Exercises for losing weight at home on a fitball. Abdominal Strengthening

Fitball is a universal sports equipment with which you can perform many exercises, and for the most different groups muscles. It is used both during the main workout at home and for warm-up exercises.

How to choose the right fitball for yourself?

Surely, when you came to the gym, you noted that not every fitball was equally convenient for you to perform certain exercises. Indeed, this is so, and in some cases a person will not even be properly tired due to the fact that the fitball was chosen incorrectly. Perhaps even here it is not the quality of the ball itself - the ratio of the height of the person himself and the fitball does not match.

There are two important points that you will need to pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. The ball should be made of a hard material and should be inflated when you try it. Necessarily. Otherwise, there is every chance of purchasing a ball that actually allows air to pass through. It is logical to assume that with this approach you will not, under any circumstances, carry out effective training. Never buy it without first trying it by touch, although this is easy to do. It will be enough to sit on the ball and evaluate your sensations. It will not be suitable if the landing is equivalent to being on a feather bed - the fitball must be hard. Otherwise, not only will you not bring any benefit to your health, but you also risk damaging the projectile itself (especially if your weight exceeds 100 kg);
  2. It is equally important to maintain the ratio of height and size of the fitball. In order to get the maximum benefit from training, you will need to proceed from the following formula: human height - 100 = fitball diameter.

A set of exercises that will bring results in the shortest possible time.

One important point, which will need to be clarified before you start performing a set of exercises using a Swiss ball - they all must be performed as a superset. This means that there should be no break in the exercises - different types are done right after each other. This will ensure maximum load on the cardiovascular system and burn fats that you want to get rid of.

Before you start performing this set of exercises, you will need to go for a run (or exercise on an orbitrack), 7-10 minutes is enough, no more. In order to prepare the body for the upcoming process.

We pump the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles - twisting

This exercise is performed in the following way:

  1. A person sits on a fitball in such a way that only the buttocks and small area lower back. The legs should be stretched forward, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Hands locked behind your head. At first, while you get used to this set of exercises, you should perform it in front of a mirror; it will be easier to keep track of yourself and avoid making purely technical mistakes. It is very important to maintain this exact starting position so that you do not have to eliminate the back strain later;
  2. The first movement is that you try to reach your feet with your head. It is clear that you will not be able to fulfill this intention (few gymnasts are capable of this), but it should be fulfilled in this way. There is tension in the rectus abdominis muscle, which, when you lose excess weight, will give you the desired six-pack of perfect abs;
  3. This is followed by a side tilt - your hands are also locked behind your head, but only now you are leaning not in the center, but to the right. If you try to reach your right foot with your head, your attempt will most likely not be successful, but the technique of the exercise will undoubtedly be absolutely correct;
  4. Similar movements will need to be repeated on the left side. Such exercises perfectly work the oblique abdominal muscles - you get rid of fat from the sides, the so-called “ears”.

Movement in the other direction

This is where the approach ends. It will be necessary to do such “triples” of 30-40 repetitions, 5 approaches each, but these approaches should alternate with other exercises. One more thing - there should not be a break in which you do nothing, but in principle it is necessary (you just do another exercise at this time). Perfect option- this is information and raises of arms with dumbbells, lying on the floor. It's very simple - hold dumbbells with your arm straight and move them from the point of contact with the floor to the point of contact in front of your face (the angle of movement is 90 degrees). Such 10 - 15 repetitions and back to the fitball.

We work with the “lower” press

Removes all folds from the lower abdomen, destroys body fat. For maximum efficiency It’s worth placing a metal disc on your stomach while performing the exercise - thanks to this, your muscles will be in constant tension. The exercise itself goes like this:

  1. Starting position - lying on your back, wrap your feet around the Swiss ball and ensure maximum tension in your abdominal muscles. Throw your arms back, hold dumbbells or a weight plate so that you are not tempted to help yourself while performing the exercise, thereby reducing its effectiveness;
  2. Raise the fitball to its maximum height - it is advisable to reach it to your face. It is very important to ensure that your legs do not bend at the knees. Otherwise, the entire effect of the exercise will be neutralized;
  3. Make sure that you perform the full range of motion - grab the exercise ball with your feet while it is still on the floor and lift it to the limit, and then carefully return it to the floor, without bending your knees even once. The exercise is done slowly, without haste. Do not try to deceive yourself and make the task easier for yourself - you should feel how each of your muscles tenses throughout the entire exercise.

Do these repetitions 20 times, 5 approaches. A break between this exercise and the next one can be a jump rope, so that you can further “warm up” the body.

Push-ups with feet resting on fitball

The final exercise, which is the most difficult of all listed. It is done as follows:

  1. Starting position - you lean on the fitball with your fingers, and with your hands (even better - your fists) you rest on the floor. At the same time, strive to position yourself in such a way that your buttocks are raised as much as possible, in order to ensure maximum load on precisely those muscle groups that will need to be tensed;
  2. Perform push-ups in such a way that your body reaches the floor without bending. In order to lose weight as quickly as possible, try to ensure maximum load - at the lowest point, when you feel maximum tension, stay for 10 seconds;
  3. After you do one push-up, return to the starting position and stay there for 3-4 seconds to restore your breathing and heart rate.

It is advisable to perform 15-20 push-ups, the number of series will also be 5. An exercise that can be done during the break is leg raises on the uneven bars. It is done as follows - go to the bars and fix it in top point your body (stretched out on your arms). After this, lift your legs to the level of your lower back (perform leg swings). Ideally do 5 repetitions. You can do less, the most important thing is that you feel muscle tension - without this there is no way, the exercise loses all its effectiveness.

Important note!

Many people believe that intensive exercise with a fitball will replace your diet. This is a dangerous misconception, since no training, in principle, can replace it and allow you to eat whatever you want. A strict diet combined with intense exercise is a guarantee of results.

Supersets exclusively with exercises on a fitball

The versatility of this sports equipment allows you to use it to perform complex exercises for all muscle groups. Below are six exercises that are done one after another, without interruption (3 series each - superset):

  1. Squats with a fitball near the wall. It is necessary to fix the ball from the wall with your back and perform deep squats, and then gradually straighten up. The number of repetitions is 10, then immediately proceed to the next exercise;
  2. Reverse hyperextension. You need to lie on your stomach on the fitball (so that its edges are under the costal arch) and take a lying position, and then perform leg raises with your back arched. 10 repetitions;
  3. Squats with an overhead exercise ball. Bend your back, lift the fitball in your arms, legs apart. In this position, perform squats, number of repetitions - 10;
  4. Fitball push-ups. It is necessary to lean on the fitball with your shins and feet, bend your torso slightly upward and perform push-ups, the recommended number is 10;
  5. Plank. Place your arms bent at the elbows on a fitball, legs apart. You must be in this position for at least 30 seconds (static load is performed);
  6. Hyperextension. Lie on your stomach on the fitball, hands behind your head. Perform flexion and extension exercises top part torso, number - 10.

If this set of exercises was aimed at strengthening the back muscles, then the following superset allows you to work the muscles of the arms, chest and abdomen:

You will need to perform three such supersets, with a break of 1 minute between each.

A fitball is a large rubber ball that was invented by doctors from Switzerland for the treatment and rehabilitation of people with musculoskeletal diseases. But, as practice has shown, this invention has proven itself positively in many areas. So, this large ball is used in fitness classes for pregnant women - they strengthen and develop the pelvic muscles.

What are the benefits of ball exercises?

But the most important use for this ball was found in gyms and fitness centers. Exercises with such a ball allow you to strengthen your abs, make the muscles of your thighs and buttocks elastic, straighten your posture and pump up the muscles of your arms, legs and back. Another one positive trait– training can be carried out at home, supplemented with them morning exercises and doing evening relaxation exercises.

Safety precautions

You need to perform exercises on the ball regularly and follow safety precautions. By safety precautions it should be understood that it is necessary to choose only high-quality and dense balls, since Chinese balls made of thin rubber and low quality can burst at the most inopportune moment. And thereby cause complex injuries.

You should also pay attention to the size. After all, people who are less than 170 cm tall need to use a ball with a diameter of 55 cm, and those who are 170-180 cm tall need a ball with a diameter of 65 cm. But there are people who are taller, so they need a ball with a diameter of 85 cm , sitting down on which, your knees and shins will make an angle of 90? .

Basic ball exercises

Using a gymnastic ball for fitness, you can develop an individual set of exercises aimed at strengthening various muscles and parts of the body.

There are basic exercises that can be included in your daily routine. morning exercises after warm-up:

  • performing push-ups with a ball - place your knees on a rubber ball, rest your hands on the floor. Bend your elbows and touch your chin to the floor. Return to the starting pose. Observe correct breathing: going down - inhale, going up - exhale;
  • an exercise aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abs - lie on your back, put your feet on the ball, but so that the angle between your knees and thigh is 90? , put your hands behind your head. Raise the pelvis while resting your feet on the ball;

  • balance exercise with a large ball - lie on the ball with your stomach down, straighten your legs and arms so that your body takes a position parallel to the floor and maintain balance for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times, and if physical data allows, then increase the number of repetitions to 10;
  • performing a stretching exercise - kneel down, rest your hands on the ball, and roll the ball forward, stretch your entire body at a slow pace. Return to the starting pose. Perform the exercise 10 times in three approaches;

  • exercise to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks - lying on your stomach on the ball, holding your balance with your hands, legs bent and positioned on the floor. Raise your knees bent upward so that your heel points to the ceiling. Perform 16 lifts with each leg. To make this exercise more challenging, lifts can be performed with both legs at the same time. The main thing is to reduce the compression of the ball and not jump during lifts.

By performing exercises with an emphasis on the abdomen, the intestines are massaged, and this can improve the functioning of peristalsis and get rid of constipation.

Setting aside 30 minutes a day for regular physical exercise on gymnastic ball, pretty soon you can see the result of your training - a toned figure and an improvement in the physical condition of the body. And this, in turn, gives a charge of vivacity and a great mood.

Video on the topic of the article

Fitball, or medicine ball, was created as a special equipment for exercise therapy – therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics performed during various diseases: musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.

Now what fitball is is known everywhere: training with fitball is a popular form physical activity in fitness, yoga, Pilates and other areas.

The benefits of using a fitball

You can perform countless exercises with an exercise ball. Fitball can be called the most universal sports equipment: it is used by women and men of any age and weight category, is prescribed as developmental gymnastics for children, and is also used in exercise sets for pregnant women.

Including fitball in your training complex has many benefits. positive aspects:

  • improving coordination and correcting posture;
  • exercises on the ball are suitable for losing weight and toning the body: constantly maintaining tension while performing a training complex increases the number of calories burned;
  • exercises with a ball are good for the spine and joints: by removing the load from them, they promote speedy healing and relief from pain;
  • Exercises with a fitness ball bring the necessary variety to the training process, keeping the athlete motivated and interested.

At the same time, the fitness ball is completely safe: a special abs system protects it from rupture under the influence of static and dynamic loads. This allows the fitball to be used safely by overweight people, as well as older people with fragile bones.

Fitball - health ball

Before you start training, you need to choose the right fitness ball:

  • The size of the fitball should correspond to your height: small models up to 55-60 cm are suitable for short people, tall people you will need a ball bigger size(from 60 cm or more). A simple check will help determine whether the ball is suitable: we sit on top of it, if a right angle is formed between the legs and thighs, the size is ideal, but if the knees rise above the hips, the fitball is too small;
  • Fitball can have different surface : smooth balls – universal option, models with ears are suitable for beginner athletes and children (they are easier to maintain balance on). Balls covered with rubber spikes intensify the flow of blood to the skin, warm up and massage the body during exercise: therapeutic and restorative gymnastics are performed on such fitballs;
  • The degree of density (pumping) of the ball is independently regulated. This way you can vary the load. For effective weight loss classes should be carried out on the most elastic fitball: this makes it more difficult to maintain balance and perform exercises. For beginners, it is better to start with exercises on a weakly inflated fitball.

Stretching with a fitball

Before performing exercises on gymnastic ball, you need to thoroughly warm up and warm up. Stretching can also be done with a fitball: it will act as a support.

Stretching exercises on a fitball:

  • We sit on the ball with our legs spread wide apart and make several bouncing movements, keeping our back straight;
  • We sit on the floor with our legs spread wide apart, take the fitball in our hands, turn our body towards our left leg and reach for our toes, pulling the ball in front of us. Repeat the movement for the right leg;
  • We sit on the fitball with our legs spread wide apart, without lifting our buttocks, tilt our body to the right and reach with the fingers of our left hand towards our right foot. Repeat with the right hand;
  • Starting position “feet shoulder-width apart”, perform 10 full rotations of the body clockwise (then repeat counterclockwise). We keep the fitball on outstretched arms;
  • Sitting on a fitball, we stretch our legs forward, stretch alternately to the left and right leg;
  • We stand with our legs spread as wide as possible, reaching for the fitball, training the cross splits.

Exercises with fitball for legs

A training complex on a fitball for legs must include the following exercises:

  1. Lunges on the ball– an exercise to develop the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and is also a great way to develop coordination and balance. Execution technique: stand with your back to the fitball, put your foot on it, foot up, step forward with your free front leg 15-20 cm, bending both legs at the knee. The passive leg is relaxed, the active leg is tense: when lunging forward, you need to lower yourself onto your entire foot, while the knee should not go beyond the level of your toes. Hands rest on your hips: if maintaining balance is too difficult, you can lean them on a chair or wall;
  2. Single leg squats: the ball is on the side, we move our leg to the side and place our foot on it. It is necessary to perform 10-20 squats on the left leg, and then repeat everything on the right leg. During execution, make sure that the knees do not go beyond the level of the toes and shift the center of gravity to the heels, maintaining balance;
  3. Squats with fitball: we squat in a wide stance, holding a fitball in our hands raised above our heads. Throughout the exercise, keep your back straight, do not bring your knees past your toes;
  4. Jump Squats: starting position “feet 1.5 shoulder width apart”, perform a squat as in the previous exercise, only jump up from the bottom point, while holding the ball above your head;
  5. Wall Squats: we stand against the wall, leaning on the ball sandwiched between it and our back, squat until it is parallel to the floor, stay in this position for as long as we can, straining our buttocks.

Exercises with a fitball for the buttocks

With the help of a fitball you can do a great job gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh.

The best exercise for the buttocks on a fitball is the gluteal bridge. Technique:

  • We rest the ball against the wall, lower ourselves onto it with our backs, resting our shoulder blades, the lower back and buttocks do not touch the fitball;
  • Place your legs bent at the knees so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor;
  • We lower our hips as low as possible and slowly lift them up, squeezing our buttocks and holding at the top point for a couple of seconds;
  • You can hold your hands behind your head (this will relieve tension from the neck), or place them on your hips;
  • The exercise can be performed with extra weight(pancake weighing from 5 to 20 kg, heavy bottle, weight). The weights are placed on the hips.

This exercise has 2 effective modifications:

  • Elevated glute bridge: lie with your back on the floor, rest your feet on the fitball and perform the exercise standard scheme. This increases the range of motion and also perfectly loads the muscles of the buttocks, back surface thighs and legs;
  • Leg raises in a bridge: we take any of the above-described initial body positions to perform a “gluteal bridge” (with your back on a fitball, or resting your feet on it), lift one leg, slightly bending it, and pointing your knee up, and perform the exercise, leaning only on one leg. This way you can work the muscles of the left and right half of the body in isolation, increasing the load on the lagging groups.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball for the abs

Using a fitball, you can effectively pump up your abs at home. Add to list best exercises on the press with a gymnastic ball you can turn on:

  • Crunches: lean your lower back on the ball, relax your upper shoulder girdle and back. We cross our arms on our chest, our legs are bent. We perform the usual twisting of the body, rounding the back and straining the rectus abdominis muscle;
  • Corner: lie on the floor, resting your shins on the ball (legs form a corner), raise your body and stretch your hands to your ankles, without lifting your lower back from the floor;
  • You can perform abdominal exercises with a fitball on the horizontal bar: put the ball under the horizontal bar, take the starting position in a hanging position, pick up the ball with your feet and perform twisting or lifting your legs to the crossbar (advanced version);
  • Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles: sit on the ball, close your legs and tense your abdominal muscles. We move the clasped legs to the left, and the arms to the right, maintaining balance with the oblique muscles, repeat for the other side.

Abdominal exercises with a fitball can be made even more effective if you add additional weights and reduce the number of repetitions to 10-12. By exercising regularly, eating well and resting, you can quickly pump up your abs.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball for the upper body

Exercises for the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulder body:

  • Push-ups with emphasis on a fitball with normal hand placement: an exercise aimed at working the pectoral muscles, while by changing the position of the hands (so that the fingers folded together look at each other) you can shift the emphasis to the deltoids;
  • Push-ups from the floor with your feet resting on a fitball: The exercise targets the upper pectoral muscles and arms. During push-ups, the body must be kept tense: you cannot bend or hunch over;
  • Plank with medicine ball: can be performed with your elbows or shins resting on the ball. Due to the instability of the projectile, this exercise is much more difficult than a regular plank;
  • Reverse push-ups(for triceps).

If you have additional equipment at home, dumbbells, weights, etc., you can train with a fitball even more effectively:

  • Flying or pressing dumbbells in the “lying” position on the ball;
  • Pullovers with a dumbbell: this exercise is much more convenient to perform on a gymnastic ball, rather than on a regular bench;
  • Press dumbbells or a small barbell (for example, a body bar) while sitting on a ball;

Exercises with a fitball for the back

One of the classic exercises for the back on a medicine ball is hyperextension: it strains the back extensors, tones the latissimus and trapezius muscles.

The exercise is performed in the same way as on a Roman chair, only instead of it there is a medicine ball: resting on the ball with your stomach and hips, we lift your chest up, straining your lower back. To avoid falling, you can secure your feet by tucking them under the sofa slats or resting them against the wall.

An equally effective exercise for the back and buttocks is reverse hyperextension on a fitball:

  • We lie down on the ball with our stomach, resting our relaxed fingers and toes on the floor. We take a body position in which our arms are level with our shoulders (we roll the ball a little until we achieve the desired position). We rest our palms on the floor;
  • Your thighs should touch the ball, pressing tightly against it. We close our legs and slowly lift them up, tensing our core muscles (abs and back extensors). To shift the load on the buttocks, we slightly bend our knees: if “pumping up” the back is of primary importance, the legs need to be raised straight;
  • At the top point of the lift, you need to linger for 2-3 seconds. The number of repetitions and the “pause” time at the top point depends on the athlete’s level of physical fitness.

This exercise can be performed while lying on a bench or any other support (sofa or bed). In this case, the fitball will play the role of an additional load: it must be held between the legs (at the level of the ankles and shins) when performing hyperextensions.

Almost all of the above exercises with a gymnastic ball can be used for both adults and children. If the ball is used during recovery from an injury or serious illness, as well as during pregnancy, the set of exercises should be discussed with your doctor.

Currently gymnastic balls (fitballs) due to their excellent health-improving qualities, they are present in almost any fitness center and are very popular among people with musculoskeletal disorders, overweight people, as well as among pregnant women and children, starting from infancy. Training with a gymnastic ball is not considered strength training, and is therefore excellent helpers in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system, varicose veins, etc.

Right choice

In order to start training with a gymnastic ball, you need to choose it correctly. When purchasing, you should take into account that high-quality balls are made from high-strength elastic material - ledraplasty, which can be sold through orthopedic salons or sports stores. It is in these places that it is better to buy a fitball.

As a rule, the product is deflated and packed in a box. In order to inflate a gymnastics ball, you will definitely need a pump: be it a special one, a bicycle pump, or a “foot” pump. It doesn't matter. When inflated, the ball can support up to 300kg of weight, so don't worry about it bursting as soon as you sit on it.

Focus your attention on the color of the ball. If you suffer from low blood pressure and for this reason you feel a lack of vigor, take an orange or red fitball, and if you are constantly tense and subject to frequent stress, take a blue or green one. Without attributing healing properties to individual colors, it should be noted that this little thing plays an important role in shaping your mood. In any case, you need to choose colors that will not irritate or strain your eyesight.

And most importantly, how to choose the diameter of the ball? The correct thing to do in this matter would be to focus on your own height and arm length.

Dependence of ball diameter (in.m.) on height:

Storage Features

The gymnastic ball should be stored away from flammable substances and any heat sources, and, despite the fact that the fitball is not so easy to puncture and deflate, its contact with cutting or piercing objects and sharp surfaces should be avoided.

The essence of the exercises

In one case or another, exercises with a fitball bring enormous health benefits and are an effective prevention of many diseases. Exercises using it:

  • improve the vestibular system,
  • strengthen the muscle corset,
  • stimulate blood circulation,
  • promote weight loss,
  • normalize metabolism,
  • have an analgesic effect,
  • increase intestinal motility and stomach function.

What other benefits do exercises with a fitball provide? We will look into this further, as we will present some examples of the use of the ball by people who want to improve their health and lose weight. excess weight, as well as pregnant women and infants. Of course, this does not mean that the gymnastic ball cannot be used for recreational purposes by other categories of the population. Training with it is very useful for children of any age, people who are busy and have hard work, elderly people, etc.

Exercises for different muscle groups

The first gymnastic ball appeared back in the 50s of the last century in Switzerland with the aim of rehabilitating patients with cerebral paralysis. In the 80s, the ball was used mainly to treat patients with problems with the musculoskeletal system, so first we will get acquainted with some exercises that have a beneficial effect on various muscle groups.

Pectoral muscles

Focus on straight arms, and place the gymnastic ball under your shins. The back should be straight and in one straight line with the legs. Place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows and lower yourself as low as possible, then return to the starting position. If you find it difficult to balance on the ball, lean on it not with your shins, but with your hips. Over time, move the ball closer to your ankles. You should not bend at the lower back.

Muscles of the buttocks and legs

Stand with your back to the ball. Stretch your arms forward. Raise the foot of your right leg and keep it at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor. Then slowly bend the knee of your left leg and squat until your buttocks lightly touch the surface of the ball. Secure the ball so that it does not jump out from under the body. You must keep your head straight. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times with alternate use of both legs.

Back muscles

Lie on your stomach on an exercise ball with your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart. Using your hands, move your body slightly forward, with the ball under your knees and your body forming a straight line. Legs should remain straight. The feet should be kept together and the hands should be under the shoulder joints. To maintain balance, try to tense your core muscles, but keep your neck and head relaxed. While in this position, tense your abs and lift your hips up (while your legs should not be bent) so that your feet rest against the ball. Very slowly return to the starting pose. Repeat the exercise 8 – 10 times.

Abdominal muscles

Sit on an exercise ball. Place your feet flat on the floor, crossing your arms over your chest. Stepping your feet, carefully lower yourself forward so that your back is on the ball and your knees are under your ankles. You should keep your head suspended and not tilt it back. Then begin to gradually “twist”: first tuck your head, then your shoulders and finally the middle of your back – until you feel a full contraction abdominal muscles. Slowly return to the starting pose. The exercise is repeated 8 – 10 times.

Arm muscles

Lean on the ball with your arms straight. Hands should be shoulder-width apart. After this, step back and spread your legs wide. Tighten your abs and lower yourself down, bending your arms. At the same time, try to keep your elbows as close to your body as possible. Return to the starting pose. The exercise is repeated 10 times. It is necessary to keep your back straight.

Exercises for slimness

Balls that have relief surface and providing a massage effect during classes. You need to exercise regularly (2-4 times a week). You need to take breaks between classes so as not to
There was no feeling of overexertion and fatigue. One workout should last 30-60 minutes depending on the individual level of readiness. There are a lot of exercises with a fitball. You can do a “squeeze” for yourself and practice, periodically replacing some exercises with others.

  • As a warm-up, take 30 side steps in each direction, and then, picking up an exercise ball, repeat them. With each step, extend your arms with the ball in the direction of movement, raising it to shoulder level.
  • As initial exercise lie on the floor, stretch your legs and place your heels on an exercise ball. While in this position, lift your hips up, tensing your abdominal and buttock muscles, while simultaneously rolling the ball towards you using your heels. At the top point, the body to the knees should be in the form of a straight line, and the knees should be bent at a right angle. Take the starting pose. Do the exercise 10-15 times. This exercise will help remove all the “extra” from the hips.
  • While in a standing position, as hard as possible inner surface With your thighs, hold the exercise ball between your legs. Then, drawing your stomach in, tighten your thigh muscles and hold this tension for about a minute. After this, without releasing the ball, do 20-30 jumps on your toes. This exercise is aimed at improving the condition of the hips and abdomen.
  • Now you can do push-ups on an exercise ball. To do this, lie face down and place your hips or feet on the ball. Hands should rest on the floor, elbows should remain straight. Then tense your abs and use your hands to lower yourself to the maximum depth without your shoulders touching the floor. The back should remain straight at all times while performing the exercise. Repeat 10-12 times.
  • Stand directly in front of an exercise ball. Place your left foot on it. The knee should remain straight. Roll the ball to the side until your body looks like the letter “T”. The right leg should be slightly bent. Stretch your arms forward and from this position do 20 squats. Then switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps tighten your buttocks.

Exercises for pregnant women

Exercises with a gymnastic ball are recommended for pregnant women because they develop flexibility, reduce muscle pain, improve blood circulation, provide a surge of strength, etc. By exercising, pregnant women strengthen not only their own health, being in any trimester, but also the body of the unborn baby. The only contraindications for exercising with a ball are complications during pregnancy. When planning to exercise, be sure to consult your gynecologist.

  • Sit on a gymnastic ball and, maintaining balance, lean your hands on it. It is necessary to rock the pelvis in different directions. This simple exercise can also be done without using your hands.
  • Sit on the ball. Your arms should be extended and resting on the ball. After this, turn to the right, placing your left hand behind your right leg. Lock yourself in this position. Turning in the other direction, repeat the exercise.
  • Sit on an exercise ball and bend forward with your arms extended in front of you. Stand up straight. Raise your arms up, slightly spreading them to the sides (it is not recommended for pregnant women to hold their arms straight above their heads).
  • Sit on the ball. Legs should be bent at the knees and flat on the floor. Extend your right leg, placing it on your heel. After this, stretch your whole body towards it so that you can touch the sock with your hand. Repeat the exercise using your left leg.
  • In a standing position, extend your right leg forward and your left leg back, holding a gymnastic ball with your left hand. Bend your left leg at the knee (while left hand should rest on the ball) and straighten up again. Perform in the other direction.
  • Sit on the ball and move your right leg to the side. Right hand stretch towards your right leg. Take the starting position, and then perform the exercise in the other direction.
  • While standing, bend your back and rest your hands on the gymnastic ball. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Roll the ball forward, moving your hands, and then return back.
  • Sit on the ball and try to lie on it with your back, while slightly spreading your legs to the sides.
  • Sit on an exercise ball with your hands on your hips. Start moving on the ball with springy movements, first forward and backward, left and right, and then in a circle.
  • In a standing position, hold the ball with your arms extended forward. Squeeze it in your hands and try to bring it as close to you as possible, and then move it away from you again.

Exercises for infants

Fitball exercises are incredibly useful for infants, regardless of whether they have health problems or are healthy in all respects, especially since such pro
Problems such as intestinal colic, as a rule, do not bypass any of them. The point is that with the help of “fitball” exercises the child’s motor skills are stimulated gastrointestinal tract, is formed and functions normally nervous system, the tone of the flexor muscles decreases, develops correctly musculoskeletal system, flexibility is trained, the immune system is strengthened, the functioning of the liver, adrenal glands and other organs improves. It is not necessary to perform exercises every day - 2-3 times a week is enough.

  • do not work with the baby if the umbilical wound has not healed,
  • do not work with your child if he is sick and has a high temperature,
  • postpone the lesson if the baby is not in the mood,
  • do not force your child to do activities if he does not like them,
  • conduct classes with your child in the morning,
  • conduct classes with your baby 1-1.5 hours after eating,
  • start with a few minutes, gradually increasing the time,
  • If your child has any illness or disease, consult your pediatrician about it before starting classes.

1 – 6 months

  • Place your child on an exercise ball, tummy down. Then take it by the arms or legs and begin to rock it slightly - back and forth, to the sides. It is important to remember that the baby’s joints are still very weak, so you should not pull on his feet or hands.
  • Turn the baby onto his back. Then, holding his chest and tummy with your palms, rock him from side to side.
  • Lay the baby on his tummy or back, and then, pressing lightly on the body and holding both of his legs with the other hand, begin to make jerking movements, pressing on the ball.
  • Place the child on your lap or any hard surface, and roll a gymnastic ball to his legs, which he will immediately begin to push away.

6 – 12 months

  • This exercise requires 2 adults. The baby should be placed on his tummy. One adult should take him by the arms, another by the legs. Then you need to alternately pull the child towards you so that he touches the ball with his arms and legs.
  • Place the gymnastic ball so that it does not slip out from under your baby’s feet, as you will have to give him the opportunity to jump. To do this, simply grab the child’s body with both hands and hold him there until he gets tired.
  • Place your baby on the ball, tummy down. In this case, its handles should rest against the ball, and its body should be in an elevated state. Take the child by the legs and gently rock him back and forth and to the sides.
  • Place your baby on his tummy and hold his legs. Then lower the child so that he can get the toy from the floor.
  • Place your baby on his tummy with his legs facing you. Then grab them and roll them first towards you, bending the baby’s legs at the knees, and then away from you, pushing and straightening them.
  • Place the child with his back on the gymnastic ball and hold him by the forearms. Then, lightly pulling them, sit the baby down and hold it for a few seconds, then lower him back onto his back. This exercise can be started from 9 months of age.

And finally...

Don't forget to do a short warm-up before starting your workout, which will prepare your muscles and ligaments for the load and also prevent injury.

After finishing your workout, do relaxation exercises for a few minutes, which will help consolidate the positive results.

And one more thing: in order to increase the effectiveness of exercise, adults can even use a gymnastic ball instead of a chair or armchair.

Girls and women who take care of themselves, regardless of age, pay great attention to their figure, doing everything possible to make it slim and attractive. For this purpose, they visit gyms and fitness centers, because it is physical exercise that will allow them to correct their figure problem areas. Particularly popular are exercises with a fitness ball, which can be performed even while at home, without special training.

This special device often also called a fitball or gymnastic ball. Regular exercise with a fitness ball has a positive effect on the body, namely:

  • muscle tone increases;
  • body flexibility develops;
  • coordination improves;
  • fat deposits are burned.

In order for exercises on the ball to be beneficial, it is important to choose the right indispensable device. For this purpose, it is better to visit sporting goods stores, where sellers must provide a table of the optimal ratio of the diameter of a gymnastic ball and the height of the athlete.

Rules for practicing on a gymnastic ball

A set of specially designed and selected exercises on a gymnastic ball for fitness will be beneficial only if certain important rules. First of all, you should adhere to these recommendations from experts:

  1. Classes should be held regularly, without long breaks. For achievement positive result It is enough for fitness training to take place 2-4 times a week.
  2. You cannot overexert your body, so you need to take a break between exercises. Depending on the level of physical fitness and endurance of the body, training can last 30-60 minutes.
  3. You can try several methods of fitness, because this sport is quite diverse, so each person will certainly find the most suitable exercises for himself.
  4. To make your workouts enjoyable every time, you need to diversify them by choosing new exercises with a fitness ball.
  5. As is known, only correct technique doing exercises with a gymnastic ball will benefit from the exercise, so you must first either visit the fitness center or watch the video.

Exercises for perfect abs

By performing a set of abdominal exercises, all muscles are worked out, thanks to which you can achieve your goal much faster than with other methods. physical activity. Experts recommend performing such exercises for abdominals:

  1. Starting position: sit on a fitball, rest your feet on the floor, cross your arms over your chest. Move your feet forward so that your back is on the ball, your knees are under your ankles, and your head should be supported. Then slowly lift top part body until tension in the abdominal muscles is felt, return to the starting position. Repeat 1-2 times at the beginning of training, eventually increasing the number of approaches to 10.
  2. Starting position: lie with your back on the floor, hold the ball with your ankles, keep your legs straight, and grab some support with your hands. Then bend your knees and smoothly pull them towards your chest, without releasing the ball. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise up to 10 times.
  3. Starting position: lie on your back, legs straight, take a fitball in your hands and lift it above your head. In this position, slowly lift your head, shoulders and back off the floor and pull your hands with the ball towards your feet. Then smoothly lower your upper body to the floor, raising your straight legs with the ball up. Grab the ball with your hands and lift it above your head again. Repeat these steps up to 10 times.

By regularly exercising on a gymnastic ball for fitness, you can short time make your stomach flat and firm.

Exercises for back muscles

A set of exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles allows every girl to have a beautiful, proud posture. Correct activities on a gymnastic ball, strengthen not only the upper muscles, but also the deeper tissues.

The following set of exercises on a gymnastic ball is popular:

  1. The exercise is performed against a wall: you need to lie on the ball with your stomach, hips and chest down, with your feet resting against the wall. Your arms should be extended forward and folded in front of your chest, with your elbows turned to the sides. Raise your head; if possible, try to tilt it back as much as possible. You should stay in this position for 10 seconds and take the starting position. For beginner athletes, one approach is enough, but over time the number needs to be increased to 4. It is important that there is a break of 30-60 seconds between approaches.
  2. Lie with your stomach on the ball, rest your feet on the floor, cross your arms behind your head, keep your back straight. You need to slowly lift your body up, trying to maintain balance. Having arched your back as much as possible, hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. The exercise should be repeated 10 times. To begin with, 1 approach is enough, but over time, when the body becomes more resilient, increase the number of approaches to 4.
  3. The exercise should be performed on a ball, holding dumbbells weighing no more than 2 kg. Lie on the ball with your stomach down, place your knees on the floor, press your pelvis to the ball. Take dumbbells in your hands and try to spread them as far apart as possible, raising your shoulders. While in this position, you must try to turn your body to the left, then to the right, and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.

How to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks?

By performing a special set of exercises with a ball for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, you can adjust the existing shapes and sizes to the desired proportions. After training, your buttocks will become firmer and rounder, and your hips will become slimmer. Using an exercise ball, you can also reduce your hip circumference by several centimeters.

The following exercises are considered effective:

  1. This exercise is the simplest, but at the same time quite effective. To perform it, you need to sit on the ball and jump on it, without lifting your buttocks from it and your legs from the floor. Jumping should be energetic, only then will all the gluteal muscles tense.
  2. Lie on your back, hold the ball with your calves and heels. Then raise the pelvis, bend your legs at the knees and roll the ball as close to the buttocks as possible, return the fitball to its previous position using socks. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks as much as possible.
  3. Stand with your back to the wall, with the ball behind your back. In this position, do squats, going down as much as possible. Such exercises will strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks.

Interesting and simple activities at correct execution will benefit the whole body. You just need to choose the right fitball and exercises aimed at training a specific muscle group.

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