Using GSM to control the heating boiler. Heating control systems

Modern means of communication make it possible to implement many ideas that in the recent past were perceived as fantastic. And if earlier the remote control of the heating of a country house seemed like such a project, now it is a really working system that allows you to remotely change its mode of operation in accordance with the current situation. What is needed for this, and how can such a heating mode be implemented?

Which heating system can be controlled remotely?

Heating systems themselves have changed a lot over the past time. Now in country houses most often stand two-pipe systems in which forced circulation is carried out. A special pump pumps the coolant throughout the entire volume, and, thanks to the distributor comb, it can be supplied to almost every heater.

In such a system, increased pressure is created, and to protect it from destruction in unforeseen situations, there is a heating safety unit, or a safety group for heating is specially installed. In cases where the pressure exceeds the critical one, the safety valve, the risk of damage to the heating system is removed and it can continue to operate normally.

These two factors - the possibility of coolant supply to any heating device and the heating system security unit can be considered the main ones in order to implement remote control of heating.

Of course, you also need equipment that can control all the work, sensors, special valves and devices for adjusting the coolant, combining various devices into an information network, and nevertheless, the described system will be the most suitable for this.

How remote controlled heating works

Remote control of heating in country house allows you to implement, for example, the modes of operation:

  • general, when the set temperature is maintained throughout the house;
  • zonal, in this case various premises may be individual temperature;
  • temporary, with him in different time during the day, the house can maintain its own thermal regime, for example, in the absence of tenants in the house it will be colder.

Remote heating control means that any of these modes, as well as specific room temperatures, are changed using mobile communications, or heating is controlled via the Internet. For example, when you leave home as needed, you set the economy mode when the temperature in it is maintained at minimum value. Returning in the evening, you do not expect guests, which means that it will be enough to provide heat only in certain rooms, and leave everything unchanged in the rest. All this allows you to implement a remote control heating system.

And why is it needed at all?

First of all, it creates additional comfort. So, remote activation heating in a country house or in a private house will be able to provide the desired temperature by your arrival, as described in the example above. Another advantage of this approach is:

  • additional savings in heating costs, sometimes reaching fifty percent, due to the operation of heating in an economical mode in the absence of residents of the house;
  • increase in the service life of equipment, provided by its operation at reduced load.

Controlling the heating system with mobile phone

In addition, it should be taken into account that for engineering systems, the development trend is their integration into a single network, which makes it possible to reduce total costs for the upkeep of the house. Thus, a security system for heating, in the presence of free control channels and appropriate software, can additionally perform other functions, for example, enable or disable irrigation in a greenhouse.

The work of various engineering systems in a single network expands the tasks intended for the successful functioning of the house as a whole.

The safety group for the heating system, currently monitoring the pressure value, can be additionally equipped with appropriate sensors and actuators, and the fire safety of heating systems can be ensured by such a system.

Well, do not forget that this approach is part of the ideology of creating " smart home”, which implies the further development of all engineering systems.

Remote control of various engineering systems, including heating, should be considered as their further development. The purpose of its implementation is to ensure ease of use and create living conditions that are most appropriate to individual needs and circumstances.

Remote control of the operation of a boiler room or other heating systems using a mobile phone is the most convenient and modern solution offered by our company. GSM, GPRS, SMS control of temperature and operation of all heating systems is carried out by our small and inexpensive controller. You can control and manage the operating modes of the heating system from your mobile phone and thus save expensive energy resources. Switch the heating mode from economical to optimal before arriving at the cottage. Receive a notification on your mobile that your power has been cut off. You will save your house from defrosting and save money.

Functions of the ready-made solution "Heating control":

  • Room temperature measurement, heat carrier temperature measurement.
  • Management of the operation of a gas or electric boiler locally and remotely via SMS commands.
  • Management of electric heating equipment according to the current night and day tariffs.
  • Voltage control in the network 220/380 Volts.
  • Changing the heating mode settings locally and via SMS messages.
  • Control heating appliances by built-in timer
  • Sending SMS messages by the controller to the consumer in case of emergencies or upon SMS request
  • Possibility of additional adaptation of standard programs to special operating conditions ( option).


– instructions for servicing the system “GSM user manual control of heating and security”
- system management program "ROOM TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT", esms-file, 750 Kb
– system management program “TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT WITH SECURITY LOOP”, esms-file, 640 Kb

Comfortable warmth and coziness, regardless of the weather and time, are the main tasks that the heating control system solves. Intelligent automation monitors the temperature regime of the house and each room separately; regulates the intensity of operation of heating equipment (boiler rooms, registers, underfloor heating), ensures energy savings, etc. Due to its significant advantages and reliability, the system is well established and is gaining more and more popularity.


Heating control, which is part of the Smart Home System complex solution, is responsible for the temperature of all rooms and is able to create a unique microclimate in living rooms and special-purpose areas.

Depending on the power and features, the heating control system is able to control the temperature in dozens of rooms at the same time (up to 512). The range of given and controlled temperatures can range from 0 (cellar, wine cellar) to 125°C (home bath, sauna).

There is the possibility of automatic and remote control, GSM heating control is provided, which allows you to control the system, being at any distance from home.

The microclimate of living rooms

In addition to reliability, continuous monitoring of the performance of all equipment, the heating control system allows you to create and maintain an individual temperature regime in each room and, in addition, regulate it depending on the time of day.

As studies show and according to the opinion of the majority of the inhabitants, 22-23°C are considered the optimal daytime temperature, while 16-18°C are more comfortable for the night. Sleeping at lower temperatures has a beneficial effect on health, promotes sound sleep and good rest.

The heating control system in the house makes it possible to set different temperature conditions for night and day, create equipment operation scenarios. Depending on the wishes and settings, the main function of space heating can lie on warm floors or on registers.

Automation and weather conditions

An equally significant advantage of heating control systems is the ability to automatically adjust, depending on weather conditions. The colder it is outside, the more intense the heating will work. It does not matter how severe the frost is outside the window - the system will take care that there is always a comfortable temperature inside the house.

resource saving

The remote control system for home heating allows you to maintain the optimal balance between heat and minimal energy consumption. Regardless of what the house is heated with (gas, water, electric heaters), the controller will give a command to reduce the heating intensity at night, as well as when the specified temperature limit is reached. No need to open the windows, wanting to release excess, but already "paid" heat. The system itself will treat energy resources, and, therefore, the means of its owners, as carefully as possible.

Interaction with the house can be carried out via SMS messages or via the Internet. Thanks to this, the house will always be under control.

Our company provides an opportunity to buy a home control system in a basic or individual version. The equipment is universal and allows you to add new functions and capabilities to the system, depending on the requirements.

The Internet of Things (IoT, Internet of Things) is a promising direction, according to analysts. One of the main IoT trends is home automation or, as marketers like to put it, the creation of a “smart home”.

Let's leave the verbal exercises alone and consider a specific project.

Formulation of the problem

I live in my own house near Moscow. In addition to the obvious advantages of this accommodation option, there are some nuances. If in apartment building takes care of most of the communal tasks Management Company, then in your own house you have to solve them yourself.

One of these tasks for me was the need for remote monitoring and control of the heating system. It is true that in middle lane Russian heating in winter is not a matter of comfort, but survival. According to the repeatedly confirmed empirical law, all troubles happen at the most inopportune time. In more than a decade of living in my own home, I too have become convinced of the validity of this law.

But if, for example, the failure of a water supply pump in a 30-degree frost can still be somehow survived, then the failure of the heating boiler turns into a disaster. In such a frost, a normally insulated house gets cold in less than a day.

I often have to be away from home for a long time, including in winter. Therefore, the possibility of remote monitoring of the state of the heating system and its control has become an urgent task for me.

In my house, the heating system has two boilers, solar (alas, there is no gas and is not expected) and electric. This choice due not only to issues of reservation, but also to optimization of heating costs. At night except severe frosts, the electric boiler is working, as the house has two-tariff electric meter. The power of this boiler is enough for a comfortable night temperature (18-19 degrees). In the afternoon, a solar boiler comes into operation, raising the temperature to 22-23 degrees. In this mode, the heating system has been operating for several years and allows us to conclude that this option is economical.

It is clear that daily manual switching of the operating modes of the heating system is not the most reasonable choice, so it was decided to automate this process and, at the same time, provide for the possibility of remote control.

Technical task

Following the habit of the developer, the first thing I did was to systematize the requirements for the control system being created and tossed out for myself something similar to the terms of reference.

Here short list main requirements for the designed solution:

  • control the temperature in the house and on the street
  • provide three modes for selecting heating boilers (more details below)
  • provide remote monitoring of the system status and its management
Initially, there were a few more items on the list, but then they were excluded for various reasons. For example, I planned to equip the system with a screen with an indication of current parameters and the ability to control via a touchscreen. But it seemed to me unnecessary duplication of remote control via the Internet. Of course, it is possible to come up with life situations when local indication and control is needed. I do not argue, but do not forget that this possibility would require additional complication and increase in the cost of the system.

The algorithm for controlling the heating system contains an apocalypse scenario associated with a complete power outage. Of course, in this case it is not necessary to talk about remote control. But those in the house can switch to emergency heating mode with a few simple manipulations. It is enough to switch one external four-pole toggle switch and start the backup gasoline generator. This will ensure the operation of the solar boiler offline. In practice, this has happened a couple of times already, when freezing rains led to a massive break in power lines.

Modern heating boilers, as a rule, have remote control units connected with a conventional two-wire wire. In order not to get into the factory control circuits, it was decided to switch these wires themselves. A wire break, carried out by a conventional electromechanical relay, stops the boiler.

IoT Security Method

After reading horror stories about the consequences of hacking smart homes, I decided to play it safe and minimize the possibility of external hacking. Someone will say, they say, who needs to hack your smart home. I agree, the probability is minimal, but after observing regular attempts to hack my web servers, I decided to act on the principle: it is better to oversleep than undereat. Joke.

To do this, I abandoned the common paradigm when the central server is the initiator of the management of distributed smart sensors (devices). It was decided to use classical scheme client-server, where the smart sensor acts as a client.
The choice of such an architecture is not always possible in IoT, but in this case it is quite acceptable, since heating systems have a fairly large inertia. Even the ability to instantly and arbitrarily change the settings in the system, for example, the temperature in the room, does not lead to instant achievement of the set parameters.

Transferring the initiative in data exchange to the side of a smart sensor makes it possible to almost completely exclude its hacking by unauthorized persons. After all, the sensor perceives only the response from the server to its request. Theoretically, it is possible to intercept such a request and spoof the response, but this threat is minimized, for example, by the https protocol. If there is no desire to raise this protocol in the sensor, then there is a variant with the calculation of checksums taking into account parameters that are a priori unknown to the attacker. But this cryptographic question is beyond the scope of this topic.

If the server did not receive a response to the request, the smart sensor, after waiting for a certain timeout, continues to work in the previously set mode.

As a server, it was decided to create a small website with a MySQL database, which was deployed on the third level domain of one of my sites. The site was written using adaptive layout, which allows you to work comfortably from your smartphone.
A five-minute period was chosen for the exchange of information with the server.

This choice is partly due to one nuance of the operation of the electric boiler. To exclude boiling of water in the heater flask from the residual heat of heating elements, the so-called boiler run-out is used. In other words, after turning off the heating elements, the circulation pump continues to work for some time. My boiler has a default overrun of 4 minutes, although it can be increased for longer periods. Therefore, the five-minute exchange interval fit perfectly into the logic of the heating system. And more frequent data exchange did not give any benefit, it only led to an increase in the number of records in the server database.

Work algorithm

The work of a smart sensor, called the weather module, does not contain anything unusual. The cycle polls the temperature and humidity sensors. This continues for approximately 4.5 minutes. Then a GET request is generated to the server and the received response is processed. As a result, the period (main cycle) is approximately 5 minutes long. Perfect accuracy is not required here, in practice the period turned out to be several seconds shorter, which leads to a gradual shift. With an ideal five-minute period, 288 readings would be transmitted per day, in reality there are 289-290 of them. This does not affect the operation of the system at all.

The main sketch of the program with detailed comments is given in the listing. Due to the extensive amount of code, I did not publish the implementations of the subroutines used. The listing left diagnostic messages for output to the terminal.

Main program sketch

/* * Sketch Meteo Control Mega2560 * ver. 13.0 * Simplified automation algorithm day - diesel fuel, night - electric. Initial threshold 21 degrees, step - 0.5 degrees * exchange with the server via http 1.0 */ // libs #include #include "DHT.h" // wired connections // timer connection via I2C bus, bus address 104 #define DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS 104 // define #define HYSTERESIS 0.5 // temperature threshold hysteresis, degrees #define LONG_CYCLE 9 // measurement cycle duration , 9 - about 5 minutes, taking into account the time of exchange with the server #define SHORT_CYCLE 13 // duration of a small measurement cycle, 13 sec. taking into account the time of data collection from the sensors, the small cycle is about 30 seconds #define DAY_BEGIN 6 // start of the daily tariff period #define DAY_END 22 // end of the daily tariff period #define MIN_INTERVAL 3000 // interval for reading temperature sensors is 3 seconds #define PIN_DHT_IN 23 / / temperature and humidity sensor input inside AM2301 #define PIN_DHT_OUT 22 // temperature and humidity sensor input outside AM2301 #define DHTTYPE DHT21 DHT dhtin(PIN_DHT_IN, DHTTYPE); DHT dhtout(PIN_DHT_OUT, DHTTYPE); #define RELAY_E 25 // electric boiler relay control output #define RELAY_D 24 // solar boiler relay control output #define LED_R 27 // LED RGB #define LED_G 29 // LED RGB #define LED_B 31 // LED RGB #define LED 13 / / inner LED #define LEAP_YEAR(_year) ((_year%4)==0) // to calculate leap year // vars uint32_t workTime; // boiler operation time from the moment the relay is switched on float hIn; // humidity inside float tIn; // temperature inside float hOut; // humidity outside float tOut; // outside temperature float tModule; // temperature inside the weather module float tInSet; // set temperature value inside float tOutSet; // set temperature outside. Not used in the current version. Parameter left for development byte seconds, minutes, hours, day, date, month, year; byte del; // large cycle counter, decrements small cycles char weekDay; byte tMSB, tLSB; float temp3231; static byte monthDays = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); uint32_t unixSeconds; // UNIX timestamp uint16_t timeWorkElectro; // operating time (sec) of the electric boiler between exchange sessions with the server uint16_t timeWorkDiesel; // operating time (sec) of the solar boiler between exchange sessions with the server uint32_t unixSecondsStartCycle; // UNIX timestamp of the beginning of the cycle between exchange sessions with the server int modeWork; // weather module operation mode, 0 - auto, 1 - manual-off, 2 - manual-electro, 3 - manual-diesel oil, 4 - semi-automatic-electric, 5 - semi-automatic-diesel oil byte typeBoiler; // type of working boiler, 0 - boilers do not work, 1 - electric, 2 - solar char statusBoiler; // status of the working boiler for the server char unit = "1"; // module id char mode; // label of the weather module operation mode for the server String message; // string to send to the server char ans; // character from buffer String answerServer; // initial server response string String tInSer; // string from server = temperature threshold inside String tOutSer; // string from server = outside temperature threshold String timeSer; // string from server = time setting char datetime; // array for setting the module time void setup() ( Serial.begin(115200); // set the COM port speed for the terminal Serial.println("Start setup()"); Serial.println("Meteo Module. Ver.13.0 Unit Number: " + String(unit)); pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //LED flash pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT); //LED_R pinMode(LED_G, OUTPUT); //LED_G pinMode(LED_B, OUTPUT ); //LED_B // initialize external timer Wire.begin(); //set control register to output square wave on pin 3 at 1Hz Wire.beginTransmission(DS3231_I2C_ADDRESS); // 104 is DS3231 device address Wire.write(0x0E) ; Wire.write(B00000000); Wire.write(B10001000); Wire.endTransmission(); // set default temperature threshold tInSet = 21; tOutSet = -15; // enable external thermometer pinMode(PIN_DHT_OUT, INPUT_PULLUP); dhtout .begin(); // turn on the internal thermometer pinMode(PIN_DHT_IN, INPUT_PULLUP); dhtin.begin(); // set the boiler control pins to the output pinMode(RELAY_E, OUTPUT); pinMode(RELAY_D, OUTPUT); modeWork = 0; / / automatic mode // boilers are switched off relayElectroSwitchOff(); relayDieselSwitchOff(); timeWorkElectro = 0; // resetting the boilers operation timeWorkDiesel = 0; unixSecondsStartCycle=0; // reset the initial operation time of the boilers typeBoiler = 0; Serial.println("All Boilers Off"); digitalWrite(LED_G, HIGH); // turn on the green color of the RGB LED. Initial state, boilers off //initialization serial 1 is to esp8266 Serial1.begin(115200); //baud rate to ESP8266 module Serial1.setTimeout(1000); while(!Serial1); String startcommand = "AT+CWMODE=1"; // ESP8266 module in client mode Serial1.println(startcommand); serial.println(startcommand); delay(2000); del = 0; // reset the large loop counter ) void loop() ( Serial.print("Start loop(). "); // diagnostic output of the current time get3231Date(); // get the current time unixSeconds = timeUnix(seconds, minutes, hours, date, month, year); // UNIX label in seconds Serial.print("Current datetime: "); Serial.print(weekDay); Serial.print(", "); if (date< 10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(date, DEC); Serial.print("."); if (month < 10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(month, DEC); Serial.print("."); Serial.print(year, DEC); Serial.print(" - "); if (hours < 10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(hours, DEC); Serial.print(":"); if (minutes < 10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.print(minutes, DEC); Serial.print(":"); if (seconds < 10) Serial.print("0"); Serial.println(seconds, DEC); // сбор данных с датчиков Serial.println("Getting temperature and himidity"); getSensors(); // подготовка сообщения для отправки на сервер collectServerData(); // БЛОК ОБМЕНА С СЕРВЕРОМ И ИНИЦИАЛИЗАЦИИ // отправка данных на сервер и прием управляющей строки Serial.println("Send data to server"); connectServer(); // анализ управляющей строки и установка новых режимов controlServer(); // БЛОК УПРАВЛЕНИЯ КОТЛАМИ В ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОТ УСТАНОВЛЕННОГО РЕЖИМА switch(modeWork){ case 0: // автоматический режим Serial.println("Current Mode: Auto"); autoMode(); break; case 1: // ручной режим Serial.println("Manual Mode"); manualMode1(); break; case 2: // ручной режим Serial.println("Manual Mode"); manualMode2(); break; case 3: // ручной режим Serial.println("Manual Mode"); manualMode3(); break; case 4: // полуавтоматический режим Serial.println("Semi Auto Mode Electro"); semiAutoMode4(); break; case 5: // полуавтоматический режим Serial.println("Semi Auto Mode Diesel"); semiAutoMode5(); break; } del = LONG_CYCLE; // устанавливаем счетчик большого цикла while (del >0) ( Serial.print("Start short cycle #"); Serial.println(del); // displaying the short cycle number mDelay(SHORT_CYCLE); // collecting data from sensors Serial.println("Getting temperature and himidity") ; getSensors(); del--; // counter decrement in big loop ) )

As I mentioned above, the weather module has three modes of operation:
  • auto
  • semi-automatic
  • manual
In automatic mode, the weather module, using the built-in real-time clock, selects which boiler to turn on at one time or another. During the hours of the preferential tariff for electricity, the electric boiler is started.

The original version of the system provided for the possibility of operating the electric boiler also during the daytime in order to save diesel fuel. In this version, the weather module monitored the duration of the electric boiler during the day. If within an hour it was not possible to reach the set temperature in the house, then the electric boiler was switched off and after a pause on the coast, the solar boiler was switched on.

According to the experience of the first winter, this option was removed. The reason was the insufficient power of the electric boiler, which could not ensure the achievement of the set temperature in relatively severe frosts (below -10 degrees). comfortable temperature. Therefore, it was decided to unequivocally start the solar boiler during the day in automatic mode.

Semi-automatic mode implies a strict selection of one or another boiler while maintaining automatic adjustment of its operation according to the temperature sensors of the weather module. This mode has proved useful in several cases. Firstly, when one boiler fails, the operation of another boiler is forcibly set, regardless of the time of day. Secondly, in mild frosts and thaws, you can turn on the electric boiler around the clock, or, conversely, in very severe frosts, start only the solar boiler.

I almost never use manual mode. It implies not only the choice of a specific boiler for operation, but also the transfer of control to a regular remote unit. In other words, the boiler will be controlled by the set temperature parameters on this unit. The weather module in this mode continues to work only as a temperature and humidity monitoring station.

In its request to the server, the weather module sends a data packet that includes information about the current state of the boilers (which boiler is selected, working or not), the current local time of the weather module, the duration of the boilers in the previous five-minute period, the current temperature and humidity inside and outside the house. The request also includes the identifier of the weather module. In my case, this is redundant, but the habit of designing for scaling made itself felt.

After sending the request, the weather module waits for a server response within 20 seconds. The resulting response is parsed using regular expressions. There are four parameters in the server response:

  • temperature threshold inside the house
  • outside temperature threshold
  • set operating mode
  • initial setup time for module real time clock
In the current version, the outdoor temperature threshold is not used. This possibility was provided for the implementation of the choice of heating patterns, depending on the temperature "overboard". Perhaps someday I will implement this function.

The last parameter is rarely required. I only asked it twice. During the initial start-up of the module and after replacing the battery in the real-time clock module. If the temporary settings do not need to be changed, then this parameter is zero.

After parsing the response from the server, the current counters of the boiler operation time are reset. After all, the previous value has already been sent to the server. When reset, the pause time to wait for a response from the server is taken into account.

It should be noted that the transmitted operating time of the boiler has an estimated value. By this parameter it is impossible to judge, say, the consumed electricity. This is due to the peculiarities of the operation of heating boilers. For example, when the temperature in the boiler reaches 80 degrees, it turns off, but the circulation pump continues to work. When the coolant temperature drops to 60 degrees, the boiler starts up again. The weather module only measures the total time it took the boiler to reach the temperature threshold inside the house.

After reaching the set temperature, the boiler turns off, and the weather module continues to read temperature readings at intervals of 30 seconds. When the temperature drops by more than 0.5 degrees, the heating boiler starts up again. This value of hysteresis was selected empirically, taking into account the inertia of the heating system.

For visual indication of the weather module's operability, the built-in LED blinking has been added to the subroutine of the delay between temperature measurement cycles.

I want to note that the choice of the boiler operation mode occurs at the end of the five-minute period. When the module is first turned on or when it is rebooted, the automatic mode is set by default.


To implement the idea, I used what was at hand. It was decided to build a weather module using Arduino modules. The Mega 2560, which was left over from previous experiments, was taken as the processor board. This board is obviously redundant for this task, but it was available. In addition, it had a prototyping shield, which housed almost all the other modules. These are DS3231 real time clock and ESP8266(01) WiFi module. A switching unit was purchased with two relays for separate control of electric and solar boilers.

An existing computer power supply was used as a power source. As you know, in such a block there is a fairly wide choice of secondary supply voltage. There is + 5V and, which is especially important when working with the ESP8266 WiFi module, + 3.3V. In addition, these blocks are very reliable, taking into account the continuous nature of the weather module.

The figure shows the circuit board switching. circuit diagram was not drawn in view of its obviousness. The figure has an RGB LED for visual indication of the weather module operation modes. Green indicates that the boilers are off, red indicates the operation of the solar boiler, blue indicates the operation of the electric boiler. I didn't have any 220 ohm resistors on hand, so the RGB LED was connected directly to the board's outputs, with no current-limiting resistors. I confess, I was wrong, but I took the risk consciously. The current consumption of each LED output is only 20 mA, the output of the board allows you to connect up to 40 mA. No problems so far in three years of operation.

DHT21 (AM2301) were used as temperature sensors. Initially, I used the DHT11 sensor to measure the temperature inside the house, but it has a very poor measurement accuracy and, for an unknown reason, the DTH.h library did not work correctly when used in a circuit of two different types sensors. But since the replacement of DHT11 was obvious due to its excessive error, I did not deal with the problem of the library.

The numbers in the boxes indicate the wire numbers connecting external devices to the main board.

The whole circuit was assembled in a hinged metal shield used for wiring. The choice of such a case was also related to what was at hand.

But then a completely predictable surprise awaited me. When the door is completely closed, the shield housing shielded the WiFi signal. I had to leave the door ajar, as there was no desire to look for another suitable case and remount everything again. I have been living here for three years with the door ajar.

Management server

The webserver used for monitoring and control is written in pure PHP and has an adaptive layout. Initially, there was an idea to write an application for Android, but this idea was abandoned, since a server would still be needed.

After authorization, several pages with information become available. This is the current state of the system according to the last request received from the weather module, a table of values ​​in the current hour and a graphical presentation of summary information for an arbitrary period of time. There is also a page with a choice of settings for managing the weather module.

At the time of this writing, the weather module was already disabled, because the heating season was over. Therefore, all parameters on the main page of the site are relevant at the time of shutdown. The attentive reader will notice that it was May 2nd.

As an example of graphs, the values ​​​​as of January 25, 2018 are shown. The bar graphs show the operating time of the boilers.

Parameter setting page

As I already mentioned, this solution for monitoring and controlling the heating system of a private house has already worked for three heating seasons. During this time, there were only two freezes caused by a long-term loss of the channel to the Internet. Moreover, not the entire weather module hung, but only the ESP8266 WiFi module.

In general, I am completely satisfied with the functionality of the system, but given the obvious redundancy of the applied platform, I am thinking about expanding it.

The possibilities of devices for remote control of heating every year (what's there every year - almost every month!) are becoming more and more perfect. Smartphone app developers try to make them easy to use and easy to understand even for untrained people. Briefly, we list only the main features of such systems that support:

  • normal operation, when the set temperature is maintained throughout the house;
  • zonal mode, when different rooms can have individual temperatures;
  • prevention of defrosting of the heating system (freezing of pipes) in the cold season, when you are away from your country house or cottage;
  • the possibility of early switching on the boiler, for example, you need to warm up a country house when you are going to visit it on weekends or holidays;
  • always be aware of the operation of your autonomous heating and, if necessary, carry out its diagnostics;
  • a temporary regime in which at different times during the day the house can maintain its own thermal regime with a significant reduction in material costs for fuel, for example, you can set the boiler to low power(respectively, for low fuel consumption), going to work or on business, and turn on the normal mode before returning.

Remote heating control means that any of these modes, as well as specific room temperatures, are changed using mobile communications, or heating is controlled via the Internet.
This approach is part of the ideology of creating a “smart home”, which entails the further development of all engineering systems at home in order to ensure ease of use and create the most comfortable living conditions.

Which heating system can be controlled remotely?

In country houses and cottages, two-pipe systems with forced circulation of the coolant are currently most often used: circulation pump it pumps the coolant throughout the heating system, which, thanks to the distributor comb, can be supplied to each heating device.
In such systems, as a rule, a safety block of the heating system is used to protect it from destruction in unforeseen situations, for example, in the event of an increase in pressure beyond the allowable one.
It is also necessary to have additional equipment to control the operation of the heating system: sensors, special valves and devices for adjusting the coolant flow, and it is also necessary to combine various devices into an information network

Weather-compensated heating control

To date, it is considered the most promising. In such systems, in addition to the sensor room temperature also used is an external air temperature meter. In principle, a weather-dependent heating controller will work with one external sensor, but using two allows you to achieve more accurate mode maintenance and even implement self-adaptation of the system to specific temperature changes: if it gets colder outside, then the temperature of the coolant in the system rises in advance, if it is warmer - then decreases in advance. In addition to saving fuel, this reduces the inertia of the system, which increases its efficiency and also provides additional cost savings. One of the basic points of the weather-dependent heating control can use a temperature of plus twenty degrees - with it, the temperature of the coolant is taken equal to the ambient temperature, while the heating is actually turned off. It is also necessary to take into account the zonal temperature control, i.e. if, for example, in one of the rooms gathered a large number of people, due to which it became hotter in it, the system detects a local increase in temperature relative to that set by the weather heating controller, and makes a correction in this zone.
In general, serious battles flared up on the Internet about - is it worth using weather-dependent automation at all or is it money thrown to the wind? In short, the opinion of our specialists, confirmed, by the way, by the reviews of numerous customers, is unambiguous - yes, it is worth it, but not in all cases. And in what? Answer

Types of remote control heating systems

Currently, two systems are used for remote control of heating:

  • using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway. Availability wifi router and the Internet in this case is mandatory.
  • using a GSM heating control module. Requires a special GSM module with a SIM card from a mobile operator.

Remote control of the boiler room using mobile GSM

But what if there is no wired Internet in a country house? How can the heating be controlled in this case?

Yes, it's very simple - with the help of a special GSM module and, of course, a mobile phone. In fact, the GSM module acts as your personal assistant - you called him, gave him a command, for example, to pre-heat the hotter by a certain time - and the whole family will arrive in a warm and cozy house. Or vice versa, if you forgot in the morning, leaving for work, to reduce the power of the boiler is not a question, you can do it right from work, via the Internet or directly from your smartphone, while you are still getting to work. The GSM module is a compact device with its own SIM card of any operator (it is important that it provides reliable signal reception in the area), which allows you to control the indoor climate from any phone (satellite, mobile or fixed line), tablet or PC.

Depending on the settings you have made, your phone will either receive short SMS notifications with various information and instructions for changing the heating boiler settings, or you will receive phone calls with various information about the operation of the heating system. A special mobile application is installed on the phone (there are versions for Android, iOs, and Windows Phone), which allows you to directly remotely control almost all parameters of the heating boiler.
The GSM heating control module is essentially a computer docked with external sensors and having the ability to change the operating modes of the heating system. Naturally, the module must be in the zone of reliable reception of mobile operators.

GSM heating control module can operate in several modes:

  • automatic, when on signals from installed sensors the controller supports the given modes according to the given program;
  • SMS heating control when the heating system is controlled by sending SMS. In this case, when new data arrives, for example, about the temperature in the room, the controller accepts them for execution and begins to automatically support them;
  • warning, by sending alarm messages about the current state of the house (gas leak, break in the water supply system, etc.);
  • remote control of other devices connected to the GSM module (watering, lighting, alarm, etc.).

GSM - heating control allows you to remotely:

  • receive indoor temperature reports;
  • receive notifications about the current state of heating equipment;
  • change the operating mode of the system by raising or lowering the temperature, including separately in each room.

Heating control is not limited to these functions. In principle, any heating system can be turned into a remote one. To do this, it must have an automatic mode of operation, and a special GSM controller must be connected to it to control heating and communicate with the subscriber.

Remote control of the boiler using a set of equipment with an Internet gateway

Now consider the option of remote control of heating, if the country house or cottage has the Internet and, of course, a Wi-Fi router (aka a router).
Everything is much simpler here - you can see the capabilities of the devices proposed below and forever forget about worries about the state of the heating system in your home.

Salus IT500 provides control and adjustment of operation parameters in a maximum of two heating zones, for example, in the 1st room on the first floor of the cottage and the shower room on the second floor.
The kit includes an actuator (boiler receiver), a 2-channel room thermostat (weekly boiler programmer, boiler control panel) and an Internet gateway connected to an Internet router (router).

Possibilities of controlling the heating system using a set of equipment with the Salus iT500 Internet gateway:

  • control of heating only modes (boiler and, if necessary, pump);
  • management of several heating zones;
  • management of heating and hot water supply of a country house.
  • maintaining different temperatures in different rooms, schedule of temperature regimes by days, hours and minutes
  • 6 preset heating modes on delivery
  • heating control hot water, automatic control modes, including energy-saving and vacation mode.
  • a unique system for connecting devices via the Internet, providing reliable connection and control of the heating system: smartphone (or personal computer) -> Internet server -> router (router) -> thermostat -> receiver -> boiler

All equipment is wireless and communicates with each other via a radio channel, i.e. no need for electrical wiring. Room thermostat for a heating boiler it is programmed for daily, weekly or 5 + 2 operating modes. Displayed on the thermostat screen and in applications for remote control of heating current state boiler, current temperature and set temperature. Schedule setting can be done from the thermostat panel, web browser or mobile app.
The thermostat has a modern design, is highly reliable and safe to use.
With the use of additional Salus equipment Controls control is possible, including remote control, warm floors, gas and electric boilers, oil systems heating, as well as almost any other heating systems and appliances.
Remote control does not require a dedicated external IP address, the whole system works perfectly on any mobile Internet (Yota, Megafon, Beeline, etc.), it is also possible to control from computers and mobile devices on the operating systems Android and iOS.

What to do if there is no wired Internet in the house, but already purchased WiFi internet thermostat?

Most likely in the country there is coverage of mobile operators, isn't it? So you have internet! Just buy wifi router with a USB port and in addition to it a 3G or 4G modem. Install a SIM card of any mobile operator in the modem that provides a reliable signal in the area where your home is located. You insert the modem itself into the USB connector of the router and that's it - now you have the opportunity to control the heating of the dacha remotely!

If for someone the iT500 seems expensive, the company offers more budget solution- internet thermostat Salus RT310i
The thermostat has somewhat reduced capabilities compared to the "big brother", but it may turn out to be worthy replacement, thanks to the lower price of the kit. Externally, the RT310i looks more modest compared to the first-class high-tech design of the iT500, it lacks touch controls, but the models are almost identical in functionality. Except that while the iT 500 is capable of controlling 2 heating or cooling zones, the RT310i can only control one zone.

Missing the features of the iT500? No problem - Salus iT600 can do it all and more!

If you do not have enough iT500 functionality to control only two heating zones, then on our website a more functional one is presented multizone(there are wired and wireless versions) system Salus iT 600 Smart Home. Well, something, and its capabilities for remote control of heating (and not only!) Will be enough even for the most demanding consumer!

iT 600 Smart Home combines the ability to control underfloor heating, remote control of heating using thermostats, single switching at the “smart home system” level, temperature change in each room using a smartphone with Internet access, control and management of any electrical appliances in the house, connecting sensors for opening windows and doors, and many others functionality. The system was far ahead of not only its competitors in the field of remote heating control, but also set the trend in the field of automation and dispatching of engineering systems for many years to come!

For more information about the capabilities of the system, see the article:
Smart House. Heating control system SALUS iT600

Attention! The new line of Salus iT600 Smart Home products is already on sale!

Now you can not only remotely control heating, but also protect your home and control electrical appliances!

Now you have the opportunity buy Salus iT600 Smart Home- a new line of automation for the Smart Home!

This is the same complete system for remote control of heating via the Internet. iT600 plus additional features:

  • using a universal internet gateway The Smart Home UGE600, which now supports up to 100 ZigBee wireless devices, replaces last year's Salus G30 gateway.
  • control and management of various electrical appliances connected to Salus SPE600 smart sockets with the ability to account for consumed electricity
  • connection and control of the security alarm with help wireless sensors opening doors or windows Salus OS600 Door Sensor
  • managing your system just got easier, thanks to the new Salus Smart Home app for iOS and Android smartphones, whose interface and device registration have become much simpler and clearer!

All system components are wireless devices operating in the modern ZigBee home network standard, now you can create separate groups of devices that work in one bundle and which can be assigned individual tasks.

In the future, the company's engineers intend to expand the capabilities of the smart home control system, but now you can buy Salus iT600 Smart Home, starting with the essentials, and build your Smart Home at a very attractive price!

And what about the owners of outdated heating systems?

Tech WiFi 8S can control the temperature in 8 rooms, each of which can have up to 6 thermal actuators!
In addition to controlling thermoelectric actuators, the controller can also control the boiler: when the set temperature is reached in all rooms, it will turn off the boiler using a “dry contact”.
Buy heating control system TECH WiFi-8S

Remote control of complex heating systems

The Polish company Tech Controllers, which produces a wide range of controllers with the possibility of remote control, is gaining an increasing share in this market segment.
By themselves, Tech controllers are multifunctional devices that are the main, basic part of the system, which can remotely control heating systems of almost any complexity using additional modules. There are a lot of possibilities, therefore, using an example, we will consider only the possibilities for remote control.

Tech Controllers Hardware Installation Example

In the photo for installation used:
1. Controller Tech ST-409n- a multifunctional device designed to control the central heating system, providing:
interaction with three wired room regulators
interaction with a wireless room thermostat
smooth control of three mixing valves
DHW pump control
return temperature protection
weather control and weekly programming
the ability to connect the ST-65 GSM module for remote control of heating from a GSM smartphone
the ability to connect the ST-505 module, which allows remote control of the boiler via the Internet.
Possibility to control two auxiliary valves with additional modules ST-61v4 or ST-431 N
Control capability additional equipment, For example garage doors, lighting or sprinkler, etc.

Can be used for remote control various modules Tech, it all depends on the specific needs of the owner. For example:

What if the heating system is so individual that none of the above solutions can fully meet the needs of its owner to manage it?
There are no hopeless situations! Most often, the customer himself simply does not understand (and should not!) All the possibilities modern systems remote control heating. It is really difficult for an unprepared person to understand all this abundance of devices offered on the market, which are completely different from each other in terms of functionality, price, and, of course, quality. Yes, and installers, often, simply do not have an idea about the possibilities for controlling heating systems - their task is to mount the system, but how often you will run around the house (or to the boiler room) and turn various valves to ensure constant thermal comfort, they do not care . Our specialists more than once had to almost completely remake the "creations" of such craftsmen, and this, believe me, costs a lot of money. A miser pays twice... Contact us, we will consult for free, and if necessary, we will install a remote control system for heating, we will help with the selection of high-quality equipment at an affordable price.

The specialists of the company "Termogorod" Moscow will help you choose the right one, buy as well as install a remote heating control system, find an affordable solution. Feel free to ask any questions you may have, telephone consultation is absolutely free!
You will be satisfied cooperating with us!

Remote control of heating of a country house via the Internet

The article describes the advantages and methods of remote control of the heating system frequent home and dachas via the Internet and GSM mobile communication networks.

The installation of such a remote control allows not only to save dozens of times the cost of heating, but also to fully control it, including starting, switching off and adjusting the temperature in heated rooms. The relatively low price of GSM heating control modules allows them to be installed even in inexpensive private households.

Fundamentals of remote control of heating of apartments, houses and cottages.

In order to understand the basics of remote control of the heating of a country house, let's turn to examples from our daily life.

Now you will not surprise anyone with a conventional remote control (DU) from a TV or air conditioner. This is the basis for remote control of devices, that is, the transmission of control signals over a distance.

For example, you press the button on the remote control to raise the room temperature. At this time, electronic circuit encodes a button press in the remote control and sends a signal to the built-in emitter. The emitter propagates the signal into the environment over a certain distance. A heating boiler equipped with an automation system has a special unit that constantly scans the space and, using a receiver, monitors the incoming signals from the remote control.

Having received a signal from the remote control, the receiver built into the heating control unit decodes it and performs the action that is required of it, that is, it increases the fuel supply to the boiler burner. Almost all remote control systems, including heating, work on these principles. So, any remote control system for heating a house, apartment or cottage consists of the following blocks.

Emitter unit or remote control: button or touch control panel -> encoder -> emitter (radio or infrared).

Receiver block: receiver (radio or infrared) -> decoder -> switch controller or switch.

Benefits of home heating remote control.

The first question that comes to mind is why do you need remote control for heating your home? It would seem that the answer is trivial and simple - this is an increase in comfort. And some homeowners, considering it a luxury, refuse to install such systems. But in fact, it is the home heating remote control system that ensures the safety of living in the house. If you knew how many lives she saved and saved houses from fires.

If you carefully analyze the functionality provided by the remote control of home heating, you can identify the following advantages:

  1. Full control over the operation of heating.
  2. Protection against critical situations (increased pressure in the heating system, explosions and fires). Climate control.
  3. Automatic maintenance of the temperature in the premises with a given accuracy in time, both in hours and in time of day and day of the week.
  4. Very large savings in fuel consumption due to the optimization of temperature conditions in different rooms.
  5. The presence of additional service functions such as control over power outages, water supply, fuel level for the boiler, territory protection, and so on.

Modern remote control units are so perfect that they simply offer a huge list of additional functions to ensure maximum comfort and safety of living in the house.

Control of a heating copper on the GSM network and the Internet.

Recently, remote communication devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers connected to a common GSM or CDMA mobile network, as well as to the Internet, have firmly entered our lives. Normal life without these devices at the present stage is simply impossible.

Manufacturers of boiler equipment quickly saw the limitless possibilities of these technologies and began to produce special equipment For driving heating boilers over the GSM network and the Internet.

Hand remotes migrated to software implementations for smartphones and computers. But the most important thing is that GSM and Internet technologies have made it possible to create bi-directional remote control systems for heating boilers.

Not only can you now tell the boiler what to do, but you can also learn from the boiler what it wants, what it needs and if everything is in order with it, being hundreds of kilometers away from home! Fantasy, isn't it? And now let's look at what we need to control the heating boiler via the GSM network or the Internet and start reviewing from the cheapest devices to the most expensive.

The most inexpensive boiler remote control devices are based on pure GSM technology. They consist of a GSM module for heating control connected to the boiler controller. Such a module has one or more slots for connecting SIM cards GSM format and acts as a mobile phone with which you can exchange SMS messages and program the heating control via these SMS.

More expensive boiler remote control devices are based on GSM technology and WI-FI technology. The heating control modules of such devices contain not only GSM transmitters but also WI-FI transmitters, and can be connected directly to the Internet.

The most expensive boiler remote control devices can be connected to GSM, WI-FI and LAN networks via high-speed cable and even optical.

GSM modules for heating control.

As we wrote above, the basis of the GSM module for heating control is the ability to automatically connect to mobile network GSM and independently receive or send SMS messages to the specified mobile phone number. For example, if any emergency occurs in the heating system, the GSM heating control module will generate a report and send it to your mobile phone.

GSM modules for heating control are very reliable and flawless, but there are several requirements for their normal operation:

  1. uninterrupted power supply
  2. stability of communication with a cellular operator of mobile networks

If the first requirement is easily achievable by installing uninterruptible power supply systems based on batteries or generators, then the second is not always feasible. It is the lack of a reliable and stable connection with a cellular operator in the region of home ownership that makes it impossible to use a GSM module to control heating.

Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the cellular connection is reliable before buying or ordering GSM modules for heating control, and only then choose the brand and type of GSM module that is most suitable for your heating system.

Control over the operation of the heating system via the GSM network using a smartphone.

In order for you to be able to control the heating of your house, apartment or cottage using your smartphone, you must install a special application from the manufacturer of the GSM module into it.

After this simple procedure, you will have access to all the functionality and all the options provided by the GSM module itself. Everything looks very simple and accessible. Before you on the smartphone screen appears the usual menu with a list of actions that you can perform.

But what lies behind all this simplicity? As we know, the operation of the heating boiler is controlled by the controller. It automatically receives signals from pressure, temperature and other sensors, analyzes the situation and, depending on it, changes the mode of operation of the boiler. Therefore, the control capabilities depend on its functionality.

If the controller is cheap, then the ability to remotely control it via a smartphone will be weak. If the boiler control controller is advanced, then it will provide more control options. This must be understood, since even the most cutting-edge GSM heating control module will not be able to provide you with access to functions that are simply not available in the boiler control controller.

Of course, manufacturers of GSM heating control modules are trying to hide this drawback by hanging all kinds of independent ports for connecting various temperature sensors and many more, sometimes unnecessary things. But this does not change the situation. Therefore, never skimp on an automatic boiler control. This is the most important node and everything will depend on it, both comfort and reliability and safety.

Installation and configuration of GSM boiler control.

GSM modules for heating control are separate independent devices and are purchased separately. Despite the claims of manufacturers about the ease of connection, they really are not. Therefore, specialists must connect and configure GSM modules for heating control, after which they must teach you how to use this device.

How is the GSM boiler control module connected? The module is usually installed near the heating boiler. In order to connect the ability to control via the GSM cellular network, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Insert one or more SIM cards into the slots of the GSM module for heating control.
  2. Connect with a special cable to the heating boiler controller.
  3. Connect to interface all additional sensors, temperature, pressure and so on.
  4. Connect to network alternating current voltage of 220 volts through the power supply.
  5. Turn on the GSM module for heating control.
  6. Install on smartphone software from the website of the manufacturer of the GSM module for heating control.
  7. Run the program on your smartphone and set it up to control and manage the heating in your home.

Services of the "Termomig" Company for the installation, configuration, repair and replacement of the remote control of the heating of a country house.

It is unlikely that you will be able to independently connect and configure the GSM remote control module for heating your country house if you are not an engineer or a specialist in this field. In addition, attempts to independently install and configure the heating remote control system can lead to a breakdown of both the GSM heating control module itself and cause an emergency in the boiler with all the ensuing consequences.

What needs to be done and how to do it right. Buy GSM modules for heating control only where there are specialists for their installation and configuration. Before buying, consult with the specialists of the organization that will install and configure them.

The most reliable way is to contact us.
Firstly, our Organization has a large selection of GSM modules for heating control of different models and price categories.

Secondly, our engineers will evaluate the capabilities of your heating system and select the most suitable GSM module. This way you will save your money.

Thirdly, our specialists will install, connect and configure the remote control of the heating of your country house or turnkey cottage.

Fourthly, our experts will fully train you how to use GSM system Remote control and control the boiler from a distance.

Fifthly, you will be given a guarantee that will save you from the hassle in the event of a failure of the remote control system.
And finally, sixthly, these are additional consultations and technical support at the first stages of operation.

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