Installing a fence in winter: pros and cons. Installation of fences in winter, installation in winter


Modern technologies make it possible to carry out construction and installation work in winter period time. At first glance, installing a fence in winter seems like a bad idea, which promises a lot of hassle and possible troubles later. Frosty weather, snow, and frozen ground complicate the installation of the fence. But these are not the main problems. It is practically impossible to install fence support posts by driving them into the ground in winter. Therefore, in the spring, when the soil begins to thaw, there is a possibility of collapse support pillars, the fence may become skewed and you will have to spend effort and money to repair it.

Concreting in winter conditions also has significant difficulties - concrete mortar in frosty weather it practically does not set. Modern antifreeze additives into concrete significantly speed up the process: in concrete mixture add sodium nitrite, calcium nitrite, potash. Aqueous solution Such additives are used to harden the concrete mixture. This will not only allow concreting to be done in the cold, but will also significantly improve the adhesion of concrete to other materials. Another method can be used - heating the concrete. But it’s one thing to provide thermal insulation and heating, for example, of a foundation, and another thing to provide severaldozens of individual holes scattered throughout the site.

So, the use of special additives significantly increases the cost of the process, and heating is not very convenient. However, there are circumstances in which the fence must be installed in winter. Is there a technology that guarantees the installation of a fence in winter conditions? There is a backfill for pillars, which is ideal for winter installation reliable and stable supports.

The construction of a fence in winter differs from similar work in the warm season due to the presence of snow and frozen soil, which somewhat complicate the process. Otherwise, the algorithm for installing the fence is the same; it can be divided into three stages: marking the area, installing support posts (with backfilling) and installing fence spans, gates and gates.

Place first installation work cleared of snow. The area is carefully marked with metal rods and construction thread, and the places where the supports will be located are recorded. Typically the distance between support pillars is 2.5 m.

Then, using hole drills, holes are drilled for the support pillars. The depth of the holes is from 1.2 to 1.5 m, the diameter of the holes is 150-200 mm. Moreover, only high-quality and powerful drilling equipment is suitable for working with frozen ground.

Metal profile pipes are used for fence support posts; larger diameter pipes are used for gate posts. The post is covered with special plugs to protect it from moisture.

From correct installation load-bearing supports determine the appearance and service life of the fence. Therefore, the vertical position of the pillars is verified with a plumb line, and the overall, identical height of the supports is strictly controlled.

To the very important points installation includes backfilling of pillars, its quality determines the strength and durability of the fence.

The essence of the method is simple. The fence support posts are installed in the drilled holes. Portions of rubble are poured into the hole around the post, which is used as small and medium-sized gravel, crushed stone or stone. Each portion of buta is carefully compacted. It is important to ensure that the pole is not skewed, otherwise the whole work starts all over again.

As a result of backfilling, the post acquires good bearing capacity and tolerates soil freezing-thawing cycles without consequences.

At the last stage of work, fence spans, gates and wickets are installed. Horizontal logs (lintels) made of metal are attached to the support pillars. profile pipes. Usually two logs are installed, but if the fence height is more than 2 m, you should add another horizontal lintel. The lags are fastened to the support posts by welding. Next, they begin to attach the material of the fence spans (corrugated sheeting) to the horizontal logs using self-tapping screws to match the color polymer coating profiled sheet. The corrugated sheeting is attached with an overlap on one wave.

For registration top edge A fence edge is installed on top of the fence, which gives the fence a neat and finished look. Gates and gates are attached to the gate posts. The wicket and gates are made of corrugated sheets.

One of the activities of the Fence and Gates company isinstallation of fences and barriers made of various materials, including installation of fences in winter time. Winter construction has another positive side- enough low prices on building materials, construction work and cargo transportation. This allows you to significantly reduce construction costs and speed up the construction time of the fence.

Our specialists will do everything necessary work from the development of a drawing to the finished fence or enclosure with high quality and in short terms. The work is carried out in Moscow, the Moscow region and adjacent areas.

Experienced specialists working in the construction industry advise their clients to carry out most of construction work in the warm season - for most regions of our country this period lasts from early May to mid-September. Yes, carrying out almost any construction in the summer is much cheaper and easier.

However, a situation may arise when you urgently need to build a fence in winter. For example, you

(what), and now you want to fence off the house and the plot from the penetration of strangers and simply unnecessary glances. In such a situation, there is simply no other choice - the fence needs to be built right now.

If you find yourself in a situation where you simply have no choice but to build a fence in winter, then, of course, you can get to work. But first, you should find out in advance exactly what difficulties may await you along this path.

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Alas, this is not all the difficulties. It is also worth considering that many construction companies Those who install fences in the warm season simply do not provide this service in winter. Therefore, it is possible that you will have to spend a lot of time before you manage to find specialists who will agree to help you in this difficult matter.

However, if you really need a fence and are willing to spend the extra money and money to build one, then you can handle any problem.

How to install a fence in winter

In winter, all construction work has many nuances that you don’t have to think about if you do it in the summer. But at the same time, the main set of works is very similar.

Of course, the most basic and difficult task is installation load-bearing pillars, to which the main material from which the fence is made will later be attached, and so on. Today, when constructing fences, two options are used:

  • concreting pillars when drilling deep holes (below the freezing level);
  • butting of pillars.

In general, both of these options allow you to achieve fairly good results. But it’s still worth knowing that butting the pillars will cost a little less, and concreting will provide a more reliable and durable fixation. But it will still be useful to learn about each of these methods in more detail, first of all, about the progress of the work.

winter fence installation diagram

Concreting load-bearing pillars

It has already been said above that concrete pillars can last much longer, withstanding enormous loads without harm to themselves. The main difficulty associated with concreting is drilling holes of great depth. After all, specialists need to get to a level where the soil does not freeze even on the coldest winter days. For most regions of Russia this will be 1.5 - 1.7 meters. Of course, digging holes of such depth in very frozen ground is only possible with heavy equipment.

Pillars are installed in the resulting holes (the distance between them should not be more than 2.5 - 3 meters, otherwise the load on the fence material may be too great, as a result of which it will be damaged).

After this, reinforcement cages are installed on different sides of the column - they will provide the concrete with the ability to withstand high bending and tensile loads, which is especially important for regions with high soil heaving.

Only after installation reinforcement cage concreting takes place. However, during construction in winter, you cannot use standard concrete, consisting of sand and cement mixed in a certain proportion (depending on the brand of cement). Such concrete simply cannot harden if the temperature of the surrounding air and soil is below zero degrees Celsius. Therefore, special additives are added to concrete.

Building a high-quality and reliable fence in winter is not an easy task.

Weather factors have negative impact at all stages of construction, and frozen soil and the presence of snow cover can significantly complicate the installation of supporting structures.

Is it possible to build a fence in winter? Read on to find out whether fences are installed in winter.

In most regions of our country cold period takes up a significant part of the year, so many developers are simply forced to build fences in difficult climatic conditions. This problem is completely solvable if we take into account all the problems that may arise when installing a fence in winter:

  • Before starting work, you should once again evaluate the feasibility of such construction. Work must be carried out in warm clothing, and therefore not always comfortable for performing some processes, which can significantly lengthen the time allotted for the construction of the fence.
  • Some materials, including concrete and cement mortars, not recommended for use with negative temperature conditions;
  • In winter, difficulties arise when developing soil, which is due to deep freezing soil and the need to use special equipment for digging.

It is also important to remember that the period for concrete to gain brand strength indicators at a temperature of +20°C takes just under a month, and work in low-temperature conditions can cause cracking and premature destruction of the erected structure.

When erecting fences in winter, experts recommend giving preference lightweight designs based on materials such as profiled flooring, metal rods, mesh or picket fence.

This option does not require large volumes of earthworks and reduces overall labor intensity.

Ways to install fence posts in winter

Considering the volume of problems that may arise in the process winter construction fence, the issue of installing a supporting structure can be resolved in several fairly effective ways.

Most often, pillars are concreted at low temperatures using solutions with special additives in the concrete mixture, as well as heating the composition during the pouring process and at the hardening stage. Despite the effectiveness of the second option, it is less popular, which is caused by a noticeable increase in the cost of the work performed.

Installation of a fence from corrugated sheets in winter

All weather modern technologies, which are also in demand during the construction of fences in winter, are represented by the installation of screw piles. A device in the form of a pipe with something like an auger at the bottom can be screwed into frozen soil quite easily. The widespread use of this method is limited high cost, as well as the need to use special equipment.

Butting method

Butting is the most convenient and budget method fastening fence posts using materials that are not subject to freezing. The bottling technology is not at all complicated and is quite accessible for independent implementation:

  • removal of snow mass along the perimeter of the fence construction area;
  • marking the territory and designating places for installing support pillars;
  • drilling a hole with a diameter of no more than 20 cm to a depth of one and a half meters;
  • thorough removal of soil from drilled holes;
  • filling the holes with a sand cushion no more than 10-15 cm high;
  • installation of a fence metal profile or concrete pillar and aligning it in vertical position using a plumb level;
  • filling into the free space between the support pillar and the walls of the hole the so-called rubble, represented by fine crushed stone and medium-fraction gravel.

Butting with crushed stone

It is necessary to fill the rubble stone in parts, tamping each layer very carefully. At all stages of bottling, it is extremely important to exercise control vertical arrangement all fixed pillars.

As practice shows, if the technology of rubble backfill during the winter construction of a fence was followed in full, then spring period There is no movement of the support pillars at all, and the durability and quality of the fence are beyond doubt.

Increasing the frost resistance of concrete

The concreting process in winter is carried out using simple but relatively expensive methods. It is quite difficult to heat the concrete solution during the hardening process, especially if the fence being built includes large number support pillars and is of considerable length. The heating method involves high financial and energy costs.

The option of increasing the frost resistance of potting mixtures thanks to special additives is more convenient and affordable.

Special components, represented by potash, sodium and calcium nitrates, which are added in the following proportions, help the concrete solution to harden in low-temperature conditions:

  • at temperatures down to minus 5 o C - in the amount of 5-6% of the total volume of the mixture;
  • at temperatures from minus 5 o C to minus 10 o C - in an amount of 6-8% of the total volume of the mixture;
  • at temperatures below minus 15 o C - in the amount of 8-10% of the total volume of the mixture.

It is important to remember that at temperatures below minus 15 o C the activity of sodium nitrate drops sharply, so the concentration of potash should be increased to 12-15%. Good result Pure urea or mixed with calcium nitrate is also used as an additive that increases frost resistance.

The activity of antifreeze additives can be increased by introducing a concrete hardening catalyst, which is most often used sodium formate.

Ready-made antifreeze additives with plasticizing and catalyzing effects are presented:

  • Hydroconcrete "S-3M-15";
  • Hydrozyme;
  • Lignopan;
  • Wins with Anti-Frost;
  • Betonsan;
  • Cement breaker.

During the winter construction process, it is recommended to use the thermos effect method, which consists of covering all concrete holes with such thermal insulation materials like foam plastic and mineral wool followed by film coating.

Installing a fence in winter

Let's look at how to install a fence in winter. After the base of the fence has been completely assembled and the concreting of the pillars has acquired sufficient strength, spans and other fencing elements are installed.

This stage of fence construction does not differ significantly from the process summer construction and includes the installation of fence spans, gates, and wickets. Horizontally placed jumper logs, represented by a metal profile, are fixed to the support pillars.

As a rule, a pair of lintels are installed, but if the height of the fence exceeds two meters, then it is advisable to install a third additional lag.

The lags are fixed to the support posts by welding, after which the construction and finishing material is fixed in the form of profiled flooring.

The corrugated sheets must be secured with self-tapping screws, the color of which matches the color of the polymer coating.

Installation of the canvas must be carried out overlapping the wave.

The final step is to decorate the top of the fence. It is recommended to install a special fence edge, which will easily give the already constructed fence a finished and very neat appearance.

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Today, corrugated board is a popular material for making fences. Fences made of corrugated sheets are erected everywhere, from fencing private houses to summer cottages. The profiled sheet attracts with its presentable appearance, strength, reliability, durability and inexpensive cost. However, as with any other material, installing a corrugated fence is a process that has its own nuances. And with the onset of autumn cold weather, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to install a fence made of corrugated sheets in the autumn-winter period?


The greatest concern associated with installing a corrugated fence in the cold season is how smooth the fence will be. When installed after heavy rains, the ground is damp, and there is a risk that the fence will subsequently warp. And carrying out installation work at subzero temperatures is difficult, since frozen soil is difficult to process. In addition, the length of the working day in cold seasons is significantly reduced. All these, at first glance, intimidating factors often force owners to abandon the immediate construction of a fence in the fall or winter and wait for the onset of warmer weather. However, according to experts, this is completely in vain.

Advantages of installing a corrugated fence in the fall

The evenness of a future fence made of profiled sheets is hardly a cause for concern, even if the installation is planned for the cold season. The only one decisive factor in this matter - the skill of the installers. Conscientious installation involves driving and concreting the pillars at least a meter deep. In addition, in order to prevent landslides and create additional rigidity, a concrete wall about 20 cm high is poured between the pillars at a level. Metal veins of different profiles are secured by welding: channel, corner, etc. If all these measures are used, a corrugated fence can be erected at any time of the year, even after rains or in frosts down to -5 degrees. As a result, you will get an even, strong and solid fence, and installation in the cold season will not affect its quality in any way.

Be that as it may, the most important factor influencing the quality of the fence is the quality of the material and installation. Trust only reliable suppliers of corrugated sheets - and your fence will serve you reliably for many years, whenever you install it.

Busy owners of personal plots often do not have enough warm time of year to complete all the work. For example, there is often a need to start or continue construction of a fence in winter. What are the features of building a fence in cold weather? Are there any advantages to this approach?

There may be several reasons why a site owner decides to build a fence in winter:

  • I had free time, because in the summer there was a lot to do in the garden.
  • We urgently need to fence the construction site so that in the spring we can immediately begin importing materials and building a house or barn.
  • Only now a team has been found that is ready to complete all the work quickly and at a relatively low price.
  • Money just appeared.
  • The funds are limited and I want to save money.

In fact, as experts note, building a fence in winter has significant advantages:

  • Prices for materials are reduced, and you can save money.
  • It is much easier to find contractors, because construction crews are often left without work until spring.
  • When the ground has frozen, it is easier to bring all the materials to the site, less problems with delivery than during the autumn and spring thaw.
  • There is no risk of damaging the beds and flower beds during construction; the harvest has already been harvested.

In addition, modern construction technologies make it possible to erect a fence at any time of the year; there is not that much difference. So there are few good reasons to postpone the construction of a fence around a dacha or house. Among them are the need to clear the area of ​​snow and the problem of frozen soil. That's all, actually. Of course, let’s face it, it gets dark earlier in winter, and working in the cold is not so pleasant. But there is no sweltering heat that forces you to leave the site on a summer afternoon.

First of all, you should choose the material for the fence. The easiest and cheapest way is to build a chain-link fence and a fence made of corrugated sheets at any time of the year. Metal is not afraid of frost; such fences weigh little. It will be more difficult to build a brick fence in winter, because laying is a long process, and when low temperatures the properties of concrete change. But this problem can also be solved by using chemical additives, plasticizers, which significantly increase the frost resistance of concrete.

The technology for constructing fences is the same in both winter and summer:

  1. The territory is being marked.
  2. Install support pillars.
  3. The spans are being installed.

The only difficulties during the construction of a fence in winter may arise with the installation of support posts, which need to be deepened into the ground and securely fastened. For this purpose, the following technologies are used:

  1. Introduction of screw piles.
  2. Butting.
  3. Concreting pillars.

Important! The usual, simplest method of installing support pillars - digging into the soil about 1.2 meters and covering with soil - is not suitable! In the spring, the soil around the pole will begin to melt, and it may tilt.

We described in detail how water wells are drilled in winter. Drilling a hole for a supporting fence post is even easier; it is not so deep. For example, screw pile Thanks to the presence of screws, the top, frozen layer of soil can easily pass through. Motor drills, hole drills and other special equipment are used, which will greatly facilitate the work process.

As for butting, this is the most common technology for installing support fence posts in winter. It consists of drilling a hole with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a depth of up to 1.5 meters. The soil should be thrown away and sand should be poured onto the bottom in a layer of at least 10 centimeters. A concrete pile or a profiled one is installed on this pillow metal pipe. The vertical support is easy to control using a plumb line.

Rubble is poured between the soil and the pipe or pile. Usually this is fine gravel or crushed stone. That is why the technology is called bottling. The bottle is carefully compacted and filled in gradually. Plus, such backfill, unlike ordinary soil, will not freeze in the winter, that is, in the spring the post will remain securely fastened and will not move. In addition, there is no need to mix the mortar and concreting the supports.

Experts advise leaving a distance between support pillars of no more than 2.5 meters in length. After completing this most important and time-consuming stage, horizontal logs and lintels are attached to the pillars. And corrugated boards or boards are already installed on them, depending on what you chose to build your fence.

Thus, the technology for constructing a fence around the site is not too different in winter and summer. In the cold season, the situation is complicated only by the need to use special additives in the concrete solution, if this particular option for fastening the support pillars is chosen, as well as clearing the area of ​​snow and difficulties in passing the frozen layer of soil. Otherwise, building a fence in winter is almost as easy as in the warm season. In addition, we repeat, you will definitely save on hiring workers and purchasing materials.

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