Consider how to water eggplant seedlings: the right water and the frequency of watering, the features of the regimen after picking and transplanting, useful tips. How to feed eggplant seedlings after picking

In a large part of our country the climate is unfavorable agriculture. Both the state and the population have to find various methods to have time to harvest short term Many craftsmen using modern technologies and folk remedies, grow rich harvests of fruits and vegetables despite prolonged cold weather. Eggplants are also obtained in this way. cultivation cultivated plants impossible without good nutrition and organic matter. What to feed eggplant?


Eggplant in Russian household plots grow not so often: the plant is very thermophilic and requires a long growing season. Most regions of Russia cannot provide enough heat for growing eggplant, because this crop from the Solanaceae family needs a long and warm summer.

The way to carry out the growing season in such a situation was special premises, the cultivation of early ripening vegetables and, of course, active feeding of crops - all this helps the rapid appearance of fruits, an increase in crop volume. If you find how to feed eggplants for growth, then a significant harvest of these vegetables will be guaranteed.

Fertilizer shortage

The main reason why a gardener cannot grow eggplants is the wrong feeding. It is carried out either at the wrong time, or in the wrong amount. With poor nutrition, the fruits grow small, and there are very few of them. With a serious addition of nitrogen elements, beautiful bushes appear, but nothing grows on them. Therefore, it is worth seriously considering how to feed eggplant.

nitrogen deficiency

Eggplant, which needs nitrogen, is distinguished by small leaves and a different color. As a rule, the leaves of the plant darken and then fall off. The fruits of such vegetables ripen very slowly. And the fruits that managed to ripen are small, loosely attached to the stem. It is possible to ensure the yield on such plants by the method of fertilizing with nitrogen-containing substances. For example, urea is perfect for this task.

Potassium deficiency

If there is little potassium in the soil where eggplants ripen, vegetables slow down development. Fruits formed on adult plants, with a lack of potassium, are covered with brown spots. Of course, the level of productivity in this case drops significantly.

The need for potassium increases on cloudy days. What is the best way to feed eggplant in this case? Must be entered wood ash. She needs to strew the ground under each eggplant. On the square meter, as a rule, contribute two hundred to three hundred grams.

Phosphorus deficiency

With a lack of phosphorus, the color of the plant turns from green to blue. The leaves curl up and after a while almost completely fly around. The condition of the vegetable in general is deteriorating. The root system almost does not develop, buds and fruit ovaries appear in extremely small quantities, and ripening is very slow.

You can try to increase the level of eggplant vital activity by feeding them with phosphorus-containing compounds. In particular, superphosphate can be used.

Features of plant nutrition

What to feed eggplant? Eggplant top dressings can only be used for cultivating the root system with specially prepared liquids or solid mixtures. Otherwise, this can lead to weakening and death of the vegetable in a young state. In case of contact with leaves and stems of phosphorus and nitrogen-containing fertilizers, it is necessary to wash off the substances as soon as possible warm water.

Eggplant during flowering: how to feed?

Cultivated plants need mandatory fertilization. The first dressing is done about three weeks after planting them in the garden. During this period, eggplant seedlings grow to such a state that they can absorb elements from the earth as much as possible. Then the question arises: how to feed the eggplant during flowering?

Good artificial fertilizers at this time can be complex formulations with trace elements. In particular, "Mortar", "Harvest" and others. They supply plants with a maximum of necessary substances and contribute to the appearance of frequent ovaries.

From folk ways it is recommended to use organic matter saturated with nitrogen and microelements. For example, it is a fermented liquid from green mass. They prepare it in this way: they take a barrel, fill it a third with fresh grass from the garden, then pour water, cover it with a lid on top, put it in a sunny area and allow it to ferment for a week. After that, fill a watering can with a solution and pour liquids up to one liter per plant.

What else to feed eggplant during flowering?

You can make such a solution: in a container with a volume of 50 liters, throw a beveled green mass weighing about four kilos, half a bucket of fresh mullein and 200 g of mineral ash. Top with water and leave covered in a sunny place for seven days. Before use, dilute the solution in a ratio of 1: 3 and also water one liter for each bush.

There are other ways.

plant nutrition periods

Eggplant fertilizer will benefit only if fertilizing is carried out in the right time. You can feed with ready-made mineral fertilizers, but you can also ask how to feed eggplants for growth folk remedies.

The first serious top dressing will be by the time the young plants become strong. Fertilizer allows the culture to develop faster and increase mass. As a result, seedlings can be transplanted to permanent place.

The second top dressing will need to be carried out when the plants are resettled in a greenhouse or in open ground. How to feed eggplants in the ground, what is needed for this? During this period, microelements will help the culture develop in new circumstances, strengthen immunity and increase resistance to diseases and strong temperature changes.

The third feeding should be carried out in initial period flower formation. Moreover, if there are many prolific flowers, eggplants without top dressing will not be able to create full-fledged fruits.

The fourth time fertilizer is applied to the ground during the fruiting of the plant. Do not neglect this top dressing, because it has a positive effect on the dimensions of future fruits.

Outdoor cultivation

A significant part of cultivated plants must be fed if they are not planted in a greenhouse. Then gardeners should ask how to feed eggplant in the open field?

Fans have several feeding recipes. For example, it is proposed to fill a 100-liter container with water, add 0.5 liters of Effekton fertilizer, stir and pour 1 liter for each bush.

After top dressing, it is necessary to irrigate with clean and warm water.

Growing in a greenhouse

AT middle lane In Russia, many gardeners prefer to grow eggplant in a greenhouse. In this case, top dressing is required. Although these vegetables absorb little fertilizer from the ground, when greenhouse cultivation nutrition cannot be completely neglected.

How to feed eggplant in a greenhouse? Organics have a positive effect on plants, and if the gardener has the opportunity, one should try to replace artificial fertilizers with ashes and mullein to the maximum.

Top dressing of greenhouse vegetables begins to produce from the autumn preparation of the land. Up to half a bucket of rotted grass is brought per square meter of area and the soil is cultivated at a shallow distance. Ash should be poured directly during the planting period: a handful into the hole, connecting with soil and watering.

For the first time, eggplants are fertilized when the root system grows. The best option: it is necessary to pour 3 tbsp on a bucket of warm water. spoons of azofoska. Pour half a liter per plant.

When the ovaries grow, it is necessary to fertilize the greenhouse eggplant again. At this time, you need to feed with phosphorus and potassium, and you also need to use various infusions. In the initial period of fruiting, strengthen greenhouse eggplants with nitrogen and potassium. To do this, it is necessary to double the volume of these fertilizers in the working mixture.

Eggplant pick

Seedling picking is used in order to form a stronger root system. The event is not mandatory, but highly recommended. This plant improvement can occur both before transferring young vegetables to a bulkier container, or before transplanting them outside. In this case, of course, the first option will be more beneficial for the further growth and development of culture. Then the eggplants have more optimistic prospects not only to survive, but also to bring a wonderful harvest to the gardener.

When and how to feed eggplant in this case? Plants should be fed after picking with compounds that accelerate the development of the root system of young vegetables. It also promotes good absorption of nutrients and their distribution throughout the plant. Because of this, feeding eggplants after picking should be carried out with substances such as phosphorus and potassium.

Folk remedies for feeding

Often, lovers of agricultural technologies think about how to feed eggplants with folk remedies and whether they can be trusted practical activities other gardeners? Life shows what is even needed. The most famous folk mixtures are very simple to manufacture and quite effective.

During the flowering period, you should try to prepare and chop harder quinoa, dandelion pulp, nettle leaves, young woodlice and plantain. Green fresh mix needs about five kilograms. It should be combined with ten kilograms of mullein and half a kilogram of stove ash. The mixture will be ready for use after seven days of fermentation in one hundred liters of water. It is used at the rate of one liter per plant bush, the liquid is poured under the root.

During the fruiting period, ten kilograms of mullein are fermented in the same volume of water (one hundred liters), combined with one glass of urea. The solution should be infused for five days. The garden is fed with an infused solution in the amount of five liters per square meter.

Experienced lovers are advised to use other types of dressings. In particular, the idea of ​​pouring not only eggplants, but also other vegetable crops with a yeast solution is becoming more and more famous.

To prepare the infusion, you need to dissolve a little more than half a kilogram of compressed yeast in a liter of warm water, add ten grams of granulated sugar, a pound of wood ash or one hundred grams eggshell. The resulting mass matures for several hours, then combines with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Once a month, it is also advisable to water the vegetables with a solution. boric acid and magnesium sulfate (solution - two grams per ten liters of warm water). This type of top dressing is foliar, since it is carried out by spraying vegetables from a spray bottle. Such top dressing will help preserve the leaves, and then, with the growth of plants, female flowers and ovaries.

When using all of the above tips from gardeners, it will not be difficult to feed eggplants in the right way. Remember that properly fertilized land will give a bountiful harvest.


During fruiting, the gardener tries to get a large number of fruits. To do this, you need to solve the question of how to feed the eggplant during fruiting.

At this time, eggplants are demanding potash fertilizers, especially if the summer period was cold and damp. There are several options for potash supplements:

  1. A mixture made from potassium salt (you will need two tablespoons), superphosphates (also two tablespoons) and warm water (ten liters).
  2. A mixture of potassium sulfate (one tablespoon) with warm water (ten liters).

Also at this time, eggplant responds well to the introduction organic feeding, which includes the manure of domestic animals.

To achieve high yield eggplant seedlings need timely water and feed. Since eggplant is a capricious vegetable, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out, as well as waterlogging. The main rule is to water in the morning.


In the Encyclopedia country life» the following irrigation mode is given:

  • 1-2 waterings until the first true leaf appears (water consumption - 7 liters per 1 m2),
  • 2-3 waterings in the future (water consumption - 14-15 liters per 1 m2).

We must not forget also about the humidification of the air. It is easier to use a bucket of water placed near the battery for this. Regular airing of the room is also included in the process of caring for eggplant seedlings.

top dressing

For good development seedlings watering alone is not enough. Young eggplants recommend feed in the following ways:

  • Prepare a solution chicken manure or cow. The litter is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 15. The mullein is diluted with water 1 to 10. Whichever option you choose, the solution is set to ferment for 3-4 days.
  • Prepare a solution of complete mineral fertilizer. 50 grams of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water.
  • You can also purchase a ready-made product in a store with detailed instruction by application.

When to feed seedlings? Once is enough: 10-14 days after picking in the phase of 2 true leaves, if the seedlings were planted in boxes, or 3 weeks after germination, if the seeds were planted directly in cups.

Important! Do not forget to water the seedlings with settled water after each feeding. room temperature. Pay attention to the leaves - they should not leave traces of fertilizer. Seedlings need to be watered very carefully, under the root. It is convenient to do this from a watering can or a small teapot with a narrow spout.

What else can you feed? folk recipe

As effective feeding use an infusion of eggshells (in a 3-liter bottle, pour crushed shells from ten eggs and pour hot water). After six days, strain and the solution is ready for use.

There are many videos on the Web in which gardeners share their experience in growing the most different cultures, including eggplant. As for their seedlings, they also advise such ways to feed eggplant seedlings:

  • Top dressing "Gumi-Omi" for tomatoes, eggplants and peppers. This is an organic, natural fertilizer based on chicken manure. The rules and regulations for use are indicated on the packaging. The composition of top dressing contains a complete set of macro-and microelements. This top dressing helps if the eggplant leaves begin to turn yellow. Dilute 6 tablespoons per 10 liters of water (1 tablespoon goes per liter) and insist for a day. Can be applied every 10 days.
  • Infusion of onion peel. A rich set of trace elements, but it does not contain nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium. Therefore, top dressing with infusion of onion peel is best combined with other formulations. The infusion has a fungicidal effect. Preparing is simple: take 2-3 onions and peel them. You should get 1 handful. The husk is poured with 1 liter hot water, insist the night, and in the morning you can already water.

Processing seedlings before planting in the ground

Black leg and others fungal diseases capable of destroying young seedlings in the bud. Therefore, 5 days before landing in a permanent place, it is recommended to carry out a simple preventive procedure:

  • spray the seedlings with a 0.5% solution of copper sulfate.

This will protect the seedlings from fungal diseases.

In conclusion, we would advise you to look at one very interesting video how and with what you can feed eggplant seedlings. Here are considered both store and folk remedies:

Peppers and eggplants love to eat well, so feeding these crops is a necessary thing. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, macro- and microelements are the first, second and third course for them. Our business is to feed our beloved bushes in time and to the full, because if the garden is starving in the summer, then in the autumn and winter the gardener who is left without a crop will have to starve.

Top dressing of peppers and eggplants is strongly recommended to start at the stage of growing seedlings. In the future, some prefer to fertilize the holes during planting, others prefer to feed liquid fertilizers throughout the summer season. There are plenty of options to choose from that are convenient for you.

The main feature in feeding eggplants and peppers is that foliar top dressing(that is, spraying with a solution of fertilizers on leaves and stems) are practically not used.

On the contrary, all the advice boils down to watering the bushes exclusively at the root, and washing off the dressing that accidentally fell on the leaves with water. So be careful!

Experienced gardeners feed pepper and eggplant seedlings twice: the first time during the formation of true leaves, the second time - 10 days before planting.

First feeding of seedlings

For intensive growth and the acquisition of immunity to many diseases, for the first time, peppers and eggplants are fed with nitrogen-potassium fertilizer.

Option 1. Potassium nitrate. For 10 liters 30 grams.
Option 2.
Option 3. A mixture of fertilizers for peppers and eggplants. In 10 liters of water, 30 grams of foskamide and 10-15 grams of superphosphate are diluted.
Option 4. A mixture of fertilizers for both crops. For 10 liters of water, 10 grams of potassium sulfate, 10 grams of urea and 30 grams of superphosphate. Divide the solution at the rate of 1 liter per 10 plants.
Option 5. A mixture of fertilizers for peppers. 2 teaspoons ammonium nitrate, 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 3 teaspoons of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.
Option 6. A mixture of fertilizers for eggplant. 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate, 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 2 teaspoons of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.

The second feeding of seedlings of peppers or eggplants

The second feeding should, along with nitrogen and potassium, also include phosphorus, macro- and microelements.

Option 1."Crystal". For 10 liters 20 grams.
Option 2."Kemira-Lux". For 10 liters of water, 20-30 grams of fertilizer.
Option 3. A mixture of fertilizers for both peppers and eggplants. For 10 liters of water, 60-80 grams of superphosphate and 25-30 grams of potassium salt are taken.
Option 4. A mixture of fertilizers. For 10 liters of water, 10 grams of potassium sulfate, 10 grams of urea and 60 grams of superphosphate. Divide the solution at the rate of 1 liter per 10 plants.

Fertilizing the beds for peppers and eggplants

When preparing the beds before planting seedlings in a permanent place, fertilizers can be added directly to the soil. This option is especially convenient for those summer residents who do not appear on the site often and do not have time to feed the plants on schedule.

Option 1. For 1 square meter 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of potassium chloride.
Option 2. For 1 square meter 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of wood ash.
Option 3. A liter of mullein solution heated to 35-40 ° C is poured into each well (0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water)

Immediately before planting in the hole, you can add 200 grams of a mixture of earth and humus 1: 1.

Option 1. For 1 square meter 30 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of ammonium sulfate and 15 grams of potassium chloride.
Option 2. For 1 square meter 30 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of ammonium sulfate and 30 grams of wood ash.

Before planting seedlings, 400 grams of humus mixture is laid out in the hole.

Root feeding of peppers and eggplants after planting in the ground

During the summer season, peppers and eggplants are fed quite often. Depending on the condition of the soil, 3-5 top dressings can be carried out with an interval of two weeks. Do not forget that eggplant and pepper fertilizers must be dissolved in warm water, the temperature of the prepared nutrient solution should be 22-24°C.

The first top dressing is carried out two weeks after planting the seedlings in the garden, when the plant has finally taken root in a new place, and the work of the roots has begun to search for nutrients.

As a rule, when feeding, one liter of prepared fertilizer is poured under each bush.

Top dressing of peppers and eggplants during flowering and before fruiting

Option 1. 1 liter of nettle infusion or other herbs for each bush. Read the recipe for the infusion in the article.
Option 2. For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein (0.5 liters bird droppings) and 1 cup wood ash.
Option 3. 20-30 grams of ammophoska per 10 liters of water.
Option 4. For 10 liters of water, 20-30 grams of urea, 30-40 grams of superphosphate and 10-20 grams of potassium chloride.
Option 5. For 10 liters of water, 2 teaspoons of urea and superphosphate.
Option 6. For 10 liters of water, 1 teaspoon of urea, 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate.
Option 7. For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein and 25-30 grams of superphosphate.
Option 8. For 10 liters of water, 40-50 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of ammonium nitrate and 15-20 grams of potassium salt.
Option 9. For 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein, 500 grams of nettle, 1 tablespoon of ash - infused for 7 days.

Top dressing of peppers and eggplants during fruiting

Option 1. 40 grams of superphosphate per 10 liters of water.
Option 2. 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.
Option 3. 2 each teaspoon superphosphate and potassium salt per 10 liters of water.
Option 4. 0.5 liters of chicken manure and 2 tablespoons of nitroammophoska per 10 liters of water.
Option 5. 1 liter of mullein, 1/4 liter of chicken manure and 1 tablespoon of urea per 10 liters of water.
Option 6. 60-80 grams of urea, 60-80 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water.

In addition to all of the above, I would like to remind you - pay attention to weather. In cloudy and cool summers, peppers and eggplants need 20% more potassium. In this case, in addition to liquid dressings, sprinkle wood ash under the bushes at the rate of 1-2 cups per square meter.

Peppers and especially eggplants are sensitive to micronutrient deficiencies, so once it is recommended to feed the plants with the “Riga mixture” (1 tablet is diluted in 10 liters of water) or complex mineral fertilizer with micronutrients.

We wish you success and great harvests!

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