Gas heat gun for heating, construction and repair. Criteria for choosing a heat gun for a summer residence

When choosing a heat gun, you should decide for what purposes they will be needed: heating a house, garage, greenhouse, greenhouse, or for construction needs.

In any case presented, for the right choice electric heater, you need to decide on its power, design characteristics and manufacturer.

Technical properties and characteristics of heat guns

Heat guns for home

The first thing you should pay attention to is the parameters suitable for the normal and high-quality operation of the heat gun. It is necessary to select according to power and suitable electrical voltage.

For the first characteristic, there are two main calculation options. A simple definition is that for heating 10 sq.m. rooms need at least 1 kW of electrical power. And if your room is 4x6 meters, simple calculations will show you what you need to buy heat gun with a power of at least 3 kW.

We got this indicator like this: 4 * 6 = 24 sq.m., taking into account that the electrical power reserve must be at least 20%, we calculate: 2.4 * 1.2 = 2.88 kV. Most close value will be equal to 3 kW, which is what you need to select for heating this room.

The second calculation method is more accurate, and we recommend using it when choosing a heat gun for your home. In this case, the formula does not take into account the area of ​​the room, but its volume and the thermal conductivity coefficient of all walls. And the formula takes on next view: P= (V*dT*Kt)/860, where:

V is the volume of the room, calculated as the area multiplied by the ceiling height, m3;

dT is the difference in temperature inside the room and environment;

Kt – thermal conductivity coefficient. An indicator from 0.6 to 1 is for walls with good thermal insulation. With average thermal insulation - from 1 to 2. With poor thermal insulation - from 2 to 3. Old houses - from 3 to 4.

860 is the number of kcal in 1 kW.

Required thermal power

To make the essence of the calculation more clear, let's consider it with an example. You have decided to purchase an electric gun to heat your car in the garage. The garage volume is 4x6 meters, the ceiling height is 3 meters. The temperature inside the building is +15C, outside -20C. The temperature difference is 35C. The garage is insulated quite well, we select the thermal conductivity coefficient 1. As a result of all the indicators, the formula takes the following form: 72*35*1=2520 kcal/hour.

To convert the value to kW, you need to divide it by 860. This turns out to be 2.93 kW. Taking into account the required reserve, you need to choose a heat gun of at least 3.5 kW, and this will be quite enough.

It should be noted that currently there is a conditional classification of all thermal devices by power. It is generally accepted that up to 5 kW these are heat fans, and above this power – heat guns.

Heat gun device for home

An equally important technical indicator is the operating voltage. There is a heat or electric gun with a power above 20 kW, which requires a three-phase 380 V network to operate.

This point must also be taken into account when choosing a heat gun for heating a garage or home. To do this, it will be necessary to replace the entire house with a new, more powerful and reliable one.

Thermal devices with a power of no more than 7 kW can be connected to a 220 V network, of course, if the wire cross-section allows. Before connecting ideal option there will be a calculation of the cable cross-section based on its power and electric current

, to test wiring with such current loads.

The last thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a heat gun for your home is the duration of its operation. When heating a room with a gun, it must work without interruption for a long time. Therefore, manufacturers of these devices indicate on the body of the guns the values ​​24/1 or 24/2, and this means round-the-clock operation with a slight break of 1-2 hours. In addition, for correct selection

electric heat gun according to its properties and performance, pay attention to the noise level during its operation and temperature range. Modern thermal devices must operate at temperatures from +5C to +40C.

Types of premises

  • Heat guns are:
  • Electrical
  • Diesel
  • Gas

Infrared The next, very important criterion for choosing a heat gun for a home is the type of room in which it will be used. For example, for a home you need to buy a device not direct heating , the design of which includes special system removal of harmful gases. This is due to the fact that there may be people and animals in the house that can be negatively affected by waste gas fumes. However, in relation to the electric heater this moment

does not apply, but you should still understand the importance of indirect heating. When choosing a heat gun for a greenhouse, it is better not to overpay and buy a simpler type of design. Let's note one more– if you want to purchase an electric gun for seasonal heating, then buy a portable housing. For long-term heating in one place, for example, in a country house, choose thermal device stationary type, which will need to be fixed at a certain point in the room.

Additional characteristics of heat guns

Types of heat guns for the home

We wrote above which heat gun is best to choose based on power and type of room. It is also very important when choosing a thermal heater to pay attention to the following interesting points:

  1. A heat gun for heating must have a temperature regulator, at least of a stepped type. The thermostat allows you to control the efficiency of an electric heater.
  2. The gun should have an automatic shutdown function if it overheats. If the case accidentally falls, and if the heating element overheats, a fire hazardous situation will not arise, because a special sensor - a thermostat - will work.
  3. It is believed that a metal case is much better than plastic and composite. Because metal is much stronger, and in the event of a sudden power outage, a hot heating element will not harm the metal body of the gun. Plastic can easily melt and cause a fire.
  4. Cylindrical-type devices are able to warm up rooms several times faster, because... their heating element is a spiral. This option is suitable for heating a garage in winter periods for faster heating of the machine.

Gun heater rectangular shape more rational to use for heating a private home, this is due to their type heating element- mesh, which does not dry out the air and is less dangerous in terms of spontaneous combustion.

These installations got their name because appearance, resembling a gun barrel and “targeting” work in the intended area.

Heat guns are used where there is a need to quickly warm up the air in the absence of other heating sources.

Most often they are found at construction sites, warehouses, cottages and garages. Installers suspended ceilings they also cannot do without them. Installation of heat-shrinkable fabric requires a powerful heat flow. A heat gun for a home is necessary at the completion stage of construction before turning on the main heating.

In this article we will look at existing species these devices, their main characteristics and selection features. Short review manufacturers will help you choose the equipment that is optimal in price and quality.

The classification of this type of heat generator is based on two main features:

  • type of energy carrier;
  • heating method (direct, indirect).

Depending on the type of energy carrier, heat-generating guns are:

  • Diesel;
  • Gas;
  • Electrical;
  • Water;
  • Multi-fuel (used motor or transformer oil).

Gradation by heating method (direct or indirect) applies only to installations operating on liquid and gaseous fuels.

With direct heating, the burned fuel along with air is supplied to the room. The heat flow, not purified from combustion products, carries with it toxic substances and carbon dioxide. For this reason, direct heating heat guns are not used in rooms with constant presence of people.

Installations with indirect heating more universal in this regard. Their combustion products are discharged from the chamber into the atmosphere without polluting the air.

Based on the method of heat transfer, a distinction is made between fan and infrared devices. First serve warm air carried out by a fan.

The second type of installation transmits the generated energy directly through radiation in the infrared range and for this reason does not require a fan.

Infrared heat is created here in two ways: by burning fuel (gas, diesel fuel) and subsequent heating of a ceramic emitter or a hot electric coil.

Diesel and gas fan heat guns

The main element of this equipment is the combustion chamber. Its walls heat the air pumped by a fan through the outer pipe. Gases are discharged from the working chamber into the atmosphere. The operating principle of an indirect heating heat generator is illustrated in the following figure.

Operating principle of an indirect heating diesel heat gun

Electrical installations

Heat generators operating from the electrical network differ from fuel ones in that instead of a combustion chamber they use a heating element (thermal electric heater). It is placed in a protective casing (tubular or rectangular) and is blown by a fan.

Electric thermal installation. Instead of a combustion chamber, heating elements

In addition to the heater and fan, the design of fuel and electric heat guns includes control and automation units. They allow you to set the required power, control the heating process and protect the installation from fire.

Water heat guns

Unlike mobile fuel devices, water heat generators are located permanently. To operate they need hot water from the system central heating. It circulates inside a coil located in the housing and blown by a powerful fan.

The water heat gun operates from the hot water supply network

A thermostat is used to control the operation of the water heat generator. He turns on the fan and opens the tap that supplies hot water into the heat exchanger.

Multi-fuel systems

Multi-fuel installations operate on diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene, waste motor or transformer oil. Occasionally there are special models that use heating elements as backup source heat.

The scope of application of multi-fuel installations operating on the principle of direct heating is limited. They are placed in rooms where people are not constantly present and it is necessary to maintain above-zero temperatures and low air humidity. Devices with indirect heating can be used without restrictions.


It is impossible to answer the question of how to choose a heat gun without having an idea of ​​the technical characteristics of the device.

The main indicator of this category of equipment is power (kW). When considering models powered by electricity, one more parameter needs to be taken into account - the supply voltage.

Installations with a power of up to 5 kW are designed for 220 Volts. For more productive units (6-45 kW) three phases (380 V) are required.

Power range of diesel and gas installations ranges from 10 to 120 kW. For ease of selection, some models indicate one more parameter - the maximum heating area (m2).

For fuel guns, the characteristics must indicate the fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation (kg/h, l/h).

Air flow or air flow(m3/hour) is another value used by manufacturers. This is analogous to a heating area. It shows the volume of the room that the installation can warm up in 1 hour of operation.

Based on air flow, the devices in question are divided into three categories:

  • up to 200 m3/h;
  • from 200 to 400 m3/h;
  • more than 400 m3/h.

In the description of the characteristics of water heat guns, you can find one more characteristic - the length of the air stream in meters. This term refers to the maximum range of heat supply.

How to choose a heat gun?

Having studied existing structures and technical characteristics of these devices, you can move on to the question of choosing the optimal option.

As we have already said, direct heating installations are not suitable for residential use. IN small garage You can’t install such an installation either. The need to constantly ventilate the room from combustion products leads to big losses heat.

Another thing is gas or diesel unit with indirect heating. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide it is released into the atmosphere without poisoning the air in the room.

An electric heat gun is safer than a fuel heat gun in firefighting terms. It also has no equal in terms of environmental friendliness. The only negative is that the cost of the heat generated is higher than that of gas devices.

We also note that electrical devices among other things, they differ in their shape: they are cylindrical and rectangular. In cylindrical heat guns, a heating coil is installed, which very quickly reaches operating temperature. Together with the cylindrical body, which creates a powerful air flow, this allows you to very quickly warm up or dry the room.

However, the use of cylindrical devices in residential premises is undesirable, since dust adhering to the spiral causes the appearance of unpleasant odors and burning oxygen. For office and residential premises, it is worth giving preference to rectangular heat guns. The heating elements in them are heating elements, which heat up gradually, providing smoother and more comfortable heating.

Water heat generators are designed for heating large areas. These are powerful devices that are not suitable for use in private homes.

For heating greenhouses and warehouses remote from centralized heating networks, it is advantageous to use multi-fuel systems and gas heat generators.

Dependence of heat gun power on room volume

To select the power of heat guns, you can use the data in the table. It shows the dependence of the power of devices on the volume of premises of residential buildings and greenhouses (taking into account the quality of thermal insulation).

There is another approximate way to select the power of the heat generator. To heat rooms (ceiling height below 3 meters) per 10 m2 of area, 1 kW of power is required.

Prices. Manufacturers. Models

Conversation about which heat gun is for you fits better will be pointless if not considered specific models and prices of this equipment.

There are quite a lot of companies producing fan heaters. When choosing, someone is guided by the brand’s reputation. Another is looking for a cheaper product. Many people are interested in a product with certain parameters and functions recommended by friends.

Let's start our consideration with the most common version of this equipment, best suited for heating domestic premises - electric heat guns. The following brands are widely known and have a well-deserved positive reputation: Ballu, Resanta, Timberk, Quattro Elementi, Neoclima, Hyundai, Interskol, Elitech.

Ballu BKX-5– budget and compact model 3 kW power in a rectangular housing. The cost for 2018-2019 is about 2500 rubles. It has a built-in thermostat, two power levels and a ventilation mode without heating. Perfect for heating small rooms of 20-30 m2.

Resanta TEP-5000K– a 5 kW device in a round housing. Cost about 4000 rubles. Operates from a 380 V network. Suitable for heating small warehouses, industrial premises and garages.

Since prices for devices of the same power often differ slightly, when choosing, be sure to pay attention to the reviews and reputation of the manufacturer. If possible, make a personal inspection of the quality of assembly and materials from which the device and its elements are made. Additional advantages will be the inclusion of a power cord and an extended warranty period.

Comparing different models, do not forget to consider options that increase the ease of use of the equipment. These include ease of carrying and installation, the ability to adjust power (2 or 3 stages), the presence of a ventilation mode without turning on the heating, and others.

Among the manufacturers of gas-powered devices, the following brands can be noted: Master, Caliber, SPECIAL, as well as the already mentioned Resanta, Ballu, Quattro Elementi.

MASTER BLP 17 M– a popular model with an adjustable thermal power of 10-16 kW is designed for heating various technical premises (warehouses, garages, workshops), as well as for drying walls, ceilings, and installing suspended ceilings. The estimated cost in 2018-2019 is around 9,200 rubles.

In addition to electric and gas heaters, companies Ballu, Quattro Elementi, Resanta, Master produce trustworthy models of diesel devices. You can also add brands to this list Profteplo and Aurora.

Quattro Elementi QE-25D direct heating model with a power of 25 kW, fuel consumption 2.2 kg/hour. Suitable for heating warehouse and industrial premises with good ventilation, since combustion products are released into the surrounding space; it is also used when carrying out construction work. One device is capable of heating an area of ​​up to 120 m2. Estimated cost 21,000 rubles.

Indirectly heated diesel heaters, which allow combustion products to be removed outside the heated room, are much more expensive. Eg, Ballu BHDN-20(power 20 kW) costs from 32,000 rubles.

The choice of heat guns can be made both for domestic conditions: heating a house, garage, greenhouse, and for construction needs (when it is necessary to dry the room after finishing). In any case, to choose the right this type electric heater, you need to determine its power, manufacturer and design features. Next, we will tell readers of “” how to choose an electric heat gun and what parameters you need to pay attention to when purchasing.


The first thing you should start from is what parameters are suitable for normal operation electric heat gun. The choice should be made based on power and suitable voltage.

As for the first characteristic, there are two calculation options. More simple technique The definition is that for heating 10 sq.m. The premises require at least 1 kW of power. In total, if you have a room of 4*6 meters (for example, a garage), simple calculations will show that you need to choose the power of an electric heat gun, no less than 3 kW. We have determined this in the following way: 4 * 6 will be 24 sq.m., taking into account the recommendations that the power reserve should be at least 20%, we have: 2.4 * 1.2 = 2.88 kilowatts. The closest value is 3 kW, which is what you need to select for heating the garage.

The second calculation method is more accurate, and we recommend using it when choosing an electric heat gun for your home. In this case, the formula takes into account not the area of ​​the room, but its volume and the thermal conductivity of the walls. As a result, the formula looks like:

P= (V*dT*Kt)/860 ,

  • V is the volume of the room, calculated as the area multiplied by the ceiling height, m3;
  • dT - difference between ambient and indoor temperatures;
  • Kt – thermal conductivity coefficient. For walls with high-quality thermal insulation from 0.6 to 1. Average thermal insulation or bricklaying in two rows - from 1 to 2. Single-row bricklaying, poor thermal insulation - from 2 to 3. Dilapidated hangars made of corrugated sheets or boards - a coefficient of 3 to 3 is accepted 4$
  • 860 - the number of kcal in 1 kW.

Power marking - 9 kW

So that you understand the essence of the calculation, let us again consider it with an example. You have decided to choose an electric heat gun for the garage, or rather, for heating the car. The volume of the room is the same 4 * 6 meters * 3 (ceiling height). The temperature inside the building should be +15 o C, outside it is now -20 o C. In total, the difference is 35 degrees. The garage is well insulated, so we accept the coefficient as 1. As a result, the calculation formula will look like: 72*35*1=2520 kcal/hour. To convert the value to kW, you need to divide it by 860. Result – 2520/860=2.93 kW. Taking into account the reserve, it is necessary to select a heat gun of at least 3.5 kW, which will be quite enough.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that there is a conditional classification of devices by power. It is believed that up to 5 kW these are fan heaters, and above that - guns. We reviewed reviews of the most popular models in the corresponding article!

The second, no less important technical characteristic is the operating voltage. There are electric heaters with a power of over 20 kW, the operation of which requires, of course, a three-phase network of 380 V. You should also take this point into account if you decide to choose an electric heat gun for heating a garage or cottage, rather than a new, more powerful one. Devices with a power of up to 7 kW can be connected to a single-phase 220 V network if the wire cross-section allows it. It is best to check before connecting to make sure that your wiring can handle such current loads.

Well, the last thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a heat gun is the operating time. As you understand, when heating a room with a cannon, it must work without interruption for a long time. That is why device manufacturers indicate on the case the value “24/1” or “24/2”, which respectively means round-the-clock operation with a break of 1-2 hours.

In addition, in order to choose the right electric heat gun according to its characteristics, pay attention to the noise level of its operation and the range of operating temperatures. Modern devices must operate at temperatures no less than from +5 o C to +40 o C.

Video review of heaters for home and construction sites

Room type

Next one, no less important criterion choosing an electric heat gun - depending on the type of room. For example, for a home you need to buy indirect heating devices, the design of which includes a waste gas removal system. This is due to the fact that in a private home there are people and animals who can be negatively affected by exhaust gases. Although this point is not relevant in relation to an electric heater, you should still know about the importance of indirect heating. If you want to choose a heat gun for a greenhouse or heating a car, it is better not to overpay and buy a simpler design option.

One more thing should be noted here important nuance– if you want to choose an electric heat gun for temporary heating, buy a portable case. If the heater must operate for a long time in one place, for example, in the country, choose a stationary type device that needs to be fixed in a certain place in the room.

Extra options

We have figured out which electric heat gun is best to choose based on power and depending on the type of room. But that's not all you need to know about this issue. When choosing a heater, it is very important to pay attention to the following points.

As a main or auxiliary heater for a garage, private home, cottage or industrial premises. But how to choose the right heating device, and what characteristics should you pay attention to, given the rich assortment presented on the modern domestic market?

To decide which electric gun is better, you initially need to make a choice between several parameters:

It should be mentioned that depending on how much electric heat costs

Its quality, durability and reliability, the type of heating element and the presence of automation depend, because it is a well-known fact that good equipment cannot be too cheap.

To help our compatriots when choosing a product that is of sufficient quality and not the best, our company’s specialists have compiled a rating of the main models presented on the domestic market.

Manufacturer Ballu with model BKx 3

The ballu bkx 3 heat gun is essentially a fan heater installed in a fairly compact metal case with polymer coating. The main purpose of the device is to heat residential, public and domestic premises. To heat the air flow supplied by the axial fan, the device is equipped with a highly efficient ceramic heater.

  • The device is powered from a single-phase household power supply. With comparatively small sizes, ballu bkx 3 has a good performance of 120 m 3 / h. With a power of 2 kW, this fan heater is capable of heating a room, not even large area in 25 m2 up to 50C °.
  • The device is equipped automatic protection from overheating, manual step power regulator operating in three modes: half power, full power, without heating in fan mode. The ballu bkx 3 heat gun is reliable and does not require periodic maintenance.
  • A plastic handle is installed on the body for transporting the fan heater. Device weight 1.7 kg.
  • The cost of this device varies from 40 to 55 USD in different stores across the country.

Resanta TEP-3000K if you need mobility

The portable heat gun Resanta TEP-3000K is designed for rapid heating of air in residential and technical rooms. This device consists of a supporting housing, a protective grille, a fan located in the rear part of the housing, and tubular heating elements made of stainless metal. Depending on the version, the control unit of this device is mounted in the upper part of the housing or on its side panel.

  • The total power of this heating device is 3 kW, and the productivity is 300 m 3 / h, which is enough to heat rooms up to 30 m 2.
  • The device is powered from a single-phase network 200V 50Hz. With help three-position regulator, you can set the desired heating temperature of the heating elements, which is: 1 position– without heating, in position 2 – 1500W, in position 3 position- at full capacity. In addition, an additional regulator allows you to smoothly set the desired heating temperature of the air flow.
  • The Resanta TEP-3000K heat gun is equipped with built-in thermal protection and automatically turns off the device when it overheats. On the body of the device there is a convenient handle for carrying this device.
  • The mass of the heat gun is 5.1 kg.
  • The cost of this device in retail stores in Russia varies from 70 to 90 USD.

Silent gun Neoclima kh 2

The neoclima kx 2 heat gun allows you to create a local flow of heated air in small domestic and residential premises, as well as in places where repair and construction work is carried out. This one is equipped with a highly efficient ceramic heater PTC and a system that prevents a decrease in air humidity levels PlusO2.

  • The device is powered from a single-phase household power supply, voltage 220V. The power of the device is 2 kW, which is enough to heat the air in a room whose area is no more than 20 m2. The productivity of the device, declared by the manufacturer, is 190 m 3 / h. Also, this portable climate control equipment is equipped with a thermostat that maintains the set temperature in the heated room. In addition, this device is equipped with a mechanical three-mode power regulator: 1 – 1 kW, 2 – operation at full power, 3 without heating in fan mode.
  • Specially designed design axial fan allows it to work without making any noise, which is a definite advantage of this device. The installed thermal protection will automatically turn off the power to this heater if it overheats.
  • What makes neoclima kh 2 reliable and fireproof is its compact metal anti-vandal body with a polymer composition applied to it.
  • There is a handle on the body for convenient transportation of this device, which weighs 2.36 kg.
  • The price of the device in some stores varies from 47.5 USD. e up to 65 USD e

Equation 3000 VT - safety comes first

Ceramic heat gun 3000 W Equation is an excellent example of a fan heater from the Middle Kingdom. Quite inexpensive, powerful and quality device, is not much different from similar models from other manufacturers. The only difference between it and other fan heaters is that it is equipped with a high-quality 3 kW ceramic heater. This power is enough to heat a home, office or garage with an area of ​​up to 25 m2.

  • This unit is equipped with a mechanical switch operating modes, which it has three: 1 – fan; 2 – heating with a power of 1.5 kW; 3 – work at full power.
  • In addition, this heat gun is equipped with sensor against possible overheating,which will automatically turn off the power supply to the device from the 220V household power supply. The equitation 3000 also has a safety sensor that, when the device is turned over, will stop supplying power to the heating element. Such features only add to the advantages of this fan heater.
  • The equation 3000 ceramic heat gun is made in a cylindrical metal case, with a fairly stable stand.
  • The small dimensions and weight of the device (2.9 kg) make it possible to easily transport the device.
  • The price of equation 3000 averages about 2 – 2.5 thousand rubles.

Fubag SIROCCO 20 M: made in Germany!

Electric heat gun fubag SIROCCO 20 M is a new fan heater model from a well-known German manufacturer, presented on the domestic market climate control technology. This representative of climate control equipment operates from a household power supply with a voltage of 220 V. Thanks to the cylindrical shape of the body, this device has significantly increased productivity, which is 279 m 3 / h. The total power of the device is 2 kW.

  • The fubag SIROCCO 20 M gun has a stepped three-position power level switch, air flow heating: 1 – fan; 2 1 kW; 2 – total power 2 kW. A tubular heating element is installed as a heating element in this device, which is protected by a metal grid from foreign objects entering it.
  • An important feature of this fan heater model is the presence of a built-in thermostat, the ability to change the angle of air flow, and a stable stand ensures maximum reliability of installation of the device. In addition, this device has an overheat protection function.
  • The fubag SIROCCO 20 M heat gun is a reliable device that can quickly heat residential, technical and industrial premises, area up to 20 m2.
  • A comfortable handle and a fairly light weight of 4.2 kg of the device allow you to transport it freely.
  • The cost of fubag SIROCCO 20 M in some Russian stores is 3,650 rubles.

– 4,200 rub.

And finally The heat guns presented in the review are technical specifications little different from each other. All of them are of high quality and have standard set

functions. But the most modern and reliable, in a word, the best heat guns are equipped with a ceramic heating element.