Finishing and finishing work with cinder blocks. Wall insulation

Houses built from cinder blocks, unlike their wooden and brick counterparts, need additional insulation from the outside. The thermal conductivity of a cinder block varies between 0.35-0.6 W/(m 0C), which means that to ensure normal temperature In a house in our harsh climate, it would be necessary to erect a building from cinder block slabs about 1.5-2 meters thick, which is extremely unprofitable. That is why buildings made of cinder block slabs of standard thickness are additionally insulated with outside.

Should you choose external or internal insulation? Professional builders recommend insulating a cinder block house from the outside, since after laying the thermal insulation layer inside the room, the dew point, located between the coolant and the wall, shifts. As a result, moisture will accumulate on the walls, facilitating the spread of moldy fungi.

Another disadvantage internal insulation is that thermal insulation material“steals” centimeters of room space. That is why it is rational to insulate a cinder block house from the outside.


The most common materials for insulating cinder block buildings are:

  • fiberglass and mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene.

Pros and cons of mineral wool and fiberglass

Both types of these materials are available in slabs and rolls. Performance and practical characteristics mineral wool and fiberglass are almost identical. That is why both of these materials will be considered together.

The main advantage of these materials is their excellent thermal conductivity (about 0.041 W/(m 0C)) and sound insulation. Another indicator worth noting is fire resistance. Mineral wool and fiberglass practically do not burn and spontaneously extinguish in the absence of open fire.

The structure of fiberglass and mineral wool allows these materials to be laid even on uneven surfaces.

Perhaps the only drawback of these materials is that after getting wet they almost completely lose their thermal insulation and sound insulation properties.

Extruded polystyrene foam

What is the difference between expanded polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam? Popular name extruded polystyrene foam - polystyrene foam. It has a rather denser structure than expanded polystyrene. It also practically does not absorb moisture. However, the cost of polystyrene foam is higher.

The materials are produced in the form of slabs (expanded polystyrene in rolls is much less common).

Main advantages:

  • good thermal conductivity - 0.039 W/(m 0C);
  • ease of installation;
  • fire resistance - some types do not support the combustion process at all.

Significant disadvantage polystyrene foam boards is a low level of sound insulation.

Mineral wool insulation scheme

Mineral wool or fiberglass should only be laid on a previously primed surface. The best option in terms of speed is the so-called “wet” installation method.

First you need to prepare the surface - remove existing defects (cracks, chips) and prime it. You also need to build a base that will serve as a support for the first base row.

The next step is preparing the glue. In this case, it is important to follow the instructions on the package. After the glue is prepared, you can begin installing the insulation.

Please note: the glue must be applied in an even layer to the insulation using a spatula, and not to the wall! During the installation process, you also need to ensure that there are no gaps between the plates.

Thermal insulation is glued in a checkerboard pattern, like brickwork. Using a building level, we check the evenness of the masonry. Thermal insulation sheets are additionally secured to the wall using umbrella dowels. After the mineral wool has covered the entire wall, you need to lay a layer of glue, drowning the reinforcing mesh into it.

Wall insulation with polystyrene foam

Laying foam plastic is carried out in almost the same way as installing mineral wool.

The first stage is surface preparation. Elimination of defects and application of primer. Next, after preparing the adhesive solution, we proceed to installing the insulation sheets.

Important: there should be no gaps or cracks between the plates!

After laying the insulation boards on top of them, you need to fix the reinforcing mesh. Next, this entire cake is carefully primed and puttied, after which you can begin final stage– applying decorative coating.

Building a house from cinder blocks has a number of obvious advantages. Such construction is economically profitable, because the walls of such a structure are erected quite quickly.

However, when building a house from cinder blocks, you need to know how to insulate cinder block walls and perform this procedure as efficiently as possible.


Today there are two technologies for building insulation:

  1. “wet” with plastering, involving mechanical or adhesive installation thermal insulation to the wall surface and subsequent laying of the reinforcing layer and finishing decorative coating;
  2. “dry” using a protective and decorative screen.

Insulation options

This is not to say that a cinder block is completely perfect material. It is characterized by some disadvantages. For example, the material does not tolerate dampness, especially with insufficient high-quality insulation. The structure freezes, and then, when it thaws, the cinder block can crumble. That is why it must be insulated. Today, there are several technologies that answer the question of how to insulate a cinder block house from the inside or outside.

Before starting work, you need to clearly understand: it’s just cold in the house, or the walls of the house are really freezing and damp. The process of insulating the outside of a building can be carried out using the methods described below.

Ventilated facade

The ventilated system consists of stacked elements connecting to a single façade structure. Quality system characterized by the ideal placement of existing finishing elements located in the same plane with the facade.

In this case, the gap that forms between two adjacent panels can be minimal or pronounced. Installation of panels with gaps will allow you to hide various flaws in the work, as well as, if necessary, adjust the finishing elements.

Some types of systems provide 3D adjustment, thanks to which you can perfectly align the plane of each element relative to the adjacent one.

Using a special material, façade sealant, you can putty the seams between the ceramic tiles. After this, the seams must be covered with ceramic chips.

It is especially important to correctly calculate the thickness of the ventilation gap.

Different types of systems are able to provide gaps of different thicknesses.

This parameter directly depends on the thickness of the insulating material used. However, the limit norm is considered to be 100 mm; otherwise, too much traction occurs in the formed space. It is extremely undesirable in case of fire.

The minimum gap width that can provide effective ventilation of walls is 20 mm.
In case of one-story building It is better to increase the gap to 4 cm, then the required volume of ventilation will be ensured.

The instructions for most façade installation systems imply next order actions:

  1. surface marking;
  2. fastening guides;
  3. installation and fixation insulation material;
  4. installation windproof membrane on top of insulation;
  5. installation of sub-cladding structure;
  6. laying facing material.

The insulation material must be securely fixed, otherwise the insulation boards are likely to slip, which will lead to the formation of cooling sections of the wall.

Two-layer mineral wool insulation materials are fixed with the harder side of the building, which ensures an excellent fit of the slabs with the soft side to the surface of the building wall. At the same time, the outer side of the structure will retain some rigidity.

Layered masonry

You can also insulate a cinder block house from the outside using the layered masonry method. This technology involves the creation of a three-layer structure using effective insulating material between the surface of the load-bearing or self-supporting wall and facing material.

Since you can insulate a cinder block house from the outside using this method even with your own hands, a similar three-layer construction very popular.

In addition, it has a number of advantages:

  • small thickness and weight;
  • fire resistance;
  • unique appearance.

Layered masonry during insulation work often does not have external differences from monolithic brickwork. Therefore, experts consider such walls to be reliable and durable.

The most interesting thing is that apartments in houses whose facades are made facing bricks, are always in demand, because not many people understand that this house is not actually built of brick.

The layered masonry method stands out from other existing techniques:

  • simplicity of the set of materials;
  • standard installation method;
  • as well as the opportunity to carry out work year-round.

Warm facade

Facade systems as a method of carrying out thermal insulation work for buildings are a multi-layer structure and at the same time structural element structures

No matter what material the house is built from, the owner always tries to reduce the cost of heating and repairs. Great solution such problems installation of insulation.

It is especially important to carry out such measures as quickly as possible if the structure is made of material that does not retain heat well. Therefore, today we will consider insulation cinder block house outside.

Qualified craftsmen advise insulating a cinder block house from the outside, since this option has many advantages:

  1. Extends the service life of the main structure. External thermal insulation must be protected from external influences. The trim not only becomes a barrier to the insulation, but also to the cinder blocks.
  2. Saves usable space in living spaces.
  3. Protects against the formation of dew on the walls of the house, and therefore prevents the appearance of fungus or mold.
  4. Allows you to save up to 70% of heat. Internal walls accumulate heat and release it back when the air temperature in the room drops.

Choice of insulation

Houses made of cinder blocks do not retain heat well, so either polystyrene foam (or its cousins) or mineral wool are chosen as insulation. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


If the question arises of how to insulate a cinder block house from the outside and spend a small amount, then it is better to use it. The material has excellent specifications, but a few shortcomings are a bit of a concern. Therefore, it is important to study all the positive and negative facts before choosing polystyrene foam for insulation.


  1. The smallest thermal conductivity coefficient.
  2. Light weight, which makes it easy to transport and install the material yourself.
  3. Low moisture absorption rate. Even if the foam is completely immersed in water, it can absorb only 4% of its own weight, and this is an excellent indicator.
  4. The material is not affected by mold, fungi, or insects.
  5. Long service life. If the foam is reliably protected from external influences, it can last up to 50 years.

Now let's look at the disadvantages:

  1. The insulation does not allow steam to pass through. The effect of a thermos is created. Heat is retained inside the house both in winter and summer.
  2. Low temperatures combined with a small amount moisture destroys what you made with your own hands.
  3. Before starting installation, you need to level the base.
  4. Toxicity when burning. But for cinder block walls this drawback is not so important. Polystyrene foam burns only in the presence of a constant source of fire. In this case, there are no components of the structure that could quickly ignite and burn for a long time.
  5. Rodents love to make their homes in polystyrene foam.


You can also insulate the house with mineral wool. Moreover, without unnecessary fears, you can choose any type of material offered and get good result. Qualified specialists recommend using this particular option for arranging thermal insulation for the walls of a cinder block house.

The main advantages of this insulation:

  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • Possibility to create additional sound insulation.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Can be mounted on walls with slight unevenness.
  • Environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages include:

  1. High moisture absorption coefficient. Mineral wool must be treated on both sides with water-repellent glue. Difficulty in installation.
  2. If you lay and fasten mineral wool incorrectly, then in some places it may mat (shrink), which will lead to a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

Having become familiar with all the positive and negative aspects of using one or another insulation, each owner will choose the option that, in his opinion, is the most optimal.


Once selected suitable material The question arises: how to insulate a cinder block house from the outside? If a person is far from the construction business, then it is advisable to use the services of professional teams, but you can do everything yourself. The main thing is to strictly follow the chosen instructions.

Each insulation has its own technology for constructing a thermal insulation structure. Therefore, we will not consider a generalized picture, but will propose a work plan for each option separately.

Insulation using foam plastic

Any process starts with preparatory stage. It is definitely present when installing foam plastic.

  1. Protruding elements are removed from the base. This may include excess mortar, fasteners and hanging structures(antennas, drainpipes).
  2. If there are deep potholes, cracks, or broken pieces of cinder block, you should get rid of them. To do this, the surface is plastered.
  3. When the layer of plaster has dried, you need to apply primer. Such measures will help increase adhesion (adhesion of the adhesive solution and the base) and protect the wall from mold.

Only after the primer has completely dried can you begin installing the foam.

  • The first step is to install a starting galvanized or stainless steel profile. It serves as a support for the entire structure. It is necessary to correct the horizontal. Suitable for this building level. If there is even the slightest distortion, it can cause deformation and even collapse of the insulated and finished facade. The profile is attached to dowel nails.
  • Next, prepare glue solution, which is suitable for outdoor use and for foam. If you buy the first one you come across and do not read the instructions, then the consequence of such a rash step may be a poor-quality facade that will peel off from the cinder block walls. Before cooking, be sure to read the instructions; manufacturers indicate the exact quantities of ingredients.
  • The glue is applied in small blots at the corners of the foam and in the center.
  • The first insulation board is laid with its lower edge in the profile towards the left bottom corner building. It is necessary to press the element a little and move it from side to side so that there are no voids left.
  • The next sheet of material is coated with glue in the same way, only the composition is also applied to the end part. Press the part tightly against the first one so that there are no gaps or cracks between them.
  • The second row is laid so that the joints do not coincide. To do this, the slab is shifted a third or half to the side. In the same way, insulation is carried out over the entire area.
  • After the glue has dried, you also need to fix the foam mechanically. This will make the structure more reliable. You will need dowels with a wide head. The approximate number of fasteners is calculated as follows: 5 pieces are needed for one slab.
  • Now you can move on to the façade cladding.

Mineral wool

The installation process of this insulation is a little more complicated, but it all starts with preparation. The base is cleaned of stains, dust, dirt, and protruding elements. It is not necessary to plaster the surface; it is enough to seal deep cracks and treat the walls with primer.

Then they install metallic profile, to create support. Next, prepare the adhesive solution according to the instructions indicated on the package. Glue is applied thin layer on the entire surface of the slab (creates a water-repellent layer), and then make several small blots in the corners.

The material is pressed tightly against the wall. There should be no joints or gaps. It is also not advisable to do it with a whip. They start doing everything from the bottom left corner. The slabs are glued according to the principle of brickwork.

After the mineral wool has completely covered the walls, you need to glue the reinforcing mesh. The same adhesive solution is applied to the surface of the slabs and fiberglass is embedded in them, smoothing it with a spatula. After this layer has dried, you can begin decorating.

IN lately A lot of information has appeared on the Internet on insulating houses with polystyrene foam. So I decided to share my experience of such construction and insulating walls with foam plastic. This method of wall insulation makes it possible to save on building materials when building walls. Since it is enough to build a not very thick wall of brick (25 cm) or cinder block, shell rock (20 cm) walls and then insulate the walls with polystyrene foam 50 mm thick and density 25 kgm3 (which replaces 50 cm of brickwork) and then plaster with an adhesive mixture of ceiresite ( Ceresit) followed by painting. External wall insulation with foam plastic does not require any special preparation.

1. Polystyrene foam 5 or more centimeters thick2. Solution glue mixture(Ceresit) for attaching tile insulation to the outer surface of enclosing structures;3. Reinforced mesh from fiberglass4. Painting corners for corners and slopes5. Special dowels (umbrellas) for fastening foam plastic, about 5-6 pieces per m2 When I was building a house for three years, the question arose of how to make the walls so that I could spend a minimum on materials but at the same time, so that the house would be warm.

I consulted with friends and scoured the Internet and decided to build the walls of the house from shell rock and insulate them with polystyrene foam. After building the walls and roof, I began insulating the walls with foam plastic. To begin with, I determined the area and bought foam plastic with a thickness of 50 mm and a density of 25 kgm3. The most a big problem I had a problem choosing an adhesive, there were a lot of tips and recommendations, but I settled on the Ceresit CM 11 adhesive mixture, since it was the cheapest of all the recommended mixtures.

Although, realizing that the cheap ones are not the best, I still decided on Ceresit CM 11, which over the course of 2.5 years and 2 winters met my hopes.. So far, not a single sheet of foam plastic has fallen off and the plaster has not crumbled, although this winter was such that the walls were covered with ice after rain and wind and then sharp frost..

How to insulate a cinder block house with your own hands - Proraboff.rf

Most often, the developer thinks about thermal insulation of a house made of cinder blocks with his own hands after the object is erected. This is largely due to the fact that cinder blocks vary greatly in their thermal conductivity.

This indicator can be in the range of 0.35-0.6 W/(m K). Thus, it is very difficult to determine in advance how well cinder blocks can insulate inner space.

Why does a cinder block house need insulation?

If we start from building codes, reflected in SNiP 02/23/2003, the normal thickness of walls made of cinder blocks can be considered only 1.5-2 m. But such thick walls are extremely expensive. Suffice it to say that for such a structure it will be necessary to build a massive and expensive foundation.

So that the walls of a house made of cinder blocks can retain heat in the home, the most the best option thermal insulation will be performed. Then you will be able to save money, provide conditions for a pleasant microclimate, and also make the house more aesthetically pleasing.

There are two fundamentally different options thermal insulation of the walls of a cinder block house. If you place insulation with inside, there will be a great danger of condensation on the walls. This is due to the fact that the dew point will be between the insulation and the wall. As a result, the risk of condensation will increase significantly.

When placing insulation on the outside of a cinder block house, you will notice several advantages at once. There are savings with this method usable space, reducing the risk of condensation, improving appearance the buildings. Usually the insulation is covered with a finishing cladding, which also protects the walls of the building. It follows from this that exactly external insulation is more suitable.

How to insulate a house made of foam blocks?

Any a private house needs insulation, regardless of the material from which it is built. The question “How to insulate a house made of foam blocks?” You can hear it more and more often on construction forums and websites.

When insulating foam blocks with sandwich panels or XPS boards, you need to use special dowels to secure them. The joints of the slabs are carefully sealed to prevent moisture from entering the space between the slab and the foam block. The thickness of the layer of insulated material should be 1.2 - 1.4 times less than for insulation concrete walls the same thickness. When insulating with stone or mineral wool, you should not use waterproofing materials to ensure normal convection of moisture.

If the wall consists of two layers of foam blocks, between which there is a layer of insulation and waterproofing, then external insulation is not required. An exception may be premises with large area windows or doorways, for example, garages and verandas.

In any case, there are no universal solutions, because everything depends on the climatic conditions, the purpose of the building and its heating methods, the presence of a basement or semi-basement, external cladding walls and other factors. Only a specialist can give precise recommendations on how to insulate a house made of foam blocks.

Cinder block is universal material, which allows you to quickly build a large stone house. At the same time, these huge blocks are not suitable for every climate, so it is often necessary for such houses to insulate the walls from the outside. This material is made from the so-called slag concrete - a mixture of cement and slag crumbs, which is formed when iron is smelted from ore.

The slag itself is durable, porous, and the block itself has a sufficient number of holes to provide high-quality thermal insulation. Often due to a violation construction technologies the house does not meet the owner's expectations, so it is required to additional insulation. This is worth doing in any case, if only because it will result in significant savings on energy resources. This article will describe how to insulate a cinder block house, namely, the main steps, as well as materials and construction technologies.

Material selection

Let's look at the two main types of insulation that are most suitable for cinder block walls.

The first type is mineral wool or glass wool. Using this insulation, you can cover walls both outside and inside, and you can also use it to insulate floors in rooms on the basement side. It is stuffed either using special staples, or into a network of boxes, which are then sheathed on top with some material.

The most economical option external insulation of a cinder block house is polystyrene foam and plastering work followed by painting. If the walls made of cinder blocks have already survived more than one winter and are slightly crumbling and covered with cracks, then you should first begin to putty such irregularities. Then use dowels, which should be 2 times longer than the thickness of the foam, to attach it to the wall. Minimum Density polystyrene foam - 10 cm, but 25 cm is better.

Cinder block is a universal material that allows you to quickly build a large stone house. At the same time, these huge blocks are not suitable for every climate, so it is often necessary for such houses to insulate the walls from the outside. This material is made from the so-called slag concrete - a mixture of cement and slag crumbs, which is formed when iron is smelted from ore. The slag itself is durable, porous, and the block itself has a sufficient number of holes to provide high-quality thermal insulation. Often, due to violations of construction technologies, the house does not meet the owner’s expectations, so additional insulation is required. This is worth doing in any case, if only because it will result in significant savings on energy resources. This article will describe how to insulate a cinder block house, namely, the main steps, as well as materials and construction technologies.

Material selection

Let's look at the two main types of insulation that are most suitable for cinder block walls.

The first type is mineral wool or glass wool. Using this insulation, you can cover walls both outside and inside, and you can also use it to insulate floors in rooms on the basement side. It is stuffed either using special staples, or into a network of boxes, which are then sheathed on top with some material. The main advantage is that there are no pests in it, and the area closes very quickly. This a budget option, which is much more affordable than the next type of material.

The second type is foamy polymer materials made in the form of sheets various thicknesses. The most popular are polystyrene, polystyrene foam and penoplex. Experts often consider them to be one and the same material; the only thing that stands apart is ball foam, which is the cheapest of these materials for wall insulation. These materials are often used to insulate only the outside.

The second type is preferable, but usually people look at their financial capabilities. All these materials are good.

Selecting insulation thickness

Insulation of a cinder block house will be successful only when the correct thickness of wall covering is selected. Accurate calculations are quite complex, but based on experience, we can say that better thickness The external insulation of houses in Russia is 10 centimeters thick. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the thickness of the insulation, but also the thickness of its coating - plaster or sheathing panels. For the southern regions of our country, a thickness of 5-7 centimeters can be made. The best advice will be obtained from those who already use such a house and have lived in it for at least one winter. The thickness of the walls of the house also plays a role. A house made of slag concrete can also be cold due to an improper foundation, and then it will also have to be insulated, but this is a completely different area of ​​work.

Before starting insulation from the outside or inside, it is necessary to check the walls for cracks or uneven filling of the seam, and correct all this, otherwise the procedure will not give the desired effect.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to insulate walls made of slag concrete, it is necessary to perform a series of works sequentially. Let's consider the procedure for performing work for sheet materials.

  • Preparing the walls outside. It is necessary to brush off the dust, remove lagging fragments with sandpaper, holes and potholes must be carefully leveled. After this you need to start priming. The primer must be viscous, otherwise the cinder block will absorb it, and then you will have to fork out for this simple step.
  • Applying glue and pasting the walls with sheets of material. You need to press the sheets tightly, and after the glue dries, you need to carefully coat all the seams.
  • Installation of fasteners. Using special dowels, foam sheets are pressed against the wall for greater insulation strength.
  • A fiberglass reinforced mesh is glued to the surface, which should be applied to the entire plane of the insulation. A special glue is used for it, and it is rolled out from rolls with a roller over the surface.
  • Applying a protective layer. It is usually a flexible, cement-based polymer mixture. The surface is leveled.
  • Plastering the surface. This is just a decoration; usually it does not carry any power load or thermal insulation functions.
  • As for mineral wool, a frame is assembled for quick fastening, which is filled with pieces of insulation, and then the entire frame is closed decorative finishing- clapboard, thin siding or even profile laminated iron sheets.

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