Doors with which finish are better: veneered, laminated or with PVC film. Which doors are better to choose: veneered, laminated or PVC

Today the market is saturated with numerous and varied offers of interior door models. Such an abundance of products on display can make your head spin not only for a beginner, but also for a fairly experienced person who has repeatedly faced the task of renovating their home. After all, the door to the interior opening is still installed quite long term. Therefore, it must meet modern requirements - be as functional as possible, aesthetically pleasing in appearance, and also fit perfectly into the interior of the room.

Features of choosing doors

To some people, all door panels seem the same. And they focus their choice solely on the price of the product, focusing on cheap door options. Others give preference to the external aesthetic component and exclusivity, choosing for themselves enough expensive designs for an interior opening.

In any case, when choosing doors, you should take into account their variety in purpose, shape and style of the product, as well as the availability of fittings. No less important are such external characteristics door designs, How:

  • exact dimensions of openings;
  • raw materials for the manufacture of the canvas itself;
  • material for door cladding.

Advice. When choosing a specific company that manufactures doors, it is worth choosing one that provides a guarantee for its products, which already confirms the fairly high quality of the products it produces.

The main function of interior doors is to separate rooms. Moreover, they are important element in home interior design. And the service life of the doors and the preservation of their external presentability for a long time often depend on what material they are made of.

The choice of materials for the manufacture of canvas and cladding is quite wide. But most often today you can find interior doors:

  • veneered;
  • laminated;
  • from eco-veneer;
  • covered with PVC film.

Products made from these materials have their differences. Each of them has certain advantages and some disadvantages. They also differ in cost. To understand which material is better for an interior door, it makes sense to take a closer look at each of them separately.

Veneered interior doors

Veneer door products have gained particular popularity. They can become good alternative option for those who want to install a door made of solid wood, but want to save money. Veneered products have many of the same qualities as solid wood doors. In addition, they are much lighter in weight than their all-wooden counterparts and, of course, cheaper than them, although they have a higher cost compared to other materials.

Veneer is a material that is obtained from cutting trees. For greater efficiency, it is treated with a special solution and varnished on top. All this ensures a significantly higher resistance of this material to moisture. There are 2 types of veneer:

  • natural - fully conveys the structure of noble wood, looks elegant and rich, when treated with varnish it can be used for doorways premises with high humidity, for example, bathrooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight;
  • artificial - durable and resistant to various types of influences, allows for experiments with decor, and can be made from low-cost wood species.

This material has many advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. The undoubted advantages of veneer include the following characteristics:

  • large selection of colors, textures and wood species;
  • the ability to restore the product if it receives minor mechanical damage;
  • provides good sound insulation.

Among the disadvantages of this material are the need for stable microclimate indicators in the room, as well as the difficulty in obtaining uniformity of structure and consistency of color of the product, especially large ones. And the indicated disadvantages of this raw material are primarily related to its naturalness.

Laminated door products

Widespread in last years received interior doors coated with laminate film. They are much cheaper in cost than veneered ones door products same quality class. They can be classified as a budget option, accessible to people of low income.

Laminate, which is obtained from cellulose fibers impregnated with synthetic resins, can be painted in any color range with the application of designs, patterns, and various compositions if necessary. This material gives the product special strength and resistance to almost any type of external influence. Laminated doors are made from fiberboard high density, which is obtained by hot vacuum pressing during production. Such products have excellent environmental safety indicators for humans.

Laminated doors have other advantages. These include good tolerance to temperature changes and excellent resistance to almost any detergent used in the care of such products. In addition, caring for them does not cause any difficulties and does not require too much time or money. But the main advantage, of course, is the relative cheapness of this product.

Attention! Too cheap products can be covered with laminate very Low quality, as a result of which the surface of the canvas will begin to quickly crumble, especially in the area of ​​the edge, and the door will soon acquire an unpresentable appearance.

Despite all these advantages, laminated doors also have their disadvantages:

  • smooth texture of the surface of the material, which many may not like;
  • some external similarity of door products, which is sometimes annoying;
  • impossibility of restoration in case of mechanical damage.

Ecoveneer and PVC

Quite often today you can find interior doors with other coatings, for example, eco-veneer or PVC film. Eco-veneer is durable, varied in color, and easy to maintain. Outwardly, it differs very little from natural veneer, only slightly cheaper in cost. This material consists of wood fibers combined with a special adhesive composition, which is vacuum processed. It is durable, environmentally friendly, resistant to wear, and is not afraid of exposure to sunlight.

Doors coated with polyvinyl chloride are also in sufficient demand among the population. Products with PVC film are:

  • moisture resistant;
  • resistant to temperature changes;
  • shockproof.

In addition, they can be painted in any color, follow the lines of the textured surface well and are easy to maintain, while at the same time they have low price, which is one of their main advantages. Such doors are an almost ideal option for bathrooms, kitchen area, balconies and loggias.

Interior doors made of any material find their consumers. And to choose for yourself best option, it is worth first assessing some factors, namely, for what specific room the doors are being chosen, whether it is possible to fit them harmoniously into the interior, the most preferred material in accordance with the existing conditions, the expected service life and the state of your wallet.

How to choose the right interior doors: video

Types of interior doors: photo

When choosing interior doors for an apartment or Vacation home, our clients often ask the question: which is better, solid or veneered doors? You can answer this question quickly if you know the budget and other input data. If you try to compare in general, then you must definitely decide on the comparison criteria. Basically, they choose by design and everything connected with it (color, design), price, service life, durability, ease of use; for some, the beauty of the surface is also important (a certain type of wood is needed), and perhaps prestige or environmental friendliness.

Veneered doors with triplex glass. You will not find doors made of solid wood of this design.

Which is better in design?

Veneered doors are very different. Thanks to the use modern materials, it is possible to make doors of any design. Add the many types of wood available as veneers and the production possibilities are enormous. Solid wood doors are more traditional, most of them are made in classic design. Upon closer examination, their “naturalness” becomes visible. This is usually noticeable by how the surface of the wood looks, how it is processed, and what it is made of. By the way, expensive veneered doors can copy this very well, but more on that later. Once a certain price threshold is reached, it becomes difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish one from the other. You need to know where to look and what to pay attention to.

What is the best price? Is it worth overpaying for an array?

The situation with price is twofold; on the one hand, people choose doors within their budget, so you need to compare doors from one price category, and then we will do it. But quite a lot of people are wondering: is it worth overpaying for solid wood doors? This suggests that many would like to save money by choosing veneer doors. Everyone must determine the feasibility of this saving for themselves, and we will help you make a choice.

Doors with black ash and walnut veneer. Such doors are easy to confuse with real solid wood.

Durability and maintainability

Both of them, if made well, will last a long time. The damage that appears during operation will be approximately the same. Scratches and chips on the surface are most likely to occur. Because both types of doors have wooden surface, but differ only in filling, then the nature of the damage will be approximately the same. Small chips and scratches can be repaired with color-matched mastic. Can be restored varnish coating entirely. But more serious problems, such as peeling veneer or cracked wood, cannot be corrected.

Undoubtedly, when buying doors for serious money, you want some kind of guarantee regarding the period of use. By own experience We can say that even veneered doors last 15 years normally. Solid wood doors last for decades. But whether such a margin of safety is needed is up to you to decide. Usually it takes 10 - 15 years from repair to repair, but repairs for interior doors are a problem - most likely the doors will not survive it.

Veneered door in white ash color

Ease of use

Many people know that some doors react excessively to changes. heating seasons and may stop closing. There are also prejudices that not all doors can be installed in the bathroom. This usually applies to doors made of solid wood and veneer, but we guarantee that if the doors are made with high quality, you can forget about these two problems. Solid wood doors are heavier than veneered doors, which can create certain inconveniences. There is not much difference in sound insulation if the frame is equipped with a seal, and veneered doors have a solid filling inside the leaf. Sound insulation is more influenced by the presence of a glass insert and its size.

Sliding doors made of solid pine

Surface beauty, prestige, environmental friendliness

You can choose any veneer for doors, even some exotic one. With an array in this regard it is much more complicated and much more expensive. Even such familiar oak, in inexpensive solid doors, can look worse than oak veneer, because... inexpensive raw materials initially small size and on the surface of the door you can see small dies from which the door leaf is assembled. On the contrary, the veneer will appear solid, thanks to the pattern selected on the surface. As the value increases, the array becomes more beautiful, every detail door leaf informs us that this is an elite product made from natural wood.

There are many ways to treat the surface of solid wood and veneer, the more expensive, the more interesting options. But the most interesting ones, such as brushing with two-color tinting, are available only for the entire array.

Veneer may not have a natural pattern, but rather have an ordered structure created according to the designer’s intention. This is the so-called Fine Line veneer. For many modern interiors this is what is needed.

There is an opinion that veneered doors are not very environmentally friendly. Although if you look at it, there is nothing in them that could somehow spoil the healthy atmosphere in an apartment or house. MDF or glue, with which the parts of the canvas are assembled, are absolutely harmless. Many manufacturers confirm this with safety certificates.

What types of solid wood doors are there and how are they made?

Pine, alder, oak, ash and beech are mainly used for the production of doors. The cheapest and most common doors are made of solid pine. The cost per canvas is from 3,000 to 8,000 rubles.

Pine doors with clear varnish.

The next most affordable are alder doors: from 10,000 to 16,000 rubles.

Well, the most expensive are oak, ash and beech, from 18,000 rubles.

All solid wood doors are made approximately the same:

First comes the drying of the raw materials. Depending on the type of wood, this process is configured differently. But the general thing is that this is the longest and most important stage. If the drying modes are chosen incorrectly or in a hurry (there is always a temptation to do it quickly, since drying usually takes up to 20 days), then you can pay for it. Consequences improper drying may have an effect after the doors are installed. And we all know these consequences: the appearance of cracks, warping, changes in geometry, etc.

After drying, the raw materials are prepared and assembled. Doors made of all types are assembled using laminated solid wood technology. This means that first, dried boards are cut into blanks with a certain geometry, and then glued under a press into a slab. This board is assembled in several layers, and the direction of the fibers in the layers is different. This is necessary so that the layers restrain each other from expansion or contraction. The expansion coefficient of wood, when absorbing moisture, along the grain is several times greater than across it. The parts of the frame (frame) and panels (internal filling of the door leaf) are cut from the slab.

After assembly, surface treatment occurs. Solid wood doors are primed, covered with wax, paint, enamel, varnish, stain, tinted, brushed, patinated. The choice of processing method depends on the type of wood and design. Pine is very resinous and loose, so it repels moisture and has excellent insulating properties. Therefore, you can often find pine doors without any coating at all, for example in saunas. The most popular coatings for pine: varnish and wax. Alder, on the contrary, strongly absorbs moisture, so its coating should be as dense as possible and completely close the pores. Doors made of alder covered with enamel are very popular. The same can be said about beech. Doors made of oak and ash allow the use of both dense and translucent coatings.

Door made of solid alder with patina.

What types of veneered doors are there and how are they made?

Veneered doors are a combination of materials. Inside there is solid wood, the next layer is MDF, and on the surface there is veneer.

What is veneer - it is a thin cut of natural wood. The thickness of veneer in door production is about 1 mm. It comes in several types. There is veneer that completely preserves the wood pattern, with all the stains and structure (it can be radial, tangential, depending on the direction in which the cutting is made). This type of veneer is the most expensive and is made from valuable and not very valuable species, with good properties. For example, our common veneers are oak, ash, mahogany, anegri, etc. And there is inexpensive, reclaimed veneer, or, as it is also called, fineline veneer. It is made from cheap fast-growing species such as poplar, aspen, and maple. As with natural veneer, it is first cut and tinted, but then glued and cut again. After this stage, the natural pattern turns into an ordered one. A pattern of longitudinal lines appears, the thickness of which is determined by the initial cutting.

Ash veneer door

To ensure that the veneer lays beautifully on the base, it is sewn together large canvases on a fabric backing, this is the so-called shirt. The natural veneer in the shirt is beautifully matched to the pattern. In this state, the veneer is literally pressed into the MDF base using hot pressing, under enormous pressure.

The role of MDF in veneered doors is enormous. The base on which the veneer is applied must be very hard. And its dimensions should not change and depend on the humidity in the room (this happens with natural wood). Otherwise, the veneer will become cracked. MDF is ideal for these requirements. It is durable, inexpensive and made from natural ingredients.

In order for veneered doors to be affordable, their insides must be made of inexpensive array, for example pine trees. To prevent the pine from changing its size and the veneer from cracking, it is covered with layers of MDF on all sides. The result is a very strong, relatively light, constant in its geometry, multi-layer base.

The veneer surface is treated in the same way as solid wood: it is tinted, varnished, painted, sanded. Therefore, it becomes difficult to understand what is in front of us: a whole massif or its thin slice.

Veneered doors in the range from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles are mainly covered with inexpensive fineline veneer, a very popular color “ bleached oak" and "wenge". The design in this price range is the simplest. The door leaf is initially completely smooth, essentially a frame and two sheets of MDF. Then, in this smooth canvas, where necessary, recesses are milled - imitation panels, and holes for glass are cut out. In the places where this is supposed to be done, pine beams are laid in the canvas, the remaining free space is filled with honeycomb filler.

In models from 6500 rub. Natural veneer is already used for the canvas, real panel structures appear: a frame made of pine, panels made of MDF.

Further, as the cost increases, the designs of the canvases become more advanced. The voids in the frame disappear, the pine timber is replaced with more durable combined materials, including LVL timber. (LVL timber is a high-strength structural material glued together from sheets of pine veneer.) The design becomes more decorative: glazing beads, baguette, more complex shapes panels, expensive glass.

Manufacturers leave the top and bottom ends of all veneered doors uncoated; if it is not clear whether it is solid wood or veneer, you need to look there.

What to choose, solid pine doors or veneered doors?

Let's try to compare inexpensive veneered doors and solid pine doors.

Why pine is attractive and why people buy it.

Pine has a very beautiful natural pattern, it is difficult to confuse it with something else. If the pine is under a translucent coating, this pattern is noticeable and there is no doubt that this is a door made of natural wood. It can be easily seen and even smelled. This is the beauty of it, which is why, in many areas of design, pine doors are standard option. For example, Scandinavian style, Provence, etc. And even though the surface of such doors is softer than that of veneered doors, and there will be traces on it even from small impacts, this only emphasizes the naturalness. Pine doors will react more strongly to changing heating seasons. But if the door is made and installed according to all the rules, this will not annoy you, perhaps you will not even notice it.

Doors made of solid pine with a "White wax" coating.

Veneered doors for this money are more varied in terms of design, you can choose from modern to classic. Undoubtedly, the surface of the veneer under varnish will be harder, and there will be much less marks on it. The construction of the canvas is lighter than solid pine, but is strong enough and will not cause any inconvenience. But they will not have the charm of naturalness. The ordered structure of fineline veneer is more suitable for modern interiors and finishing materials.

If we talk about durability, then both of them will please their owners for a long time. But of course, the surface of pine doors, under the same conditions, will collect damage faster.

Door covered with ash veneer. Please note that the door is made in the same design as the pine doors in the previous photo.

What is better, doors made of solid alder or veneered?

Alder doors start at 10,000 rubles in price per door leaf. For this money, the choice of veneer doors is practically unlimited. You can choose classic doors with natural oak or ash veneer, tinted in interesting, modern shades. You can choose doors in an ultra-modern design, with veneer applied in different directions, alternating with glass inserts in the same plane, etc.

Doors made of alder, on the contrary, will be more likely to traditional design, with a more natural, classic surface color. Doors with an opaque white or beige coating, usually enamel or primer, are very popular. The alder surface is as hard as veneer. And an all-wood structure can last for decades.

Door made of solid alder with Cognac tinting

In general, it is difficult to say unequivocally which is better, alder or veneer. The difference in approaches is obvious here. Do you want traditionally high quality, 100% natural door- take alder. It is not as expensive as oak, but it looks very decent and will last a long time. If you're ready to experiment, you need bright design, you need to match the surface to other interior items, pay attention to doors veneered with natural veneer.

Doors with cherry veneer

What to order, doors made of solid wood (oak, ash, beech) or veneered?

Here you can compare directly, because There are interior doors finished in oak and ash veneer. Their cost starts at 8,000 rubles per canvas and can reach up to 20,000 for canvases with expensive glass and complex designs.

Oak veneer door

The cost for solid oak or ash starts at 25,000 rubles. In the very available option, these are doors made from the most inexpensive raw materials. This can be seen on the surface of such doors, because... the blanks from which the canvas is made are small, the door looks like type-setting parquet.

Door made of solid oak with a selected pattern, without parquet effect

Veneered doors will stand out favorably on their plan, because... their veneer pattern is usually beautifully selected and placed on the surface, sometimes even too perfectly. But thanks parquet look, doors made of solid wood look more natural, it catches the eye.

From 35,000 rubles you can order massive doors made from high-quality raw materials, with beautifully selected lamellas on the surface, which will look like solid solid doors. Quality doors They also differ in design; during their manufacture, an interesting profile of panels and stand parts is selected. The increased thickness of the canvas, instead of the standard 40 mm, can enhance the impression. they make it 50mm. and more. This allows you to achieve stunning surface relief, with large differences in height. One look at such doors is enough to understand what they are made of.

Door with solid ash panels, close-up

Ash veneer, close-up

Veneered doors are interesting because with this natural material you can create very cool things, which would be very expensive or impossible to make from solid wood. For doors, you can select the type of wood, tint it in desired color and place it on the surface as needed. You can make parts with different directions of the pattern, you can combine different veneers, make glossy or glass inserts. Veneered doors with large triplex glass are very popular, but such models are not made from solid wood.

But there is a technique that you definitely won’t see on veneered doors. Brushing will help make solid doors even more impressive, especially with two-tone painting. Brushing, from the English “brush,” is literally the removal of soft fibers from the surface of wood with metal bristles. The result is a pattern of grooves that are tinted in a color that favorably sets off the main one. Brushing depth can be adjusted from 0.5 to 2 mm.

One of the most important points renovations in an apartment or private house - replacing doors inside the building. This raises the question: which doors to choose? Especially if the funds to purchase products from natural massif There is a catastrophic shortage of wood. Modern market offers cheaper options: laminated, veneered doors, and PVC doors. Which ones are better? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally; each individual situation has its own options. However, with a more detailed examination of the features of each of the three types of doors, you can finally decide on your choice.

First of all, it is worth noting that a veneered door is a product finished with natural material. Laminated doors and PVC finished doors artificial materials. When making the frame of a veneered door, MDF, chipboard, or inexpensive softwood (spruce, pine) is used. The frame is covered with veneer. What is this material? To put it simply, veneer is a thin cut from a log. That is, veneer is a completely natural material. During the production process, the veneer is impregnated chemicals for protection against cracking, moisture and sudden temperature changes.
The finished veneered door is opened with varnish in 2-3 layers to preserve the original texture of the wood.

Doors covered with natural veneer are considered prestigious, due to natural finish and attractive appearance. In addition, such a door will last no less than a solid product, but it is quite difficult to distinguish them by eye. It is “naturalness and naturalness” that is considered to be the main advantage of veneered doors. Since the veneer has a natural pattern, no two door models are alike - each texture is unique and inimitable.

Veneered doors: practically no different from products made entirely of wood

You can make a veneered door more modern and adapt it to a specific interior by adding inlays and panels made of natural wood. At the same time, inserts or panels can have a complex geometric shape, which will give the product additional attractiveness.

Attention! Veneered doors can be completely restored after minor damage (shallow dents, scratches, etc.). Another point is the price. Veneered doors are a budget product and are affordable for most people

Interior doors with laminated coating

They are a frame filled inside with a special “honeycomb” filler, and outside lined with laminated film. With the help of laminate, you can fake the surface of the door to match almost any type of wood, but the “naturalness” of such a coating does not look very impressive.

In production of this type doors, a tone imitating wood texture is applied to the film. The film is covered with several layers of varnish on top, which gives the surface shine and protects it from damage and preserves original appearance drawing. Unlike veneered doors, each of which has its own unique pattern, laminated doors have a minimum of differences. The color and tone pattern are almost completely identical for all models.

Attention! If the product is damaged, it will have to be completely replaced, since such doors cannot be repaired or restored.

Laminated doors: a decent combination of price and quality

The undoubted advantage of laminated doors is their high resistance to moisture. As for the price, this type of door undoubtedly has an advantage, since it is cheaper than models lined with veneer and PVC. However, there is a small nuance. The point is that for real quality laminate It is not much cheaper (and sometimes more expensive) than veneer. This is explained simply: for the production and sale of laminated doors, authorized structures oblige manufacturers to obtain a certificate.

PVC interior doors

Quite often, people out of habit attribute PVC doors to the most budget options. This is partly true, since such doors cost less compared to veneered ones. However, due to the fact that the buyer is offered a huge variety of door shapes, as well as colors and shades of PVC coating, the price of such products often becomes equal to the price of a wooden door.

PVC coated doors have the following advantages:

  1. Increased resistance to moisture - the door leaf is reliably protected.
  2. The widest selection of shapes, textures and colors.
  3. High strength PVC coating.
  4. Environmental friendliness.
  5. Protecting the surface from fading.
  6. Possibility of repair and restoration.
  7. Reasonable price.

PVC doors: a solution that is gaining popularity in modern interiors

As for the disadvantages, these include:

  • Possibility of edge peeling, and as a result, swelling of the PVC film (we are talking about purchasing a low-quality product).
  • Sometimes it makes sense to purchase a veneered door if the price is equal or higher.
  • Despite the highest quality and attractive appearance, PVC is still an artificial material.

What material should you choose for doors when it comes to installing them inside an apartment?

This issue must be considered taking into account several factors: the style and purpose of the room, as well as financial capabilities. Laminated, veneered and PVC-coated doors will be appropriate depending on the materials used in the design of the room.

Veneer will perfectly complement classic style, country style, and perhaps some modern styles decoration of residential premises. PVC coating, especially bright color, well suited for a modern youth interior: high-tech, fusion, modern. This type of door is also well suited for the kitchen, since this room often experiences high humidity.

A correctly chosen interior door will organically fit into overall design interior

Laminated doors are not recommended for installation in children's rooms, as children can easily damage the surface, and it cannot be restored. In general, laminated doors fit well into any interior, and provided that high-quality film (for example, fiberglass) was used in production, such doors can be installed in the kitchen and bathroom.

As for the price, in general, laminated coating is generally cheaper, but sometimes veneer will not cost much more. In this case, you should make a choice based on personal preferences. As a result, we can say that all three materials deserve attention, so you need to carefully consider all the options, and only then make a decision.

Video: What better doors, PVC, veneered or laminated

Veneered panels are a structure made from inexpensive types of wood, covered with MDF and a thin layer of veneer. Veneer is natural material, thin layer wood various breeds. Wood for veneer is cut both along and across the grain, which provides an individual pattern for each panel.

Attention! Most often, veneer is made from oak, beech, walnut, and mahogany.

Fine wood is perfect for classic style room decoration.

Advantages of veneer as a coating:

  1. Externally, the doors are practically no different from copies made entirely of solid wood. And they are much more cost effective.
  2. The performance characteristics of door leaf with veneer are very high. The main thing is strength and moisture resistance.
  3. The doors in question are most often hollow inside and light in weight, which means they are easier to open.
  4. The canvas, lined with natural material, is unique, its pattern and texture are inimitable.

As strange as it may sound, the only drawback of this option is originality. The same models of the same series may differ from one another. If a buyer needs 5 absolutely identical canvases, then it will not be easy to select them.

Veneered doors – middle option between "economy" and "luxury" class. They combine reasonable price and noble quality.

Door structures lined with PVC

Polyvinyl chloride as a door lining looks like a thin film. This coating has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Variety of colors. The opportunity to show your imagination and decorate the purchase yourself or entrust it to a designer. Drawing on PVC coating remains juicy and bright throughout the entire opening/closing period.
  2. High level of damage resistance.
  3. The doors do not react to changes in humidity levels, which means they can be installed in the kitchen and bathroom.
  4. Fire resistance;
  5. Reasonable prices.

The downside is the presence of chloride in the coating. This means that the cladding is inferior in naturalness to its competitors. Although such material as PVC is present in almost every apartment in the form of plastic windows.

The difference between plastic and veneer is that PVC does not deteriorate when exposed to light and moisture.

How good are laminate doors?

Laminated doors are a wood frame lined with paper film. The coating can imitate any type of wood, color of stone or texture of plaster. Suitable for painting in any color and for custom decor.

Advice. A laminated door is not suitable for high traffic areas, such as an office. Optimal place installations - residential building or apartment.

Advantages of laminated construction:

  1. Price-quality ratio. These canvases can be purchased at affordable price, and they can serve up to 5-10 years.
  2. Doors of the same series are similar, like twin brothers. This means that if six months later you decide to buy exactly the same door, this is quite possible.
  3. Light weight of the canvas, which is important for interior partitions, not designed for heavy structures.

Disadvantages of using laminated doors:

  1. Reduced strength threshold in comparison with veneered options. Scratches and abrasions may appear on the canvas.
  2. The coating of a low-quality copy may be glued in violation of the technology and will peel off over time.
  3. If the laminate is applied to paper base, and not on MDF, then the canvas will not withstand humidity.

There is another coating option - laminate, this is the same laminate, which is more durable. Its base is multi-layer pressed paper, similar to plastic. Compared to plastic, the coating is less durable, but more environmentally friendly.

How to distinguish a quality design and expose a cheap option?

Experts advise that before paying for your purchase, pay attention to:

  • manufacturing material. No chipboard, otherwise the door will quickly disappear into oblivion! MDF with filled honeycombs will last a long time;
  • cladding Find out exactly what material is used for the coating and choose the one that suits your purposes;
  • quality. Carefully examine the canvas and box. Scratches, swelling and peeling are a sign of an unscrupulous manufacturer.
  • joints. A common joint defect is easy to detect before purchase. There should be no peeling of the coating at the ends of the door.

Comparative analysis of coatings. Reviews

Judging by the reviews, buyers prefer veneer or PVC structures. Moreover, the choice in favor of these options is made due to the strength, texture and appearance. As practitioners say: “the main thing is that the door does not look like cardboard box, covered with film." There are different comments about lamination. Apparently, a lot depends on the manufacturer.

Attention! When selecting a door, experts advise paying attention to the components and inviting a professional installer. An excellent copy can be ruined by illiterate installation.

If we classify the doors we examined according to wear resistance, then the veneered structure will be in first place, PVC in second, laminate in third, and the last place will be occupied by the laminated version.

If you are choosing interior doors for a cottage or apartment, veneered panels will add charm and nobility to the interior. For an office, a rational option would be a door lined with PVC film.

Which interior doors are better to choose - video

Which is better for laminated or veneered doors? Quite a lot of people are interested in this question. In this matter, you must first decide how veneered doors differ from laminated ones, and then make a decision based on this.

It also depends on taste, because the design of the structures is different. First you should look at the photos and videos and choose desired design. Installing any of them is not so difficult and is almost the same, everything is done by hand and you don’t have to worry about this point.

Recently Russian market has been replenished with interior doors having synthetic surface elements. You can decide whether veneered or laminated doors are better only when you know what they are.


  • The first door models were covered with melamine paper, the application technology of which was shared by the furniture industry. Due to its very small thickness, only 0.2 mm, the material is suitable for covering profiles with large curvature. This coating was characterized by a plausible texture and natural color, no different from wood. The negative aspect was that the coating had poor adhesion to the base, was not easy to clean, and was often covered with cracks on the surface. separate areas that had curvature.
  • Melamine paper was soon replaced by a material (newly furniture industry) - 2-chrome laminate. It had a slightly greater thickness (from 0.4 to 0.8 mm), was resistant to mechanical stress, and was also characterized by improved aesthetic characteristics, which in total determined its consumer popularity.
  • Most of the products sold in our country are covered with laminate. It is applied to the main surface using cold gluing technology, which allows laminate strips of different finishes to be glued to door elements.
  • Today, top manufacturers of laminated doors are conducting all sorts of experiments, the ultimate goal of which is to find more attractive solutions to improve the exterior of their products.
  • Modern technologies allow us to reach new heights in four-color printing, making laminate flooring a progressive coating ( official name not yet), with identical color natural veneer, and having improved resistance to mechanical stress. It is too early to judge whether laminate flooring will become widely popular among consumers.

Next, it makes sense to consider in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of both laminate and veneer, so that it is easier for each buyer to determine for themselves the advisability of using one or another material.

Advantages and disadvantages of veneer and laminate

Let's take a look at what might be attractive about each of these materials.


Advantages of veneer
  • The use of this material is akin to the classics, since after thousands of years of using wood, it is difficult for the human mind to switch to something new;
  • Stunning selection of wood species, colors and textures;
  • With minor mechanical damage, the material can be easily restored;
  • Possibility of giving products various geometric shapes;
  • Prestige and quality of models, which, for example, distinguishes most European manufacturers.
Disadvantages of veneer
  • Stable dynamics of rising prices for products caused by a reduction in volume natural resource and the increasing difficulties in obtaining it;
  • The naturalness of the material does not allow sufficiently obtain uniformity of structure and consistency color range, especially on large panels of the product;
  • The emergence of certain difficulties that the manufacturer faces when applying material to parts with a complex curved profile;
  • The need for constant microclimatic indicators in the room;
  • The need to involve significant material and labor resources in production, which negatively affects the cost of products.


Let's now look at what might attract attention in this material.

Advantages of laminate
  • This material is quite resistant to mechanical stress. But this does not apply to the edge. She is fragile;
  • It tolerates temperature changes quite well;
  • It is easy to care for and you won’t have to spend time or money on it;
  • This material is also environmentally friendly and will not cause harm to health.
Disadvantages of laminate
  • The material positions itself as an ordinary film of artificial origin, which does not have the same properties as cellulose;
  • Disdainful attitude of a significant number of consumers towards material of non-natural origin;
  • By technology production process laminate is wound into reels like film, so all doors are subsequently indistinguishable from each other, which can irritate picky buyers;
  • Many people do not like the very smooth texture on the surface of the material. Attempts by some manufacturers to correct this issue were not accepted;
  • Strong side impacts and undercuts cause the outer edges to crumble, and the material is practically impossible to restore. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that a similar phenomenon occurs in the case of similar treatment of veneer. Therefore to quality cutting tool should be taken seriously;
  • The production technology of the material has high requirements in terms of environmental safety. This entails significant investment by the manufacturer in the production process;
  • High cost of laminate flooring. At this stage, this indicator is still identical to that of veneer. Although market trends lead to the fact that laminate High Quality comparable in price to veneer;
  • The likelihood of temptation (applies to dishonest importers) in supplying counterfeit liminatine to the domestic market from Asian region under the guise of a high-quality European product.

Let's take a comparative look

Now, after the analysis, you can summarize and determine which doors are better, laminated or veneered (see Veneered doors: what they are and how they are made).



Laminated panels are based on a rigid frame made of inexpensive wood, which is covered with MDF sheets.

A laminating layer is applied to such a surface, which can be:

  • Plastic;
  • Paper.

This batch of doors is characterized by identical texture and color shade. A similar fact may not be appropriate for a veneered product.

Natural wood takes part in the creation of veneer wood material valuable species, distinguished by the thinnest cut. In this version, the manufacturer manages to achieve uniqueness in texture and color shade in each product. For example, if this is a cut of oak, then it looks 100% consistent.

Maintainability of products

If a veneer door is damaged, restoration can be carried out without any particular difficulties:

  • To do this, the varnish coating is removed from the damaged panel, the area intended for restoration is sanded (see Old door and its step-by-step restoration), and varnishing is done again. That is, the owner of a damaged veneered interior door does not face serious financial costs.
  • But if this kind of damage occurs to a laminated door, then restoration of the product is no longer possible.

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