The right smoke generator for smoking. Smoke generator drawings

Smoke generators or portable smokehouses in lately began to catch my eye more and more often. In this article we will talk about a smoke generator for cold smoking. This device has significantly simplified the process of creating delicious dishes.

A smoke generator for cold smoking is quite simple to create, so you can easily make it yourself.

Previously, when you wanted to cook something using cold smoking at home, you had to build a smokehouse. Some made it from brick, others from more simple materials. But this does not change the essence. Now portable smoke generators have appeared. We will tell you more about them in this article.

The meaning of this device is simple. There is a device that produces smoke from sawdust that is placed there. There is a compressor that supplies air to this very device. The smoke generator is connected to any box or tank where the products will be located, and voila... the process has begun. You can see how easy it is to launch in the video. At such moments you think to yourself - “Hmm, what they won’t come up with...”

If your hands grow out of right place, then it won’t be difficult for you to make such a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands.

His principle is this:

  • You need a cylinder with a diameter of about 10 cm and a height of about 50 cm;
  • The hole in the bottom of the cylinder is about 1 cm in diameter - for igniting sawdust;
  • In the upper part or middle there is an inlet and outlet tube for supplying air and escaping smoke. The inlet tube should pass through the cylinder and extend approximately 1 cm into the thicker chimney tube;
  • Compressor - it will supply air to the inlet tube; a regular aquarium compressor will do;
  • Top cover;
  • Spring - will pass through the center of the cylinder from top to bottom, for the passage of smoke;
  • At the bottom you can make an ash pan with a mesh so that burnt shavings can fall out;
  • And the container itself, where the smoke will be supplied. You can take 1 meter cubed, or 2 or 3.

This diagram will help you correctly assemble the smoke generator.

Thus, we get a device that will autonomously supply smoke for quite a long time. A combination of sawdust can be about 1.5 kg. And the average consumption is 100 g. per hour But if you make less air supply, then the flow rate will decrease accordingly. This device is designed in such a way that it works on the principle of air capture, since the compressor tube is immersed in the outlet tube, which has a larger diameter. You just need to remember that the cylinder itself needs to be made, preferably from stainless steel. If you do it from improvised means, some people use an old fire extinguisher or something similar. The smoke temperature in it is about 30-35 degrees, and will depend on the device.

Dimensions of the smoke generator for cold smoking.

If you don’t have time to delve into the process, and you don’t have the opportunity to build something yourself, then you can always buy a ready-made smoke generator. Eat various options, smaller and larger, more expensive and cheaper. There are portable options that can almost be carried in a backpack, and there are models large sizes, this is something you can choose for yourself. The Internet is now full of sites that sell such devices.

The price for such a device can be about 2,500 rubles, there are models for 4 and 5 thousand rubles, and there are also 25,000 rubles. As they say, it comes down to taste and color.

It is not difficult to purchase it. Enter your request in the search, select a suitable sales site, and order. Usually everything is delivered within a few days, so you won’t have to wait long. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive one, the process is almost the same everywhere, and there is no point in overpaying.

If you have your own dacha or house in the village, then I understand your desire to make a smokehouse with your own hands. In my own village it has already been done. First decide on the type - hot or cold, then the budget, and what do you want to make it from? Using improvised means or laying it out of brick. We have already described this process in detail in our article - Do-it-yourself smokehouse. You can read and discover a lot of new things.

a) smokehouse from a barrel; b) brick smokehouse

If you decide to make it from improvised means, it will work well old refrigerator, large metal barrel or some kind of box. If you want to make everything last forever, then lay it out of brick and forget about its service life.

If you decide to smoke it cold yourself, then you are in for a very delicious dish. We will now tell you how to do this at home. First of all, we need to salt the food itself. It doesn’t matter what we take: meat, lard, fish or chicken. We immerse our products in salt water. Not everyone knows how much to salt water; you need to take about 200 grams of salt per liter of water, plus you can add seasonings to your taste. Then we immerse the food in water and place it on the stove. The water should not boil, it should simmer over low heat. The time it takes to keep products varies. Lard or brisket should be simmered for about 2 hours; if we take something more tender, such as poultry, poultry or fish, then 30-40 minutes of simmering will be enough.

Then, we take out the products and let them dry, and then place them in a box for smoking. Since the smoke temperature is not high - about 30 degrees, in some cases more, in others less, the time for cold smoking of fish, lard, meat or poultry will be considerable - from a day or more. You can reduce the smoke supply using the regulator so that sawdust consumption is less. On average, portable smoke generators consume sawdust around 100 grams per hour. This process is not easy and long. But the delicacy that comes out in the end is worth it.

DIY smoking

What you buy in a store and what you make yourself are 2 different things. Do-it-yourself smoking cannot be compared with store-bought products; they turn out more tender and tastier. If you want to master this procedure and you already have a smokehouse, then all you have to do is salt the food in slightly boiling water. You need 200 grams of salt. per liter of water, plus add various spices and seasonings to taste. You can use garlic, pepper, bay leaf and more. Mackerel, lard, brisket and chicken are very tasty; the smoking process takes a day or more. Products need to be checked throughout the entire process.

Secrets of perfect smoking

  • Sawdust for smoking- if you use apple or cherry chips, they will give a subtle aroma to meat, fish or poultry, you can also use the addition small quantity grapevine;
  • Spices- before storing, rub the meat, lard or poultry with pepper, make cuts for the garlic, and then your brisket or lard will turn out simply magnificent;

In general, everyone has their own secrets of smoking and have been accumulating for years, we will end here, we hope the article was useful to you, see you again!

There are various ways preparation of smoked products. One of them is cold smoking. Using this technology, smoked meats are golden in appearance and very aromatic. long term storage An important component of the cold smoking process is the smoke generator.

The purpose and principle of operation of the smoke generator is quite simple and clear, so we won’t go into depth and get straight to the point. In this article we will talk about the option of making a smoke generator with your own hands from a square pipe with an ash pan.

Materials and steps for making a smoke generator

To fully understand the device and make it yourself, let’s go through each of its elements, according to the drawing of the smoke generator presented below


For the smoke generator body, in this case, a square pipe 100x100x3, 500...520 mm long, is used. You can also use a rectangular pipe with a similar cross-sectional area. Why such a cross-section you ask? The answer is simple - filling this housing with wood chips will ensure a continuous smoke production process for 8-10 hours.

In the pipe from the upper end, at a distance of 60 mm, holes for the chimney and the ejector bushing are drilled coaxially. The diameter of the hole is selected based on the outer diameters of the above-mentioned elements.

We weld a stop, which serves as a limiter when connecting the smoke generator body to the ash pan. An option for manufacturing a stop is to cut a plate with dimensions 115x115 and a thickness of 6...8 mm on a laser with a square hole, the dimensions of which are the dimensions of the pipe of the body itself.

We drill a Ø8 ignition hole for wood chips at a distance of 40…50 mm from the bottom end.

Ejector and chimney

In the holes made in the body, on one side we weld a 3/4″ pipe, and on the other side, we weld the ejector bushing. Select the bushing dimensions based on the fitting.

Can be used as an ejector tube copper tubeØ10 from the KamAZ brake system, soldering it to the fitting.

To make a fitting, you can use the services of a turner.

Spring and ash pan grate

To create good draft and ease of smoke entry into the ejection zone, use old spring, for example a door. The length of the spring must be selected taking into account the fact that in a compressed state and a load of 1 kg it will be located in the smoke generator housing.

Then we make the ash pan grate: we take a perforated sheet, no matter what the cutout pattern is. The main thing is that the grate holes are smaller for the size of the chips, and that the ash can pass through it without any problems. We bend it into a U-shape, screw in the M8x45 bolt in the center, locking it on both sides (in the drawing it is designated as a spring retainer). At the tip of the bolt we make a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the spring wire or take a GOST bolt with a hole for the cotter pin.

Ash pan

There is also nothing complicated in making an ash pan. We take a square pipe with a cross section of 110x100x3 and a height of 100 mm and weld the lower plane to the base plate. Use the dimensions of the support plate at your discretion, in this case 150x150x5.

Drill an M8 hole for the retainer bolt. It is needed to fix the ash pan to the smoke generator body.


The principle of making the lid is the same as in the ash pan. Only the handle needs to be welded to the top plate by turning it with a lathe.

After manufacturing all parts of the smoke generator, it would be a good idea to paint all external surfaces with black heat-resistant paint to add aesthetics to our product.

Assembly order and launch

To fully display the smoke generator assembly, an exploded drawing is provided below.

Starting the smoke generator

  • We install the smoke generator on a horizontal plane for safety reasons;
  • We pour wood chips into the body;
  • We set it on fire through the ignition hole;
  • We install the housing into the ash pan, fixing them with a bolt;
  • We connect the air supply tube from the switched on compressor to the fitting;
  • Open the ash pan flap;
  • When the smoldering of the wood chips has returned to normal, we regulate the air supply with the compressor and the ash pan damper.
  • We insert the chimney into the smokehouse and prepare the food.

As you can see, the option of making a smoke generator with your own hands is quite simple and low-cost. All you need is material, free time, straight arms and a little patience.

The videos presented below were used as sources for this material.

A smoke generator is a device typical for a cold smoked smokehouse. When hot smoking, smoke usually forms directly in the smoking chamber, so a separate apparatus for producing smoke is not required. For a cold smokehouse, it is important that, firstly, the smoke reaches the products already cooled to room temperature, and secondly, so that the process proceeds autonomously for a long time, without requiring supervision. Smoke generator drawing for household use, and also brief description builds of it can be found later in this article.

There are two main methods of smoking -. Designs of smoking installations are being developed for these methods. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it is very difficult to say for sure which method is better.

For example, with hot smoking, the temperature is usually in the range from 50 to 120 degrees, and the main advantage is the speed of cooking. But, at the same time, such processing cannot be called “gentle”, since high temperature can destroy most useful vitamins and microelements contained in products.

Cold smoking, on the contrary, allows you to cook food in a more gentle way, preserving useful substances, as opposed to hot smoking. The smoke temperature at which cold smoking occurs ranges from 20 to 35 degrees, but the cooking time will not take 2-3 hours, but from one to three days. Such a long processing period allows the products to retain their freshness longer and be suitable for consumption for another 3-5 weeks after smoking. Therefore, people who want to cook food immediately for a long period of time choose the cold smoking method, and this is suitable for homemade smokehouse With .

What is a smoke generator?

Any smokehouse should have a compartment in which firewood or chips are placed, the smoke from which affects the smoked product. But the problem is that cold smoking, as mentioned above, can last two to three days, which makes life much more difficult, since you need to constantly maintain the desired temperature, avoiding overheating or, conversely, lack of heat. For these purposes, people came up with such a design as a smoke generator for a smokehouse.

A smoke generator for cold smoking is a device that produces a sufficient amount of smoke necessary to support the smoking process, and also transfers this smoke to the smoking cabinet.

Sketches or drawings of a smoke generator can be easily found on the Internet. Despite the apparent complexity, if you have a certain skill, simple materials at hand and advice from home craftsmen, you can make the device yourself. Its main advantage is that it can operate automatically and does not require constant monitoring.

The smoke generator device is simple. The main source of smoke in it is shavings, sawdust or wood chips that are inside the generator and slowly smolder. Features of the choice of sawdust can be considered separately, but you need to pay attention to important subtlety– do not use sawdust coniferous species trees. For smoking, as a rule, they are used exclusively hardwoods wood, and fruit chips are also allowed.

The main task of the master is to assemble all parts of the generator housing in such a way as to ensure a uniform supply of smoke to the smoking cabinet.


In order to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands, you will need the following elements:

  • Segment metal pipe. The pipe can be round or square, with a diameter of approximately 100-140 mm. The pipe will be the basis of the device - the chamber in which the formation and movement of smoke will occur.
  • Smaller diameter tubes for making an ejector. The ejector structure is visible in the figures.
  • A spring that will be located inside the chamber. It is needed only so that smoke from the lower layers of sawdust can easily rise upward.
  • A compressor that will supply air to the ejector.
  • Thermometer. Using a thermometer, it will be possible to determine the temperature inside the smoke generator to avoid the possibility of cooling or overheating of the container in which the smoke is generated.

In short, the operating principle of any smoke generator comes down to a simple diagram:

  1. The smoke generator chamber heats up from below external source heat, or the sawdust themselves smolder in it.
  2. Sawdust gives off smoke smoke.
  3. The smoke rises up and, with the help of an ejector, goes into the chimney, from where it is then directed through a tube into the smoking chamber.

Thus, the smoke generation process is completely automated and does not require any human intervention.

By and large, all these components can be purchased at any hardware or hardware store. You will also need the following to connect the parts of the smoke generator: construction tools like a Bulgarian and welding machine, but all this can be borrowed from someone for a while.


Often people who are planning to build a smoke generator ask the question “how to make a compressor.” In fact, everything turns out to be simple - just like a smoke generator compressor, a regular computer cooler can work. It is glued from the inside to the trim plastic bottle, and a hose is put on the neck of the bottle, which goes to the smoke generator. Such a device may well work, although it looks unpresentable.

You can also use an aquarium compressor, many people do this. You can do without a compressor at all, and the smoke generator will also work, but, however, not as efficiently. Air will flow into the smoke generator by gravity, and natural draft will not be enough. Subsequently, this will lead to smoking taking a much longer time, and the result will not be what was expected. That is why it is better to spend a little time and money, but install the simplest compressor in the smoke generator.


As mentioned above, the main components of a smoke generator are: a chamber (a piece of pipe), a chimney, dampers and a compressor. Now the question remains how to put it all together. Everything will be told in order.

First you need to build a camera. Usually the height of the smoke generator reaches 70-80 centimeters. It should have a removable lid on top so that there is access to the inside of the device for backfilling. fresh sawdust and for cleaning. At the bottom it is necessary to provide a container for collecting ash.

In the most simple options smoke generator, sawdust is poured directly onto the bottom, which is tightly welded to the lower edge of the pipe. In this case there is no ash pan, and to clean the smoke generator it is simply turned over and shaken out.

In more accurate designs, sawdust is poured onto a grate, which is fixed at some distance from the bottom. The ash formed during the smoldering process spills down through the grate. In such devices, the bottom is often made removable - for example, in the form of a glass, the diameter of which is slightly larger than the diameter of the container in which the sawdust is located. That is, the glass is simply put on the smoke generator from below and fixed to it with bolts. You can also equip the ash pan chamber with an opening flap, like oven door. For cleaning ash, this is the most labor-intensive option.

In any of the options, you need to drill a hole with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters in the lower part of the smoke generator for air access. No more is needed, otherwise the sawdust inside may simply catch fire, but they should only smolder, producing smoke.

At the top of the chamber, about 7-9 cm below top edge the pipe will be located in the chimney. As can be seen in the drawing, the smoke exhaust pipe is attached to a hole in the wall of the generator; its length can be 7-8 centimeters, so that it is convenient to put on a long one plastic tube, which goes to the smokehouse. But generally speaking, in stationary options The smoke generator is attached directly to the wall of the smokehouse, and the chimney tube directly enters the smoking chamber.

Now you need to assemble the ejector. This is a device that sucks smoke from the smoke generator and directs it into the chimney. Its design is clear from the drawings. A thin tube into which pressure is supplied from the compressor extends a few centimeters into the wider chimney pipe. Due to the movement of air, a slight vacuum appears, and the smoke from the smoke generator chamber goes into the chimney.


Now that all the main parts are connected and securely fastened, all that remains is to assemble the smoke generator to test its operation:

  1. Wood chips are placed inside the smoke generator, weighing approximately 700-800 grams. As has been said many times, sawdust should be predominantly deciduous or fruit trees, but not conifers.
  2. The lid closes tightly and the device is installed in its place on the wall of the smokehouse. Or, if you have a freestanding structure, a hose is attached to the chimney leading into the smokehouse.
  3. Through the side hole, the sawdust inside is ignited and the compressor is turned on.

These three simple steps will help the generator start working, and the owner will get ready to receive the most delicious smoked products.

All materials used in this article for the design and assembly of the smoke generator are average, that is, approximate. Let's say if you haven't found steel pipe, you can use a milk can, an old fire extinguisher, a deep saucepan or any metal containers, even those made of the lightest and softest metals.

The same applies to sizes. The drawings are approximate dimensions and you should refer them to your specific application. Everything will depend on the design of the smokehouse itself.

Also, do not forget that if your smoke generator is connected to the smokehouse with a long hose, then condensation will accumulate in it. The smoke comes out of the device hot and cools as it moves through the hose, so it will inevitably release moisture. If you do not remove it, it can completely clog the hose! Therefore, provide a tee on the hose through which water will flow into the bottle.

The difficulty is that smoking is a lengthy process and requires not only the proper equipment, but also a substantial supply of firewood if you are using a traditionally designed smokehouse that burns wood. This smoking lasts up to several days with constant combustion in the firebox.

But inventive thought also found a way out of this situation - a smoke generator for a smokehouse. The main and only purpose of the smoke generator is to produce a significant amount of smoke and supply it to the smoking cabinet, where the preparations for smoking are located. As a result of interaction with smoke of specially marinated meat, fish or poultry, a number of chemical reactions, turning them into highly digestible and very tasty products.

Smoke generator for smokehouse - quite simple, but unusual efficient device, which can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. The whole attractiveness of the smoke generator is that it can operate in automatic mode. The temperature in the smoking cabinet is not too high, so there is no need to worry about the food burning.

Smoke generator design

Conventional drawing of a smoke generator

The source of smoke is sawdust, shavings or wood chips that slowly smolder inside the generator. The secret to installation is how to ensure consistent, even combustion and how to feed smoke into the smoking cabinet. To assemble a smoke generator for a smokehouse in a home workshop you will need:

Components are readily available and inexpensive

As you can see, the list is not very long, and all the components can be easily bought in a store or, after a good search, found in your own garage or home workshop. Drawings and instructions for assembling a smoke generator for a smokehouse are abundant on the Internet.

To build a smoke generator with your own hands, you will also need a welding machine, an angle grinder and some skills in working with them. The main difficulty is welding the chimney fitting to the pipe, making doors for the firebox and removable bottom and top covers. But first things first.

Smoke generator assembly steps

The first step is to cut a piece 0.5 - 0.8 m long from the pipe intended for the housing. To fit its external dimensions from sheet metal The bottom and cover are made. The bottom should have side sides so that the body fits tightly inside and the ashes from burnt sawdust do not spill out. In the side of the body, just above the bottom shoulder, several holes are drilled, which serve to ignite the fuel and provide oxygen for combustion. Their diameter is 0.6 – 0.8 cm.

It is necessary to make a hole in the smoke generator housing for ignition and oxygen access

For ease of use and stability of the smoke generator, legs 15–20 cm high or a flat platform are welded to the base.

If there is a removable bottom, doors for the firebox in the side wall are not needed. If the bottom is solid, then you need to make side doors on hinges, with slots for air flow, like stove doors. This is a little more complicated, but it is quite possible to do it yourself. The top cover is solid, without a chimney or ventilation holes. It should also fit tightly onto the pipe and be equipped with a handle - a bracket for opening the smoke generator.

A chimney outlet is welded into the upper part of the body, at a distance of 5–8 cm from the pipe cut. The fitting is welded perpendicular to the wall and should protrude 6–8 cm from the wall. Before welding, a thread must be cut at its outer end for the fitting (tee). After connecting the chimney, a tee and two tubes are connected to it - one goes down, the other to the smokehouse.

One of the options for a smoke generator for a smokehouse with a tee

The tube from the compressor is connected to the fitting going down, and the connecting pipe leading to the smoking cabinet is connected to the side one. As a fan, you can use a compressor from an aquarium, a cooler from a computer, or something similar - it is important to create a not too powerful, but constant flow of air directed towards the container in which smoking occurs.

A compressor can be made from a cooler and a bottle

As an option, the tee can be connected to the smoke generator cover without affecting the integrity of the side wall. In this case, the lower fitting is connected to the lid, the rear one to the air duct from the compressor, and the front one to the smokehouse.

Smoke generator for smokehouse with top tee

That's all - the smoke generator for the smokehouse is ready.

How does this work

A smokehouse with a smoke generator, built with your own hands, is very mobile and compact. When not in use, it can be stored in a garage, basement, or even a closet. This depends on what is used as a smokehouse. You can use any metal box for the camera suitable size. If there is no ready-made one, then you can make it yourself without any problems. The box sizes vary, depending on the volume of product you will be smoking.

For home smoking, the optimal dimensions are 1.0 / 0.6 / 0.6 m (H / W / D). The top of the box is closed with a lid with a built-in thermometer and several small (0.3 -0.5 mm) holes to create traction. Upper part The smokehouse in working condition should be located above the smoke generator - this creates additional natural draft, and even when the fan stops, smoke will enter the chamber without delay.

Now you need to assemble everything:

  1. We install the generator on a fireproof base - a metal table, concrete slab or gender, ceramic tiles. This must be done for reasons fire safety. In addition to the fact that the smoke generator gets quite hot, pieces of burning wood chips may fall out of it.
  2. We load approximately 0.5 - 1 liter of dry wood chips, sawdust, shavings into the smoke generator deciduous trees(conifers are not used for smoking) and close it tightly with a lid.
  3. We connect the compressor pipe and connect the chimney to the smoking chamber.
  4. We ignite the fuel through the side hole.
  5. Turn on the fan.

The smoking process has begun. The tee with the fan acts as an injector. A vacuum is created in the chimney pipe, which causes smoke to be drawn in from the generator, and a rather noticeable air-smoke flow is directed towards the smoking cabinet. At the same time, an influx of air into the firebox from the outside is formed, through the side openings in the smoke generator. The combustion is self-sustaining and no human intervention is required.

The temperature inside the cabinet is controlled by means of a thermometer inserted into the smokehouse.

By increasing or decreasing the length of the chimney, you can regulate the smoking temperature, therefore, use hot or cold smoking. For hot smoking, the smoke generator fitting is directly connected to the smoking chamber.

The dimensions of the smoke generator are average. When building it with your own hands, you can proceed from available materials and components. For example, cans, pans, and any cylindrical metal containers can be used as a body. Any pipe that is resistant to high temperatures is suitable as a “smoke pipe” (but a metal hose is best). Without a fan, the smoke generator also works, but not as efficiently - the natural draft is too weak and the smoking process is extended over time.



Making a smoke generator with your own hands is not that difficult. These devices are very easy to assemble and maintain. They are extremely popular among smoked food lovers, as they greatly simplify the process of smoking meat or fish, which requires prolonged exposure to smoke.

You can make smoke generators with your own hands various designs. They are divided into 2 groups depending on the heating source used - electrical network or open fire. simplest homemade smoke generatorsmall box made of metal with an outlet on which you need to put a corrugated pipe to remove smoke. Then sawdust is placed in it and placed on an open fire. Under the influence high temperatures the chips will begin to slowly smolder if there is no access to oxygen.

Although such devices are simple, they are quite difficult to use. Since smoking can last several days, and sometimes even several weeks, the release of smoke and its constant supply will not be very easy to regulate.

These devices do not allow you to quickly add sawdust or regulate the temperature. A similar drawback is absent in a smoke generator for cold smoking, which has electrical part. In such a situation, it will be possible to regulate the temperature of the smoke and the ignition of the sawdust, for which there is an electronic control unit. By design, this will also be a small box with an output, but inside it there is a spiral or heating element from electric stove. After some time (about 2 hours), the heating element will begin to heat up, the sawdust will smolder, and smoke will begin to emit.

Sometimes you can see smoke generators that are made according to the muffle principle. Moreover, an asbestos cement pipe needs to be wound nichrome spiral. Each spiral will need to be insulated with fiberglass, and the entire device will need to be covered with tin on top. This way you can very quickly heat the sawdust to the temperature at which it will smolder.

The muffle will maintain the temperature, allowing smoke to be released even after the heating is turned off. A sensor can be built into the device that turns off the heating element when the temperature reaches 35°. This device does not require regular human operation to control the process. You only need to add sawdust in a timely manner. Such devices are excellent for producing smoke. For constant use of the smokehouse, these smoke generators will be the ideal choice.

How to make a smoke generator?

Making a smoke generator yourself

This diagram will allow you to understand the principle of operation of the smoke generator.

This device has a huge advantage: you no longer need to constantly be near the smokehouse to add sawdust. The device's chamber volume will be sufficient to provide 24-hour permanent job generator It is enough to fill up the sawdust once so that you don’t have to think about the smokehouse for a whole day.

You can also watch the video and get acquainted with the assembly of the simplest smoke generator.

Assembly of this device won't be a big deal. It starts with the main container. This refers to the combustion chamber in which sawdust will smolder. The smaller its volume, the faster the sawdust will burn, and again you will have to add new ones.

To make a container, you can take any fireproof container. For example, a thermos or an unnecessary fire extinguisher will do. The most optimal sizes for the container are as follows: the diameter of the tube is about 10 cm, the length is up to 50 cm. You need to make a hole at the bottom, the diameter of which will be equal to 1 cm. This will be required to connect a compressor with oxygen, and also to maintain combustion. The upper part is made vacuum so that there is no air leakage.

Next about the ejector. Its assembly can be made using metal tubes, connecting them by welding or threading. This part is placed below or above the combustion chamber. The ejector can fit into a small chamber. Due to the design features, the ejector at the bottom often goes out. To avoid this, you need to limit the height of the main container. This will reduce the operating time of the device during continuous operation.

For the pump, you can use any pump or an aquarium compressor (power 4 - 5 watts).

As for raw materials, any wood can be used for these purposes, but not pine, spruce and other evergreen trees. Otherwise, they will cause bitterness in the food.

The smoke temperature can be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the length of the connecting pipe between the main container and the smoke generator.

Before making a smoke generator, you need to determine the smoking container in advance. A metal barrel is suitable for this, wooden box. You can use an old refrigerator for the smokehouse cabinet.

When the device is assembled, you can put food into the smokehouse, which must be salted and dried in advance.

Wet products cannot be used, as the smoke will dissolve in the moisture and the smoking process will take much longer.

Now the device can be put on fire. This process is shown in the following video. Next, the actual smoking of the products you have pledged will take place.

So, you have become aware of making with your own hands such a necessary device as a smoke generator. You were able to see the manufacturing process filmed on video. Assembling this device is not particularly difficult. Follow these instructions, and then assembling the smoke generator will not cause you much difficulty. For clarity, you can also use the provided video. We wish you success in your work!

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