for building a house is chosen based on climatic conditions and the purpose of the building: whether it will be used year-round or seasonally. The question: “How to lay timber?” can be answered. The timber is placed in two ways: “in the paw” or “in the cup”. The last option is also called "in oblo". Both of these installation methods are difficult to work with and require certain knowledge and experience in working with log houses. It is better to entrust such work to a recognized master, since not every builder will undertake it. But, nevertheless, you can build a house from timber with your own hands if you master alternative ways: “in the groove” or “in the key.”

Laying timber "in the groove"

For external walls, timber with a cross section of no less than 150/150 is used, and for internal walls - 100/150. It is laid on a waterproofing layer, which is often roofing felt laid in two layers. The lower plane of the timber can be impregnated with bitumen. Internal walls put on tow. In order to connect the ends of the beams, a recess is made in one of them - a groove. The second beam is cut to the width and length of this groove, and inserted into the first one. Please note that the connection must be tight. If necessary, add a layer of tow

Laying timber "into a key"

Notches of the same size are cut at the ends of both beams. It must be taken into account that the sides of the beams must form a right angle. By aligning the notches, we get a hole into which a wooden die is driven.

When building walls, each next row of beams is laid on a layer of tow. All its hanging ends must be tucked into the cracks. It is necessary to ensure that there are no vertical deviations. The side edges of the beam must form a single plane. The ends should also form a straight line. Simultaneously with the construction of the walls, floors are installed. Why are there recesses in the wall beams for laying beams? After assembling the house, all seams are caulked using tow.

Fastening timber with dowels

This method is one of the most common. To understand how timber is laid, you need to know how to fasten it. A dowel is a wooden or other part that is driven into a hole drilled in a beam. For a 150/150 section, the length of the dowel must be at least 260 mm. It can be either regular or polished. Instead of wood, you can use pieces of cut reinforcement with a diameter of 8 mm. A hole is drilled in the timber for it using a 10 mm drill. If you take a smaller diameter, the reinforcement will “hang”. Then the timber is laid, the holes are aligned and the dowel is driven on top. Then a hammer is taken and the reinforcement is driven deeper another 2-3 cm. Holes in the beams can be made before laying, on the ground. The main thing is to accurately measure their location.

Homes from natural wood have now regained popularity. But wood is far from a homogeneous material, therefore, during the shrinkage process, slight deformation occurs; different parts of the house take on their final appearance unevenly.

This raises the problem of fastening the beams together, which will ensure reliability, on the one hand, and uniform shrinkage, on the other. The solution was found a long time ago - dowels. The element differs in size, cross-sectional shape (circle or square), and material of manufacture.

Types of dowels

There are many types of fasteners, but they are conventionally divided into groups according to material and shape. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Material of manufacture

Two types are actively used:

  1. Wooden. Most experts strongly recommend using a wooden tenon when constructing wooden structures. The main advantages when choosing such fasteners are given:
    • Even drying. The beam and dowel should be approximately the same moisture content. This will allow the shrinkage process to proceed with virtually no visible changes;
    • Not affected by temperature changes. The tree practically does not change linear dimensions at different temperatures, so the fastening element will always be in place;
    • No rust. Metal rusts over time, which leads to rotting of wooden surfaces in contact with it;
    • There is no condensation. With a sharp change in temperature, moisture forms on steel, which is completely useless inside a load-bearing wall.
    • The dowel fuses with the wall. After a certain time, the house will become monolithic, wooden surfaces get soldered.
  2. Metal. This option also applies to budget method fastenings, waste (pipes, fittings) are often used. Although experts prefer the previous method, The metal dowel has its advantages:
    • The top layers of wood are protected from torsion;
    • Durability of the structure.


There are also several main forms:

  1. Round section. Taking into account the fact that the holes for fastening in the log are made with a drill, the round dowel will provide the maximum contact area, guaranteeing the reliability and durability of the structure;
  2. Square. It is easier to make such an element; it also costs less. But that's where the positives end. When entering the hole, the edges of the spike are deformed, and total area contact remains minimal. Building a house this way is dangerous;
  3. Narrow rectangle. The easiest option to manufacture. A board of a certain thickness is taken and cut into rectangles. The only advantage is the very small thickness. Suitable for narrow timber, but installation is extremely difficult.

We make the dowel with our own hands

This type of fastener is sold in stores, but you can make it at home without much difficulty. Wood element is made as follows:

  • scraps of boards are taken, from which beams measuring 25 by 25 centimeters are cut;
  • stakes are made, 1.5 thickness long construction timber, with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters;
  • The corners are cut off with an ax to give a rounded shape.

But the following must be taken into account:

  • the wood for fastening must be harder than timber. Nowadays birch is most often used for these purposes;
  • the dowel should not differ significantly in humidity from the main structural element;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use a dowel with a knot.

We carry out calculations

Depending on the chosen fastening technology, it is possible to determine with sufficient accuracy the number of dowels and calculate their correct characteristics.

Deciding on the sizes

There are many scientific works, which will help you determine the diameter of the dowel. But in the professional environment of carpenters and builders, certain rules have already been formed:

  • for timber with a thickness of 20 centimeters or less, a dowel with a diameter of 25 millimeters is used;
  • more thick timber fastened with a 3-centimeter spike;
  • timber thicker than 0.2 meters can be fastened with a 2.5 cm dowel, but subject to the step being reduced to a meter.

The length is determined even more simply - the most common and recommended method is to fasten two logs with a dowel one and a half beams long.

Counting the quantity

Even small sauna will require quite a large number of spikes to be purchased or made, which can take a long time. Therefore, it is better to know the number of fasteners in advance.

There are fastening rules:

  • the first dowel is inserted at a distance of 20 to 70 centimeters to the corner;
  • the step is from one and a half to 2 meters;
  • It is necessary to fasten two adjacent logs in height.

Knowing these tricks, the height of the structure, the diameter of the timber, you can easily calculate the number of dowels needed for construction.

Fastening technology


Use a powerful drill if you need to make holes directly on construction site or a machine, if the timber is prepared in advance.

The second method is common in the West and allows you to assemble the structure of almost any house in a few days. But it requires attentiveness, accurate drawing, and professionalism.

In the first and second cases, the rule remains unshakable - the hole must be strictly vertical.

The diameter of the drill and the thickness of the dowel must match, and for the upper tiers of the timber the hole should be even two millimeters larger. This is how you get rid of sagging load-bearing structure due to small vertical load. The hole is made 2 centimeters longer than necessary so that the tenon can move smoothly during shrinkage.


Typically a sledgehammer weighing several kilograms is used. The dowel is driven inward below the edge of the beam to the end of the hole; nozzles (usually made of brass) are used for this.

Correct location

The ideal option is when the dowels are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. But strictly vertical direction along parallel lines is also allowed and does not significantly affect the strength.

A gap of at least thirty centimeters before the start of the opening is recommended. The distance of the fastener to the corner should not exceed 70 centimeters. The step can vary from a meter to 3, depending on the material from which the timber is made (hard varieties require a smaller step).

Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any other fastening element, the dowel has a number of positive aspects, as well as a liability of shortcomings.


  1. The spike provides reliable grip and prevents the crown from sagging;
  2. Provides long-term reliability under bending loads, which nails and bolts cannot boast of;
  3. Promotes uniform shrinkage of the house. Fastening element moves freely on a vertical plane, preventing horizontal deformations;
  4. The wooden product is not subject to the formation of moisture and corrosion, excluding the process of rotting;
  5. Extremely cheap. Even buying ready-made dowels won’t put a big dent in your pocket, allowing you to minimize your budget.

But there are also disadvantages:

  1. Difficult to install. Absolute vertical arrangement, ideal selection of diameter implies the presence of decent construction skills;
  2. Serious quality requirements. The presence of knots or heterogeneity of the material can lead to disastrous consequences;
  3. Excessive force when driving often leads to cracks in the timber. After which it needs to be changed.

There is a set of installation tricks that will allow you to build your dream home that will last for many years:

  1. Chess order. The condition is not mandatory, but highly recommended by carpenters of all stripes;
  2. To avoid sagging, it is necessary to use round-shaped wooden dowels. Square products are mainly promoted by manufacturers as they are easier to manufacture;
  3. When clogging, you can and should reduce friction. To do this, it is enough to use a soap solution;
  4. It is recommended to use birch fasteners. This guarantees the reliability of the structure, gives a certain charm, and does not increase the cost of construction;
  5. Similar humidity between tenon and timber– a fundamental condition for the durability of the structure. You need to pay close attention to this;
  6. Feel free to use additional elements fastenings Science does not stand still modern devices can make the task much easier.

Round wooden dowels can be made quite easily at home.

Holes of the required diameter are drilled in the steel matrix plate at an angle of 45-60° to the surface of the plate.

The workpiece rack is clamped into the chuck of an electric drill and, having inserted the plate into the hole, is gradually passed through it.

When the workpiece is rotated, the sharp edges of the hole cut off excess wood and form a cylindrical rod, which is cut into dowels of the required length.

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  • Dowel cutter Some projects require large number dowels of the same length. To quickly and accurately cut short sections while keeping your hands away from the saw blade, you can
  • Homemade dowels and round tenons Knowing how to mill round tenons by milling, you can turn any drilling machine with a Forstner drill installed into a machine for selecting nests. In addition, you can always make
  • Round templates will help where a compass cannot cope. Before installing the workpiece on the machine, use it to band saw need to be given round shape- then it will be balanced, and, in addition, you will not have to do hard work on rough
  • A “shelf” of beds In families with many children of the same age, folding beds like these will be especially convenient. This multi-tiered “shelf” crib can stand in the corner of the room during the day without taking up space for games and
  • Template for dowels This template is designed for accurately marking holes for dowels when connecting boards into a board.

Do-it-yourself dowels for timber

The construction of structures made of wood implies the mandatory use of special fastening fragments. Such elements are aimed at ensuring that the design is of high quality, reliable, monolithic, and as durable as possible.

An integral part of the structure are dowels, or dowels. It is the quality of this part that determines the reliability of the entire structure. You can easily make dowels for timber even with your own hands. The procedure is not anything particularly complicated. The main thing is to follow the chosen method.

What are wooden dowels?

First, it’s worth understanding what the dowel itself is. The part is a miniature fragment made to strengthen the walls of a log house made of timber. In this case, it is the diameter of the dowels for the timber that acts as one of the most key characteristics.

The purpose of the dowels may be different. For example, wooden dowels are aimed at fixing log structures. The detail allows you to slow down a variety of negative consequences that invariably accompany the functioning of wooden structures. It could be:

Such peculiar pins, installed correctly and correctly, will make the building stable. The beams of the structure will be placed in such a way that they will remain unchanged after a couple of months and after several decades.

Spikes for fixing timber: which ones to choose and why?

The most popular are dowels made from hard wood.

Fastening timber with dowels

The most durable options are spikes made of oak or birch. It is not possible to deform, bend, or break them. However, there is one condition. They must be properly secured. What are their shape and sizes? Optimal solution– details of rounded contours.

Their length should not exceed 25 mm. Wooden dowels must be smooth and even not only at the point of installation, but over the entire surface. It is these nails that guarantee the longest possible service life.

Installing dowels in timber is mandatory rule for lumber and log structures. Birch thorns are the most common option. Such dowels cannot become an analogue of self-tapping screws or primitive nails. If they are used, it is impossible to guarantee the stability and reliability of the structure. It is also worth abandoning the use of reinforcement. Metal versions may result in a number of negative consequences, which is explained by the direct interaction of materials with different parameters thermal conductivity. What can the use of metal dowels lead to? It could be:

  • condensation formation;
  • coating the surface of the spikes with rust;
  • rotting of the entire layer of wood.

The nuances of creating dowels

How to make dowels for timber? It's actually a simple procedure. It's easy to do it yourself. To do this, you will need to use logs of a certain length. The blanks (ideally made from birch) must be split into many small fragments. It is advisable to make them in the form of squares. Then you will need to trim them. This is done manually. It is recommended to give the workpieces a rounded shape of the required diameter.

Owners lathe making dowels is very simple. Using it, elements are created quickly and accurately. If there are no wooden logs, you can always use cuttings from shovels that have already gone out of use. To give them required dimensions and shape, you just need to cut them. Round parts can also be easily created using a circular saw.

Subtleties of fastening dowels made of wood

How is the beam fastened with dowels? You can also do it yourself, without using the services of professionals. The procedure is extremely simple. Using wood tenons will first require finding the middle of the plane being used. At this point it is necessary to make the appropriate markings. This is where the hole will be created later.

Now you need to drill a hole using a drill. It is in this that you will then need to attach the dowels. That is why it is very important to choose the drill diameter correctly. Its dimensions must be identical to the same parameters of the spike. As for the depth, it is 1.5 timber. The question of what dowels for 150x150 timber turns out to be quite simple. Here you can see how this procedure is performed.

In this case, the task itself disappears: how to drill the timber for the dowels. Undoubtedly, best option- This is a modern drill. It is much more important to ensure that the hole is processed correctly. The entry angle depends on the position of the drill. It must be strictly perpendicular to the base itself. Competency in performing this step will allow you to avoid problems with the installation of fragments in the future. It is also worth remembering that if the dowel is located extremely loosely in the timber, this will deprive the structure of all the advantages of this type of fasteners. You should also avoid excessive density. The length of the dowel should not be longer than established sizes. Protrusion of a part above the surface leads to problems during the inevitable shrinkage of the structure.

Some secrets of the procedure

A dowel made of wood, like the metal versions, is aimed at connecting 2 logs or beams. That is why there are several secrets on how to properly attach them. Professional assembly of timber for dowels implies:

  • compliance with chess alternation, taking into account the perimeter of the structure;
  • the optimal distance between them is in the range from 1000 to 1500 mm;
  • proper combination of openings and bowls of approximately 300 mm;
  • coincidence of the degree of humidity of the dowels with a given parameter of the base itself.

The photo shows how to install it yourself without errors. Those holes that needed to be pre-drilled with a drill are now filled with core buttons. They are the ones needed to mark the timber. If you don’t have such a special fragment at hand, you can sharpen it in pencil format. Its diameter must correspond to the prepared hole. They should be attached directly to the center of the base.

The next step is to lay a couple of boards on a perfectly flat and smooth surface. In this case, the parts need to be barely pressed against each other. However, most builders are interested in the question of how to drive dowels into timber. The tenon must be placed as tightly as possible in the groove. There should be no bevels or other defects between the timber and the dowel. In this case, you will not need to drill anything else. Nagel will do his job with ease.

For this purpose, you can use a marking thicknesser. When the tenons are installed, you need to treat the fragments of the boards with glue. This will allow you to connect the workpieces that need to be firmly clamped during the process and then dried.


Dowels for timber: do-it-yourself manufacturing process

  • Purpose and features of dowels
  • Manufacturing Guide
  • Installation sequence
  • The use of dowels in the construction of houses and baths

As a rule, the construction of any wooden building associated with the use of fasteners in the work. They help create strong, monolithic structure, independent of the type of building. Dowels, or dowels, are an integral part of any building. Their quality determines the reliability of the structure. You can make dowels for timber with your own hands, following a certain technique.

Scheme of inter-crown connection using a dowel.

The dowel is a small element, but it is impossible to do without this detail. It provides reliable fastening of timber and log walls. These fasteners were called dowels back in ancient times by carpenters from Vyatka. In the 18th-20th centuries, the construction of huts made of timber and logs began to actively develop there. In that era, one could observe the active development of woodworking production, as a result of which a construction boom arose.

Then home from natural wood folded using birch spikes. The construction of log houses in those parts and throughout the territory of our country began to be carried out using precisely this type of material. Any carpenter knew this.

Purpose and features of dowels

Diagrams and sizes of various dowels for corner mount timber.

Wooden dowels are specially designed for fastening log walls pins. They prevent such natural processes in wood, as drying out, as a result of which the tree changes its original properties and becomes deformed.

The use of such bolts will help to avoid the process of displacement of logs in the wall. Their correct installation will provide the structure with stability; the bars will be positioned as they were in the initial position.

The most popular are dowels made from hardwood. Birch or oak dowels cannot be broken if they are correct installation. Most often they are given a rounded shape and a size corresponding to 24-25 mm. Wood nails must be even and smooth along the entire length.

Pins are a material that helps hold a wall in a certain position.

Connections on dowels

Dowels are used in mandatory, regardless of whether the building is log or timber. The most widespread are birch thorns.

These wooden bolts cannot be replaced with other components such as nails or screws, the use of which will only worsen the situation. In addition, you should not use dowels on metal base, which are most often reinforcement. As a result, it is possible to observe the interaction of materials with different degrees of thermal conductivity.

As a result of this, on inner surface condensation may appear on the timber, but this is completely unnecessary. In this case, the reinforcement will begin to rust and the wood will rot.

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Manufacturing Guide

Wooden dowels should be smooth and round in shape.

You can make dowels for timber yourself; it is only important to know about some nuances. To do this, you need to take birch logs of a given length and split them into many parts, creating blanks square shape. Then manually trim them, giving them a rounded shape of a certain diameter.

If you have a lathe, all elements can be carefully and quickly turned. In addition, you can use disused cuttings from shovels as a base for the spike. To give them the desired shape, you just need to cut them and make blanks. Round tenons can also be made using a circular saw.

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Installation sequence

The procedure for working with wooden tenons comes down to the following points: first you need to find the middle on the desired plane and mark the future hole.

  1. By using drilling machine it is necessary to make a recess. A spike will be inserted into it. The diameter of the drill should be the same as that of the dowel. Depth – 1.5 timber.
  2. If the fastener is too loose in the hole, it will not be able to fully perform its function. If the dowel is too dense and protrudes above the surface, problems may arise as a result of the natural shrinkage of the building.
  3. When machining a hole, you need to ensure that the angle of the drill is perpendicular to the base. This will help avoid problems when connecting parts. The dowel connects 2 beams or logs, and this must be done in a checkerboard pattern along the perimeter of the log house wall. In this case, the permissible distance between them will be 1000-1500 mm.
  4. From the combination of bowls and openings it is necessary to make an indent of 300 mm. During installation, the moisture level of the dowels must match the moisture content of the timber itself.
  5. It is necessary to insert core buttons into the resulting hole, intended for marking the hole on another board. In the absence of such a detail, it is quite possible to resort to self-production. To do this, you need to sharpen the rod in the form of a pencil so that there is a needle in the middle. Insert it into the hole.
  6. Then two boards are laid on flat surface, slightly pressed against each other. Thus, a marking appears on a clean board for drilling a recess for a tenon.

The dowel must fit tightly and without bevels in the grooves of the timber, otherwise it will not fulfill its function.

For such purposes, you can use a marking thicknesser. Here it is important to correctly find the middle of the desired surfaces.

You need to insert a rod into the resulting holes, treat parts of the boards with glue, connect the workpieces and clamp them into a clamp. Then you need to dry the structure.

  1. Holes for dowels should be made correctly. This connection has its own peculiarity: it cannot be changed at the time of assembly.
  2. A prerequisite is to drill the recesses strictly perpendicularly.
  3. You should not make too deep holes, this can lead to the dowel coming out of the board. They shouldn't hang around.

Do-it-yourself dowels for timber

The construction of structures made of wood implies the mandatory use of special fastening fragments. Such elements are aimed at ensuring that the design is of high quality, reliable, monolithic, and as durable as possible.

An integral part of the structure are dowels, or dowels. It is the quality of this part that determines the reliability of the entire structure. You can easily make dowels for timber even with your own hands. The procedure is not anything particularly complicated. The main thing is to follow the chosen method.

What are wooden dowels?

First, it’s worth understanding what the dowel itself is. The part is a miniature fragment made to strengthen the walls of a log house made of timber. In this case, it is the diameter of the dowels for the timber that acts as one of the most key characteristics.

The purpose of the dowels may be different. For example, wooden dowels are aimed at fixing log structures. The detail allows you to slow down a variety of negative consequences that invariably accompany the functioning of wooden structures. It could be:

Such peculiar pins, installed correctly and correctly, will make the building stable. The beams of the structure will be placed in such a way that they will remain unchanged after a couple of months and after several decades.

Spikes for fixing timber: which ones to choose and why?

The most popular are dowels made from hard wood. The most durable options are spikes made of oak or birch. It is not possible to deform, bend, or break them. However, there is one condition. They must be properly secured. What are their shape and sizes? The optimal solution is details with rounded contours. Their length should not exceed 25 mm. Wooden dowels must be smooth and even not only at the point of installation, but over the entire surface. It is these nails that guarantee the longest possible service life.

Installing dowels in timber is a mandatory rule for timber and log structures. Birch thorns are the most common option. Such dowels cannot become an analogue of self-tapping screws or primitive nails. If they are used, it is impossible to guarantee the stability and reliability of the structure. It is also worth abandoning the use of reinforcement. Metal versions can lead to a number of negative consequences, which is explained by the direct interaction of materials with different thermal conductivity parameters. What can the use of metal dowels lead to? It could be:

  • condensation formation;
  • coating the surface of the spikes with rust;
  • rotting of the entire layer of wood.

The nuances of creating dowels

How to make dowels for timber? It's actually a simple procedure. It's easy to do it yourself. To do this, you will need to use logs of a certain length. The blanks (ideally made from birch) must be split into many small fragments. It is advisable to make them in the form of squares. Then you will need to trim them. This is done manually. It is recommended to give the workpieces a rounded shape of the required diameter.

It is very easy for lathe owners to make dowels. Using it, elements are created quickly and accurately. If there are no wooden logs, you can always use cuttings from shovels that have already gone out of use. To give them the required size and shape, you just need to cut them. Round parts can also be easily created using a circular saw.

Subtleties of fastening dowels made of wood

How is the beam fastened with dowels? You can also do it yourself, without using the services of professionals. The procedure is extremely simple. Using wood tenons will first require finding the middle of the plane being used. At this point it is necessary to make the appropriate markings. This is where the hole will be created later.

Now you need to drill a hole using a drill. It is in this that you will then need to attach the dowels. That is why it is very important to choose the drill diameter correctly. Its dimensions must be identical to the same parameters of the spike. As for the depth, it is 1.5 timber. The question of what dowels for 150x150 timber turns out to be quite simple. Here you can see how this procedure is performed.

In this case, the task itself disappears: how to drill the timber for the dowels. Of course, the best option is a modern drill. It is much more important to ensure that the hole is processed correctly. The entry angle depends on the position of the drill. It must be strictly perpendicular to the base itself. Competency in performing this step will allow you to avoid problems with the installation of fragments in the future. It is also worth remembering that if the dowel is located extremely loosely in the timber, this will deprive the structure of all the advantages of this type of fasteners. You should also avoid excessive density. The length of the dowel should not be greater than the established dimensions. Protrusion of a part above the surface leads to problems during the inevitable shrinkage of the structure.

Some secrets of the procedure

A dowel made of wood, like the metal versions, is aimed at connecting 2 logs or beams. That is why there are several secrets on how to properly attach them. Professional assembly of timber for dowels implies:

  • compliance with chess alternation, taking into account the perimeter of the structure;
  • the optimal distance between them is in the range from 1000 to 1500 mm;
  • proper combination of openings and bowls of approximately 300 mm;
  • coincidence of the degree of humidity of the dowels with a given parameter of the base itself.

The photo shows how to install it yourself without errors. Those holes that needed to be pre-drilled with a drill are now filled with core buttons. They are the ones needed to mark the timber. If you don’t have such a special fragment at hand, you can sharpen it in pencil format. Its diameter must correspond to the prepared hole. They should be attached directly to the center of the base.

The next step is to lay a couple of boards on a perfectly flat and smooth surface. In this case, the parts need to be barely pressed against each other. However, most builders are interested in the question of how to drive dowels into timber. The tenon must be placed as tightly as possible in the groove. There should be no bevels or other defects between the timber and the dowel. In this case, you will not need to drill anything else. Nagel will do his job with ease.

For this purpose, you can use a marking thicknesser. When the tenons are installed, you need to treat the fragments of the boards with glue. This will allow you to connect the workpieces that need to be firmly clamped during the process and then dried.


This article was born as a by-product when creating another article. But I think it will be interesting as a way out of a situation where there is no time or opportunity to go to a construction store.

While creating another Mozgochin project, I discovered that I had run out of dowels. It was late, plus it was pouring rain outside, so I didn’t see any point in going to the store. It was decided to make the dowels ourselves.

Wooden dowels are used in furniture production for positioning and connecting parts made of chipboard, MDF, plywood, solid wood and other materials to each other.

So, to make dowels we need:

  • slats, glazing beads or production waste of a suitable size;
  • die;
  • drill;
  • sandpaper.

We take scraps of suitable size (left over from making the legs of the ironing board). We clamp them in the drill chuck.

And we drive it through a die clamped in a vice.

In principle, this is already a semi-finished product, but you can walk through sandpaper to give smoothness.

Although most of the time I don't do this. When driving the dowels, the “thread” becomes wrinkled, and only makes the connection stronger. Yes, and the glue is absorbed better.

Now all that remains is to cut it into the necessary pieces. For marking, I made this device.

It seems a little expensive to drive a circular engine for them, but a turbine is just the thing.

In total, we have a bunch of dowels quickly and without much effort.

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