Roses in the garden varieties with names. Roses - the best varieties

Roses occupy a royal place among other flowers, well combined with other plants, decorate any garden, easy to care for. The popularity of the flower gave rise to the emergence of many types of roses and their varieties. The article will consider the most popular varieties of roses with a photo.

Types of roses and their photos

Among the variety of species and varieties of roses, there are over 300 forms of this plant. They come in a wide variety of colors and textures ranging from small plants and ending with high bush specimens of several meters.

Semi-climbing roses

The species appeared in the first half of the 20th century. Various roses participated in the crossing: hybrid tea, climbing, polyanthus. Active growth distinguishes this species from climbing roses. Varieties of semi-climbing roses can bloom both once or several times a year. In the first days of spring, extensive flowering begins, which lasts until late autumn. This species is a transitional variant from a shrub to a climbing plant.

Tall bush shoots can develop up to 1.5-2 m, have large inflorescences. Compared to long climbing roses, semi-climbing view may re-bloom. The flowers are medium and small in size, they can exude a fragrance of medium or low intensity, the petals have a variety of colors that can be seen in the photo.

This type of flower tolerates frost well, it needs a light shelter for winter period. Semi-climbing roses can be planted as single bushes or as part of a variety of compositions, they look good in a line along the fence.

Semi-climbing roses include several different varieties:

Grade Hamburg has pointed buds growing up to 9 cm in diameter. Petals open type, semi-double, raspberry color. The plant exudes a faint fragrant aroma. The leaves are leathery, large, with a shiny surface. The height of the bush can be up to 2 m, flowering is abundant, periodic.

The Mermaid variety has large flowers (up to 9 cm), with open pale-yellow petals, bronze stamens. The flowers have non-terry surface, bright fragrant aroma. The leaves are shiny, with a smooth texture, rich green color.

in number the most beautiful roses includes a group called Pax, which has buds of pure white color, semi-double petals, noticeable golden stamens. Large inflorescences combine a large number of flowers, framing long straight shoots. Leaves with a leathery texture, large size. The plant blooms actively and extensively throughout the summer.

Robin Hood flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, form voluminous brushes. Petals are painted in a bright wine-red hue. Abundant flowering of the bush is repeated several times per season.

Ave Maria has flowers with a diameter of about 5-6 cm, creamy white in color. The plant actively blooms several times.

Large buds (8-10 cm) are characteristic of the Aelita variety. flower petals have greenish tint and terry surface. Tall branches can reach a size of 3 m.

A distinctive feature of the Berlin variety is orange-red flowers, about 8 cm in size, with a golden core. Straight bush branches grow up to 1.5 m. The place where the flowers were grown gave them their name.

climbing roses

This species includes all varieties of climbing type roses. For selection, groups of wild roses were used: many-flowered, wihura. Climbing varieties bloom extensively throughout the second half of summer. The shoots are long, flexible, spread on the ground and rise in an arc. Leaves are small, hard invoice. Terry flowers with a diameter of 2.2-5 cm, simple in shape, make up three-dimensional inflorescences. The fragrant aroma is expressed rather weakly or completely absent. Petals are painted in pink, white, red colors. The rose is distinguished by a single, long flowering (30-35 days). Shoots are completely covered with flowers. Varieties endure winter, require dry hard shelter.

Vertical plantings of climbing plants are often used to reduce heat concrete and glass walls. For this purpose, they decorate southern part building. Flowering is activated in the first days of summer, on branches formed last year. A beautiful view of the composition depends on the success of the wintering of the plant. All the beauty of these regal flowers can be seen in the photo.

Climbing roses are divided into several notable varieties:

The variety Alberic Barbier is characterized by yellow buds. small size. Volumetric flowers form medium inflorescences. Terry petals with a creamy yellow tint, have yellow edges and a core. The plant has bright fragrant aroma. Dark shiny leaves take on a beautiful shape. Extensive bush flowering is activated from the beginning of June.

An outstanding group of climbing roses is the American Pillar. Large flowers (up to 7 cm) create large inflorescences framing powerful shoots. Non-double petals are painted in a carmine-pink hue, have a white eye with golden stamens. Massive shiny leaves leathery type, cover a strong bush, reaching a height of 6 m. In May - June, an extensive flowering of the plant takes place.

Blaise is represented by large cup-shaped flowers, connected in volumetric inflorescences. Bright red petals have a semi-double structure, exude a light fragrant aroma. Leathery leaves form a spreading crown. The plant blooms several times, it can be propagated by grafting, using cuttings and layering.

The Feilchenblau group has small cup-shaped flowers. Semi-double petals are painted in bright crimson tones, exude a fragrant aroma.

The Gella variety has semi-double flowers with white color, thickening into massive inflorescence brushes. Branches can grow up to 2.5-3 m in length.

A popular variety is Excelsus, which has beautiful red-crimson flowers with a double surface, shiny leaves of a pale green tone. Bushes are formed from long branches (about 4 m), bloom actively for a month.

Super Excelsa is also a beautiful climbing type of rose, with petals of bright crimson hue, gathering in voluminous brushes-inflorescences. Branches grow up to 4 m in length.

Small flowers, consisting of pink petals, are characteristic of Dorothy Perkins. The plant has thin branches, about 3-5 m long.

tea roses

The species appeared as a result of selection of Chinese and Noiset roses. The first flowers in 1789 were brought to Europe. The characteristic features of these roses are: fragrant, bright aroma, large double flowers with a drooping head. Petals are pale pink, light red, yellow. The species is characterized by reusable, rich flowering.

Bushes take a whip-like or straight form. Bushes reach a height of 50 cm, and the highest roses can grow up to 2 m. Leathery, large leaves are located on dense shoot trunks.

This plant is very thermophilic and does not tolerate even light frosts. For middle lane Russia is recommended to grow tea roses in closed ground. One watering per week for fairly young flowers. Stagnant moisture can provoke the appearance of powdery mildew, therefore, during heavy and frequent rains, watering the plant can be completely eliminated.

Low frost resistance has made the flower unpopular for cultivation in gardens. But a tea rose has a number of unique features that distinguish it from other analogues: an elegant flower, a “tea” aroma, repeated flowering, a variety of colors shown in the photo. Positive traits migrated to a younger version varieties - hybrid tea roses, obtained by crossing the original with a remontant look. Such flowers have a small number of thorns and successfully repeat several stages of flowering.

There are the following varieties of tea rose:

  • Alan Titchmarsh;
  • Abraham Derby;
  • Christopher Marlo.

Variety Alan Titchmarsh has double flowers with lavender and pink petals. The aroma combines citrus notes. Roses bloom all summer and repeat in autumn.

big flowers dark apricot and pink available on the Abraham Derby type. They can bloom all season until the first frost. The buds exude a strawberry aroma.

The flowers of the variety Christopher Marlo are orange-pink. The compact bush is covered with a large number of inflorescences with dense petals that are resistant to fading in the sun and rain. Lemon is the basis of the original rose fragrance.

This species includes roses that bloom extensively several times during the summer. Most often, one grows on the shoot oblong flower, but you can find stems with several buds. A clear feature of this type of roses is a bright aroma that intensifies in the morning.

The cultivation of such roses pursues decorative purposes: gardening of squares, gardens, parks. The species is also cultivated for making fresh, cut bouquets. Depend on the variety: color, strength of aroma, size of the bushes. Foliage can be purple, blue, green. In addition to color, a glossy or matte texture can go.

Serious protection in winter, flowers are not required, they tolerate cold snaps down to -6-8 degrees quite tolerably. A permanent type rose garden most often contains roses of this species. From the photo you can appreciate the unique aesthetic appearance of this type of roses.

Hybrid tea roses are divided into different varieties:

  • Barcelona;
  • Bylina;
  • Viola.

Variety Barcelona presented big flowers, framing long, stable shoots. Beet-red petals with a fly surface, not subject to fading, have a persistent aroma. The leaves are dark green and make up a strong shrub.

The Bylina variety is characterized by large lilac-red buds. Gustomahrovye petals have a delicate aroma. Spreading straight bush grows up to 1.5 m and blooms profusely.

On stable flower stalks beautifully folded flowers of the Viola variety are placed. Carmine-lilac and light pink colors have terry petals exuding a fragrant aroma. A bush with dark foliage can reach an average height.

Repair roses

Mid 19th century - the moment of the appearance of a remontant species after the selection process of several roses: French, Belgian, Damascus, Tea. Reblooming throughout the summer is the main characteristic of remontant roses and gives them their name. This trait was passed on to the plant from the Tea variety, but the new hybrid became more resistant to frost.

The size of the bush is on average 1.5-2 m in height. The root neck serves as the basis for shoots that begin the flowering process after a year of growth. Pink and red flowers are most common in this plant, but sometimes also beige and yellow coloring.

Remontant varieties often suffer from fungal diseases and have a rather poor second bloom. These factors reduce the popularity of flowers with some breeders.

Remontant roses are represented by the following varieties:

  • Prince Max zu Schaumburg;
  • Ulrich Brunner fis;
  • Frau Karl Drushki.

The Prinz Max zu Schaumburg group is characterized by large flowers with double petals, salmon-pink tones. By the end of spring, the long bush begins to bloom richly, repeating the process in the second part of summer.

Ulrich Brunner fiss - a variety with cup-shaped large flowers, double petals that have a red-carmine hue. There is a bright fragrant aroma. The bush grows large and blooms densely with the onset of the season, the second appearance of buds is much poorer and disappears at the end of summer.

Pointed oblong buds has a variety of Frau Karl Drushka. Large cup-shaped flowers with double petals, monophonic white color, with pinkish elements. Rich flowering is activated by the beginning of the season and repeats by the onset of autumn, continuing until the first cold days. The variety of varieties can be seen in the photo.

Many forms and colors of roses allow you to create unique design in any garden and greenhouse, giving it an unforgettable, beautiful view.

We offer you to find out which varieties and varieties of roses are most popular with gardeners, and which ones are used in large-scale landscape design of parks and gardens. The following are the varieties of roses with a photo and description that allows you to imagine what this or that flower looks like.

Variety of garden roses: types and varieties with photos

Rose- one of the most popular representatives of the Rosaceae family, grown by man in gardens and uniting from 150 to 300 species, varieties and forms. Any variety garden roses will be appropriate in landscape design.

The cultivation of garden roses has a long history, and the creation of a huge variety of their currently existing species and varieties was influenced by various soil and climatic conditions of the places where these flowers were bred. The rose can be a dwarf or tall shrub, have slender straight stems or flexible curved shoots, and also creep along the ground or cling to a support and grow like a climbing plant. The appearance and aroma of rose flowers also differ. Some of them have such specific aromas that special terms have even been created for their designation: tea, fruity. Also bred roses, devoid of smell. The following are varieties and types of roses with a description that will help you choose the right specimens.

Each variety of roses is able to amaze with its unique inimitable color of the petals; there are both traditional tones and unusual shades: blue, purple, a mixture of several colors.

Roses are usually classified on the basis of stable certain signs. For example, there are varieties of park and garden plants. The former include luxuriantly flowering species of wild rose and their hybrids, which successfully tolerate temperature changes and do not require shelter when they are significantly lowered. The latter are hybrids of subtropical and European types of roses that require special care and shelter in the winter.

In 1976, the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) at Oxford adopted a new classification based on stable horticultural traits such as biological and decorative characteristics roses. Thus, these plants are divided into three large groups.The main types and varieties of roses with a photo can be seen further on the page, but for now let's get acquainted with the classification:

1. Species (wild)

2. Old park (garden), bred before 1867 (roses Alba, Aishire, Bourbon and its climbers (climbing forms), Boursolt, Centifolous (hundred-petalled roses), Damask, Gallic (French), Rose Muscosa, hybrids of remontant roses, Moss and its climbers, Noiset, Portlandskaya, Teanaya and its climbers).

3. Modern(miniature and patio roses; border or multi-flowered (polyanthus); noble or large-flowered (Grandiflora and hybrid tea roses); ground cover roses; shrub or scrub roses; climbing roses (climbing roses).

Remontant varieties of roses (with photo)

Remontant varieties of roses are plants about 150 cm high with large buds and flowers (10–15 cm in diameter), mostly pink, red or light red. Much less often you can find flowers of white, light yellow and cream shades. They have a pronounced pleasant persistent aroma. The name is due to the ability to re-bloom within one season. Look at the remontant roses and their varieties in the photo - a variety of types are presented.

Vintage park roses

The shape of the flower is spherical or flattened, with a large number of petals; quartered flowers are possible, in which the petals do not form a common cone, but seem to be combined into separate groups. The color is dominated by pastel colors, especially pink. Most of the old roses, except for Bourbon and remontant ones, bloom once, forming a dense tall bush with shoots drooping under the weight of flowers.

There are a number of common shortcomings in the whole group: low winter hardiness, susceptibility to fungal diseases, non-compactness, premature fall of the petals and non-opening of the bud in prolonged rainy weather. Despite this, vintage roses are still popular among gardeners due to their beauty.

Roses Alba

A European hybrid of the Gali rose and various forms of wild rose. The flowers are white or pinkish-white, medium-sized (5–8 cm), flat, mostly double, with a fragrant delicate aroma. Inflorescences consist of 3-5 flowers. The bush is upright, reaches 2 m in height, with strong shoots. The leaves are smooth, muted green with a grayish tint. Abundant flowering occurs once, lasts 20-30 days. The almost complete absence of fruiting is characteristic. This group of roses with high frost resistance, able to resist fungal diseases, undemanding to the soil. It is especially appreciated among gardeners of central Russia.

Among this class, varieties stand out: beautiful love, Great Maidens Blush, Queen of Denmark.

Lovely love. Roses with semi-double salmon-pink flowers 7-8 cm in diameter and spicy aroma. The leaves are dark, green, matte. Spreading bushes, 150–180 cm high. Plants are resistant to disease, rainy weather and frost.

Minden Rose. The flowers are pale pink, 7.5-10 cm in diameter. The number on the stem is 3-5 pieces. The aroma is strongly pronounced. The bush is wide, sprawling, reaches a height of 130–150 cm. Relatively resistant to spotting. It is recommended to cover for the winter.

Chloris. Roses with pale pink, dense double flowers with a diameter of 5–7 cm. The aroma is pronounced. The bushes are sprawling, reach a height of 150–200 cm, with a small number of thorns. Relatively resistant to diseases, do not need shelter for the winter.

Roses of Aishire

English forest rose hybrid (Arvensis) with various varieties of roses. Vigorous climbing plant with long strong shoots. Flowers are medium in size (2.5–5 cm in diameter), smooth or double, white or color pink, single or collected in medium-sized (up to 6 buds) inflorescences. The aroma is delicate and pleasant. Abundant flowering occurs once. In central Russia, when temperatures drop, it requires shelter. All varieties show sufficient winter hardiness and disease resistance.

Ayshir. The flowers are semi-double, 6 cm in diameter, white with crimson stripes, which disappear as the bud opens. Collected in small numerous inflorescences, exude the aroma of myrrh. The bush reaches a height of 500 cm. The variety is shade-tolerant, resistant to diseases. It is frost-resistant (up to -29 ° C under cover). They are used to decorate arches, pergolas, arbors, walls (if you build a lattice).

Bourbon roses and their climbers

Appeared as a result of an accidental crossing of Autumn Damask and the Chinese rose Parsons Pink China. As a result of subsequent crossing with the Gallic rose, more than 500 varieties were obtained, which became a separate class of Bourbon roses. The main advantage of this type is considered later autumn bloom. The bud can be painted in any shade of pink: from pale to the darkest, there is also an orange color, there are several varieties of white.

In the varieties Baron Girod de Lane, Rein Victoria, Louise Odier, Great Western, the shoots can be straight or arched, the bushes are branched. They reach a height of 1.5 m. Flowering is slightly repetitive. The leaves are hard, dense. Buds are white, pink, red, purple colors. They have an old form, as a rule, terry petals, a persistent aroma. Among the shortcomings, there is a weak winter hardiness and a tendency to be affected by fungal diseases.

Boule de Neige. Rose with snow-white spherical full-double flowers with a diameter of 7–8 cm. The leaves are bright green, smooth. The bushes are compact, with straight stems reaching a height of 1.5 m. It blooms in early summer. The variety is resistant to diseases, but at high humidity it suffers from black spot.

Varigata di Bologna. Pale pink rose with raspberry-purple stripes and spots on the petals. The flowers are spherical with a diameter of 6–8 cm. The leaves are large, bright green. The bushes are tall - 125–180 cm. The variety is resistant to frost, as well as to powdery mildew, but is prone to black spot.

Memory of Malmaison. Large white-pink densely double quartered square-shaped flowers with delicate petals with a spicy aroma. In the rain they become drooping. Compact bushes with straight branches reach a height of 100 cm. The variety is often affected by powdery mildew, it needs shelter for the winter.

Roses Boursalt

Obtained as a result of crossing Rosa drooping and Rosa chinensis. Has about 50 varieties. Shoots are flexible, long, with a small number of thorns, muted green, sometimes with a red tint. The bush reaches a height of 2 to 5 m. Flowering is single. The leaves are light green, turning orange-red in autumn. A double or semi-double flower blooms in an inflorescence, has a pink, red or mauve color, has a light aroma. In central Russia, it requires shelter for the winter.

From the roses of the Boursolt class, varieties stand out: Madame Sancy de Paraber and Amadis.

Madame Sancy de Paraber. Roses with large semi-double flowers pink-lilac color and fragrant aroma. The leaves are light green. A bush without thorns, up to 2.5 m high. It blooms for 2 weeks. Resistant to fungal diseases, needs shelter for the winter.

Amadis. Lilac-purple roses with semi-double flowers with a diameter of 6 cm. The leaves of the plants are light green. Shrubs with straight tall stems that have few thorns. The variety does not tolerate severe frosts.

Centifolous or centipedal roses

Presumably a hybrid of wild rose, rose Gallica and rose Muscat. The hybrid of white centifolia rose (White Provence, Blanche Fleur) is of interest, but the most popular are pink hybrids - Fantin Latour, Rosa des Paintres, Cabbage, Pussy.

The bush is undersized, in height from 0.9 to 1.4 m, branched, sprawling. Shoots are arched, with spikes of various sizes. The flowers are densely double, rounded, lush, looking to the side or down, more often pink, less often any shade in the range from white to pink-red dark. The aroma is sharp specific. Some cultivars have a striped or spotted pattern. Flowering is single, lasts up to 30 days. Light green soft leaves with serrated edges. In winter, the bushes require shelter, are prone to fungal diseases.

Pussy. A plant with pale pink double fragrant flowers 5–6.5 cm in diameter. The leaves are light green. The bushes are sprawling, grow up to 120-150 cm in height. The variety is resistant to diseases, however, with high humidity, the buds are often affected by gray rot.

Chapeau de Napoleon. The flowers are pink with a silvery tint, about 7–8 cm in diameter. There are about 40–60 petals in a bud. Intense aroma. Flowering is single, abundant and long. During the period of mass flowering, 3-5 buds bloom simultaneously. Plant height reaches 90-150 cm. The leaves are large, light green. High resistance to disease and frost.

Rosa Centifolia Muscosa. The flowers are pink, 6-8 cm in diameter with a rich aroma and notes of pine resin. There are about 70 petals in a bud. Flowering is single, but long. During the period of mass flowering, 3-5 buds bloom simultaneously. Plant height - 120-180 cm. The leaves are light green, small. High resistance to black spot and frost.

Damascus roses and their varieties

Damask roses and their varieties are considered to be an ancient class of garden roses, an accidental hybrid obtained by crossing the Finnish and Gallic roses.

Outwardly, the bush is less dense and more spreading compared to Gallic roses. The main advantage is the ability to bloom in autumn later than other species. The height of the bush is from 1 to 2 m. The shoots are strong, with thorns. A square-shaped bud, semi-double or densely double, is located on a long thin stem, which bends under its weight. It can be white or any shade of pink. The leaves are wrinkled, large, dense, with a sharp tip, grayish-green in color, slightly pubescent below. Blooms once for 20-25 days. It bears fruit with narrow and long berries. It has a unique intense fragrant aroma. Not resistant to powdery mildew, in central Russia requires shelter for the winter.

For planting in the conditions of central Russia, the following varieties of Damascus roses are recommended.

Isfahan (Pompom des Priceses). It has decorative foliage and exquisite fragrant flowers. The stems are erect, up to 2 m long. The flower is 6–8 cm in diameter, double, square, reddish-pink. Used as a background in a flower garden. Medium resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.

York and Lancaster. The flowers are light pink with dark pink and crimson spots and stripes, 5-6 cm in diameter with a rich aroma. There are 25-35 petals in a bud. Flowering is single, abundant, long and occasionally repeated. During the period of mass flowering, 5-6 buds bloom simultaneously. The plant reaches a height of 180–200 cm. The leaves are light gray-green in color. Average disease resistance. Frost resistant variety.

Gallic roses

Gallic rose is the progenitor of Damask, Portland and Centifolia roses. The bush grows from 90 to 180 cm. The leaves are large. Flowers solitary or collected in inflorescences of 3-4 pieces.

Cardinal de Richelieu. It is the most popular variety with purple fluffy velvety petals and a sweet pleasant aroma. Flowers 5–6 cm in diameter. Leaves are small, brilliant. Bushes grow up to 150–175 cm in height. A variety with medium disease resistance.

Tuscany Super. Another popular variety. Valued for massive semi-double flowers with velvet petals and golden stamens. Bushes up to 120 cm high (higher in mild climates). It is resistant to black spot, but after flowering, it can be affected by powdery mildew.

Among the variegated varieties of the Gallic group, the Kamey rose stands out with double flowers of pale pink color, tinted with purple stripes radiating from the center.

Pink varieties, such as Belle Isis, are very delicate, painted in pale pink shades with a yellow core, medium-double buds with a myrrh scent, Duches d'Angoulême with double flowers, painted in bright pink, turning into white, as well as Empress Josephine with dark pink silky petals tinted pastel pink towards the center. A very fragrant plant. After flowering, fruits are formed.

Dukes de Montebello. The flowers are light pink with white edges and a green-yellow eye in the center with a rich aroma. There are 85-95 petals in a bud. Flowering once, plentiful. During the period of mass flowering, 2-3 buds bloom simultaneously. The height of the plant reaches 120–150 cm. The leaves are light green in color, small. There are practically no spikes. Medium resistance to powdery mildew. Frost resistant variety.

Rosa Mundi. The flowers are white with pink and red stripes, rich in aroma. The diameter is about 6 cm. There are 15–25 petals in a bud. Flowering is single, long. During the period of mass flowering, about 4 buds bloom at the same time. The height of the plant reaches 100–135 cm. The leaves are green, medium in size. A variety with high resistance to diseases, frost-resistant and shade-tolerant.

Musk roses: varieties with photos

A hybrid derived from Gallic roses, but in terms of its parameters it is closer to centifolous ones. characteristic feature are cups of buds covered with fragrant hairs. Of the musk roses in the gardens, the most common varieties are: Frau Karl Drushki, Mozart. The following are musk roses and their varieties with photos, showing bright distinctive features.

Rosa Vanity. The bright pink or magenta color of the flowers becomes lilac-pink with age due to fading. Petals are non-double, wavy. There are 5-10 flowers on the stem, 7–8 cm in diameter. The aroma is not very pronounced. Blooms throughout the season. Spreading bush, reaches a height of 180–200 cm. Not resistant to powdery mildew and black spot. It is recommended to cover for the winter.

Mozart. Variety with small simple flowers with a white center and bright pink edges, changing to pink, collected in large brushes (from 20 to 50 pieces). The leaves are small, not subject to black spotting. Bushes can grow up to 3 m, you can grow them as climbing.

Bouquet Parfait. The flowers are light pink, about 5 cm in diameter, with a slight aroma. There are 45-50 petals in a bud. Flowering is profuse and repeated. During the period of mass flowering, 10–15 buds bloom simultaneously. Plant height reaches about 140 cm, sometimes more. The leaves are dark green, medium in size. A variety with high resistance to diseases, frost-resistant and shade-tolerant.

Hybrids of remontant roses

These are direct descendants of Bourbon roses, they have inherited the smell and remontance of their ancestors. They have two serious drawbacks: poor resistance to diseases, such as black spot, as well as the shape in the form of a "broom" or "broom". The most beautiful variety is considered The Snow Queen with white flowers. Also bred varieties with a border and two-color.

Among the hybrids of remontant roses, varieties stand out: Ferdinand Pichard, Georg Arende, Paul Neuron.

Ferdinand Pichard. A plant with large dense double buds of white color with pink and red stripes. The leaves are bright green and shiny. Bushes reach a height of 1.5 m, the plant is characterized by abundant repeated flowering, as well as resistance to fungal diseases.

George Arende. Roses with large terry buds of bright pink color with a diameter of 10–11 cm, fragrant. The leaves are dense, dark green. Climbing bushes, high - up to 200 cm, bloom in spring and summer. Possess low resistance to powdery mildew.

Paul Neuron. A plant with large wide bright pink flowers with a diameter of 14–18 cm. The leaves are large, dark green. Bushes grow up to 150–200 cm in height, bloom again in the second half of summer. Flowers spoil in the rain. Disease resistance is average.

Moss roses and climbers

It is believed that the plant appeared as a result of the selection of bud mutations from centifolous roses. Popularity gained due to the possibility of repeated flowering. Some types of strict crown architectonics resemble a Damascus rose. Others are distinguished by the careless shape of the bush and the love of warmth due to family ties with hybrids of remontant varieties.

The pedicel and sepals are covered with glandular outgrowths that secrete resinous substances with a fragrant aroma. A bud of medium size, cup-shaped, can be white, pink, red. In winter, it requires shelter, is prone to fungal diseases.

Among moss roses, varieties stand out: Maybe Blanche Moreau.

Maybe. The first artificially created variety of this group. Widespread due to the ability to re-bloom. The strict architectonics of the crown resembles a Damascus rose. The flower is of medium size, cup-shaped, can be white, pink, red, with a fragrant aroma. In winter, it requires shelter, is prone to fungal diseases.

Hybrid varieties of roses are striking in variety. Oil is obtained from centifolia and damask roses, which is a very valuable product and is used in the perfume industry. Tea roses are used in culinary business - they are used to make delicious jam.

Blanche Moreau. The buds of this plant have brown hairs. Large double flowers of white color with a green center (60-68 petals in one bud). Bushes with straight stems reach a height of up to 150 cm, covered with thorns. Blooms twice. Very frost-resistant variety, medium resistance to diseases. The plant is suitable for planting in a hedge.

Henri Martin. The flowers are pink-raspberry in color, about 7 cm in diameter with a rich aroma. There are about 20 petals in a bud. Flowering is profuse, single. The height of the plant reaches about 160–180 cm. The leaves are green and large. High disease resistance. Frost-resistant variety, successfully tolerates hot summers.

Noisette roses

Hybrid of old China rose and musk rose, with fragrant pink flowers. As a result of further crossing the resulting variety with the Chinese rose, the French breeder Louis Noisette brought out a group of varieties similar to the tea rose, but with smaller buds. More than 100 cultivars have been sectioned with semi-double and double buds ranging from white to raspberry purple.

The bush reaches 150 cm in height, with semi-climbing shoots. After crossing with a new yellow tea rose, varieties with more voluminous flowers, small inflorescences and climbing shoots appeared. Modern varieties are able to bloom again. In central Russia, they require special care due to low frost resistance.

Particularly interesting varieties are Marshal Niel and Madame Alfred Quarry.

Marshall Niel. Terry roses with light yellow or apricot flowers with a diameter of 10–11 cm. Bushes grow up to 250–500 cm in height. It is recommended to spray the plant as a preventive measure against diseases.

Madame Alfred Quarry. Rose with double soft pink flowers with a diameter of 7-10 cm, which turn white in cold weather. Their petals are wavy. The leaves are large, light green. Bushes overgrown, tall, climbing. They can grow up to 600 cm. The plant tolerates partial shade, blooms throughout the warm season. Disease resistance is good, powdery mildew resistance is poorer.

Princess of Nassau. The flowers are white, about 5 cm in diameter. It has a rich aroma. Flowering is sometimes repeated. The leaves are large. Plant height reaches about 300 cm. High resistance to diseases. Frost-resistant variety, winters under cover.

portland roses

Hybrid of Gallic and Damask roses. The main advantage of this species is the abundance and long-term flowering - from spring to the first frost. The bush is small, covered with flowers of red and pink shades.

The most popular are the varieties with rose buds, including Jacques Cartier and Comte de Chambord. Varieties with white flowers are considered rare, for example, Blanc de Viber.

Jacques Cartier. A plant with large bright pink flowers with a diameter of 8-9 cm from small petals and a sweet aroma. The leaves are light green. The bushes are compact, with straight stems, up to 120 cm high. The plant blooms several times a year until the onset of winter. The variety is disease resistant.

Rose de Resh. The flowers are bright red, about 7 cm in diameter, with a rich aroma. There are 125-130 petals in a bud. Flowering is abundant, long and repeated. During the period of mass flowering, 5-6 buds bloom simultaneously. The height of the plant reaches 100 cm. The leaves are green, medium in size. High resistance to black spot. Frost-resistant and shade-tolerant variety.

Varieties of tea roses with photos and names

Tea rose is a climbing plant with shoots reaching a length of 10 m. The flowers are medium (5–7 cm in diameter), double, solitary, with a delicate aroma of tea, white, pink or yellow hues. The hybrids turned out to be critically non-frost resistant. As a result of crossing with remontants, more resistant varieties were obtained. Among the tea roses, the varieties Gloire de Dijon and Grace are distinguished by their delicate beauty. Let's look at the varieties of tea roses with photos and names in more detail to get a general impression of them:

Gloire de Dijon. Climbing plant with large double creamy yellowish flowers 9-10 cm in diameter. The leaves are dark green, glossy, dense. Bushes grow to a height of 200–500 cm. Medium resistance to powdery mildew and black spot.

Grace. Variety with large flowers of apricot color, 8-10 cm in diameter, emitting a peach aroma. The leaves are large, bright green. The bushes are branched, grow to a height of up to 150 cm. The variety has an average resistance to black spot and powdery mildew.

Polyanthus roses: varieties with photos and descriptions

Next, we propose to consider polyanthus roses: from a variety with a photo and description, they are located below on the page. Low-growing (about 50 cm), branching plant, odorless, bred in France in the 19th century, as a result of crossing tea roses with many-flowered ones. The compact bush is covered with numerous small flowers collected in large inflorescences. They have extraordinary durability and the ability to not fade for a long time and maintain color intensity. Shades of red, orange, pink, white are predominant. Propagated by cuttings. Resistant to high humidity, fungal diseases. Grows well and blooms open field on their roots.

The first copy, bred in 1875, was named Paqueret.

Among the advantages of this type of roses are winter hardiness, as well as abundant and almost continuous flowering until late autumn.

The best varieties of this species are as follows: Holstein, Border King, Dagmar Shpet, Käthe Bayer, Cameo, Orange Triumph, Paul Krampel, Topaz, Elisabeth Meyer. See below for polyanthus roses, their varieties and photos with short descriptions that give a general idea of ​​the species.

Holstein. Abundantly flowering variety with dark crimson pointed buds. Cup-shaped flower, open, 6-petalled, up to 10 cm in diameter. The bush is medium (up to 80 cm), branched. Inflorescences are located on strong shoots, have a delicate, subtle aroma. The leaves are large, dark, with an orange tint, leathery.

Border King. Abundantly flowering variety. Flowers are strawberry red at the edges and white in the center. The bud is cup-shaped, large (up to 6 cm in diameter), semi-double (up to 16 petals). The inflorescences are very large (40–45 buds each). The bush is branched, medium height (65–70 cm), erect. The leaves are dark green, leathery, glossy. It has good winter hardiness. Used for group planting and borders.

Cecile Brunner Climing. The flowers are light pink in color, 4–5 cm in diameter. There are about 30 petals in a bud. It has a sweet musky aroma. The height of the plant reaches 500–600 cm. The leaves are narrow, shiny and large. The variety is disease and frost resistant.

Semi-climbing roses: varieties and photos

Semi-climbing roses and their varieties are a group of plants that combines semi-climbing strong, tall upright growing shrubs. In central Russia, they require mandatory shelter in the winter. Varieties of this group are used for both vertical and horizontal gardening.

This group includes varieties of the Lambert rose, which is a hybrid of the many-flowered rose of Thunberg, noisette and remontant roses. The shoots are powerful (up to 2 m high), flowering is abundant and long (sometimes repeated). Look at the semi-climbing roses and their varieties in the photo, where you can see the main distinguishing features of the variety.

On the this moment in accordance with the officially accepted classification, the English rose of the breeder D. Austin and varieties of park roses of complex hybrid origin are also included in the semi-climbing group. As a result, this group, due to its diversity, has practically no common genetic and morphological characteristics.

The flowers are diverse, varying both in color and shape: from simple to semi-double and double, the form of a hybrid tea rose or floribunda group, as well as the form of groups of old roses. It blooms profusely, for a long time (up to the first frost), in most cases remontantly. The aroma is usually pleasant, delicate. New varieties are bred to increase resistance to diseases and low temperatures.

In the middle lane, the following varieties of semi-climbing roses are grown: Cordes Brilliant and Rosenresley.

Cordes Brilliant. A plant with semi-double orange-red flowers 8-9 cm in diameter, appear in racemes. They have a light aroma. The bushes are branched, with straight stems up to 150 cm high. Good disease resistance.

Rosenresley. A plant with double orange-pink or carmine buds, up to 10 cm in diameter, collected in small inflorescences. The leaves are dark green, glossy. Bushes grow up to 180 cm in height. The variety has high resistance to fungal diseases.

English park roses: varieties with photos

A group of rose varieties belonging to the class of scrubs was bred at the end of the 20th century. Englishman David Austin by crossing French, Damask, Bourbon roses with a modern hybrid tea and a type of floribunda. See English park roses and their varieties with photos that show all the grace and beauty of the culture:

A distinctive feature is the intense variety of aromas: fruity, vintage garden roses, myrrh, tea roses, musk.

The bush can be low, medium, high, climbing, prostrate, dense, sparse. Under different climatic conditions, the same variety exhibits various properties. As a rule, it is distinguished by shade tolerance, which is explained by adaptation to the cool, rainy English climate. However, under prolonged adverse weather conditions, the buds may not open.

Among the main forms of double flowers of English roses are pompom, shallow bowl, deep bowl, open bowl, rosette, cruciform rosette and back curved. Numerous folded petals in the bud are distinguished by splendor and velvety.

In a standard cup-shaped flower of the Tizin Georgia variety, there are about 110 petals, and in a cross-rosette, of the William Shakespeare 2000 variety, there are approximately 120.

In the middle lane, four varieties of English park roses are most often planted: Abraham Derby, Benjamin Britten, William Shakespeare 2000 and Graham Thomas.

Abraham Derby. A variety with an intense fruity aroma and one of the largest buds among English roses. The flower is a classic cupped shape of an old rose, a copper-apricot shade in the core, the edges of the petals are pale pink. A bud up to 15 cm in size is located at the end of a long shoot, often in small brushes of 2-3 pieces. In cool weather, dichroism appears, in hot weather, the flowers become monochromatic apricot or pale pink. The bud is densely doubled, the petals practically do not crumble, they dry right on the bush. Flowers droop due to gravity, in this regard, it is preferable to high location on a support. Re-blooming comes quickly. The bush is dense, rounded, with abundant glossy foliage. The variety is resistant to diseases, but prone to rust damage. Due to its color and size, it often acts as the center of the composition of the flower bed. It grows quickly and is also used as a climbing rose.

William Shakespeare 2000. An analogue of the variety William Shakespeare, improved in terms of stability. Inherited aroma with hints of violets from an old park rose. Large densely double flowers are painted in a bright velvety red color, gradually turning into a rich purple. AT initial stage the bud is deep and cup-shaped, in the subsequent phases of flowering it opens, becoming flatter and quartered. Large brushes can last more than two weeks. The bush is tall, erect, with numerous flowers on each shoot and branches, with large matte juicy green foliage. Good disease resistance. It is considered the best example of an English rose today.

Rosa rugosa and its varieties

Rosa rugosa and its varieties are a group of plants distinguished by the graceful shape of the bush. They are used to create borders, hedges, as a center of composition in a flower bed and as a background in mixborders. With a regular cut of faded inflorescences, flowering is long. Rose rugosa hybrids are disease and frost resistant.

The most popular varieties in central Russia are Martin Frobisher, Henry Hudson.

Martin Frobisher. A plant with a spreading bush with upright shoots. In height it can reach from 150 to 200 cm. The buds appear in the brushes - 3-4 pieces each, milky pink in color, have a light aroma. Flowering is continuous. It is used to create curtains, diversify hedges from thuja, junipers. Resistant to diseases, but can be affected by black spot.

Henry Hudson. Bright miniature variety. The flowers are semi-double, cup-shaped or almost flat, white-pink with a slight aroma. Flowering is continuous. It is used for curtains, replanting in hedges from thuja, junipers. The bush reaches a height of 60-90 cm, a width of 90-120 cm. Resistant to diseases.

Varieties of climbing Canadian roses: varieties and description

A selective variation of local rose species that grow even in Alaska. With a low bush and compactness, they look like a floribunda rose or a hybrid tea. Varieties of climbing roses are used to create color accents in mixed flower beds.

The most popular Canadian roses in central Russia with a description of the varieties are offered for review further on the page.

Emily Carr. This is the first rose from the selection series of Canadian artists "Canadian Artists". The variety is similar to some types of hybrid tea roses ( classic flower crimson hue, reddish young shoots and high frost resistance). Blooms profusely and for a long time. The bud is semi-double, but does not open the yellow center. Resistant to black spot and powdery mildew.

Morden Ruby. Variety with ruby ​​flowers. Buds appear in racemes of 5-10 pieces. The bush reaches a height of no more than 100 cm, but requires frequent pruning. Flowering at intervals - at the beginning and at the end of the summer season. May be affected by black spot, in severe winters - freeze slightly.

John Franklin. Variety with medium-sized flowers (6–7 cm in diameter) with wavy petals. The flowers are collected in inflorescences (from 3 to 7 pieces, although there are brushes and 30 buds each). The bush reaches a height of 120 cm. Resistant to powdery mildew, but can be affected by black spot. Needs cover. Ideal for flower beds.

Canadian climbing roses: description of varieties with photos

Varieties of climbing Canadian roses bred with the participation of Kordes roses are well-deservedly popular. The following are Canadian climbing roses: their varieties with photos and descriptions will help to make right choice for your garden. The proposed descriptions of varieties of climbing roses tell the beauty and sophistication of these species.

Quadra. A variety that does not require special care, flexible shoots reach 150-180 cm in height. Must be tied to a support. The buds are dark red, collected in medium-sized inflorescences (1-4 pieces). Flowering lasts all season. Possesses winter hardiness and resistance to diseases.

Felix Leclerc. This is a tall scrub (from 90 to 250 cm). The buds are large, semi-double, pink in color. Blooms profusely and for a long time. Resistant to diseases, tolerates cold and heat well.

Henry Kelsey. The flowers are bright crimson with golden stamens inside, semi-double, cup-shaped and fruity-spicy aroma. Diameter 6–8 cm. There are 25–28 petals in one bud. Flowering is repeated, abundant. The leaves are dark green, shiny. The plant reaches a height of 150 cm, sprawling bushes. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew, but may be affected by black spot on the lower leaves. It is frost-resistant, withstands up to -29 ° C, even up to -40 ° C when covered.

Ground cover rose: varieties with photos

This creeping profusely flowering plant with long shoots and medium-sized flowers. It has good winter hardiness, does not require special care. Modern varieties of ground cover roses differ long flowering until the first frost. Some species do not form a cover, but a cascade. The height of plants in this group varies from 20 cm to 200 cm. The width of the bush always noticeably exceeds the height.

Let's see the best varieties of ground cover roses with photos and short but informative descriptions.

Nozomi. A variety of Japanese selection with delicate flowers of silver-pearl-pink color. Inflorescences-armfuls are large, heavy. Blooms once, but profusely. Fairly winter hardy. Disease resistance is average.

Snow Carpet. Variety with snow-white small double flowers. Stems creeping, lie on the ground.

Flurette. Variety with flowers of carmine-pink color with a light center. It has a light delicate aroma. Long arched shoots creep along the ground.

Ripendia. Variety with bright pink non-double flowers. Has a persistent aroma. The bush reaches a height of 30-50 cm.

Tea-hybrid roses: varieties, photos and descriptions

Hybrid tea roses are plants with large flowers (10-12 cm), having from 20 to 130 petals, with a delicate smell. About 10,000 varieties are known with a variety of color, aromatic and external variations. The bush is small or medium. With proper care, it can form up to seven buds on a peduncle, depending on the variety. We offer hybrid tea roses for acquaintance: their varieties, photos and descriptions are offered in a summary further on the page.

From tea roses, she inherited the voluminous shape of the flower, intense aroma, continuous and abundant flowering, and from remontant roses, she inherited the hardness of wood and comparative resistance to lower temperatures. Flowers can be white, yellow, pink, purple, orange, red, with many shades and halftones, as well as two-tone or changing color in different flowering phases. Recognized as the most popular rose in the world.

Ave Maria. Variety with medium flowers with a diameter of about 5-6 cm, densely double petals, creamy white with a pinkish tinge in the center. The buds are collected in inflorescences of 5-15 pieces, they differ strong aroma. The cranked shoots are located on a climbing bush that blooms profusely intermittently.

Papa Mayan. A plant with dark red or purple double flowers, 14 cm in diameter, with a citrus-floral aroma. The leaves are dense, bright green, with a shiny upper surface. Bushes reach a height of 80-100 cm. The variety has an average resistance to diseases, is susceptible to powdery mildew, but is frost-resistant.

Julio Iglesias. A plant with double cream flowers with dense bright pink strokes 10–11 cm in diameter, with a citrus aroma with an admixture of verbena. Leaves are dark green and glossy in appearance. Bushes grow up to 70–80 cm. The variety is resistant to disease and frost.

Cordes Perfecta. The flowers are cream-colored, the edges of the petals are dark red, with a rich aroma, about 12 cm in diameter. There are about 70 petals in a flower. Plant height up to 80 cm. The leaves are leathery, dark green, large. Medium frost and disease resistance.

Crepe de Chine. The flowers are red with an orange tint, about 10 cm in diameter, with a faint aroma. There are about 25-30 petals in a bud. Flowering is plentiful. The height of the plant reaches 55–60 cm. The leaves are dark green in color. Frost resistant variety.

Floribunda roses with photos, names and descriptions of varieties

Floribunda roses with photos and names presented on this page are bush plants with large buds. Obtained by crossing polyanthus roses with hybrid tea.

Flowers on the shoots are located not one by one, but in numerous collective inflorescences. They got their name for the ability to abundant and continuous flowering. In size and shape, they resemble hybrid tea roses. From polyanthus roses inherited resistance to diseases and pests, frost resistance.

Flowers can be of three types: semi-double or terry, goblet, saucer-shaped. Successfully take root in the Middle lane, do not require special care. Abundantly and continuously bloom from early summer to late autumn. Inside floribunda roses, 2 more groups are distinguished spray roses with inflorescences: large varieties grandiflora and shallow patios.

In the floribunda group there are varieties that are very popular. And now we offer descriptions of floribunda rose varieties, which are distinguished by rich bud color and long flowering.

Edelweiss. Hardy, profusely flowering variety. The flower is white-cream, medium double. The outer petals are arranged horizontally. Inside the bud, the petals are plump, convex in the middle, in large umbrellas. The sprawling bush reaches a height of 60–70 cm. The leaves are saturated green in color, when blooming they acquire a reddish tint and a glossy sheen.

Iceberg climbing. The flowers are pure white, 7-8 cm in diameter, with a slight aroma. Flowering is repeated. The height of the plant reaches approximately 300 cm. The leaves are dark green in color. The variety is sometimes affected by powdery mildew. Frost resistant.

Summer Snow Climing. The flowers are white, about 6 cm in diameter, with a slight aroma. Flowering is single. The height of the plant reaches 300 cm. The leaves are light green in color. There are no spikes. Frost resistant variety.

Grandiflora roses: varieties with photos and descriptions

Obtained by crossing hybrid tea and floribunda roses. The bushes are powerful tall (up to 150-200 cm), characterized by frost resistance. They have large flowers and small inflorescences. Thanks to abundant flowering for several months, they are ideal for decorative garden decoration. They take root among other plants. It is also used in combination with herbaceous perennials.

The flower buds on a stem - low up to 40 cm, medium - 60 cm, high - 90 cm. Grandiflora roses are used to decorate flower beds and paths, as well as create hedges. Requires periodic pruning to maintain flowering ability. Suitable for bouquet cutting.

We offer grandiflora roses for review, their varieties with photos and descriptions, allowing you to make a first impression of the species. Most famous varieties of this group are Queen Elizabeth and Sonya.

Queen Elizabeth. A plant with pink fragrant flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The leaves are large, dense, dark green, shiny. Bushes reach a height of 100-250 cm. The variety is relatively resistant to frost, it needs shelter for the winter.

Sonya. A plant with light pink dense double flowers with a diameter of 10–11 cm. The leaves are dark green. Bushes grow up to 80-100 cm. A variety of medium disease resistance, it suffers greatly from rain.

Komsomol light. The flowers are red, with a diameter of about 12-13 cm. Flowering is plentiful. Plant height reaches about 100 cm. Frost-resistant variety.

Varieties of miniature roses with descriptions and photos

Miniature roses, or Laurens (r. indica minima, or r. lawrentiana) are small (15 cm-40 cm) compact bushes with thin shoots and small leaves. Small flowers, reaching a diameter of about 1.5-2 cm, are located singly or collected in inflorescences, beautifully folded, have densely double petals and a fragrant aroma.

Buds with a large number of petals retain a rich color throughout the flowering phase. At the same time, crimson-raspberry, lemon-yellow, coral-pink flowers can bloom on the bush. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the first frost. Independently reaches a height of 15–25 cm, and the shoot grafted on a dog rose grows up to 30–50 cm.

Let us consider in more detail some varieties of miniature roses with a photo and description that allows you to imagine all the beauty of these plants. Among the most suitable for breeding in central Russia are the following varieties:

Baby Masquerade. Variety with flowers of lemon color, smoothly turning into pastel pink. The flowers are small (about 4 cm in diameter), flowering is abundant twice. The bush is miniature, compact. It is characterized by moderate winter hardiness, and also successfully tolerates drought and frost. It does not require special care.

Daniela. A new variety with pointed buds. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, their pale pink color fades in the sun over time, but it never happens absolutely white. The bush is miniature, compact (no more than 15 cm in height). Flowering is plentiful, lasts the entire warm period of the year. The variety is resistant to diseases, but requires careful shelter for the winter.

Pompom de Paris Climing. The flowers are bright pink, 3 cm in diameter, with a slight tea aroma. The first flowering of this variety is early, plentiful, then only individual flowers appear. The height of the bush is about 300 cm. The leaves are small, green. Resistant to disease and frost.

Varieties of climbing roses

Climbing roses occupy one of the leading places in decorative vertical gardening, they are distinguished by long shoots that need support. Shoots are formed continuously, and therefore the phases of flowering and budding are very long. Flowering lasts from 30 to 170 days.

In accordance with the international classification, varieties of climbing roses are divided into 6 groups: Multiflora (Fig. 33), Vihurayana, Lambert, Kordes, Banks and large-flowered, or climbings.

Depending on the specifics of growth, climbing roses are divided into 3 groups: climbing - in height from 50 to 150 cm, climbing - from 300 to 500 cm and semi-climbing - from 150 to 300 m. Rambler blooms on the shoot of past years, and climbing - on the shoot this year.

Climbing roses ramblers and their varieties

Rambler is a hybrid of the Vihurayana rose or the multi-flowered rose Multiflora, which has long, strong, thin and elastic (from 2–4 to 8–15 m long) creeping or arcuate rising shoots. Differs in comparative winter hardiness, needs dry easy shelter in the winter.

The flowers are medium-sized (2–3.5 cm in diameter), double, semi-double or simple, of various colors. Possess a weak fragrant aroma or have no smell. Large inflorescences are located along the entire length of the overwintered shoot. Flowering, as a rule, is single, plentiful, long (30–35 days in June-July). The leaves are glossy, leathery, not visible behind the inflorescences. It has a two-year shoot development cycle.

The most common climbing roses in central Russia, Ramblers, and their varieties are resistant to frost and early flowering.

Felicite and Perpetu- large, very strong and beautiful variety, with dense foliage and large thorns. Flowers with a weak aroma, small size, densely double, creamy white with pink tint, collected in massive loose inflorescences of 20-40 pieces. The variety has shade tolerance, frost resistance, disease resistance. Leaves do not fall in winter. In the withering phase, the flower turns brown and dries right on the bush. A bush up to 400-500 cm high, therefore it needs support.

Alberic Barbier. Cream-colored flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, with a slight aroma. Plant height reaches 500 cm. Frost-resistant variety, but needs shelter.

Lawrence Johnston. The flowers are yellow, about 8 cm in diameter. The smell is not very pleasant. Flowering is single and early. Plant height reaches 500 cm. A large number of thorns and few leaves. Sensitive to powdery mildew. Frost resistant variety.

Large-flowered climbing roses

Large-flowered climbing roses - varieties of modern climbing roses with large flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter) and long stiff whip-like shoots (up to 200–500 cm).

The bud resembles in structure the bud of a hybrid tea rose with its classic cone shape. Inflorescences are medium-sized, loose. Flowering is mostly repetitive, lasting all summer. They are frost resistant.

There are many varieties of large-flowered climbing roses.

New Dawn. A plant with semi-double pale pink flowers 7–8 cm in diameter. The leaves are light green, smooth. Bushes up to 200 cm high. Differs in long flowering. A variety with medium disease resistance, tolerates winter well.

Danse du Fey, or Spectaclear. flowers fiery red, semi-double, about 8–9 cm in diameter. Continuous flowering. The leaves are dark green, shiny. The height of the plant reaches 300 cm. The variety is frost-resistant, under cover it can withstand temperatures down to -30 ° C.

Morning Jewel. Repair grade. The flowers are deep pink, the edges are bent, semi-double, with dense petals, 7–9 cm in diameter, with a sweet aroma. Flowering is repeated, abundant. The leaves are dark green, glossy. Plant height reaches 200–400 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases, but moderately resistant to powdery mildew and black spot. It is frost-resistant, under cover withstands temperatures down to -30 ° C.

Swan Lake, or Schwanensee. The flowers are pure white, with a pink tint in the middle, goblet-shaped, strongly double, about 10 cm in diameter, with a slight aroma. Flowering is abundant, long, repeated. The leaves are dark green, glossy, large, dense. The bush reaches a height of 200 cm. Resistant to diseases, but moderately resistant to powdery mildew, weakly resistant to black spot. The variety under cover withstands frost down to -30 ° C.

A group of semi-climbing roses - varieties with less flexible, short stems (up to 200–250 m). Grown on vertical supports. This group includes climbing varieties of Kordes roses or their hybrids. Perfectly take root in the conditions of central Russia.

Hamburg. A variety with pointed buds, large flowers reach a diameter of 9 cm, with a weak scent. Petals are semi-double, open, crimson. The leathery leaves are large and shiny. The bush reaches 200 cm in height, blooms profusely, intermittently.

Erfurt. The buds are pointed, the flowers are large, with semi-double petals, open, lemon yellow, along the edges of the petals of a carmine shade, during blooming, the flowers turn white, along the edges of carmine with a fragrant aroma. The buds are collected in inflorescences, located on strong long shoots. Leathery leaves are large, wrinkled, have a bronze coating. The bush reaches a height of 200 cm, blooms profusely and continuously.

rose bengal

The indoor Bengal rose is the first re-blooming rose imported into Europe. In nature, these are quite large bushes, reaching a height of up to two meters. The thorns on the purple-brown branches are almost absent. After the flowering of double or semi-double flowers of the Bengal rose, fruits appear on the plant that resemble rose hips in shape.

rose bengal (R. Bengalica) comes from East India, does not have a strictly pronounced dormant period, like all other groups of cultivated roses. It is noteworthy that in winter, the homemade Bengal rose does not shed its leaves.

In culture, quite a few varieties of the Bengal rose group are known with red, pink, white small (up to 5 cm in diameter) flowers, pleasing to the eye from March to October, and sometimes longer. They bloom 3-4 times a season (remontant) with short breaks. Some varieties have a delicate, pleasant aroma. Each flower remains fresh for 7-10 days. On well-developed specimens, there are 2-4 flowers at the same time.

The rose is traditionally considered the queen of flowers. Amazing color variety, unique aroma, stunning beauty of buds - all this allows her to fully correspond to such a high title. Without it, city parks and flower beds, wedding bouquets and decorations, and a delicate rose fragrance has long inspired perfumers.

From the history of the rose

It is difficult to say when for the first time a real rose was brought out of a modest wild rose, but already in Babylon and Persia this flower was highly revered.

Rose bushes from the East came to Greece and Rome. Greek myths retained references to the white and red rose as the flower of Aphrodite. It was highly revered in Greece both as a garden plant and as a plant used for garlands in celebrations and religious ceremonies. Descriptions of flowers with 20 or even a hundred petals have been preserved.

It is not known whether the rose came to Rome from Greece or directly from the East. The frescoes in Pompeii depict its Damascus variety, which speaks in favor of the second version. On the other hand, as in Greece, the rose was part of the cult of Venus (Aphrodite).

With the fall of the Roman Empire, many of its achievements and knowledge were lost. Partially, they were preserved only in monasteries, where, along with Latin and book science, horticulture, including the cultivation of roses, was also preserved. In the early Middle Ages, preference was given to the cultivation of fruit, medicinal plants and spices, and wild flowers were used for wreaths. The Queen of Flowers has become almost the only exception to the rule.

It also contributed to the special status of a flower with which he was endowed Catholic Church. It symbolized purity and holiness and was closely associated with the cult of the Virgin and the suffering of Jesus Christ. Fragrant flowers were also common in commemorative rites - rosalia, borrowed from the ancient Romans and celebrated during their mass flowering in May.

After the capture of Constantinople and the Crusades, previously unknown varieties appeared in Europe. The rose is grown in episcopal and royal gardens. It is widely used in architecture and medieval heraldry as a symbol of impeccability and perfection.

At the turn of the 18-19 centuries. new heat-loving Asian varieties were brought to Great Britain and France. They were distinguished by dense shiny leaves, amazing sophistication of the bud and the ability to bloom repeatedly for a long time. True, such roses were quite not adapted to the harsh European winters. For many years, European breeders have tried to resolve this contradiction. The task seemed impossible for a long time, and only in the 19th century. managed to cross two types of roses, which led to a real breakthrough in rose growing and the emergence of modern hybrid tea species.

There are tens of thousands of rose varieties and hybrids in the world. To understand all this diversity and streamline it, many classifications have been created. For example, in some catalogs, roses are distinguished by the number of petals. Allocate:

  • simple(in a bud a maximum of 7 petals);
  • semi-double(in flowers from 8 to 20 petals);
  • terry(more than 20).

There are also roses park and garden . Ornamental varieties and hybrids of wild rose suitable for cultivation in a harsh climate without or with a slight winter shelter. Garden roses include various varieties of continuously or re-blooming subtropical roses and their hybrids obtained as a result of long-term selection. They require special care and good shelter for the winter.

However, most often they use another classification adopted by the World Federation of Rose Societies. It is she who is found in the catalogs of descriptions of varieties of roses with photos and names. This classification is based not on the origin, but on their stable decorative and biological features. Accordingly, allocate old and modern garden roses .

old garden roses

Old are called varieties bred before the appearance in the 19th century. hybrid tea roses and not changed after that. Usually these are shrubs that have lost their resemblance to wild rose. They are disease resistant and initially were not capable of multiple flowering. But after the appearance in Europe of tea roses from Southeast Asia, hybrids appeared that bloom from spring to autumn.

old varieties represented by many different groups. Here are some of them:

Total count 15 groups of vintage varieties.

modern garden roses

In a simplified form, the list of modern varieties of roses looks like this:

floribunda externally reminiscent of hybrid tea, but differ in longer, and sometimes continuous, flowering and better winter hardiness. Often odorless. Simple, semi- or densely double flowers are collected in inflorescences of a bouquet type. Buds can be the most different shapes- in the form of a bowl or glass. Both the size of the bush (from dwarf to tall) and the color scheme differ in great variety. Varieties: Blue for you, Lions-rose, Pomponella (photo).

Climbing grow from two to four meters in length. Their flowers are collected in inflorescences. Ramblers have flexible climbing stems that need support, and smaller flowers than climbers. Blossom once, but very plentifully. Climbing Climbers are distinguished by a thick stem, large flowers and continuous flowering. Varieties: Elfe, Jasmina, Michka.

ground cover varieties descended from a climbing variety of old garden roses. They either creep along the ground, or have long drooping shoots, or the width of this bush plant simply exceeds its height. The flowers are small, a wide variety of shades. This type of rose fits easily into any landscape design and blends well with other plants. Varieties and photos: Euphoria, Purple Rain, Satina.

The most popular and most decorative group are hybrid tea. Large terry and densely double buds have a classic shape, are distinguished by continuous flowering and an amazing color variety. Gamma ranges from white to almost black (in fact, we are talking about saturated red). Their aroma is varied. It can be light, elusive or thick and saturated. The varieties of this group have very eloquent names and are widely represented in all flower catalogs: Advance, Black Baccara, Topaz, Hommage a Barbara, Wow, Papillon.

Compact bushes with a scattering of small roses were brought from China. Chinese gardeners have developed varieties of small roses from the Chinese dwarf rose. In the 19th century, a gardener from mountainous Switzerland named Dr. Roulette brought home and propagated Chinese roses. For this the new kind The roses were named Rosa Rouletti.

Most of the miniature roses have very little or no fragrance. Varieties Lavender Lace (Lavender lace) andSweet Fairy (Sweet fairy tale) have a very subtle, delicate aroma.

Mini roses are great for rocky and clay terrain, small gardens, outdoor planters, balconies and as decorative flower fences. Miniature varieties of roses are very unpretentious and winter-hardy, they are classified as universal garden plants. Like ordinary roses, they need sunlight for normal development and abundant flowering. Small roses are ideal for morning sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.

The size of the bush is usually 15-50 cm tall. Flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter, bloom singly or in inflorescences.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of types of small roses. Most of them are replicas of regular size roses. The shape of the bush can be standard or climbing.

Planting miniature roses

It is better to plant in loose, slightly clay soil. If there are several bushes, then the distance between them should be at least 30 cm. The best time of the year for planting is spring, by winter the root system will already be strong enough not to freeze. In the first winter, bushes are recommended to be covered with non-woven material.

Caring for miniature roses

In spring and summer, roses require special care - they need watering and fertilizer. For the season it is better to make 3-4 dressings. To begin with, nitrogen fertilizers are used, and in the second half of summer, phosphate-potassium fertilizers.

In early spring, immediately after pruning, you can begin to fertilize. Recommended for the first feeding ammonium nitrate. After the leaves begin to grow, nitrogen top dressing must be repeated. Time of administration mineral fertilizers determined by the appearance of the first buds. In August, you can add superphosphate and potassium nitrate. In order for the roots of miniature roses to receive enough air and water, you need to periodically loosen the soil.

Roses love watering and spraying, in the hot season it is enough to water in the evening once every 2 days, spraying water with a hose over the leaves.

Miniature roses in houses and apartments

In fact, roses are not very comfortable in living quarters, if you still decide to decorate home window sills with roses, you will have to carefully look after them.

With proper care, mini roses will bloom all year round. Flowering will occur once every 8 weeks.

Proper care of indoor roses:

  1. Choose a place: south or east window sill
  2. Plant a rose in a roomy for the roots flower pot(at least 2 times deeper than the roots)
  3. When transplanting, it is important not to destroy the earthen ball on the roots.
  4. Be sure to fill the bottom of the pot with drainage
  5. For roses, slightly acidic soil is suitable - a mixture of clay, sand and peat in a ratio (2: 1: 2). You can also use ready-made soil mixtures for roses.
  6. For irrigation, it is better to use non-hard water. room temperature. It is better to water with settled water for 2-3 days.
  7. Roses love abundant watering, but only as the soil dries!
  8. You can spray with water 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening
  9. The air in the room should be sufficiently humid and fresh.
  10. If the sunny day is too short, then roses are recommended to be additionally illuminated with fluorescent lamps (they should not be placed close to the rose, so as not to burn the leaves)
  11. Fertilize every 2 weeks
  12. Pruning - wilted flowers are cut along with 3-5 cm of the stem

How to choose a miniature rose in the store

  1. You need to pay attention to the buds - they should be dense
  2. Roots should be visible from the holes at the bottom of the container.
  3. It is better that most of the roses on the bush are not yet bloomed.
  4. Carefully inspect the bottom of the pot and the lower leaves - if you find mold or white bloom there, then the rose has rotted during transportation. This is not worth buying.
  5. The rose that has been in the store for a long time and has already faded will better take root at home. Such a plant also needs to be examined for the presence of good roots and healthy foliage.

Types of miniature roses

In our time of active international communications and simple online shopping, you can order your favorite type of miniature rose from any country in the world. The cost of a seedling is $20-50, delivery takes about a month.

Miniature Peach Rose Amber Sunblaze® - Amber Glitter

A bright peach-orange miniature rose. It blooms with individual roses and inflorescences. When the flowers are fully open, shades of yellow appear on the inner petals. Foliage is semi-glossy dark green. The aroma is absent.

Miniature striped rose STARS 'N' STRIPES - Stars and Stripes

Very unusual, bright little rose. Small shrub with dark foliage. The flowers are very small, white-pink. Has a light aroma. Bush height 30-40 cm.

Miniature light pink rose LAVENDER JEWEL – Lavender Jewel

Exceptionally showy bush with miniature roses of light pink-lilac color. It is considered one of the best types of miniature roses. A distinctive feature is a very abundant flowering and a delicate aroma.

Miniature purple rose Diamond Eyes

Dark purple rose with a contrasting white center. This type of rose is native to America. Blooms in inflorescences. Bushes are short, dense and compact. Foliage is glossy, dark green.
Perfect for flowering hedges, garden flower pots and will decorate any garden bed. It has a very pleasant, strong aroma.

Miniature pink rose CRI CRI - Cri Cree

Miniature rose bushes with numerous inflorescences. Roses are a very bright, rich pink color. A large number of petals in a rose creates a unique, very fluffy flower with unusually dense petals. Kri Kri roses bloom and bloom for a long time. They have a light aroma. Bush height 30-40 cm.

Miniature red rose GLOIRE DU MIDI (Dwarf Polyantha)

Miniature roses of bright scarlet color. They bloom in numerous inflorescences. Compact bushes up to 50 cm high. They have a light aroma and abundant foliage.

Miniature pink rose Magic Carrousel

These small colorful roses are characterized by abundant blooms. The color of the petals is red-white or pink-white. Roses bloom in small inflorescences. Magic Carousel is an American variety of roses, was bred in 1973.

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