Crafts house made from tree branches. Decorative branches for a floor vase - environmentally friendly, original and stylish

DIY crafts made from tree branches are an excellent and easy-to-implement way to decorate your home and make the interior truly unique. More such crafts can become an original gift for loved ones, and if you involve children in the process, the activity will become a true field for creativity!

On a note! The variety of crafts made from branches is impressive, as you can see for yourself by looking at the photo below, and therefore it is not easy to single out just one option. There are so many ideas that there is enough for everyone!

But before you create such beauty with your own hands, you should take care the right choice blanks

How to choose branches to work with?

To do beautiful craft, it is worth choosing the right source material. Straight, not very dry branches are most suitable - for example, part of a pine/spruce tree (but it is important that without resin).

If the craft is small, then it is convenient to use linden or birch to make it, since such wood is easy to process. It is also important that the branches are not eaten by beetles.

It is also important that the rods are flexible and have little moisture. Sometimes forked branches (like forks) are needed, but working with them is more difficult - skills and some experience are required.

How to prepare branches?

To create a durable and beautiful product you need to know about the proper preparation of branches for work. The following steps are required!

Table. Stages of preparing branches.

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If the branches are not dried, the craft will warp. Drying should last from 10 to 14 days (if the temperature is room temperature) or a week (if you put the branches on the radiator). There is another option for those who are especially impatient - use the oven. In this case, a few hours at a minimum temperature will be enough.

To prevent insects from appearing on the craft, the branches are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before starting work.

Craft - a fence made of branches

The appearance of the craft can be improved by applying varnish or paint. Moreover, the processing can be carried out both at the beginning of the process and with the finished product.

Storage rules

If you do crafts regularly, i.e. it has become your hobby, then learn proper storage blanks Pack the branches selected in accordance with the requirements listed above into containers and keep them in some cool place (in the basement, for example, or in the refrigerator). If they dry out during storage, you can moisten them a little with water.

After preparing the source material, you can begin to fantasize.

Decorating your home with original crafts from branches

To decorate a bedroom decorated in an ecological style (or eco-style), you can use curtain rods made from thick branches. The hallway can be decorated with branch hangers with strong knots.

Note! Dining area can be decorated with an unusual floor vase made of cereals and branches. And for the living room, wreaths, shelves, and various frames are suitable.

This, of course, is not a complete list of what you can make yourself from branches. Let's take a look at the most popular ideas.

Option #1. Photo frame

To make a frame from branches, you need:

  • the branches themselves;
  • glue;
  • base (you can cut it out of thick cardboard);
  • decorative elements.

Prices for gun hot glue

Glue gun

The algorithm of actions will look something like in the following way. To begin with, one branch is glued along the frame (you can use a hot-melt gun or regular glue), a second one is placed next to it and fixed in the same way. Work continues until the entire base is filled with branches.

Voids, overlaps and corners are decorated with beads, coins, small pebbles, shells, moss, etc.

As a result, you will receive a frame. You can glue a ribbon in the form of a loop to the back side of it to hang the finished craft on the wall.

Option #2. Vase of twigs

There is nothing complicated in making such a vase. A plastic bottle (although you can use a shampoo bottle, juice carton, etc. instead) is cut to the required height; Prepared branches are broken off to the same size.

Next, a base is cut out (a kind of backing to which the branches will be glued), for which a sheet of thick paper is suitable. The backing is attached to the bottle with glue or double-sided tape. Next, double-sided tape is glued to the paper, and on it, in turn, is a piece of fabric (it needs to be cut according to the size of the bottle).

On a note! The branches are laid vertically, it is important that the latter has the same length as the circumference of the bottle.

PVA glue is applied to the fabric on the bottle, after which masking tape with twigs is applied. For extra security, you can tie everything with twine, after which all that remains is to paint it in the required color. You can decorate such a vase with various insect figures, decorative flowers made from ribbons, etc. At the end, put a bouquet in the vase and enjoy the beauty made by yourself!

Option #3. Christmas wreath

IN Western countries houses are often decorated with such wreaths. They look really beautiful, and therefore you should definitely consider the original option of making a wreath from branches.

To begin, prepare:

  • willow branches;
  • decorative tape;
  • cones;
  • scissors;
  • special wire (it is called floral wire);
  • garden shears;
  • lotus seed pods;
  • twine;
  • St. John's wort branches.

Step 1. To begin with, cut a piece of wire and wrap it around several branches (you need to make it in a dense layer).

Step 2. The second beam is created in a similar way.

Step 3. One longer bundle is made from two blanks.

Step 4. To make the fixation more reliable, you can cut off another piece of wire.

Step 5. The blank is bent and given the shape of a wreath (see photo below).

Step 6. Fix the workpiece with wire. You need to act carefully so that the wire does not stand out against the background of the branches.

Step 7 Cones prepared in advance are attached to the workpiece using the same wire.

Prices for side cutters

Side cutters

Step 8 The composition is decorated with seed boxes and branches of St. John's wort. To make the fixation more reliable, use a heat gun.

Step 9 A couple of branches of St. John's wort are attached to where the willow branches join.

Step 10 Take a tape and cut a piece of it to the required length. The wreath is wrapped in ribbon, a knot is tied, and the ends are trimmed (but so that they hang down a little).

Step 11 Another piece of tape is cut off and wrapped around the same area. If you want, you can additionally make a large bow. That's it, the wreath is ready, now it will become a great decoration for your home!

Video - Original crafts from dry branches

Option number 4. Beautiful lamp made from branches

We offer another master class on creating an original autumn lamp.

To make it you need:

  • dry branches (it is important that the length/size is different);
  • old lampshade;
  • acrylic paints;
  • vase;
  • heat gun;
  • alcohol;
  • lamp, wires to it;
  • glitter;
  • tassels;
  • cones;
  • basis for future construction.

Step 1. The vase is treated with alcohol, after which branches are glued to it using a heat gun.

Step 2. Branches are gradually added, but it is important to leave small area without them.

Step 3. A lamp in a lampshade is lowered into a glass vase.

Step 4. Branches are glued to the area without branches that was left earlier.

All, original lamp ready for further use!

Step 6. If desired, the branches can be additionally painted. In our example, this is done with white acrylic paint.

This is what the craft looks like after painting.

Step 7 If the vase will be used in winter, then it is better to use silver paint to paint the pine cones and branches; Additionally, you can use glitter for decoration.

Step 8 Fans Scandinavian style can apply several shades at the same time. For example, pink and white - great combination for this composition.

Option #5. Branches for bouquet decoration

It is always the flower arrangements. And there is nothing surprising in this, since each such composition is unique. Let's look at how to decorate a bouquet in an original way using branches.

To work you will need:

  • the branches themselves (including those with leaves);
  • decorative tape;
  • flowers;
  • pruner;
  • wire cutters;
  • decorative wire.

Prices for secateurs

Step 1. First of all, the branches are cut - they should ultimately have the same length. Then a couple of pieces of wire (also the same length) are cut and folded in half. A stick is placed between the pieces of wire; one turn must be made on each side. This way it will be securely fixed.

Step 2. The remaining sticks are added one by one.

Step 3. The ends of the wire are securely fixed. The result will be a kind of path made of sticks.

Step 4. The finished path is laid on the table, branches with leaves and flowers are evenly distributed on it (as in the image below). The distance between them should be small. After this, the track curls, but not very tightly.

Step 5. The ends of the track are connected using a small piece of decorative wire.

Step 6. The composition obtained in this way is decorated with a bright satin ribbon.

Step 7 The finished composition is placed in a low glass container filled with water. Thanks to this craft, even the simplest and most monotonous interior will be transformed, filled with freshness and lightness!

Option No. 7. Decorating an old screen with branches

To give a second life to an old screen, follow a simple step by step instructions given below.

To work you will need:

  • the screen itself;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • lace fabric;
  • stapler;
  • tassels;
  • branches;
  • scissors;
  • heat gun.

Stapler prices

Construction stapler

Step 1. First of all, the fabric is removed from the screen. Wooden elements are coated with two layers of acrylic paint, after which you need to wait for it to dry completely.

Step 3. A piece of fabric is attached to the screen using a mounting stapler. The fabric should be taut so that it doesn’t end up sagging.

Step 4. The branches are attached to the frame using a heat gun.

Step 5. If desired, you can additionally use cones of various sizes and thin twigs.

Step 6. The finished screen will decorate any room and will definitely attract the attention of your guests!

How to zone space using branches?

As mentioned earlier, ideas for crafts from branches are not only small decor. If desired, you can make tall compositions, with which you can divide the room into several functional zones.

To separate the living room from the bedroom, thick and tall branches of bushes are often used, fixing them in the holes on the wooden stand. The result is an openwork partition that allows light to pass through and takes part in zoning.

As a conclusion. Photos of crafts made from branches

Video - What can be made from branches: the best ideas

Without a Christmas tree in the house, it loses its magic and appeal. It’s a whole ritual to bring home a festive tree, decorate it with toys and bright lights. Don’t despair if you don’t have the funds or space for a large spruce. You can make a beautiful holiday tree with your own hands from tree branches, which will be no worse than the real thing. Such a New Year's accessory can decorate kitchen table, workplace or become a gift souvenir.

What branches are suitable for crafts?

It's best to collect branches in early spring or autumn. Pay attention to appearance. The sticks must be free of mold and signs of damage by bugs. As soon as you bring the twigs home, they should be processed before handicraft. If necessary, wash and then dry. Wet sticks are not recommended. Otherwise, a tree made with your own hands from tree branches will warp in the first month.

Should be dried at room temperature Couple of weeks. You can speed up the process (up to seven days) using a battery. Maximum quick way- This is oven drying for several hours. Just do this with the door ajar and on low heat so that the moisture evaporates. If you want to make a tree for more than one season, then be sure to treat the branches with any varnish.

Natural materials for wood

Of course, you can buy it in the store already ready material. But why pay for something you can collect yourself in the forest or park? So take your kids or your other half with you and feel free to go into nature!

Don’t hesitate to pick up dry sticks, spruce branches and cones different forms and sizes. They will definitely come in handy to make crafts from tree branches with your own hands. Also, bark, sections of trunks, decorative pieces of roots, vine and clean sand.

Even if you don’t know how you will use this or that find, take it with you anyway. Already at home you will understand how to apply it. It's never too late to throw away unnecessary material. Tangerines, bunches of rowan or viburnum, and dried flowers will be useful in a New Year's tree. You can experiment with live indoor plants in pots.

What else is useful for crafts?

You can use absolutely everything that is in the house. The main thing is that the design solution is appropriate. To make decor from tree branches with your own hands, you will need streamers, tinsel, rain, Christmas balls, colorful ribbons, threads, artificial flowers, and even small children's toys. All these decorations can be attached using glue, plasticine, nails and needle holders.

The base for the tree will be metal trays and pallets, pieces of foam plastic, floral sponge, frames made of rods or wire, glass and ceramic vases. If you decide to add color to the craft, it is better to use gold, silver or white paint. Just remember that it should only complement the appearance of the winter tree. Therefore, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Have a good rummage through your bins, because you can decorate a tree you made with your own hands from tree branches with all sorts of cute little things.

The combination looks very good on a winter tree New Year's balls(or large beads) with fresh or artificial flowers. Gather branches or pine paws into a bundle and secure it to the base. Decorate the tree with flowers on top and beads around and below. Just place them not in straight lines, but in waves.

When you decorate a tree with Christmas balls, remember one thing. They should be the same color, but different sizes. Or, on the contrary, take balls of the same size, but different in shades. At the top, randomly spread some silver threads or rain. This way, the compositions you make from tree branches with your own hands will look harmonious.

It will be very cool if you make two of these crafts and place them on either side of the TV. Watching New Year's films will become even more fun and interesting. And most importantly, a festive mood will appear.

It is not necessary to make trees; you can make small compositions from twigs. They will look no worse on dining table or chest of drawers. Take baskets, decorate them with twigs, spruce legs, cones and bunches of viburnum. Place them in all rooms, and every corner of the house will feel like a holiday.

DIY snow tree

From tree branches you can make a beautiful composition, wrapped in snow. To do this you will need the following materials.

  • twigs;
  • foil;
  • white napkins;
  • wire;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The wood must already be processed: washed and dried. Gather the prepared branches into a bundle and tie with wire. Place in a basket or vase.

Cut the napkins into approximately four pieces. Fold the resulting strips in half along the long side. Now cut the foil. The width of the pieces should be half the width of the paper strips. Place the foil into the paper.

Cut the strips lengthwise a couple of centimeters to create a fringe, and then unfold. Glue the ends to the tops of the branches and begin to wind them in a spiral. Also camouflage the trunk. The craft is ready! Even a child can easily make a tree from branches with his own hands in this simple way.

Another winter tree option

In this case, you will need slightly different materials:

  • twigs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • glue;
  • rope;
  • vase.

Tie the collected rods together and form a tree. Crumble the foam by hand or grate it using a grater. Dip the branches in glue, remove excess.

Now sprinkle the crumbled foam on top of the craft. Do this until you achieve the desired result. Place the tree in a vase and decorate with toys.

Painting the Christmas tree

Cover the branches with silver or white paint, leave to dry vertical position. They can be stuck into polystyrene foam, a pot of soil, or a flowerpot filled with newspapers. Done Christmas tree You can leave the branches there with your own hands or transfer them to another suitable base.

Styrofoam, soil or newspapers will not look very festive. Cover them with cotton wool, sisal, artificial snow or other material.

Decorate the tree. Beads, Christmas balls, and garlands with small light bulbs will look best on painted crafts. If you want a more modern and uncluttered option, then sew cute birds, stars, hearts or triangles on eyelets. Eco-design would also be appropriate. Just paint pine cones, ranetkas or bunches of rowan in the color of the tree and hang them on the branches.

Gift tangerine tree

You can make crafts from tree branches in the form of a topiary with your own hands. New Year's version It will look good with tangerines. You can take both real and artificial fruits.

Prepare materials: fruit, beautifully curved branches, linen or jute rope, wire, flower pot, floral sponge or polystyrene foam, mistletoe or spruce branches, leaves, glue, artificial snow(crushed foam), knife.

Wrap the fruit with a rope crosswise, securing a piece of wire in parallel.

Lubricate spruce branches with glue and dip them in artificial snow. From a floral sponge or polystyrene foam, cut out a base that will fit in the pot. Secure the branches in it well so that they do not dangle. Tie the tangerines to the tree, starting from the bottom. Don't forget to hold the fruits together. Decorate the pot with spruce branches and tangerines with leaves.

DIY Christmas tree made from tree branches

Make prepared branches with a jigsaw or by hand different lengths. That is, each next one should be less than the previous one by about three centimeters. The number of branches depends on the size of the future tree.

On the cut, step back half a centimeter from each edge and make small holes through which the rope can pass. Do this with all the branches.

Take a long enough rope (jute or linen) and divide it into two parts. Secure the middle with a nail so that it does not move during the process.

Secure one half of the rope into the hole at the edge of the branch. Tie a larger piece to it. And so on until you reach the longest branch. Do the same with the other edges of the cuts.

Making a Christmas tree from tree branches with your own hands is very quick. Hang it on the wall or secure it in a pot. Decorate with Christmas balls, garland or snowflakes. Place a star on the top, which can also be made from branches or a piece of wood.

New Year's trees do not have to be made according to any standard. The presented master classes only give ideas for creativity. Therefore, fantasize and surprise your guests with your exclusive compositions.

Crafts from branches - beautiful and simple

If you want to learn how to make twig crafts but have never tried it before, don't be afraid to try. When choosing wood for crafts, you need to consider that it should be smooth and that there should be no knots on it. Such wood can be found at a sawmill or at any woodworking enterprise. The main thing is that the waste is of high quality. This is important because the quality of the wood directly depends on the quality of the crafts you make. Crafts can be made not only from branches, but also from any scraps. These could make a nice little boat or knives.

Which twigs and branches are best to choose?

As for branches, it is better to choose straight ones that do not have resin on them. Therefore, spruce or pine branches are not very suitable for making decorative items. The fact is that it is difficult to clean the knife and hands of resin after working with pine or spruce branches, and this is not very convenient. Branches whose fibers are located in the same direction are ideal for crafts. They are called straight grain.

But if you have already accumulated sufficient experience in making products from spruce and pine branches, then you can easily use them. When choosing branches, you need to ensure that they are flexible enough. Such branches are easier to process because they contain a sufficient amount of moisture. It is quite difficult to cut something from branches that are too dry because they do not bend well. There are crafts that require forked branches. Since the fibers of such branches go to different directions, working with such material is more difficult. This requires certain experience and skill.

Other crafts from autumn gifts of nature:

— Crafts from chestnuts, spikelets and other gifts of nature
— Crafts from autumn leaves
— Crafts from acorns
— Pumpkin crafts
— Crafts from pine cones
— Crafts from dried flowers

Processing branches for crafts

If you want to make crafts from the branches of some hard trees, then keep in mind that they need to be processed immediately after they have been cut, without delay. This applies to oak, boot and maple branches. If you want to make some small figurine, then birch branches are ideal for this. They are easy to cut, so it won’t take you much time to make the craft. It must be said that birch wood is generally easy to process. But black birch wood is not so easy to work with, because it is noticeably harder. If birch wood is slightly dried, it will become even more pliable.

Storage conditions for twigs and twigs

It is very important to properly store blanks for future crafts. If the wood dries out, it will be inconvenient to work with, which means you will spend extra time and effort making crafts. To prevent this from happening, you need to make preparations in advance, put them in Plastic container and put it in the refrigerator. If the branches are still dry, then you just need to moisten them a little with water before you start working. Now that the branches and trimmings have been selected and the blanks are stored in the refrigerator, let's talk in more detail about making crafts.

Unusual door wreath made of pine cones, branches, leaves and berries

Autumn is the most the right time in order to make something from branches, cones and leaves, because in the fall you can often find cones and amazingly beautiful leaves. IN Lately Very popular are decorative wreaths made of leaves and branches, which are usually hung above the entrance to the house. They can also decorate the interior of a house or apartment. In addition, such crafts are ideal for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten or school. primary school. Such crafts look very original and original, and serve as an excellent decoration for any interior.

More crafts from pine cones

To make a wreath from branches you need:

  • Three large pine cones,
  • Many small pine cones,
  • Foam rubber more than 30 cm long, which will serve as the basis for the wreath,
  • Hot glue gun,
  • Sackcloth,
  • Acrylic paints (white, beige, brown, yellow),
  • Acrylic spray (colorless),
  • Small and large secateurs,
  • Several small flexible branches,
  • Berry branch,
  • A beautiful ribbon to hang on ready product,
  • Two large magnets (preferable, but not required).

So, let's start making the wreath. First of all, you need to make flowers from small pine cones and paint them acrylic paints. To cut the pine cones, use a small hand pruner. You need to start cutting the cones from the middle, gradually moving upward. Please note that after such treatment a lot of garbage remains, so make sure that the trash can is nearby. To remove excess scales, use the end of a pruning shear. If possible, work right outside. This is very convenient if you are in the country. You must handle the pruning shears very carefully, otherwise you may suffer serious injury.

The basis for the wreath will be a foam base. It needs to be wrapped in burlap and glued with hot glue on the back side. Now that the base is ready, you can take hot glue and glue small flowers from cones onto it. It is better to place them closer to each other so that the flower petals touch.

A twig with berries and several small branches should be placed on the back of the wreath and glued with hot glue. Then you should take a bright ribbon, fold it in half and make a loop at the top of the wreath.

The final stage is making large flowers from pine cones. For this you will need a large pruning shears. To prevent the scales of the cones from getting into your eyes, wear special safety glasses. You need to cut out the flowers, moving from the middle up. All that remains is to paint the artificial flowers with bright acrylic paints and glue them to the base. To make flowers last better, coat them with a clear acrylic spray. The wreath is ready! More ideas for wreaths made from twigs and branches:

DIY craft ideas from branches and twigs

Twig men

The most simple idea for children's crafts from twigs - you will only need straight or curved thick branches, fabric for clothes and paints. Such crafts are made very quickly, and a separate idea is to make not just little people, but Santa Clauses for New Year's gifts.

Mirrors made from twigs

You can easily make an original frame for a mirror from sea brush, dried wood, twigs and twigs - what a gift idea?

Photo frames made of twigs

A photo frame is also made in the same way as the previous method.

DIY stars from branches

If you think a wreath is boring and banal, or you just have some twigs left over, making stars out of them is an easy idea for Christmas decorations.

More DIY Christmas decorations

Lamps and candlesticks made of twigs

Candlestick or vase made of branches

The importance of homemade handicrafts is difficult to overestimate. If you look around, everything that surrounds a person was invented by someone and was originally made in a single copy. Making various small items by hand can be done at any age. For work, various available materials are used: paper, cardboard, fabric, plasticine, cotton wool. Separately, we can highlight structures made from natural raw materials, because making crafts from tree branches with your own hands will not require any costs at all.

This type of creativity is taught in kindergartens and schools. This process serves to develop the child’s thinking and imagination, teaches him to work and persevere. For adults, this is a hobby that allows you to escape from everyday life, relax and calm down. As they gain experience, some turn their passion into a business, considering the product of their activity a work of art.

Features and requirements for natural material

Any work begins with planning and preparation of materials. Before leaving your home, taking a walk to a park, planting, or forest, you should make a plan for yourself, think about what needs to be collected, what will come out of it, where the raw materials will be dried, and decide on a place to store the twigs. The required volume is calculated from the number of intended crafts.

The collection of raw materials should be done in early spring or late autumn in good sunny weather. This is due to several points. Firstly, during this period the bark and core are not damaged or eaten by various insects. Secondly, on a clear day the quality of the material will be visible. Thirdly, after the rains the branches will have to dry longer.

You can use any type of wood for work. Birch, willow, grapevine, spruce, pine, deciduous, and walnut branches are suitable. The material must be free of leaves, flexible, and free from chips, cracks, damage, and other defects. It is desirable that the fibers are located in the same direction. If necessary, take bifurcated, branched options.

Beginners should not use pine and fir branches. They are difficult to work with, they are heavily impregnated tree resin. It is better to master this type of raw material as you gain experience.

How to properly prepare materials for crafts

The preparation of raw materials can be carried out different ways, it all depends on its type. Ordinary branches are dried naturally. To do this, newspaper is laid out on the windowsill in several layers, and shoots and vines are placed on top of it. During the drying process, insects and spiders will crawl out of them. To avoid these unpleasant consequences, they can be disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate.

In good weather, the material dries within a week. If you put it in the oven for a couple of hours, the process will speed up, but this is not advisable. After this, the surface of the branches is covered with paint or wood varnish, which protects it from interaction with the external environment.

Preparing the driftwood is a little different. Once they are collected, they must be placed in hot water and add soda at the rate of 100 g of product per 1 liter of liquid. After two days, the snag is removed and placed in another solution of water and bleach (ratio 1:15) for 48 hours. Afterwards the workpiece is dried under the sun for 3-7 days.

Designer wooden candlesticks have a high price. At home, you can easily create a craft that will be unique, serve as a functional and decorative element. The design can be completed in several ways:

From thick branches. Making such a product will require a little time and effort. The process is as follows:

  1. Thick branches are selected. They are cut from both end sides at an even angle, checked for stability, dried, and, if necessary, varnished.
  2. A nail is driven in halfway in the middle of one of the cuts. The cap is bitten off with the help of pliers.
  3. A candle is directly placed on the remaining protruding pins.

From thin branches. In this case, the glass container is pasted over:

  1. Select a glass for work.
  2. Its length is measured. Using a knife or pruning shears wooden blanks segments of approximately the same length corresponding to the measurements are cut out.
  3. Each element is lubricated with a special transparent glue, which is held on the glass, is glued in a circle to the glass close to each other.
  4. A candle is placed in the middle of the product.

Decorative design of a vase

Using branches you can create something like independent design, and decorate the finished item. For clarity, let's consider several ways:

Pots for storing flowers.

  1. We choose a suitable vessel in which to place the flower. We measure its height and circumference.
  2. Cut a piece out of burlap and glue it to the glass surface.
  3. We take the prepared branches and cut them to the appropriate length for the workpiece.
  4. We tie the twigs together with twine at the top and bottom. The knots must be strong.
  5. We tie the resulting ribbon around the piece covered with burlap.

Fruit bowl. Only wood is used

  1. We take 40 even sticks of the same length, 15-20 cm.
  2. We make marks on them with an indentation from one edge of 1 cm and 7-10 cm.
  3. Using a drill and a thin drill bit, drill holes in the designated locations.
  4. We connect all the elements with copper wire, threading it into the lower holes.
  5. From the same material we cut 40 pieces of 1 cm each.
  6. We drill holes in them, passing in the middle through the two ends.
  7. In the prepared tape from long blanks we start copper wire into the first 15-20 cm branch in the middle, then we pull it through a short 1 cm stick, moving on to the next element.
  8. By stretching the wire in a circle, connecting the extreme parts, we get a beautiful flowerpot for fruit.
  9. Place a prepared wooden flat circle on the bottom of the product.

Creating a decorative tree

Using branches you can build an ikebana. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • dry twigs;
  • sea ​​pebbles;
  • decorative moss;
  • Styrofoam;
  • wooden, glass container;
  • glue.

Step by step process:

  • The prepared vessel is filled halfway with sea stones.
  • The polystyrene foam is cut to fit the internal dimensions of the pot, and holes are made in it for attaching the main element.
  • The prepared branched branch is installed in foam plastic.
  • The resulting structure is lowered into a container, sprinkled to the top with sea pebbles, which are covered with moss.
  • Dried leaves, flowers, and their imitation from various lightweight materials are glued to the branches.

Decoration of photo frames and mirrors

The process of decorating frames for photographs, paintings and mirror elements is similar. To work, you need to use twigs of two sizes: thin, thick. They must be completely dry. It is better not to take willow or willow twigs with slippery bark. Let's look at a step-by-step master class on creating such products.

  1. If the photo does not have a photo frame, it can be cut out of thick cardboard or plywood.
  2. The frame should be painted a dark brown color.
  3. Dry branches are cleared of bark and cut to fit the frame.
  4. The first layer, consisting of larger parts, is laid and glued along the perimeter.
  5. Then the next layers are fixed. Elements located perpendicular to each other are intertwined at the ends.
  6. To increase strength, you can additionally tie the structure with wire. To hide it, the surface is covered spray paint.
  7. Moss, pine, fir cones, paper flowers, and beads are used as decoration.
  8. At the final stage, the craft is coated with non-toxic varnish.

Christmas wreath made of branches

Making a wreath begins with creating the base. Different materials are suitable for this. We will use birch twigs in our work, so the wreath must be made on the same day that they are collected. The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. We sort the birch branches, putting the thick ones in one direction, the thin ones in the other. There should be no knots or lateral shoots left on them.
  2. We take several large branches and arrange them in the shape of a circle.
  3. We tie them together using twine.
  4. We begin to weave thin rods into the resulting workpiece, tying the edges with rope.
  5. When the base becomes dense, we weave the branches without tying.
  6. We paint the finished workpiece with spray paint.
  7. We put the product under the press for a day to give it the correct shape.
  8. At the final stage, we decorate the craft with pine branches, ribbons, cones, balls, bells, and tinsel.

Christmas tree made from dried branches

A decorative Christmas tree will decorate doors, walls, window sills, tables, and other surfaces and interior items. It is used for New Year's holidays or as a decorative element. The structure can be made in different ways. Let's look at a few simple options.

Flat spruce.

  1. The work will require branches of different lengths and thicknesses.
  2. Lay out the Christmas tree on flat surface from thick to thin.
  3. Using a hacksaw, we saw off the ends so that each subsequent stick is shorter than the previous one.
  4. Forming the silhouette of a spruce tree.
  5. We connect the elements into a single structure with a harness.
  6. We paint the workpiece with spray paint.
  7. After drying, decorate the item.

Volumetric tree.

  1. We carefully form a cone of the required height from polystyrene foam.
  2. We cover the workpiece with cardboard or thick paper.
  3. Using a glue gun, we glue the prepared dry raw materials and thin willow twigs to the surface of the workpiece.
  4. For reliability, we tie the product in a circle with twine, not reaching the base by one third.
  5. Glue painted ones on top green color thin branches.
  6. We apply decor in the form of bows, ribbons, balls, and other decorations.
  7. With a finished craft, you can decorate the interior of any room or give it to your friends for the New Year.

Original stand for pencils and pens

You can cover any glass with branches, as in the example with a vase, and use it for different purposes. There are options for interesting stands for stationery from driftwood, as well as from hemp. Let's look at the easiest way to create a convenient element for placing pencils from a saw cut:

  1. Select a stump of suitable diameter.
  2. We cut at the ends so that the height of the workpiece is 10 - 12 cm.
  3. We clear it of bark, you can leave the knot.
  4. Using a drill, drill holes spaced 1 cm from the edge and between each other.
  5. Cleaning the surface sandpaper.
  6. We insert pencils into the finished product.

The product does not have to be round in shape. It can be cut in half, cut out into a square, made into a crescent, or given any shape.

Eco-friendly clothes hanger in the hallway

By using natural materials, you can save on buying things you need in everyday life. Homemade hanger, made from branches, will become a functional decoration and will suit any style. Let's consider the options for manufacturing products:

Standard hallway hanger.

  1. Let's prepare wooden base. An ordinary varnished board with dimensions of 80x20 cm.
  2. We choose branches with a knot; there can be two, three or more.
  3. We cut the sticks to size 15-20 cm,
  4. Having retreated a few centimeters from each edge, we fasten the branches to the wooden blank with self-tapping screws.
  5. The finished product can be hung on the wall.

A piece of driftwood suspended from the ceiling.

  1. Select a suitable branched driftwood.
  2. We clean it, dry it, sand it with sandpaper, paint it, varnish it.
  3. We tie ropes from two edges, fasten them to the ceiling, selecting the desired height.

Branches framed.

  1. From boards with a cross section of 2.5x10 cm, cut out 2 pieces of 40 cm, 2 pieces of 70 cm.
  2. From them we knock down a rectangular frame.
  3. We select branched branches, clean them, and leave 2-3 knots on them on one side.
  4. We attach them to the rectangular structure, make marks with a pencil, and cut them to the desired size.
  5. In the frame where each branch will be installed and in the stick itself, holes are drilled on both sides.
  6. We connect the elements using screws.
  7. The surface of the frame is puttied and painted.
  8. The craft is hung on the wall.

Partitions and screens

Using branches, you can create original partitions and screens, and create unique zoning of the room. They can become the accent of any room and decorate it. The structures can be built in different ways. Let's take a closer look at one of the simplest options:

  • We measure the distance from floor to ceiling, the length of the future partition.
  • From a 3.5x10 cm board we cut out two segments corresponding to the measured length.
  • Next, we select long thick branches that reach the ceiling, cut them at the ends, taking into account the height of the board.
  • We carefully assemble the structure on the floor, fixing tree branches on both sides to the guides.
  • We lift the finished structure and securely fix it to the floor covering and to the ceiling.

Decorative design of lamps and fixtures

Thanks to their unique contours and sizes, the branches look very impressive in the rays artificial light lamps and floor lamps. They acquire fancy patterns, creating the illusion of a fairy tale and magic. You can make both complex ceiling accessories for the living room and small lamps for hallways and bedrooms.

For a chandelier you will need to select durable driftwood, process it, and paint it taking into account the main color of the interior. Using metal hooks we attach it to the ceiling and lower it electrical wiring, weaving wires along the branches. We install sockets and light bulbs.

A floor lamp decorated with branches looks stylish. To do this, you need to select sticks of the same length, remove the dust and bark, and rub both ends with sandpaper. We lean them against the base of the lamp and secure them with twine. You can organize the fastening in the center of the rack, or in several places. Use small branches to cover the lampshade.

From an ordinary branch you can get a real work of art - the author's Wall Light. The more intricate and tortuous the wood configuration, the brighter and more spectacular it will look. We attach the branch to the wall and wrap it with wire with a simple lampshade.

A unique panel in the interior made from branches

From driftwood, dry branches, and small wood scraps you can make any interior item in eco, shabby chic, or Provence style. The original addition would be wall panel. You can choose a very different theme - autumn forest with fallen leaves, wonderful garden, view of the street from behind the fence, house and others. Each option can be adjusted and supplemented at any time.

To make panels, it is better to select flexible willow branches that lend themselves well to modeling. The basis will be any figured, straight board or section of the wall. We fasten the parts according to the planned plan using staples, screws, and glue. We rub the metal elements into the color of the wood with putty and cover them with clay.

Ideas for crafts made from roots and driftwood

For crafts you can use any wood material. Roots and driftwood remaining after cutting down trees are suitable for this purpose. The natural material can already be considered a sculpture, thanks to its spreading shape. It just needs to be properly processed, dried, coated special compounds, improving performance. Simple operation Even a child can do it.

There are a lot original ideas to create a unique accessory design. Just take a good look and your associative memory will tell you suitable option. Perhaps the branched shape will resemble an animal, a fairy-tale character, or any household item. Roots and driftwood can also be used to complement the composition. The area of ​​application will depend on the strength, size, shape. Large elements will create unique flower beds, bridges, and benches for the garden.

Branches for decorating gifts and bouquets

Original handmade gifts always cause admiration. A floral bouquet complemented with branches looks stylish and natural. To make it you will need a willow vine and thin sticks. First of all, prepare the vase. We compare the length of the sticks, twist them with wire into a long path. We place flowers on it, the rods at a short distance from each other and twist them. We decorate the bouquet with a satin ribbon.

Natural materials are increasingly being used to decorate gifts. Various branches are especially relevant in winter. From the crushed parts you can lay out a beautiful composition and glue it to the lid, decorate it with pine needles and rowan branches.


By using natural material you can create a lot of useful and very beautiful things. This activity will arouse interest among all family members. As you gain experience, you can move on to more complex structures. For creating original crafts no large investments will be required, and the result of the work will delight not only the master, but also everyone around him.

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