Caring for echmea flowers at home. Frequent problems with growing echmea

Striped – Central and South America. It is perfectly adapted to existence in humid equatorial and subequatorial climates.

This unusual plant, attracting attention with the bright colors of leaves and flowers. It is common in indoor culture. The flower is valued for its undemanding conditions and decorative properties.

Description of appearance and flowering

The plant is shaped like a rosette, formed by long and wide leathery leaves. The dark green leaves of Aechmea are decorated with light transverse stripes. There are numerous brownish spines along the edge of the leaf. The leaf width of an adult plant reaches 5-6 cm, and the length is 50 cm.

The root system of Aechmea is superficial. The roots are short and serve mainly for fixation and support.

The height of an adult plant is up to 50 cm.

Aechmea blooms only once in its life. The peduncle grows from the middle of the rosette. At the end it has a large inflorescence that resembles a cone. Numerous flowers, when blooming, have a bluish tint. Over time, their color changes to red or purple.

The plant blooms in late spring or early summer. Flowering continues until late autumn. After its completion, the rosette gradually dies off, forming several offspring. One plant lives up to 4 years.

IN indoor floriculture There is a popular variety of striped echmea - “Primera”. This plant is larger than the original species. Its height reaches 65 cm. The curved leaves are up to 70 cm long. The color of the leaves and flowers is more contrasting.

Photo of striped echmea in the process of care at home and in the natural environment:

For successful cultivation This heat-loving plant needs to know all the features of caring for it. It requires special soil composition and regular fertilizing. The method of watering echmea is not entirely usual. For proper plant development it is necessary to maintain optimal temperature regime, air humidity and lighting.

Watering and air humidity

Aechmea is a plant of a humid equatorial climate; it requires regular watering. The soil in the pot should never dry out. However, excessive watering is also harmful to the plant. Watering is carried out at the root and in the center of the outlet.

Watering at the root is carried out after the top layer of soil has dried by 2-3 cm. Usually in the summer they water 2-3 times a week. If the air temperature drops, watering is significantly reduced. In winter, water no more than once every 10 days.

The plant is watered in the center of the rosette only until a peduncle forms. In winter, watering is not carried out using this method, since at temperatures below 20ºC, moistening the center of the rosette leads to its rotting.

In summer, pour no more than 20 g of water into the outlet and make sure it dries.

If the water has not dried in 2-3 days, it must be removed by blotting the middle with a napkin, and then pour in new water.

Ekhmeya loves high humidity and spraying.

In the summer heat, the echmea must be sprayed daily; in winter, this procedure is not carried out so that the rosette does not begin to rot.

Lighting and temperature

Ehmeya loves bright light. This is one of the few indoor plants, which tolerates direct sunlight well. Its hard, leathery leaves are not affected by sunburn even in the summer heat. The plant can also be grown in diffused light. But if there is a lack of light, it will grow poorly and refuse to bloom.

In the spring-summer period, the temperature for keeping echmea should be within 20-26ºС. Moreover, at night the temperature should not be lower than 20ºС, during the day – 25-26ºС. A difference between day and night temperatures of 5-6ºС stimulates flowering. This plant is very heat-loving, so sudden changes in temperature during the daytime can harm it.

IN winter time it is necessary to create a dormant period for the plant. At this time, the temperature is reduced to 15-17ºС.

At rest, the flower does not grow, so watering is sharply reduced, making sure that the soil in the pot remains only slightly moist.

It is undesirable for the air in the room where echmea grows to stagnate. At high humidity Putrefactive fungi and bacteria multiply very quickly. Therefore, in summer, and especially in winter, you need to regularly ventilate the room. But the plant should not stand in a draft; it should be placed away from the opening window sashes.

Soil and fertilizer

The most optimal soil composition for the growth of echmea is a purchased soil mixture for bromeliads or for forest cacti. If you buy purchased land There is no way, you can prepare the soil yourself. In this case, you need to mix the following ingredients in equal quantities:

  • Humus;
  • Peat;
  • Dry sphagnum moss;
  • Washed river sand.

Also add a little crushed to this mixture charcoal to prevent root rot and horn shavings to increase soil permeability.

Feed striped echmea monthly in the spring and summer.. This requires special fertilizers for bromeliads or orchids.

These formulations have a low concentration of minerals. They need to be sprayed on the leaves, but not at the roots.

In the absence special compounds You can take liquid complex fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants. They are diluted with water to obtain a concentration 2 times lower than indicated on the package. The resulting solution is sprayed onto the leaves of the plant.

Transplantation and propagation

This plant, like other bromeliads, is grown no more than once every 3 years. His root system It grows slowly, so it is replanted only in case of severe depletion of the soil. The transplant is carried out in mid-April, when the echmea comes out of the dormant period.

It is necessary to replant the plant after flowering in a spacious container so that it produces offspring.

You can choose a pot 1 cm larger than the previous one. He shouldn't be tall. Choose low and wide containers. A drainage layer of broken bricks or expanded clay. Fresh soil is poured on top.

The plant is carefully removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. Usually the roots are located on the surface of the soil, so bottom part the earthen clod can be carefully shaken off. The roots of the plant are straightened in a new pot and lightly sprinkled with fresh soil mixture. After this, the soil is slightly compacted.

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Striped echmea is propagated by seeds and suckers. Seed propagation- a rather labor-intensive process; it is rarely used in indoor floriculture.

Seeds are sown at the end of February in moistened peat and covered with glass. After a month, at a temperature of 22-25ºC, the first shoots appear, and after another 2 months, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots.

After flowering, an adult rosette of echmea produces 1-4 offspring, and itself gradually dies off. The offspring are raised for 1-2 years, and then planted in separate pots.

Pests and diseases

Red spider mites and mealybugs can also settle on the flower.

To destroy these pests, the plant must be treated with appropriate preparations.

Aechmea is susceptible to fungal diseases when wrong mode glaze. The soil in which it grows cannot be heavily moistened if the air temperature drops below 20ºC.

Therefore, if the soil is excessively moistened in winter, root rot may begin.

It is impossible to fight this disease; diseased plants die. It is much easier to comply with plant care requirements and prevent the development of root rot.

Why Aechmea does not bloom and other problems with the plant

From the moment the offspring are planted in separate pots until they bloom, 2 to 4 years pass. Aechmea blooms only once in its life, so a flowering specimen bought in a store will not bloom again and will die over time, giving rise to new offspring.

Aechmea may refuse to bloom if there are mistakes in caring for it.. It could be:

  • Low temperature;
  • Low humidity;
  • Insufficient or excessive watering;
  • Lack of feeding.

But if there are no obvious mistakes in care, and the plant still refuses to bloom, there is a sure way to stimulate its flowering. The plant and pot are placed in a large room for 2 weeks. plastic bag. 2 large ripe apples are also placed there. After 2 weeks, the plant is removed from the bag. Usually, after this procedure, a peduncle will soon form on it.

In addition to the lack of flowering, other problems arise when growing striped echmea:

  • The leaves of the plant turn brown due to low air temperatures;
  • The ends of the leaves dry out due to low air humidity;
  • Leaves lose color when exposed to excessive or insufficient light;
  • Wilting of plant leaves occurs due to insufficient soil moisture.

Now you know everything about caring for striped echmea at home, as well as about transplanting and propagating the plant.

You can find out about caring for other types of echmea.

Aechmea belongs to the Bromeliad family.

Homeland - tropical forests of Central and South America. Indoor Aechmea flower - exceptionally spectacular and original plant. The leathery curved leaves are collected in a funnel, from the middle of which a peduncle appears. The houseplant Aechmea blooms with very spectacular capitate inflorescences.

Types of indoor echmea

More than 300 species of this decorative are known. flowering plant. Flower growers call these most popular types:

Aechmea brillianti, or sparkling (A. fulgens). This is the most fastidious and capricious species. Flowers are painted in coral color With blue tint on the edges.

Aechmea beardeda (A. caudata). It is distinguished by a long peduncle with a whitish coating. The inflorescence has the appearance of a panicle of yellowish-golden color.

Curved Aechmea (Aechmea recurvata). It is characterized by long narrow leaves that grow together into a tube and form a rosette. There are large spines along the edges of the leaves, but the main part has a smooth surface. Aechmea recurvata has a very beautiful bloom, it is usually bright red in color. The peduncle is located 15-20 cm above the rosette of leaves.

Aechmea shaggy (Aechmea comata). This plant is also known in the world of floriculture under the name Aechmea Lindena. The leaves of this species are long with finely toothed edges.

Sometimes they can reach up to 1 m in length. The leaves are arranged very densely on the stem, creating a rosette. Flowering occurs on winter period. The flowers of Aechmea comata are bright yellow and the bracts are red. The inflorescence is very large, has the appearance of a multi-tiered spike.

Ehmeya Weilbach (A. weilbachii). Sheet plates characterized by a green color that turns copper-red at the base.

Aechmea striped (A. fasciata). Distinctive feature this type of indoor plant are blue flowers, which over time acquire a reddish tint.

Aechmea matte red (Aechmea miniata). It is considered the hardiest type of indoor plant, Aechmea. It is distinguished by long narrow leaves, approximately 50 cm long, which form a funnel-shaped rosette.

Aechmea miniata has a very interesting color leaves: they are light green above and purple below. The flowers are matte red, bicolor. The petals of the species are light blue, and the sepals are matte red.

Other types of domestic echmea are also known - Primera, double-rowed echmea (Aechmea distichantha), bare-stemmed.

How to care for aechmea flower at home

The home flower Aechmea is a heat-loving plant, but it needs a bright place, protected from direct sunlight. At home, gardeners often create artificial shade for the plant using blinds or curtains. In the winter season, when daylight hours become shorter, echmea may not be enough daylighting. Then, when growing and caring for the Aechmea flower at home, use artificial lighting. An ultraviolet lamp is placed near the pot with the plant, which should work at least 5 hours a day in winter. If possible best place for growing indoor echmea will become the window sill of the east or west window.

In winter, the temperature is not lower than 18-19 °C. In the spring-summer season, the air temperature in the room where the echmea is located should not fall below +20 °C, optimally +28 °C. The difference between the air temperature during the day and night will benefit all types of this indoor plant.

How to care for aechmea flower spring period? In spring and summer, spray generously with settled water. Substrate - leaf soil, peat, sand, chopped sphagnum (1: 1: 1: 0.5). For some time, this exotic representative of the flora can tolerate dry soil and air, but in this case it is necessary to regularly spray the leaves with clean, settled water.

With the arrival of summer, the leaves of the plant need to be moistened daily. To provide the specimen with sufficient moisture, the pot can be placed in a tray with wet stones.

Ventilation of the room where this exotic crop is grown is mandatory for all varieties of the species. To provide this representative of the flora with fresh air flow, open the windows in the house for a while every day. A sufficient amount of oxygen will allow the plant to develop properly.

Watering the soil and fertilizing the echmea

Unlike many bromeliads, aechmeas are relatively easy to care for. In spring and summer, watering the echmea should be plentiful. In summer, there should always be water in the leaf funnel. In winter, watering is moderate. Top dressing complex fertilizer should be carried out twice a month. To do this, use fertilizers designed specifically for bromeliads. If you add fertilizer to the soil of your indoor plant at this frequency, the flower will always remain lush and fresh. Aechmea only needs feeding in spring and summer; there is no need to feed the plant in winter and autumn.

Important In order for it to be regular, you should not wait for the soil to dry out; the soil should always be moist.

Propagation of echmea by seeds

Reproduction of echmea at home is carried out in two ways:

  • basal shoots that form after flowering;
  • seeds.

When choosing the second method of propagating this exotic crop, you should understand that it will bloom only 3-4 years after the seeds are sown. If you choose the first method - propagation of echmea by shoots, the plant will bloom within 1-2 years.

To propagate echmea by seeds, you must adhere to the following rules and recommendations:

  1. Seeds need to be sown in a light peat soil. The soil should be well moistened at all times, the air temperature should not fall below +23-26 degrees.
  2. The top of the container with seeds should be covered with film or glass. Every day, such shelter should be removed for 10 minutes to provide the soil and seeds with sufficient oxygen.
  3. Containers with seeds should not be placed on a windowsill exposed to direct sunlight. A dark room is not suitable for this method of propagation. exotic plant A sunny and slightly shaded location is ideal.
  4. When 1-2 leaves appear on the sprouts, the young plants dive into separate small containers. When growing seedlings, the air temperature should not fall below +22 degrees.

Reproduction of echmea by shoots: how to plant children

Vegetative propagation, which involves transplanting Aechmea babies, should be carried out in March. For this, gardeners use both young shoots with several leaves and adults that have formed their own roots.

If you don’t know how to plant Aechmea babies, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. The adult plant along with the children are carefully removed from the pot along with the earthen lump.
  2. The lateral processes are separated using sharp knife along with the roots. The cut area is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.
  3. Prepare containers with a diameter of no more than 7-9 cm. Fill them with a soil mixture: 2 parts leaf soil, part peat and part coarse sand.
  4. After the babies are planted, they are covered with a small glass container (a glass will do) to create a greenhouse effect.
  5. The container with the babies is placed in a bright and warm place.
  6. When the plants take root, they are transplanted into a pot large sizes and are cared for as if they were an adult specimen.

How to plant echmea at home after transplanting children

Not all novice flower growers know how to plant echmea, but such a procedure during care may be necessary every year. It is important to adhere to one rule - this exotic crop can only be replanted in the spring.

When preparing to transplant echmea at home, you should choose the right pot. It should not be much larger than the previous one, a difference of a few centimeters on all sides in diameter is enough.

After choosing a pot, prepare the soil for the echmea. The following soil mixture is suitable for this plant:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand.

To prepare the soil mixture, these components must be taken in the following ratio - 2: 2: 1: 1.

Experienced flower growers to create more comfortable and favorable conditions For home grown Aechmeys recommend adding small particles of charcoal or crushed tree bark. To prevent stagnation of water at the level of the earthen ball, it is necessary to place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot.

Immediately after transplanting the plant, the pot should be placed in a slightly shaded place. The echmea does not need to be watered for 2-3 days after transplantation.

Why Aechmea doesn’t bloom and what to do: how to make the plant bloom at home

Flowering of echmea at home, when the plant is provided with proper care, lasts from May to October. Some varieties of this type of bromileaceae can bloom in November-December.

Aechmea blooms only once in its life, after which the plant lives for six months or a little longer. Many gardeners are faced with the problem of the lack of flowering of this exotic indoor culture. There are several reasons why echmea does not bloom, each of them is associated with improper care of the plant:

If your aechmea does not bloom, the first thing to do is to provide proper care. Also experienced flower growers share little tricks on how to quickly make echmea bloom:

  1. Place fragrant apples and oranges near the pot and cover everything with film. It is believed that the gas released by these fruits accelerates the flowering process of this exotic crop.
  2. Sometimes a daily change in air temperature helps stimulate flowering. To do this, at night the flower pot can be taken out to the balcony or to another place where the air temperature is lower.
  3. You can put a small piece of calcium carbide in the funnel. When it interacts with water, the same gas is formed that is produced by oranges and apples - ethylene.

Diseases and pests of Aechmea



Control measures

Spider mite

Treatment of leaves and stems with Decis or Fosbecid. Measures to prevent spider mite infestation are a sufficient level of soil and air moisture.

Small insects that look like dark plaques on plants, leaving behind sticky marks. With the development of these pests, the echmea begins to lag in growth, its leaves turn yellow and dry out completely.

  1. Scale insects are removed from the leaves with a napkin soaked in alcohol or soapy water.
  2. Affected and healthy areas are treated with Karbofos and Actellik.


They affect the above-ground part of the plant and have the appearance small insects. Externally, pests look like pieces of cotton wool. When Aechmea is infected with a mealybug, the development of the plant stops.

Root mealybug

At the root collar, this pest forms oviposition, which leads to rotting of the root system.

  1. During treatment of the disease, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering.
  2. Treatment is carried out with the preparations Karbofos and Fazalon.

If an indoor flower is severely damaged by a root worm, it is not possible to save the echmea.

Root rot

The disease usually develops as a result of excess moisture in the soil. The disease manifests itself as yellowing, darkening, wilting and falling leaves.

  1. The diseased plant is removed from the pot with water room temperature wash the ground.
  2. The damaged part of the roots and stems is cut off, and the plant is transplanted into new soil, after which it is watered with Carbendazim solution.

If the roots have become very soft and darkened, the flower cannot be saved.

More detailed information about the features of caring for echmea at home is presented in the video below:

Striped echmea (Aechmea fasciata) is a herbaceous crop with large and leathery leaves, one of the most striking representatives of the Bromeliad family. In nature it grows on the bark and branches of trees, and in our homes it is a common indoor plant.

With proper care, echmea begins to bloom at 3 years of age, but in order for the plant to bloom, it needs to create suitable home conditions for this.

The leaves are collected in a powerful vase-shaped rosette, serving as a natural reservoir nutrients(humus) and water. In August, an adult plant sprouts from the middle of the “vase” with a capitate inflorescence, between the bracts of which there are pink-blue flowers.

Artificially bred hybrids of Aechmea are more attractive, which are easier and easier to care for...

Unlike other bromeliads, echmeas are relatively easy to maintain and care for at home, are easy to grow, and bloom for a long time.

- Temperature.

Aechmea is a heat-loving crop; it feels most comfortable at a temperature in summer of 21°-26°C, in winter - 15°-18°C - not lower than 12. The difference between night and day temperatures is positive within 5-7 degrees. Does not tolerate drafts and direct sunlight. Before flowering, it requires high air temperature (23°C); after the first flowers appear, on the contrary, it requires a decrease in temperature to 15°-21°C.

In the summer we take it outside - Aechmea loves it fresh air, but we put it under cover: open veranda, balcony, under the shade of bushes so that direct sunlight is not available.

- Lighting.

The echmea plant loves a lot of light, but is afraid of direct sunlight - the leaves turn yellow, dry out and die. After flowering occurs, it can grow in partial shade. It is better to place it near the windows of the western and eastern sides. In summer you can put it on the balcony, gradually accustoming it to bright light.

Aechmea with thick, hard leaves (striped, bracted) can be placed on southern windows, with shading only during the hottest hours of the day. In species with dense leathery leaves, like curved echmea, with shading and high air humidity, the decorative color of the leaves is lost and becomes green.

Species with soft leaves (matte red, Weilbach) and sparkling Aechmea prefer more moderate lighting and shading on sunny days.

- Watering and humidity.

In winter, water moderately, as needed, without waterlogging the soil, and in summer we water abundantly. When it is hot (above 23°C), you can pour water directly into the leaf vase and refresh it (renew the water) every month, but only when the temperature does not drop below 18°C.

In summer, every day, the leaves must be sprayed with water. To ensure constant soil moisture, it is best to place the flowerpot with the plant in a tray with hygroscopic expanded clay and pebbles.

- Fertilizers.

Feed with fertilizers for bromeliads (together with watering) every 2-3 weeks in spring and summer until August. Using fertilizers intended for flowering indoor plants, the solution is prepared in half the dose. Ehmeya is very responsive to good care and care.

- Aechmea transplant.

Unlike the powerful leaf mass, the root of the plant is small and Aechmea does not require frequent replanting. We change the flowerpots to larger ones if the upper vertical leaf part of the plant grows, when the plant looks awkward and bulky in a pot and can simply tip over under its own weight. In this case, they are transplanted using the transshipment method, without disturbing the roots of the echmea.

- Soil for planting.

The soil should be loose and fertile. It grows best on humus soil mixed in equal parts with chopped moss and deciduous soil, with the addition of sand and broken shards. Provide good drainage.

It is not difficult to prepare a mixture of 1 part each of light turf, peat, leaf and humus soil, with an admixture of sand. Or use store bought soil mixture for bromeliads. It is quite possible to grow echmea in clean high-moor peat.

- Bloom.

It is believed that it is possible to accelerate the flowering of grown-up “babies” with the help of ethylene vapor emanating from ripe apples, banana skins, citrus fruits. The plant is placed in a transparent plastic bag for a couple of weeks along with 2-3 ripe apples, the top is not tied very tightly. After the ethylene procedure, the echmea blooms in a few months.

Real flowers appear and fade within a fairly short period, but the inflorescence itself, which is of decorative value, can decorate for several months.

After flowering, only the faded peduncle is cut off with pruning shears at the base of the echmea when it begins to dry out. The plant itself is not touched, since it has to grow several more daughter shoots to prolong its genus.

- Reproduction by shoots.

Aechmea is usually propagated by children, after the main stem almost begins to die. You can cut off the shoots at any time, as soon as they grow, but the most the right time for this - March. In spring, Aechmea babies are more viable and take root easily. Planted in a light substrate, moistened and kept under a film for some time, not forgetting to ventilate. Then they are cared for as if they were an adult plant.

When caring for echmea, you should be more careful because the plant is slightly toxic and can cause skin irritation.

Echmea calmly tolerates dry air (so it is believed). But it’s still better not to torture the plant and create a humid atmosphere for it. There are many ways to increase humidity, read about some of them -. But the most accessible and simplest has always been spraying. If in winter you were unable to create cool conditions for the echmea, be sure to spray it regularly.

Top dressing

Aechmea is fertilized only in the warm season, with a frequency of 15-20 days. If you use a regular complex for flowering indoor plants, then reduce its composition in the solution by half. But it’s better not to experiment, but to buy special fertilizers for bromeliads. Aechmea perceives them best.

Aechmea transplant

It is recommended to replant the plant every year, in the spring. It is better for beginning flower growers not to bother with preparing an earth mixture, but to buy a ready-made one - “For bromeliads”. Those who wish can use this soil recipe for replanting echmea - mix peat, turf, humus and leaf soil. It is advisable to add a little perlite (or sand) to the mixture. .

The root system of echmea is weak and superficial, therefore, take a pot for it that is wide and not particularly deep. When replanting, take care to create good drainage.

After transplantation, the plant needs some time to recover and “get over the shock.” Therefore, place the transplanted echmea in the shade for a couple of days and do not water it.

Aechmea flowering period

Aechmea usually blooms from late spring (May) to mid-autumn (October). Although these terms are very relative. Sometimes Aechmea does not bloom at all, but more on that below. The rosette blooms only once, but after flowering, the faded echmea usually produces a replacement - a baby. There is no need to rush to plant it separately. After the plant has finished flowering and you (surely!) have removed the wilted inflorescence, continue caring for the echmea as usual. Only when the baby reaches half the size of the mother plant can it be planted separately.

Why doesn't Aechmea bloom?

There can be many reasons for this. But they can be summarized into one - improper care for ehmeya. After all, it may be unbalanced watering, and high temperature contents, and stagnant air in the room, and so on and so forth. Only by finding out the cause and eliminating it can you expect that the echmea will bloom. But it also happens that the care is good, no shortcomings have been identified, but the flower does not want to bloom and that’s all.

What should I do to make the echmea bloom?

There is an old, proven way to stimulate bromeliads (and not only) to flower. The stimulant is ethylene gas. But don’t be scared, you don’t need to purchase it specifically. The most common apples emit this same ethylene when ripe. So put a couple of apples near the echmea, or even better, cover them together with a cap made of a PE bag. Keep them like this for 15 days. After this procedure, the echmea should bloom within 3-4 months.

Reproduction of echmea

You can propagate echmea by seeds and children. The seed method in indoor floriculture has always been considered unreliable and is used only when other methods are not available. In our case, the simplest and affordable way propagate echmea by baby (daughter offspring). As I mentioned above, there is no need to rush to separate too much young plant. Although, with very careful care, it can also turn into a full-fledged echmea. For novice flower growers, I still recommend being patient.

When the offspring reaches the desired size, it can be carefully separated from the mother plant. By this time, it should already have formed its own roots. After separation, sprinkle the sections on the adult and young echmea wood ash or activated carbon, dry slightly, and can be planted separately. Young echmea should bloom in a year and a half.

Possible difficulties

  • A fairly common mistake when caring for echmea is overwatering. If the water in the outlet stagnates, the leaves may begin to rot. A sign of decay - the leaves of the echmea acquire a brown tint. Let me remind you - in winter, water is not poured into the outlet!
  • But a change in the color of the leaves, their browning may also be a consequence of being kept too cold.
  • If, on the contrary, the plant does not have enough moisture, then the leaves will lose their elasticity and become lethargic.
  • Aechmea will tell you about dry air by the appearance of dry areas on the tips of the leaves.
  • Of the pests, you especially need to be wary of aphids, spider mite, root mites, scale insects.

Good luck with your growing and beautiful flowering!

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Echmea, caring for which at home requires some knowledge, is indoor flower, whose homeland is South America. It withstands dry indoor air and bright light. The leaves of the plant are arrow-shaped, which is why it got its name - aechmea (translated from Greek as “spearhead”).

There are more than 180 species of echmea, they differ in color, shape of leaves and flowers. Many of these species are suitable for indoor breeding. But this must be done correctly, and then the plant for many years will delight the owners with its unusual and bright appearance.

Types of echmea

Despite the wide variety of plant species, room conditions They prefer to breed only a few:

Proper care of echmea

It is necessary to care for echmea correctly, then it blooms regularly and lives for many years:

  1. The plant easily tolerates sunlight, so it can be placed on the windowsills of an east or west window. The exception is Aechmea sparkling. This plant is afraid of sunlight. It's too hot and bright sun can cause the plant's leaves to lose color and become faded or yellow. If there was ehmeya long time in the shade, then you need to accustom it to the sun gradually, exposing it to scattered rays with one edge or the other.
  2. The Aechmea flower grows best in conditions of varying temperatures. In winter it needs a temperature of 15-20ºС, and in summer - 25-30ºС. If the room temperature does not change, the plant will stop developing and blooming. Echmea is afraid of drafts, but musty air should also be avoided. The room needs to be ventilated carefully.
  3. Aechmea needs to be watered correctly. In summer, water flows around the plant and into the rosette itself formed by the leaves. In the fall, you only need to water the soil around it. In winter, the plant is sprayed with a sprayer; such an amount of water must be supplied to the soil so that the earthen lump does not dry out. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature. But we must remember that the echmea flower can rot in too damp soil. To maintain comfortable humidity in the room where the plant is located, it is necessary to regularly spray water on the leaves or place a container of water next to the pot.
  4. In order for the echmea flower to be healthy and bloom regularly, it is necessary to add fertilizer to the soil every 1.5-2 months. It is best if it is a liquid with all the necessary additives.
  5. In order to speed up the appearance of a flower on a plant, you can cover the entire pot plastic film and put 2-3 apples under it. Air must penetrate under the film.
  6. The soil for echmea should be a mixture of deciduous soil, sand and peat. Correct ready soil can be purchased at a specialty store. The plant needs to be replanted regularly, usually done once a year after flowering has finished.
  7. Aechmea propagates in a home greenhouse vegetative way, that is, the strongest leaf is cut off from the mother plant, which is then placed at the cut point in water. There it will quickly take root and can be transplanted into the ground. To prevent the mother plant from getting sick, the place where the leaf is cut should be sprinkled with wood ash.

Aechmea can also reproduce by seeds, but such a long, labor-intensive process is carried out only in special nurseries.

What a novice gardener needs to know

Firstly, we must not forget that echmea is poisonous (especially the striped one), so it is necessary to take precautions when working with the plant. You can easily get injured on the sharp thorns of a leaf, and since the plant produces poison on the surface of the leaves, it will certainly enter the human body. Be sure to wear strong gloves when transplanting, watering or spraying a plant. And after working with a flower, you must wash your hands.

Secondly, when breeding echmea, you need to understand that flowers will appear only after 5-6 years of working with the plant, and therefore you should be patient. Moreover, if a flower grows under the wrong lighting or watering, as well as humidity and temperature, then it may never bloom at all.

Thirdly, violation of the watering regime or room temperature can lead to the death of the flower. Watering regimes can be summer, spring, autumn and winter; they differ in the amount of water in the pot. And each type of echmea has its own regime.

Fourthly, it is necessary to regulate the amount of light entering the room, otherwise the plant may change the color of the leaves or even die. That is, it must be constantly transferred from one window sill to another.

Fifthly, we must not forget about the danger that pests pose to the plant. This could be aphids, thyroid gland, root worms. In this case, the plant must be treated with an insecticide.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties when growing echmea. After all, after mastering all the subtleties of care, it will be pleasant to admire the unique plant and feel proud of the results of your work.

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