PVC pipe reinforced with fiberglass. Reinforced polypropylene pipes: cheap and durable

Polypropylene as a material for the production of pipes appeared quite a long time ago. Its appearance on the market cannot be called an unexpected fact. The world has been moving long and hard towards the polymer revolution, especially when it comes to the construction industry.

However, the advent of polypropylene or PP, as it is called for short, has significantly undermined the position of old materials, which were previously selling well.

Polypropylene has found its niche in mainly high-quality cold and hot water supply pipelines. Reinforced ones are especially popular now polypropylene pipes, practically devoid of shortcomings. Let's consider them in more detail.

Contents of the article

Why does polypropylene need reinforcement?

Is it really impossible to do without the reinforcement of this durable polymer? After all, PP itself has excellent strength characteristics. He is considered perhaps the most durable plastic in the pipe rolling industry.

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Yes, on the one hand, PP does have unique strength characteristics. Only PP pipes are marked from PN10 to PN20, that is, they can withstand pressure up to 20 bar. If a higher pressure threshold occurs in private water supply pipelines, it will be more likely as an exception.

Polypropylene products are difficult to bend. They have thick walls, which improve the ring rigidity of the structure. For large PP pipes, the wall thickness can reach up to 20 mm, which, you see, is quite an impressive figure.

All this together gives such a unique increase in strength. What can be called weak point PP, that's it thermal strength or level thermal expansion.

Any material has a certain coefficient of thermal expansion. The higher it is, the more the line is deformed during prolonged contact with high temperatures.

So, for PVC this indicator is very high. PVC products Do not use for transporting hot media. The situation with PP is similar, except that it can withstand much higher temperatures.

However, this does not solve the main problem. The thermal expansion coefficient of PP is almost twice that of metal products. This negatively affects the quality of the entire system.

If the pipe expands, the distances between the molecules in its walls change. The material is deformed and its strength level decreases. Not to mention the increased likelihood of breakouts and damage.

It is the reinforcement of PP pipes that allows you to get rid of this problem.

Reinforcement methods

There are two options for reinforcing products. Each option involves solving specific problems.

Reinforced products are called PPR pipes. Polypropylene reinforcement is found:

  • aluminum;
  • fiberglass.

Let us note right away that both the first and second options differ significantly in price from the standard models. Polypropylene reinforced pipes factor of more expensive than usual, but their quality is significantly higher.

PPR pipes are designed so that they can be easily integrated into a water supply or hot heating system with a nominal high pressure. Therefore, their price is more than justified. In addition, PP-reinforced pipes have few competitors. No other plastic can boast of the same properties, and you are probably already familiar with the prices of metal products and the costs of working with them.

Use of aluminum

Aluminum reinforcement of PP pipelines involves embedding a layer of aluminum. This layer can be either solid or profiled.

Most often, reinforcement occurs due to the introduction into the polypropylene base:

  1. Aluminum foil.
  2. Aluminum sheet.
  3. Aluminum profiled sheet.

Foil reinforcement is the cheapest, but at the same time quite popular option. Reduces the coefficient of thermal expansion of the pipe, allowing it to be used in hot water supply systems. They can easily withstand temperatures up to +90 degrees Celsius.

Using a whole sheet is a rarer option. There are more such products. Their frame absorbs almost any load and allows you to bend the workpiece as you wish. Temperature Such products already reach 140 degrees Celsius.

A pipe sample profiled or perforated with aluminum is the same PP blank, only with non-uniform aluminum. As a rule, the reinforcement sheet has a certain amount of holes.

The use of aluminum is completely justified. It is widely used to strengthen the properties of the product, giving them the stability necessary for use in heating systems.

Combined with the durability, lightness and other well-known properties of PP, the result is an almost ideal sample.

Use of fiberglass

Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes are an alternative to aluminum. Unlike aluminum, fiberglass is easier to produce and incorporate into structures.

There are even samples of fiberglass synthesized with plastic. The advantage of fiberglass is that it simplifies production processes.

Fiberglass reinforced pipes are easily manufactured in a factory. They are cheaper and easier to process. It’s even more convenient to connect them together.

When butt welding fittings, the fiberglass layer needs to be cleaned only superficially, while the aluminum layer needs to be removed until the pipe profile is completely cleaned.

However, it was not without its drawbacks. The coefficient of thermal expansion of fiberglass-reinforced products is lower than their aluminum competitors. They withstand pressures up to 15 bar, while aluminum pipes They hold 25 bar, and this is far from the limit.

In general, fiberglass PP pipes are softer and more pliable than aluminum ones, but they are also cheaper, which means they will definitely find their buyer.

Use of reinforced PP pipes (video)

External features

It remains to consider the characteristics and external features. They are somewhat different from standard polypropylene products.

We have already partially described the characteristics of PP products; it remains to add a little about their sizes. The most popular size option for polypropylene products is from 20 to 50 mm. In the range from 20 to 50 mm, it is the nominal diameter of the pipe that is taken into account, and not its full cross-section.

As we noted above, the walls of PP pipes are much thicker than the walls of pipes made of other materials. For example, in a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, overall size The cross section will be approximately 70 mm, because 50 mm will account for the nominal diameter and 20 mm will account for the wall thickness.

There are some restrictions associated with the diameters of polypropylene pipelines. Samples larger than 50 mm are found, but less frequently, and the actual production limit for a mass sample is approximately 150 mm. Everything that follows concerns private orders. Such restrictions are justified by the characteristics of the material itself.

From a visual point of view reinforced polypropylene quite easy to distinguish. Take, for example, a sample with a diameter of 50 mm. The thickness of its walls will be at least 10 mm. In conventional PP pipes, the entire wall has a uniform white or gray color.

In reinforced pipes the wall is heterogeneous and consists of rings. The inner and outer rings are made of polypropylene and have the same light gray tint. The middle or second ring will have a different color. It can be red, green, yellow and even blue. The presence of such a colored layer signals that the presented products belong to the reinforced class.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to distinguish fiberglass-reinforced materials from aluminum-reinforced materials at first glance. Manufacturers rarely adhere to any unified standards. Green color the intermediate layer does not necessarily mean that the workpiece is reinforced with a sheet of aluminum.

To be completely sure, please contact the seller for clarification.

The heating system should be of the highest quality. This applies to all structural elements. It is especially important to choose the right pipes for heating distribution. It is important to consider the product category and choose a manufacturer. Since there are quite a few companies involved in the production of polypropylene pipes, you should “bet” on the most reliable one. Today there is still no unified classification of polypropylene pipes. The same models may be designated differently.

It is necessary to determine in advance the technical characteristics that polypropylene pipes will have. Some designations may still be standard, so you need to decide on them in advance. For example, fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene heating pipes can be used under certain conditions.

Marking and technical indicators

To understand the difference between polypropylene products, it is worth starting to navigate the brands and names. Each pipe is marked with two letters “PP”. In English, the designation looks like “PP”. They may be followed by other letters or numbers. The following materials are called using these designations:

It is random copolymer products that are the most reliable when creating a heating system. They are quite safe and of excellent quality. They are used in network construction central heating. They are often chosen for installation in private homes. In the latter case, a boiler must be installed on liquid fuel or gas. During installation solid fuel boiler with overheat protection for wiring heating system a special polymer is used. It is very resistant to elevated temperatures. It is used when heating the coolant to 110 degrees.

If you have a solid fuel boiler that is not equipped with an automation system, polypropylene models will not withstand high temperatures. In this case, the wiring is done using products made of copper and steel. Polypropylene can only be used in such conditions when using liquid heat accumulators.

Important! PPR pipes can be installed in various systems both cold and hot water.

Special attention is given not only permissible temperature carrier, but also pressure. This parameter is denoted by the letters PN. The numbers located immediately after them indicate the water pressure that the pipe can withstand. This characteristic means that the products are capable of operating at the designated pressure for more than 50 years. In this case, the ambient temperature should be 20 degrees.

When the temperature environment or coolant pressure changes, the service life of the product is significantly reduced. For example, if the pipe is operated at 50 degrees, it can last only 7-8 years. In addition, the greater the pressure, the thicker the wall of the product should be. Many pipes are made with a reinforced layer.

For heating private houses, the PN 10 brand is often used. Such products are suitable for systems in which coolant moves at temperatures up to 70 degrees. They can be used for a short time even when the coolant is heated to 95 degrees. In such conditions, they will, of course, not last 50 years, but definitely more than a dozen. The advantages of such models include low cost.

However, they also have a significant disadvantage - they have a significant expansion coefficient. When the pipe heats up to 70 degrees, each meter increases by 1 cm. When installing such products into the gap wall, after a while, nearby materials will be destroyed. When laying pipes on top, after a while they will sag noticeably.

Reinforced polypropylene pipes

For heating installations, polypropylene pipes reinforced with special materials are often chosen. Their markings look like this - PN 20 and PN 25. These brands are distinguished by their reinforcing material. If we consider PN 20, they use fiberglass. PN 25 uses aluminum for these purposes. Despite the fact that the reinforcing layer in these pipes is made of different materials, each brand has a low expansion coefficient. However, when using fiberglass, this figure is 7% lower compared to foil products.

The best brands are Banniger and Valtec. The number of counterfeits of these manufacturers is very large, so when purchasing products from these brands, it is better to play it safe. You should know some of the features of the original model. For example, a high-quality pipe has even layers. This indicator is the main one. It is easy to distinguish the original from the fake.

If the reinforced layer is located strictly in the middle of the wall, the polypropylene inside and outside should have the same thickness anywhere along the length of the pipe. If the reinforcement is made of aluminum, the reinforcing layer is located slightly closer to the outside.

There is another sure sign that the product is a fake. Most manufacturers use aluminum butt welding. Similar products are different high reliability. However, the production of such pipes requires expensive equipment. If the seams are overlapped, it means poor quality production.

U original pipes The inner and outer surfaces are smooth. The inscription applied to the surface is quite clear, without defects. It is not smeared and applied according to the ruler. Some manufacturers poor quality goods To avoid problems with claims of counterfeiting, the name is often distorted. It may be missing a letter, or an extra symbol may be added.

Therefore, you need to take a closer look at the name on the material. This will help you avoid buying low-quality goods. In general, when choosing an exact brand, you should first visit the manufacturer’s official resource. This will help you figure out exactly what they look like original models. It is important to take a closer look at the surface. It can be either smooth or matte. Particular attention is paid to the logo. It is important to study the assortment.

Fiberglass pipes

In products of the PN 20 brand, glass fiber acts as a reinforcing layer. This type of pipe was originally made for hot water. Such products also perform well when installed in heating systems. They will also perform well. However, their service life will be less than 50 years. Quality is usually determined by price. Best pipes produced by Europeans. This has been proven by experience. However, the cost of their products is quite high.

It is also worth understanding how fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are used in heating. It doesn’t matter what material the models are made of or what kind of reinforcing layer they contain. Fiberglass is performed different colors: green, blue and red. The shade depends on the use of a specific coloring pigment.

If you focus on the purpose of fiberglass pipes, it is important to pay attention only to the shade of the strip located longitudinally. If it is red, then the product can be used in networks where hot water is present. If there is a blue stripe on the pipe, it is intended for cold water supply. If there are two strips, the pipe can be used in both cases.

Features of using pipes in heating

Products containing fiberglass can be installed in heating systems, subject to certain subtleties. This is explained by the main disadvantage of polypropylene products. The material has high oxygen permeability. When the ambient temperature rises significantly, a lot of oxygen accumulates in the system. This leads to destruction of metal parts.

In this case, the system must be equipped with high-quality radiators. Then no problems will arise. When installing cast iron or poor quality into the system aluminum radiators, it is allowed to use pipes only with a foil layer. In this case, there will be no free access of oxygen to the radiator.

Important! Permeability also depends on the thickness of the walls, but not too much. The main indicator is the quality of the material.

Most installers recommend using fiberglass-reinforced pipes for heating. This is due to the ease of their installation. Installation is twice as fast as with foil products. To obtain high quality weld seam in the manufacture of foil-coated products, you will need to remove a layer of foil. You need to spend a lot of time on this. In addition, such work requires special tools.

Plus, cleaning pipes requires fine-tuned skills. However, when executing quality heating V own home It's worth spending time on such subtleties. Therefore, it is worth learning more about pipes with a foil reinforcement layer.

Foil reinforcement

Reinforced polypropylene products have a standard designation - PEX/AI/PEX. There are two options for installing the foil layer: exactly in the middle of the wall and closer to the outer edge. The reinforced layer should not come into contact with the coolant. Even water can significantly shorten the life of the product. It contains salts that gradually destroy the metal layer.

When water enters into an oxidative reaction with aluminum foil, the latter begins to collapse. After a while, such a pipe will burst. For this reason, in almost all such products the reinforced layer is placed closer to the outside.

If the pipes are located in the floor or built into the walls, serious problems may arise after some time of use. Repairing them will be very difficult. Quite often, micropores are found in the walls of products. Therefore, if there are doubts about the quality of the pipes, it is worth installing them on top of the walls.

There is another drawback to installing pipes inside walls. When welding pipes with a fitting, only connect upper layer. In this case, the pipeline becomes unreliable.

Material. For the production of PN 25 pipes, “Random copolymer” (type 3) Borealis RA 130-E is used - polypropylene, developed specifically for the manufacture of pipes intended for cold and hot water supply and heating. Pipes made from polypropylene of this brand have improved shock and heat resistance, withstand pressure and temperature changes well, and do not collapse when the water in them freezes. They are resistant to most aggressive alkaline and acidic environments, are not subject to corrosion, and no deposits form on the surface of the pipe in contact with water. Installation of polypropylene pipes is several times faster than steel pipes. The PPR-GF-PPR glass fiber used in PN 25 makes the pipes have an expansion coefficient comparable to aluminum reinforced pipes. At the same time, the thermal conductivity (and, as a consequence, heat loss) of PN 25 pipes reinforced with fiberglass is lower.

Area of ​​use. PN 25 pipes are intended for use in engineering systems cold and hot water supply, for wiring heating systems with operating temperature up to +95 °C (short-term – up to 110 °C). They can also be used for wiring heating systems, installing heated floors and air conditioning systems, as well as for transportation and storage. compressed air or chemicals.

Polypropylene in its own way technical specifications- it's universal construction material, which is used for installation and reconstruction of industrial facilities, public and residential premises.

Currently, polypropylene reinforced pipes are widely used for the installation of heating systems, water supply and sanitary facilities. In many respects, they are significantly superior to similar products made from other materials.

Main characteristics of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass

Reinforced plastic pipes more convenient and reliable to use than conventional polypropylene ones. When heated, polypropylene pipes expand and lose the necessary rigidity. Therefore, fiberglass is used to enhance the rigidity and durability of products. Fiberglass products are more resistant to extreme temperatures and aggressive substances.

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with glass fiber by extrusion, during which a three-layer structure is formed. The outer and inner layers are made of polypropylene, the inner layer is made of fiberglass.

Fiberglass strengthens the pipe structure. Such products have increased strength and ductility. They are not subject to delamination, as they have an integral structure. The fiberglass layer is organically fused into the polypropylene.

Advantages of reinforced polypropylene pipes

  • have anti-corrosion properties;
  • withstand high working pressure;
  • weather resistant;
  • low level of hydraulic resistance;
  • environmentally friendly.

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with glass fiber can be operated at temperatures from –50 to +350 degrees and have a service life of approximately 50 years. The marking of reinforced models is designated as PPP-FB-PPR.

Features of installation of polypropylene products

There are several types of welding:

  • polyfusion (coupling), pipes with a diameter of no more than 63 mm are used;
  • butt (flange), diameter not less than 63 mm;
  • using electrical fittings.

Fiberglass products cannot be bent, therefore, tees and angles are used for connections. A variety of designs are created from polypropylene pipes using fittings, which are divided into methods of fastening, material of manufacture, etc.

According to the connection methods, they are distinguished:

  • flanged;
  • crimping;
  • threaded;
  • welded

Polypropylene fittings are mainly welded and threaded, and have certain notches with which their position is determined during welding. For repairs in difficult conditions electric welded fittings are used having an electric heater.

During the installation of the pipeline, a certain order of work is observed. Since the structure of the products does not contain metal, the elements required in size are measured and cut with wire cutters.

Insufficient heating the joints will be unreliable, and when overheated, the structure deforms. Installation of the product must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 5 degrees.

To avoid contact of water with fiberglass in the water supply system and possible adverse effects on human health, end caps are used during pipeline installation. With their help, the internal reinforced layers are cut to a shallow depth. During the process of heating the pipe and welding it, the outer layers melt and cover the middle one. Resulting in contact of fiberglass with water is excluded and at the same time the quality of installation increases.

Flaw fiberglass structures is that they have lower resistance to internal pressure. Therefore, more fasteners must be used during the installation process. At the same time they have low thermal conductivity, which allows you to maintain the temperature of the coolant.

When heated, fiberglass has greater expansion compared to the aluminum layer (by 5-6%). However, the process of installing such a pipeline is much simpler than for models with aluminum reinforcement and does not require additional processing products. Resulting in Saves installation time and additional costs, without reducing the quality of work.

The areas of application of polypropylene reinforced pipes are characterized by their wide versatility. The traditional direction is to use it in plumbing, sewerage or heating systems.

For sewerage structures, products with a length of approximately 4 m and a diameter of 16 mm to 125 mm are used, in water supply systems - with a diameter of up to 110 mm. For heated floors, products with a diameter of no more than 17 mm are used.

Polypropylene pipeline systems located under roads are protected with reinforced concrete boxes. The advantage of reinforced products is that when freezing the material retains its integrity. Also, deposits do not form in them.

Large diameter fiberglass products can be used in ventilation systems, since they are light in weight and do not create large loads on wooden partitions structures.

Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes are widely used in agriculture– in drainage and irrigation systems. They are used as process pipelines when transporting liquids and gases that are not aggressive to the pipe material.

Fiberglass pipes are typically reinforced with fiberglass in a variety of colors - orange, red, blue or green. This coloring pigment does not affect anything. A colored stripe can be applied to the longitudinal surface, which means that red is suitable for hot water supply, blue for cold water, and two at once indicate the versatility of the model.

When choosing polypropylene pipes, you must be guided by the following parameters:

  • product diameter;
  • maximum temperature value;
  • maximum pressure value;
  • chemical exposure;
  • linear expansion.

Of great importance is the degree of expected load on the pipes, the type of water supply, and the main points of installing the heating system.

Polypropylene reinforced pipes have proven themselves to be the most reliable and easy to use in many respects and characteristics. At the same time, they are affordable, aesthetically pleasing and make it easy to create a modern and durable system engineering communications.

For communication systems in a residential building, reliability and simplicity of design always come first. In order for the cold and hot water supply system to function normally in an apartment, house or country house, and for the heating equipment to work fully, it is necessary to lay the pipeline correctly and competently. Here the pipes come to the fore - an engineering and technological element on which the entire water and heat supply system is subsequently based. When choosing pipes for a heating system, you have to take into account literally every little detail, from technological parameters to the material used and manufacturing method.

The complexity of the task lies in the fact that today the consumer has at his disposal pipes for heating the most different types and types. , a new type of consumable material that is successfully used for laying household pipelines. for installation of heating systems, with fiberglass or reinforced with aluminum - this is “know-how” recent years. Cheap, reliable, practical and easy-to-use consumable material.

Do synthetic consumables meet the objectives of the heating system? How reliable are fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes? How to make the right purchase? These questions need to be addressed in more detail.

What are reinforced polypropylene pipes

Life support communication systems that use metal pipes are becoming a thing of the past. Despite the fact that metal consumables are highly durable and quite reliable in operation, the high cost of the material and complex installation influenced the interest in similar materials noticeably weakened at the everyday level. As an alternative metal pipes Consumers today are focusing on reinforced synthetic consumables.

During the manufacturing process of products, polypropylene is strengthened by adding special components to the structure. As a result, at the end we have a completely different, qualitatively new consumable material - reinforced polypropylene pipes. Reinforcement is traditional way mechanical strengthening of communications. By including synthetic fibers in the form of a braid into the polypropylene channel, it was possible to significantly increase the strength and rigidity of the material. Reinforcement is performed both in the middle of the product itself and on the inside. Internal reinforcement is extremely rare, but the inclusion of an additional middle layer of fiberglass into the structure of the finished product is a fairly common technology.

On a note: reinforcement on the inner wall of the pipe is not advisable. There is a high probability of rapid blockages due to the formation of salt deposits on the walls of the internal channel. The quality of water used for domestic purposes, including heating, is not always ideal.

Having replaced metal pipes, reinforced polypropylene consumables have radically changed the entire technology of laying pipelines for heat supply systems. The synthetic material is not inferior to metal in strength, is resistant to corrosion processes and copes well with temperature changes.

We especially captivate the consumer by the fact that, reinforced and reinforced with fiberglass, they are suitable for heating any premises. Polypropylene consumables can effectively interact with almost any type of heating equipment and heating technology.

The cost of such products is an order of magnitude less than the cost of metal, copper or metal-plastic pipelines. This aspect is especially important when it comes to organizing a heating system throughout the house. In houses and apartments large area, in two-story residential buildings, the use of synthetic reinforced channels makes it possible to literally entangle the entire building with a network of pipelines. The length of the pipeline, made of synthetic materials, in some cases reaches several hundred meters. With other products you won’t allow yourself such luxury, trying to save on every centimeter.

For reference: the length of the heat supply system in a private residential building with an area of ​​100 m2 is about 100 meters, including return. Compare the cost of reinforced polypropylene pipes required for laying a pipeline of this length and the price of metal products or metal-plastic.

Let's summarize. Reinforcement is carried out with the aim of giving the polypropylene pipe the necessary strength. Why is fiberglass used for this purpose? The answer is simple. The glass fiber inserted into the middle is impregnated with an elastic plastic mass, creating, together with the surrounding outer and outer layers of polypropylene, a single whole. As a result, the required integrity of the product is achieved. By incorporating a layer of fiberglass into the pipe structure, it was possible to significantly reduce the thickness of the inner wall, while maintaining the main working diameter of the channel.

On a note: Aluminum-reinforced polypropylene pipes can delaminate over time. Frequent sudden changes in coolant temperature cause such a negative phenomenon.

Features of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene consumables

For home heating system the most important parameter- ease of use and long term services. The functionality of each component and element of a water heating system determines the level of comfort and degree of reliability of the equipment. What is most important when installing a heating system in a house? Durability and convenient operation. When installing a heating system in a house, we want to make sure that the entire complex of equipment works autonomously, without our participation.

They can reassure you in this regard. , taking into account thermal calculations and operating features will ensure long-term and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system. Reinforced synthetic consumables used in heating communications are designed for 20-25 years of service.

Resistance to corrosive processes, ability to withstand high pressure and significant temperature differences make synthetic highways and communications very convenient and practical to use. The permissible temperature range for such material is: -10 0 C +90 0 C, which is especially important when packaging autonomous heating. Polypropylene with fiberglass is not afraid of freezing. When the coolant in the system freezes, synthetic lines, unlike metal products, retain their shape, structure and integrity.

Synthetic, fiberglass-reinforced pipes are an excellent dielectric, and when in contact with fire, polypropylene is non-toxic and decomposes into water vapor and carbon. Along with the listed features, synthetic water channels based on fiberglass have other advantages. Eg:

  • simple, quick and convenient installation;
  • laying pipes does not require special skills or specialization;
  • the strength of the seams allows you to use even pieces of pipe in installation, minimizing waste;
  • interchangeability individual elements in case of pipeline damage;
  • affordable price of material.

And the most important advantage that reinforced polypropylene pipes have is the absence of the effect of sagging of the pipeline.

Important! For ordinary polypropylene pipes, the sagging effect is significant drawback. Polymers tend to have a high coefficient of thermal expansion. Upon contact with a hot coolant, polymers acquire additional elasticity and begin to change their structure.

Fiberglass or aluminum give polypropylene pipes the necessary resistance when heated. Pipelines for hot water or heating systems withstand temperature loads without losing their basic technological parameters. In addition, reinforced synthetics and fittings are perfectly combined with any interior decoration options. The heating system pipeline can be laid inside the walls, significantly increasing the usable volume of the interior.

Types of reinforced polypropylene pipes. Product marking

On this moment market Supplies for heating systems has a wide choice. The labeling of products deserves attention, thanks to which we can get all necessary information about the operating parameters of the pipe and operational capabilities. For polypropylene reinforced pipes, marking plays a key role. Based on the information, we will be able to choose correctly and accurately required type, product type.

Let's start with the classification of polypropylene pipes, which is based on the variety of products. Synthetic consumables are divided into the following types:

  • The first type - products made from homopolypropylene, have the PPH index (H - homopolymer). This type is characterized by high strength. They are usually used in cold water systems.
  • The second type is pipes that contain a block copolymer (B - block copolymer). These consumables are marked with PPB indices and can be used in low-temperature heating systems (warm water floors).
  • The third type is the most common. The products are used for underfloor heating and hot water supply. These are marked PPR pipes, where R is a random copolymer. Usually this type of product is made reinforced. The letter C is added to the existing PPR marking, indicating increased requirements for temperature surges (up to 95 0 C).

The European abbreviation PP corresponds to the Russian version PP, which means polypropylene.

Further, after the designations of the product’s belonging to the type of material, there are designations characterizing the value of the nominal operating pressure. PN indices are used for this purpose. At the domestic level, reinforced pipes with indexes PN20, PN25 are usually used for water supply and heating systems. These two types are optimally suited for heating systems, both for centralized heating options and in combination with individual heating devices. The difference is that products with the PN20 index are reinforced with fiberglass, while those with the PN25 index have an aluminum layer.

Important! Unlike conventional polypropylene consumables, both options, PN20 and PN25, have a low coefficient of thermal expansion. For products reinforced with fiberglass, this figure is 5-7% higher than for foil-clad polypropylene pipes.

The required quality and compliance of the product with the declared parameters can be obtained by purchasing original, branded products. Price is an aspect on the basis of which one can determine a fake from a branded consumable. The reinforcing component - fiberglass can be of different colors, orange, blue, red or green. The color scheme does not play any role. Some manufacturers, in addition to existing markings, apply stripes along the surface of the pipe:

  • red stripe, scope of use - pipelines with hot water or coolant;
  • blue stripe, products are used for cold water supply;
  • two colors – the versatility of the highway.

This is what the standard marking on the product looks like.

Conclusion. Pipe laying and installation features

Having an idea of ​​what components are best for the heating system, it’s worth saying a few words about the features of laying polypropylene lines and the specifics of pipeline installation.

Using calculations, you can get an idea of ​​what length of pipes you should buy and in what quantity. Already in the process of laying the pipeline, the material is cut into fragments in accordance required sizes. Consumables are cut using special scissors.

Important! Polypropylene channels are cut quite easily, from here we can draw a conclusion. Transportation and installation finished products must be carried out taking precautions. Any significant mechanical force may damage the integrity of the product.

Where there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the pipeline, it is better to install metal fragments.

It is believed that polypropylene pipes are environmentally friendly and safe, so the location of the pipeline can be chosen in accordance with technological needs. However, before installation, it is better to have on hand calculated data on the coolant supply speed, pressure force and heating temperature. The calculated data should not exceed the permissible operating parameters for the selected brand of product. Otherwise, a technological inconsistency may occur, resulting in an emergency.

The installation of the pipeline is carried out taking into account the coefficient of thermal expansion, which for consumables with fiberglass is slightly greater (5-6%) than for products with an aluminum insert. The cut fragments are connected into a single line using the diffuse soldering method, using fittings, couplings, angles, tees and adapters for connections and branches. Reinforced pipes are soldered in the same way as conventional polypropylene products. The material is easy to combine with metal elements that have a threaded connection.

At the moment, the price-quality ratio of polypropylene pipeline products is the best among other consumables. Strength, reliability and durability make it quite easy, without much skill or effort, to install a heating system pipeline in a house.

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