How to make small bouquets of fresh flowers. How to make a bouquet of flowers with your own hands: tips for beginners

A bouquet of fruits and vegetables is a fashionable and useful trend in the world of gifts, which you can always congratulate in an original way, surprise and feed the hero of the occasion. The advantage of fruit bouquets over flower bouquets is obvious: fruit won't wither so fastlike flowers, besides, they can be eaten and shared with guests.

The fruit composition looks just as bright, elegant and beautiful as the floral one, while it can bring as much joy and positive emotions. And even more: if you like juicy fruits, bright colors and fragrant smells, you will get incredible pleasure from such a gift. Flower bouquets are also pleasing to the eye and smell good, but sooner or later you will have to part with any fresh flowers, sending their withered buds to the trash can. And you can simply eat fruits, having previously captured them in bright and unforgettable photos.

Today, designers, florists and craftsmen have come up with many ways to replace flowers with tasty, healthy and no less beautiful gifts. We have already told you how to craft. And in this article we will teach you how to make a fruit bouquet from affordable, beautiful, bright and, most importantly, edible ingredients.

Traditionally - the best way for demonstrating step by step instructions is detailed wizard class, after watching which you will definitely want to make a bright fruit bouquet with your own hands. We will talk about the technique of making a bouquet a little later. Now I want to talk about the ingredients and the principles of their combination.

What is used in the manufacture of bouquets?

For the manufacture of edible bouquets, not only seasonal or Exotic fruits and berries, as well as others tasty, bright, fragrant components.

  • Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, beets, cucumbers, turnips, zucchini, garlic.
  • Greenery: lettuce, parsley, dill, mint, arugula, basil.
  • spices and fragrant herbs : vanilla, cinnamon, Bay leaf.
  • Mushrooms: mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.
  • nuts: almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cedar.
  • Candies and sweets: marshmallow, macarons, rafaello, marshmallow, chocolate, meringue.
  • Flowers: live, paper, dried flowers.

The principle of making bouquets can be completely different: you can select fruits and vegetables according to the color or “to the taste” of the person for whom you are preparing a gift. The main thing is that the ingredients are combined in size and look harmonious in one composition.

To fasten all the details of the bouquet, various auxiliary tools and materials.

  • Skewers or bamboo sticks - for fruits.
  • Vases, baskets, cardboard boxes- for installing skewers.
  • Hard dough, styrofoam, floral sponge- for the base.
  • cling film, craft paper, foil, sisal fiber- for packing.
  • Wire, twine, colored ribbons, scotch- for fastening.

Fruit bouquets are a fairly new fad and should be decorated with some simple rules .

  • Fruits and vegetables for a bouquet can be precut or used as a whole. Be sure all the ingredients must be ripe, fresh, without stains and damage.
  • Before you start making a gift composition, the ingredients must be rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • Some masters in creating fruit bouquets use figured cutting, cookie cutters, shredding knives.
  • Do not take too juicy fruits and berries, because soft pieces will fall off the skewer. To fasten on a skewer soft fruits and berries, such as strawberries, first put a small slice of apple on a skewer or another hard fruit.
  • And sometimes half of the grapes are strung on top of the main fruits - to mask the punctures.
  • Sliced ​​fruit wrapped in cling film so that the product does not weather and does not darken. Also, the finished fruit composition can be sprinkled lemon juice.
  • For greater effect, the berries are covered with chocolate or glaze with water, gelatin and lemon juice.
  • When composing a bouquet for adults, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the middle of the fruit using a syringe.

How to make a bouquet of fruits: step by step for beginners

After you have learned a few secrets of composing fruit arrangements, it's time to move on to practice and try to make a bouquet of fruits with your own hands: step by step photo for beginners will help you in this lesson.

For composition you will need:

  • fruits;
  • bamboo sticks or skewers;
  • scotch;
  • gift wrap;
  • greens, flowers, sweets for decoration.

Citrus fruits for a bouquet can be cut
- in this form, they will look more effective.
We string fruit: large ones on bamboo sticks, smaller ones on skewers. Also you can use several skewers at once so that the composition does not break under the weight of fruit.
We begin to collect a fruit bouquet - the largest fruits in the middle, smaller ones on the sides. While your hand is still “not stuffed”, use fruits and vegetables that are more or less suitable in shape.

Place pomegranate, orange and grapefruit in the middle and secure them with tape.

Next, we set fruits around, smaller in size, berry branches, small flowers and greens. Pack the finished bouquet in paper, fasten with tape and decorate with a ribbon.
Your colorful and chic gift is ready.

Fresh flowers are an integral part of any celebration. Beautiful bouquets and original flower arrangements can become both an independent gift and a wonderful decoration for any festive interior. Roses, lilies, peonies, tulips, orchids - they are all beautiful in their own way, inimitable and unique, and the right combination from them you can create amazingly beautiful works of floral art. Further, the article presents options for beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers.

From roses

The rose is rightfully considered the queen among flowers, which is why roses are most often chosen to create festive and wedding bouquets. These flowers are so versatile that they can be combined with absolutely any plants and are suitable for both women and men. From them you can create compositions of any size and format.

An independent bouquet of 100 red roses will win the heart of any woman.

Wedding options will be of interest to future brides.

from lilies

Lilies are the second most popular after roses. Quite often they are chosen as the basis for a wedding bouquet, as white lilies are a symbol of purity and purity. However, modern fashion dictates its own rules and more and more brides choose pink, yellow, red and even blue shades these beautiful flowers.

From orchids

Orchids are the eternal rivals of lilies for a place at the heart of a wedding bouquet. These unique flowers symbolize sophistication, tenderness, natural beauty and luxury. A bouquet of white orchids will speak of the wisdom and purity of their owner, pink flowers they will talk about tenderness and mischievous character, red ones will become a symbol of passionate love, and blue ones will emphasize loyalty and nobility.

From freesia

Freesias are spring flowers that have a huge number of shades. You can find white, yellow, orange, red, blue, purple and purple specimens. Freesia bouquets are considered a symbol of complete trust and serious intentions, so such floral arrangements usually given as an engagement or wedding gift.

From callas

There is a legend that if on the eve of the wedding the groom gives his beloved a bouquet of callas, then their marriage will be happy and prosperous, and the flowers will become a kind of amulet.

Callas are so beautiful and stylish flowers that when creating a bouquet they absolutely do not need additional decorations and accessories. It is enough to tie them with a satin ribbon and a luxurious bouquet is ready.

from gerberas

These bright sunny flowers are among the five most sought after when creating bouquets. They look great in any combination and are suitable for absolutely any celebration. Moreover, when cut, they keep fresh for more than a week.

From peonies

In the period from May to July, you can pamper your loved ones with amazing and delicate mini-bouquets of their fluffy peonies. These wonderful flowers, both on their own and in combination with other flowers, can be a wonderful addition to the image of the bride. They look very original, keep freshness for a long time, and are inexpensive.

from tulips

lovely spring flowers who inform us about the arrival of warmth and give sunny mood. Tulips are an indispensable option for March 8, as well as great choice both for a romantic date and a spring wedding, as well as for a formal event.

from chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums are considered the most common flowers on the Eurasian continent. There are about 10,000 species alone. Therefore, florists skillfully combine these bright flowers in bouquets with roses, gerberas, alstroemerias and other plants. Chrysanthemums are very appropriate when creating compositions for interior decoration, as they retain freshness for quite a long time.

From alstroemerias

Alstroemerias are magnificent flowers that have a huge number of shades and almost no smell. White flowers indicate the uniqueness of their recipient, but yellow, pink, orange and purple alstroemerias are usually given as a sign of strong friendship.

At proper care a bouquet of these flowers can stand for about two weeks.

From irises

Noble irises are one of the few flowers that are appropriate to present to men. These purple beauties are a symbol of courage and a harbinger of good news. And even in combination with other colors, they will never go unnoticed.

From daisies

Daisies have long been considered a symbol of love, because it was on them that the girls guessed to find out whether the betrothed loved or not. Today, these romantic flowers, as a symbol of fidelity and family happiness It is customary to give to parents and close people, sometimes to teachers, but chamomile is not suitable as a gift for business partners.

From sunflowers

These bright yellow flowers, like small copies of the sun, give warmth and charge positive energy. Usually sunflowers are used for table setting, interior decoration, as well as festive and wedding bouquets.

From anthuriums

These amazing flowers most often act as accents in prefabricated compositions, but sometimes they can also form the basis of a bouquet. Anthuriums are often given to men, especially politicians and businessmen, as they portend success in business and prosperity in the family. Anthurium is also loved by modern brides, as this flower looks great against the contrast of a snow-white dress.

From gladioli

His luxurious view gladioli already say what they are for. These flowers will decorate any event, they will wonderfully fit into the interior and will be a good gift for both men and women of all ages.

From wild flowers

Such bouquets are the most touching, they captivate with their simplicity, naturalness and grace. Bouquets of wildflowers are more suitable for young girls and older women.

Creative compositions

Such compositions do not fit into the standard concept of "flower bouquet", they look like works of art.

Funeral bouquets

Alas, life is filled not only joyful events and in case of loss loved one you can express your condolences not only in words, but also with the help of a mourning bouquet. Depending on the situation, such compositions are most often based on red or white roses, lilies, carnations, chrysanthemums, which are complemented by branches of evergreens and mourning ribbons. By tradition, the bouquet should have an even number of elements.

Anna Cambour November 27, 2018

Each of us has some kind of creative vein: someone skillfully bakes and decorates cakes, someone writes poetry, someone knows how to make unique crafts. If you are not a specialist in a field that is close to you, this does not mean that you will not be able to do what you love. Today, there are many ways to learn and develop in any field, including in such an exquisite art as floristics.

Lyrical digression about bouquets of flowers

What woman doesn't love flowers?

Delicate, airy, romantic, complex and intricate, strict and elegant - plants can be different, convey internal state person, to express the emotions of the donor and personify his feelings

Not a single celebration, the culprit of which is a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, passes without beautiful bouquets in her honor.

Purchase today flower arrangements simple and affordable in stores, floristic salons and even order online with delivery to the addressee. However, few people know how to make a bouquet of flowers with your own hands. What for? Firstly, this is a real work of art, which is made by hand, therefore it carries more more heat and love, and secondly - in this case, the flowers are selected personally by the donor, who describes his feelings and feelings. How to become a beginner florist? Let's talk further.

Beautiful bouquet design

Master class on making bouquets with your own hands for beginners

A creative bouquet with your own hands will turn out even from simple field daisies, the main thing is to have basic knowledge about the language of flowers and the correctness of their combination. Let's start with the semantic load:

  • Rose- the queen of flowers, which always looks luxurious and expensive. As a rule, it is given to beloved women, to whom have a passion. However, if you choose spray roses of delicate purple or beige shades, this will indicate interest and easy love. In most cases, men choose mono-bouquets, although this unique flower goes well with peonies, elegant irises, freesia, which in contrast will look innocent and cute.
  • Peony- in recent times on that beautiful flower popularity has skyrocketed, and for good reason. Unlike a rose, it is more delicate, but no less refined. In a bouquet, a peony will tell about the warm feelings experienced by the donor, but not always love ones: this is a good option for mothers, daughters, sisters and young girls. Every year new varieties are brought out, and they are all beautiful.
  • Tulip- symbol spring, warmth and tenderness. Not without reason, since the times of the USSR, these flowers have been calling card March 8 - the main women's holiday. However, today there are much more varieties of tulips than there were in those days, so it is not at all necessary to choose standard red or garden yellow ones: lilac, burgundy and even blue buds look much more interesting and unusual. This is a great choice for romantic ladies who personify the sunshine and the tenderness of spring rain.
  • Alstroemeria- a popular flower for multifaceted compositions. On the one hand, tender petals just want to warm up, and on the other hand, they are quite self-sufficient to become the main accent in the bouquet. They symbolize the feminine and even the independence of a beautiful lady.

Photo examples of the design of bouquets of fresh flowers

You can complement the composition not only with greenery and palm leaves. A homemade bouquet of flowers and sweets looks creative. If you want the gift to be not only beautiful and fragrant, but also tasty, fix chocolate sweets among the buds - this option will appeal to lovers of sweets, and it will add zest to the design.

Photo of a handmade bouquet

It is quite possible to make a beautiful bouquet in a basket yourself with the help of a special filler - sponges "oasis" which keeps moisture inside for a long time. Thus, by soaking it with water at regular intervals, you create a comfortable microclimate for flowers, and they will last several times longer than in a vase. Another advantage of such a sponge is that due to the porous texture it is easy to fix the stems in it in the right way and shape the composition.

Beautiful bouquet bright colors in the basket

Beautifully tie a satin ribbon bow on a bouquet - a great decoration option and stylish addition to floral diversity. If you want to do emphasis on tenderness and romance of the composition, choose ribbons of medium width, but if the bouquet is large, do not be afraid to experiment with wide cuts of fabric. Remember to secure the satin and wrapping paper with paper clips and tape, but do it inconspicuously under the bow itself.

Bow "Butterfly" do it yourself

Harmonious combination of flowers in a bouquet

To create luxurious bouquets You don't have to be a professional at all. Floristry is more art than science. If you see and feel which flowers will look perfect in one composition, try and bring ideas to life. Of course, anyone who wants to subsequently make this activity their job should have at least a basic knowledge of colors. They are received at courses and master classes that are held in various creative studios. Today, this is a fairly popular type of leisure activity: an event is organized in social networks, which is held by a professional, and anyone can sign up there, thus gaining new knowledge and skills.

Packaging for flowers should be in harmony with the main shades of the bouquet. If pink-beige is used, paper a few shades darker is acceptable. In many cases, contrasting packaging is appropriate, but in this case, you should be careful, as delicate flowers like hydrangeas and spray roses may be lost against the background of a too bright wrapper.

Jute fiber or mesh for bouquet wrapping

If you are planning to go to a celebration, and a bouquet of fresh flowers was collected the day before, it is recommended to use cellophane to make the composition look fresh. Of course, it should not be used as packaging, it will not look as aesthetically pleasing as in the case of paper, but wrapping the bouquet overnight and putting it in water is a reasonable decision.

From what flowers you can make a bouquet, it's up to you. Even field daisies can be arranged stylish and beautiful, while chic roses are ruined by inappropriate decorations and additions. There are many videos on the Internet on this topic: following step-by-step instructions, even a beginner will assemble an exquisite and original composition with his own hands.

How to make a bouquet of flowers from fabric?

An interesting solution for decor - fabric flowers. Today, even at weddings, brides use additional bouquets when it comes time to traditionally throw the symbol of a happy marriage into the hall. Modern materials allow you to create real masterpieces: for example, foamiran- the petals are so realistic that it is quite difficult to distinguish them from the real ones, especially from afar.

The design of the bride's bouquet in this case can be completely identical to the living composition that she uses as the main

Creativity can manifest itself in everything, and when it comes to flowers, then the flight of fantasy is simply endless. If the soul requires such self-expression, do not delay: buy flowers, a basic set of materials for decor and act! Who knows, maybe your florist career will start with one handmade bouquet.

How to make a bouquet with your own hands: you will learn flowers in a hat box by watching the video:

Original DIY gifts are back in fashion! The capabilities of modern needlewomen allow you to create real masterpieces from familiar items. To surprise your friends with an unusual present, you can make bouquets of sweets with your own hands. After spending a few evenings, you can really surprise the birthday person, as well as acquire a useful and exciting hobby. Step-by-step instruction to create individual elements, as well as creative ideas for general design such beauty are presented in our article.

Of course, one of the main stages in the creation of any masterpiece is considered to be careful preparation. Beautiful candy bouquets require a certain mood and even inspiration, so you must first stock up on candies in bright packages, suitable materials for creativity, as well as a good mood.

If you look at photos of successful crafts, you can highlight individual decorative elements and flower arrangements. Compose matching bouquet from separately prepared flowers, it is possible according to the principle of manufacturing this composition.

To do this, you will need not so many materials, an approximate list of which is presented below.

  • Sweets of the selected assortment.
  • Corrugated and colored paper, organza, foil or ribbons for beautiful design"flower". Beads, satin ribbons, cords and ready-made figurines are also used for additional decoration of the bouquet.
  • Packaging, mesh or just a piece of fabric to create a package for a bouquet.
  • Barbecue sticks or toothpicks if you plan to make flowers on stems.
  • Foam rubber or foam for fastening. You can use a hardened polyurethane foam.
  • A glue gun makes this job much easier.
  • Adhesive tape for fixing, and you need to purchase several varieties at once: transparent, paper and color.
  • If necessary, you can use ready-made containers: vases, flower pots and decorative utensils. A bouquet of sweets in a basket will be a wonderful interior decoration and will leave a long memory of the donor.

If a small diameter wire is used for the frame, it is necessary to consider ways to mask it. In addition to the above materials, you can come up with your own own design, as well as additional decor. These can be bows, paper butterflies and flowers, as well as small soft toys. Looks original autumn bouquet from sweets with their own hands, which is based on real leaves treated with paraffin.

You will also need a tool to work. These are regular scissors. paper glue and small pliers if using wire. In addition, you may need a glue gun for fastening large parts and spare rods to it.

Cardboard sheets, ready-made dishes and wicker baskets can be used to decorate works. Original candy bouquets are obtained using interior items, fabric crafts and other tricks.

There are simply no limits to fantasy, so take a closer look at the possible elements.

How to make candy bouquets for beginners

Creating such an original gift requires a preliminary “pen test”, so be sure to practice creating simple elements and individual flowers. They are classified very simply: they are used original titles and models that are as similar as possible to the standard, as well as fantasy flowers, the production of which will require only a good idea.

The step-by-step process for creating individual flowers for a bouquet is described below.

Simple handmade candy bouquet

Having prepared everything necessary and decided on the execution required element, you can practice on your own simple flower. Candies are fastened in several ways. For beginners, it is easiest to use products wrapped according to the truffle principle. The long ends will facilitate fastening, and the candy itself looks quite bright and impressive.

Then it is necessary to cut out petals of the required shape from corrugated paper. Fastening, size and color of the petals is selected depending on your imagination. Some ideas can be peeped at the photos below.

To properly decorate the resulting bouquet, you can make additional decorations. Several effective framing techniques decorative elements presented below.

Candy bouquets for beginners are best selected from the simplest elements. Each flower must be made neatly, without visible flaws. It is best to use several types of sweets at once, selecting them according to the artist's artistic intent.

Original ideas and tips for their implementation are presented below. The easiest way to start creating is to be inspired by the successful crafts of established masters and craftswomen. After you perfectly master the art of creating candy bouquets, the master class will be taken from you.

Small candy bouquets

Such a gift would be appropriate for congratulations a large number people, for example, a work team or a kindergarten group. It is not difficult to make such mini bouquets of sweets, especially if you think over the range of products in advance.

For miniature products, it is necessary to choose the appropriate sizes of sweets, up to multi-colored dragees, which look very original in transparent packaging.

Options for the execution of small bouquets are shown in the photo.

To decorate such beauty in an original way, you can use ceramic dishes bright colors, wicker baskets and even glasses. This will great idea for a bouquet of sweets for the teacher, as well as a birthday present.

How to make beautiful candy bouquets

If you have already practiced creating simple and small bouquets of sweets, and your loved ones liked the sweet composition, then in this case you can safely start making more complex and beautiful compositions. We will introduce you to some examples below.

Bouquet of sweets for the wedding

It's a good idea to surprise a young couple by giving them original gift made by hand. It can be a touching cake or a bridal bouquet, as well as a beautiful thematic sculpture, decorated in the proper perspective. A wedding bouquet of sweets is often complemented by figurines of the newlyweds or soft toys.

You can hint new family, decorating the craft with baby figurines from polymer clay, which are often used to decorate holiday cakes. Or make it in the form of a pacifier for a baby.

A few ideas for successful design, for example, a bouquet of Raffaello sweets for wedding celebration. Such a gift is also suitable for a romantic evening, as well as congratulations on Valentine's Day.

You can decorate a gift with a photo of a couple, as well as thematic symbols (rings, postcards and other attributes).

New Year's candy bouquets

Winter holidays are unimaginable without sweet treats. Photos of successful crafts demonstrate the ability to make sweet bouquets of sweets on a bottle of champagne.

With such a surprise, it is not a shame to come to visit. It will also help to decorate unusually New Year's table, because such decor will be appropriate and original.

The simplest and affordable way make an elegant Christmas tree - decorate an ordinary cardboard cone with a variety of sweets. To do this, it must be at least 30-50 centimeters high. Starting from the top and in a spiral, it is necessary to wind Christmas tinsel on it, fixing it in several places with tape. After that, sweets are hung on the Christmas tree in random order with the help of small pieces of adhesive tape or paper clips. The brighter and more varied the wrappers are, the more interesting the composition will turn out.

Bouquet of sweets for children

Such a decoration will be a wonderful gift for a child. A bouquet of sweets for a girl can be made in the form of a Barbie doll dress, as well as a favorite cartoon character. Some ideas are shown in the photo below.

A bouquet of sweets in a basket would be appropriate, but for boys we offer an original performance of your favorite activities.

Be sure to make children's bouquets of sweets bright, and also take into account the tastes of the birthday man.

You should not use "adult" sweets flavored with alcohol, as well as too bitter chocolate.

A pleasant surprise for the baby will be the additional equipment of the bouquet with a soft toy, as well as a photograph of the hero of the occasion. You can also use Kinder Surprise when decorating.

Candy bouquet for a man

Your chosen one will definitely like such a gift, especially if you bring something special to the idea. It could be your favorite football computer game and even a memento. If you are going to a birthday with such a surprise, you can also make a secret compartment for sweets or use a ready-made box of sufficient depth for this.

Thematic gifts and original performance are the most popular.

The representatives of the stronger sex can also additionally decorate the gift with a bottle of good alcohol, your favorite perfume, or simply provide a congratulatory bouquet with a postcard with money. A good idea for a men's gift would be a modified topiary tree, which is sure to please with its original performance.

You have already learned how to make bouquets of sweets, but other information is very useful here. It is advisable to watch at least one video for beginners, as well as pre-select a "standard" in the photo.

As in every business, there are secrets and nuances. Many craftswomen learn from their own experience about their existence, and we will tell you right now.

The main tricks for creating a bouquet of sweets:

  • Using corrugated paper, you can manually give the product the desired contour. To do this, simply straighten the place of the fold or bulge with your fingers. The edge of the paper can be wound onto a pencil to smooth the contour, and you can also “curl” the individual elements of the flower with a knitting needle.
  • To attach the flower to the stem, it is best to use a special decorative tape. If it is not available, you can use a strip of corrugated paper slightly moistened with water. By pressing it a little with your fingers, you can achieve tight fasteners, especially if a thread was previously used.
  • The basis for a bouquet of sweets should be sufficiently stable, but at the same time not be very heavy, because together with sweets such a gift will be too heavy. Styrofoam glued to a piece of cardboard is ideal. To work with mounting foam it is desirable to make a contour of paper or cardboard, where the foam will be placed before solidification.
  • For curly crafts, it is best to pre-cut the shape of foam or foam, wrap the visible parts with foil or corrugated paper, and after that decorate with sweets.
  • Bouquets of sweets for Teacher's Day are appropriate to arrange using real leaves, pre-treated with melted paraffin. So they will not only keep their shape well, but also last for a longer time.
  • A basket for a bouquet can also be made from sweets using flat tiles in individual packages. To give the product rigidity, chocolate bars can be glued onto a bent sheet of cardboard or a finished box.

Choosing the main components for future work, do not stop at one type of sweets. Chocolate bouquets from sweets are diverse, so you can vary and combine different types. Multi-colored marmalade pieces in transparent packaging look great, as well as candies without packaging.

flat tiles small size suitable for creating a frame, as well as a "building" material for sweet houses. By turning on your imagination, you can adequately beat the birthday man’s favorite sweets, as well as create a unique masterpiece using the simplest and most affordable materials.

A sweet bouquet of sweets with your own hands is a great gift for a loved one for any occasion.

It is appropriate to give it to a child or mother, as well as to surprise the newlyweds. Almost everyone loves sweets, and such a spectacular presentation of them will definitely surprise and intrigue. Our article presented step by step master classes how to make a bouquet of sweets, and also considered original variants for congratulations.

In life modern girl there are not so many significant events that you want to keep the memory of until the end of your days. A wedding is one of those few events. Many girls want everything to go perfectly on this day, without incident. Restaurant, toastmaster and photographer will create an unforgettable atmosphere, but the most important element holiday is, of course, the image of the bride, which should complement the unforgettable and fabulous bouquet. We will tell you how to make a beautiful and unusual bridal bouquet yourself and show your imagination and individuality to the maximum.

In contact with

Determining the type of flowers

When buying plants, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. In what style wedding will take place. For the countryside, a bouquet of simple wild flowers, which can be purchased at the appropriate stores, is most suitable, and for a solemn ceremony it is better to pay attention to expensive and lush bouquets of flowers of rare varieties.
  2. What kind colors will prevail at the wedding. If the bride does not believe in superstition, then she can choose the color of plants based on her own ideas. Usually, designers do not recommend using black - the color of mourning. For example, black roses are used only at themed events that take place in unusual places.

    Classically, plant colors mean the following:

    White - innocence;

    Red - love;

    Yellow - wealth;

    Green - viability;

    Blue - family;

    Blue is loyalty.

  3. What time of year will the wedding take place?. If the wedding budget is limited, then it is best to choose the so-called "seasonal" flowers. Of course, there is the possibility of delivering a bouquet from Holland, but the price of such a masterpiece will be simply fabulous. It is best to carefully study the flora of your region and understand what flowers bloom during the wedding season. giving general recommendations on this point is meaningless because of the temperature difference depending on the region of Russia.

Color combinations

An important factor in creating a wedding bouquet with your own hands are color combinations. Most often, brides choose some kind of neutral soft color: pink, turquoise, white, but sometimes they want to combine several in one bouquet different colors. In this case, the color wheel will help.

The bride can go one of two ways:

  1. Choose the colors that lie next to each other, for example, yellow and orange or blue and blue. In this case, the bouquet will look harmoniously with a dress in the appropriate style and with a suggestive color scheme.
  2. Choose those colors that lie opposite each other - the so-called "contrasting colors", for example, yellow and blue. Such a bouquet will be very bright and will attract the attention of all the guests of the event.

We select flowers wisely

First of all, you should pay attention to such a factor as the freshness of flowers. Many mistakenly believe that it is better to buy a closed bud, which will then bloom, however, such a flower can only be a core with side petals already torn off.

It is worth paying attention to the petals - if they have changed color and are slightly wilted, then such a bouquet will not last the entire wedding day.

Another important factor is the variety of flowers that the bride prefers. The most persistent flowers are roses, callas, freesias, lilies, orchids and daisies. However, they will not last long if the bride wants to use a bouquet on the stems. The best option would be a port bouquet, which is able to keep plants throughout the day.

How to assemble a bridal bouquet with your own hands?

There are, each of which requires its own unique assembly.

To a bouquet with a porta bouquet there should be a special relationship throughout the wedding day: it must not be placed horizontally or thrown, as the flowers may fall out of the composition.

How to make an artificial understudy bouquet for the bride from satin ribbons with your own hands

Recently, brides have been thinking about creating a bouquet not from fresh flowers, but from satin ribbons. This option allows you to save the bouquet for long years after the wedding and even pass it on to descendants. It is very convenient to use this option as a do-it-yourself one. Flowers will not freeze, and the bouquet will not lose its shape.

To make such a bouquet, you need to buy:

  • About 15 meters of satin ribbons, 50 millimeters wide;
  • Openwork lace;
  • Large and small pearls or plastic beads;
  • Styrofoam or foam ball;
  • "stamens" with pearls or white beads at the end;
  • sticks;
  • Wire;
  • Glue;
  • wire cutters
  • Scissors

Step-by-step instructions for creating a bridal bouquet with your own hands with a photo:

Thus, it is possible create a beautiful and unusual bouquet, not paying attention to the "seasonality of flowers", but relying solely on their own ideas about what this wedding attribute should be.

How to handle a bouquet?

Many brides complain that the bouquet loses its presentable appearance within a couple of hours after the start of the wedding day. This really happens, since the flowers feel best at a temperature of about plus ten degrees, and at a higher temperature they deteriorate quite quickly. However there are some rules that can extend the life of the bouquet.

  • Flowers must be kept strictly upright; don't put them on horizontal surfaces, and put in a vase or give to the witnesses, if necessary, free their hands.
  • Flowers should not be placed on hot surfaces, pressed to the chest or covered with a veil.
  • At high temperature flowers with a port bouquet need to be refreshed: add water or use a spray bottle.
  • Flowers with stems should be handled as little as possible. Whenever possible, the bouquet should be lowered into cool water, while cutting the stems.

In order to create perfect bouquet, it is worth considering many factors: the features of the wedding and the place where it will take place, the "seasonality of flowers", the wedding budget and the bride's free time, which she is ready to spend on making flower arrangement. In addition, it is worth remembering that the bouquet is usually matched to the groom's boutonniere and bridesmaids' bouquets, as well as to the decorations of the hall.

If a person does not understand color combinations, does not know how and does not want to work with flowers on his own, then it would be best to contact a specialized flower salon, where the bride will create a professional bouquet for a relatively low fee. Now prices for wedding bouquets are flexible, so anyone can buy flowers in the salon, regardless of the size of the wedding budget.

Video: a master class on creating a bridal bouquet with your own hands.

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