If a man wears a watch on his left hand. Clock on the right: what does it mean? Why they began to wear it on the left hand

Usually, the watch is worn on the hand that is passive - that is, for left-handers it is the right hand, and for right-handers it is the left. Of course not special rules on which hand you need to wear a watch, but nevertheless, many superstitions and signs are associated with this accessory. Maybe old beliefs and signs will tell you the question about wearing a watch on your hand?

On which hand is the watch worn?

Most often, the watch is worn on the left hand (right-handed). This is due to several factors: firstly, it is believed that it is easier to keep track of time when the accessory is worn on left hand, secondly, it is easier to wind the clockwork with the right hand when the watch is on the left hand.

However, there esoteric version why a watch should be worn not on the left, but on right hand. In China, it was believed that there are three important energy points on the wrist of the left hand, which are responsible for the state of human health. The most important point - Cun - regulates the work of the heart. This point is located exactly where the watch strap is usually located. According to Chinese sages, wearing a watch on the left wrist prevents correct work hearts.

There is another superstition clock related. It is believed that the perception of life depends on which hand the watch is worn on. Esotericists argue that a person's perception depends on which way he looks. The left side is associated with the past, the right side with the future. So, when a person looks at his left hand, he lives in the past, considers how much time he has lost, regrets imperfect actions. If a person looks at his right hand, then he lives in the present and looks positively into the future. He becomes punctual, responsible, more active. So if you want to change something in your life, and at the same time wear a watch on your left hand, then you just need to change them, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Which hand to wear the watch on is your choice. The most important thing is that they never remind you of lost time and always tick forward! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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The most valuable and irreplaceable resource of mankind is time. Since ancient times, people have been looking for reliable ways to measure it. This is how the clock was invented. Over the centuries, their design has improved and decreased. And with the invention of individual pocket watches in the 15th century, it became necessary to create rules of etiquette governing their use in society. With the invention of the wrist watch, these rules of etiquette were adapted for them. In particular, it was determined on which hand they should be worn. Today, many are interested in the question: why is the watch worn on the left hand, and not on the right? There are several theories to explain this tradition.

History of pocket and wristwatches

It is worth briefly recalling the history of pocket and wrist chronometers before dealing with the question of why watches are worn on the left hand. In the 15th century, Peter Henlein invented the clock spring to replace the bulky pendulum, marking the beginning of the pocket watch era. Extremely fragile and expensive accessories could only be bought by people with a decent fortune.

Being the prerogative of rich people, gradually pocket watches became not only a device for measuring time, but also an indicator of status. They began to be made of gold and other precious metals and decorated with precious stones.

The female half of society, no less than the male, needed individual accessories. Therefore, in parallel were made and female models pocket watch. As a rule, they were more elegant in appearance and more often made of noble metals. With improvement internal mechanism women's pocket watches began to be made smaller.

In 1839, the Swiss company Patek Philippe S.A., specializing in the manufacture of exclusive watches, decided to pamper its customers and created a bracelet watch. The novelty soon became very popular, making the accessory not just an important device, but also an elegant and convenient decoration. At that time, every woman herself chose which hand to use for wearing watches, bracelets and other jewelry.

The male half of society was initially skeptical about watches, considering them purely women's accessory. But in the early 1900s Louis Cartier received an order from the famous French aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont - to figure out how to adapt the chronometer to the needs of the pilot, who during the flight was not very comfortable getting his watch out of his pocket. For a famous aviator and his friend, Cartier created a model of a watch on a leather belt with a metal clasp, which was firmly attached to the wrist and allowed Alberto to know the time without taking his hands off the helm of the aircraft.

Soon a similar design of products began to be used by many practical men. And with the outbreak of the First World War, thanks to the military wearing watches on their wrists, this design conquered the whole world.

Why do people wear watches on their left hand: various historical theories

According to the most famous theory, the fashion for wearing watches on the left hand arose due to their design. Since the lion's share of the inhabitants of the planet are right-handed, watch manufacturers developed their design in such a way that they could be comfortably worn on a less active hand. At first, the winding wheel was on top (as on pocket watches), but later, for convenience, it was moved to the right side. Thus, putting the watch on the right hand, winding it was not very convenient, and most preferred to use the left hand to wear the accessory.

According to another theory, at first wrist watch used by high-ranking officials who had to write a lot. The chronometer on the right hand prevented them from doing this, so there was a tradition of using the left hand to wear the accessory. Later, imitating the bosses, subordinates also began to wear watches, and the tradition spread to the masses.

As for the beautiful half of humanity, since they began to work, Ladies Watch no longer just an elegant accessory. Many ladies began to wear them, like men, on their left hand, because it was much more practical not only to start the watch, but also to work with it.

Another theory is known to explain why the watch is worn on the left hand. In Europe in the second half of the 40s it was hard to find Good work so many people steal. There was an opinion that thieves, especially pickpockets, put their chronometers on their right hand during their “work”, signaling these colleagues to avoid accidentally colliding. Therefore, every honest citizen, in order not to be confused with a criminal, used his left hand to wear a watch.

Wearing a watch on the left hand: the practical side of the issue

Companies specializing in the manufacture of watch movements have their own opinion about why watches are worn on the left hand. According to the results of numerous experiments, it has been noted that a person makes fewer movements with his left hand (if he is right-handed). Therefore, wearing a watch on a less involved hand, its owner damages the mechanism less by daily shaking. Therefore, the watch will last much longer than if you use your right hand to wear it. For this reason, most companies produce watches adapted for the left hand.

For left-handed people, who have a less active right hand, specialized watch models have been developed with a winding wheel on the left side, which are comfortable to wear on the right hand.

Theory medical

Doctors also have a theory explaining why the watch is worn on the left hand. So, even slightly pulling the wrist with a watch strap, a person reduces blood flow in this place, which means that the hand with the watch functions a little worse and gets more tired. For the less active left hand, this is not as harmful as for the right. For this reason, doctors advise people to wear watches on a weaker hand: right-handers on the left, left-handers on the right.

Representatives of alternative Chinese medicine express own opinion Why do men wear watches on their left hand. According to ancient teaching"Fukuri", on the left wrist of a man is the point "Cun". The constant use of the left hand to wear the watch stimulates this point, which contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm. True, we should not forget that when going to bed, it is better to take off your chronometer, since the “Cun” needs rest from stimulation.

Women, according to Fukuri, on the contrary, should use their right hand to wear watches, since they have this point on the other side than men.

Right or left hand: psychologists version

But psychologists have a different opinion from other specialists regarding the choice of hands for wearing watches. They argue that which hand a person uses to wear a watch determines their perception of time.

The right side in psychology symbolizes the future, therefore, if an individual uses his right hand to wear a watch, he fearlessly moves forward. And here left-hand side- this is the past, which means that those who wear this accessory on their left hand are dependent on past mistakes and are afraid of meeting the future.

Why the watch should be worn on the left hand: mystical version

One cannot ignore the opinion of those who believe that the choice of hand for wearing a watch determines the fate of a person. They believe that in order to achieve success and favor from fate, both men and women must definitely use their right hand to wear watches.

Besides, important role plays and the shape of the dial. Insecure individuals should prefer triangular watches, and people with poor concentration - diamond-shaped. Round and oval shapes contribute to increasing the purposefulness and calmness of its owner.

The "correct" hand for a watch today

In the middle of the 20th century, there were clear requirements for wearing watches - it was the left hand, not the right hand, that was required for this. However, today there are no rules governing the wearing of this accessory. Every day, all over the world, women and men wear watches on their left hand or on their right - it all depends on their desire and convenience.

Doctors advise using the left hand to wear watches, psychologists - the right, and product manufacturers create models for both hands. Thanks to this variety of opinions, today everyone special person decides for himself on which hand it is better for him to wear a watch (on the right or left), without fear of causing condemnation of others.

There are things that we simply do not think about, but simply do. For example, I always wore a watch on my left hand.

And not even because I'm right-handed - I don't often look at the time, but when I look, I usually lower my eyes to the lower right corner of the computer (such work, everything is at the screen, yes at the screen) ...

So it doesn't matter to me which hand I have. It’s just that wearing a watch on the left hand for me is a kind of unspoken tradition, like wearing wedding ring on the right hand. But then I received a letter from one of our readers, which hit me like a bucket cold water on the head:

-Hello. Here, being with a friend in a watch store, I noticed that there are almost as many models with a head for the plant on the left as with a head on the right. When I was surprised, they say, are there really so many left-handers, a friend said that she had heard that this was not the case, but some kind of symbolism. Can you please tell me about it? Judging by your articles, you understand such things. Julia B., Voronezh

Well, Julia, I have two news for you. The bad news is that I didn't know anything about this topic. Good - I figured it out especially for you.

What did the Chinese tell us?

The Chinese suggest wearing a watch on the right hand

So, the basic principle of choosing a hand to wear a watch is prosaic - we work with the left hand - we wear the watch on the right. And vice versa. But ancient Chinese medicine puts a whole new meaning into wearing a watch.

"What nonsense!" - you say, - "Well, where in Ancient China take the clock? And you will be absolutely right. It's about the device human body- the same rule will apply to any wrist bracelets.

On each wrist, as the Chinese believed, there are energy points that directly affect the functioning of the human body. Moreover, the one on the left is much more important, because it is directly connected with the heart. Therefore, it is not worth blocking the left energy point.

And the modern Chinese believe that the ticking of the clock, if they are mechanical, can even disrupt the heart rhythm!

But men should wear watches on the right. But girls are the opposite. It is believed that their blood flows from the heart to the right hand.

And what about symbolism?

Wearing a watch on the right hand symbolizes a look into the future.

If you think that the Chinese sages are too "wise", let's plunge into symbolism - and psychology. As is traditionally believed, the left side is something of the past, or something unpleasant. This is not just some speculation - people really perceive things that way.

Why do you think all "dynamic" logos look from left to right (and up a little more)? So is the watch - supposedly, wearing them on your right hand has a positive effect on your perception of time.

A purely practical approach

It is better to wear a watch on the hand that is comfortable on

And there are opinions that are based on pure practicality.

For example, if you have a watch with automatic winding, then you better move it to the right.

As we know, the automatic winding allows you to “let down” the watch a little with every movement of the hand. And which hand do we most often move in most cases? That's right, right.

Drawing conclusions

As we see, there is different arguments for wearing a watch on one hand or another. But not all of them are very persuasive.

Ancient medicine is not so well combined with our modern ideas about the structure of a person and his body, but the psychological part is also not so strong - after all, millions of people wear everything on their left hand - and nothing, do not fall into depression.

So the conclusion is simple - wear where you want! Don't look secret meaning! You should not wear a watch for symbolism or etiquette - this, unlike other items, is a purely practical thing. Listen to yourself - this is the main thing. In the meantime, until new articles! 😉

Ekaterina Simonova especially for charmani.ru

On which hand to wear a watch: the opinion of esotericists

Esotericists believe that the perception of life depends on which hand it is more convenient for you to wear a watch on. The left side is associated with the past, and the right side with what will be.

It is believed that when a person constantly looks at his left hand, he bears the burden of the past. All the time experiencing events that have already happened and it is already impossible to change them. He regrets his imperfect actions and missed opportunities.

If a person looks at his right hand more often, then he lives with hopes for the future and is not burdened by the past. This helps him become more punctual, responsible and active.

If you experience discomfort, feel apathy and constantly remember the past, then try wearing a watch on your right hand, and your life will change for the better.

Why you need to wear a watch on your right hand: Chinese version

In China, it is believed that very important energy points are located on the wrist of the left hand, which are directly related to the well-being of a person. The Cun point is responsible for the work of the heart. This point is where the watch strap would normally be. If you wear a watch on your left hand and constantly irritate the Cun point, this can interfere with the proper functioning of the heart.

Which hand should wear a watch: patriotic version

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also wears a watch on his right hand, however, he explains this by saying that it is simply more convenient for him. If you wear a watch on your left hand, then the crown rubs the brush, and this causes him inconvenience. Here is a simple explanation given by the President of the Russian Federation.

You can wear a watch on your right hand as a sign of solidarity with the President of Russia.

On which hand you need to wear a watch: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that depending on which hand a person wears a watch on, one can determine his character. The accessory on the left hand speaks of a person’s internal dissatisfaction, his regrets and resentments for the past. It is difficult for such a person to rebuild and start something new.

The watch on the right hand indicates that their owner is creative personality. Many poets, musicians and artists wore watches on their right hands. People who wear a watch on their right hand are also punctual and not afraid to take responsibility.

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Watches are an everyday irreplaceable accessory for active people who do not waste time and cherish every minute. The most popular watches as an accessory to a suit are wrist and pocket watches.


Wristwatches are worn on the wrist, not too high, but not grabbing part of the palm with the strap. Usually people wear watches on their left hand, but most lefties wear watches on their right hand. Also on the right wrist, traders, currency market speculators, major deputies often wear watches, in a word, all people who have any business, trades, operations planned at certain minutes of every hour.
Wristwatches should not be completely covered by a shirt sleeve, as they show status. Dark hours are fine with dark bottoms and light tops. Light watches are in harmony with almost any costume, with the exception of completely black and very dark ones.
Pay attention to the clock, which has a turn on the left side of the dial. This watch was created specifically to be worn on the right hand. The watch winder on the right side speaks of a classic watch worn on the left wrist.

A very popular type of watch among, especially in Europe, is a pocket watch. They are worn only with suits or vests, usually excluding T-shirts and casual and youth clothing. A pocket watch is never worn without a chain or keyring.
Chains can be attached or button fastened. At the other end of the chain there may be a small elegant keychain. The material and color of the chain should at least visually match pocket watch. The keychain is placed in one inner pocket of the top, and the watch is placed in the other, thus, when unbuttoned or tailcoat, it will look like a separate piece of jewelry.
The keychain can be leather, then it is used separately from the chain, or it can be used as a load together.

An everyday and very comfortable accessory. At the same time, it is also a stylish fashion accessory. On which hand - right or left - is it customary to wear this item?

Facts in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand

If we turn to history, we can see that wristwatches became widespread during the First World War. Then they were worn mostly by officers. Due to the fact that large quantity people are right-handed, their right hand is involved in performing a huge number of actions. In order not to damage such an expensive and valuable accessory as a watch, they began to wear it on the left hand. Gradually got better mass production watches, and manufacturers produced mostly left-handed models. Later, right-handed watches began to appear.

Another, even simpler and more transparent argument in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand is related to the fact that fastening a strap or winding a mechanism is much easier with the right hand.

Reasons to wear a watch on your right hand

An accessory worn on the right hand is more noticeable to others precisely because a large number movements made by this hand. Therefore, if a person wants to demonstrate an expensive chic watch to an interlocutor, he puts it on his right hand.

In order to stand out from the crowd, not to be like everyone else, to become brighter and more unique, to emphasize their individuality, people perform actions that deviate from the generally accepted ones. That is why some young people prefer to wear a wrist accessory on their right hand, contrary to the usual customs.


In the middle of the twentieth century, after the end of the war, an interesting one appeared, according to which it is customary in a thieves' environment to put a watch on the right hand. In this way they identified "their own" people in the crowd. Therefore, by changing the watch from the left hand to the right, it was possible to protect yourself from unexpected pickpocketing.

present tense

Today it is impossible to clearly answer the question on which hand it is correct to wear a watch. There is no answer in the rules of etiquette. And, therefore, you can wear a wrist accessory in a way that is convenient. Most often, right-handers wear watches on the left hand, left-handers - on the right. There are right-handed and left-handed models, which differ from each other only in the location of the winding mechanism. Watches that do not need to be brought down can be freely worn on any hand. More conservative members of society prefer to wear the accessory in question on the left hand, according to the generally accepted habit. However, there are exceptions to any rule.

A person is inclined to give a certain mysterious meaning to various simple situations, to see hidden messages in them. Many superstitions have tightly entered life, in which many still believe.


Friday 13. Many people, seeing this number, will rush to transfer all important things to another day, because this one is considered unlucky. Today you can’t exactly establish where this one came from, but still there is a legend that on this day there was a massacre of the Templars. Whether such a bad reputation of Friday the 13th is connected with this or not, alas, no one knows.

Vika Dee July 30, 2018, 15:54

Today, when every person has mobile phone, a reasonable question arises: why wear a watch when you can always find out the time on your mobile phone? And yet this type of accessory continues to be produced and worn. Moreover, they have taken on special significance as a status accessory for businessmen, politicians, media people, etc.

From the history of watches

Their history is inseparable from the history of mankind. The owner of the very first wrist watch with a precious bracelet was Queen Elizabeth of EnglandI, and for a long time such watches were rather women's decoration. Men's watches were pocket watches, on a solid, often gold chain.

Only in the first world war the military began to wear watches on the arm, which was much more convenient

Gradually, the watches were modified and improved, models designed for athletes, pilots, divers and representatives of other professions appeared.

Why is it usually worn on the left hand?

If you look closely, most people prefer to wear watches on their left hand, and this is quite understandable: our right hand is used more often, in addition, it is more convenient to wind the watch and fasten its strap or bracelet. Left hand more often performs auxiliary functions. Accordingly, left-handers, who have the opposite, wear watches on their right hands.

Watch on the left hand

However, no hard settings on which hand to wear the watch correctly does not exist. It cannot be said that it is right to wear a watch only on the left or only on the right hand. However, wearing a watch on the right hand always attracts attention.

Why does Putin wear it on his right hand?

Journalists have always been interested in why V.V. Putin wears a watch on his right hand and what this should mean. Although our president is a former intelligence officer, he did not cloak and explained simply and intelligibly: on the left hand, the crown of the watch rubs the skin, which causes discomfort.

President of Belarus A. Lukashenko explained that he had long been accustomed to wearing an accessory on his right hand: as a teenager, he studied at a music school to play the button accordion, in which the harness is on the left, and so that didn't care for the clock, he began to wear them on his right hand.

Many celebrities are known to wear watches on their right hands.

Among them are director James Cameron, popular actresses Julia Roberts and Sharon Stone, the famous football player David Beckham and the equally famous Formula 1 driver Kimi Raikkonen. Among domestic celebrities, these are TV presenters Tina Kandelaki and Ksenia Sobchak, there are probably others.

Watch on the right hand

Thus, the opinion that you cannot wear a watch on your right hand is just prejudice.

The opinion of psychologists

Psychology could not pass by this question. According to psychologists, wearing a watch on the right hand means certain features of the psychological warehouse personality, which is characterized by creativity and awareness of their high status: by offering their right hand for greeting, they demonstrate expensive watch the most prestigious brands, which further emphasizes their status.

Psychology puts forward another interesting theory about those who wear watches on the left or right hand

According to this theory, a person perceives differently time, depending on whether to the left or to the right, he has to look to find out what time it is. A look to the left side looks to the past and focuses on the past tense, and a look to the right side looks to the future and focuses on the upcoming time.

At an even deeper level (perhaps too deep for ordinary person) we subconsciously associate "left" with not-too-positive phenomena(go to the left, leftist incomes, etc.), but “right” is associated with truth, justice, rules, etc., that is, a positive perception. By the way, please note that in advertising everything that is advertised is usually placed on the right side.

Wearing a watch

The most popular signs

Watches in the old days were expensive, they were treated with care, passed from father to son, so they became peculiar talisman.

It is not surprising that many signs and traditions are associated with them, although it is now difficult to determine how and why they arose and why they need to be observed.

So, when someone in the family died, all the clocks in the house were stopped and started again only after the funeral. If the clock is broken or broken, they cannot be kept at home - to neutralize them Negative influence, causing stagnation, they must either be immediately repaired or thrown away.

A man must have a watch rectangular shape. The girl is standing buy clock round or oval. If the clock has sharp corners, this means that she will have to do hard male work, and in general her life will develop unfavorably.

dream interpretation interprets dreams in the following way: this is a sign of the onset of changes in life; buying watches - new beginnings, their loss - to domestic troubles, but if you dream that the clock has broken, troubles and losses await you. If you dream that you gave a watch to someone, expect trouble.

Not overly optimistic signs related to hours:

  1. If they crashed, it portends illness and death.
  2. If long ago stopped clock suddenly began to beat, this is the death of loved ones.
  3. If they fall Wall Clock- expect trouble.
  4. Watch as a gift to a loved one or just close person- this is parting and may even mean a reduction in his life. Another explanation for the ban on such a gift is an aggressive energy of sharp arrows. But negative impact can be neutralized if you take a ransom in the form of a coin for the watch.
  5. It is also impossible to present a watch as a gift for a wedding: because of this, not everything will be fine in a young family, and it may even come to a divorce.
  6. Loss of hours- to failure in business.
  7. If the watch crashed when it fell, changes await you.

But there is also good omens:

  • if you find a watch, especially a good one, it is promises good luck and gifts of fate, however, using them can be dangerous because of someone else's energy associated with other people's diseases and problems;
  • if you have lost hours, do not be very upset - this may mean that a new stage begins in your life.

The sign related to electronic watches is of recent origin, but it does not matter.

If, when looking at the electronic dial, you see the same numbers or numbers, immediately make a wish and it will certainly come true!

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly in relation to others, know at least the elementary rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. Wristwatches are the perfect complement to any look. But, not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashion trends and do not know that, for example, Men's Watch skeletons look like this. But, today, we will not talk about fashion and models.

Clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, everyone who wants to draw the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. So, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there are no generally accepted rules of etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for either men or women. You can wear them however you like. But, everything should be in place. So, for the office or business meetings, you should not buy catchy or too large accessories, because they distract the attention of the interlocutor and prevent the person from concentrating.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past, the negative, and the right - on the contrary, only the future and a positive attitude. The method of wearing can also be attributed to this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who go to their goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you in the best possible way.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, in accordance with ancient Chinese philosophy, on the left wrist is located a large number of energy points, including the point that is responsible for the work of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by compressing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and give one more original example. It turns out that wearing a watch on your right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this way of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets do not steal from “their own”.

There are many signs associated with wristwatches. For example, they say that you can not present them as a gift. It is believed that this is for separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If earlier they belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

Wear on the left: meanings and etiquette

Historically, it has so happened that it is customary to wear wristwatches on the left side. It is no secret that most of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and for many of them it is more convenient to start the mechanism and fasten the strap with the right hand. In addition, wearing on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since everything that the right-handed person does, he does with his right hand, the left-hander does the opposite.

In a business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative, which can be almost completely hidden under the cuff of a shirt. Following these rules will allow you to good impression on a business partner, to demonstrate to an outsider their restraint and level of education.

So, among the main reasons that encourage people to choose the left hand for wearing a watch, it is worth highlighting:

  • it is so much more convenient to wind both mechanical women's watches and products for men, for this you don’t even need to take it off;
  • for a right-handed person, it will be much faster to fasten the strap of the device, helping himself with a “working” hand;
  • this allows you to protect an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism is a problem for their owner, so do not forget to start it);
  • they say that the jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of a creative nature, so even many left-handers prefer this particular side.

Which hand to wear?

For those who have not yet decided how to wear jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting on a watch on one or the other hand. After a while, you will be able to understand which option you like best.

The main thing is not what wrist they will be worn on, but that the jewelry you buy matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, do not forget about the size. On a tiny wrist, large accessories will look too rough and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large brush.

Behind recent times I came across several articles at once with fabrications about what the clock on the right hand means.

Mankind wears a watch on his hand not so long ago. Massively from a pocket on the stomach for men and pendants for women, watches migrated to the hand in the first quarter of the last century. And wearing them on the left hand was motivated by the fact that most people are right-handed and the watch worn on the left hand is easiest for them to wind with their right hand. But many wind up the watch before they put it on their hand. There are models in which the crown is not on the right, but on top. BUT recent years twenty, if not more, people do not wind their watches at all, but only change the battery once every couple of years. So neither a stable tradition nor objective reasons to wear the watch only on the left hand no. At the same time, there are well-established stereotypes about “right and left”. Everything on the right is considered positive, good. "Just cause". The guest of honor is seated on the right hand. And everything on the left comes with a minus sign. "Left money". "Walks to the left." And therefore, it is customary for psychologists to believe that a person who wears a watch on his left hand is negatively charged and looks into the past. But the man with the clock on his right hand is positive and looks to the future. This is in short. I also liked the idea that a man with a watch on his right hand is open. Since greeting people stretch out their right hand. And watches in the modern world not only show the time, but also indicate the status of their owner, they can tell about hobbies and preferences. And putting them on the right hand, a person, greeting, demonstrates all this. And the one who has a watch on his left hand, on the contrary, hides information about himself when meeting. Well, there is another version of Putin. In one of the interviews, he said that he wears a watch on his right hand because on his left, the crown rubs his hand.

I never saw my wife's grandfather. We met with his wife when he had already died. But according to numerous stories, a strong, stocky person appears to me quite clearly. Direct in speeches and judgments and consistent in the implementation of their plans. He worked all his life as a forester in the Belarusian forests. True, with a break of several years, when he was a partisan in the same forests. And in those same years he got a trophy, a German accordion. Beautiful, with mother-of-pearl inserts and solid like everything German. Grandfather himself played the accordion well, but he had a dream that someday he would give this accordion to his grandson. And granddaughters were born, but the dream needs to be realized. And the accordion was given as a gift to my then future wife. The wife still idolizes her grandfather, and even in childhood he was generally an indisputable authority for her. And so, without hesitation, the wife went to music school learning to play the accordion. She has a hearing, she had a desire, an accordion too. And she was quite successful in this matter. I myself am not a big connoisseur of this musical instrument. But I present it a little. So with the right hand they play large keys, like those on the piano. But the left hand needs to be slipped under the belt, bent and pressed on a whole bunch of small buttons. And the wristwatch on the left hand greatly interferes with the process of playing the accordion. And if you put the watch on the right, then everything is fine. Then the wife grew up and came to the conclusion that the accordion is not the most feminine musical instrument. It has been gathering dust in the attic for years. And then it was presented to a familiar child who really wanted to learn how to play it. As far as I know, he learned, now he plays. But the habit of wearing a watch on the right hand of his wife remained.

And now I see a psychologist who, looking at the clock on my wife’s right hand, will begin to draw conclusions about a positive charge, a look into the future, openness, and further down the list. But in fact, the reason is in the German, who decided that with his accordion it would be more fun for him to conquer distant, snowy Russia. Although I got a very positive and positive wife. What if the reason for this is that she has been wearing watches since childhood? right hand. And it turns out that I also owe that German ...

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