Hybrid SIM card and memory card. Instructions for the correct installation of a SIM card in any phone

Increasingly, manufacturers of many smartphones began to use a hybrid slot. You can insert a SIM card with microSD or only two SIM cards into it. But what if you need to use both SIMs together with a flash drive, because the built-in memory is sometimes not enough? Let's take a look at what a sim flash drive is and how you can improve a hybrid slot using the example of Meizu m2 mini.

What is a SIM card and how does it work?

Initially, hybrid slots were produced by Huawei and they have taken root in almost all Asian countries. Naturally, users were not at all satisfied with the fact that they had to give up a second SIM card or additional memory, so someone took a chance and got a sim flash drive.

This is a completely homemade method with which we will get 2 working sim cards and a flash drive at the same time. The result, of course, is worth it, especially for those who do not want to carry a lot of phones in their pockets. I recommend practicing on an old SIM card, because there is a high probability of damaging it.

All actions you perform at your own peril and risk!

What you need: 2 SIM cards and a flash drive, and what else?

  • hybrid slot
  • 2 Nano-SIMs
  • MicroSD memory card
  • Marker
  • Stationery knife
  • sharp scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Super glue gel or double sided tape
  • A small container with boiling water / fire (candle)
  • Sandpaper

How to make a flash drive from a SIM card?

1. We try on the SIM card to the tray and make marks with a marker (or a knife) so that it is clear where the contacts of the SIM receiver are located. We mark on the contact group of the SIM card where the cut corner is located.

2. Now you can place the SIM card in a container prepared in advance and pour boiling water over it. We are waiting for some time until the plastic on the SIM card becomes soft. We take out the hot SIM card with tweezers and carefully, slowly, separate the contact group with the chip from the plastic. You can also take a SIM card with tweezers and hold the card over the fire for a few seconds until the plastic softens. Then, very carefully, we separate the contact group with the chip from the plastic. We do everything very carefully so as not to damage the chip.

3. If possible, we check the integrity of the divided SIM card on the old phone so as not to stick it to the memory card in vain and then not get upset. If everything works, we move on.

4. We put a memory card into the SIM tray and try on a divided SIM card according to pre-marked marks. We check whether the card fits well in the place it needs. To achieve the desired result, it is allowed to cut the contact group of the SIM card by 1-2 mm, no more.

5. Check again!

6. We apply a little glue and glue the SIM card with the memory card according to the marks.

7. We check the work on the smartphone.

Remember: the more difficult it is to put the tray back in place, the more likely it will be impossible to get it out.


The tray either comes in hard or does not fit into place at all

You got too "thick" design. It is necessary to grind off a flash drive with sandpaper a little or abandon the idea.

SIM card not detected

The chip is damaged. Try to put it without this design or restore it from the operator.

The smartphone asks to format the memory card or does not see it

Contacts do not reach / the card is damaged. To check, peel off the SIM card and insert a USB flash drive. If you still can’t see it, most likely you damaged it when you grinded it. The plastic is very thin, so the flash drive can be easily damaged beyond repair.

How to insert a sim card and a micro sd flash drive into one slot?

  1. Thought, thought, how to be and the phone's memory is running out and two SIM cards are needed in the phone? A question of questions would be said by one character from the series, but I am not a hero and not from the series. And I will say this about this, let's immediately insert both a SIM card and a memory card into one slot. So you will have two SIM cards and one micro flash drive in two slots. This can be done very simply, and besides, there are paid options that cost a penny, but they are not very convenient. And there is a convenient and free option, respectively, of course, you will have to splurge on a micro flash drive and a SIM card if you do not have old ones. To begin with, as always, I will start with paid options for solving this problem and not very convenient ones, why I will describe below, we read:
  2. How to insert a memory card and a SIM card into one slot of the phone?
  3. Many online stores, including the Chinese store AliExpress, sell adapters for connecting to one phone slot, two card options, this is a SIM and a memory card. It looks like this, an adapter is inserted into the slot, from which the cable departs. The cable is attached to another slot into which you insert the SIM card. Actually, micro memory is inserted into one slot and an adapter over the memory, from which a cable for a SIM card departs. Below is a dual card slot, it is sim + sim or sim + microsd, no longer connect. But with an adapter, you can add another sim. Actually, you get 2 SIM cards and a memory card in one slot, which was originally made for two cards.
  4. To connect the adapter, you don’t need any special knowledge, the adapter itself consists of a flat cable that has the jacks necessary for connecting at the ends, I’ll call them like that. At one end of the cable, there are contacts for connecting to the phone slot, which will be located under the memory card, so it turns out that the memory card is inserted and the adapter is connected. The other end of the cable contains a slot, like in a phone, for a SIM card, into which you insert a second SIM card. The switch itself looks like this:
  5. Actually, this whole option is very easy to connect, connecting the adapter to the slot in the phone, I’ll tell you again to make it clearer. First, connect the adapter to the slide of the slot that is in the phone, to the slot where the memory card should be. Then insert the memory card from above, over the inserted adapter. Close the slot by inserting the sled back into the phone. You still have the tail of the adapter, to which you insert the SIM card itself into the SIM card slot. The picture above shows a slot for a SIM card, exactly the same as in the phone. Well, this whole structure itself looks like this, view from both sides:
  6. It is convenient that there are such adapters that can alleviate such difficulties with our gadgets. In such a tricky way, we solved the problem of connecting two SIM cards and a memory card, and most importantly, we didn’t have to sacrifice anything, the choice between what to leave or what is more necessary also disappeared by itself.
  7. I don’t argue conveniently, but not quite, where to put the tail of the adapter sticking out of your phone? Of course, the most advanced will say that you can hide under the phone case by bending it to the back of the phone. The option is working, but also not very convenient, something to bend and then not under every case this option will fit. See for yourself how it looks:
  8. Convenient but not quite, I want to propose to go further and make a really suitable and convenient option in all cases. By the way, I do not wear covers and this option does not suit me!
  9. DIY combo adapter!
  10. Do not be afraid and do not think that the option from the store will be much better than the one you made yourself. Well, firstly, do it yourself, it’s already much more pleasant, although I don’t know, maybe it’s not like that for someone. Then the do-it-yourself option will be much more convenient and, most importantly, it will visually look nicer, believe me. Even if your hands are not much wrong, just follow step by step in this instruction:
  11. To make such an adapter and no longer call it an adapter, as an option with a store. It doesn't take much manual work. To do this, you need to prepare a piece of sandpaper, better zero. We take a memory card (micro sd) that needs to be connected and we process a little with sandpaper along the plane from the side of the contacts. Just don’t hook the contacts, don’t remove a lot and roughen the flat surface of the micro sd. Approximately no more than a millimeter, we remove the layer, below in the picture the area being processed is highlighted in red square:
  12. Next, we take a scalpel or a blade, if not, then come up with something similar or buy it in a store, you can order it on the Internet. Now we transfer all attention to the SIM card and with a pre-prepared scalpel, remove and cut off the chip itself from the SIM card plane. That is, we separate the SIM card chip from the plastic on which it is located. Yes, yes, it is a square with contacts on the SIM card, and it must be separated from the rest of the plastic, the picture is below:
  13. You probably already guessed how everything will happen next? The cut out SIM card chip, more precisely cut off from the main plastic, will look like in the picture below, we process it a little with sandpaper, but not by contacts. We process by removing burrs from the sides and from the side where it was glued to the plastic. Align the flat surface on the back side of the SIM chip.
  14. The more carefully you do this, the more pleasant and better your combo adapter will be, although in this case it will still not be visible. But the quality of this combo adapter I wanted to remain at the highest level. Now we become even more attentive, because this hour we will assemble and the quality depends on the assembly, remember this. We take a micro sd that was treated with sandpaper and apply glue to the treated surface. All the same, do not touch the contacts of the memory card, evenly distribute it over the surface, let it dry a little and stick the cut-off SIM card chip. We stick directly on the memory card itself. Having previously departed from the contacts themselves, a millimeter:
  15. Press and wait until completely dry.
  16. If you have a question, maybe it didn’t appear at all, which can also be good, if the option is that you have already thought about it without my advice. The question is: how to glue the SIM card chip itself, how should it be located on the memory card, where is the top and bottom or left to right of this chip? The answer to this question is simple and you can see how a SIM card is inserted into the sled of the phone and glued to the memory card in the same location. Another option is to visually compare the chip drawing with the pictures where it is already glued, which is quite enough for the correct location on the glued surface of the memory card. Actually, that's all and it turned out like this, made by yourself, the invention is no worse than in the store, with the loud name of the combo adapter. Below is a picture of the already assembled combo adapter in the sled from the phone:
  17. As we understood from the material read on this page, a do-it-yourself combo adapter will be much more convenient than a store-bought one. A cable will not stick out of your phone, you do not need to put it in the phone case by bending the SIM card input to the back cover. Well, if we talk about purchased options, then there will be enough of them, I'm not talking about the visual version, but about which cards can be connected.
  18. What adapters and for what cards are there?
  19. Adapters or as adapters are called can be different, say, as an option for two SIM cards and connected to one SIM card input in the phone. SIM cards are also different nano sim, micro sim, sim, three types.
  20. On this I think to end the article and if anyone has questions, I will be glad to answer them in the comments.

How to use the universal slot to the fullest? Make a combo SIM card with built-in memory card!

Hybrid slot that allows you to install or 2 SIM, or SIM and flash drive- the scourge of our time. Separate slots are steadily appearing in smartphones of the lower price segment. Most popular, noteworthy models are forced to get out with flash drives connected via OTG.

Or purchase a device with more memory. The manufacturers' policy is clear - to make the most of it by offering a smartphone with an increased amount of internal memory much more expensive than the memory itself costs.

Why is this needed?

Smartphones with a minimum amount of internal memory usually cost significantly less than counterparts with a large drive. Applications and content are perfectly placed on the map, so almost all brands retain the ability to install it (with the exception of some overly “principled” Chinese brands).

Usually, in a “paired” tray, the contacts of the microSD memory card and the second SIM card are in different places. If desired, they can combine- and nothing prevents them from working at the same time. There are no software restrictions.

For which smartphones can you make a hybrid SIM + microSD?

For almost any smartphone with a slot design similar to the one shown in the picture above. Yes, the contacts of the flash drive and the SIM card are directed in the same direction. However, they use different sets of contacts with different heights for their operation.

Some companies deliberately reduce the thickness of the slot, or change the direction of the elements in the tray. In such cases, you must first contact the specialized communities dedicated to the discussion of the corresponding smartphone.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the tray and its slot are not designed for the increased thickness of the elements. Therefore, problems are observed in certain models with hybrid "microSD + SIM". Only a thematic forum can provide accurate information.


You carry out all the manipulations described below at your own peril and risk. We are not responsible for any damage you may cause to your device.

The chances of damaging the SIM card are the highest. To a lesser extent - a microSD memory card.

Manufacturing instructions

Determining the correct position of elements

First you need to determine the correct position of the SIM card in the tray. Cards of different operators may have different contact configurations.

Has the meaning trace the outline, which will go into the slot - so it will be easier to cut it. It is also necessary to estimate the maximum allowable thickness of the SIM card.

SIM manufacturing

After we have decided on the size, it is necessary separate the actual SIM card (chip) from the plastic base. For this, two methods are used:

1. Heating the SIM card from the plastic side at a temperature of about 200 degrees for 30-60 seconds up to 1 minute. The plastic in this case is separated from the chip with a knife or blade.
2. Chemical dissolution of the plastic substrate with dichloroethane (POISON! Use only in a ventilated area!), acetone or a similar solvent - for example, 646.

The separated chip will require additional processing. First you need to get rid of the adhesive residue on the back with a knife or solvent - carefully so as not to damage the contacts.

Then you need to carefully cut contact pad of the SIM card for placement on microSD in accordance with the first paragraph. On each side will go 1-2 mm.

We connect SIM and microSD

After preparing the SIM card, you need to check if there are any interferences when installing on the side of the flash drive itself. In some cases, it is required to cut the tubercle on the reverse side with a small (jewelry) file.

We make sure that the combination will lie flush in the slot or barely protrude;
- glue the elements to each other using superglue based on cyanoacrylate(“Moment Superglue Gel”), carefully gluing the SIM card around the edges.

If necessary, cyanoacrylate is easily broken down with specialized store-bought products or non-acetone nail polish remover (isopropyl alcohol).

Checking the work

Finally, you need to check the correctness of all actions. If everything is done correctly, then the simultaneous work will look like this:

If the memory card is not visible, you need to solder the contacts of the memory card with a soldering iron, or stick a strip of electrical tape on the back side so that the contacts become a little higher.

Precautionary measures

The thickness of the elements should be minimal. Any gaps between the SIM card and the flash drive should be excluded. It is obligatory to glue along the edge - if the SIM sticks out at least a little, there is a chance to leave it in it when pulling out the slot.

It is recommended that you do not pull out the tray after manufacturing and installation. Therefore, it is worth taking care microSD card capacity- and do not spare cards with a large volume. As practice shows, the chance to ruin a SIM card is much greater - it is she who gets stuck.

In addition, before manufacturing, you should contact the specialized community for information: are there any problems using hybrid microSD + SIM. Especially when first made.

Problematic smartphone models exist for many brands: for example, Meizu M2. "Sandwich" has every chance to break the universal slot.

New smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge or Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 have an attractive design and high technical specifications. But they fail on what seems to be a small issue - the SIM card slot. The fact is that in many modern Android smartphones, this slot is also used to place a memory card.

Fans of new applications and games, as a rule, the existing built-in memory is not enough and they are forced to use microSD cards. But the catch is that either two SIM cards or one SIM card and one memory card can be placed in the slot at the same time. In order to use two SIM cards and a MicroSD card at the same time, you will have to go for a trick, or rather a surgical intervention.

Here are the risks that await you if you decide to use this hack:

  • Your Nano SIM card may be permanently damaged if the accuracy is not maintained.
  • Your MicroSD card will become part of the Nano Sim card, probably forever.
  • You may need to drive to your nearest mobile carrier office to get a replacement Nano Sim if it doesn't work or if you have a different card format.
  • If you don't do everything right, you may break your device.

You also need to decide which SIM card will be the main one, since a memory card will be glued to it.

Required tools:

  • Lighter
  • sharp scissors
  • Double-sided tape or superglue
  • Micro SD card.
  • Nano Sim Card (should be Nano Sim because they are easier to cut out)

Recall that everything described below, you do at your own peril and risk.

1. Make sure you know the correct placement of the SIM in the slot 2. There is a cut on the SIM card to tell you which part will be facing up and down.

2.In this step, we will remove the important chip from the Nano SIM. To do this, warm up the Nano Sim (the plastic part) for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then use scissors to cut the chip to fit the MicroSD card. If this failed, it's time to go to the nearest office of the mobile operator for a replacement.

3. If you don't want to stick two cards tightly together, you can fasten them with double-sided tape. Look at the picture below to understand how they should be located relative to each other. After that, you can use duct tape or glue.

4. The final step is to insert your homemade hybrid SIM-MicroSD card, along with the second SIM card, back into the slot and install it in your smartphone.

That's it, you can wipe the cold sweat from your forehead and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

You can’t forcefully drag a person who is not wise with the experience of communicating with modern technology into the settings section of your smartphone. This approach sometimes leads to embarrassment, and a gadget that has not been told exactly how to behave takes on a life of its own. One notable example is a dual-SIM smartphone that people use together to optimize their mobile phone bills. However, such optimization will be of no use if the smartphone does not receive precise instructions from you when and which SIM card to use.

It is easier with calls and SMS: most smartphones, when trying to make a call or send a message, ask each time which SIM card under which number you need to use. The main thing here is to initially know your SIM cards “by sight” and understand which one is the first, which is the second. In extreme cases, this point can be clarified in the settings, in the "SIM card management" section.

There you can see which operator each of the cards is served by.

If the operator is the same, as in our example, you will have to deal with the numbers. Each operator has its own possibilities for specifying the number corresponding to the SIM card. In MTS, you can call the short number 0887 from the desired SIM card: the number will be dictated by an answering machine. This call is free.

Going online

The situation is more complicated on your smartphone with two SIM cards with mobile Internet. If you open a social networking app or browser, your gadget, without asking you anything, simply connects to the Internet using the specified settings, and possibly through the wrong SIM card. That is why it is important to be able to change the settings.

In the screenshot above, find the "Data transfer by default" option. You can see that the data connection (i.e. mobile internet) is set to the second SIM card. At the very top of the screenshot, you can see that for each of the SIM cards, the types of cellular networks that can be used are listed. In particular, any network is available to the first SIM card, including the fastest, 4G. The second card is “capable” only of 2G, and therefore, it is only suitable for calls and extremely slow mobile Internet. Obviously, you should change the settings by switching the Internet to the first SIM card, like this:

We climb under the hood

There is an important nuance: the availability of modern cellular networks often depends not on the SIM card and the completeness of the coverage of operator networks, but on how you placed the SIM cards in your gadget. The fact is that in many phone models, only one of the two slots for SIM-cards can provide connection to 3G and 4G networks. At the same time, the second slot has limited functionality and is "friends" exclusively with 2G and calls. Just from such a smartphone, we took our screenshots.

If you mixed up the slots and the SIM card for mobile Internet is in the wrong place, you will have to swap the cards. In some smartphone models, during this procedure, you will encounter another problem: sometimes the slots are designed for SIM cards of different sizes. To resolve this scourge, the SIM card can be replaced while keeping the number at the operator's office, telling his employee what size card you need. As a rule, the procedure for replacing the SIM card will cost you nothing.

There are also adapters that allow small cards to fit into larger slots, while larger cards can be cut with a special tool. You can almost always find it in a store that sells cell phones. Cutting a SIM card is usually a paid service.

As you can see, a dual-SIM smartphone gives you great conveniences, but they can also have pitfalls. Now you know how to bypass them.

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