Why is it undesirable to spread hogweed sosnovsky. Hogweed plant: benefits and harms to human health

Hogweed - recipes for all diseases

Hogweed is a herbaceous perennial plant that belongs to a very strange species. umbrella plants. Among the people, it is this name that is most common - hogweed, despite the fact that in fact there are several names for this amazing plant. In addition, there are about 42 subspecies and varieties of hogweed, some of which fill only a decorative role, while others are suitable for consumption by both humans and animals (for example, when feeding cattle) and so on. In this material, we will consider one of the subspecies of hogweed, which is often used in both folk and traditional medicine, we will tell you how and how to properly prepare a medicine based on a plant, and naturally - what can be cured with it.

How to find out medicinal hogweed, how to store and prepare it for the winter?

Since we have already said that hogweed happens different types, you should know exactly which one is therapeutic and useful. As a rule, such a hogweed has long-leaved leaves that are collected in a kind of basal rosette, small flowers it is collected in one bowl, forming a bouquet (at the same time, the petals are white, less often yellow-greenish).

Attention! In fact, hogweed is a plant that is by no means the safest. He has poisonous properties, which significantly affect the skin, causing burns. By the way, when collecting hogweed, you can easily get burned, even through light clothing. Therefore, when preparing a plant for the winter, be careful, and if you are tormented by thoughts about how it can be useful then, just read the material below.

What parts of the plant are used as medicine?

First of all, these are the leaves that are collected during the flowering of the plant. The second is the hogweed root, which is dug up in the fall, after the entire life (scientifically, vegetative) process. To harvest the root of the plant, it is enough to cut it into pieces, 10-12 cm each, and leave to dry in a dark and dry room. Further, the hogweed root is ventilated and put together in any convenient container (a jar, for example). We do the same with the leaves of the plant, however, in this situation, you just need to separate each leaf from each other and dry them thoroughly. For convenience, after drying, the leaves can be crushed, and also put into a container or a cloth bag. The shelf life of such a blank is about 2 years, after which the hogweed begins to lose its beneficial features. Now, as for the medicinal properties of the product we are considering.

The composition of the useful product and its relevant properties

Note that in traditional medicine (compared to folk medicine), hogweed is, of course, not so common, but if you go to a pharmacy and look at the composition of medicines based on herbs and plants, you can often find hogweed root as a component of this medicine. So, what is contained in cow parsnip?

- P first of all, it is a high concentration of alkaloids and other resins, flavonoids, carotene and other trace elements, various tannins and other substances;

- in hogweed contains about 15% protein and 2% essential oils, about 10% sugar and as much as 23% fiber. Of course, there are also vitamins - this is approximately 2%.

As for the area of ​​​​use of the healing product we are considering, its spectrum is very wide. Hogweed was most widely used as a remedy for external use - the treatment of purulent formations and wounds, the possible appearance of ulcers, and so on. And, of course, it is also used internally. For example, it is a treatment for organs such as the liver and lungs, often used to treat jaundice and asthma. Among the people, hogweed was also used to treat psoriasis. Also, it is very effective in the fight against fungal formations, therefore, on the basis of cow parsnip, they make special foot baths.

The cow parsnip works very effectively at nervous disorders , neurotic situations, used to satisfy internal pain, toothache, and even diarrhea. It is also known to use cow parsnip in inflammatory processes - to prevent inflammation during bruises, bumps, etc. It is noted that the plant is also useful for female or male sexual insufficiency (sexual coldness, etc., the effect is similar to ginseng root). Hogweed is also used for spasmodic diseases and pains, and in many other cases. Well, let's look at the importance of a plant in traditional medicine, how to properly and more expediently prepare any medicine based on it.

Recipes for the use of hogweed - a plant from many diseases

Hogweed in housing and communal services diseases

In this case, the infusion of cow parsnip will be very useful, which is done as follows - the cow parsnip is poured with cold and boiled water, in an amount of about 400 ml, then about 30 g of crushed dry grass of the plant is poured, and infused for an hour and a half. Next, the medicine must be filtered, and the raw materials must be squeezed out. Proceed to use - consume 25-30 minutes before meals in a chilled form. A single dose of the drug is not more than 50 ml.

With gallstone disease

A simple recipe is very effective - pour about 200 ml of boiling water into a container, adding about 15 grams of hogweed root. Boil the future medicine for 12-15 minutes, then insist for the same time. Regardless of whether before or after meals, or perhaps during the treatment period, the patient does not eat at all, but takes plenty of liquid, take the medicine about 3 times a day, 20 ml each time.

Another recipe for the treatment of the stomach

This recipe involves the use of both leaves and roots of the plant. So, for cooking you need:

- about about 3 tablespoons of dried leaves of the plant, to which add about half a liter boiled water room temperature;

- in at the same time, steam about 10 g of hogweed root in boiling water and insist for 40 minutes;

- with mix the substance and insist for another 2 hours.

Ultimately, proceed with the use of 50 g of the drug, consumed three times a day, approximately 20-30 minutes before meals.

With insufficient sexual activity in men and women

A simple recipe for solving such piquant problems. For cooking you will need:

- n cow parsnip and coriander tincture, as well as hop tincture (all separately);

- to each tincture will be mixed in proportions of 30 to 15 and to 15 (according to the order set forth above);

- R dilute the mixture with water at room temperature and start drinking.

Take the medicine, about half an hour before meals in the amount of 25 ml.

Recipe for toothache and spasmodic pain

And in conclusion, a simple recipe for how you can get rid of inflamed pains, toothaches and cramps. So, for cooking, you need about 10 g of hogweed leaves, mixing them with about 200 ml of alcohol or a liquid containing alcohol (for example, vodka, other infusions, etc.).

Insist for 2 weeks, and after preparation, apply - rinsing the tooth cavity, or taking orally, no more than 15 ml per day. And remember that hogweed is a fairly versatile plant, and based on these recipes, you can cure a lot of similar diseases.

More about useful products:


Hogweed (Heracleum) - a genus of about 70 species, belongs to the umbrella family (Apiaceae Lindl). The plant is widespread everywhere and is distinguished by its powerful appearance, high, up to 6 m, growth and extraordinary vitality. From here and his Latin name given to him by the ancient Roman scientist Pliny in honor of the hero Greek myths Hercules.

Varieties of hogweed

Numerous species of hogweed are divided into several groups:

  • silage - go to animal feed,
  • decorative,
  • food,
  • poisonous.

We are more interested in food (medicinal) cow parsnip and poisonous cow parsnip.

Hogweed food

To edible species cow parsnip, which for centuries have been widely used as food by various peoples, include:

  • cow parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium L.),

  • dissected hogweed (Heracleum dissectum Ledeb.),

  • Siberian hogweed (Heracleum sibiricum L.),

  • woolly hogweed (Heracteum lanatum Mich.), etc.

Hogweed poisonous

Although many types of hogweed can be used to make a variety of delicious and healthy meals, and also have medicinal properties, unfortunately, the hogweed plant is much more often remembered as poisonous. To poisonous species common in Russia include:

  • Sosnovsky's hogweed (Heracteum sosnovsky),
  • wild hogweed,

  • cow parsnip Mantegazzi (Heracteum mantegazzianum).

How to distinguish other species from poisonous hogweed. A photo

To distinguish poisonous hogweed from other harmless species, you can use the description of plants, but since there are many varieties of hogweed, there is a chance of error. Therefore, it is better to use the photo above.

Botanical description of the plant hogweed

Hogweed - biennial or perennial, has a powerful appearance, some species can reach a height of six meters (this is especially true for poisonous representatives). The root is powerful, unbranched, looks like a carrot, yellowish-white in color, can reach a meter in length.

The stem of the hogweed is thick, ribbed, hollow inside, covered with hard hairs, branched in the upper part.

Leaves are tripartite, doubly tripartite or pinnatipartite, have segments various shapes. Color is yellowish green. Basal leaves are very large, sometimes up to 80 cm-1 m long and 40-80 cm wide, have a long groove-like petiole and are collected in a basal rosette. The upper ones are sessile, tightly covering the stem with their base.

The flowers are small white, green-yellow or pink, collected in a complex multi-beam umbrella, having a diameter of up to 50-60 (sometimes up to 80) cm. One plant has from 80 to 100 thousand flowers that contain a lot of nectar and light gray pollen and are very attractive for bees. Blooms from June to September-October.

The fruit is a large flat brown achene 7-8 mm long. ripens from late June to September-October.

Seeds remain viable for two to three years. Propagated by seeds.


Hogweed is a plant that is ubiquitous. Although it prefers well-moistened soils and is often found along the banks of water bodies, in damp meadows, nevertheless, hogweed has firmly taken root in sparse forests and on forest edges, along the edges of plowed fields, ditches, along roads, in vegetable gardens.

Collection and preparation

Before you start collecting cow parsnip, you should make sure that it is a harmless variety, otherwise you can cause serious harm to your health.

With therapeutic purpose hogweed uses leaves, seeds and roots. The leaves are collected during the flowering period and dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area, not forgetting to stir them periodically. Seeds are harvested when they ripen.

The roots of the hogweed plant are dug or in early spring or late autumn. They are washed well, cut into pieces of 10 cm and dried also in the shade under awnings or in a room with good air ventilation. For uniform drying, as well as to avoid mold and decay, the roots should be turned over from time to time. The drying time is on average about a month.

Finished raw materials are stored separately in paper boxes, linen or paper bags in a heated room. Shelf life is two years.

Chemical composition

Herb hogweed has a high protein content, which is represented by 17 amino acids, such as arginine, methionine, lysine, tryptophan, etc. Vitamins include carotene, ascorbic acid, folic acid, biotin, rutin, macro- and microelements - calcium and phosphorus. In addition, hogweed herb contains sugars, fats, carbohydrates, enzymes and nitrogen-free extractives.

The seeds and roots of the hogweed plant contain carotene and a significant amount of vitamin C, as well as coumarins, furocoumarins, tannins, and essential oil. In addition to the listed substances, sugars, arginine, araban, glutamine, galactan are present in the roots of the plant.

Useful and medicinal properties of hogweed

For medicinal purposes, many types of hogweed are used, such as bearded hogweed, Mellendorf's hogweed, common hogweed, dissected hogweed, woolly hogweed and others, but Siberian hogweed (Heracleum sibiricum L. (H. Flavescens Bes., H. sphondylium L. subsp. sibiricum (L.) Simonk.)).

The plant has:

  • antiseptic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • painkillers,
  • astringent,
  • antispasmodic,
  • soothing
  • anticonvulsant properties.

Siberian hogweed. Therapeutic effect on the body

Hogweed as remedy not used official medicine, but ethnoscience found its use for a number of diseases.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Hogweed has proven itself for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as as a preventive measure. Course intake of plant preparations helps to normalize the digestive process, improves appetite. The plant is used for gastritis (including chronic), colitis, enterocolitis.
In addition, hogweed is used to treat dysentery and diarrhea, for pain in the stomach and intestines.

Respiratory diseases

A decoction of hogweed roots in the form of rinses has a positive effect on various inflammatory processes in the throat.

Diseases of the nervous system

Liver disease

Hogweed has a positive effect on the liver and gallbladder. A decoction of the roots relieves pain, eliminates congestion.

Skin diseases

Great use of hogweed for the treatment of various skin diseases, such as neurodermatitis, eczema, etc. It relieves inflammation well, reduces pain and itching, and promotes rapid recovery of the epidermis. Phytotherapists recommend using the plant, both externally in the form of lotions, compresses, baths, etc., and inside.

They also treat scabies with cow parsnip using a decoction of the whole plant.
With these diseases, not only water extracts of hogweed, but also alcohol tincture can be used. This remedy has a good effect for the treatment of psoriasis. It is used to lubricate problem areas.

Dental diseases

A decoction of hogweed roots in the form of rinses has a good effect on various inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, gingivitis, etc. An alcoholic tincture of the plant is used for toothache.

Joint diseases

Traditional medicine uses hogweed to relieve symptoms of joint diseases. For joint pain and rheumatism, steamed leaves of the plant are applied. Also used for pain, muscle spasms, cramps alcohol tincture hogweed in the form of rubbing.

Dosage forms

Infusion of hogweed herb

  • 1 tbsp hogweed herbs pour half a liter of boiled water at room temperature. Infuse for two hours, strain, squeeze the grass.
    Take the infusion in a cool form for 1/4 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals.

Root decoction for internal use

  • 1 tbsp crushed hogweed roots pour 250 ml. water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat until the volume of liquid is reduced by a third. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, cool. Strain, squeeze raw materials. If necessary, bring the volume of liquid with boiled water to the required volume.
    Take 1 tbsp. 4-5 times a day, regardless of the meal.

Decoction of roots for external use

  • 1 tbsp crushed roots pour 250 ml. hot water, bring to a boil and simmer on the lowest heat for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, warm and let it brew until warm. Strain, squeeze raw materials. Bring the resulting volume of liquid with boiled water to the original volume.

Alcohol tincture

  • 50 gr. crushed roots (sometimes hogweed herb is used) pour 200 ml. strong vodka or 70% alcohol. Close the container tightly with a lid and place in a dark place with room temperature for 2 weeks, remembering to shake the contents periodically.
    Strain, squeeze raw materials.

Hogweed. Harm and contraindications

Hogweed should not be used when:

  • hemorrhoids and rectal fissures provoked by constipation;
  • gastritis,
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

In the presence of hypertension during treatment with hogweed preparations, it should be monitored blood pressure. The plant reduces sexual activity and, with prolonged uncontrolled use, can lead to infertility. It should be used with caution if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Before you start giving cow parsnip to children, as well as pregnant, lactating women, you should consult with a specialist you trust.

Botanical characteristics of hogweed

Hogweed is a perennial plant with a powerful, hollow, ribbed stem that grows up to 150 cm, and in Latvia it can reach 3 meters in height. The stem is covered with hard hairs, the branches are in its upper part. It has a pleasant, slightly perceptible spicy smell. The plant has a powerful root system, has large leaves that grow about half a meter in length. The petioles are stalked and, like the stem, are covered with scales. The upper surface of the leaves is smooth, hairiness is noted along the midrib.

The plant blooms in June-July. White flowers are collected in a large umbrella. The fruits of hogweed (dvuzernovka) appear in August. The hogweed grows in middle lane Russia, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the Caucasus, in Udmurtia, in Altai. There are about 70 species of hogweed. This plant is able to propagate by self-sowing

Hogweed - a poisonous plant

Some types of hogweed are poisonous plants that can even damage the human respiratory system. They can be found in the fields household plots, on the banks of reservoirs and in wastelands. The cow parsnip poses the greatest danger in the summer. Severe allergies can be caused by the smell, pollen and sap of a poisonous plant, and there are cases when people have received toxic poisoning. The coumarin and essential oils contained in the plant contribute to the formation of burns when touched. Subsequently, painful conditions may be observed, accompanied by nausea, headache,.

During flowering, hogweed is especially dangerous. The sap of the plant, falling on open areas skin, increases its susceptibility to sunlight, under their influence appear, and then blisters. Hogweed poses a huge threat to people prone to allergic diseases, the reaction can be the most unpredictable. You need to be careful not to touch this incredible beautiful plant both adults and children should be warned about this.

Siberian hogweed

Siberian hogweed does not stand out for its violent growth, it is harmless, it can be seen in many regions of our country. The flowers of the plant are yellowish-green, collected in large complex umbrellas. It has small egg-shaped fruits. This type of hogweed does not pose any danger to human health, since it contains very few coumarins and essential oils and they are distinguished by a sensitizing effect.

Before the advent of cabbage, the roots of hogweed were boiled, salted and consumed in a sauerkraut form, this plant tastes like cabbage. The roots and fruits of Siberian hogweed contain essential oils, carotene, vitamin C, tannins. The seeds contain octyl alcohol. Siberian hogweed is an excellent medicinal plant, on the basis of which you can prepare all kinds of remedies useful for the body, which have a calming effect on various nervous disorders, epilepsy.

Common hogweed

Herb hogweed is a large perennial plant that grows in Europe and Asia. Valuable are the seeds of the plant, containing oil with a pleasant aroma. Octyl ether found in oil acetic acid. The composition of the oil of leaves and flowers contains aldehydes, which form alcohol when the seeds ripen.

Hogweed oil is easily soluble in strong alcohol, this liquid is used to obtain octyl alcohol. Hogweed seeds have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

The infusion is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. hogweed seeds in 250 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink it 1/4 cup 4 times a day for stomach cramps and women's ailments.

Hogweed flowers contain a lot of pollen and nectar; this is a honey plant. The juice of the plant was used in the treatment of ulcers and purulent wounds, and in epilepsy. The roots have been used to make potions for liver pain and to recover from jaundice. Hogweed is characterized by fodder properties. The plant contains carbohydrates, proteins, and trace elements. Zinc, copper, manganese, iron, calcium allow you to use this beautiful plant for combination with other crops in the production of silage for cattle. Hogweed leaves are rich in chlorophyll, carotene, tannins and essential oils. Cooked food using hogweed has a pleasant vegetable taste and smell.

Burns from hogweed (poisonous)

Sosnovsky's hogweed- is poisonous medicinal plants, can cause inflammation of the skin, similar to sunburn. Lesions with plant sap and pollen can form not only when unprotected skin comes into contact with it, but also through clothing. When going out into nature, it is necessary to protect yourself from a possible unpleasant meeting with a useful and at the same time dangerous plant.

It is possible to distinguish Siberian hogweed (harmless) from pine (poisonous) by flowers: Siberian hogweed has greenish-yellowish flowers, thin and sharp leaves, and pine flowers are white. In addition, Sosnovsky's cow parsnip is much larger in size (maybe even taller than human height), the edges of the leaves are not smooth, but as if slightly bitten, and there are hairs with purple dots on the stem.

Watch a video on how to distinguish Siberian hogweed (harmless) from pine (poisonous):

If, nevertheless, contact has occurred and it has become clear which plant is in front of you, it is necessary to cover the affected areas from sunlight for several days, after washing them with soap and water, treating with alcohol or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Also effective is the use of a solution of furacilin and the drug "Panthenol". If the burn has affected the mucous membranes of any organs, then you need to contact the clinic as soon as possible.

The use of hogweed

Hogweed is used to treat various nervous and skin diseases. The plant is extremely useful as a sedative for convulsions and epileptic manifestations, gallstone disease and inflammation of the kidneys. Healing infusions of herbs are used in case of malfunction gastrointestinal tract, they relieve indigestion, treat dysentery and increase appetite. In the form of baths, drugs from fresh hogweed leaves are used for rheumatic pains and.

Decoctions are prepared from the roots of hogweed, which are an excellent medicine for lymphadenitis and gynecological tumors. Hogweed is the first assistant to cure jaundice and bronchial asthma.

A quick recovery occurs in patients suffering from liver and gallbladder diseases after using the following remedy: 1 teaspoon of chopped Siberian hogweed roots should be poured with one glass of boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, left to cool completely and drink the strained broth 3 times a day for a tablespoon .

Contraindications to the use of hogweed

Before proceeding with the treatment of serious diseases with the help of prepared decoctions using hogweed, you need to know how the body reacts to allergen plants, whether there is an increased sensitivity to substances that cause an allergic reaction. Contraindication to the use of hogweed is individual intolerance.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Mankind knows many types of flora that can bring both benefit and harm. One of them is hogweed, a plant that recent times everyone is hearing. Such popularity is due to its suddenly activated negative impact on human health.

What is a hogweed? Botanical characteristics

hogweed - perennial. It reaches an average of 1.5 meters in height, and some species even differ in six meters in height. The stem of the cow parsnip is hollow, ribbed, covered with scales and fairly hard villi. The branches of this grass are located closer to the top. The leaves are large, sometimes reaching half a meter in length. Their upper surface is mostly smooth, and only the central vein is covered with hairs. root system powerful. The flowering period is the beginning and middle of summer, and the plant bears fruit in August. It is widespread in Europe and Asia. In Russia, it is most often found in Altai, the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and Udmurtia. It has about seventy species. Able to actively reproduce through self-seeding.

What does flowering hogweed look like? In this state, he is a magnificent sight! White, greenish-yellow or rich pink tiny flowers are collected in complex compositions - the center consists of many (sometimes up to a hundred) small umbrellas. On a summer morning, dew gathers on large bright green leaves in such an amount that you can wash your face with it. This picture looks just amazing, and I want to come closer and touch it with my hands. But all this alluring beauty, unfortunately, is full of danger...

Hogweed. Species capable of causing harm

Of the 70 species of hogweed in Russia, only a few can be found. Some of them are dangerous and some are harmless. The dangerous ones include:

  • Hogweed Sosnovsky- one of the most tenacious, tall (up to three meters) and powerful species. Is different large quantity green mass. It is biennial and perennial. Flowering and fruiting once in a lifetime. Its flowers are large - white or pink. This is a poisonous hogweed.
  • Hogweed wild- reaches two meters in height, is biennial plant. Blooms white. It is found in the south of Russia - in the foothills. The plant is quite poisonous.
  • Hogweed Mantegazzi- perennial herb, reaching 6 meters in height. Capable of capturing territories at a phenomenal pace. This herb is most common in the Caucasus. If someone is wondering what the hogweed looks like, which carries the greatest danger, then here is its description. Blooms white and fruits fresh this plant is green. Hogweed Mantegazzi - the most poisonous plant of this type.

Harmless varieties

Among the harmless varieties found on the territory of the Russian Federation, first of all, the following can be distinguished:

  • Siberian hogweed- does not differ in particularly high growth and is found in different regions RF. Its flowers are green-yellow, and the fruits are very small, shaped like an egg.
  • Hogweed dissected- found in the forest-steppe zone of Siberia - on the banks of rivers, on hills and in thinned forest areas. Blooms with large white flowers.
  • hogweed shaggy- has a height of up to 1.5 m. It blooms white. It is found in the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Asia Minor.

Secrets of the name

The official name of this plant is Heracleum. So the Roman scientist Pliny called him in his time in honor of the famous ancient hero. And in fact, the cow parsnip resembles Hercules - it is just as powerful, fast-growing (gaining up to 10-12 cm per day), tall and extremely tenacious. The plant can withstand even ten-degree frosts, it is completely unpretentious, and it is extremely difficult to answer the question of how to breed cow parsnip. Even chemicals he is often not taken, because he knows how to quickly adapt to them.

But this is the Latin version of the name of the plant. In Russia, the herb hogweed got its name because of its nutritional qualities. By the way, once it was called "borsch". The roots of some species of this plant taste like cabbage. With a deficiency of the latter in many Russian regions they were fermented, marinated, salted and cooked borscht from them.

An amazing feature of the cow parsnip

As noted above, hogweed is a surprisingly tenacious plant. And this applies not only to each specific instance, but also to the species as a whole. It is characterized by the highest stability in nature. Some researchers tend to believe that the ancient hogweed is not inferior to tropical rainforests.

He has one unique property which helps to survive and stay on this planet. It lies in the magical "cycle of power." The fact is that fallen and dead greens do not freeze during the winter under a layer of snow, but turn into excellent humus, which nourishes young shoots and makes the new plant even more powerful than the previous one. This, in turn, will give more humus, which will affect the growth of grass next year. And then - on the rise. This is such an unbreakable chain.

Interestingly, the herb hogweed does not allow strangers into its company. You will not find trees among its thickets. If shoots from “stray” seeds appear, they will die very quickly under the influence of hogweed poison.

However, the last one in the forest is also not a tenant. It happens that it will be brought under the canopy of trees, and even grass will grow ... But the plant will look more like a weakling than mighty Hercules.

The history of the appearance of hogweed in Russia

How did it happen that the hogweed weed spread so much in Russia? There are two factors - human carelessness and the unique vitality of grass.

And it all started back in the 40s of the last century, during the time of Stalin, who, having learned that livestock is actively fed with this plant in North America, ordered to breed it everywhere in the USSR (at that time it was found only in the Caucasus). The breeding process was launched and subsequently supported by other leaders - Khrushchev and Brezhnev.

Everything went according to plan, the cow parsnip was beneficial. But then perestroika broke out, and then the Union collapsed. Devastation came to the collective farms, and the uncontrolled cow parsnip broke free, rapidly conquering everything more territory. From a cultivated plant, it has turned into a dangerous weed, with which the struggle today is not for life, but for death.

What is dangerous hogweed? What harm can it do to a person?

In the fields, gardens and dachas, on the banks of rivers, etc., you can find species of hogweed that are very dangerous for humans, especially in the summer, during the flowering period.

Pollen, smell, and grass sap can cause severe allergic reactions in humans. In addition, it can cause burns, which in some cases are fatal.

It's all the fault of the essential oils and coumarin contained in this plant. Getting on human skin, these substances reduce its ability to protect itself from solar radiation to almost zero. Their action does not appear immediately, which aggravates the situation. A person, not knowing that he has been exposed to poison, calmly walks in the sun and receives terrible burns. And when symptoms appear - dizziness and headache, nausea and vomiting, sometimes it's too late to do something.

Burnt skin takes a very long time to heal. The blisters turn black and last from three months to six months, sometimes leaving behind large scars. And if the epidermis was seriously damaged, then relapses are not excluded.

It is noteworthy that hogweed pollen can seep even through clothing. And, once in the eyes, the juice of this plant can cause blindness. A large accumulation of coumarins in the body threatens a person with vitiligo disease.

In the high risk area

Hogweed is especially dangerous for young children, the elderly, people with low immunity and fair-skinned blondes. Allergy sufferers who are sensitive to the effects of essential oils are also at risk of death. Their larynx can swell due to exposure to dangerous substances, sometimes leading to suffocation. The listed categories of citizens, like no one else, should stay away from the hogweed.

What should be done if the meeting with the hogweed could not be avoided?

  • Wash affected areas of skin running water with laundry soap.
  • Pour the burnt places with an alcohol-containing liquid (cologne, vodka, etc.) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin.
  • You can use for processing drugs such as "Panthenol", sodium usninate (on fir balsam) or synthomycin liniment. Fixing bandages are strictly prohibited.
  • After providing first aid, you should consult a doctor. And if harmful substances affected mucous membranes (for example, eyes), this should be done immediately.
  • Block the access of sunlight to the affected areas for at least two days.

Useful properties of hogweed

Hogweed is a plant that can bring a person not only harm, but also benefit. It has already been noted above that its cultivated species serve as livestock feed, and were also used by Russians as an ingredient for soups. But these are not all culinary options.

Candied fruits were also made from hogweed stalks, and vodka was made from the roots and sugar was obtained. Until now, in some Caucasian villages, this plant is the main food for humans and animals. Remembering that poisonous hogweed is sometimes found, people process it in a special way, neutralizing dangerous substances.

But especially impressive medicinal properties hogweed. Remedies prepared from its seeds, stems, leaves or roots help with women's ailments, stomach diseases, muscle spasms, skin problems, convulsions, epilepsy, nervous disorders, psoriasis, pain in the liver, asthma, purulent wounds, dysentery, etc. In addition, hogweed has calming properties and perfectly increases appetite.

Fighting an uninvited guest

Hog parsnip, whose burns can cause serious harm to a person, is today being subjected to mass destruction throughout the country. For citizens who allowed the spread of this grass on their plots, even fines are provided. But the fight is not going very well. This is due to the fact that not everyone knows how to bring out the cow parsnip once and for all.

Most effective weapon in the war with giant grass, it is a scythe. And it is better to mow at night or in cloudy weather, when high humidity air. Be sure to wear waterproof clothing, a mask and goggles. It is necessary to touch this plant only with gloves, preferably not made of fabric.

You can burn the fruits of hogweed. They burn well because they contain oils. But you need to dry them first. Another good effect is the piece-by-piece digging of seedlings in the spring.

The seeds of this insidious plant can be stored in the ground for a very long time. They are “expelled” from there by weeding, plowing, plowing, disking, etc.

If you act persistently, the result will not be long in coming. After all, hogweed is a freedom-loving plant. And sooner or later, the proximity to a person will make him disappear. How inevitably tropical rainforests disappear under such conditions.

In the middle of the 20th century, a plant was artificially cultivated to feed cattle. But Sosnovsky's hogweed turned out to be very toxic and showed properties that did not allow it to be used in agriculture. But the high concentration of essential oils in the stems and leaves perennial grass useful in traditional and folk medicine.

hogweed plant

In total, there are 42 species of hogweed in the Umbrella family in this genus. Its various types are used for ornamental cultivation, as silage crops or raw materials for the manufacture of medicines.

Sosnovsky's hogweed refers to cultivated plants that reproduce exclusively by seed. It is quite hardy and grows well even in harsh weather conditions.

One of the features of the considered species of hogweed is a high honey yield due to large and numerous inflorescences that attract bees.

What is dangerous hogweed?

The described type of plant contains furanocoumarins, phototoxic substances, in its juice. They are activated under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

Thus, if it comes into contact with human skin, the liquid from the leaves, fruits and stem of hogweed can cause severe dermatological damage. The main danger lies in the fact that the effects of the penetration of furanocoumarins do not appear immediately and there are no unpleasant sensations, such as, for example, when in contact with nettles.

Moreover, the mutagenic effect produced by the plant has been established. Juice causes gross and irreversible structural damage to the chromosomes.

Hogweed - consequences

As a rule, after skin contact with grass juice, photochemical burns appear after 1-2 days, especially if the affected part of the body was exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Hogweed burns can be quite extensive and severe, ranging from 1 to 3 degrees. Even cases of subsequent disability have been registered due to the fact that the juice has a high penetrating ability and burns the deep layers of the skin (dermis, subcutaneous tissue).

If contact with the plant was short-lived, then dermatitis usually appears, which disappears on its own within a few days.

Hogweed - treatment

At the first noticeable symptoms of skin lesions, it is important:

  1. Rinse the burnt area with plenty of a mild, cool soda solution.
  2. Lubricate the damaged epidermis with any burn remedy or oily cream without synthetic additives. In extreme cases, vegetable oil is suitable.
  3. The first 3 days of treatment, it is necessary to treat burns with Fukortsin (twice a day).
  4. For 5 days, morning and evening, lubricate the affected skin with Fenistil, Elok or Advantan.
  5. Take the entire course of therapy - 1 capsule at bedtime.

Hogweed - useful properties and uses

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