How to deal with moths. Orange and lemon for moths


Moths are a very unpleasant pest that prefers to live inside the house or in the garden. An inconspicuous-looking butterfly causes significant damage garden crops, woolen items and fur coats stored in the closet, food products. Today, more than 30 species of moths are known. All of them harm household property, and therefore, for owners who discover such unpleasant guests, the question of how to deal with moths at home becomes urgent. Actually, our article is devoted to this topic.

Varieties of moths by habitat

There are many ways to combat moths, and the reason for this is the diversity of the insects themselves and their habitat. To really pick effective drugs To remove a pest butterfly, you need to know where it can live and what damage it causes in its area.

House moth

A distinctive feature of the domestic moth is that it eats practically nothing inside the home. When this insect enters a house, its main goal is to lay eggs. The moth caterpillars that subsequently emerge from the larvae become the very pests that cause damage to furniture, dresses, fur coats and food products. Moth larvae are quite voracious. And therefore, when these unwanted guests appear, the first thing you should do is get rid of the egg-laying eggs and caterpillars.

It should be noted that moths, which differ in their food preferences, often settle inside a house or apartment. This:

  1. Fur moth. It is a yellowish butterfly of small size, with a slight shine on the wings. Its larvae are worm-shaped, white in color and have translucent skin. Their main source of food is fur from a fur coat, collar or hat. Insect reproduction occurs quickly, and after it it remains on fur products. a large number of oviposition. After a few days, larvae emerge from them, undermining the fur product and making it unsuitable for further wearing.
  2. The furniture moth butterfly is light yellow in color and reaches 10 mm in size. distinctive feature The insect's wings are brown at the base. Furniture moths lay eggs on the bottom of pieces of furniture, in small crevices in wood, at the bottom of upholstery or under it. Furniture moth larvae eat furniture upholstery and padding material, and then move on to the wood, making passages in it parallel to the pattern.
  3. Clothes moths are slightly larger in size than other species indoor pest. Its wingspan can reach 22 mm. The wings of this butterfly themselves have purple shade, and in the center - light yellow. Clothes moth larvae are similar to coat moth caterpillars, but they can more often be seen on fabric materials (drama, cloth, wool). The clothes butterfly lays eggs on inside clothing made from the above materials. The larvae emerging from the eggs gradually gnaw through the tissue, leaving only a thin layer on top intact.
  4. Carpet moths are among the most resistant varieties of these insects. The larvae of this butterfly can eat not only carpets in the house, but also fur coats and leather items (jackets, shoes, bags, etc.). Carpet moths lay their eggs in the depths of the fleecy part of the covering, preferring inaccessible areas (for example, located under furniture, covered with the backs of chairs and sofas).
  5. Food moth. This pest can most often be found in bags with bulk food products (dried fruits, cereals). Most often, the source of food moths is cereals brought from the market. Incorrect conditions storage there ensures the appearance of food moth larvae. Even if cereals and bulk products place in airtight jar with a tight-fitting lid, this will not help protect against the appearance of harmful insects. Moreover, the lack of ventilation also contributes to the spread of moths.

Moth living in the garden

The moth that lives in the garden causes a lot of damage to agricultural crops. Its appearance entails a noticeable reduction in fruit yield, damage to potato tubers and cabbage heads. This butterfly can live on:

  • fruit and berry trees and shrubs;
  • in potato tubers;
  • On heads of cabbage;
  • On fruit;
  • In cereals;
  • In wax;
  • In domestic mushrooms.

Ways to fight

Having discovered a moth in his home, the owner is often confused and bewildered, not knowing how to properly, and most importantly, effectively fight such an insect. Getting rid of an unwanted butterfly should begin only after identifying its species. Each type of moth has its own methods of treatment and preparations.

With fur moth

Advice! If suddenly moths are flying around your home, try looking into the nooks and crannies of your closet. Perhaps there you will find an old woolen thing that has become a breeding ground for the pest and a place where eggs and larvae accumulate.

The oviposition of a moth butterfly is immediately noticeable, despite its small size. It is white in color and is often located on the surface of things.

Having discovered a pest butterfly in the house, every housewife will probably think about how to save a fur coat from moths. In the best way in this case there will be preventive measures, which include the following actions:

  • With the onset of spring, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning, throwing away unnecessary and old things that can become a wonderful treat for a butterfly.
  • Before putting them into storage, winter items are thoroughly ventilated, cleaned, dried, and then treated with a special aerosol moth repellent. Now such drugs are presented in a wide range and help fight not only the butterflies themselves, but also their larvae and eggs.

It should be understood that if moth eggs are not removed in a timely manner, then after 10 days white larvae will hatch from them. They cause serious damage to fur clothing.

If a fur moth does appear in your things, then it should be destroyed immediately. Fortunately, now there are many means and chemicals to combat such insects. And if you still don’t know how to remove moths from a fur coat, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most effective means currently existing:

With food moth

The appearance of food moths in the kitchen is not uncommon. Such a guest is unlikely to be interested in woolen items, but food will be her favorite delicacy. Getting rid of food moths forever is much more difficult, and often it is not possible at all.

The moth, which prefers to live in bulk food products, has big size body, and can be recognized by its wings with black spots. The appearance of this insect in the house is facilitated by low-quality products purchased at the market or in a store. Most often, an unwanted guest settles in cereals or flour. Butterfly larvae can live for several months completely independently, without receiving food at all. The main sign that your cereals have food moths is the presence of cobwebs and tiny worms (these are food moth larvae).

If such a scourge has been detected, we recommend that you immediately review all bulk food products. If there were nearby cereals medicinal herbs, they should also be sorted out. If you find larvae in any product, immediately throw it in the trash. To completely get rid of the insect, you should treat the cabinet in which cereals, dried fruits and bulk products were stored with a vinegar solution. Its pungent smell will drive away the remaining pests and block their path to food for a long time.

Attention! To prevent the appearance of food moths, try to store cereals in glass containers with tight-fitting lids.

With wax moth

The large wax moth is becoming a real problem for beekeepers and beekeepers. The appearance of such an insect nullifies all the work. The moth simply eats all the honeycombs, leaving the beekeeper with nothing. Most bee lovers try to protect themselves and their pets in advance from the attacks of such a pest, looking for recommendations that will allow them to find out exactly how to deal with wax moths in hives. Every beekeeper should remember that honeycombs should be stored in a well-ventilated place where natural circulation air. The best option for storing honeycombs would be dense cases in which beekeeping tools are placed on top of each other.

Before removing the honeycombs long-term storage(after the end of the honey collection season), it is advisable to fumigate them with sulfur. Also, in order to prevent the occurrence wax moth Approximately 150 ml of carbon disulfide or 50 mg of formaldehyde should be placed in the hives. In addition, professional beekeepers know well that butterflies and wax moth larvae are unlikely to appear if the honeycombs are well sprinkled with entobacterin.

Beneficial properties of wax moth

The wax moth, which is also popularly called the moth, has one amazing feature. Her body is the only one in the world capable of digesting beeswax. This butterfly is getting inside beehive(where bees must live), lays eggs there, from which larvae then emerge. They feed on wax from bees' honeycombs. Interestingly, a long time ago beekeepers considered this insect a pest, but today the wax moth belongs to medicinal products. Many readers now probably have a question - what does wax moth treat and how, exactly, does such treatment occur? The fact is that Mechnikov discovered a special enzyme that is present in the body of this insect and has a detrimental effect on mycobacterium tuberculosis. Yes, yes, wax moth for tuberculosis - most useful remedy. A special tincture is made from the larvae of this butterfly, which is then used for healing. The moth larvae contain the enzyme cerrase, which helps dissolve the walls of bacteria that cause irreparable harm to the human body. Doctors have noticed that it promotes the breakdown of not only Koch bacilli, but also a variety of viruses with cancer cells.

The wax moth larvae also contain polysaccharides and monosaccharides (including galactose and fructose), as well as - fatty acid and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the regeneration processes of old cells.

There are many indications for the use of tincture based on moth larvae:

  • Asthma, bronchitis. The drug helps improve expectoration and drainage function of the lungs. Preparations based on wax moth larvae are allowed to be used in the treatment of chronic and acute bronchitis (not only in adults, but also in children).
  • Tuberculosis. The enzyme cerrase, already noted above, produced by moth larvae, has powerful impact on the walls of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, causing their destruction and making them more vulnerable to the immune system and medicines. Treatment of people with tuberculosis using wax moth tincture does not entail the development of complications and the destruction of microorganisms beneficial to humans (as is the case in the case of treating tuberculosis only with pharmacological agents).
  • Postoperative recovery. Serotonin proteases present in moth larvae prevent the formation of postoperative adhesions and scars. Wax moth tincture will be useful for postoperative patients whose sutures do not heal well or have extensive purulent inflammation.
  • Infertility. Wax moth also has an excellent effect on disorders of the reproductive functions of men and women. A drug based on it helps to increase erection and sperm activity in males, and in females, tinctures from moth larvae make the vaginal microflora healthy and improve the functioning of the ovaries. Medicines based on wax moths also have a good effect during pregnancy. They supply a large amount of microelements and vitamins to the blood. The use of such drugs eliminates the risk of developing anemia in the expectant mother.
  • Depressive states. Wax moth larvae contain serotonin components, which are responsible for improving mood and performance. A tincture of moth larvae can be used by people prone to depression and ordinary citizens during periods of autumn or spring blues. The composition of this product is so useful that it will help not only cope with a bad mood, but also protect your body from the effects of respiratory infections.

Separately, it is worth mentioning where to buy wax moth tincture? It is clear that it is unlikely that you will be able to prepare it at home (unless you are the owner of an apiary). Pharmacies and beekeepers themselves distribute this drug. When preparing such a tincture for sale, it is important to understand that only moth larvae that have not yet reached the pupation stage are suitable for it. Following this rule is extremely important because immediately before pupation (the intermediate period before the caterpillar becomes a butterfly), the larva stops consuming food and its body is not saturated with useful components. Naturally, such individuals do not carry any therapeutic effect. When purchasing a medicinal solution based on wax moth, pay attention to the presence of instructions with recommendations for use. If there are none, then it is better not to purchase the tincture, since, most likely, it is a fake.

With furniture moth

You can fight furniture moths using various methods. The measures taken will depend on whether the pests have already appeared or not. Preventive methods of control are aimed at preventing the appearance of furniture moths, and elimination methods are aimed at getting rid of existing insects.

Among the elimination measures to combat moths in furniture, the following can be identified:

  1. Mechanical removal of moth larvae and eggs;
  2. Warming up furniture and treating it with a quartz lamp;
  3. Treatment with aerosol insecticidal preparations.

Preventive ways to combat furniture moths in rooms include regular ventilation of the premises, periodic cleaning and washing of furniture, and treating them with disinfectants.

For effective removal For adult butterflies, mothballs can be used. This remedy has long proven itself to be good, but still has serious by-effect in the form of the presence of carcinogens harmful to human health.

The fight against moths that have already appeared on furniture involves mechanical removal of moths, egg-laying eggs and larvae, as well as washing pieces of furniture. An additional effect is created by chemical agents, divided into fumigation and contact.

Contact preparations are represented by various aerosols and insecticidal solutions. They are applied directly to the moth-infested furniture surface. The larvae, crawling on the surface treated with such means, will eat toxic substances and will soon die from them.

Fumigation preparations for controlling butterflies and moth larvae are available in tablets and plates. They are placed in places where moths and their larvae are expected to be located. The destruction of insects occurs due to the aromatic fumes emanating from these drugs. Now manufacturers of insecticidal products against moths offer customers the widest range of its products. The category of aerosols includes Raptor “Moth Protection”, “Armol Expert”, “Moskitol”. The most effective plates against pest butterflies are “Dezmol” and “Antimol”. Morimol, Foxide, Mittox and Supromit solutions will also help protect upholstered furniture and carpeting in the room.

With potato moth

Potato moth is one of the most dangerous pests potato tubers. It is worth taking measures to combat such a pest during the period of growing potatoes, as well as after harvesting, during its storage. The potato moth is small insect grey-brown tint. Its larvae gnaw long tunnels inside potato tubers, causing gradual blackening of the fruit.

Faced with a similar problem, most gardeners do not know how to deal with potato moth. It is extremely difficult to remove this pest, so you should prepare in advance and properly for storing potato tubers. The procedure for exterminating these insects must be carried out systematically and comprehensively, in accordance with the following principles:

  • Healthy potato tubers should be planted at the maximum possible depth, after warming them up.
  • It is recommended to regularly hill up and loosen potato plantings.
  • Potato tops must be mowed and destroyed in a timely manner.
  • Immediately after harvesting potatoes, it is worth treating them with special anti-moth products. Such potato pests will not be able to resist Entobacterin, Dendrobacillin and Lepidocide. The potato treatment product Prestige has also proven itself to be effective in the fight against potato moth.
  • It is recommended to store the potato harvest at a temperature of 3-5 ºC to avoid the appearance of butterflies and moth larvae.

Thus, the measures combine chemical and agrotechnical measures. It is necessary to take care in advance of preparing the place for storing potatoes, clearing it of any debris. The potato storage facility must not only be clean, but also thoroughly disinfected. Before storing the tubers, it is advisable to clean them from obvious dirt and dry them in the open air.

If there are still moths in the storage area where potatoes are stored, you can try using so-called sulfur bombs for greenhouses. When such a bomb burns, a gas called sulfur dioxide is released into the air. It has a detrimental effect on the body of the insect pest. Sulfur is burned in basement where potato tubers are stored, at the rate of 50 per 1 m 3. The scope of application of sulfur bombs is not limited to cellars. They are also used for disinfection polycarbonate greenhouses, houses and warehouses. Fumigating the cellar with a sulfur bomb allows you to dry the cellar and prevent the development of mold, rot and fungal diseases in it. You can buy such a device in a specialized store or make it yourself by watching a video on how to make a smoke bomb.

With apple moth

a very serious pest for garden trees. Such moths harm not only apple trees, but also other fruit trees (plums, apricots, cherries, pears).

A distinctive feature of the apple moth butterfly is the light gray or white color of its wings. The caterpillar of this pest has a greenish color and two rows of black dots. It is the moth caterpillars that cause cobwebs to appear on the leaves of trees, which subsequently destroys all the foliage on individual branches. If a small tree is severely affected, there is a risk that it will completely lose its vegetative parts.

Pests can cause irreparable damage to gardening fruit trees and the fight against them must therefore begin as early as possible.

  • Before flowering begins, it is advisable to treat trees with insecticidal agents.
  • To control the presence and number of apple moths, it is recommended to hang pest traps on fruit trees throughout the garden.
  • Moth-infested leaves of an apple tree or other trees must be promptly collected and destroyed.
  • The natural enemies of apple moths are braconid wasps. They should be attracted to the garden when pests are detected.
  • If necessary, additional chemicals can be used.

With chestnut moth

The main measures to combat the chestnut moth are feeding the trees and introducing special chemicals into the tree vessels, the basis of which is Imidacloprid. This component saturates chestnut leaves with substances poisonous to moths. A method in which the so-called Trichogramma ichneumon is attached to the larvae also has a good effect.

With ermine moth

The ermine moth is an insect from the Lepidoptera family, which includes more than 600 species. Most often, varieties of ermine moths are found in the tropics, but some of them have adapted to life in Russia. The main source of food for ermine moths is vegetation (mainly leaves, less often roots). Settling on the stems and leaves of vegetation, the caterpillars of this butterfly quickly entangle them in a web, stopping the supply of nutrients. Several hundred caterpillars can exist independently of each other on one tree. The ermine moth causes great harm to agriculture and forestry. In Russia, this species of harmful butterfly can be found on apple trees and bird cherry trees. By depriving the plant of leaves, this insect provokes a slowdown and complete cessation of its growth, lack of fruiting and flowering.

The main method of combating ermine moths will be timely prevention and treatment of wood with chemical insecticidal preparations or biological agents. If the area affected by the tree is small, then the nests of moths can be collected manually, and leaves damaged by the pest can also be collected. They are then burned along with the larvae outside the garden plot.

Among the most effective insecticidal preparations used to combat ermine moths are:

  • Arsenic solution;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • Danadim;
  • Lepidocide;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Aktellik (for private gardening farms).

The first treatment is carried out in May, but care should be taken, since the above-mentioned agents are extremely toxic. You can treat the plant again in early July.

There is also folk method combating ermine moths. A solution is prepared, the basis of which is a bucket of water, in which a pack of shag tobacco, a bag of red pepper, onion and garlic peels, and a bottle of potassium permanganate are diluted. The prepared mixture is infused for three days and then sprayed on the trees. This drug can be replaced with regular Coca-Cola.

With poplar moth

The poplar moth is a small butterfly white, which is predominantly nocturnal. It harms agricultural products, but mainly settles on green spaces poplars of various types. The color of the poplar moth is inconspicuous, but there is slight variegation on the front wings. The caterpillar of this pest does not exceed 5 mm in length.

As for the methods of combating poplar moths, it is worth considering that this pest does not cause any damage to humans. True, sometimes moths cause inconvenience by settling on the ceilings and windows of homes. The main means of combating poplar moths now is to spray the crowns of poplars and the soil around their plantings with strong pesticides.

Fighting whitefly

The whitefly is a harmful insect of small size and white color. These butterflies are localized on the inside of tree leaves and therefore are practically invisible.

To understand how to deal with whiteflies at home, a gardener needs to be familiar with the main signs of the presence of insects on a plant:

  1. When you touch the stem and leaves, whitefly butterflies immediately fly up from underneath.
  2. On the underside of the leaves, where butterflies accumulate, there is a sticky coating in which fungi multiply. Because of them, the leaf first acquires white shade, and then gradually turns black.
  3. Whiteflies carry viral diseases from plant to plant, causing deformation of stems, leaves and cessation of shoot growth.

If whitefly infects vegetables or other cultivated plants garden, then the main measure to combat it will be to treat them with insecticidal agents. The drugs Actellik, Confidor, Fufanon, Pegasus, Fosbecid will be effective in this case. The number of sprays and recommendations for diluting the preparations can be found in the instructions for them.

The whitefly causes great damage to agricultural land and its control must be high-quality, effective and timely. Folk remedies against whiteflies have proven themselves well. It should be remembered that such pests react extremely poorly to cold, so a plant affected by this type of moth can be moved to a cooler room for preventative purposes. But at the same time, it is worth clarifying whether such a movement will have a negative impact on the vegetation itself.

So-called glue traps against whitefly moths have become very popular among gardeners. Ordinary plywood sheet painted bright yellow, and spread on top with a layer of adhesive substance (honey, castor oil or rosin). Bright surface will attract butterflies, and the glue will prevent them from flying away. Ordinary traps can also be used as moth traps. sticky tapes for flies.

There are also more neutral ways to deal with whiteflies. They are used if whiteflies have infested indoor flowers. It helps in this case:

  • Infusion of yarrow. The leaves of this plant are taken in the amount of 80 g per 1 liter of water and infused for one day. Large plant leaves are wiped with a cotton swab, and flowers with small leaves are sprayed.
  • Garlic infusion. Add a tablespoon of finely chopped garlic to a liter of water. The composition must be infused for one day.
  • 1 part of crushed soap is dissolved in 6 parts of water, and then the leaves of moth-infested plants are wiped with the prepared solution.

Rules for storing fur coats

You can prevent the appearance of moths and their larvae in fur items if you properly store clothes in the off-season. Most often, moth larvae are found in outerwear from natural fur, and therefore we will give a number of rules regarding how to store a mink coat in the summer.

  1. The best option for storing a natural mink coat is a bag made of breathable material. It is desirable that it is not made of polyethylene. It’s better, of course, to buy a cover for your fur coat. Before placing it in it, the fur product should be hung on wide hangers. In general, it is recommended to store such clothes in a dry and slightly cool place, separate from other things. This will ensure normal air circulation in the storage area and prevent the appearance of pest butterflies.
  2. Regular newspapers will help protect a coat of valuable fur from moths and other pests. Before placing in a bag, the product is rolled up and wrapped in newspapers. To increase the effectiveness of such preventive measures, you can wrap tangerine peels against moths, tobacco, lavender or hot peppers along with a fur coat. All these products have a pungent odor that the harmful butterfly does not like. For humans, the aroma of these natural remedies will be pleasant and unobtrusive. This option will help not only to establish an effective fight against moths, but also to freshen the air in the room.
  3. When storing a fur coat for summer storage, pay special attention to choosing hangers for it. Wooden or plastic traps are most suitable for products made of natural fur. The length of the coat hanger should correspond to the length of its shoulder.
  4. If your financial capabilities allow you, then you can summer period store the mink coat in a special refrigerator, which is now available in many dry cleaners. Moths are very afraid of the cold and will never encroach on fur stored at sub-zero temperatures.
  5. If a fur product is stored in a closet at home, it is advisable to regularly take it out for ventilation. In winter, the fur coat is ventilated naturally while wearing it, but in summer it must be forced to undergo this procedure. But at the same time, you should take care that the fur is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  6. To ensure that a natural mink fur coat serves you as long as possible, do not wash it in water using a variety of detergents. detergents. This method of cleaning is categorically unacceptable for any fur product, since it leads to significant deterioration of it. appearance. Fur fibers under influence humid environment stick together, and the whole fur coat as a result looks unpresentable.
  7. Do not dry a fur coat with a hairdryer or by placing it near a heating radiator.
  8. If the fur becomes dirty, it can only be cleaned in a specialized institution called dry cleaning. You should not comb the fur against the hair growth, or try to knock dust out of it with a carpet beater. This type of exposure often causes the fragile fibers to break.

The moth feeds on the horny substance contained in fur and wool products, which is why it is called a keratophagous insect. It only takes one little larvae one day to chew a hole in your favorite sweater! However, this insect does not disdain organic matter, so the question of how to deal with moths in an apartment is always very relevant.

Types of house moths

Depending on the taste preferences There are several types of moths:

1. Kitchen:

  • Granary - settles in nuts;
  • Flour - prefers flour;

  • Potato - found in potatoes;

This is what an adult potato moth looks like and its larvae, which settle in potatoes and feed on its pulp

  • Cereal - lives in cereals;

  • Fruity – loves dried fruits.

2. Room:

  • The dress butterfly is a butterfly up to 22 mm long with light yellow wings, violet-brown at the base. It feeds on wool, which is present in outerwear, upholstery, carpets, sweaters, suits, etc. It is also attracted to pet hair and textiles contaminated with sweat, food and urine. The caterpillar-like larvae hide in folds of tissue. Clutches of eggs are located on the inside of clothing. The hatched larvae gradually gnaw through the tissue, leaving only the thin top layer intact;

  • The fur butterfly is a small yellow butterfly with a slight shine and a wingspan of up to 1.5 cm. The larvae have white translucent skin, which makes them look like worms. The fur moth chooses felt, wool, fluff, fur, felt and feathers. She is very voracious - she gnaws holes in everything she comes across on the way, regardless of whether it is suitable for food. It is very easy to notice traces of the vital activity of this moth - the fur coat begins to shed, and lint of fur literally falls out of it. Adult females have the ability to reproduce very quickly;

  • Furniture butterfly - is a small (only 1 cm) light yellow butterfly with brown wings at the base. It often lives in the upholstery of upholstered furniture, eats both natural and synthetic fabrics, so it is very difficult to fight it. Eggs are laid in crevices of wood, in the bottom of upholstered furniture and in the back of upholstery. First, the larvae eat textiles and the inner filling of a sofa or chair. Then they get to the wood, gnawing entire passages running parallel to the pattern;

  • Carpet is one of the most resistant types of these pests. Its larvae are omnivores - they eagerly eat the fur on fur coats and collars, the skin on shoes, jackets, bags and coats, as well as floor coverings. Carpet moths lay eggs deep in the pile and other hard-to-reach areas. She is not afraid of the smell of camphor and naphthalene, so preparations containing these agents are absolutely useless.

Interesting! Adult moths do not have a mouth, so they do not need to feed. Only the larvae cause harm. Butterflies live no more than a week, but even after that short term they are capable of laying about 150 eggs. Under good conditions (poor ventilation, high humidity and heat), the reproduction of these pests occurs almost continuously.

First measures

If you find a gray butterfly in your apartment, don’t waste time - get down to business right away. This will prevent moths from breeding and ultimately ruining things or food supplies:

  • Inspect the room for a moth nest. It needs to be eliminated and the area vacuumed or washed with warm water;

  • Shake clothes and bedding to remove any hidden insects. You can use clothes brush, carefully treating all pockets, folds, seams with it;

  • Place everything you can in a cold place for a day, warm it up in the sun, wash it at high temperatures or take it to the dry cleaner;
  • Do some general cleaning. The contents of the bag from the vacuum cleaner should be shaken out as far as possible from the house.

How to get rid of moths - folk recipe

How to repel moths with folk remedies? We offer an overview of the most reliable and time-tested recipes that will solve the problem without harming your own health.


For a long time this remedy was considered one of the best, but in last years his popularity declined significantly. The reason for this was the large-scale use of naphthalene, which led to the development of resistance (addiction) in most populations. In addition, it turned out that the drug is harmful to human health, as it is carcinogenic and provokes the development of malignant tumors.

Strong-smelling spices and plants

Moths, like most insects, cannot tolerate strong aromas, therefore, to combat it you can use mint, tansy, tobacco, geranium, chestnuts, eucalyptus, cloves, twigs walnut and lavender. Tobacco is collected during the flowering period, tied into bouquets and laid out on window sills and on cabinet shelves. You can also use dry tobacco leaf. Fabric bags are filled with it and hung in places where pests appear. It is good to grow a pot of geranium in the kitchen - it will protect your home from attacks by kitchen moths. Chestnuts can only be laid out in rooms and cabinets that are well ventilated. Otherwise, they will quickly become moldy.

In addition to plants, most well-known spices also have a pungent odor - allspice, cloves, vanilla, etc. To repel the pest for a long time, pour the spices into bags and place them in the apartment.

Strong scented soap

Another effective remedy for moths, which housewives have been using since ancient times. Soap (laundry or toilet) is placed in the pockets of outerwear, as well as between things on the shelves. A pleasant amber and protection from pests is guaranteed!

Essential oils

A traditional remedy for controlling indoor insects. Feel free to use esters of lavender, eucalyptus, mint, orange, tangerine, rosemary and geranium. They will protect your home and add fragrance to your linen and outerwear. It is enough to apply a few drops of ether on a cloth or paper napkin and place them in the apartment - where moths like to be.


All citrus fruit They have a very strong odor that perfectly repels pests. Place fresh orange, tangerine, lemon or grapefruit peels on the shelves of your wardrobes and kitchen cabinets. Replace them as they dry out.

Lemon or orange zest, placed in cupboards, will help repel moths and drive them out of your home.

Natural remedies only repel moths, not kill them. In case of mass infection, they are unlikely to help you - in this case, you should give preference to chemical insecticides.

See more folk remedies(video):

Fly traps

If moths have flown into your home and you can't catch them, hang several sticky fly traps around the room. After some time, the butterfly will definitely stick to it.

Chemical agents against moths

Fighting moths at home cannot do without the use of chemical insecticides. They are represented by sprays and aerosols. Among the most effective are:

  • Dichlorvos - only cabinets can be sprayed with it;
  • Armol - acts on all surfaces (textiles, furniture, wood). For processing small apartment One can is enough;
  • Clean house - it should not be sprayed on clothes;
  • Raptor is an excellent fast-acting drug that allows you to destroy the entire population of insects as quickly as possible. Thanks to a special formula, the aerosol enters the moth's body through chitinous membranes and the respiratory tract. This aerosol is non-toxic and has no unpleasant odor. It is suitable for processing clothing and wardrobe or upholstered furniture. The main thing is not to use it in the kitchen;
  • Antimol is a universal remedy;
  • Morimol, Foxid, Mittox, Supromit are insecticidal solutions that are used to protect carpets and upholstered furniture.

Aerosols sprayed in a room or closet kill not only adults, but also larvae. The drugs are easy to use, affordable and do not require additional preparation. It is necessary to close all windows, wait several hours, and then thoroughly wash and ventilate the room. Clothes and other textiles should be machine washed. Not only things are subject to processing, but also the wardrobe in which they are stored, as well as carpets and furniture upholstery.

When using sprays, strictly follow the instructions - this will allow you to quickly get rid of kitchen and indoor moths.

Fumigators against moths

Fumigators are simple and long-term means of controlling house moths. Plug in the device and let it do its job, the principle of which is to heat a plate with insecticide and evaporate chemical components into the air. In some models, the plates are replaced with a special liquid - both options work equally well. The most famous fumigators are Raid, DiK-3 and Mosquitall.

The fumigator has small size– approximately 95*60*50 mm. The affected area covers up to 30 square meters. m. The device can be placed in any cabinet - an extension cord will help you with this.

Attention! Fumigators have a delayed effect - they do not work immediately, but within 3-14 days. This small drawback is compensated by a lower degree of toxicity than, for example, aerosols.

Moth traps

For those who prefer effective and safe ways to kill moths, we recommend using Swissinno traps. These devices do not contain chemical insecticides, so there can be no question of harm to health. The trap looks like a house with sticky walls. Attracted by the delicious smell coming from inside, the butterfly flies inside and sticks to the walls. The design is designed so that an insect can easily find the entrance - it is open on all 4 sides. Using the house is very simple - you just need to glue the device to a degreased surface.

Moth sections

Home methods for moth control include the use of special sections. They are produced by Raptor and Mosquitall. They have a preventive effect and are designed to repel pests. Sections are attached or suspended plates with different flavors– lavender, chamomile, tangerine, etc. The effect of two pieces covers 1⁄2 sq. m. cabinet area. They need to be changed once every 4 months.

Advice! Insecticidal aerosols, fumigators and sections should be stored separately from food and away from children.

How to remove kitchen moths?

You need to get rid of kitchen moths immediately, otherwise they will ruin all your food supplies. To do this you need:

  • Conduct an audit of the stocks of cereals, sugar, flour, dried fruits, nuts, etc. Gray plaque, cobwebs and sticky lumps indicate that pests have already been here. Food damaged by larvae will have to be thrown away. Calcine the rest in a hot oven for 20 minutes;

  • Wash cabinets, shelves and other food storage areas with washing gel and treat with sprays or fumigators;
  • Place garlic cloves, citrus peels, lavender sprigs, bay leaves and other fragrant herbs on all shelves.


You know how to deal with house moths, but do you know how to prevent re-infestation? Prevention measures will help you with this:

  • All items in lockers should be clean, especially those that are put aside until next season;
  • Wipe down periodically internal surfaces cabinets and wardrobes, treat them with disinfectants or vinegar solution;

  • Ventilate the house regularly and clean it;
  • Approximately once a month, clean carpets and upholstery with water and disinfectant;
  • Fur and wool items must be wrapped in clean plastic bags or newspapers (moths cannot stand the aroma of printing ink), and place the fur coats in thick paper covers. It wouldn’t hurt to spray them with an anti-moth preparation;
  • Carpets, blankets, rugs, pillows, etc. should be taken outside at least 2 times a year for airing and beating;
  • Winter shoes sent for storage also need to be prepared. To do this, remove the insoles, wash them well and dry them completely. Place tobacco, lavender or ether-soaked napkins in the shoes themselves.

Irina Z.
How to get rid of moths in a house where there are a lot of moths from nowhere?

The appearance of moths in the house is a common occurrence, so it is important for housewives to be able to deal with them. These harmful insects are found in food, clothing, carpets, etc. As a result, the inhabitants of the house may lose a sweater or fur coat, a piece of furniture or a supply of flour. To avoid losses, you need to know how to get rid of moths as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How moths appear in the house

There are more than 30 species of moths, among which the most common are furniture moths, fur moths, clothes moths, carpet moths, fruit moths, cereal moths, etc. These insects, up to 1.5 cm in size, have an inconspicuous gray color. The greatest harm is caused not by adults, but by caterpillars and larvae, which eat huge amounts of food.

Moths often enter a home in several ways:

  • flies through a door or window;
  • enters the apartment along with purchased items or products;
  • enters the house from neighbors through cracks, ventilation ducts or entrance.

It is quite difficult to detect the eggs of these insects, but adults that begin to fly are easy to spot. If residents see a small gray butterfly, it means there is a pest in the house that needs to be removed without delay.

Moth habitats

If there are a lot of moths flying around the house, but no one knows where they came from, then you need to urgently start searching:

  1. Inspect the closets where wool, fur and other wardrobe items are stored. The presence of pests will be indicated by oblong cocoons, holes and fur bald spots in the products.
  2. Consider furniture upholstered with natural fabrics. If there are insects there, then their tunnels will be visible.
  3. Examine all carpet products made from natural materials, where bald spots, ducts and cocoons may also be found.
  4. Conduct an audit of products stored in kitchen cabinets. You need to inspect flour, cereals, dried fruits and look for lumps, glued grains, small worms and cobwebs. After determining the insects' habitat, all contaminated products should be thrown away. Then you need to thoroughly wash and dry the kitchen set.

Pest Control Methods

Heat treatment. The moth feels comfortable at temperatures environment from -5°C to +45°C. Therefore, with a small degree of infestation, the following methods will help to remove insects:

Moths cannot tolerate high temperatures

  • Steam or wash clothes at maximum temperatures. To rid carpets and furniture of pests, you can use a steam generator or a special household hair dryer.
  • Freezing the room for several hours.

Attention! Should be accepted necessary measures precautions not to damage the heating system.

  • Placing fur products in the refrigerator.

Chemicals. Insecticidal preparations successfully fight clothes moths:

  • Fumigators are not harmful to humans, but are destructive to insects. The most popular products include “Raid”, “DiK-3”, “Mosquitall”.
  • Aerosols have a strong poisonous effect and can completely destroy pests. Usually such products as “Protection against moths” (“Mosquitall”), “Armol”, “Raptor” “Extramit”, etc. are used.
  • Moth sections - often used only to prevent infection. The most popular are Mosquitall and Raptor.

Attention! If small children or people with allergic diseases live in the house, then it is better to fight pests using natural remedies.

Folk remedies for pest control

Remedies will help get rid of moths natural origin that have a strong odor:

  • geranium,
  • dried lavender with flowers,

  • laundry soap,
  • sagebrush,
  • citrus peels,
  • tobacco,
  • walnut leaves.

The listed products should be laid out on shelves, which will repel insects and serve as good prevention for the future.

Thus, various methods will help get rid of moths, the effectiveness of which has already been proven by practice. But it is best not to fight the problem that has arisen, but to try to avoid it: regularly clean the apartment, ventilate cabinets, clean furniture and carpets, store cereals in carefully closed jars.

How to kill moths: video

If you notice eaten areas of fabric or fur on your clothes, you should think about how to deal with moths in your apartment. Small moths can cause great harm if they are not destroyed in time.

Traces of their activity can also be seen in containers with bulk products. Let's study the characteristics of winged pests and methods of their destruction.

There are several dozen in nature. But at home we are annoyed by only two groups: the kitchen and the dressing room. How to distinguish them in order to choose the most effective method of control?

  1. with clothes, under carpets, in furniture. Insect attracted more natural materials, which you can enjoy. This means that don’t be surprised when linen, fur, cotton and other fabrics are hopelessly damaged.

Representatives of the species are yellowish in color and have purple tints. The adult reaches 5 mm in size, and the larva reaches 10 mm. During 8–16 days of life, the female lays up to 200 eggs, therefore, if you do not react in time to the appearance of a moth, you can suffer serious damage.

  1. starts in food storage areas. She likes bulk products: cereals, flour, ground coffee. But he will also not refuse dried fruits, nuts and other foods that are rarely ventilated.

The moth is easily recognized by its gray-yellow color and brown scales. The wingspan reaches 11–20 mm. Translucent larvae, while waiting to transform into pupa and butterfly, eat the insides of grain and other products.

Due to their ability to spoil food and things, moths are not welcome in the house. It does not harm human health.

Even cereals can be consumed after its vital activity. But it is better to destroy the affected areas. They contain remains of eggs, excrement and dead larvae.

The winged insect does not spoil anything, but it cannot be called safe. It is the adults that are able to reproduce.

They drink only water and do not eat anything due to their poorly developed jaw and gastrointestinal tract. But the larvae, gaining strength for rebirth, do not disdain human food.

If you find a small moth in your apartment, immediately go in search of its offspring.

Inspect the clothing and kitchen cabinets, storage rooms. If you ignore one individual, then you will have to fight moths in your apartment for a long time.

Where does the pest come from in the apartment?

The chaotic movements of the moth show that it has a weak ability to fly. This means that it can fly in from the street in rare cases. But then where did he get into the room?

Although both species are similar in appearance, they have a different path to human habitation, as well as a different way of life. Let's look at them separately.

Kitchen pest:

  • arrived from the store in a bag of groceries;
  • climbed through the ventilation from the neighbors;
  • flew during disinfestation from a retail outlet on the ground floor of a multi-storey building.

Clothes pest:

  • brought along with new or used clothing from a store;
  • brought in by movers along with newly purchased furniture;
  • snuck into the room on the fur of a pet.

Veronica, 23 years old: “I bought two packages of millet at a promotional price in a reputable hypermarket. At home I noticed that the seal of the polyethylene was slightly broken. When I opened the first one, I found larvae in it, very similar to small worms. I checked the second one - same story. I had to throw away both packs. This is the cost of saving.”

Prevention measures

To avoid worrying about the safety of food and clothing, prevent the appearance of insects. This does not require a lot of effort and financial resources. Simple but effective ways confrontation with house moths.

  1. Carefully inspect the items you bring from stores. Warehouses can harbor a large number of pests, and they are only too happy to move indoors where there is more room to breed.
  2. Pour food into plastic containers. Do not store them in cardboard or plastic packaging, as it is easy for food to get through them.
  3. When cleaning, wipe even the farthest corners of the surfaces with a damp cloth. Add a little vinegar to the water - it repels moths.
  4. Wash it periodically sofa covers, take them to the dry cleaner.
  5. When you wash the floors, lift the carpet and wash it too. Don't forget the vinegar.
  6. Treat baseboards and furniture with a solution of laundry soap. It is also used for the reverse side of corridor paths and rugs.
  7. Install mosquito nets on windows and ventilation systems.
  8. Buy only fresh products. If you purchased cereal on sale and you have concerns about laid eggs, bake it in the oven at a temperature above 60 0.
  9. Ventilate the room regularly until drafts appear. Household insects love comfort and musty air. For these purposes, also periodically hang folded clothes that are waiting for the next season on the balcony or street.

Keep in mind: it is the larvae that harm you. They are always more difficult to detect than adults.

For this reason, prevention alone may not be enough. You will need more drastic measures if pests are suspected.

Lyudmila, 48 years old: “After I noticed three small moths in my bedroom, I realized that it was time to go through my winter wardrobe. And she turned out to be right. Found it in the folds of my collar mink coat larvae. All things had to be carefully inspected and gutted. I bought an aerosol, sprayed it and the problem disappeared. Now I store my clothes in special cases.”

Chemical destruction methods

There are a large number of products based on chemical components for pest control on the market. How to deal with it most effectively? Let's consider popular means.

  • Nerve sprays will help get rid of the insect family. Before use, put on a respirator, mask and gloves. After treatment, leave the room for 3-4 hours. The balloon should be used twice a week until completely destroyed. Among the effective ones, users highlight “Combat”, “Antimol”, “Difox” and “Raptor”.
  • From electrical network fumigators are working. They plug into a power outlet and do not harm the health of people and animals. In 3 - 4 weeks you will get rid of house moths. The most popular are Raptor, Mosquitall and Raid.

The advantages of chemistry are quick results. The price of drugs varies depending on the manufacturer and form of the drug.

Leonid, 35 years old: “My wife even periodically uses anti-moth aerosol for preventative purposes. Just one day her favorite coat got damaged. I have nothing against it. During the disinfestation, we leave the apartment and spend time together.”

Folk methods of struggle

You found a flying pest in your apartment, but you have no time to go to the store. chemicals No? It's not scary. You can always use the means at hand. Which ones will help?

  • Moths are vulnerable to changes in temperature. Therefore, place contaminated products on the windowsill. The larvae will not withstand temperatures of -10 0 in winter. In summer, use the oven, because the winged pest tolerates heat of 40–50 0.
  • Place peeled garlic cloves into food containers. The spice will not spoil the taste and will also repel insects.
  • Bay leaves, allspice, rosemary, thyme, and cloves also perform repellent functions.
  • A strong repellent odor is emitted by wormwood, tansy, chestnut, dill and Caucasian chamomile. Grind the grass and sew bags into which to put it. Place them in moth habitats.
  • Grate the zest of an orange or other citrus fruit and spread it on your kitchen surfaces.

After treating the premises yourself, the insect population will decrease.

Traditional methods of killing moths are no less effective than chemical ones.

But their use requires special attention. You may not notice the larvae, and then the fight against moths will go down the drain.


To prevent adult insects from reproducing, traps are used to kill them. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in a specialized store.

In any case, it must be used until possible larvae turn into moths and die.

  • Glueless traps attract insects with scent. Once it gets into a special compartment, the pest cannot get out.
  • Glue baits do not harm people's health, because they do not contain chemical components. When a moth lands on the sticky part, it will not be able to tear itself away from it. Manufacturers enhance the effect with pheromones, because they attract insects. Pay attention to Global, Natural Control, Raptor and Aeroxon.
  • You can make a device with your own hands, but its duration of action stretches over a long period of time. Place double-sided tape in cabinets and nightstands or make small holes in plastic bottle with water, so that the pest would come to feast on it, but would not be able to get out.

Pheromone-based traps are more effective; the pest flies specifically to their smell. In other cases, you will have to wait until it is caught by chance, so the fight against moths in the apartment is delayed.

Don't go overboard with placing pheromone traps.

Do not use more than two in one room, otherwise there will be an overabundance of the substance and the insects will become disoriented. This will lead to even more of them appearing.

Efficiency of flavors

Like other household insects, moths are sensitive to odors. We will take advantage of this and place branches of plants in the apartment, essential oils to scare away winged ones at home. Which ones are the most optimal?

  • Lavender is feared by larvae and adults, so its extract is often used as a basis for repellents. Just don’t use plant oil on your clothes, because... it may contain Palm oil, harmful to tissues.
  • Residents of the apartment like the smell of pine needles and cones, but don’t bother. Place the oil in containers on cabinets and nightstands.
  • Insects cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco. Leave the cigarettes in your fur coat pocket.
  • Add vinegar to water during wet cleaning and washing floors. In addition, you can use patchouli or mint oil.
  • Fresh printing ink has an adverse effect on unwanted neighbors. Place fresh newspaper pages in your closet.

It is better to use ready-made essential oils than just herb sprigs. They have stronger concentration and stamina.

Please note that house moths can get used to the same odors: change them periodically. Especially if the larva sensed the aroma at birth, it develops a kind of immunity.

Naphthalene and shag have a strong, pungent odor. It repels moths, but at the same time pollutes the air in the room. Better choose other flavors.

Many methods have been developed to get rid of moths. Housewives prefer to use aerosols and directional fumigators at home, which quickly cope with the task. In addition, it also makes sense to consider folk remedies. But, everything is in order.

How to get rid of moths - folk remedies

You can prepare a moth repellent in your apartment yourself. Folk use states that such formulations are in no way inferior to purchased products.

No. 1. Lavender oil

Midges, moths and other pests do not tolerate strong-smelling ethers. This is what lavender oil is. It is enough to saturate cosmetic sponges with it, and then arrange the discs on shelves and cabinets. These repellers are replaced with new ones at least once every 15 days.

No. 2. Dried lavender

If there is no oil, then use dry herbs. Make canvas bags and pack the plants in them. Then send these devices to all the pockets of the clothes that are in the closet. You can additionally hang lavender on handrails with hangers, place it on shelves, etc. The moth will escape immediately.

No. 3. Dried/fresh citrus peel

A method known since ancient times. Make gauze bags and put a lot of dried or fresh citrus fruit peels into them. Suitable zest of orange, grapefruit, lemon, pomelo, etc. Place the bags on shelves and cabinets, and also put them in the pockets of your clothes.

No. 4. Sagebrush

In the question of how to get rid of moths, one cannot fail to mention the use of wormwood at home. This fragrant plant will quickly drive away pests from your clothes and closets in particular. Dried wormwood is scattered across fabric bags, then they are placed on shelves and cabinets.

No. 5. Clove buds (spice)

Unopened dried buds are famous for their tart aroma. The person likes him, but don’t pray. Therefore, feel free to make linen bags, pour dry clove buds into them and hang them in the closet. As an addition, insert repellers into your pockets.

No. 6. Geranium

We continue to tell you how to get rid of moths in the house. You can use both pots of geranium and dried plant preparations. If there are moths in the closet, then pack the dry twigs on shelves. In cases where it is necessary to eliminate kitchen moths, geranium is placed next to kitchen cabinets.

No. 7. Frost/sun

These insects cannot withstand too high or, on the contrary, low temperatures. Therefore, in the summer, remove all clothes from the closets, hang them in the sun and wait 3 hours. In winter, the same manipulations are carried out in the cold.

Store-bought moth repellents

Experts have developed many effective means how to get rid of moths. Therefore, we recommend using aerosols, fumigators or traps at home. They will quickly cope with the task, we will conduct a review.

No. 1. Aerosols

As a rule, all aerosols have a single spray method - on clothing or in a closet cavity. Don't worry, there won't be any stains. Many products are designed for all types of fabrics and fur products. Before use, be sure (!) to read the instructions.

« Mosquitall» Moth protection

"Armol" from moths

The aerosol leaves no odor and quickly eliminates not only moths, but also skin beetles. Leaves no traces, applied directly to clothing or leather products. It has a lavender scent, once opened, use within 6 months. If you take into account the reviews, you can buy “Armol Expert” for 70 rubles.


This product is on the list of leaders in quickly killing moths. After treating clothing and the entire closet cavity, the effect lasts for up to 6 months.

"Raptor" from moths

After processing, a pleasant citrus aroma remains. It is necessary to spray only on walls, shelves and other parts of cabinets. Should not be applied to clothing. The moth dies quickly, and the next treatment is carried out a year later.

Antimol "STOPmole"

It makes sense to study the effect of the STOP moth aerosol. Used in homes and businesses, kills larvae and butterflies. Helps protect not only clothes, but also furniture.

No. 2. Fumigators

If you don’t know how to get rid of moths, it is recommended to use fumigators at home. This method allows you to quickly deal with pests. Just connect the device to the network and wait a while.

« Raid»

The presented fumigator can work without problems with plates or a container for liquid. The result exceeds all expectations. Cost - 150 rubles.

« Mosquitall"

It is enough to connect the device to the network so that the liquid begins to evaporate. The product has proven itself only from the best side. Price - 150-200 rubles.


The fumigator works in exactly the same way as the previous ones. There is no noticeable odor. In addition, the device can work with both liquid and plates. Price - 220 rubles.


Fumigators can be left on all day or night. Nothing bad will happen during this time. The product is completely safe for people and pets.

No. 3. Traps

Since you can get rid of moths in various ways, it is recommended to use special traps at home. You will achieve the desired result quickly.

1. The operating principle of the devices is quite simple. The trap is a small flat box. It has holes on all sides. Pests crawl into them.

2. The trap contains non-drying glue inside. The composition does not allow pests to escape; they die there. Traps do not pose any danger to humans and animals.

  • « Aeroxon» . The trap is equipped with 2 special pencil cases. Price - 450 rubles.
  • « Swissinno». The set includes 2 replacement pencil cases. Price - 800 rubles.
  • « Argus». The trap has 6 replaceable canisters. Price -180 rubles.

Fighting food moths

If you don't know how to get rid of moths, it's worth preparing. At home, such pests are unlikely to be eliminated quickly.

We sort through the cereal. Begin the procedure by inspecting the entire grain. In addition, it needs to be carefully sorted. Be sure to get rid of cereals with larvae. Do not try to consume such a product as food, you may get severe poisoning.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets. If you want to know how to get rid of food moths, thoroughly wash all the kitchen cabinets in your apartment. Wipe the shelves thoroughly with a solution of water and vinegar. After this, wash everything with water. Ventilate cabinets regularly.

We store food in containers. To prevent this from happening again, cereals and bulk products should be stored in special containers. This container has a valve that needs to be opened only when necessary.

Fighting food moths with folk remedies

Food moths are a pest that is quite difficult to control. If you don't know how to get rid of it, you should consider using folk remedies at home.

Garlic. Place the garlic cloves with the grits to prevent maggots from forming.

Laurel leaf. The smell of the spicy plant has a negative effect on moths. Therefore, it is recommended to place bay leaves on shelves next to cereals.

Table vinegar. A fairly common remedy used by experienced housewives. Regularly wipe down cabinet shelves with a weak vinegar solution.

Tobacco. The presented plant has proven itself well in pest control. It is enough to lay out tobacco leaves on the shelves so that moths do not start in the cabinets.

The article presents simple and effective ways to control pests. Now you know how to get rid of moths. Use any of the above remedies at home to deal with moths quickly and without unnecessary problems.

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