A small two-story house. Small two-story houses: photos of stylish options

IN Lately Private housing construction is gaining increasing popularity. Among the many options there are both original or unique ideas, so standard houses made according to ready-made templates. Many continue to argue which house is better, but opinions still agree that the best option will become small two-storey house ik. Their choice is easy to explain, because a two-story building gives the owner enough living space, and due to its dimensions, the house can be located even on a small plot of land.

If the land plot is only 7-8 acres, then a house with an area of ​​150 square meters will look cumbersome here. We also must not forget that the site must have a garage, outbuildings and at least some kind of garden or lawn. Big cottage It is quite difficult to plan correctly, because it will not be possible to avoid walk-through rooms.

Functionality one-story house inferior to a two-story building, since almost 30% of the space is spent on halls and corridors. If you build a small two-story house with the same area, then it will take up a minimum of space on the site and even an attached garage will not be able to spoil this harmony.

Advantages of two-story houses

Among the advantages of small two storey buildings should be highlighted:

  • Aesthetically attractive appearancetwo-story houses give their owner the opportunity to realize ideas and plans, to implement various design techniques. Facades two-story houses always look much more representative, because there are no limits to imagination, with the help of modern building materials, even from small house you can create a real castle. Whatever one may say, most citizens have a stereotype in their subconscious that a two-story house is “cooler,” because here you can create complex design roofs, thereby improving the exterior of the building.
  • Possibility of rational zoning of space. A two-story house is very convenient because it can be divided into living space at night and during the day, where several people can be present, including guests and relatives. Often on the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, utility rooms and dining room, but the second floor is used for bedrooms and children's rooms. This arrangement minimizes the possibility of intrusion into personal space and makes it possible to quickly move to a comfort zone.
  • Opportunity to admire nature. If you build a one-story house, then the view from the window will hardly be pleasing, especially considering that on the territory Russian Federation Fences less than three meters are practically never built. With the help of the second floor you can be above it all, enjoying environment on the terrace, balcony or just sitting by the window with a cup of hot tea.
  • There are no restrictions on building materials. Two-storey house small sizes can be built from any materials, be it brick, timber or aerated concrete.


We have looked at the advantages of building a two-story house, but we cannot forget about the disadvantages, which also need to be taken into account. Among the "cons" small house on two floors it should be noted:

  • Mandatory installation of stairs. This element of the house becomes mandatory, because without it it is impossible to get to the second floor of the building. First of all, this negatively affects the living space, because the staircase will “steal” at least 7-8 square meters (it all depends on the design, the number of flights). Secondly, the stairs become a real obstacle for older people, for whom getting to the second floor will be a real problem. If a two-story house is being built for older people, then it is better to place the bedrooms on the first floor, and use the second as guest rooms. In addition, the stairs are a dangerous place, an increased risk not only for pensioners, but also for children.
  • Complexity of ventilation systems. If the house has such a layout that the bathrooms are not located on top of each other, then you will have to think through the ventilation system for the kitchen and lower toilet. If the house is made of brick, then you need to lay out special channels or drill holes for air valves, which will increase heat losses Houses. Provide ventilation and sewer pipes in a one-story house it is easier and cheaper.
  • If on thermal insulation If you spend the same amount of money on a one- and two-story house, then a one-story house will be 5-15% warmer.
  • In the event of an emergency (for example, a fire), getting out of a one-story house is much easier.

One-story and two-story houses: which is cheaper?

In general, it is worth saying that the higher the number of storeys of the house, the cheaper the cost of one square meter of usable area. First of all, the savings concern the roof of the building, because its area is much smaller, and therefore the costs of roofing materials are being reduced. If the ceiling between floors is made of wood, then you save cash on finishing and rough screeds, floor insulation. If you use it as a cover concrete plates, then there will be practically no financial difference.

If we compare the foundation of a one-story and two-story house, then everything depends on the building material with which the house will be built. Double decker brick house has enormous weight, which means it will require laying a powerful, and therefore expensive, foundation. There is no saving here, because the foundation must withstand the load, so a small two-story brick house will not be cheaper than an ordinary one-story house.

Bottom line

A small two-story house is a chance to gather the whole family under one roof, while organizing the space and land in the most useful way. It is this kind of house that opens up unlimited possibilities for its owner, because you can choose any layout and bring various ideas and architectural ideas to life.

A classic two-story house is zoned in such a way that the first floor contains only public rooms, but bedrooms and children's rooms are located on the second floor. How to make your house is everyone’s choice, but this particular house will undoubtedly create a feeling of maximum coziness and comfort.


A small plot is not a death sentence if you want to build a two-story house. The only question is proper planning and choosing a suitable project. Thanks to the presence of two floors in a small area, there is the advantage of a classic arrangement of rooms and no savings on their space. The article will offer several possible options planning that can be taken as a basis, the advantages of two-story buildings will also be discussed.


The construction of a two-story building has a number of advantages over other options. Among them are:

  • economical use of the site;
  • room for flight of fancy;
  • the possibility of a unique approach to façade design;
  • wide choose design solutions for interior spaces;
  • the opportunity for everyone to have their own corner;
  • ease of receiving guests.

It is the two-story house that will be ideal solution question when the plot is not too large, but there is also a desire to have a small plot of land next to the house on which you can lay out a small lawn or lawn. There is also room for buildings under economic needs. The area can also be used for a garage. Small area requires more careful planning when renovating than a large one. Everything you need must fit and the space must be functional. You can't do this without a good imagination. If you have design skills, you can plan everything yourself. You can order a ready-made design project and implement it yourself.

The facade of a two-story building has a larger area than standard house, so you can also approach its design creatively. Combination various materials will visually enlarge the building and give it a pleasant appearance. In a relationship finishing materials no restrictions. You can put it into action a natural stone, metal, glass, wood, decorate some areas with forging or carving. Organization internal space also opens up scope for exclusive solutions. One of them may be to combine rooms and create a second light. You can provide a guest room where it will always be convenient to receive friends.


Two-story houses also have their own nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a project. One of them is to increase the budget for the entire project. On the one hand, the issue is related to the need for additional building materials for the second floor. But it happens that with a larger area of ​​a one-story building, approximately the same amount of building material is consumed. Another factor is a different approach to foundation construction. The load from a two-story building is greater than from a one-story building, so the construction of a more powerful structure will be required, which requires funds.

The living quarters are located on two levels, which means that transportation will be required more communications. The system itself will have greater ramifications than in one-story building. This concerns electrical network, water supply, sewerage and heating. The issue of air conditioning and ventilation must also be resolved correctly. The exterior and interior decoration of a two-story house is more dangerous than a one-story house. This is due to the need to install scaffolding and platforms from which work will be carried out.

The approach to planning will also depend on whether there are elderly members in the family. If this is the case, then their rooms should be located on the ground floor, since climbing even a short flight of stairs can be a problem. In addition, it is necessary to understand that flight of stairs poses a danger. This also applies to children, so climbing to the second floor should be as thoughtful and safe as possible. The house must be warm, and the amount of insulation for a two-story building is almost doubled compared to a one-story building, which will result in additional costs.

Finished projects

Above is a project for a two-story structure, which can be built from timber or with a wood finish. The overall dimensions of the project are 7 by 8 meters. It turns out that total area, which will be available for planning is 112 m2. With such an area, all standard rooms can be placed on the ground floor. It can be seen that in the project the bathroom has two entrances, which is quite convenient, since you can get into it directly from the bedroom.

Eat big square where you can receive guests. This was achieved by using the technique of displaced rooms in the project, which was mentioned above. Corner placement kitchen set allowed the best way use the space, leaving the main part for the living and dining areas. With such a distinction, the project will require good sound insulation interior walls, because the sound of the TV and noise from the kitchen can be heard in the bedroom. The project provides for the presence small hallway, which simultaneously serves as an air vestibule to preserve heat in the house.

The second floor of the project can be called a sleeping area. The guest room can be located here or on the ground floor. The presence of a bay window gives a special mood to the project, thanks to which another functional area is formed that can easily be used as an office.

Such a project can be implemented on a plot that has an area of ​​only 70 square meters. This will leave room for a garage and a recreation area. This project does not use the combination technique, but the kitchen is given an interesting place, which is located under the stairs. At the same time, the total area of ​​the kitchen according to the project is 12 square meters, which will be enough for the hostess or owner to move freely when preparing food. Desk The child's office or office is located in the bedroom on the first floor.

It can be seen that according to the project, there is only a bathroom on the ground floor, but it will not fit a bathtub or even a shower stall. There are several ways to resolve the issue. One of them is to reduce the kitchen area to leave room for installing a shower stall.

Another solution in the project could be redevelopment of the second floor. As you can see, the bedroom on the second floor has an impressive size with an area of ​​18 square meters. Of these, you can leave only 10, devoting the rest of the space to a full bathroom. This will require modifications to the project in terms of communications, but the house will become more comfortable.

A variant of the above project may have various ways finishing of the facade, regarding color and the material itself. Despite the small dimensions of the two-story house, the project managed to achieve an ideal and convenient layout of the premises on both the first and second floors. The kitchen, living room and hallway, where the staircase is located, are designed according to the open-space principle. Thanks to the absence of internal walls, the project made it possible to expand the space both visually and actually.

Here you can clearly see that the area has a functional demarcation; this differs from the first project, where such a solution was not implemented. Due to the fact that according to the design, tiles are laid near the kitchen unit, practicality increases, since the floor with such flooring is easier to clean. Although the project provides for the use of only a shower stall, there is enough space to install a bathtub.

The second level has a superb layout that should suit everyone in the family. Even when receiving guests you won’t have to feel crowded. At the same time, one of the rooms on the second floor can be converted from a bedroom into an office if remote work is available. Interior decoration the project is being implemented natural materials. Can be laid on the floor parquet board or laminate with a single contour, which will visually unite the entire available area. Another project of a small two-story house can be seen in the video below.

Note! When implementing a project on a small area, the garage can be located either next to the building or directly below it. This will slightly increase the cost of the foundation, but will allow you to leave more open space in the yard.


As you can see, even a small area can be used in the best way with proper design. If you need to build a house in short time, then it's better to use frame technology. For greater energy saving, foam blocks that are lightweight are suitable. With the help of a competent foreman most You can carry out the work to implement the project yourself.


Experts say that a modern, comfortable home does not have to be large. In fact, 28 m is quite enough for a person to live a normal life. 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​just under 120 m 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

Typically, projects small houses- one-story. But at the request of the customer, it is possible to complete a full second floor or attic.

In order to place everything in a relatively small area living rooms and ensure comfortable family living, technical and utility rooms are decreasing. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Large house project: fight for every square meter

  1. By designing small, architects minimize the use internal partitions. Thus, rooms with different functionality are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, kitchen are grouped into a day area and separated purely visually - using design techniques. Project small house allows rational use of each square meter usable area. Wherein additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, and dressing rooms form the night zone and are located in such a way as to maximally protect the personal space of the residents of the house from strangers. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is located there.
  3. They try to design the utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. To reduce installation costs utility networks, they are placed one above the other. In a one-story house, the bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • Building a small house does not depend on the configuration and size land plot.
  • Construction of such a house will also cost much less.
  • Short design and construction times.
  • Relatively low costs for public utilities and easy home maintenance.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern, comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.

For people who are planning to build a private house, one of the main factors in choosing the number of storeys is the area of ​​the land plot. If the plot is small, it will not be very rational to put a one-story house on it with large area developments. It would be much more expedient to consider projects of two-story houses and cottages, and use the remaining area for growing vegetables, fruit trees or flowers, or just arrange a lawn.

In favor of choice finished project a two-story house has the following advantages:

  • saving useful area of ​​the site;
  • more space for lawns, plants and additional premises;
  • presentable and solid appearance;
  • beautiful view surroundings, which opens from the second floor.

If our customer really wants, we can complement the design of a two-story house with balconies or a terrace, and such a house will become a real piece of paradise. On the second floor balcony you can arrange friendly gatherings in the fresh air, romantic dates, accompanied beautiful view or just work on the computer while breathing fresh air. You can also allocate one balcony for the children's room play area, then toys will not be scattered throughout the house.

Our team of architects consists of true professionals who can adapt any two-story house project to build the home of your dreams.

As for the materials from which such houses are built, a wide choice is possible depending on the purpose of the building. You can buy a project for a two-story house made of brick, aerated concrete or ceramic blocks. Sometimes customers want to combine several materials in one project. Our architects are always happy to meet them halfway and can provide an option combined house. In such houses, the combination of brick and gas blocks works quite harmoniously. This design of a two-story house allows you not only to save money, but also to create unique design Houses. On final stage construction, when it comes time to choose an interior design style, a combination of materials can serve as one of the stylish decor elements.

Those projects of two-story houses, the prices of which are the most affordable, involve the use of foam blocks or aerated concrete. Such buildings are ideal for the role of houses in which it is comfortable to live not only in summer period time. But if you want to live in your home permanently, including in winter, it is better to choose more durable building materials. For those who are building a house for permanent residence, it is best to choose projects of two-story houses made of brick or ceramic block as the main material. Such houses are strong, durable, and have excellent sound and heat insulation properties.

Two-story brick houses are classics suburban construction. Their functionality and the aesthetics are ideal for small family living for modern people.

The trend to build two-story estates emerged due to a lack of land, which is especially acute within the city. If you want to build comfortable housing for permanent residence, then choose two-story house projects from Domamo. Our catalog contains numerous options.

Features of two-story house projects

The emphasis in new houses is on the simplicity of the facades and the practicality of the layout, but repetition is unacceptable, each project is individual. They may differ:

  • location and number of rooms;
  • roof design;
  • additional elements, as attached garage, terraces, verandas, bay windows;
  • number of exits;
  • free-standing or built-in boiler room.

The projects of 2-storey houses presented in the Domamo photo are unique. If desired, they can be supplemented; this should be discussed in advance with the company’s managers. All options differ from competitors:

  • Optimal location of all communications for convenient and safe use. When operating a building, expenses mainly go towards paying bills for the resources consumed;
  • Thoughtful layout: all space is used with maximum efficiency, blind areas are excluded.
  • The projects are designed for construction using new technologies; when purchasing them, you can expect that housing will be built on time and without unnecessary investments.

Pros and cons

Main advantage country house with two floors - economical use of space on the site, added to it:

  • extensive possibilities of design solutions;
  • possibility of living with a large family;
  • unique facade solutions and unique architecture.

When you choose such a house, you should provide a strong foundation for it. It is necessary to make room for a flight of stairs and the purchase of the stairs themselves; these factors pose some difficulties.

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