Where to write a complaint about heating. ​Poor heating in an apartment: how and where to complain

According to the Rules for the provision of utility services, during the period heating season The battery temperature must be at least 18 degrees.

Table 1. Documents regulating the procedure for filing complaints and appeals from citizens

Rule of law Content
Rules for the provision of public services (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of May 23, 2007) Sets temperature standards
Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 “On the protection of consumer rights” Establishes the rights of consumers when defects or non-performance of work are discovered
Law No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals Russian Federation» Establishes the procedure and terms for consideration of complaints and appeals
Law No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” Establishes rules for the provision of services to citizens
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004 N 322 “On approval of the Regulations on Federal service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being" Establishes the operating procedure and organization of inspections by Rospotrebnadzor
Law No. 2202-1 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” Establishes the procedure for considering complaints and appeals about violations of the law

The following situations may be the reason for a complaint about poor heating in an apartment:

  • the heating season has begun, but the radiators are still cold;
  • the heating is turned off for an unknown reason for a long time;
  • there is heating, but it is very weak to warm the apartment to the required temperature;
  • Unstable operation of the heating system in the house.

Common reasons for lack of proper heating are:

  • pipes clogged with debris that has created a blockage for circulation hot water;
  • redevelopment of the heating system (installation of additional batteries, replacement of old ones, etc.), as a result of which the flow of water into the pipes is blocked or limited;
  • didn't launch heating system(delays the start of the heating season);
  • accident in the boiler room or lack of heat supply on the heating main.

To eliminate the cause of the lack of heating, you must contact the appropriate authorities.

The first step is to clarify the reason for the lack of heating. An emergency dispatch service specialist will help you find out the exact information.

As a rule, a specialist accepts a request to call a plumber, who, during a personal visit, will determine the exact reason for the lack of heating in the apartment.

According to the law, the specialist who came for the inspection is obliged to record the cause of the cold batteries in the inspection report, which is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the apartment owner. After some time, the problem should be resolved.

However, if contacting the emergency dispatch service does not bring any results, you will need to complain about the cold radiators in the apartment to higher authorities.

Table 2. Institutions for complaining about lack of heating

Important! An appeal to the prosecutor's office and the courts can only be submitted after an attempt to resolve the problem with the utility service, housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor.

Management company

If there is no heating immediately in an apartment building, then it would be better to write a collective complaint. Such complaints attract more attention than complaints from one tenant.

Write a complaint to management company can be done in free form, but it is important to provide the following details:

  • full name of the management company or HOA, surname and initials of the manager;
  • Full name of the owner making the complaint, his address and contact phone number.
  • correct the situation and compensate for the losses caused (indicate how long it will take to fix the problems);
  • in accordance with Article 29 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, recalculate payments for utility services.

It is important to mention that the owner regularly pays utilities. If additional documents are attached, please list them in the attachment (inspection report, copy of monthly payment receipt, etc.).

Important! The appeal is written in two copies, the second of which remains with a mark from the owners. If sent by mail, a postal receipt will be considered confirmation of sending the application.

The management company is obliged to respond to the received appeal from the owners. However, the answer is not always positive.

Housing inspection

If the management company has not responded to the request or has not corrected the problems, you should contact the Housing Inspectorate.

The complaint is drawn up according to the same principle as to the management company. Usually this stage brings results, because the culprits understand possible risk.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • a second copy of the claim sent to the management company;
  • received written response from the management company;
  • inspection reports and temperature measurements carried out at the first stage;
  • copies of the receipt (for full payment for heating).

You can submit a complaint in person, by mail or at electronic form. To submit an electronic complaint, you must fill out the application form on the official website of the housing inspectorate of the corresponding region.

Important! The period for consideration of complaints by the housing inspectorate is 30 days.


In case of inaction at the first stages, the owner can file a complaint against the management company with Rospotrebnadzor.

There is no specific sample of a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor regarding the lack of heating; it is allowed to draw up a complaint in free form.

The complaint is made to the head of the Rospotrebnadzor department for a specific region.

In the main part of the appeal, it is necessary to state in detail the essence of the problem, and inspection reports will be evidence of receipt of poor-quality service temperature regime, previously sent claims to the management company and housing inspection, as well as responses to them.

It would not be amiss to write in the appeal that the lack of heating led to the following consequences:

  • As a result of the lack of heating during the cold season, residents fell ill with colds when freezing. If you have a certificate from the clinic, you can also attach it.
  • Some things have become unusable, etc.

If the appeal is collective, then you need to attach an extract from the minutes of the residents’ meeting.

Important! The review period at Rospotrebnadzor is 5 working days, and in some cases the review can last up to 10 working days.

You can submit a complaint in person, by post or via the Internet in the “Reception of Citizens’ Appeals” section on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.

It is worth remembering that Rospotrebnadzor employees will not consider anonymous complaints, therefore, in order to send an electronic appeal, you must be identified in the ESIA system.

Prosecutor's office

If there is no result at previous instances, the next step will be to contact the prosecutor's office.

Drawing up a complaint is similar to the appeals at the previous stages, however, the purpose of contacting the prosecutor's office will be the inaction of public utilities, their failure to fulfill their official duties, which may result in harm to the health and life of residents.

Important! The period for consideration of a complaint by the prosecutor's office is 30 days, in rare cases the consideration is delayed up to 60 days.


A complaint is filed with the court in order to compensate for the damage and to recalculate the amount utility payments for heating.

To go to court you will need the following documents:

  • statement of claim;
  • evidence of misconduct or omission officials;
  • written answers and acts received at previous instances.

It is necessary to apply to the court at the place of residence of the owner. The address can be found on the Justice website. To do this, you will need to enter the address of your region in the search field.

If problems arise with the heat supply, they must be addressed immediately, especially in winter period. The first thing you need to determine is the temperature in the apartment. This determines where to go if there is no heating.

To urgently solve the problem, you need to call the management company, as well as the dispatch service of the service provider. If this method fails to solve the problem, you should resort to more radical methods, which we will discuss in our material.

While a specialist is on the way, you can find out the reason yourself. For measurements you will need a regular room thermometer. The measurement error will be high, but it is only necessary to determine the approximate temperature difference in the rooms. If the temperature is below normal, then you need to understand the reasons and understand how to get rid of the problem.

To determine the approximate temperature values, you need to put your hand on the riser and the register, which is located in next room. This method is suitable for private homes. If a heating problem occurs in a building with many apartments, then it is necessary to interview the closest neighbors.

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If the riser is hot and the heating devices are not warm, most likely air has entered the system. In this case, the problem will be solved within a few hours. In addition to gas contamination, the cause may be imbalance in the system or failure of the radiator. If neighbors do not have similar problems, then the reason is in the condition of the pipes and appliances in the apartment.

If the temperature values ​​are the same, this indicates problems with the supply of thermal energy throughout the house. In this case, you need to check with your neighbors if they have similar problems. More often equal indicators temperatures confirm the presence of problems in general communications.

Don't count on a quick resolution to the problem. It is better to connect an electric heater rather than wait for the temperature to drop to critical levels. How to choose good heater for home, read the following.

No later than two hours after calling the dispatch service, a specialist should arrive. In addition to identifying a malfunction in the heat supply system, he is obliged to take readings and record in writing the lack of heating supply.

His responsibilities include drawing up the act. This document is drawn up in two identical copies, one for the owner.

According to the law, the management company is responsible for the common property of the house, to which heating registers and interior pipes do not apply. The owner of the apartment is responsible for their condition. In this case, you will have to carry out repairs at your own expense.

Why is the act needed?

The document confirms the poor quality of services provided and is the basis for the thermal energy consumer to appeal to the court, supervisory authorities, and also receive a recalculation.

For an act to have legal force, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Avoid artificially increasing the temperature in the apartment under study.
  2. Convene the composition of the commission.
  3. Alert the housing service representative and service provider.

Directly on the day of drawing up the act, everything heating devices must be disabled. When drawing up the document, the absence of heating supply services is recorded, so factors influencing measurements must be excluded.

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The commission must measure the room temperature and compare it with standards, taking into account temperature fluctuations environment. The air in the room must be heated to 18 degrees Celsius. Minor deviations are allowed within a range of 2 degrees up or down.

Heat supply standards

The text of GOST indicates the standards and permissible deviations from it when supplying heat to different types premises.

It is necessary to carry out background temperature measurements not only in living rooms. In a restroom located separate from the bathroom, the thermometer should not show less than 18 degrees Celsius. On landing the temperature should not be much lower than 16 degrees Celsius

Throughout the entire season, when heating is supplied, heat must be supplied to consumers uninterruptedly.

Government Decree No. 354 establishes the following possible interruptions in the supply of heating to residential buildings:

  • The decrease in temperature cannot exceed a total of 24 hours per month.
  • Reducing the room temperature to 8 -10 degrees should not exceed 4 hours (at a time).
  • Reducing the room temperature to 10 -12 degrees should not exceed 8 hours (at a time).
  • Reducing the room temperature to 13 -16 degrees should not exceed 12 hours (at a time).

If the service provider does not comply with these regulations, he will be liable financial liability to consumers. For each hour of delay beyond the permissible period specified in the resolution, the service fee is reduced by 0.15%.

If multiple violations occur, the supplier may face administrative or criminal liability, depending on the severity of the consequences. You can read more about the parameters of a comfortable microclimate in residential premises.

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If the specialist does not arrive

The fact that a representative of the heat supply supplier fails to appear when called should not go unnoticed. It is necessary to repeat the call to the dispatch service and report a violation of the procedure for providing services. Demand clarification and indicate your intention to write complaints to the authorities monitoring their activities and higher authorities.

An explanation of the basis for the delay should be requested. It is necessary to insist on the immediate dispatch of a specialist to inspect the communications and remind him of his obligation to draw up a report.

It would be a good idea to record the conversation with the dispatcher; he does not need to be warned that a recording is being made. These recordings will serve as evidence in court.

After talking with the dispatcher, you need to dial the number of the chief engineer or director and briefly outline the essence of the situation, clearly stating the address and reason for the accumulated claims. Report the lack of response to the request addressed to the dispatch service, mention your intentions to file complaints against the organization with the supervisory authorities.

It is necessary to demand that the problem be corrected as soon as possible and ensure that a specialist comes to inspect the heating system. It is necessary to mention the preparation of a collective complaint if all residents of the house have a problem with the heating supply. In most cases, this will be enough to attract the attention of utility companies.

What to do if there is no heating?

After the specialist arrives and receives the certificate, it is necessary to make copies of the document. They are needed based on the number of planned requests.

Next, you need to take a sample and prepare the text of the claim. The content should reflect the essence of the problem, summary situations and a proposal to resolve the issue pre-trial. If you have health problems during the heating shutdown period, you need to indicate this fact

Additionally, you can write that in addition to recalculation, payment of legal costs and compensation for moral damage received, you will demand a penalty. Write that you plan to rent an apartment and through the court you will demand compensation for rent expenses.

It is not profitable for a private company to bring a dispute to trial. For this reason, claims are often satisfied out of court. It is necessary to prepare two copies of claims.

Copies of documents must be attached to the claim:

  1. Certificate of lack of heating.
  2. A copy of the service agreement.
  3. Copies of receipts for timely payment of utilities.
  4. Certificate from a medical institution.

The specified package of documents must be sent to the service provider by mail. This must be done by registered mail with notification. When the letter is delivered, the sender will receive a notification that the addressee has received the letter.

If there is no time for postage, then the documents must be personally delivered to the utility service provider. You need to come to the manager’s reception area and file a complaint, talk and come to an agreement

It is important to ensure that both copies of the claim are marked and registered as incoming documentation. This must be done regardless of what agreement has been reached.

A response should be received in writing within 2-3 days. If the heating supply has not been restored, you need to move on to the next step.

Where to write complaints if there is no heating?

There is no need to wait for the three-day period to expire. The heating issue needs to be resolved by everyone accessible ways. One of them is to file administrative complaints with regulatory authorities, including by telephone. The first step is to prepare the text of the complaint. They can be sent by mail or online.

Here is a list of organizations to call about heating:

  1. Territorial department of housing inspection.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor.

If you file a complaint by mail, you must attach to the application copies of documents that confirm the illegality of the actions of the management company or service provider. It is necessary to attach a copy of the report on the lack of heating and an appeal to the organization, which remained unanswered.

Option No. 1 - contacting the housing inspectorate

Utility workers are afraid of citizens turning to the housing inspectorate, so before submitting a request for an inspection, call the head of the management company. Offer to reconsider your claim, having first mentioned the registration number; perhaps the problem will be resolved at this stage.

If there is no reaction, then you need to write an application to the housing inspectorate using this sample. It needs to be supplemented with personal data, the address of residence, as well as the location of the management company. The complaint must be sent by registered mail with notification

If you send a complaint via the Internet, then first you need to go to the website of the housing inspectorate, to which the location of the management company is located.

On the website you need to find a section where citizens’ requests are accepted. It is located on the main page. Next, you need to click on the “Appeals from Citizens” section and select “Electronic Reception” from the list that opens.

On the page that opens, you need to pause and study the rules for submitting an electronic appeal. After reading the submission rules, you must click on the link below the rules.

After this, a form will open that needs to be filled out.

At the bottom of the form you must attach scanned documents, as well as write the text of the appeal. The text cannot exceed 4,000 characters. The size of the attached file cannot exceed 50 MB. It is acceptable to attach photos

It is imperative to indicate the method for receiving a response from the State Housing Inspectorate. The result of the request will be sent to email, if you indicate this in the application. It is possible to receive a response by registered mail, but in this case you will have to wait much longer for the result. On average, it takes from 2 to 5 days to process one complaint.

After processing the application, the State Housing Property Inspectorate will check the activities of the management company. If violations are confirmed, the State Housing Property Committee may revoke the license issued to the management company. Without it, the organization will not be able to continue its activities. .

Option No. 2 - complaint to Rospotrebnadzor

You can write an appeal using the text that was compiled for the complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate. It is necessary to make minor corrections, indicating a violation of consumer rights, since the management company does not fulfill its duties.

The text of the complaint must reflect the request for an inspection. Next, attach copies of documents to the text of the complaint and send them by registered mail.

You can also write to Rospotrebnadzor on its official website or through the portal public services. The complaint process will be shown using the second method. To do this, you need to be registered on the appropriate portal.

You need to go to personal account and click on the “Service Catalog” tab. From the list that opens, you must select the “Authorities” section. This tab contains the necessary supervisory authority

In the list of services that opens, you must select the fifth item from the top. After this, you will be taken to a tab with information about the service, where at the bottom there will be a link to go to the organization’s website. On the website you need to find an electronic reception, and then select the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor. The system will take you to the desired site where you need to fill out the form.

Option No. 3 - lawsuit

Another effective way force the management company to fulfill its obligations - file an administrative claim in court. To do this, you need to use the services of a lawyer who has experience in courts with management companies. It is very important to find a specialist who understands housing law.

He needs to show all receipts, documents, requests and recordings of conversations. Together with a lawyer, it is necessary to draw up a claim, which will stipulate all claims against the company. In addition, the text of the document must contain demands for reimbursement of costs incurred by the consumer due to the lack of heating.

An example text of the statement of claim looks like as follows. The claim must be accompanied by a list of documents confirming material expenses. If exacerbations occurred during the shutdown period chronic diseases, you must attach a certificate from a medical institution

If problems with heat supply arise in an apartment building, then you need to involve your neighbors and write a collective statement. The claims of owners and responsible tenants will most likely be satisfied by the court. The defendant will be required to comply with the court decision.

Option No. 4 - application to the local prosecutor's office

If the heating situation has not returned to normal, you must contact the prosecutor's office. In addition to the management company, inspections will also be carried out on requests that remained unanswered by the supervisory authorities.

You can only submit an application to the prosecutor's office in person. To do this, you need to find out the address and come with ready-made documents. You need to write an application for an urgent inspection at the management company. Copies of unanswered requests must be attached to the application.

Option No. 5 - contacting the President's reception

If there is no response from the prosecutor's office, you need to write to the president's reception. This can be done on the website by filling out the electronic form. Once a complaint is received, it will be reviewed and a decision will be made to order inspections, forwarding it to the relevant supervisory authorities.

You can write a collective appeal. To draw up a complaint, you can use an existing sample or write it in any form. You need to attach photographs and copies of supporting documents, this will reduce the time to receive a response.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Interview with the head of the State Housing Inspectorate:

The video explains how to get your money back for lost heat:

The following video briefly shows how the temperature in residential buildings is monitored:

Problems that arise with the supply of heat to residential buildings must be resolved by the management company in a routine manner. If an organization ignores its direct responsibilities, it can be forced.

Utility customers rarely take their case to court hearings, although this provides an incentive for the utility company to comply with its responsibilities. In addition to compensation for costs, you may be required to check the validity of the accrued rent. If violations are discovered, a recalculation will be required by court decision.

With the arrival of the cold season, health and comfortable life of all citizens largely depends on what temperature will be in their apartments or houses. Timely, and most importantly, high-quality provision of heat is the task of public utilities. If the heating does not work, or works but poorly, this is a gross violation on the part of the utilities.

Cold or slightly warm batteries will not be able to provide a comfortable temperature for living. Residents faced with a similar problem often simply do not know where to file a complaint. They turn on the heaters and wait patiently instead of contacting the utility company.

The second problem that Russians often face is ignorance of the rules for drawing up such complaints. This is due to the fact that the current legislation of Russia has many specific features and nuances, and only a qualified specialist can understand them.

Sometimes the most insignificant mistake becomes the reason for refusal to consider a claim. For this reason, experts strongly recommend contacting an experienced lawyer who will help you correctly formulate the document, give recommendations regarding subsequent actions, and answer related questions.

Of course, today there are many companies providing legal services in the country, but contacting any of them will be accompanied by significant financial costs. Today, Russians prefer remote communication with specialists.

This is not surprising, since the effectiveness of online consultation is high, but at the same time, help received remotely allows Russians to achieve significant savings cash, effort and time. To communicate with a lawyer online, all you need is a computer, laptop or smartphone connected to the Internet.

Where can I file a complaint if there is no heating in my apartment?

If the heating in a private house or apartment works poorly or does not work at all, residents should take action as quickly as possible. First of all, you need to make sure that you have a document on hand confirming the absence of heat. When drawing up this act, residents, representatives of utility services and government officials must be present.

Corresponding “invitations” to housing and communal services workers and the city administration are sent to in writing through the post office. You should also ensure that you receive notification of delivery of letters. Notification will play a key role in the event that a representative of one of the structures is not present when drawing up the act. If the applicant has confirmation of the sending of the corresponding letter, then only those who are present at its formation can sign the act.

Of course, citizens have a well-founded question about where to send their complaint. First of all, a sample claim is written to the utility service that supplies the heat. If it is not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully, then Russians have the right to take radical measures and file a complaint with one of the following authorities:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Prosecutor's Office;

Upon receipt of a complaint, employees of the relevant structure will organize an inspection and punish the perpetrators. It is important to remember that going to court is a last resort. You should only file a lawsuit if other means of obtaining justice have failed.

Another nuance that should be taken into account concerns the material side of the conflict. If the case reaches the courts, then the injured party has the right to demand from the utility companies not only to correct the situation with the heat supply, but also to compensate for the moral damage caused.

To achieve justice in court, experts strongly recommend that citizens seek help from a specialist by issuing a power of attorney to represent their interests. If an experienced lawyer deals with this issue, this will guarantee that the interests of the citizen will be under reliable protection.

Features of filing a complaint about lack of heating

In accordance with current regulations, minimum temperature, permissible for residential premises, is 18˚С. If actual figures do not meet the established criterion, this is a valid basis for filing a complaint. It is important to take into account that regardless of which structure the document is submitted to, it must be drawn up in compliance with the rules of the Russian language and not contain errors.

Today there is no strict template for writing a complaint about non-working heating, so the form of the document can be free. However, the claim must meet the requirements business letter and etiquette. The text should not contain phrases with an emotional connotation, rude expressions or obscene statements. When writing a complaint, you should strive to be as concise and informative as possible. The document must also contain the following information:

  • The name of the organization to which the complaint is being sent;
  • Exact residential address (if this is apartment building, then indicate the number of residents);
  • Data from the contract with the utility service;
  • Description of the problem;
  • Legal justification;
  • Applicant's requirements;
  • The time during which the complainant waits for a response;
  • Date of submission of the document and signatures of the residents.

Regardless of which method is chosen to solve the problem, experts strongly recommend filing a collective complaint. If the appeal comes from several residents at once, it will be considered as quickly as possible. Most often, the period for making a decision on a case varies from 10 to 30 days.

As for the method of sending a complaint, in addition to using the services of the post office, you can write a complaint through the official Internet portal of the selected structure. If the document is drawn up in ordinary written form, then the applicant must keep a copy of it.

What to do if the batteries do not heat up?

Heating season for residents apartment building very often turns into a real nightmare. Poor quality provision of services by housing and communal services, management company, housing department, housing office is punishable by law. What to do if the heating is poor and the temperature in the house is low. What if there is no heating at all, although it should not have been turned off yet (or vice versa, it should have already been turned on)? How to write a complaint correctly and where to write it if it’s cold in the apartment? In the housing department or in the housing and communal services, in the management company or in the housing office? Who should repair a broken heating system? What standards does SanPin establish regarding the supply of heat to residential premises? How to prove poor quality services and that it was really cold in the apartment? What is the reason that the heating of residential premises in an apartment building is poor and who should replace old batteries?

And a million more questions on this topic that both apartment owners, landlords and tenants would like to get answers to. There is no need to freeze and be afraid. Write complaints and claims to the organization that maintains your apartment building. After all, the lack of heating automatically makes your home uninhabitable. If there is no result from contacting housing and communal services employees, contact the housing inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court. The most important thing is to know how to properly conduct an examination and draw up a report stating that the temperature in the apartment is really low for a long time.

In order to achieve truly effective results from a complaint/claim, first obtain advice from lawyers practicing in the field of housing law on our portal completely free of charge.

Why doesn't it hold up? normal temperature in the apartment? Will anything change if it is periodically repaired? separate areas heating systems? Where does the heat go? Most of the houses were built many years ago. The batteries were installed at the same time. By what principle do radiators produce heat? Hot water passes through them, which heats the batteries, and they, in turn, share it with the living space. Water contains various substances (including chemical salts). They gradually fill the system, settling inside the radiator batteries. Accordingly, the volume of hot water in the system decreases, and the batteries give off less and less heat. As a result, the apartment becomes cold and statements, complaints and claims begin to fly to the management company, housing office, housing and communal services, housing department, Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office. And here the question arises: who should replace the radiators? Can the owner count on the provision of such services from the housing and communal services or housing office? Is it possible to repair the heating system yourself? Of course, no one will buy you radiators and install them in your apartment at the expense of housing and communal services. Unless, of course, these items are specified in the house maintenance contract and money was not collected for such needs.

You need to know that if you decide to replace the heating system in your apartment, you must obtain permission. The fact is that if you add the number of batteries in the radiator, the volume of water in the system will increase, and accordingly you will be warmer. But at the same time, the temperature of the living quarters next to your apartment will decrease.

They will begin to figure out where the heat is going from their home. They will write claims and complaints to the management company, housing office and housing and communal services. Will be held independent examination and it turns out that the problem is not in the provision of services poor quality, but your initiative. The owner, and in the case of tenants, the landlord, will be fined and forced to return everything to its original condition.

Complaint about provision of services of inadequate quality

Sample claim for low temperature in the house or to request a recalculation of heating fees due to the provision of services of inadequate quality, you can download on our website. Let's take a closer look at what should be written in it. mandatory. In the header you indicate who you are writing to and your details. It is necessary to indicate not only the details of the organization where the application will be sent, but also the details of the responsible person. Most often, the claim is written to the head of the management company or housing office. Also remember that the applicant is the person who entered into the service agreement. If you decide not to write a statement, but just call, then be prepared for the fact that this does not work and the problem of the quality of heating of residential premises will not be solved. In the main part, first of all, you write down under what number the service agreement was concluded and the date of its conclusion.

Then briefly but in detail, without unnecessary speculation, describe the essence of the problem:

  • write what temperature standards in the house must be observed in accordance with SanPin and SNiP standards;
  • according to the report drawn up in advance, write down how the heating actually works (date, time, temperature - you can even measure the temperature of the water in the radiators);
  • if there is no heating of the premises at all or there was no heating for a certain period of time, indicate this period;
  • if an independent examination was carried out, the results of this examination are attached to the claim, as well as a report on how the heating system actually works;
  • indicate which clauses of the contract and SanPin and SNiP norms (as well as other legal norms) were violated and what liability the heat supply supplier faces for this;
  • express your requirements and the expected course of action from the organization to which you are writing.

Remember that there will be no immediate reaction. Your claim will be considered in accordance with the law on the procedure for considering such appeals from citizens. Find out on what days the housing office, housing department, housing and communal services work (in general, where you wrote) and expect the result.

Norms and recalculation of heat supply fees

The legislation establishes certain standards that the provision of residential heating services must comply with (including SanPin). Violation of these norms is a violation of human rights and threatens the management company with punishment. Insufficient temperature of the water in the battery leads to the fact that the house becomes cold. During the time when the house was cold, you can recalculate utility bills. Resolution 354 establishes the following standards for the temperature in the apartment when the frost outside the windows is thirty degrees:

  • in the central rooms eighteen degrees;
  • eighteen degrees in the kitchen;
  • combined bathroom or bathroom - twenty-five degrees;
  • V corner rooms twenty degrees.

When the outside temperature is colder than 31 degrees, the temperature in the apartment rooms should increase by two degrees accordingly. But you will not be able to recalculate your home heating payment if your toilet is not warm enough. Norms and requirements of SNiP and SanPin toilet rooms do not apply.

Heating standards also include the availability of hot water. The tap water should be between 65 and 75 degrees. At night, the water temperature is allowed to change by five degrees, and during the day only by three.

For the lack of hot water, you can also recalculate utility bills. If the water that should be hot is only forty degrees, you need to pay for it according to the rates cold water. Recalculation of heating fees may also be necessary if a person is not at home for a long time (for example, working on a rotational basis). To do this, you need to write an application to the service company.

Act and examination

If the air temperature in the apartment is clearly not up to normal, this fact must be recorded before complaining. There are two ways to do this. Invite specialists from the management company. Or independently in the presence of three witnesses - residents of the same building and the chairman of the residents' council. Drawing up an act in front of witnesses will be legal if the executor does not arrive within two hours after the application from the owner. If disagreements arise during the quality check of the services provided, an additional examination may be carried out with the involvement of specialists.

The examination can be carried out at the request of the owner or service provider at any time. Although the fee can be recalculated only once a year. But conducting an examination and drawing up a report on poor-quality provision of services may be necessary not only to recalculate the amount of utility bills, but also to write a complaint to the organization with which the service agreement was concluded.

On our website you can find a sample claim to the inspection service servicing your home, SanPin standards, and other regulatory and legal documents necessary for citizens in everyday life. And also get advice from lawyers with extensive experience.

Download a sample application to the housing office or management company for recalculation of the payment for heating residential premises, when there should be heating, but there is none

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