Life hacks to decorate your desktop. Interesting office life hacks or how to find a non-standard solution to office problems

What appears to you when you think about your workplace? A mountain of unsorted papers or an ideal order, everything on the shelves? Well, if the second. After all, chaos on the table very quickly leads to chaos in the head, which means a decrease in efficiency. Not to mention the fact that you spend a lot of extra time trying to find what you need among the rubble.

But so many things have been invented to maintain order in the office! And here are a few simple things that will help you organize your workplace properly.

Paper clips

You can use them for more than just attaching papers to the wall or to each other. With the help of clips, wires from a computer and office equipment are easily distributed, and you no longer get confused in them. And from them you can build coasters of different designs.

Wall pockets

Get a few wall-mounted plastic pockets, for example, voluminous, as here In them you can store flyers, booklets or brochures that are always needed. Another way to use pockets is to distribute tasks. Just write each one down on a piece of paper, and label the pockets "Urgent" and "Non-urgent" or project names or whatever you like.

Slate or marker board

A very useful tool, especially if you often have to work in a team: for a visual representation of current affairs or the distribution of roles. On a small slate board, you can take short notes for yourself, if you prefer.


They are convenient, but only as long as your workplace is not completely hidden under them. Don't forget to remove reminder stickers when you no longer need them, stick them carefully and in a designated place. Different colors of stickers may refer to different projects or be divided by degrees of difficulty.


It is better if there is a place on it for recording events tied to a number. Mark on it the time of meetings and other important events. You can also develop a system of symbols that remind you of regular business. For example, draw an envelope next to each number when you need to go to the post office.


If you have a lot of small and large tasks, a diary is your best friend. Ideally, it is better to take an empty book for notes and divide the pages depending on your schedule. Some time management experts recommend dividing large tasks into small ones and setting aside a separate line for this in the diary.

Equipping the workplace at home, many are faced with the problem of lack of space. On a small table, all the papers, notebooks, pens and highlighters necessary for work do not fit, and little things like paper clips and erasers constantly disappear from view at the right time.

Kvartblog offers readers several life hacks that will help you competently organize your desk space, making working at it simple and enjoyable.

If there is no space on the table for an organizer with stationery, they can be stored in the drawer of the table. In order for them to lie there in perfect order and be always at hand, you need to choose the right storage system.

For example, low cardboard boxes that fit freely into the box are suitable, which can be pasted over with colored paper or decorative tape. For pens or pencils, narrow elongated containers will be convenient, for erasers, paper clips, staples for a stapler - small square boxes. Here you can store notebooks and notebooks.

The boxes must be placed in such a way that they fit snugly together, otherwise they will slide inside the box when it is pulled out, and the contents of the sections may be mixed up.

Instead of boxes, you can use old metal or wooden cases. It is better to separate the covers from them: it is much more convenient to get writing instruments from open containers.

Small things in the drawer can also be sorted using the most common storage organizer, which can be found at affordable prices in any store. As a rule, these are plastic containers with many small compartments.

It is also convenient to store chargers for your phone, laptop or tablet in the drawers, which are probably necessary for work.

If you prefer to store your stationery on the table, then we advise you to buy a universal organizer, which provides space for adhesive tape, sticky notes, and other necessary things. It will ultimately prove to be more compact than the many disparate glasses and coasters.

If you have a desktop computer, the ideal option would be an organizer, which is a small shelf-stand and is installed above the keyboard. Long and narrow, plastic or wooden, it has compartments for storing pens, sticky notes, installing business cards, or just some nice, eye-pleasing pictures and photographs.

Some models have a special compartment for a cup and a built-in holder for a mobile phone - so you don't have to look for it all over the table under a pile of papers.

A good storage option is also a wall organizer made from fabric or cardboard. Thanks to many small pockets or fastenings, it can fit all the necessary accessories, freeing up space on the table.

If you know how to sew, then make such an organizer within your strength and on your own - for example, from old jeans. Pants pockets can be torn off and made into pockets for storing small items.

Horizontal trays for storing documents will help to sort papers on the table. Unlike vertical ones, they can be mounted one on top of the other or you can buy a "fan" drive, which already has five to seven sections, so that in the end they will take up much less space.

Minimalists may also like vertical storage, some of which have a built-in organizer: thus, both papers and writing materials are in one place.

This option is only suitable if you need a minimal stationery set. If there are a lot of little things, it is still better to give preference to a separate stand.

Working in an office requires attention, patience, planning, optimization, high productivity... Wow, there is so much to do, how the public dominates over the personal! Our life hacks will help make office life a little easier. Work for pleasure!

1. Exercise for the eyes

  • You probably spend most of your working time at the computer. Such work requires maximum eye strain, which ultimately will inevitably lead to visual impairment. Raise your finger to eye level at a distance of 30 cm from the face. Now focus your eyes on the finger, then on the wall behind it. Repeat these steps at least 20 times, then blink rapidly for a minute and continue working.

2. Another look at the clerical clip

  • What is a clerical clip, an office worker does not need to be told. Or is it necessary? For example, about its unconventional capabilities. Two stationery clips make an excellent stand for a smartphone. Attach a clip from each end of a business card - and get a convenient stand for your phone.

3. Wire optimization

  • A tangle of tangled wires in the workplace is annoying. Optimize your work area. Attach a few stationery clips to the edge of your desktop, pass cables through their handles - and forget about wires sliding to the floor and tangling between your arms and legs.

4. Paper is always in trend

  • Despite the fact that virtual stickers are trying to push their paper compatriots, the latter do not give up and continue to hold their positions. Feel free to decorate your workspace with reminder stickers. It is impossible to remember all the cases, and skipping urgent and important ones is fraught with trouble. We glue them in a conspicuous place and remove them in the order of execution.

5. We lost her ...

  • Accidentally closed an important tab in your browser? Hotkeys will save you. Just press Ctrl+Shift+T and the tab will be back! This way you can return any number of just closed tabs. See for yourself how you can use this during business hours.

6. CAPITALS - to lowercase

  • Accidentally pressed CAPS LOCK and wrote a "sheet" of text? Don't worry, you won't have to rewrite anything. Just select the text, press Shift + F3 on the keyboard - and the capitals will turn into "normal", that is, lowercase.

7. Coasters for glasses handmade

  • Tea drinking is a sacred ritual of an office worker. Original coasters for tea or coffee mugs can be made from old CDs by pasting them with self-adhesive film.

8. Clean up without a clothes brush

  • By the way, what do you look like? If the suit sits on you as well as the wool-dust-pellets on it, the case is a pipe. The reputation of an office worker should not be a speck! You can fix the situation with ordinary tape. Wrap the tape around your hand with the sticky side up and clean the suit in the manner of a sticky roller.

9. Why does an office worker need a hair straightener?

  • You can iron before work, but by the end of the working day, you can pretty much shrink. And if the business meeting is scheduled for the evening? To bring the collar and cuffs in order, to remove the "loud" folds on the clothes will help the hair straightener.

10. "Smile, gentlemen, smile"

  • When talking on the phone with a client, smile! Your intonation will become much more pleasant, and the conversation will be more productive. In an atmosphere of benevolence, mountains roll up!

Then you have to constantly find ways to increase your productivity, organize your workspace and allocate time in the most efficient way. Luckily, there are some near-brilliant tricks that can make all these tasks easier for you.

Often, jars of stationery are sealed too tightly, and it takes too much time, effort and nerves to open them. Keep a key for cans handy - in such a situation, it will come in handy.

Use paper clips to keep the power cords you need near your desk and eliminate the hassle of constantly untangling them and getting them out of your way. attach the clamps to the tabletop in a place where they will not interfere with you, and thread the cord into the silver “loops”.

Use bag ties, hair cradles, or any other fastener to organize earmuffs or any type of extra-long cord that tends to spread all over the floor. Just roll the cord into a donut, tie or fasten with something suitable.

An old audio cassette case will do just fine as a smartphone stand.

If you like to keep the supplies in your workplace always in place, try using Velcro.

If you're late at the office and want to listen to music on your smartphone, try making a makeshift speaker out of a toilet paper carton and thumbtacks.

If there is no time to iron a shirt, it does not matter. Hair straighteners will help your collar and cuffs look flawless.

A piece of duct tape will help clear the dust between the keys on your computer keyboard.

During the working day, it can be easy to find time to “stretch the bones”. Solve this problem by temporarily replacing the chair with a large gymnastic ball or equipping a workspace that you can stand behind.

Build a pouch or basket for rechargeable mobile devices so that their cords do not create additional clutter in your home or office.

Old CDs make great coasters.

To remember the last time coffee was brewed in your office, use a plastic cup with the appropriate markings.

Get a whiteboard in your office that you can write on with chalk or a marker. You can enter various little things there that should not be forgotten.

If you have a home office or need to fit your belongings into a locker, this article will provide you with helpful tips to make the job easier.

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1. Store small items in the spice rack.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly, or your eraser will smell like cumin forever.

3. Keep papers and pens in a neat organizer made from old frames.

4. Turn the frame into a list of things to do.

5. Make these colorful can organizers

6. Stack them on top of each other to save space.

7. Coat them with chalkboard paint for easy marking.

8. Lucky to have an extra Slinky spring? Use it to store your writing utensils.

9. Keep your cables organized with this desk-mountable organizer.

It costs only $9.99 and you will no longer be humiliated by crawling on the floor in search of a cable.

10. Attach a small hook under the table to keep the cords out from under your feet.

11. Label cords with bread tags. True, to begin with, you will need to eat a lot of bread, but we all sacrifice something.

12. Use the clips to make a large cord holder.

13. Paste the card file with pieces of wallpaper. Fabric or paper for creativity is also suitable.

14. Create a shelf with space to store paper from a magazine rack.

15. Use your morning coffee wrap to keep your headphones from getting tangled. And your mornings will become kinder.

16. Store papers on the wall by attaching them to clipboards.

17. Use one for the to-do list. This person obviously has no obligations.

18. Upgrade your chair. Now, if someone wants to steal your chair, you will know about it.

19. Make a compact charging station out of a lotion bottle. No one will know what it was before.

20. Never spill liquid with this drink holder. It attaches to the edge of the table and prevents terrible disasters like the soy-latte meeting with the MacBook Pro.

21. Cover the inner panels of the shelves with craft paper to give them some color.

22. Create your own bookshelf using drawers. You can make it bigger or smaller, depending on how limited your space is.

23. This beautiful bookshelf is made from Ikea drawers using clips. You can nail or bolt it to the wall if you are concerned about its stability.

24. Perforated boards save a lot of space. Keep important reminders and photos you like at eye level.

25. Attach baskets to a perforated board to store papers. They are easy to move.

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