Healing magic of plants. We use the energy of plants

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From early autumn and throughout the cold winter period, flower shops sell unusual indoor plants with elegant bright flowers resembling fluttering butterflies. On one plant on high thin peduncles, from 15 to 30 flowers can bloom and show off at the same time. It's cyclamens!

The color of the flowers of these plants is varied: red, scarlet, purple, lilac, white, all shades of pink ... Flowers are from 2 to 8 cm long, with petals bent back, slightly twisted, oblong-lanceolate. They can be not only plain, but also decorated with spots, strokes, with wavy or fringed edges, with a bright border of a different color. The center-eye of cyclamen is brightly colored and clearly stands out. Many varieties have a delicate floral aroma. The tubers of cyclamens are spherical, more often irregular shape. The leaves are basal, on long petioles, oblong-oval, leathery, dark green with a varied silver or gray-brown pattern, with stripes or a white-yellow edge. The leaves are just as gorgeous and decorative as the unusual, mesmerizing flowers. Most often on sale hybrid varieties Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) and European cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum). Breeders from Holland, France and Germany are successfully working on breeding new varieties. Hybrid varieties appeared not only with large flowers and leaves with a silvery pattern, but also dwarf. The so-called mini-cyclamen.

Cyclamen is referred to as complex and capricious plant. In fact, he is unpretentious and there are no difficulties in keeping this handsome man. My cyclamens have been growing beautifully in our house for more than ten years and delight with plentiful and long flowering. I will give you some basic maintenance and care tips. I hope they help you, and cyclamens long years will decorate your home.

Council the first. Keep in a cool place out of direct sunlight. In a hot room with dry air, cyclamen dies.

Tip two. Regular and proper watering. The plant must be watered moderately and from above. Cyclamen tuber is resistant, hardy and immune to water. But water should not get into the "heart" of the plant, where flower buds and leaves are formed, should not stagnate in the pan. The excess must be poured out. The plant should be fed completely. mineral fertilizer once every 10-14 days.

Tip three. Proper storage plants. After flowering ends, gradually reduce watering. When the leaves and buds wither, place the pot in a cool room. It is necessary to moisten the earth only occasionally and slightly, since the plant is at rest and should not begin to grow ahead of time. In August-September, the dormant period ends. Remove the tuber from the pot, carefully remove the dry roots and plant in a new earthen mixture.

Council the fourth. Correct fit. Cyclamen is a must good drainage. Place a thick layer of expanded clay or pieces of foam on the bottom of the pot. Then pour in a nutrient earth mixture consisting of leaf ground, peat, humus and perlite (2:1:1:1). Place the tuber in the center of the pot.

Water the plant generously and place in a cool, well-lit area. After transplantation and before flowering, feed twice a month with a complete mineral fertilizer, and when the first buds appear, with a fertilizer with phosphorus.

Tip five. Reproduction. Cyclamens reproduce by dividing the tuber. If several growth points have formed on the tuber, it is cut, the cut is sprinkled with ash and dried well so that it does not rot.

Cyclamens are also propagated by seeds. They can be bought at flower shops. In 1g of seeds - from 30 to 100 pieces. Soak dry seeds in warm water, not more than 24 hours. In small trays, fill light soil with a pH of 5-6, sow the seeds and sprinkle on top thin layer peat, which is kept moist throughout the germination period. Cover the tray with glass and place in the darkest corner of the room, as bright light inhibits seed germination. The temperature should be from +15 °С to +20 °С. At higher levels, seed germination is reduced. Shoots will appear in 20-40 days. When young plants have 3-4 true leaves and their root system already formed, transplant the plants into small pots. Feed twice a month liquid fertilizers. Young plants will bloom in 1–1.5 years. As they grow, young cyclamens are transplanted, better way transshipment, together with a clod of earth into larger pots. In April, when the air temperature at night is not lower than + 10 ° C, adult cyclamens can be taken outside and kept on balconies in boxes or containers, in flowerpots.

The ancient Romans sincerely believed that cyclamens were able to protect from the evil eye and from all kinds of slander, and therefore ranked their flowers as family talismans-amulets. AT occult sciences cyclamens were considered plants that patronize women, and were a symbol of love, marriage, motherhood. Ancient treatises of magic and white magic claimed that cyclamen brings happiness to the house. They were decorated with flowers festive table during weddings and engagements, used in rituals love spell. However, love came to them, most likely because in traditional medicine Since the time of Hippocrates, cyclamens have been treated and continue to treat many diseases. The famous ancient Roman scientist Dioscorides described cyclamen in his work `De Materia Medica` and advised him to treat snake bites with ointments. Pills from the crushed tuber were recommended to women to facilitate childbirth. And the tincture was considered an excellent means of increasing vitality body, including enhancing sexual activity. As you can see, cyclamen is not only a medicine, a talisman, but also a magnificent, long-flowering houseplant, which can be a wonderful gift. Why not? After all, there is a reason for this: Valentine's Day, or Valentine's Day, which is celebrated in many countries around the world on February 14th. On this day, lovers exchange "valentines", give each other small gifts, wish happiness and love. And, of course, they give flowers. Gift your loved ones blooming cyclamen! It will be a gift with great meaning and a talisman of your love and happiness!

When planting a Persian cyclamen, the tuber must be covered with an earthen mixture by two-thirds, since its roots grow only in the lower part. And when planting a European cyclamen, the tuber is completely buried, since its roots are located over the entire surface.

European cyclamen sometimes produces daughter nodules, which are separated during transplantation.

The genus Cyclamen belongs to the Primulaceae family and includes approximately 20 species. In nature, cyclamens are found on the islands of the Mediterranean, in the hot countries of the Middle East, in Turkey, Lebanon, Iran, the Caucasus, the Crimea and Bulgaria. Plants grow in groups in deciduous forests on mountain slopes, on sandy hills, in mountain forests. In Europe, cyclamen is called "pork bread", in the south of Russia - "dryakva". The people call cyclamen " alpine violet» for a delicate aroma reminiscent of the smell of violets.

Cyclamen is a very beautiful and noble flower, whose name comes from Greek and means round. There are about 20 species of this plant that are distributed in northeast Africa and grow from Spain to Iraq.

Every year, the popularity of this flower only increases, thanks to its beautiful appearance. Only two types of cyclamen are used as indoor plants - European and Persian. Cyclamen has been able to delight households with its beautiful flowering and bright flowers.

Leaves, houseplant cyclamen has an amazing silvery or grayish pattern, which looks great on their dark green color.

And the flowers of this plant are completely capable of constantly surprising with their originality. They have a pointed and curved back shape, which sometimes resembles exotic motley butterflies.

The color of flowers is the most diverse, for example, light or dark pink, velvety red or even burgundy, and also bright purple. The flowering of cyclamen appears for a very long time, for 3.5 months. Usually this plant blooms from late October until almost mid-March, that is, the main flowering occurs in winter period.

Cyclamen is not at all a whimsical flower, although many say the opposite. When a plant blooms, it needs to provide good lighting but not direct sunlight, especially in a cool place. The home cyclamen plant loves moderate temperatures, so in winter time the room should be at least 10-14 degrees Celsius.

But very hot air temperature can adversely affect cyclamen. If, nevertheless, the temperature in the apartment cannot be reduced, then this plant must be sprayed often, but make sure that water does not fall on the flowers and tubers of the plant. The flower itself loves scattered good light, but if flowering was delayed in the spring, then it should not be exposed to direct and bright sunlight.

Watering the plant also needs to be carefully monitored. You can not overdry and re-moisten it, make sure that the water in the pan is not going to and pour it out in time. Cyclamen loves exceptionally soft and well-settled water.

An important point in caring for a plant, this is the collection of wilted leaves. In no case should they be cut off with scissors or a knife, they must be twisted and very carefully torn off, while observing the sprout zone.

It is important to transplant the plant correctly, you need to make sure that the third part of the tuber is above the ground. Cyclamen does not like to be in a too large and spacious pot, so it must be selected according to the size of the tuber.

When transplanting, the ground under the roots of the tuber should in no case be destroyed, it must be transplanted in a whole lump, and new soil should be added on the sides. A month after transplanting the cyclamen plant, the flower must be fed with fertilizers. You need to use already prepared liquid mixtures that will help improve plant growth.

Even in Greece, this flower was called sleeping in summer, because, unlike others flowering plants, as mentioned earlier, he pleases with his flowers only in winter.

Cyclamen has amazing magical properties and Feng Shui masters believe that he is able to control and balance the energy in the apartment. If the household has an unstable and different energy, then this flower is able to combine it and create a feeling of peace and satisfaction in the house.

Chinese teaching says that this plant combines two strong elements - Water and Earth, where the first prevails. In this regard, cyclamen should not be placed next to the battery and other heating appliances that may be in the apartment. The flower will benefit people who often succumb to the negative influence of others, have a weak character and are prone to frequent mood swings and are too emotional.

Cyclamen flower, properties has the strongest and most influential, compared to others indoor plants. It helps the owners get rid of shyness, get used to the new atmosphere and cheer up. Also, this flower is closely related to human activities and develops a creative eye and imagination.

If you place this plant in the office or in the manager's office, then it helps to rally the team, develop leadership skills and charge everyone with the energy of the organizer. His strength and powerful energy makes people unite and work together to conquer career heights and achieve success.

The shades of cyclamen flowers are also able to influence various human feelings. Raspberry blossoms will help to acquire great and strong feelings, pink ones are responsible for romance and emotionality, but white will balance and improve things in any field of activity.

To calm and balance the behavior of a capricious child, you should put the plant in his room. Feng Shui plants of this kind should be available to all leaders whose job is to communicate with many people.

Cyclamen is not suitable for all people; it best affects the temperament of sanguine people. It has a wonderful effect on people born under the sign of the zodiac Taurus and in the years of the Boar and the Monkey.

The organizational spirit, the calmness of capricious children, the increase in self-confidence and the development of personal opinion and initiative - all this can bring to the owner's house an amazing and very beautiful plant cyclamen.

Cyclamen not only affects the energy of a person and allows him to cope with shyness, but also brings real aesthetic pleasure to its owners.

Domestic cyclamen is a plant that was originally wild and grew in nature. Now, cyclamen at home is not a rare guest - the plant is very beautiful, decorative and popular. Cyclamen has heart-shaped silver-patterned leaves, flowers sit on tall peduncles, the petals of the flowers are bent. Cyclamens have not only entered our homes, but also our gardens - garden cyclamen is also not uncommon today.

Basics of Growing Cyclamens

Basics of Growing Cyclamens

Cyclamens need to be grown seedling way, therefore, for starters, they are sown at home in bowls with a specially prepared substrate, and when the sprouts that appear get stronger, they are planted in the garden in open ground. The soil in the garden must be permeable, i.e. water should not stagnate in the area with cyclamens. The place should be shaded, but the sun's rays should fall on the site either in the morning or in the evening. If the soil is humus - perfect! One of the most popular types of cyclamen is ivy-leaved cyclamen, which blooms just in early to mid-autumn.

Video about growing cyclamen

Properties of home cyclamen - signs

There are beliefs that homemade cyclamen has Negative influence on men in the family, although there is no evidence of this, therefore, a cyclamen flower at home can grow anywhere in the apartment, as long as it has enough bright diffused lighting.

Homemade cyclamen for men

It is also said that cyclamens have a positive effect on the aura of those people who stand out for their activity. Besides, indoor cyclamen helps to reveal the hidden possibilities of those who live in the same house with him.

Properties of home cyclamen - signs

Cyclamen helps to get rid of the burden of public opinion, helps to realize that the opinion of others is not so important, that you need to live for yourself, and not as people around you see fit, most often - generally unfamiliar or unfamiliar. Roughly speaking, it brings you back to childhood, makes you more relaxed and spontaneous, helping you to concentrate on own desires, and not on the desires of people living nearby.

Indoor cyclamen for women

Cyclamen helps women to open up sexually, show true femininity, become charming and attractive, opens the chakras that are in charge of self-realization. It helps to stop looking around and concentrate on yourself, on your inner self.

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Card of the day - 7 Staves. Flower - Cyclamen.

Cyclamen (lat. Cýclamen)- a genus of plants from the family Myrsinaceae, sometimes referred to the family Primroses (Primulaceae), and includes about 20 species. The name comes from the Greek word "kyklas" - round and is associated with the shape of tubers in some species of the genus. It is also called alpine violet. vernacular name- "earth bread".
Cyclamen - perennial herbaceous plant, common in Mediterranean; from Spain in the west to Iran in the east, as well as in Northeast Africa, including Somalia.
Basal dark green leathery leaves heart-shaped are located on long reddish-brown petioles and have a decorative grayish-silver pattern. The leaves are silvery gray above and green below.
tubers flat-o round shape up to 15 cm in diameter. The tuber has only one growth point, and damage to it leads to the death of the plant.
flowers pointed, curved back, pale white, pink, bright red. Very fragrant. Their fringed petals give the impression that a flock of exotic butterflies are circling above the plant.

Flowering continues for quite a long time - from the second half of October to the end of March. With caring and loving care, cyclamen becomes more and more beautiful with age. If cyclamens are grown in groups, then their impact will increase.
Like all tuberous plants, Persian cyclamen has a dormant period. Drops leaves during dormancy.
All types of cyclamen are poisonous..

There is a very beautiful legend about cyclamen.
It says that when King Solomon built the temple, he decided to invent a crown for himself. The masters offered him crowns of the most different shapes, but none of them suited the king. Feeling upset, he went for a walk through the fields and hills and saw that the whole earth was covered with a flower carpet. Each flower tried to attract royal attention and offered the king to test himself as a crown. But the humble King Solomon did not want his head to be crowned with self-satisfied and boastful flowers.
Returning back to the temple, he noticed a timid pink cyclamen lurking among the rocks. His eyes lit up, and he decided to make himself a crown in the shape of this particular flower. The king thought that this crown would be a reminder to him that the people needed to be ruled wisely and at the same time modestly.
After the death of King Solomon, cyclamen became sad and bowed his head even lower ...

The main properties of the flower: love, protection from evil forces, including energy ones. Influence: drives away bad dreams, dispels unreasonable fears, protects from disappointments, malevolent thoughts, bad thoughts, envy and evil spells. Specific use: Grow in the bedroom for protection from evil forces while you sleep. Plant outside to protect your garden and home. Carry flowers with you and you will drown out the feeling of sadness for lost love. If carried with you, it will help against infertility.
Occult meaning is the magic transformation of the field.
Magic use:E then sacred plant giving happiness to the family. Cyclamen protects from evil spells, various malevolent messages, envy, obsessions, bad thoughts, bad dreams. This unusual plant is a must have in the house. And then your family will be protected. And this, in turn, means maintaining peace in the family, friendly relations, calmness.
Cyclamen creates a field (with a radius of approximately 5 meters), within which evil forces do not act. If a negative impact on a person happened outside this field, then, having fallen into the zone of action of cyclamen, a person is cleansed of the influence of evil forces and spells. Moreover, cyclamen protects only members of the family that owns the flower and cares for it (that is, the effect of the flower does not apply to guests and other visitors to the house). The main property of cyclamen is the protection of the owner.
In order for the plant to be able to completely “take you under its guardianship”, it must be placed at the head of the bed. Arrange the plant preferably with right side, at a distance of no more than 1-1.5 meters from the head. Cyclamen has the most beneficial effect on a person when a person is sleeping. It is at this time that the subtle structures of the body are cleansed.
The most powerful magical colors of cyclamen are pink and white. Despite the fact that this plant belongs to the elements of water, it has a "fiery flower" - a flame located in the middle of the plant. If a person has a severe psychological state (chronic stress, depression), then under the influence of the cyclamen field, improvement can occur after 7 nights from the moment the cyclamen is placed in the bedroom.

Influence on the atmosphere of the house: The flower successfully combines water and earth elements. In order for the plant to feel good, it needs moist air and abundant watering. Sunlight, joy, inspiration live in the flowers of cyclamen.
This plant is useful to have in those houses where they live or often visit emotional people with a soft, supple, changeable, weak character, where they live moon people strongly dependent on their mood, on the opinions of others. The weak character of a person, his emotional dependence on the people around him, creates a mood of isolation in the atmosphere of the house. This state of the atmosphere can be the cause of discomfort in the house and many household diseases. But the sunny flowers of cyclamen liberate the closed energy. Cyclamen in the house is a warming sun.
Cyclamen helps his master at overcome isolation and shyness. If you are lonely and feel like you are not loved, cyclamen will comfort you.
Thanks to cyclamen, a relaxed atmosphere is created in the house. In such a house, people's mood rises, there is a desire to do something pleasant for each other. Guests in such a house feel at ease, their embarrassment disappears. Cyclamen is very useful when people of incompatible characters gather in the house. Under the subtle influence of cyclamen, different people begin to feel needed by each other, to feel like one family. Cyclamen is very useful to have in a house where there are capricious children. He negates conflicts, calms children. The bright sun of cyclamen, playing in its flowers, endowed the plant with the ability to inspire people. Both children and adults under the influence of cyclamen become more active. Children come up with games and activities for themselves and require less attention from adults. Adult people have a desire to decorate the house, to do something for everyone's joy.
Health impact: The moon, which rules this plant most, is the planet of adaptation. If you have cyclamen in your house, you will quickly adapt to any harmful influences. environment. The Sun, clearly expressed in the flowers of this plant, endowed cyclamen with the ability to warm a person. Cyclamen is very useful for those who are afraid of the cold, who are allergic to cold, who get cold at the mere thought of winter.
Ecology: cyclamen persian eliminates harmful substances.
Energy fluctuations: warm radiation, activates human activity.
Map value:

Today, a difficult situation is possible in your environment. Suspicions, hidden or open confrontation, even a quarrel can take you by surprise. Try not to surrender to the power of negative feelings and emotions, and resolve the conflict peacefully. Be full of determination and self-confidence. The truth is on your side.

The Greeks called the flower sleeping in summer cyclamen. He is perennial, forming an almost perfectly round corm. Therefore, the name of this flower comes from the word "cyclos" - a circle. Our ancestors gave delicate flower the name “dryakva”, and even called “pork bread” because wild boars did not disdain its tubers.

Cyclamen restores energy order. If the inhabitants of the house are distinguished by an unstable mood, their energy is unstable, cyclamen brings this disunited, heterogeneous energy to a common denominator, unites the inhabitants of the house, gives them a sense of community, a sense of family unity.

Cyclamen combines the elements of Earth and Water with a predominance of water element. It should not be placed near batteries. central heating and other heating appliances, as it needs moist air.

Cyclamen is useful for people who are susceptible to other people's influences, weak-willed, with frequent emotional swings. It helps to overcome shyness, cheers up, helps to adapt to a new environment. Stimulates activity and creative imagination.

Cyclamen gives everyone organizational energy, it is easier for people to unite and do something together. Cyclamen takes root well in the offices of managers, in the reception rooms of directors, in the premises of the accounting department.

Useful for anyone who works with people. If you are a leader and want to create a friendly team at your enterprise, a team of like-minded people, your best helper- cyclamen, as its energy unites people.

If you want to bring more feeling to life - take raspberry cyclamen, if you want romance - take white or red, if your goal is regularity and clarity in business - choose white cyclamen

For good health, cyclamen needs regular watering. When watering, make sure that water does not fall on the germ zone of the corm, leaves and flowers. Therefore, it is better to water the plant closer to the edge of the pot or into the pan.

Usually, from late spring, cyclamen begins a dormant period. Leaves and flowers wither. Not fallen leaves are removed mechanically- gently twist or carefully cut with scissors, trying not to touch the tuber. During this period, it is necessary to significantly reduce the watering of the plant. It is enough to prevent the earthen coma from drying out in a pot. It is also recommended to move the cyclamen to a shaded, cool place. You can allocate a shady corner for a plant in the fresh air.

And remember, cyclamens don't like high temperature and dry air. The appearance of the first leaves is a sure sign that the plant has woken up and successfully endured "hibernation".

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