Left and right sides of the body. Spiritual reasons

The physiology of a person is such that not one special sense organ is responsible for his spatial orientation and perception of space, but the interaction of several at once (sight, hearing and touch). Poor or inaccurate formation of spatial representations can adversely affect the level of the child's intellectual development.

The topic "right and left" is studied at school quite fluently. However, quite a few adults confuse right and left. The ability to distinguish between right and left sides is an important prerequisite for many types of learning. Children entering the 1st grade are often still poorly oriented in space and on a plane. Most of them get confused in distinguishing between the right and left sides of the body, especially in relation to other people. The greatest difficulties in developing this skill are in left-handed children.

Therefore, it is necessary to devote a sufficient amount of time to developing this skill, conducting classes with the child in the form of various games and exercises.

The child needs to start introducing the concept of “right” and “left” as early as possible! The child does not confuse the leg and the arm, so why does he confuse the right arm and the left? They are different parts of the body! The child learns to understand the words "foot", "hand" in early infancy, and the question of right and left arises before him much later, when the development of new words is no longer so easy.

How to find the right hand?

The right hand is often looked for with the help of a habitual action (trying to take a spoon, for example). Dahl's dictionary defines the right hand as "baptized" (compare with Pushkin: "he still could not get them all to know which side is right and which is left, although many of them, in order not to make a mistake, put on themselves before each turn sign of the cross). Here is another way - for those who can read. Imagine any word (for example, "shop"). The first letter of this word is on the left, the last letter is on the right. Usually people read from left to right without thinking.

Right is not left and left is not right

How strange everything is! What is right for me turns out to be left for the one who is facing me. In order to understand him, I must (mentally or physically) put myself in his place, stand next to him, look at the world through his eyes.

Thinking about something from the perspective of another person is not easy. But the value of this skill cannot be overestimated. At least, it goes far beyond education itself.

COMMENT: Ask the child to put his hands together as in the picture. Read the captions under the pictures. Discuss how the right hand came to be on the left. Ask the child to put his left hand on his right knee, clap his right hand on his left foot, and reach his right ear with his right foot. You can stomp with your right foot and swing with your left hand at the same time. In motion, many things are easier to remember.

In European countries, people greet each other by shaking their right hands.

Task number 1. Determine where the beetle has the right parts of the body and where the left. Fill in the boxes with the words:

What antennae of a beetle do we see to the left of its head?

Task number 2. The man entered the labyrinth. First, he put his right hand on the wall and walks forward without taking his hand off the wall. Through which exit will he exit the labyrinth? Answer: exit number ___. Then he put his left hand on the wall and walks forward, also keeping his hands on the wall. What exit will he come to? Answer: exit number ___.

COMMENT: This task requires a certain degree of accuracy. Ask your child to draw the person's path along the walls of the maze.

Understand now with the drawings and definitions below!

Now complete the task!

Task number 3. Here is the tree. How many leaves are on this tree?

Try to choose a leaf of a tree under any number and write the path yourself how to get there.

Task number 4.

Comment: This task gives the child the main tool: it teaches him to stand on the point of view of another person.

Task number 5. Four fishermen will have dinner at the table.

Imagine yourself sitting on one of the stools.

Where is your right hand?

Draw a fork and a knife near each plate so that each fisherman sees the knife to the right of the plate and the fork to the left.

Comment: Try to solve this task not only in theory, but also in practice, changing from chair to chair around the dining table.

Task number 6. Carrots, pears and apples are drawn in a row.

Show me the rightmost carrot.

Show me the leftmost pear.

Name the fruits that are drawn to the left of the leftmost carrot?

Now do a similar task yourself: Draw four triangles and three circles in a row so that the rightmost circle is to the left of the leftmost triangle.

Draw the rightmost circle.

Circle the leftmost triangle.

Which of these figures is located to the left?

Task number 7. Here is a series of letters.

What is the rightmost letter in this row? Name it?

What is the leftmost letter in this row? Name it?

List all the letters that are located to the left of the letter P?

How many letters in this row are located to the right of the letter R?

Task number 8. Draw a fish swimming from right to left. Draw a snake crawling from left to right.

Task number 9. There are four animals in the picture.

Let's list them. In the picture from right to left are drawn: PIG, CAT, GIRAFFE, HARE.

List the animals from left to right (as they usually do).

Show the right ear of each beast.

Whom can a cat see to its left?

List the animals that a giraffe can see to its left?

COMMENT: There are two characters in this task: the child looking at the picture and the animals in the picture. The child first answers the questions from his own point of view, and then from the point of view of animals.

And now let's take a break and read poems about RIGHT and LEFT:

Where is the right, where is the left
The student stood at a fork in the road.
Where is the right, where is the left, he could not understand.
But suddenly the student scratched his head
With the same hand that he wrote with.
And he threw the ball, and flipped through the pages.
And he held a spoon, and swept the floors.
"Victory!" came a jubilant cry.
Where is the right, where is the left, the student learned.

Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home!
Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
Again with the right foot
Again with the left foot
After - with the right foot,
After - the left foot.
That's when you come home!

3. You can remember the fun boogie-woogie dance and dance it:

Right hand forward
And then her back
And again forward it
And shake it up a little.
We dance boogie woogie

Let's talk about mirroring!

Many parents face this problem. Even if the baby knows perfectly well where he has the right and where he has the left, he will definitely be confused with the mirror image. You can tell him for a very long time what is what, but, as you know, it’s better to see once ... Plant a doll or bear with its back to the child and ask where the toy has its right paw. After the baby answers, tie ribbons on this paw and on the baby’s right hand. Now turn the toy ‛facing‛ to the child. What comes out? Ribbons are on different sides! Turn the toy back again. The ribbons matched. Let the baby spin the toy several times to figure out what is happening. You can tie ribbons on the paws of several toys and experiment with them. You can put the bracelet on the child's hand and play with the reflection in the mirror. It is important that the baby understands that the right hand has remained right. And the magic happens because of the change in the position of objects relative to each other.

The article used materials from the manual: "Left and right. Orientation on the plane and in space. Point of view."

Good afternoon! I hope I didn't make a mistake with the thread.

My name is Artem, age 30, height 178, weight 65. Work in the office at the computer. Automobile. There are no sports activities.

Complaints: spasms, pandiculation and numbness in the right side of the body. Neck muscle on the right, shoulder, arm after the elbow, right muscle near the shoulder blade, and right leg. There was no loss of strength in the limbs. Just a feeling of slight spasm, pulling in the muscles.
The right side is also noticeably colder. I ask the spouse to touch the skin on the hands and feet - confirms that the right skin is colder. I feel even when blinking that the right eyelid feels different.
Plus, blood pressure jumps to 150/100.
The average pressure is 135/85, the pulse is 85, and my working one is 115/75.

What started it all. Since 2014, I have been suffering from a slight neurosis and frequent insomnia. At the beginning of 2017, the right trapezoid and the muscle on the back were very drawn. I went to the massage therapist in April 2017, after 3 procedures everything went well, I felt great. For prevention, I went to him until July 2017.

In August 2017, he felt severe shortness of breath and pain in the right lower abdomen. I went to the hospital - the gastroenterologist said everything was fine. But the pulmonologist diagnosed bronchial asthma. Put Foster on a can.

Went to the gym. Found a studio with private trainers. According to their methodology, before starting a lesson, they did "massage procedures": you lie down on a mat on your stomach, and she presses with a finger or a stick on different muscles on the back to the point of pain, to a spasm. On the shoulder blade, armpit, finds the smallest and squeezes. He says we need blood to come there and we will pump it. Then you just go to the shells and exercise under control.
Against the background of these trainings, my head began to hurt, I can not sleep. Before going to bed there were either panic attacks or other crises. Didn't measure pressure. I thought maybe the neurosis from overwork.

Went to a neurologist. I am attaching all his tests and treatment.
I did an ultrasound of the vessels and looked at the fundus, after that I started to do manual and said to drink Mexidol, at the same time I got in line for an MRI.
Against her background, already after 2 procedures, 2 days later, the pressure hit: 160/110, I had to call an ambulance. He said to continue. It happens, he wrote out a bunch of pills and we continued.
By the 7th visit, I had an MRI of the vessels of the brain, neck, and lower back. The doctor said we were heading in the right direction.
But against the background of manual therapy, the pressure was kept at 140/90. The little fingers on her hands began to go numb. Nervousness and anxiety appeared.
According to the diagnosis, he explained to me that the brain does not have enough blood, and therefore the pressure and panic attacks.
At the beginning of December, I completed the procedures on my own initiative. The doctor prescribed a bunch of pills again and sent him to rest. I told him that I was flying to Thailand with my family for the whole of January. I want to get back to normal.
To which he gave me advice: "fly, drink beer, put your nerves in order, It's all on your nerves, more rest, alcohol and sex - then everything will pass."
In Thailand, I tried to drink beer 2 times - it didn’t work, the neurosis intensified, I didn’t drink anymore. I stopped measuring pressure so as not to think about it.
When walking, I noticed that my right side gets tired faster than the left and in general. But it didn't really bother me. After swimming in the sea - a headache.
I flew home in February. I went to my massage therapist, because. my neck started hurting again. It let go again, I didn’t measure the pressure, but I felt it sometimes.

On March 3, I allowed myself a home feast, drank 3 liters of beer per day. And since March 4, I have strange sensations on the right side of my body and I feel increased pressure.

If I made a mistake with the branch, tell me.
Thank you very much in advance for your opinion and advice!

Our higher mind itself chooses the body for incarnation. It is the main tool for realizing the goals and objectives of a particular incarnation and allows us to exist in the physical world. The body is a perfect mechanism, which, nevertheless, is subject to certain negative effects. Diseases often affect him, while only the left or right side of the body can suffer, esotericism gives an answer to the question of why this happens.

Male energy on the right side of the body

In every person there are two types of energies: male and female. Their harmony and balance is the key to longevity and good health. Violation of the energy balance leads to the development of diseases. According to esotericism, the right side of the body represents male energy and is characterized by the following features:

  • personifies the ability to achieve success, assert oneself and rule;
  • corresponds to strength and intellectual features;
  • reflects the relationship to the outside world.

A strong masculine principle ensures success in a career, high social position, status, and power. It can be developed in both men and women. In men, the imbalance of energy flows on the right side of the body can be caused by the following problems:

  • lack of self-confidence;
  • failures in professional activity;
  • conflicts in the family that suppress a man;
  • inability to express masculine qualities.

All this is reflected in the circulation of male energy, causing psychological problems and various diseases in the right side of the body.

For women, the situation is slightly different. An internal conflict arises if a woman is in a difficult life situation and is forced to develop masculine qualities in order to cope with it. The same situation arises if a woman actively pursues a career and shows assertiveness and other qualities characteristic of men. Male energy, taken out of balance in women, leads to diseases in which the right side of the body is affected, says esotericism.

The female energy of the left side of the body

The left side reflects the feminine. The female energy of creation personifies wisdom, intuition and calmness. It gives a person the following options:

  • show creative abilities and be realized in art;
  • take care of loved ones, show compassion, help those in need;
  • experience a wide range of emotions and feelings.

Female energy allows a person to look deep into himself, explore his inner world and develop intuition.

Men whose female energy is in a depressed state are not able to be sensitive, caring and gentle. They have difficulty expressing their feelings, lacking access to creativity and intuition. The energy balance is disturbed, which causes various pathologies in the left side of the body.

For women, the inability to express their femininity and maternal feelings leads to internal conflict. For a woman, it is necessary to take care of someone, to show vulnerability and sensuality.

If you want to know if there is an imbalance of male and female energy in your body, you need to study the interaction with the opposite sex. Unresolved conflicts, negative attitudes and negative emotions towards men or women indicate that the balance is disturbed. In order to keep the left and right sides of the body in balance, esotericism recommends getting rid of negative emotions and feelings associated with the opposite sex.

The body of a woman reacts very subtly to thoughts, emotions, feelings. If you learn to correctly understand the signals that your body gives, you can avoid many troubles and understand yourself better. So.

-Back, waist-

Often, back pain occurs in a woman when she is afraid to trust, to let go of control.

A woman gets what she wants through the energy of relaxation and calmness, in order to surrender and accept everything, you must definitely trust yourself, your family, feel the support of the family, healing the injuries that prevent you from receiving this support.

HOW TO GET ROD SUPPORT: (at least at the minimum level)

- Recognize and accept all representatives of the family, giving them a place in your heart. To fall in love with all representatives of the genus unconditionally. Without conditions, limits and restrictions. They are your relatives, they give you energy. You can accept it and live in peace, or you can resist and carry everything on your back. For the body, this is an incredible load.

- Make obeisances to the family. Just imagine father on the right side, mother on the left. Imagine how their parents stand behind them and so the whole hierarchy. You do not need to know them, just visualize and bow to them for 40 days for 15 minutes.

- In the morning, from 5:00 to 7:00, do the practice of receiving energy from the family. The practice is done for 10 minutes during the week every day. Light the candles, stand up, on the left side imagine the family of your mother, on the right - dad. greet them. Bow down to them. cross your arms as if in prayer just above your chest and say the following: I thank you for your energy, resources and help. And now I ask you to guide me. Help me. I am ready to accept energy and resources from you to serve you and our tribal system, where I am a member of it by my birthright! Stop and feel the energy rising up your legs. Distribute energy throughout the body.

Pain and heaviness in the legs, in the knees is a connection with the Family, with the earth, the purification of generic programs, in particular the programs of pride and humility, and when we lack humility in the Family, our knees hurt. Legs, feet - this is what we stand on the earth, our connection with the earth and the Family, our vitality, fears for our lives.

-Goosebumps, tingling, burning, itching, yawning, tearfulness, sneezing.

This is how the channels work to cleanse the energy channels in our body, they often turn out to be clogged and blocked with “energy dirt”, and when they are cleared, the energies begin to flow better through our body. And then in these places we have such sensations. These sensations should be accepted with gratitude and allowed to leave the body with calmness and acceptance.

-Heaviness and discomfort in the shoulders, neck

Cleansing programs of excessive responsibility, we sometimes put someone on our neck, take on too much, burden ourselves with someone else's responsibility, it is important to realize this if these feelings come, and start working on it. This happens especially often in Childbirth, where strong women who “drag” a lot on themselves. More often, the neck or shoulders hurt when a person takes the position of a "rescuer", taking the responsibility of other people for himself.

It is necessary to realize this and catch ourselves at those moments when we begin to take away the responsibility of another person, to realize that at this moment we unconsciously want to be significant, necessary. Accept this.

- Feelings in the chakras

1 chakra.

When the first chakra is cleared, then there is also heaviness in the legs, burning and burning in the legs, it can pull the stomach itself, there may be unpleasant sensations in the groin. Fears, pictures and memories from childhood may come up, where trust in the world was lost, where some events took place that affected the feeling of vitality and stability. You should not be afraid of these pictures, feel free to look there so that the fear that was laid there leaves the body.

2 chakra.

When the second chakra is cleared, there may be pain and heaviness in the area of ​​the uterus and ovaries, menstruation may come earlier or come 2 times per cycle, the lower back may be pulled, negative attitudes may emerge about one’s own sexuality and intimacy with men, programs for refusing motherhood, from enjoying life. There may also be unpleasant discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is a cleansing process that can be accepted, because when women release attitudes from the 2nd chakra, a great resource comes. Resources can be: inner sexuality, relaxation, self-love and acceptance of your feminine nature.

3 chakra.

When the third chakra is cleared, there may be discomfort in the abdomen, an upset stomach may occur, gastrointestinal diseases may worsen, and studies on the topic of self-confidence, on the topic of money, success, and a sense of joy in life can also go.

4 chakra.

When the fourth chakra is cleared, there may be sensations of heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, a stone in the chest. There may also be purification through tears, through the desire to forgive and ask for forgiveness, through the feeling of love and the opening of the heart center, resentment and moments of heartache and disappointment can be remembered. In the heart chakra conscious negative emotions: resentment, anger, pride, fears.

When the 4th chakra opens, the pain can also be on the right side, as if the heart has moved to the right side. When a woman's 4th chakra opens, it is very important to ground herself: sports, dancing, yoga, tantra. It is very important to stay in contact with the body. For when a woman's 4th chakra is too open, there is no grounding, then such a woman is read by a man as a friend, a spiritual mentor and is not identified as a woman at all.

5 chakra.

When the fifth chakra is cleared, there may be a sore throat, cough, a sore throat, unspoken words may come to someone, you may want to sing. I highly recommend doing the technique for opening the 5th chakra: “Talker”
She is on the YouTube channel. (Zina Shamoyan - "Talking" technique

6 chakra.

When the 6th chakra is cleared, sensations arise in the head, in the region of the third eye, in general, any unpleasant sensations in the head are the purification of the mental plane, that is, thoughts and attitudes. It may seem that the head has become heavier, it becomes harder to think, to concentrate on something.

7 chakra.

When the 7th chakra is cleared, there may be a sensation of pulsation at the crown, a feeling of connection with God.

-Runny nose

If a runny nose has worsened, then this is a cleansing from tears that have not been shed, think about where you didn’t cry. Or is it birth tears that come out like that. In any of these cases, give these secretions an outlet. S[quietly and with acceptance.


Unpleasant sensations in the hands are a clearing of communication, the level of communication and interaction with other people. You often write to me that your hands become so numb that you then hurt them or you can’t move them at all, especially during meditation on pumping the chakras. At this point, it is worth looking at what is your true purpose, are you really doing what you like right now? Have you realized yourself enough in society?

-When something hurts on the left,

it means that the female part of you and the female line of the Family are cleared, on the right - the male.

- Feelings of heat

- come when the negative inside us is burned, moreover, many channels have a fiery nature, as you know, fire has a powerful cleansing effect. Dissolve in these sensations, completely trusting yourself to your body.

- Feeling cold

- this is a study of communication with the dead world, with departed relatives. This is how deep birth traumas are worked out.


This disease contributes to the longing of a woman about her innocence. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the attitude “I am clean, and everything that is happening around is depravity, to which I have nothing to do.”

With a disease, having sex becomes impossible, in this way, the body realizes its deep setting.

A woman regrets her lost spiritual purity and wants to make others believe in her innocence. In addition, thrush may indicate repressed anger.

Among other possible psychological diseases, it is worth noting:

- belief in "right" and "wrong" decisions;

- high importance of the opinions of others and self-punishment for non-compliance.

Thrush, which has been treated for years, is evidence of a deep trauma, up to the denial of one's sexuality, the prohibition of its manifestation.

Cervical erosion

This disease is as common as thrush. On an emotional level, the problem indicates resentment against men. The woman's self-esteem was wounded, and the emotions are so strong that they "do not heal." The unrealized energy of resentment “corrodes” a woman from the inside.

Working with the disease, the psychologist needs to pay attention to the client's worldview, her beliefs about accepting her body and sex. Letting go of a traumatic experience will be accompanied by intense anger.

Problems with the menstrual cycle

Menstruation is a natural process for the female body. In the absence of psychological problems, this process is absolutely painless.

Such a frequent occurrence as painful menstruation, a violation of the cycle is evidence of a deep rejection of one's femininity.

Attitude towards oneself as a woman largely depends on the relationship with the mother. Childhood resentments, hatred of the mother block our connection with our inner woman in adulthood.

In the life of a little girl, mother is the first model of a woman, and by itself is ideal. If a mother offends her daughter, causes her anger, fear, irritation, the baby decides not to be like her, and, accordingly, not to be a woman.

In this situation, the psychologist needs to work with the client on the knowledge and recognition of her femininity, restoring the balance between feminine and masculine. It is equally important to work with fears and beliefs.

As you can see, a woman's health is not only a physiological component, but also an emotional state. In order to be in tune with the body and souls, you need to learn to love yourself, understand and accept. If this cannot be done, I recommend that you carry out deep inner psychological work, after which your life will bring you only joy.

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