How to paint a plastic part yourself. Painting plastic car

Painting plastic parts in a car requires careful preparation. First you need to dismantle all plastic elements that require painting. Then move the parts to a warm, dry room where all work will be done, treat the surfaces, apply primer (if necessary) and paint.

Best suited for painting spray paint for plastic, it is more convenient to paint some parts with a brush.

Before work, all parts that will be painted must be thoroughly washed, dried and degreased. If you are interested in how to degrease a plastic surface, it is best to do this with acetone or white spirit, which perfectly remove all kinds of contaminants.

After using these degreasers, you can be sure that the paint will behave normally and there will be no problems.

Stages of painting plastic machine elements

The technology for painting plastic car parts is as follows:

  • washing and drying plastic parts;
  • surface treatment and degreasing;
  • elimination of defects (if any): filling scratches with putty for plastic;
  • sanding the surface with moisture-resistant sandpaper (P46) soaked in water;
  • drying and secondary degreasing of plastic surfaces;
  • primer coating, if necessary;
  • matting with sandpaper;
  • applying paint in two or three layers with intermediate drying;
  • varnish coating when using metallic paint;
  • processing plastic surfaces with polishing paste.

How to determine the need to prime plastic

All kinds of car parts can be made from various types plastics When performing a procedure such as painting plastic, it is necessary to find out what type of surfaces the plastic parts belong to:

  • requiring primer;
  • not requiring primer.

To determine the need for a primer, simply set fire to a small piece of the plastic part. If soot is formed during combustion, then a primer is not needed.

Whether a primer is needed for plastic before painting can be checked in another way - the so-called Archimedes method. The plastic element is immersed in water: if it sinks, then there is no need to prime it.

Various plastic painting technologies

If you want something unusual, extravagant, swirling technology for painting plastic parts is used. Swirling – c in English translated: whirling, rotation.

The main idea of ​​the swirling technique is to form a film of paint on the surface of the water. different colors. Then this film is carefully collected by plastic elements immersed in water and the original coloring of the parts is obtained. During painting, a substance is used that breaks the surface tension of water, so that when paint is added to the surface of water, it does not collect on top, but sinks into the water.

Do-it-yourself painting of plastic can be done using a brush or an aerosol can. It is better to use a brush to handle small details and curves, but there are some peculiarities:

  1. When dipping a brush into the paint, you should immediately squeeze it against the edge of the can to remove excess paint.
  2. When applying paint with a brush, it takes longer to dry than when painting with a spray can.
  3. It is necessary to paint carefully, maintaining a certain angle of inclination with the brush.
  4. You should not apply a thick layer of paint, because the brush ensures that all irregularities are painted over.

Painting plastic with a spray can is faster, but requires some skill.

Sometimes, after degreasing and sanding with abrasive sandpaper, static stress is created on plastic parts. The question of how to remove static electricity from plastic is far from idle, because the created voltage attracts dust and various microparticles that can interfere with high-quality painting.

Used for plastics special composition, called antistatic. It can be liquid or in the form of wipes soaked in the product. The use of the latter is much more convenient.

For lovers natural wood there is a fairly simple but efficient technique images of the volumetric texture of wood on plastic. Do-it-yourself painting of plastic to look like wood consists of the following steps:

  1. To make the drawing more realistic, it is worth sanding the surface with a coarse abrasive.
  2. Plastic putty is applied. You need to stock up on a bristle brush. Before application, the putty must be thoroughly mixed and carefully and quickly applied to the plastic surface, as the mixture sets quickly.
  3. Use a brush to horizontal stripes on putty with black paint - along plastic part. In some places the brush is placed perpendicularly and rotational movements are used to create knots on a tree.
  4. Next, the surface of the plastic is sanded again, but not all of it, but only along narrow strips that supposedly separate the structure of the wood.
  5. The surface is painted white.
  6. To depict the texture of wood, “boards” are cut out of masking tape and glued.
  7. Then we darken it with light brown paint, and draw the cracks with darker paint.
  8. We remove the masking tape, modify the image where necessary - darken it and draw knots.
  9. The surface of the plastic is varnished in a darker or lighter color as desired.

Thus, you can update the plastic in your car, you just need to concentrate a little and follow the technology; deviations in details are possible, because this is a kind of creativity.

Updating plastic surfaces cars, it is worth considering an option such as plastic spraying or flocking, after which the surfaces have a velvety appearance and become pleasant to the touch.

In addition, plastic finished in this way acquires high thermal insulation properties and doesn't heat up. Flock repels dust and dirt and does not absorb odors.

Flocking technology is in many ways similar to painting. The only difference is in the tools, materials and the application of special glue before the procedure. In which the color is mixed. For flocking you need:

  • manual flocator (can be rented);
  • special glue and fixative for flock, which is added to the adhesive mixture;
  • flock - approximately 1 kg;
  • color scheme corresponding to the main color.

When asked what can be used to paint plastic in a car, the best answer is to use liquid plastic, which is a polymer acrylic water-dispersion paint. After application, such paint has a high degree of adhesion (interpenetration of materials into each other), protects the car from exposure to the external environment.

The technology for painting plastic is no different from that described earlier. One has only to note that if there are serious defects or dents, they can be removed by heating the plastic with a hairdryer. Then you need to press down this place with a cold rag wrapped around a block. As a result, nothing will be noticeable after painting.

Before you set a goal on how to paint plastic, you need to take care of a dry, clean and ventilated room and provide yourself with protective equipment. Before buying paint, you should choose the right tone that matches the color of the car's upholstery.

The technology of painting plastic in a car itself is not complicated, but it requires leisurely, consistent and painstaking work.

Painting a bumper yourself is not particularly difficult. The technology for painting plastic bumpers, like the one, is as follows:

  • it is necessary to wash the bumper and degrease it;
  • Use a grinding machine to clean corners and chips, if necessary;
  • fill all irregularities with putty with fiberglass, after hardening, sand with P120 sandpaper and again go through the putty, sand with soft sandpaper R180-220;
  • We process it with P220 abrasive, removing risks from rough sandpaper, degrease and treat it with anti-silicone;
  • prime with acrylic primer in several layers, after drying, sand with P320-400, then two more layers of primer and sand with P400-500;
  • blow with air, degrease;
  • the paint is applied in two or three layers and dried for 10-15 minutes;
  • two layers of varnish are applied with intermediate drying.

On this moment Automotive parts are made mainly of polypropylene, only some of them are made of PVC. To determine what material, for example, a bumper is made of, you need to be able to decipher its markings:

PP – polypropylene;

PVC – polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Painting pvc plastic has some features. Surfaces made of such plastic must be coated with an adhesive primer. This product is applied by spraying or wiping, after which the surface must dry.

Painting polypropylene in a car also requires the application of a special primer. It is applied in one or two thin layers 10 minutes before the main priming. After this, a layer of leveling primer is applied. Further processing is no different from general technology painting.

Thus, the task of how to paint plastic on a car is not impossible. Painting plastic parts of a car with your own hands is a matter for the patient; you must strictly follow the technology. Regardless of what type of painting is performed: wood-look painting, swirling painting, it is necessary to perform all work carefully and accurately, which compensates for minor mistakes in the work.

Do you want to know everything about car painting? Read more useful articles:

  • . Let's try to paint it.
  • . The best ways.
  • . We measure the thickness.

We don’t know about you, but we at the editorial office want to spend good summer evenings on the lawn near our house. Imagine how great it is to sit in a garden or country house with a drink in your hand and look at nature... Only you are sure that you have a nice place, where to sit? Lots of people have these cheap ones. plastic chairs. Before you get rid of them, you can try to fix them! Who knew you could spray paint and have chairs looking beautiful in about an hour? It took about an hour to completely make 6 chairs. So here's how it went:

  • We need spray paint that says it's suitable for plastic. You choose the shade yourself, to your taste, of course. Consumption is approximately 1 can per 1 chair. In the example, Painter's Touch paint was used in the Côte d'Azur color and Green apple. If there is a chair minor defects, you can choose paint with a hammer effect, this will slightly update the surface.

Don't worry too much about shine. 2 were used here different coatings: gloss and satin - but the surface turned out to be approximately the same. So just choose the paint according to its shade.

How to paint plastic chairs

Clean them up: In the example, the chairs were simply washed with a hose under low pressure. If you have the opportunity to wash them in the bathroom with dishwashing detergent, it won’t be superfluous.

Dry them: We let the chairs dry completely in the sun.

Prepare your surroundings: I don't like to clean up after myself after a project, so I try to avoid getting dirty beforehand. It is better to paint directly on the lawn (before mowing, because traces will still remain) or line the balcony/veranda with newspapers, protective film or old rags.

Paint them: Apply to each chair thin layer paints. Hold the can at a distance of about 25 centimeters from the surface of the chair and do not let the can direct the paint to one point for a long time. It must be constantly moved while spraying. Don't worry about getting full coverage during your first coat of paint.

  • Advice. It is better to start with the part of the chair that is hidden from view to practice on it. But you don't have to paint the bottom at all.

Second layer: The first coat should be allowed to dry for 30 minutes before applying the second coat. (I believe the instructions say to wait a little longer, but we're all impatient here).

Final coating: You may have a few spots or uneven spots here and there, and the second coat is the time to touch it up. Paint the chair, then walk around it and inspect it from all sides to make sure all visible parts are painted.

Let them dry COMPLETELY.: The only thing that could be worse than the original boring color, smudged paint. So I let them dry for the rest of the day and then waited a couple of days before letting anyone sit on the freshly painted chair.

This is what the chairs looked like after a year. The green paint had faded (this was in Southern California and these chairs were exposed to the sun a lot).

In response to the question “Is it possible to paint plastic furniture for the street with paint? We answer “Yes!” It works and is considered a great way to freshen up your backyard.

Plastic things are constantly found in everyday life, because this material is environmentally friendly, cheap, strong and durable. But, despite its strength characteristics, under the influence environment The plastic fades, becomes covered with cracks and scratches. To restore the decor that has lost its appearance or to give the material additional protection, plastic paint is used.

Areas of use

The range of uses of dye for plastic is quite wide, but it is most often used:

  1. For coloring dashboards boats and cars. Painting the panels is necessary not only for decoration purposes, but also to give them additional strength. This is especially true for panels and other plastic parts of boats that are located on the deck and are exposed to the elements.
  2. For the purpose of decorating various household items and interior design. Dyes for plastic can be used to decorate furniture and decorate it beautifully. Wall panels or paint plastic bottles. From such bottles, craftsmen create real works of art, skillfully combining the colors of the bottles produced and additional coloring.

Paints for plastic can be used anywhere, the main thing is to choose the type of dye in accordance with the type of plastic and the operating conditions of the product.

Types of coloring compositions

Depending on the purpose, they are distinguished the following types compositions:

  1. ABS. This polymer has both the properties of primer and enamel; it can be used both as decorative finishing, and to increase adhesion for painting.
  2. Abrasion resistant. It is made on the basis of polyurethane resins with additives that give the composition additional strength. Used for surfaces subject to heavy loads, resistant to abrasion.
  3. Tactile (soft touch). After drying, this paint on plastic forms a velvety matte structure, very pleasant to the touch. Soft touch acrylic paint is widely used for decoration, creating a feeling of comfort and visually smoothing out sharp corners. It is used to paint car interiors, Appliances and paint plastic bottles.
  4. Structural. Application of structural coloring compositions allows you to mask defects that have arisen on the surface, because when this dye dries, it turns out beautiful surface with "pimples". Structural mixtures are used both for independent decoration and to increase adhesion before final painting.
  5. Powder. The use of powder dyes is not suitable for all types of plastics, but only for heat-resistant ones. For example, plastic bottles cannot be painted using this method - they will melt when high temperatures Oh. Powder coating is carried out in a chamber under the influence of high temperatures, due to which the powder particles melt and reliably adhere to the base. In this way, you can increase the strength of parts that are constantly exposed to abrasion or exposure to atmospheric conditions. As a rule, the dashboards of ships and boats are painted in this way to give them additional strength.

From all the variety of dyes, you need to choose the type that will best match the base being painted, be it a wall panel or a plastic bottle.

What to look for when choosing

When deciding what type of dye to purchase, you need to carefully read the main characteristics of the composition indicated on the packaging:

  1. Adhesion. Most dyes have good adhesion to the surface; they differ only in the degree of adhesive properties. When choosing, you need to take into account the composition and smoothness of the plastic object you plan to paint.
  2. Base compatible. Enamel for plastic must be suitable in composition to the type of surface being painted or to the primer applied to it. Failure to follow this rule will result in the decorative layer quickly cracking or blistering.
  3. Spreadability and hiding power. These parameters show how evenly and thickly the paint is applied to the material.
  4. Water resistance. All acrylic paints and varnishes used for plastic surfaces are waterproof; after drying, the resulting film can be washed. But for products in conditions high humidity, in order to increase water resistance, additional additives are added, often polyurethane.
  5. Aesthetics. Depending on the result you need to get, you can use plastic paint that gives a flat, smooth surface, or choose structural painting.
  6. Consistency with the basis. The instructions always indicate what type of plastic can be painted with this product.

Is it necessary to prime

It is known that preparation for painting for all coloring agents consists of the following steps:

  • cleaning;
  • grinding;
  • degreasing;
  • primers.

Some types of plastic do not require priming - they can be painted immediately after degreasing, skipping one of the preparation stages. But how to determine whether to prime or not?

At home, this can be done in two ways:

  1. Light a small piece of plastic on fire. If the flame smokes heavily during combustion, then priming is not necessary. This is worth taking note of for those who prefer to prime plastic bottles to improve the quality of work. Bottles smoke a lot when burned, so it is quite possible to save time and money by skipping the priming work.
  2. Place in water. Sunken plastic parts do not require application of primer mixtures.

Important! If it is not possible to carry out these simple tests, for example, if wall panels have been installed a long time ago and there are no remaining pieces for examination, then it is recommended not to neglect priming work.

Necessary materials

Before you start painting, you need to stock up the following tools and materials:

  1. A set of “skins” of different grain sizes. When preparing the material, they can give the base the necessary smoothness and roughness.
  2. Water and detergent(it’s better to take neutral soap).
  3. White spirit or any other plastic degreaser.
  4. Painting tape (if you need to paint not the entire product, but only part of it).
  5. Painting tool: spray gun, roller, brush or spray can.

Having prepared everything you need, you can start working.

Painting process

Before applying paint, preparation of the base is necessary. To do this, the surface needs:

  1. Wash. Small parts are immersed in water, and for washing large areas It is recommended to use a portable car wash.
  2. Treat with sandpaper. Depending on the smoothness, the base is either sanded or, conversely, scratched with sandpaper.
  3. Degrease. White spirit is most often used for this purpose, but you can use any other alcohol-based degreaser.
  4. Prime if necessary. If there is any doubt whether to prime or not prime, then apply a primer. An extra layer of primer will only improve the quality of the final result.
  5. Let it dry and you can start painting.
  1. What is the load on the product? The greater the likelihood of abrasion or damage to the surface, the more layers must be applied.
  2. A new layer can be applied only after the one already applied has completely dried.
  3. It is recommended to use the painted product one day after applying the last layer. During this time, complete polymerization of the material will occur, decorative film will acquire all strength characteristics.

By following these simple recommendations, you can create a high-quality and beautiful painting of the product. Using paints for plastic products, you can not only give a second life to old things, but also additionally strengthen plastic parts.

They wear out and lose their original appearance. But wear affects not only external, but also internal elements, including door cards, console and dashboard. Of course, you can buy a new element. However, its cost is often inadequate. You can also take a part from disassembly in a more or less “alive” state. But, as practice shows, the best and most economical way to refresh parts of the interior is to paint the plastic of the car yourself. How is this done and what to pay attention to when working? About all this and more - further in our article.


The first stage is the dismantling of all elements that will be painted. This is the most complex operation. Each make and model of car has its own options for installing dashboards, trims, maps and handles. Even if it's the same car, but different configurations, there will be several dismantling options. On some vehicles, the instrument panel can only be removed using a puller pin from the windshield side.

For convenience, it is better to buy a set of tools for working with the car interior in advance. Such kits are universal and suitable for most modern cars. With such pullers, you will significantly save effort and time spent on dismantling.

When disassembling plastic parts, never use steel screwdrivers. There are special polyurethane blades for this. At the slightest contact, the hard metal will bend the edges of the soft plastic. And it will be very difficult to return to its previous form.

Also, to avoid confusion, place all bolts and nuts in separate boxes, or better yet, label them. This way you won’t get lost when assembling elements, when one bolt won’t screw in due to a different thread pitch, although they are externally the same in size. Sometimes car owners take periodic photographs, recording where each element was previously attached.

Surface preparation

After successful dismantling, the interior elements are placed on a soft, non-abrasive surface. This can be a sheet of chipboard, OSB or any other sheet made of wood, or large pieces of cardboard.

If you place an element on asphalt, even with the most careful handling, the plastic will be scratched. To prevent the adhesion of dust and other small particles, when painting plastic with a spray can, the surface is pre-treated with an antistatic agent. Even a small lint can spoil the final result of the work.

If this is a crack in a critical component (for example, a door handle that is constantly subject to loads), for greater reliability it is treated with a thick sealant with inside. To avoid scratching the surface, wet it periodically. sandpaper in water.

After this, the coating is thoroughly degreased. For this purpose, white spirit, gasoline, or antisilicone is used. The latter corrodes perfectly greasy spots and gives good foundation for the plastic to adhere to the new paint.

Then applied under painting. It must be applied in 3 thin salts from a distance of at least 20 centimeters. Otherwise, drips will form. And it is extremely difficult to remove traces of such an aerosol, since it reacts with plastic and contributes to better adhesion nitro enamels.

Next, the final painting of the car's plastic is carried out - using a spray gun or spray can, a new layer is applied to the surface. If it is metallic, it requires a special application technology. After drying (about 20 minutes), the surface is treated with a layer of varnish. The distance from the can to the plastic remains the same - from 20 centimeters.

The slightest smudge will indicate that a “touch-up” was done, and of poor quality. It is better to treat one area in several layers than to pour a bunch of paint at once over the entire perimeter. Next, the coating is thoroughly polished using wax paste.


Using this tool instead of spray cans is an extremely risky business. After all, with the slightest carelessness there is a risk of drips forming. In addition, the layer from the brush is quite thick and it takes about a day to dry. In this regard, aerosols are several times superior this method coloring. If you have no previous experience with painting and want to spend less time drying the element, definitely choose a spray can.

To carry out the work, you will need the cleanest and most well-ventilated room possible. You shouldn't do this outside - the slightest dust will ruin all your efforts. Also remember to take precautions. In our case, if this is painting the plastic of a car interior, you need to protect your respiratory tract with a respirator and your eyes with safety glasses.

The car itself should be kept far from the painting area - the slightest speck of paint dust will fly through the air at a distance of up to 5 meters. When it dries on paint coating body, it will be very difficult to remove it. If these are small parts, an old newspaper will do instead of cardboard and planks.

As for the choice of color, painting the plastic interior of a car is done for one purpose - to refresh the interior. No need to buy bright colors, with the idea of ​​preparing a car “for sports”. This way you will only spoil the interior, and when sold, such a car will be valued less than the factory one.

Therefore, we choose the most “stock” shade. When disassembling the interior, try to remember or take photographs of the places where the part was located. Place various small items such as door buttons, handle trims and air duct controls in a separate niche.

When working with a spray can, do not forget that the paint inside is very reactive. When there is a large amount of it, it easily “undermines” the previous layers on the plastic, forming pimples. Plastic painting with such components is carried out from a long distance. It is advisable to use a “torch” cap for this - for a more uniform application of the composition to the surface.

Alternative to painting

By the way, small scratches can simply be removed using an abrasive polish. Painting the plastic is not necessary here. For this it is important to prepare the drill attachment and special paste containing abrasive - diamond chips.

But when performing such operations, you need to monitor the temperature of the plastic. It easily overheats due to high speeds and polish - it is important to catch the right moment when the plastic begins to “press in”, erasing the edges of the scratch. For larger deformations, such as cracks, this repair method is useless.

Is it necessary to prime?

Automakers use several types of interior plastic. One of them requires a primer, the other does not. It is better to consult with specialists in advance or conduct several tests.

How to check this yourself?

The first way is to check for flammability. If that piece of plastic produces soot when it burns, it needs a primer. But since we need to restore, and not completely burn it, we use alternative method. Place plastic part into a container of water. If it has sunk in water, no primer is required. If it floats, painting the plastic must be accompanied by priming.

When processing with “sandpaper”, observe the transition of grain size - from coarser at the beginning to fine “zero” at the end. This way you will not have any scratches left and the paint will completely fill the existing pores on the surface. To add more shine, use several coats of varnish.


So, we found out how the plastic interior of a car is painted. As you can see, the work can be done with your own hands. The main thing is to follow technology and not forget about safety measures. After all, paint vapors have a strong effect on the human respiratory tract, liver and other organs.

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Painting plastic car is a popular service among car enthusiasts. Modern cars have a large number of plastic parts, from bumpers and fenders to plastic panels inside the cabin. If you want to get high-quality painting of a plastic part for your car, then contact our technical center. In Moscow we are located within the Moscow Ring Road in the Chertanovo area.

Features of painting plastic car parts at the AMC Moscow paint center

Painting plastic panels bodies are ordered not only in case of damage in an accident or collision with a curb, large stones and stumps, but also for tuning. So, if a car owner wants to install a front splitter, spoiler, moldings or trim inside the cabin, then he will need painting services.

Painting plastic parts is different from painting metal panels car body. They know such nuances experienced painters. If you decide to paint it yourself plastic bumper in your garage, then the first time you will not achieve a high-quality result. So as not to spoil appearance car and not reduce its value on the secondary market, it is better to turn to professionals, such as our qualified specialists. Our painters have extensive experience painting works with plastic car parts different brands. They regularly take advanced training courses. At the same time, they have at their disposal on the territory of our technical center all the necessary professional equipment and tools, high-quality Consumables and a sealed chamber for painting and drying.

There are two types of plastic used in car production:

  • not requiring special preparatory work before painting;
  • requiring priming before painting.

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