Which pillow filler is the best: an overview of materials, recommendations for choosing. Pillow classification

Pillows surround us everywhere: pillows-dumochki, cushions for sitting, decorative for decorating the interior, pillows under the back ... But still, we sleep on pillows more often. According to scientists, during our lives we spend up to 30 years in a dream, so the composition and properties of the pillow affect the quality of our entire life. In this article, you will get acquainted with the five best fillers for pillows in the bedroom. And let's start with brief description(fillers in the table are arranged alphabetically).

The best pillow fillers

filler type




Bamboo fiber threads

The most environmentally friendly

Buckwheat husk

Polished buckwheat grain husk

Most Healthy

natural latex

Specially processed hevea juice, elastic, homogeneous material

The best filler for orthopedic pillows


Pure bird down or a mixture of down and feathers

The most popular


Polyester fiber balls

The best down substitute

bamboo fiber
best eco-friendly pillow filler

Cushion filled with bamboo fiber

Photo: img.nn.ru

bamboo fiber

Photo: bamboo.theownerbuildernetwork.co

Bamboo stems have an antimicrobial effect, pests do not attack it, so you do not have to use chemicals when growing. And bamboo grows very fast. After cutting the stem, it simply continues to grow further. Therefore, it is classified as an environmentally friendly filler.

To obtain a filler, the soft core of young bamboo stalks is crushed and turned into a homogeneous mass, from which threads are then made. Bamboo filler consists of thin, elastic threads about 20 cm long, pentagonal in cross section, with big amount microcavities. The filler for pillows turns out soft, gentle and silky.

From reviews of pillows with bamboo filler:

“A very light pillow, I would even say airy. I fell right in love with her. Soft. There is no smell. The head rests, the neck does not get numb, you do not sweat.

Benefits of bamboo pillow filler:

  • softness, elasticity: it is comfortable to sleep on such a pillow, it takes the shape of the head and quickly recovers in the morning,
  • little wrinkled, does not fall off,
  • due to the porous structure, it absorbs moisture well, which then evaporates easily, the pillow will warm winter and cool summer
  • does not allow microbes and linen mites to develop,
  • almost does not cause allergies,
  • the pillow is easy to care for - just ventilate or wash it by hand, and then dry it in horizontal position(it is better not to hang).

Cons of bamboo pillow filler:

  • at improper storage or drying, the filler may be deformed, stray into lumps;
  • the second “minus” is popularity: unscrupulous sellers often try to sell under the name “bamboo pillows” an ordinary synthetic pillow, in which only the cover fabric contains a certain percentage of bamboo fiber.

Buckwheat husk
healthiest pillow filler

Pillow with buckwheat husk

Photo: foxy-home.ru

For the production of filler, buckwheat husks are separated from grains, treated with steam, sieved, blown with an air stream, and dried well. To choose a good pillow, it is recommended to open the cover (it is specially made with Velcro) and inspect the filler: it must be absolutely dry, clean, without foreign odors, roll easily, and make a characteristic rustling. The cover must also be made of natural fabrics.

From reviews of pillows with buckwheat filling:

"Buckwheat husk - best filler for pillows! My neck used to hurt every morning, numb. Helped in the orthopedic shop. The buckwheat husk pillow takes the shape of my neck at night, and appearance day remains as at the time of purchase. The husk is unpretentious, has a neutral smell. They got used to the rustling quickly, the comfort overpowers, the free rotation of the neck without pain to the right or left is worth the slight inconvenience. By the way, there will be no immediate effect, my neck went away after 7 days, but now I don’t even remember when the pain was. I especially like that the pillow is suitable for allergy sufferers. My husband is allergic to down, he can not even tolerate "hypoallergenic" pillows. And on this one he sleeps all night.”

Advantages of buckwheat husks:

  • gives an orthopedic and massage effect, suitable for diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, scoliosis, etc.), allergies, chronic fatigue, helps to eliminate snoring, suitable for pregnant women,
  • environmentally friendly and safe,
  • ticks won't start
  • does not collect dust
  • does not roll into lumps,
  • does not cause allergies
  • easily absorbs and releases moisture, suitable for people with excessive sweating,
  • adapts to the shape of the body (this process takes time, prepare for the fact that adaptation to new pillow may take up to 2 weeks)
  • elastic, well supports the head and allows you to relax,
  • the density of the pillow is easy to adjust (by removing or adding the filler, it is sold in some orthopedic salons),
  • well passes air ("breathes"), does not heat up in the summer,
  • has a pleasant natural smell.

Cons of buckwheat husks:

  • stiffness (this is just useful for the body, but the transition from a down pillow to a buckwheat pillow can be difficult and long),
  • heavier than, for example, a down pillow of the same size: a pillow filled with buckwheat hulls 40x60 weighs approximately 3 kg,
  • rustling (at first it is very unusual, but for many people rustling even helps to relax and fall asleep),
  • requires special care: can not be washed, only vacuumed through a cover, you need to ventilate and dry, and also dry clean regularly,
  • shelf life is limited - 3-5 years (the husk wears out with intensive use),
  • if the raw material was Low quality, the filler will quickly crumble, and the pillow will lose its medicinal properties.

natural latex
best filler for orthopedic pillows

Pillow with latex filling

Photo: www.dom-yuta.ru

Latex pillow filler is obtained from hevea juice by vulcanizing and foaming it. Most often, latex is used for orthopedic purposes, because it allows you to give the pillow certain form to keep the spine in the correct position. In modern pillows, you can find a combined filler: goose down or llama wool, which give softness, with a central latex insert, which is responsible for elasticity.

From reviews of pillows with latex filler:

“Latex is the best filler for pillows, it is a pleasure to sleep on such a pillow. It’s like you fall into it - you lie down “into the pillow”, and not on top of it, as is the case with synthetic pillows. You don't sweat with her. No need to beat. And if we watch a movie - we fold the pillow in half, we get a beautiful back.

Advantages of latex filler:

  • safe, does not allow ticks and microbes to start, does not cause allergies,
  • soft,
  • elastic,
  • hygienic, easy to care for (can be washed by hand at temperatures up to 40 °),
  • does not absorb foreign odors,
  • adapts to the shape of the body, keeps its shape well,
  • durable.

Cons of latex filler:

  • does not absorb moisture well, not suitable for people with high sweating,
  • you need to get used to the pillow, it may take time,
  • high price for natural latex(unlike similar artificial fillers)

Down and feather
best popular pillow filler

goose down

Photo: sibdream.ru

Down and feather pillow

Photo: stirkauborka.ru

Best for filling pillows goose down and feather. This material is very affordable, we grow geese everywhere. Goose feather retains heat well and poorly - moisture. Goose down is extremely warm (especially in northern geese). It is enough to recall the lifestyle that geese lead in nature. Geese are the only species of poultry from which down and feathers are collected during their lifetime. Removing the feather at the time when the geese begin to molt (and this happens 2 times a year, in summer and autumn), is completely safe for birds and does not cause them pain.

duck down slightly inferior to goose in quality - it is less elastic, more rigid, it stores heat a little worse. In addition, we get much less down and feather from one duck than from one goose. Down chickens does not possess desired properties. In Europe, the use of chicken down is completely prohibited (in some countries) due to its increased ability to absorb moisture: chicken down is difficult to properly clean by washing or steaming (then not dried), during use, such a pillow easily dampens, and the down begins to decompose. And this is dangerous for health.

Depending on the composition of the down and feather filler for pillows is divided into categories according to GOST. The most expensive - down category "extra" - contains at least 90% soft goose down and no more than 10% fine goose feather. The cheapest semi-down contains up to 50% duck down and 85-50% small and medium duck feathers. The Russian GOST also describes chicken down and feather fillers.

Inside the pillow there can be a homogeneous mixture of down and feathers or separate chambers with down and feathers. For example, there can be three cameras:

  • in the middle - a filler with a predominance of small feathers (70-100%), which gives the pillow elasticity,
  • the two side chambers are dominated by down (up to 90%, 10% - small feather), which makes the pillow soft, as if it were made of pure down.

Three-chamber down and feather pillow

Photo: www.maxrelax.hu

From reviews of pillows with down and feather filler:

“I can only sleep on feather pillows, my capricious sleep is simply not friendly with other fillers. I tried a lot of different ones and eventually returned to the down-feather combination - the best filler for pillows. I liked this one from the first touch. Doesn't wrinkle, keeps its shape perfectly.

plush down and feather filling for pillows:

  • naturalness,
  • softness,
  • at proper care years will serve
  • well passes air ("breathes"),
  • retains its shape and volume well, the pillow is easy to fluff up and make soft and fluffy again.

Cons of down and feather pillow filler:

  • the appearance of ticks is possible, and because of them - allergies,
  • require special care: you need to regularly clean and ventilate, it is difficult to do this at home, it is better to take it to dry cleaning,
  • can absorb odors
  • if the apron is thin, the spiky tips of the feathers may come out.

best pillow filler to replace down


Photo: www.megabomba.com.ua

Pillow with holofiber

Photo: pampik.com

Holofiber is a synthetic material, but completely safe. It consists of polyester threads twisted in the form of balls or springs. These pillows are very light, airy, while resilient and durable. Pillows for pregnant women are often made with holofiber.

From reviews of pillows with holofiber:

“The pillow is comfortable, soft, light, it is good and pleasant to sleep on it.”

Advantages of holofiber:

  • light and soft
  • affordable price,
  • good air permeability
  • keeps warm well
  • does not cause allergies
  • it does not start ticks and germs,
  • durable,
  • does not electrify
  • does not absorb odors.

Cons of holofiber:

  • it happens that it rolls into lumps (from improper washing, long use, etc.).

Summary. Which pillow filler is better to choose?

In fact, there are many more pillow fillers. In addition to those that we have already talked about, it can be:

  • wool (sheep, llama wool, etc.),
  • dry grass, straw,
  • sintepon,
  • polyester,
  • komforel,
  • fiberlon,
  • interlining...

There are even more modern synthetic fillers with a memory effect. When choosing a pillow, we recommend that you first study the pros and cons of the filler “in theory”, and then be sure to go to the store and move on to practice: feel the pillow, try to bend it, crush it, if possible, lie down on it. At least lean the pillow against the wall and press your head - you will already get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to sleep on it. This way you can find the right pillow for you. Happy shopping!

Reading time: 3 minutes

Importance healthy sleep for a person it is difficult to overestimate. Not the last place among the factors that affect the quality of sleep is the pillow. And on performance characteristics influence, in turn, has a filler for pillows.

With today's variety of fillers, everyone can according to their preferences. All fillers can be divided into two groups - natural origin and synthetic.

natural plant origin

Table of comparative qualities 2

Performance characteristics Seaweed Silk natural
Advantages hygroscopicity
softness and elasticity
thermoregulating properties
wear resistance
disadvantages too soft
requires delicate cleaning
high price
Features of care can't be washed
dry cleaning only with delicate products
washable on delicate cycle
when wet, the filler becomes very heavy and can go astray, but after drying it only needs to be whipped to restore its shape
Service life 3-5 years 10-15 years old
Price 1000 - 2000 rubles 2500 - 4000 rubles

With which filler of animal origin should I buy a pillow?

Feather Wool Horsehair
thermal conductivity
keeps its shape well
medicinal properties
thermoregulating properties
dirt-repellent properties
thermoregulating properties
contraindicated in people prone to allergic reactions
favorable environment for the reproduction of various microorganisms

does not hold its shape for long
exposed to moths
use with caution for allergy sufferers and asthmatics
special cleaning required
Features of care
cannot be washed
Specialized cleaning required twice a year
periodically it is necessary to ventilate in the open air and dry the pillow in the sun
cannot be washed
dry cleaning allowed
cannot be washed
only dry cleaning allowed
Average service life
5-7 years 3-5 years 5-7 years
500 - 3000 rubles 900 - 1500 rubles 800 - 1500 rubles

Synthetic species

Sintepon holofiber Silicone
does not absorb odors
thermoregulating properties
wear resistance
thermoregulating properties
quickly loses shape, strays into clods harsh builds up static electricity
Features of care

dries quickly
wash at 40 degrees C wash at 40 degrees C
quickly regains shape
Average service life
1-2 years 3-5 years 5-7 years
150-200 rubles 200-600 rubles 400-800 rubles

Owner reviews: which filler is better for a pillow

Maria, 47 years old, financial analyst:

Until the age of 40, I always used traditional down and feather pillows, they are solid, from my mother's old stocks. I never cheated on them, because they were completely satisfied:

  • moderately soft, elastic;
  • the head really rests, in the morning you get up rested and slept. In the evening you lie down on your pillow and sink into a cloud;
  • Feathers never climbed, there were no foreign smells.

True, I always looked after them very carefully - I dried them in the sun in the summer, ventilated them, well, and 2 times a year I always took them for cleaning. I would have used it further, but I suffered from a runny nose. Not even so much a runny nose as a constant nasal congestion. I went to the doctors, they diagnosed an allergy and, first of all, they strongly recommended getting rid of pillows.

    I have been wanting to try a bamboo fiber pillow for a long time. And I was very pleased with it - it is especially good to sleep on it in the summer, it is not so hot. I don't think I'll ever use synthetic pillows anymore. And fluff, wool is not for me, because I suffer from allergies.

    Svetlana, you know, although I didn’t sleep on a bamboo pillow (what a lie, I didn’t even see it), I can bet you that you didn’t sleep on a pillow made of natural silk or wool ... I also tried types 3-4 with presented in the article and it was silk that I liked more ... Very soft, comfortable pillow ... And most importantly, the dream is now such that you won’t wake up ... What can I say - Comfortable! And bamboo, I doubt it is the same comfortable and soft.

  1. My family has always used traditional dowry-like feather pillows. Previously, the process of cleaning and caring for them was very laborious and long (washing, drying).

    With the advent of the service for cleaning feather fillers, caring for them has become easier. However, on sweltering and hot summer nights, sleeping on them is unbearable.
    Last year I was visiting Israel. Due to the constant humidity and heat, they use seaweed-filled pillows. I really liked sleeping on this: not hot and comfortable.
    When I returned home, I bought pillows filled with algae for all family members. They are environmentally friendly, do not cause allergies, hygroscopic. So far I'm happy with it.

  2. Good thing I don't suffer from allergies. My mother had down pillows all her life, she always slept sweetly, comfortably. Nothing leaked. A couple of times a year, she took them for cleaning, i.e. , as I understand it, they were interrupted there. Well, she dried them from time to time, that's all. It seems to me that almost all pillows are looked after in the same way. Then I moved to a hostel from the institute and stopped sleeping normally. The pillow there was on a synthetic winterizer. A nightmare. Before falling asleep, it needs to be beaten five times, mashed. lie down and spin. A whole ritual. Uncomfortable. And rightly so, someone in the comments said that the neck is numb. In the morning, you don’t feel the floor of your head and neck. I had sheep wool pillows. They don't have any pros, just cons. 1). Now I sleep on a pillow made of buckwheat husks. I’ve been using it for 3 months now, so far everything is fine, it doesn’t cake, it only rustles, but I’m used to it already)))

It is important to know which pillow filler is best. Available in stores today big choice: synthetic fillers, pillows with natural filling. And each filler has its own advantages.

Down, wool, cotton, bamboo, holofiber, comforter: what you need to know about them. How to make the right choice.

Earlier we already wrote about healthy sleep and its rules. An important role in this matter is played by right choice pillows, or rather, its contents. This is what we will talk about today.

What is the best pillow filling

Every day we spend about 8 hours sleeping, so it is important to make it comfortable, otherwise you will spin in your sleep or even suffer from insomnia. And as a result, then the whole day you will feel bad or walk "neither fish nor fowl."

Remember that for a comfortable and healthy sleep, it is necessary that the spine takes the correct position, and for this you need to choose good bed and of course a pillow!

Types of pillows

Nowadays, pillows are used not only for sleeping, so first we will briefly talk about what they are and what they are used for. And let's try to find out which pillow filler is the best.

By purpose, pillows are divided into:

  • decorative - used to decorate the interior;
  • for sleep and relaxation - the name speaks for itself, it is important to know which pillow filler to choose;
  • massage – designed for travelers, office workers, etc.

They also differ in size. Decorative and massage are different sizes and forms. Well, pillows for sleeping, as a rule, are made from 30 to 50 cm wide. In the CIS countries, the most popular format is “square” (70x70 cm).

By the way, the European standard is 70x50 centimeters. But people with “non-standard” dimensions are advised to choose a pillow based on the width of the shoulder.

It is possible that in the old days there was one pillow filler - goose down. Now there is such a wide range of pillow fillers that it is difficult to choose, and even more so to say which pillow filler is better.

After all, each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. Let's look at the most popular.

natural pillow filling

They often include the aforementioned fluff and soft bird feathers , not only geese, but also swans, ducks, chickens or eiders. The advantage of these pillows is that they are lightweight, quickly absorb and then evaporate moisture.

But they require care, without regular drying or cleaning, mites start up there, and dust accumulates, which then causes various allergies.

Therapeutic camel or sheep wool

They are considered medicinal and are prescribed in the treatment of rheumatism or joint pain. The main disadvantage is short-term ones, since the wool rolls up and it will not work to beat it. But they have high thermal insulation.

Pillow with cotton filling

They are in considerable demand, since cotton has always occupied and occupies a leading position among natural materials. Cotton pillows are environmentally friendly, perfectly absorb moisture, do not cause allergies and have high thermoregulatory properties.

It should be noted that the pillow filler is cotton, possibly the best solution for people with excessive sweating.

Synthetic pillow filling

They have significant advantages. Firstly, they are ideal for allergy sufferers, because they do not cause allergies. Secondly, it is easy to take care of such pillows, as they can be washed even in typewriters.

The most budgetary of these fillers - synthetic winterizer but it is also short lived. It's better to prioritize comforels or holofiber . Such pillows will be a little more expensive, but they retain elasticity for a long time and can be whipped to restore their original shape.

By the way, komforel consists of a hollow siliconized fiber, which undergoes heat treatment. As a result of the process, balls with a diameter of 7 mm are obtained. Therefore, if you are interested in a pillow filled with balls, then we are talking about it!

Bamboo pillow filling

Yes, you heard right! In this case, the filler for pillows is bamboo fiber. These are specially processed and split bamboo stalks. It remotely resembles cotton wool, but at times more useful. She has almost the same advantages:
  • environmentally friendly;
  • has antistatic and antibacterial properties;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • easy to use (only for children you need to choose the right height);
  • do not absorb unpleasant odors.

The disadvantages include the crease of the fiber, therefore, after cleaning and washing, it should be thoroughly dried and not stored in a wrinkled form.

Herbal pillows

They were "invented" in the old days. Usually, straw from cereals was used instead of filler. Surprisingly, even now such pillows are in demand.

Just do not forget about individual tolerance, because someone may be allergic to some of the herbs.

Pillows with buckwheat filling

We decided to single out a separate group. Consider its advantages:

  • perfectly passes air;
  • has a "memory" effect;
  • gives a massage effect.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • heavy weight;
  • the rustling of buckwheat husks (it prevents some from falling asleep, although it helps someone);
  • does not like humidity;
  • requires regular care and screening of debris: it is formed during the friction of grains;
  • they do not keep warm, so it will be cold to sleep on them in winter, but it is wonderful in summer.

An interesting fact is that a pillow with buckwheat husks is popular in many European countries.

Orthopedic pillows

As they say - the latest fashion! Usually these are pillows with high quality artificial filler (gel, latex, polystyrene, silicone, etc.). Their purpose is to create the most comfortable and useful position for the neck and head of the sleeper.

At the same time, pillows have not only a massage, but also a cooling effect. For example, a gel-filled pillow is breathable, does not heat up, is easy to clean and retains its shape. We can not say about the silicone filler for pillows.

Again, they do not cause allergies, keep the desired shape, can be erased and will serve faithfully for decades!

Summing up

As you can see, the choice is simply huge, and the question of which filler is better is a philosophical one! It all depends on personal preferences, the characteristics of the body and the thickness of the wallet.

Just remember that almost 1/3 of your life goes to sleep, which means that choosing a pillow and other attributes of a healthy sleep should be taken seriously.

And now let's share personal impressions. I would appreciate that.

Sleep plays an important role in our health, so making it comfortable is the direct responsibility of every person. Comfort depends on numerous factors, these are the location and surface of the bed, the quality of the bed linen, external factors and much more. One of the important factors is the pillow, or rather, its filler.

Read this article:

Types of fillers

Thanks to a wide range It is difficult to decide which pillow filler is better and choose the one, but having considered all the advantages and disadvantages, it is still possible.

Fillers are divided into two main types, it is with natural and synthetic fillers.

Pillows with natural filling

Bird fluff and soft feathers

They are the most common type and have many advantages. Mostly goose down is used because of its softness, warmth and good moisture absorption, as well as its evaporation. No less common in use is duck down. But chicken, although it is used, is quite rare, because it has an increased absorption of moisture, due to which the feather can begin to decompose very quickly.


  • The softness of the product.
  • Naturalness and ecology.
  • Long-term use of pillows, with proper care for them.
  • Products well pass air, it is possible to tell, breathe.
  • Pillows do not lose their shape and volume, in the event of a slight deformation, with the help of whipping, they can be returned to their previous shape, becoming soft and fluffy again.

As with any product, there are also disadvantages:

  • With improper care, the possibility of the appearance of ticks and, as a result, allergies.
  • The need for constant care for them, which consists in cleaning feathers and fluff, airing, drying, which is extremely difficult to do at home, so you need to go to dry cleaning.
  • They have the property of absorbing odors from the side.
  • In the presence of a thin breastplate, the tips of small feathers cause discomfort, due to their tingling of the body.

Sheep or camel wool

Possesses medicinal properties and is used in most cases in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism or joint pain.


  • Has medicinal properties.
  • Good thermal insulation.
  • The softness of the product.
  • Does not absorb third-party odors.


  • When rolling the wool into a ball, it is impossible to beat it.
  • Short service life.
  • The use of this filler is contraindicated for people with allergies.

bamboo filler

It is a thin and elastic thread, the length of which is about 20 cm, resulting from the grinding and processing of bamboo stems. Since bamboo is not attacked by pests during its growth, it does not need chemical treatments making it an environmentally friendly material.


  • Environmentally friendly fibre.
  • It has antibacterial and antistatic properties.
  • The softness of the product.
  • Practically does not wrinkle and quickly returns to its original shape.
  • It has a good, porous structure, thanks to which moisture is well absorbed and also evaporates easily.
  • Ticks do not start in this material.
  • You can wash the product in the machine.


Buckwheat filler

Refers to the type of herbal materials. In the old days, and to this day, pillows are produced, the filler of which is different herbs, lavender, hop cones, mint leaves and, of course, buckwheat, but the most common in our time is pillows with buckwheat husks. Its production is carried out by separating the husk from the grains, with its further processing.


  • It has orthopedic properties, performing massage of the joints and the upper part of the spine. Helps to get rid of snoring, allergies.
  • This is an environmentally friendly material.
  • No lumps are formed.
  • This material does not start mites and does not collect dust.
  • Takes the shape of the body.
  • The ability to adjust the density of the pillow, due to the fact that the husk can be poured through a special hole.
  • Good breathability.


  • Due to its rigidity, long time adaptation.
  • Constant rustling, although for some this drawback is a plus.
  • Requires constant care.
  • Limited service life, 3 to 5 years.

natural latex

It is made from hevea juice, after which it undergoes a process of vulcanization and foaming. Pillows with such a filler are orthopedic, due to elasticity and the ability to take a certain shape, for proper support of the spine. It is possible to combine latex with down, giving elasticity and softness at the same time.


  • Soft and flexible at the same time.
  • Easy care, washable.
  • Durable.
  • Safe, hypoallergenic.


  • Long-term adaptation to the shape of the pillow.
  • Poor moisture absorption.

Types of synthetic fillers


Is absolutely safe material for filling pillows. It is a polyester thread in the form of small balls or springs.


  • lightness and softness of the product.
  • Good breathability.
  • Does not cause allergic diseases.
  • Does not electrify.


  • With prolonged use or improper washing technology, the fiber rolls into lumps.


This is a material for which synthetic fiber is used, undergoing a siliconization process, it acquires softness and elasticity.


  • Does not cause allergies.
  • The product is well looked after, it can be washed.
  • Affordable cost.


  • The duration of operation depends on proper care.


Consists of fibers that do not have a specific structure. It is a common material for filling pillows.


  • They have a soft texture.
  • Ease.
  • Ticks don't start.
  • Easy care and washable.


  • The main disadvantage is the fragility of the product, shrinking over time, losing its shape and softness.


It has the form of balls made of acrylic fibers. These pillows are very comfortable to use.


  • Does not absorb foreign odors.
  • Has resistance to external influences.
  • The softness and elasticity of the pillow.
  • Can be washed.

Summing up, we can say that in order to decide on the choice of filler for a pillow, you need to be based on personal preferences, various features of the body and financial possibilities. Each of the above types has its pros and cons, but the main nuance when choosing a filler is comfort, convenience and safety when using it.

For convenience, all fillers can be divided into several groups.

  1. natural fillers animal origin
  2. Natural herbal fillers
  3. Synthetic materials.

With what filler to buy a pillow?

Natural fillers of animal origin

Down, down-feather

This is one of the most famous and popular fillers. Chicken, goose, eider down and/or feathers are used. Natural down and feather pillows are quite expensive, but this further strengthens people's faith in their special properties and exclusivity. However, not everything is so rosy.

Advantages of natural down and feather pillows:

Very pleasant to the touch, soft, "fluffy", it is easy to fall asleep on them.

The texture of the filler is such that air spaces remain between its particles. Thanks to this, the pillow "breathes", it is not hot to sleep on it in summer and not cold in winter.

Disadvantages of natural down and feather pillows:

Over time, the down and feather become denser, “fall off”, the pillow ceases to support the head and neck.

Often such pillows are too soft, the head “sinks” in them, not only the position of the head and neck during sleep is disturbed, but also breathing.

Pillow fillings down and feathers are very strong allergens! It often happens that patients with bronchial asthma have nocturnal attacks of suffocation due to the inhalation of their fragments. People who are allergic to down and feathers have nasal congestion and a runny nose at night that interfere with normal rest.

The material is very hygroscopic. This means that it easily absorbs moisture. When wet, down and feather begin to publish bad smell. Considering that a down or feather pillow absorbs up to 100 ml of liquid (sweat, saliva) per night, this is not a very good property. Special measures are required for the care of a down pillow, in particular, it is undesirable to “hide” it for a day under a cover, it is better to leave it outside to dry. Probably, it was with the need to dry such pillows daily that the tradition arose to fold pillows over a blanket or put them on the bed during the day in a “pyramid”.

Before going to bed, a pillow that has already served for some time must be “cooked”: beat, shake, so that the filler is more evenly distributed, and the product itself becomes softer and fluffier. Of course, this is not a problem - take a couple of minutes to shake the pillow. But if you could do without it (and you really can with other fillers), it would be more convenient.

Pillows that have been in use for several months begin to lose their "stuffing". It is unpleasant when a feather pricks your face at night, or when, when cleaning a room, because of the fluff on the carpet, it seems that you are on a bird farm, and not in your own bedroom.

The biggest drawback of the filler for down-feather pillows is that over time, microscopic mites and mites settle and develop in it. molds. Actually, microfauna colonization occurs in any filler, whether organic or synthetic. However, on animal substrates such as down and feathers, this happens especially quickly and intensely. For down pillows special care and they need to be cleaned quite often.

According to their properties, according to the comfort of rest, pillows made of natural fluff are very good. However, if you want to buy the most cheap option products and do not plan to take care of it, down and feather pillow filler is not your option.

Tips for handling a down or feather pillow:

Buy the highest quality pillows with all the necessary hygiene certificates. Cheap low-quality down-feather filler is poorly cleaned, in the pillows stuffed with it, you can “meet” not only down and feather directly, but also components of sweat and sebum of chickens, particles of their skin and even pieces of meat on the tips of feathers! Accordingly, such a pillow is very allergenic and will soon become a “biological weapon”, as mites and mold will quickly develop in it. Make sure the pen has been specially steam cleaned and treated with antiseptics. Then you can buy this pillow.

Wash your pillow every 4-6 months. When buying, specify exactly how this can be done so as not to spoil the product. If you are not sure that you can cope with the task yourself, use the services of special firms.

After 3 years, the down pillow, like all others, must be replaced with a new one.


Wool-filled pillows are less popular, but still used. As a rule, sheep and camel's wool.

Advantages of wool pillows

Individual hairs of wool are quite soft, but when they are in the composition of the finished pillow material, the filler becomes very elastic, springy.

Like down, wool retains heat well. This property, along with elasticity, makes the pillow pleasant to handle.

Concerning sheep wool, then it is endowed with special healing properties. There is a popular opinion among the inhabitants that sleeping on a sheep's pillow helps with joint diseases and other diseases. In fact, this is not true. However, people believe in this... And for the placebo effect, we still put a small “plus” on the wool filler :)...

Disadvantages of wool pillows

Wool is believed to have water-repellent and antibacterial properties. This is both true and false. The fact is that the listed properties of wool work only as long as the animal “wears” this wool. They are due to the presence on the surface of the hairs of sebum and sweat components containing various "protective" substances. The animal really needs this and, but the person who sleeps on a woolen pillow does not. If organic matter is “packed” in a pillow along with wool, it even harms: it gets wet easily and quickly, and numerous types of mites and mold willingly develop and flourish in it. Woolen pillow becomes hazardous to health.

Wool quickly falls off, and the pillow becomes completely unusable.

Thus, in general, the already indicated requirements should be presented to woolen pillows and their owners: high quality and a high degree of wool cleaning, decent care for the pillow and its timely replacement.


Silk are not only pillowcases for pillows, but also a filler. Twisted silkworm cocoons are very soft and elastic, this material is durable and pleasant to use, withstands many washings without compromising its properties. Therefore, natural silk pillows are very good.

Unfortunately, there are also some disadvantages:

This filler, like the above, is not immune from the "attack" of unwanted microorganisms.

Pillows made of natural silk have a high price.

Natural herbal fillers

Buckwheat husk

So called "skins" from buckwheat seeds. It is quite pleasant to hold a pillow with such a filler in your hands: it makes a slight rustling, pleasant to the ear, the fingertips are massaged with solid particles of the husk. It's inexpensive, which is another plus. Everyone praises buckwheat husk pillows - their benefits are praised everywhere.

But there are also disadvantages:

When you roll over in your sleep, you will hear the same rustling directly under your ear, and for obvious reasons, it will seem much louder. If you are a light sleeper, this pillow is definitely not for you. “You just have to get used to it,” say supporters of the use of husks. And why get used to it if you can choose a much more convenient and completely silent filler?

Buckwheat pillow is hard. If you like that, fine. But if you, like most people, prefer to put something softer under your head, it is better to refuse buckwheat husks. Do you want to understand how comfortable it is to sleep on it? Imagine that you are resting, lying on a loose bag of cereal.

Lovers of "natural" claim that such pillows have natural orthopedic properties. This is a malicious deception. Orthopedic is when parts of the body are supported in a physiological, comfortable position. This is not discussed here.

The husk has a very noticeable smell of buckwheat. He is not pleasant to everyone.

If you are not sleeping on your back and your face is in contact with the pillow while sleeping, keep in mind: the husk will prick a little through the pillowcase. In the most benevolent interpretation, this can be called micromassage, but it still interferes with sleep.

Like other natural materials, this one will quickly be attacked by mites and mold. The benefits of a pillow made of buckwheat husks will come to naught. And since such products cannot be washed, you will be doomed to the end of the life of the pillow to be subjected to night attacks of harmful microorganisms and their metabolic products.


Memories of bamboo stalks somehow do not create a feeling of softness and comfort in the soul. However, bamboo pillows are not made from dense stems, but from young shoots, which are processed in a special way, defibrated to obtain thin elastic threads. Bamboo filler is quite inexpensive, soft, and acceptable to handle. Now such pillows confidently fill the domestic market, we can say that at the moment this innovative bedding is quickly becoming a people's favorite.

Comfortable, good material. However, in general, it is overestimated, the cons of bamboo pillows also exist.

There is an opinion that high ability to absorb and retain moisture is the advantage of bamboo. Yes, this makes the use of the product comfortable, as the head on the bamboo pillow does not sweat. However, the fact that the material attracts water is also good for the repeatedly mentioned mites and mold. In a few months they thoroughly populate even the most beautiful bamboo pillow- the minus is obvious.

It is believed that bamboo fibers have antibacterial properties. They are. However, these properties act only in the body of a living plant and protect it; it is such a natural weapon against phytopathogens. When cut, dried and turned into fiber, bamboo becomes just as attractive a habitat for microbes as other organic fillers.

Over time, pillows with bamboo “sit down” and compact.

cotton wool

Let us know right away if you need good pillow, cotton wool is not the best choice. As you know, it is a cotton fiber. It would seem that a wonderful material is natural, hypoallergenic ... Unfortunately, such products are compressed very quickly, inside the pillow the cotton wool gets into hard lumps, and if you wash such a pillow at least once in a typewriter, you can safely throw it in the trash. If it is not washed and cleaned, then harmful microscopic organisms quickly begin to develop in the cozy weaves of its threads. Wadded pillows are very cheap, but they are definitely the poorest quality.

Yes, everything has flaws ... So with what filler should I buy a pillow?

Synthetic materials

There is a persistent association in the mass human consciousness: synthetics = harm. However, as shown above when describing natural materials, none of them are ideal for making pillows! If you choose high-quality down, bamboo or other pillows, take good care of them and change them in time, they can be just great. But we can say for sure that synthetic materials are not inferior to natural ones at all, and in some ways they even surpass them.

For example, they:

  1. Easy care
  2. Hypoallergenic
  3. Some of them have orthopedic properties
  4. IN synthetic fillers not as fast as in natural ones, the development of harmful organisms occurs.

However, again, these advantages are characteristic just for quality materials. If the pillow is made by a little-known manufacturer or its origin is generally in doubt, it is better not to buy this one. Bad, low-quality synthetic materials can even be toxic! So, as they say, look at the label.

We list the main synthetic materials that are popular in the production of home textiles. We hope this will help you understand what kind of filler to buy a pillow with.


White very thin fibers. The material is soft, good keeps warm, does not absorb odors, is hypoallergenic very light and washable. Accordingly, a polyester pillow has the same properties. Another plus is that polyester fibers have a “natural” ability not to accumulate electrostatic electricity. And this means that such material will not attract dust. And, of course, you need to remember the price: A polyester pillow costs an order of magnitude less than pillows made from natural materials..

The disadvantages of polyester pillows are that over time, the threads of the material may begin to peek out from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seams on the pillow. In addition, they have "problems" with heat dissipation, in summer it gets hot on these pillows, and the material does not absorb water very well, so the cover gets wet and remains damp, which makes it uncomfortable to sleep. Finally, some time after the start of use the pillow becomes flatter and less elastic.


Holofiber pillow filler is polyester twisted into balls and treated with silicone. In this form, the material has greater elasticity and less caking over time. The pillow can be periodically "shaken", and it will return its properties. Such products “sit down” more slowly than polyester ones. Other advantages and disadvantages are the same as for polyester. Now holofiber pillow filler is very popular.


An option for those to whom even an inexpensive holofiber seems expensive. The padding polyester for pillows is very light and air material from thin threads. The hairs are glued together, as a rule, they are glued together by heating the material. Advantages - elasticity, softness, uniformity.

The disadvantages are: absorbing the sweat of the sleeper, the material "sags". That is why old padding pillows are so easy to distinguish from new ones: they form a “pit” in the center, in the place where a person’s head is during sleep. Washing is not an option, it also greatly contributes to the flattening and compaction of the padding polyester for pillows, making the thing short-lived.

Be careful - sintepon pillows are sometimes of poor quality! Dishonest manufacturers can use a synthetic winterizer, "glued" using not temperature, but adhesive mixtures. Such a "technical" option is used for the manufacture of furniture, but it is in no way suitable for sewing pillows.

There are a number of other materials (mainly synthetic) that are used in the manufacture of so-called orthopedic pillows. The description of their properties is worthy of more than a couple of words, so read about them in.

Pillow additives. Herb pillows

Now among manufacturers it has become very fashionable to make pillows with certain additives. They are positioned as especially useful and health. Very often they are talked about as contributing to a better rest, fighting insomnia, strengthening the immune system, relieving stress, and so on.

These additives, as a rule, are presented in the form of dried herbs or extracts for impregnation of the filler. Of course, such pillows are much more expensive than analogues without additives. Let's figure out how expedient it is to pay extra 500-1000 rubles for a bunch of grass or a drop of some extract as part of a pillow.

Is it possible to say that sleeping on an "improved" pillow is better than on a "regular" one? In truth, herbs and essential oils- not so good sleeping pills. Yes, the pleasant smell emanating from such a pillow with herbs can set you up to calm and relax. However, you might as well put some lavender oil on your own pillow and get the same effect.

Do herbal pillows have any healing properties? Availability healing properties these pillows are an exaggeration. For example, manufacturers say that pillows with the addition of dried kelp improve immunity, as a person inhales the volatile beneficial substances emitted by this very kelp at night. In fact, the sleeping person only smells, which, of course, is pleasant, but does not bring any benefit, because a person does not eat this seaweed ... In the same way, a pillow with aloe vera extract, contrary to promises, does not preserve beauty and does not slow down aging - after all a person does not make himself a mask of aloe, but just lies, not in contact with the impregnation and only feeling its aroma.

Therefore, statements about the benefits of herbal pillows, although I would like to call them something softer, are rather absurd. They are tantamount to saying that if you smell an apple, you can enrich your body with iron, or that for successful learning you need to put a textbook under your pillow.

In general, there are no special advantages for herbal pillows. If you like such products, there are no barriers to using them. However, it is better to just buy a quality one. orthopedic pillow and, if desired, "improve" it yourself. Some of them provide for such an opportunity, for example, on the covers of a number of models there is a special pocket for herbs.

So, we hope you have decided with which filler to buy a pillow. Do not forget: not only individual comfort and personal preferences are important, but also the quality of the material from which your pillow is made.

Good luck with your search and good night on your perfect pillow!

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