How to quickly clean an apartment - general cleaning. Cleaning the Bathroom: Step-by-Step Guide - Video

spring-cleaning in a house or apartment is a labor-intensive, but necessary task. It needs to be done regularly, otherwise your home will quickly become untidy and will cease to be a pleasant place to return to after work.

In order not to waste extra energy and time, it is better to think in advance about the order in which it is most convenient to carry out it, and get ready for painstaking and careful work.

Checking inventory availability

Any major cleaning begins with preparing the equipment. The set of tools needed for general cleaning largely depends on the size of the home and the financial capabilities of the family. Many items will be very useful when putting things in order. So, a washing vacuum cleaner will speed up the process of removing dirt from carpets, but you can easily do without it.

There is also such equipment that it is absolutely impossible to do without:

  • water bucket;
  • mop or floor brush;
  • rags or napkins for wet cleaning (separately for floors, furniture, etc.)
  • vacuum cleaner or regular broom;
  • unnecessary newspapers (they will be needed for wiping windows and mirrors);
  • latex gloves;
  • as well as detergents and cleaners for various surfaces.

Making a general cleaning plan

Many housewives do not quite correctly understand what spring cleaning is, believing that to restore cleanliness it is enough to wash the floors and deal with the mess that inevitably forms in closets and bedside tables. In fact, major cleaning includes a lot of activities: cleaning the bathroom and toilet, removing grease from kitchen items, washing bed linen, curtains and furniture covers as well as washing windows, mirrors, lighting fixtures, baseboards and even walls.

It is advisable to clean the premises in a certain order:

  1. Rooms (if the apartment has a balcony, you need to start from the room where it is located, or, if there is none, from the room farthest from the bathroom, so that you don’t have to walk through it later).
  2. Kitchen.
  3. Entrance hall, corridor, as well as utility rooms - balcony, veranda, storage room, etc.
  4. And last but not least, the bathroom.

When cleaning any room, you need to start from the top and move down, gradually cleaning all surfaces. The general principle is simple: first, clean what will not need to be touched later: chandeliers, mirrors, furniture. The floors are washed last (otherwise it will still get dirty during the cleaning process).

The general cleaning plan for both the room and the kitchen includes several stages:

  1. Throw away trash and all unnecessary items.
  2. Prepare the room for a thorough cleaning. Remove curtains from windows and fabric covers from furniture: bedspreads from sofas and armchairs, tablecloths from tables. Roll them up and put them in one place (then these items will need to be shaken out and, if necessary, washed). Place all small items in a safe place.
  3. While the rooms will be cleaned and utility rooms, you can put things in washing machine.
  4. Vacuum the carpets on the floor, then roll them up and also take them out. place where they won't interfere. If possible, it is also better to remove wall hangings and place the wall behind them.
  5. After this, wipe off dust and cobwebs from all horizontal surfaces: first - from the ceiling, then from the lids of cabinets and chests of drawers.
  6. Wash chandeliers, sconces and other fixtures.
  7. Wash the windows. First, wipe the inner frame with a damp sponge and cleaning solution. Only after this we begin to wash the glass. Wipe it with a damp cloth without soap, spray it with glass cleaner and wipe it dry with newspaper or a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well. In the same way, tidy up mirrors and glass furniture.
  8. Wipe with a damp cloth or wash the furniture.
  9. Clean up your closets and wipe away any dust from the souvenirs and dishes in them.
  10. Return washed curtains and bedspreads to their places.
  11. Clean the floors.
  12. Once the bulk of the cleaning is done, knock out or simply shake out all carpets, rugs and runners and place them back on the floor.

If necessary, this order can be changed. Each housewife herself determines what needs to be done first and what should be left for later.

Throwing away unnecessary things

Before you start general cleaning, you should get rid of all the excess junk that has accumulated in the house. Go through all the things (especially those that don't have permanent place and create chaos). You may no longer use some of them. Throw away everything unnecessary, and hand over what still retains its “marketable appearance” to a thrift store or take it to church or Orphanage: perhaps someone needs this particular item in life.

Place all broken or broken items in the trash: do not store chipped dishes, torn dresses, or broken equipment. All this just takes up extra space and gives the apartment an untidy look. If you do a general cleaning without emptying the rooms, the mess will quickly return, despite all your efforts.

Room cleaning

The method of putting things in order in each family has its own nuances. Any instructions will be sketchy, since in a children's room a mandatory cleaning item will be disassembling toys and washing “rock paintings” from the walls, and in the living room the main attention will have to be paid to removing dust from souvenirs and books. However, the process has several mandatory steps:

  1. Vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture, and sleeping mattresses.
  2. Shake out dust from blankets and pillows (this is best done outside or on the balcony).
  3. Thoroughly wash all hard-to-reach places - behind cabinets, in corners, under the sofa and other low furniture.
  4. Tidy up the windows. First washes inner part, then - external. Wipe the frame with a damp sponge and cleaning solution. Only after this do we begin to wash the glass: remove dust from it with a damp cloth without soap, and spray it with glass cleaner. And wipe dry with newspapers or a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well. Mirrors and glass furniture will need to be cleaned in the same way.
  5. After the windows, it’s the furniture’s turn: wipe it down wet rag, and if necessary, wash.
  6. Objects from all horizontal surfaces will need to be removed and cleaned of dust.
  7. And do finishing touches: rearrange decorative items, change the water in vases of flowers, etc.

Carpet cleaning and upholstered furniture It is better to do it using special cleaning products. If you don’t have them, you can dilute dishwashing liquid in water: it removes both dirt and grease well. So, products such as “Fairy” or “AOC” do a good job of removing stains from the sofa.

Lamps and fixtures

No major cleaning can be done without washing the chandelier and other lighting fixtures. If the chandelier has glass parts, it is better to spray them with a glass cleaner from a spray bottle. It is better to prepare 2 napkins in advance: one soaked in clean water, you will need to wash off the dust and wipe the second one dry. After such a bath, the chandelier will delight you with the play of multi-colored highlights on the pendants. In the same way you can put the sconces in order, desk lamp and other lamps.

Important! Don't forget to lay a film or an old blanket under the chandelier so that the liquid does not spoil the floor.

Cabinets and wall shelves

Now it’s the turn of the top cabinet lids. They need to be wiped first with a wet and then with a dry cloth.

Major cleaning involves putting things in order as thoroughly as possible. Remove all items from drawers and shelves. The inner surface of the doors and the inside of the cabinet can only be wiped with a dry or slightly damp cloth (in the latter case, you will need to wipe everything again, now dry).

Go through your things and carefully put them back in their place. To prevent clothes or toys from creating a mess, you can use special containers or regular plastic bags.

If there is a sideboard in the room, then all the dishes in it need to be washed.

  1. Prepare a large kitchen towel and two deep containers: one for soapy water, the other for clean water. Dilute the cleaning solution: add a little dishwashing detergent and a few drops of ammonia to a container of water.
  2. Take turns removing dishes from the shelves, starting with the bottom.
  3. Wash each item in soapy water, rinse with clean water and place it upside down on a spread towel.
  4. Wash the inside of the cabinet, shelves and doors. If the shelves are transparent, you can pre-spray them with glass cleaner.
  5. Wipe the dishes dry with an absorbent cloth and place them in their places, starting from the top shelf.

WITH wall shelves you need to remove all items and clean them of dust. The shelves themselves also need to be wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth.

Furniture in the rooms

All furniture also needs to be cleaned: soft upholstery Vacuum the sofas and armchairs, plastic surfaces wash. Wooden parts can only be wiped with a barely damp cloth, but in no case wet: otherwise it will begin to dry out. It is better to treat polished furniture with polish and rub it with a soft cloth.

Stained upholstery can be cleaned with a cleaning solution:

  • Treat the surface with a cleaning agent;
  • Wipe with a rag or brush several times, rinsing it in clean water;
  • Wipe with a clean cloth and let dry. You should not use an iron for this purpose, so as not to burn the upholstery material. As a last resort, you can take a hairdryer and dry it with hot air.

Cleaning up the kitchen

General cleaning necessarily includes cleaning the kitchen area.

First, remove all dishes in open areas. You can put it in its proper place, or you can immediately take it to another room so that you can clean everything without interference. kitchen furniture not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Place unwanted chairs and stools in one corner or temporarily move them into another room.

Important! General cleaning rules require washing the floor at the very end of the process; but, if a lot of debris has accumulated on the floor, you can sweep it up immediately so as not to trip over it while cleaning.

After this, sweep away the cobwebs from the ceiling and walls and you can begin the main part of the major cleaning.

  1. Use a grease remover to clean exhaust pipes and ventilation grilles.
  2. Wipe down the tops of cabinets (including wall cabinets) and the refrigerator.
  3. Clean the gas stove, oven and microwave using suitable cleaning products.
  4. The same should be done with the sink and faucet, even if they are cleaned daily.
  5. Remove dishes that are rarely used from cabinets and wash them. While it's drying, wipe down the inside of cabinets and shelves. Then arrange the plates and glasses in their places and move on to the next step.
  6. Wash with outside kitchen furniture, household appliances and doors. Special attention pay attention to devices with plastic parts: They collect a lot of fat and become unkempt over time. Don't forget to wash the legs of chairs and tables, as well as the cabinet under the sink.
  7. Wash windows and glass furniture.
  8. Sweep and wash the floor thoroughly; if necessary, use products to remove stains from linoleum or parquet.
  9. Finally, hang the curtains and return the dishes and accessories.

General cleaning of the bath and toilet

First of all, remove everything that may be in the way: remove the curtain over the bathtub, towels, empty the shelf above the sink, etc.

  1. Wash the ceiling, walls, ventilation grille, radiator. To do this, you can take tile washing liquid or use another suitable cleaning solution.
  2. Clean the faucet, shower stand and shower head, as well as the soap dish and toothbrush holder.
  3. Treat the bathtub and sink with a scale remover.
  4. Wipe the shelves above the bathtub and sink with a damp cloth.
  5. Take out all the bottles, jars, etc. from the hanging cabinet, wipe everything, throw away what has already become unusable, and put the rest in its place.
  6. Don't forget to clean the tub surround, countertop, and doors.
  7. Treat the toilet with a disinfectant solution, wait 5 minutes, then clean it with a brush and wash it outside and inside.
  8. Wipe with a sponge soaked in disinfectant solution, trash can, brush handle and container for it.
  9. Wash the floor.
  10. Hang a new curtain over the bathtub, place a rug on the floor, hang a towel and return all other items to their place.


The hallway is usually the last thing to clean. Before you begin a thorough cleaning of the hallway, remove all clothes and shoes from there to free up space for work.

Getting rid of dust in the hallway is not easy, since it is constantly brought in from the street and settles on all surfaces.

  1. Go over the ceiling and walls with a damp cloth attached to a brush, since a simple dust broom is not enough here.
  2. Wash the doors, shoe rack and top of the coat rack (or wardrobe), as well as all baseboards.
  3. Wipe the cabinet inside and out with a damp sponge.
  4. Clean the lamps and mirror.
  5. Sweep dirt and debris out of the corners, then wash the floor thoroughly.
  6. And the final step is to return all things to their places.

The final stage of cleaning

After cleaning the house, you will have to spend some more time making the beds with freshly washed linen, arranging decorative items in their places - in a word, returning the room to a residential appearance.

General cleaning should be done at least once a month. In addition, twice a year - in autumn and spring - a thorough cleaning of the entire house is carried out. These are the most ambitious measures to combat dirt and debris, since you have to not only clean up, wash chandeliers and small items, but also put in a distant drawer all the things that will no longer be needed this season.

The time required to complete it also depends on what general cleaning includes in your particular case. In any case, this process is long, and it is better to start it on a day off early in the morning.

General cleaning takes a lot of effort, but it does not necessarily have to turn into a tedious and boring undertaking. It’s best to do it with the whole family, which means you can have an interesting time in the company of loved ones. There are many tricks that allow you not only to clean the house, but also to get a powerful charge Have a good mood:

  • Turn on your favorite music and turn cleaning into a small home disco.
  • Divide the housing into sectors and arrange a competition between all family members.
  • If you have small children, combine business with pleasure: hide small inexpensive souvenirs or sweets in different places and turn cleaning the apartment into an interesting quest.
  • Buy your favorite foods in advance that you can't afford at normal times, and reward yourself with a small piece of treat when you finish cleaning each room. This will improve your mood and create the necessary motivation, and active work will burn extra calories without risking your figure.
  • Buy a disc with an interesting audiobook: this way you will restore order, and you will not feel regret from wasting time on a boring activity.

Thorough cleaning of the premises is an essential part of creating comfort in the house. And if you approach the task correctly, it can also become a type of joint leisure.

During the year it is necessary to do general cleaning 2-3 times a year. Especially in spring, it is necessary to clean and remove winter dust from the house.
Let's think about why we need to do general cleaning, then the answer suggests itself. In order to disinfect the air in the house, to remove dust from which allergies can develop. Dust makes furniture and things age, you need to remove the dust so that they do not age. So that harmony and comfort reign in the house in which we live.
You need to have all the necessary detergents and cleaning products in your home; this helps you do cleaning effortlessly.
General cleaning should be divided into several stages. Let's look at them in the order in which I do the cleaning.

Washing windows.
This is the most time-consuming and least favorite housework I do. It is better to do it on a cool day, and not only because the rapid drying of the glass makes it difficult to remove stains on time, but also because the warm spring sun blinds the eyes.
First, we wash the frames to remove cobwebs and dust. And using a rag and detergents, we thoroughly rinse the frames and all the cracks and wipe them dry.
We wash glass using various glass cleaners - wipes and solutions with spray. If suddenly this is not in the house, then you can use ammonia.
After washing, the glass is wiped in the old fashioned way with newspaper, but nowadays there are special rags with fiber that prevent streaks from appearing.
If there are blinds, wash them first.
Then we hang the stretched curtains on the curtain rods.

Washing walls, ceilings and floors.
Using a broom or brush wrapped in a damp cloth, we sweep the walls and ceiling from dust and cobwebs. We periodically remove the rag and rinse it. Pictures, wall lamps and other wall decorations must first be removed and cleaned separately.
Be sure to wipe down places that are not cleaned regularly - these are shelves that are very high, the top of cabinets and other places accessible with a stepladder.
Dust settles under its weight at the bottom, so cleaning must begin from the top. Therefore, you need to brush off the hoop from the ceiling; if the ceilings are suspended, they can be easily washed using glass cleaners and wiped dry with a cloth with fiber.
To achieve the best results from cleaning, you need furniture that can be moved (chairs, sofas, tables), moved away from the walls or out of place. Behind the furniture, wipe the baseboards, corners and floors. Then return the furniture to its place. You can generally rearrange the furniture; there is a sign that if you rearrange the furniture often, it will attract good luck to your home.
Upholstered furniture needs to be vacuumed or you can do a damp beating; to do this, take a large wet rag, cover it, for example, with an area of ​​the sofa, and beat it with a beating tool. A damp cloth will prevent dust from flying away and the sofa will then become lush and refreshed. Sometimes it brings best result than just vacuuming.
Carpets need to be cleaned first, you can do it yourself (see this blog’s article on carpet cleaning) or you can take it to a specialized organization for cleaning.
Before wet cleaning of floors, they must first be vacuumed.

Cleaning closets
It is necessary to carry out an audit of unnecessary things in the closets, or things that have not been used for 1-2 years, they must be mercilessly gotten rid of. This will free up space in the closet and make it possible to fill them with new ones. unnecessary things.
General cleaning is done mainly in the off-season, and therefore it is necessary to remove, for example, winter things from the closet to the mezzanine and put spring and spring clothes in their place. summer seasons.
Wash the dishes in the sideboard, bar, buffet. Remove the books from the cabinet, vacuum them and wipe them with a dry cloth. Wipe the shelves and cabinet walls with a damp cloth, paying special attention to the corners, then wipe dry. Put everything back in its place.
Bathroom cleaning and toilet rooms.
First of all, you need to remove everything from the shelves - put soap dishes, bottles and jars in a basin and take them out of the room for a while. Remove the bathroom curtain and soak it with chlorine - this will help remove stains of mold and dampness from it.
Wash the shelves well with soapy water. Wash the tiles, bathtub, toilet, faucet with detergents intended for this purpose. After that, wash the floor and put back what you took out. Rinse the curtain thoroughly and hang it back when wet.

Cleaning the kitchen
The most difficult and time-consuming thing is cleaning the kitchen. Start by cleaning your electric or gas stove and oven. Then wash the hood on top of the box and change the filter if necessary.
Take everything out of the closet and drawers, do an audit and throw away everything unnecessary. Place change in boxes. Place the dishes in the sink, fill them with water and detergent and let them soak. Wash cabinets and drawers with a cloth and soap solution, then rinse with a cloth with clean water and wipe dry and leave open for a while to air out.
Clean dishes Place in clean and ventilated cabinets and drawers.
Rinse the refrigerator with a special product and throw away expired products.
Wash the walls and floors using products designed for this.

The article addressed the issue how to do general cleaning of an apartment correctly, in the following articles you will learn many more interesting things related to cleaning. See you.

The world around us consists of millions of systems formed by physical and biological laws. Any organism strives for homeostasis - this is a state of constant and harmonious flow of biological processes. Everything in the Universe is dynamically subject to order, for this reason a person has a subconscious desire to live in a clean, ordered space. A clean house is the key to a good mood, free thoughts and good health, which we must provide to our children by using general cleaning of the home.

What is general cleaning and how does it differ from maintenance

General cleaning is a comprehensive cleaning of the home, which is usually carried out at least before the start of each season. Therefore, the procedure is divided into summer, autumn, winter and spring. Each season, especially in countries with a changeable climate, requires compliance with a number of rules that allow you to prepare a house or apartment for the onset of cold weather, increased air humidity, increased temperature, etc. As a rule, in the spring, wardrobe and bedding are replaced with lighter items , warm blankets and fur coats go into closets before the onset of cold weather - all this requires functional changes, and this is why seasonal cleaning is needed.

General cleaning is integral to maintenance, since the frequency of general cleaning depends on the frequency of routine cleaning of the premises. Everyday cleaning of your home allows you to maintain the level of cleanliness achieved through comprehensive cleaning. Classic cleaning is carried out at least once a week, but the number of procedures depends on a number of factors, for example, the presence of children, animals in the house, the geographical location of the home, the presence of industrial infrastructure around.

In order to better understand what spring cleaning is, let’s highlight its main features:

  • cleaning the space under stationary furniture (cabinets, sofas, beds);
  • washing walls and ceilings;
  • the washing up window frames and glass on both sides, this also includes caring for the entrance and interior doors;
  • cleaning the joints between tiles on the kitchen splashback, floor and walls in the bathroom, hallway, etc.;
  • cleaning furniture and carpets using special products;
  • technical maintenance of climate control equipment.

What does it take to create order?

To successfully restore order, you need to prepare by collecting all the equipment and household chemicals that will become your faithful assistants throughout the entire cleaning period. You don’t have to buy expensive mops, rags and cleaning products; you can make some products yourself, for example, use mustard to whiten towels or vinegar to rub glass and mirrors. Let's consider the minimum set of tools required for effective general cleaning in the apartment.

Necessary equipment

First of all, you need to take care of your own hand skin, which dries and cracks with prolonged contact with water. Most household chemicals used during cleaning are aggressive to the skin and can cause significant damage to the dermis, so the first and most important assistant tool is rubber gloves. It is better if it is thick rubber with talc inside, in which case the gloves will be easier to put on and take off, and talc is also able to absorb sweat that comes out of the palms while working in non-ventilated rubber gloves. You should pay attention to the size - it is indicated on the product packaging (you should compare the size of your hand with the specified parameters on the label). It is important that the gloves do not slip and fit tightly around the entire hand, preventing water from penetrating inside.

When choosing household gloves, you should pay attention to the special scale on the packaging, designed to help the buyer decide on the size

Having taken care of your skin, you can proceed to the selection necessary tools to combat dirt and dust. You need to prepare a bucket of water and rags different sizes: you will need soft rags for floors (if you have a mop-brush or a mop-roller - very good), rags for wiping dust, rubbing surfaces, sponges and washcloths with an abrasive structure, which are needed for wiping off old stains, seams between tiles and other difficult stains . You need to make sure that there is a special brush for washing windows with a telescopic handle, using it it is easier to wash the glass not only from the inside, but also from the outside, especially balcony double glazed windows.
During the general cleaning process, you will need a lot of equipment: a variety of brushes, rags, mop, buckets, household chemicals, etc.

It also wouldn’t hurt to have a ladder, with which you can easily and safely reach ceiling moldings, lamps, cornices and the ceilings themselves. If there is a problem of lack of space, it is important to purchase or otherwise obtain cardboard boxes in which you can put things that are not needed, but would be a pity to throw away. Ideally, it is better to get rid of everything unnecessary, but this event is only possible for those who have achieved true enlightenment and comprehended Zen. About such assistants as a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, ready to accept a portion of stale curtains and other things, we won’t say, since these are things that go without saying.

Household chemicals

The topic of selecting and using household chemicals during general cleaning is vast and rather conventional. It all depends on how much effort everyone is willing to spend on cleaning, pay money for a quality product, and what surfaces they will have to interact with. Let's consider the main groups of household chemical products that should be used when resorting to comprehensive home cleaning:

  • concentrates for cleaning floors (you should purchase specialized products for cleaning wooden floors and tiles, since the aggressive environment of some detergents can bleach the wood or cause the flooring to peel off);
  • compositions for cleaning windows, mirrors, glass surfaces;
  • tile cleaners (can be in the form of fine powder, gel, concentrate);
  • foam for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • compositions for cleaning household appliances, metal or enamel surfaces (it will be good if you have in your arsenal compositions that allow you to remove old grease and plaque, which often remains in ovens);
  • special solutions for caring for wooden and lacquered furniture;
  • disinfectants for the toilet, as well as products for removing calcium deposits from faucets, sinks, bathtubs (it is important to consider the material from which the bathtub or shower cabin is made; each material, be it cast iron, stainless steel, acrylic or plastic, has its own special cleaning agents).

General cleaning - everything in order

In order to quickly and effectively deal with clutter, you need to divide the space into several separate zones. It is much more difficult to clean an entire apartment or house than to clean a kitchen or bedroom; the key to productive cleaning is decomposing one complex task into several easier ones. Therefore, we draw up a cleaning plan and gradually move through the zones, clearing the space.


First things first initial stage You should start cleaning the kitchen, as this is the most difficult area that requires special attention. It is important to start with it because it is (in most cases) an isolated space that you do not have to come into contact with while cleaning all other rooms. When starting to wash and clean, let’s use the basic rule - let’s start from top to bottom:

  • if there are textiles on the windows, then they need to be removed and sent for washing; it is also better to dismantle the blinds and wash them thoroughly;
  • if there are dishes left in the sink, then you need to get rid of them;
    The washing up dirty dishes- this is one of the first stages of putting the kitchen in order, without which a complete cleaning will not be possible
  • To clean dust and cobwebs that collect in the corners of the room under the ceiling, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner for this. Use a damp cloth to go over the baguettes, if there are any, and also wipe down the cabinets kitchen set above. Kitchen fronts it is also necessary to wipe; if the cabinets are covered with a glossy film or painted with glossy paint, then you should use a special furniture cleaner or use a window cleaning liquid, but only one that does not contain alcohol;
  • Put the refrigerator to defrost - this activity needs to be done from time to time, even if this household appliance is equipped with know frost technology. More accurate information about defrosting a specific refrigerator can be obtained from the manual supplied with it by the manufacturer;
    Any refrigerator, even one equipped with know frost technology, requires defrosting, the frequency of which is indicated in the operating instructions
  • audit of kitchen utensils and everything that is hidden in the cabinets. The cabinets need to be emptied and thoroughly wiped from the inside; it is important to pay special attention to the cabinets where the dishes are stored; excess moisture most often accumulates in them, which can cause mold to appear. Check containers with bulk foods (cereals, pasta, sugar, flour), they may become contaminated over time. food moth. When caring for hanging furniture, wipe the ventilation window, as well as the pipe leading from the hood;
  • you need to do the same with the lower cabinets, removing all the contents from them, and then returning them back, after wiping all the shelves and inner walls of the set;
  • cleaning kitchen apron, for which you will need special fat-dissolving agents. You need to apply the product to the wall, wait for a while, and then simply wipe the surface with a cloth;

Steam mops do an excellent job of removing stains on kitchen tiles, grease and yellowing that appears over time. Using them, you can easily clean not only the surface of the apron, but also the seams between the tiles, which absorb the most fumes and smoke.

  • cleaning the countertop. For most coatings, loose powder-type mixtures are used - they cope well with any contaminants. A little physical effort will have to be devoted to the joints of the countertops and the installation sites of built-in appliances and sinks. Dirt and moisture always get into small cracks and junctions, which can cause black mold and insects;
  • cleaning the sink and faucet. Liquids against rust and plaque are suitable for this; after applying them to the surface, you need to wait a while and remove dirt by wiping with a damp sponge. In this case, be sure to use rubber gloves so as not to injure the skin;
  • cleaning household appliances. Do not use abrasives on enameled stoves and glass and ceramic hobs. Only stainless steel equipment can be used for rubbing with bulk mixtures and hard sponges; in all other cases, fat-soluble concentrates must be used. Before cleaning oven it needs to be heated - this will facilitate the process of washing away old fat. It should be remembered that for efficient work combined ovens it is necessary to use the services of a specialist who can disassemble the stove and clean it gas-burners and deleting body fat, which accumulate inside the slab.

To quickly and efficiently clean a microwave oven, grate the lemon zest on a fine grater and place it in a container in the microwave. Turn on the microwave oven for one minute, then gently wipe it from the inside with a cloth, effortlessly removing all dirt.

At the final stage, we wash the refrigerator (if there is an unpleasant smell coming from the refrigerator, you can pour a little soda into a bowl and put it in the chamber for several hours, after which the smell will go away), vacuum and clean the upholstered furniture. Finally, we wash the window sill, radiators, dining table, vacuum the floor, and then wash it and the first stage of cleaning can be considered completed.

Video: general cleaning in the kitchen

Living rooms

Cleaning the bedroom, living room and children's room has general principles, which allows you to use one approach to cleanliness. At the same time, decide which room you will clean first, you don’t need to grab everything at once, our main task is to systematically and effectively free the house from dirt, and not to remove everything in 10 minutes. Following the basic rule of the general rule, we start with textiles, which are safely sent to the wash. When the curtains are removed, we wipe the baguettes, cornices, chandeliers and ceiling. At the initial stage, we remove all the pictures from the walls, remove the frames and everything that is placed on the shelves (it is convenient to put small objects in a large basin or box). All decorative elements need to be rid of dust and returned to its place after cleaning is completed.

When everything unnecessary has been removed and there is access to all sides of the furniture, we begin to wipe off the dust using a damp cloth. Avoid wiping when wet cleaning varnished surfaces, since the varnish may deteriorate, use only special care products. We move clean furniture to the center of the room and vacuum the walls, wipe with a damp cloth (if possible). We wash the baseboards along the perimeter, as well as the floor in those places where there were wardrobes, beds and sofas. Having returned everything to its place, we wash all the other floors in the room, completely freeing it from dirt and dust.
Cleaning any room, including living rooms, must end with washing the floors

Next, you will need to rub the glass and mirrors using special liquids from a spray bottle. All that remains is to add shine household appliances, rubbing the TV screen, computer monitor and other media devices. Initially, carpets removed from rooms must be washed or sent to dry cleaning; we do the same with pillows, blankets and mattresses. Upholstered furniture can be easily cleaned yourself using special foam. It is important that when cleaning sofas and armchairs in the room, the windows are open and you are wearing protective gloves. In the bedrooms, it is worth replacing the bed linen with fresh ones.
When cleaning the bedrooms, it is important to change the bed linen - send the dirty ones to the wash, and make the beds with fresh ones

When tidying up your children's room, do not try to use disinfectants to wash floors and surfaces. This will not help protect the child from diseases, but will only make his immune system less resistant to bacteria.


When starting to clean the hallway, the first thing you need to do is sort out seasonal items, putting away for storage everything that will no longer be used, and leaving only those clothes that match the current ones. weather conditions. A similar event should be carried out with shoes; they should all be washed and sorted. Before returning the wardrobe back to the closet, all shelves must be thoroughly wiped, especially shoe shelf where there is the most dirt. Having dealt with the furniture, we move on to the ceiling and walls.
When cleaning the hallway, it is necessary not only to wash the shoes, but also to sort them, removing those that are not suitable for the season and are not currently being worn.

An important element of the hallway is the mirror - it should always be clean, as it is the face of the house. To clean mirrors we use a classic spray for glass surfaces. Most often, a lot of unnecessary things accumulate on the bedside table in the hallway, so when putting everything in order, organize the space in a more useful way, for example, allocate a separate drawer or box for small money, keys, checks, and so on. Replace or wash the rug, dirt trap near the threshold, wipe the door with a damp cloth, if necessary, service the locks and intercom. Finally, we vacuum and wash the floor with a special product that allows you to rid the tiles or any other type of covering from shoe marks, which are always present in the hallway.

Corridor, pantry, balcony

For many, cleaning the pantry and the balcony will be the most difficult stage of general house cleaning, since it is in these places that everything that is not needed in everyday life, but is a pity to throw away, is demolished. If everything is clear with the corridors and halls, it’s enough to wipe the ceiling, remove paintings and photographs from the walls, wipe the frames, wash the floor and return everything to its place, then you will have to work hard with the rest of the isolated spaces. Before you clean a room, be it a loggia or a storage room, where a lot of things have accumulated, you need to remove as much as possible from it. Only after there are bare walls, shelves or cabinets left can you proceed:

  • First of all, we will use a brush and shake off dust from the walls, shelves, window sills, window frames and shelving;
  • Next, you need to sweep so that during the cleaning process you do not spread dirt throughout the apartment;
  • using a vacuum cleaner without a nozzle, you need to clean the corners under the ceiling and hard-to-reach spaces;
  • the next stage is wiping off dust on surfaces;
  • Next you should start cleaning the windows.

Once the space has been cleared, you can move on to systematizing and sorting out everything that was previously removed from the room. The first and basic rule is that there is no need to spare anything; if a thing is not practical or is not used, then it should be thrown away. Psychologists say that when parting with old things, we subconsciously let go of the past and unpleasant experiences, so cleaning in this case is also psychotherapy. Next, we’ll sort things out by frequency of use; we’ll put those that are needed more often in boxes in the first row, so that they can be accessed if necessary. We send everything that may be rarely useful to the top shelves. It will be convenient if you have a sufficient number of cardboard boxes in which you need to put the same type of things, such as clothes, tools, Christmas tree decorations. Subsequently, sign each box with a marker; in this case, you can achieve order without losing the system for arranging things and the ability to quickly find them. At the end of the process, we wash the floor and let it dry, without closing the door to the pantry or the window on the balcony, so that moisture does not accumulate and provoke the development of mold.
When cleaning the balcony or pantry, it is recommended to sort things into boxes and arrange them according to frequency of use, leaving the most necessary ones within easy reach

Bathroom and toilet

For convenience, we will combine the bathroom and toilet into one space, since the same principles are relevant for cleaning them. The algorithm for cleaning the premises is as follows:

  • we wipe the ceilings; as a rule, ceilings in rooms with high humidity are resistant to water, so they can simply be wiped with a damp cloth;
  • we move on to the walls, dividing them into conventional sections 1–1.5 meters wide from floor to ceiling and wash them using a similar technology;
  • The next step is to scrub the tile seams, where most dirt accumulates, and in bathrooms they become covered with fungus. In most cases, substances containing chlorine, such as bleach or more special preparations, can help. If all else fails, you will have to carefully scrape out the old grout, treat the seams with bleach and re-grout the tiles. For this, it is recommended to use mixtures based on epoxy resin, they better repel moisture and dirt;
    When cleaning the bathroom, special attention should be paid to cleaning the seams between the tiles, since this is where most of the mold dirt accumulates.
  • cabinets, pencil cases, cabinets and mirrors must be wiped from the outside, then all contents must be removed and the internal surfaces treated. After the shelves have dried, you can return the entire composition to them, which also needs to be sorted, getting rid of everything that is not used or products that have expired;
  • Wipe the mirror with a damp cloth to remove all dirt, after which you need to use a glass cleaner. It is best to rub mirrors with a soft cloth or paper, such as toilet paper - it does not leave streaks and effectively absorbs moisture from the surface;
  • An important and one of the most unpleasant steps is cleaning the drains and removing hair, fur and dirt from the drain. To do this, disassemble the siphons on the washbasin and bathtub or shower stall, remove the blockage and rinse the dismantled drainage system in a bucket of water, then restore the integrity of the structure;
  • Next is the stage of processing plumbing: bathtub, toilet, sink, bidet. Let's take advantage by special means household chemicals, for example, for cleaning acrylic bathtubs special medications are needed. Having applied the composition to the surface, carefully wipe all the components of the room, bringing them to a conditional shine;
    A separate task when cleaning the bathroom and toilet is cleaning the plumbing fixtures, for which it is necessary to use special household chemicals
  • the last step is washing the floor, which has common principles with washing the walls, but special attention should be paid to the junction of the bathtub and toilet and the floor tiles. Acid substances or chlorine can be useful here to remove dirt and fungus.

Video: general cleaning in the bathroom

Carrying out general work

In all rooms you will have to deal with washing ceilings, lamps, windows and floors, we will try to understand the principles of performing such tasks:

  • We start with lighting equipment. In order to wash it, you need to turn off the lights and disassemble the chandelier as much as possible, removing all glass or decorative elements. We wash everything that can be washed with water downstairs; what cannot be washed, we wipe it with a cloth. Then we wipe the structure on the ceiling, remove moisture with a soft cloth or towel and assemble the lighting fixture;
  • When washing windows, first use a cotton swab and a toothpick to remove debris from the gaps between the slopes and the frame and other hard to reach places. Next, we wash the frame with a wet sponge and wipe it dry. For the double-glazed windows themselves, we use a special store-bought concentrate or dilute Apple vinegar in a bucket of water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Using a telescopic brush or a cloth soaked in a solution, wash the glass and rub it dry with a soft cloth or sheet of paper. To achieve shine, we use glass and mirror cleaner, sold in spray bottles;
  • to wash ceilings you do not need to use special products, a damp cloth is enough, provided that the ceiling is suspended or painted with waterproof paint, in other cases we only use a vacuum cleaner;
  • To thoroughly clean the floor, dilute the concentrate in a bucket of water and rinse the surface with a mop, moving towards the doors. Next, you need to change the water and wash the floors without any product, after which it is important to ensure that the floor dries effectively and only then return the furniture to its place.

Features of general cleaning in a private house

Cleaning a private home does not have fundamental differences from the apartment, however there are some features:

What to do with things if there are too many of them

For residents apartment buildings old layout, there is an urgent problem of storing things, since the dimensions of the apartments are minimal. In such a situation, it is extremely useful to get rid of everything that is not used, since hoarding is not the best quality to develop in yourself. As for constructive recommendations, you should take advantage of the architectural features of the room, for example, build niches under the ceiling in the corridors. Tall cabinets with big amount shelves and with sliding doors.

Make use of the space under furniture, this is great wicker boxes, which look neat under the bed. If played correctly, a stack of suitcases can beautifully imitate coffee table. If the width of the corridor allows, then purchase long cabinets that cover the entire wall. Many designers use built-in cabinets 10–15 centimeters deep, which minimize the space, but at the same time allow you to create several cubes of free space for books, clothes and other accessories. One more useful device are vacuum bags for things in which you can put blankets, down jackets and other bulky items. After immersing the bag using a vacuum cleaner, we suck the air out of it and get a package that takes up minimal space.

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A good housewife keeps her home clean and tidy, but without a thoroughly washed floor it is difficult to achieve an attractive appearance for the room. For this simple procedure, many mop designs have been invented. To…

Cleanliness is the key to health! It is with this motto that most people on our planet live. So, cleaning an apartment or house, which is carried out regularly, helps to maintain order and feel comfortable and protected. Of course, many housewives already have a so-called plan for cleaning the premises. Still don't have instructions? This article explains in detail how to do a thorough cleaning of your home.

What is room cleaning?

Surely many people know what the expression “put things in order” means. Cleaning means putting all things in their places, throwing away garbage and unnecessary trash. Also, while putting things in order, all surfaces are processed and cleaned of dust.

What is general house cleaning? This is an even more thorough cleansing and step-by-step processing of each residential and non-residential premises. General cleaning of an apartment can be done faster than in a large house.

How to do everything right and put things in order?

Currently, there are a lot of companies that offer their services to restore order. However, every housewife will find something to complain about after such treatment of a house or apartment. Surely the family living in this room will want to fix something or clean it again. Also, not every person wants to allow strangers into their home, who will also rummage through their things. This is why many people prefer to clean up their home or apartment themselves.

Do-it-yourself general cleaning of the apartment

So, you have decided that it is worth cleaning up your home. Decide which household member will take part in the operation called “General cleaning of the apartment.” Where to start is also worth thinking about. There are certain instructions, following which you will achieve success and put things in order correctly. Let's consider step by step description such a procedure as general cleaning of the house, and we will find out some secrets leading to success.

First step: make a plan

Many housewives simply do not know what to grab onto when they are faced with the task of putting things in order. large room. Also, if you have several rooms in your home, cleaning them all at once will be quite difficult. So, you have a goal: general cleaning of the apartment. Where to start the procedure? First, make a plan for your actions. Be sure to include the number of family members who volunteered to help you. By distributing responsibilities between them, the work will be much easier. If you are tidying up alone, then you can skip this point.

Second step: getting started

Before you start cleaning, you need to prepare all the equipment. Surely you will need several rags, a bucket of water, a mop, a vacuum cleaner or broom, as well as various chemicals: polish, floor cleaner, glass cleaner and so on. Prepare everything you think is necessary. It will be very convenient to put your helpers in a small cart that you can move around the house.

Step Three: Collect Trash

General cleaning of a house or apartment should always begin with throwing it away. Go through all the rooms with a garbage bag and put everything in it that you are ready to give up. This needs to be done precisely at this stage, since unnecessary things will simply interfere with further processing of the room. Look into every corner of the house. Perhaps the children have set up a warehouse somewhere candy wrappers. You need to throw away everything that can interfere in the future.

Step four: wash your clothes

Remove dusty curtains and blinds. You can also include covers from the sofa and armchairs in this list. In the bedroom, remove the bed linen and bedspread. All items must be taken to the laundry or washed yourself. Nowadays this is not difficult to do. You can place the items in the washing machine and continue processing at home.

Step Five: Put Everything Back in Its Place

General cleaning of the house involves initially putting things in order among scattered things. Go through all the rooms and put everything in the right place. So, children's toys must be collected. Put things that family members left on the bed or on a chair in the closet. Cosmetics lying around randomly should also be collected in a special storage organizer. Eliminate chaos in every room this way.

Step six: treat the flooring

If you have carpet or rugs in your home, you should clean them at this stage. The best assistant in this procedure will be a washing vacuum cleaner. However, if you do not have such a machine, then simply sweep up the debris from the carpet and clean it with a sponge and a special product. In this case ideal option will become, for example, “Vanish” or “Mr. Proper.” The foam is quickly absorbed, leaving no wet marks or streaks.

Step Seven: Wash the Floor

General cleaning of the house should include mandatory washing of the floors. In this case, you need to consider what the coating is made of. Linoleum can be washed with plain water, while parquet or laminate must be protected from excess moisture and cleaned carefully. When all the coatings are clean, you need to let them dry thoroughly. It is better to organize a small draft. To do this, open all the windows in the rooms of the home.

Eighth step: move on to other surfaces

Next, you need to clean all surfaces in the house from dust. This can be done using a regular lint-free cloth and a special product. Wipe down all bedside tables, tables and window sills. Also treat vases and other items in the room. Do the same in all rooms.

After that, take glass cleaner and clean them. All mirrors should also be thoroughly washed.

Ninth step: return all things to their place

At this stage, you can hang back the dried curtains and put linen on the bed and covers on the chairs. Place it in its place decorative pillows and other accessories. Lay down small rugs that were removed before cleaning.

Step Ten: Cleaning the Kitchen

At a separate stage, we put things in order in the kitchen. First, wash the dishes and clean the hob. After this, clean the oven and microwave. This can be done using a special tool. Next, thoroughly wash the food preparation area. Wipe down tables and chairs. To complete the treatment of this room, wash the floor. Remember that there are many microorganisms present in the kitchen. That is why you need to wipe the floor covering thoroughly, using a special product. If necessary, clean the refrigerator by first defrosting it and sorting out all the food items.

General cleaning of the living space: finishing touches

Finally, you need to clean the air. This can be done through regular room ventilation. A special air freshener will also come to your aid, which destroys everything unpleasant odors. Treat each room in the house in a similar manner.

It is worth paying some attention to the bathroom. Clean the toilet, sink and shower stall. Be sure to use chlorinated products. Change the towels of all family members and wipe the floor.


Now you know how to do general cleaning at home and where to start. If you don’t have time for such procedures, use the services of a special company, but be prepared to pay a certain amount of money for this.

Schedule cleaning only on free days. Never start putting things in order if you need to rush somewhere, otherwise you simply won’t get anything done as planned. There is a risk of being late for a meeting and being left with an uncleaned room. Enjoy your cleaning and good results!

It would seem that cleaning the house is so difficult - I wiped it here, vacuumed there - and that’s all. However, this matter also has its own wisdom, and each room has its own. The RIA Real Estate website decided to find out how to clean the house not just well, but also professionally.

Operating principle

Cleaning in any apartment begins with the top point and the farthest corner and goes clockwise or counterclockwise. There is no point in first vacuuming and then wiping the dust from the top shelf: this way it will end up in the air and on the floor. Don't waste a lot of time on relatively clean surfaces. For example, cabinet doors and upper shelves do not become overgrown with dust as much as, say, baseboards, explains Helpstar home services specialist Ekaterina Martynovich.

All necessary tools should always be at hand so as not to run after every rag. This will save a lot of time. It is most convenient to use an apron in which the necessary rags and scrapers are folded. It is also worth having a tray for large items, such as detergents.

In addition, to effectively remove dust, the Helpstar expert recommends using a small spray bottle with water. Fine atomized droplets make the dust heavier and prevent it from getting into the air. Cleaners also advise working with two hands - one washes, the other wipes or supports.

We start in the bedroom

Cleaning a living space, as a rule, begins with the bedroom. To begin with, the bed linen is sent to the strip. Then the dust is removed. Thoroughly wipe sockets, switches, curtain rods, paintings, clocks, sconces, open shelves, cabinets, cabinets, electrical appliances and other similar interior items,” advises Martynovich. Don’t forget about chandeliers: the more complex their shape, the faster they get dirty. Then you need to wash the battery.

Cleaners pay special attention to the upper surfaces of cabinets, where huge amounts of dust usually accumulate. A little trick from Helpstar: washed surfaces can be covered with newspapers or large-format paper - this will save time during subsequent cleanings. The sheets can be quickly removed from the cabinets along with all the accumulated dust. The main thing is to do it carefully.

At the next stage, we connect the vacuum cleaner; it is used to clean upholstered furniture. If the upholstery is leather, then it is recommended to simply wipe it. After this, the floor is vacuumed and then washed thoroughly, not forgetting the baseboards.

Softly making your bed: 10 ways to make your bed like in a 5-star hotelNot only vases, flowers or a variety of designer items, but also just a beautifully made bed. Designers and home service experts told the RIA Real Estate website how to make a bed no worse than in a 5-star hotel.

And only after that you can beautifully remake the bed. Ventilation should be a mandatory element of cleaning; without this, the room will not be able to fully create a feeling of cleanliness, Martynovich emphasizes.

Child-friendly cleaning

Cleaning the nursery starts with toys. Helpstar service specialists suggest putting them in containers or boxes. It is worth collecting and removing everything unnecessary from the child’s room: old broken toys, useless decorative items, as well as those things that are temporarily stored in the nursery, but have nothing to do with the child.

Gaming paradise: how to create a “lasting” interior for a children’s roomWhen parents small child When thinking about decorating a children's room, the issue of design fades into the background. The main thing is to make the interior of a room or even an entire apartment the most practical, safe and wear-resistant. The designers told the RIA Real Estate website how to protect the space from “children’s creativity” so that the difference between the interior “as in the picture” would not be noticeable.

Then cleaning continues according to the same principle as in the bedroom: first, all surfaces of cabinets and small objects are cleaned of dust and radiators are washed. The process of wiping dust allows you to find and put in their places books, pencils and toys that have gotten lost in the room. After this, you should thoroughly vacuum the carpet and wet clean the floor. And at the final stage, traditional ventilation is carried out, of course, in the absence of a child in the room.

Kitchen cleaning

Cleaning the kitchen, like rooms, is also carried out clockwise and from top to bottom. But here, first of all, Martynovich recommends wiping the ventilation grilles. To do this, you can use a regular broom to sweep away dust adhering to the grate. And to clean the grate from grease, you can use any kitchen tool for washing dishes or stoves.

After this, the lamps and cornices are freed from dust. Then you can wash the facades upper cabinets, wipe all sockets, switches, as well as the window sill and battery.

Don't wipe your hands: 10 ideas original design kitchen apronOne of the most functional elements in the interior design of any kitchen is a wall apron that protects work area from burning and grease, just as a chef's apron protects a housewife. However, this part of the wall is also the decoration of the whole kitchen space, and therefore the RIA Real Estate website asked the designers how to design it effectively and unconventionally.

Next in line are an apron, a hood, hob plates, countertop and sink and faucet. Here you will need special products to remove grease and scale. After this you can start cleaning household appliances: shake out crumbs from toaster, clean microwave. Particular attention should be paid to the refrigerator. First, it is wiped from above, and then its facades and elastic band are washed. If you do everything thoroughly, then the magnets can also be removed and washed. If necessary, the refrigerator can be thoroughly washed inside. First you need to get rid of all spoiled food, then remove all shelves and containers and put them in a convenient place. They should warm up to room temperature so that the glass does not crack when washed hot water. Then you should wipe all internal surfaces refrigerator, moving from top to bottom.

The last thing to be done in the kitchen is the chair legs. interior doors and the floor is washed: first the dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner, then wet cleaning follows. It wouldn't hurt to ventilate the room here either.

Bathroom and toilet

Cleaning the bathroom begins at a time when the kitchen is not yet completely cleaned, a Helpstar specialist points out. It is necessary to pre-treat the toilet, sink, bathtub, shower, and bidet with detergents so that the dirt has time to be properly removed. First of all, the wall adjacent to the bathroom itself is washed. Be sure to pay attention to ventilation grille: It collects dust and small hairs. As a result, the room is poorly ventilated, and microbes can appear in the ventilation, which will then circulate with the air throughout the apartment.

You also need to thoroughly rub the tiles, shower holders, hooks, hangers and heated towel rails with special products. Then comes the turn of all the fronts of the cabinets, mirrors, shelves and washing machine.

Smart planning and sanitary solutions can turn even the most cramped and small bathroom into a comfortable room. The RIA Real Estate website learned how to squeeze the maximum out of the minimum space using plumbing and sanitary ware.

After this, you can wash the toilet and sink, where the dirt should have already come off. "Housewives usually pay attention to the space behind the toilet at best during general cleaning. Helpstar cleaners know from experience that a huge amount of dust and hair settles on the pipes and elbows. Therefore, you must wipe everything there very carefully. You must wash the brush and its bowl and after that you can start washing the floors and doors,” says Martynovich.

We finish in the hallway

And the last, final stage of cleaning is the hallway. In addition to the mirror, shoe stand, closet or cabinet, you should pay attention to the front door, which home service specialists advise to wipe on both sides. And finally, don’t forget to take out the trash.

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