Program for working with low-achieving children. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Working with low-achieving students

teacher primary classes

Merkulova Elena Mikhailovna

Program individual work with low-performing students of grade 2 B

2017/2018 academic year

Explanatory note

One of the main problems that teachers in our schools have to solve is working with low-performing students.

Low-achieving students are considered to be those who have weak mental abilities and weak learning skills, a low level of memory, or those who lack effective motives for learning. It is no secret that the number of such students in schools is approximately 10-15%. To prevent this category of students from becoming underachieving, systematic work with low-performing students from all services of the educational institution is necessary. The basis for such work can be the Regulations on the activities of the teaching staff with low-performing students and their parents.

The main problem is the discrepancy between the structure of the educational space of a mass school, traditional forms education, the personality characteristics of each child, learning difficulties associated with health conditions: - playing sports; - any types artistic creativity; - unfavorable family environment. Against the background of school failures and constant failure, the cognitive need very soon disappears, sometimes irrevocably, and educational motivation never arises. Therefore, special “supporting” work is absolutely necessary to help children with learning difficulties successfully master educational material, receiving a permanent position from the teacher. Additional exercises are needed, which include a well-thought-out system of helping the child, consisting of a series of “tips”, which are based on the sequence of operations necessary for successful learning. In addition, these children need large quantity to practice the skill.

Purpose of the program

Eliminating gaps in students’ learning in the Russian language and mathematics; - creating conditions for successful individual development child.

Program objectives:

creating a situation of success, the most effective incentive cognitive activity;

awakening natural curiosity;

creating the most favorable relations between the teacher and surrounding schoolchildren towards a weak student

— involving students in a joint search for forms of work and fields of activity.

The program is aimed at meeting the needs of:


Obtaining knowledge for the 2nd grade course

Choosing forms of acquiring knowledge.


In creating the most comfortable conditions teaching your child;

In stabilizing family relationships: in mitigating conflict situations at school.


Solving socio-pedagogical and psychological problems of children.

Pedagogical technologies used during work:

Individualization of the educational process;

Training in skills of self-educational and search activities;

Dialogue form of training;

Game forms;

Reminders, cards, creative tasks

Involvement in group work

Involvement in project activities

Forms of control:

Oral and written surveys;

Independent and testing work;

Subject tests;


Test papers.

Construction principles - priority of individuality, originality, self-esteem of the child.

Implementation principles - creating conditions for the realization of individual characteristics and capabilities of the individual; - the child, together with adults, builds an individual development path.

Planning various types of differentiated assistance:

1. Indication of the type of task, the rule on which the task is based.

2. Addition to the task (drawing, diagram, drawing, instructions, etc.)

3. recording the condition in the form of icons, matrices, tables or verbally.

4. indication of the solution or execution algorithm.

5. Indication of a similar problem solved earlier.

6. Explanation of the progress of such a task.

7. A proposal to complete an auxiliary task that leads to a solution to the proposed one.

8. Guiding the search for a solution by a specific association.

9. Indication of the cause-and-effect relationships necessary to solve a problem or complete a task.

10. Providing an answer or result of completing a task.

11. breaking down a complex task into elementary components.

12. Asking leading questions.

13. Indication of the rules on the basis of which the task is performed.

14. Warning about the most common mistakes and incorrect approaches when performing a task.

15. Programming differentiating factors in the tasks themselves.

1. During the survey, low-performing schoolchildren are given an approximate answer plan,

you are allowed to use a plan drawn up at home, more time to prepare

answer at the board, make preliminary notes, use visual aids

benefits, etc.

2. Students are asked guiding questions to help them consistently express


3. During the survey, special success situations are created.

4. The mastery of the material on the topics of the lessons is periodically checked.

the student was absent for one reason or another.

5. During the survey and when analyzing its results, an atmosphere is ensured


6. In the process of learning new material, the attention of low-performing students

concentrates on the most important and complex sections of the topic being studied,

the teacher often turns to them with questions to determine the level of understanding

educational material, attracts them as assistants when demonstrating experiments,

revealing the essence of what is being studied, stimulates student questions when

difficulties in learning new material.

7. During independent work in class, low-performing schoolchildren are given

exercises aimed at eliminating mistakes they make when answering

or in written works: noted positive points in their work for

stimulation of new efforts, typical difficulties in work and

ways to eliminate them are indicated, assistance is provided at the same time

development of independence in learning.

8. When organizing homework for low-performing students

tasks for recognizing and correcting errors are selected: carried out

detailed instructions on how to complete homework and possible

difficulties, consultation cards are offered if necessary, given

tasks to review the material that will be required to learn a new one

Topics. The amount of homework is calculated so as to prevent

overload of schoolchildren.

These children are characterized by severe autism (withdrawal, detachment from the world and fear of it). The child experiences certain fears. Tend to develop logical thinking. They study well, but lack broad cognitive interests. Atypical interests (about the structure of the world, about the other world). They like to read a lot. Speech is developed, but often formally. Negative traits: emotional coldness, does not feel much affection for parents, emotional dullness. He is not interested in anyone's opinion, he is indifferent to to the outside world. Capable of strange things. Self-preservation is dulled, it can walk along the ledge. He has no friends - he is a loner. In friendship, the subordinate is not the leader. Doesn't make eye contact.

Try to rely on it in your work strengths. Morals don't work at all. It is useful to accustom him, because... The main thing for him is that they leave him alone. “It doesn’t matter what it looks like to others, it’s important to yourself.” Do not impose anything, but adapt to them.

1. Do not appeal to conscience, do not read morals.

2.Take into account the presence of fears, by observation (especially by analyzing drawings) to determine the topic of fears. Then draw them (from scary to funny), for example, instead of a knife in your hand, draw a bouquet of flowers, etc. Fear is associated with curiosity - to help overcome this wall.

3.Help in the development of speech, attention, motor skills, development of visual arts skills.

4. Alleviation of general emotional discomfort and anxiety.

5. Stimulation of mental activity aimed at interaction with peers and adults (assistance in preparing class events).

6.Take into account interest in the exact sciences - mathematics, physics, etc.

7.Take into account paradox and unpredictability from thinking to feelings and actions.

8. Build your attitude towards the student according to the method: highlight his behavior as different from others. Do not impose an order, but do not reject it either. Let him feel like he belongs to a class team.

Working with parents

1 Organizing an individual conversation between parents and teachers

2. Parent meetingSupported by methodological recommendations and workshops. Recommendation of methodological literature

on individual subjects.

3. An invitation to lessons in order to determine the intellectual level of the child against the background of the class group.

4.Creation of correction notebooks

5. Exchange of information between teacher and parents about the results practical tasks, at a certain stage of training.

6. Joint implementation of arbitrary tasks in the subjects of the parent and student.

7. Creating a Folder - Piggy Bank, where tasks for the development of logical thinking are accumulated (tasks for ingenuity, crosswords, puzzles, flip-flops, tricky questions)

Stages of working with low-achieving children:

Identify students with poor academic performance.

Drawing up a plan for working with children.

Implementation of the plan within school year.

Summing up the work. Analysis of the work done.

Methods of stimulating students for prevention purposes lag and failure

1 group

through content

2nd group

through organizing activities

3 group

through educational influences in terms of communication, attitude, attention

A special approach to covering educational material, the nature of its presentation:

a) emotional-figurative;

b) analytical (explanatory);

c) business;

d) unusual.

Using, showing, emphasizing various elements, attractive aspects of the content:

a) the importance of individual parts;

b) difficulty, complexity;

c) novelty, informativeness of the material;

d) historicism, modern achievements of science;

d) Interesting Facts, contradictions, paradoxes.

Assignments with interesting content and entertaining questions.

Showing the importance of knowledge and skills:

a) public

b) personal

5. Interdisciplinary connections

Goal setting for work, its brief description, task setting

Presentation of requirements for students. By content: to discipline, to work; by form: expanded, collapsed (instructions, remarks, facial expressions); single and individual-group, general and detailed, direct and indirect.

Nature of activity (copying, reproductive, creative)

Creating situations of a different nature: intellectual, playful, emotional.

Analyze errors and provide necessary assistance.

control over the student’s activities (thorough, fluent), mutual and self-control, assessment.

Clear use of TCO, visuals, didactic materials, colorful aids, etc.

Showing achievements and shortcomings in personal development, showing confidence in the strengths and capabilities of students.

manifestation of the teacher’s personal attitude towards the student, class, expression of one’s own opinion.

The teacher’s manifestation of his own qualities, given by the individual (in terms of communication, erudition, attitude to the subject, business qualities...) and encouraging students to engage in such manifestations

Organizing friendly relationships in a team (mutual checking, exchange of opinions, mutual assistance)

Assisting a struggling student in class

Lesson steps

Types of learning assistance

In the process of monitoring student preparedness

Creating an atmosphere of special friendliness during the survey.

Reducing the pace of questioning, allowing longer preparation at the board.

Offering students a rough answer plan.

Permission to use visual aids to help explain the essence of the phenomenon.

Stimulation by assessment, encouragement, praise.

When presenting new material

Using measures to maintain interest in learning a topic

More frequent contact with low-performing students with questions to determine their level of understanding of the educational material.

Involving them as assistants in preparing instruments, experiments, etc.

Involvement in making suggestions during problem-based learning, drawing conclusions and generalizations, or explaining the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student.

When organizing independent work

Choosing the most rational system of exercises for groups of low achievers, rather than mechanically increasing their number.

More detailed explanation sequence of task execution.

Warning about possible difficulties, using consultation cards, cards with a guiding action plan.

Reminder of the method and method of completing the task.

Instructing about rational ways completion of tasks, requirements for their execution.

During independent work in class

Breaking down tasks into doses, stages, highlighting a number of simple ones in complex tasks.

An indication of the need to update a particular rule.

Stimulating independent actions of low achievers.

More careful monitoring of their activities, pointing out errors, checking, correcting.

A system of work to form a positive attitude towards teaching at underperforming schoolchildren

Relationships Formed

Stages of work

Attitude to the content of educational material

The easiest entertaining material, regardless of its importance or significance

Entertaining material relating to the essence of what is being studied

Essential, important, but unattractive material

Attitude to the learning process

(knowledge acquisition)

The teacher acts - the student only perceives

The teacher remains the leader, the student participates in individual parts of the process

The student becomes the leader, the teacher participates in individual parts of the process

The student acts independently

Attitude towards yourself, towards your strengths

Encouraging success in studies and work that does not require effort

Encouraging success in work that requires some effort

Encouraging success in challenging work

Attitude towards the teacher (team)

Emphasized objectivity, neutrality

Kindness, attention, personal affection, help, sympathy

The use of condemnation along with benevolence, help, etc.

Prevention of academic failure

Lesson steps

Accents in training

In the process of controlfor prepared-students

Specially control the assimilation of issues that usually cause the greatest difficulties for students. Carefully analyze and systematize errors made by students in oral answers and written work, identify those typical for the class and concentrate on eliminating them. Monitor the learning of material by students who missed previous lessons. Upon completion of mastering a topic or section, summarize the results of the mastery of basic concepts, laws, rules, skills and abilities by schoolchildren, and identify the reasons for the lag.

When presenting a newmaterial

Be sure to check during the lesson the degree to which students understand the main elements of the material presented. Stimulate questions from students if they have difficulties in mastering educational material. Use means of maintaining interest in learning knowledge. Provide a variety of teaching methods to enable all students to actively learn the material.

During independentteaching workin class

Select assignments for independent work on the most significant, complex and difficult sections of the educational material, trying to achieve a greater effect with a smaller number of exercises, but presented in a certain system. Include in the content of independent work exercises to eliminate errors made in answers and in written work. Provide instructions on how to perform the work. Encourage asking questions to the teacher if you have difficulties in independent work. Skillfully assist students in their work and develop their independence in every possible way. Teach the ability to plan work, perform it at the proper pace and exercise control.

When organizing independent work outside of class

During homework, ensure repetition of what has been covered, concentrating attention on the most significant elements of the program, which usually cause the greatest difficulties. Systematically assign homework to work on typical mistakes. Clearly instruct students on the procedure for completing homework, and check the degree of understanding of these instructions by low-performing students. Coordinate the amount of homework with other teachers in the class, eliminating overload, especially for low-performing students.

1. During the survey, low-performing schoolchildren are given an approximate answer plan, are allowed to use a plan drawn up at home, spend more time preparing for the answer at the board, make preliminary notes, and use visual aids.

2. Students are asked guiding questions to help them present the material consistently.

3. During the survey, special situations of success are created.

4. The mastery of the material on the topics of the lessons in which the student was absent is periodically checked.

5. During the survey and when analyzing its results, an atmosphere of goodwill is ensured.

In the process of studying new material, the attention of low-performing students is concentrated on the most important and complex sections of the topic being studied; the teacher should often turn to them with questions for understanding, involve them as assistants, and stimulate questions from students if they have difficulty mastering new material.

During independent work, low-performing students are given exercises aimed at eliminating mistakes they make when answering or in written work: positive aspects in their work are noted to stimulate new efforts, typical difficulties in work are noted and ways to eliminate them are indicated, assistance is provided with the simultaneous development of independence .

When organizing homework for low-performing schoolchildren, tasks are selected for recognizing and correcting mistakes: detailed instructions are given on the procedure for completing homework, if necessary, consultation cards are offered, and assignments are given to repeat the material that will be needed to learn new things. The amount of homework is calculated so as to prevent students from being overloaded.

Plan for working with low-achieving and unsuccessful students

for the 2017-2018 academic year .



1. Conducting a test of the knowledge of class students in the main sections of educational material from previous years of study. Target:

a) Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children.

b) Identification of gaps in students’ knowledge that require rapid elimination.


2. Establishing the reasons for the lag of low-performing students through conversations with school specialists: class teacher, psychologist, doctor, speech therapist, meetings with individual parents and, of course, during a conversation with the child himself.


3. Drawing up an individual work plan to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter.

September, update as needed.

4. Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in the lesson,include feasible individual assignments for low-performing students, record this in the lesson plan, so as not to forget.

During the school year.

5. Maintain mandatory thematic records of the knowledge of low-performing students in the class . It would be better to keep a thematic record of the knowledge in the subject of children of the entire class.This helps a lot in my work.

During the school year.

6. Reflect individual work with weak students in workbooks or special notebooks on the subject.

During the school year.

7. Meetings with individual parents and conversations with the students themselves

During the school year.

The content of the work


Register all students with learning disabilities.

2nd grade

Conduct interviews with such students, check the entry of assignments in the diary, monitor attendance at lessons.


Analysis of student performance.


Controlling the accumulation of grades for weak students.


Accounting for intermediate results.

1 time

per month

Accounting for the work done by the teacher.

1 time

per month

Predicted result

Students should know:

be able to:

Apply spelling rules to learned spellings; - distinguish sounds and letters; vowel and consonant sounds and letters, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds; - reproduce by heart the results of tabular addition of any single digit numbers; perform subtraction using an addition table; - reproduce by heart the results of tabular multiplication of any single-digit numbers; perform division using the multiplication table; - solve problems in one or two steps; - perform written addition and subtraction.

Working with low-achieving children

. Thematic planning

Russian language. Sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants. Consonant sounds are hard and soft, voiced and voiceless.

Mathematics. Adding and subtracting numbers within

Russian language. Accent. Division into syllables. Word hyphenation rules.

Mathematics. Problem solving.

Russian language. Changing the form of a word using an ending. Letter from dictation.

Mathematics. Column addition and subtraction.

Russian language. An unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

Mathematics. Addition and subtraction double digit numbers.

Russian language. We learn to write an unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

Mathematics. Problem solving.

Russian language. Learning to write an unstressed vowel at the root of a word. Letter from dictation.

Mathematics. Multiplication and division by 2.3.

Russian language. We learn to write the letters of consonants at the root of a word.

Mathematics. Problem solving.

Russian language. Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

Mathematics. Multiplication and division by 3 and 4.

Russian language. Dividing hard and soft signs.

Mathematics. Addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers.

Russian language. Learning to write suffixes - yonok; - onok; - ik; - ek; - awn.

Mathematics. Multiplying and dividing by 5.

Russian language. Learning to write words with unpronounceable consonants at the root.

Mathematics. Multiplication and division by 6.

Russian language. We learn to write the letters of vowels and consonants at the root of a word.

Mathematics. Area of ​​the figure. Units of area.

Russian language. Learning to write roots and suffixes.

Mathematics. Multiplying and dividing by 7.

Russian language. We distinguish prefixes with the letters o, a.

Mathematics. Multiplying and dividing by 8.

Russian language. We learn to distinguish between prepositions and prefixes.

Mathematics. Multiplying and dividing by 9.

Russian language. We repeat the composition of the word.

Mathematics. Solving problems involving increasing and decreasing several times.

Russian language. Spelling parts of words.

Mathematics. Area of ​​a rectangle.

What have I learned this year? Lesson test.

List of used literature and resources:

Work plan

with low-performing students for the 2016-2017 academic year. year

teachers of ________ class _____________________________


1. Implementation of the Education Law

2. Taking comprehensive measures aimed at improving the academic performance and quality of students’ knowledge.


    Creating conditions for students to successfully master educational programs.

    Selection of educational technologies for the organization educational process and increasing motivation among low-performing students

    Studying the characteristics of low-performing students, the reasons for their educational lag and weak motivation

    Formation of a responsible attitude of students towards educational work

Fundamental directions and types of activities:

1.Organization of work with low-achieving and unsuccessful students

2. Methods and forms of working with low-achieving and unsuccessful students in after school hours.

3. Educational work with low-achieving and unsuccessful students, aimed at improving academic performance.

4. Organization of work with parents of low-achieving and unsuccessful students.

Planned results of the program

Creating favorable conditions for the development of intellectual abilities of students, personal growth of low-achieving and unsuccessful children.

Introduction of new educational technologies.

Providing opportunities for low-achieving and underachieving schoolchildren to participate in creative competitions, exhibitions and other events.



Make a list of low-performing students in the subjects taught.

Conducting a test of the knowledge of class students on the topics covered in the educational material.

a) Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children.

b) Identification of gaps in students’ knowledge that require elimination.

November (first week)

Establishing the reasons for the lag of low-performing students through conversations with school specialists: psychologist, speech therapist

Meetings with individual parents and conversations with the students themselves

during the academic year.

Participation in discussion of issues of working with weak students and exchange of experience with colleagues (at teacher councils, Small teacher councils, meetings)

during the academic year.

Drawing up a work plan to close gaps in the knowledge of lagging students for the 2016–2017 school year

November, update as needed.

Using a differentiated approach when organizing independent work in the classroom, include feasible individual assignments for low-performing students.

during the academic year.

Conversations with parents and students about the reasons for unsatisfactory learning outcomes

of necessity

during a year

Parental control over attendance at lessons, extra classes, and diaries. Parents attending parent-teacher conferences


Organizing constant communication with parents of low-performing students.


Organizing consultations for parents of low-performing students with subject teachers and school psychologists.

of necessity

Involving parents in visiting training sessions

February March

Main directions of correctional work


Pedagogical measures

Improving movements and sensorimotor development.

Development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers;

Development of calligraphy skills;

Development of articulatory motor skills.

Correction of certain aspects of mental activity.

Development of visual perception and recognition;

Development of visual memory and attention;

Formation of generalized ideas about the properties of objects (color, shape, size);

Development of spatial concepts and orientation;

Development of ideas about time;

Development of auditory attention and memory;

Development of phonetic-phonemic concepts, formation of sound analysis.

Development of basic mental operations.

Formation of comparative analysis skills;

Development of grouping and classification skills;

Formation of skills to work according to verbal and written instructions and algorithms;

Formation of the ability to plan your activities;

Development of combined abilities.

Development of different types of thinking.

Development of visual-figurative thinking;

Development of verbal-logical thinking (the ability to see and establish logical connections between objects, phenomena and events).

Speech development, mastery of speech technique.

Expanding your understanding of the world around you and enriching your vocabulary.

Correction of individual knowledge gaps.

Key points in organizing the educational process

with low-achieving children

To enhance the effectiveness of work with low-achieving students, use new educational technologies, innovative forms and methods of teaching: a person-oriented approach (learning to build taking into account the development of individual abilities and the level of formation of educational skills) and multi-level differentiation at all stages of the lesson.

Organize individual and group work using differentiated training tasks, invariant practical work, differentiated test work, creative elective work.

In lessons and additional activities, use “Help Cards”, “Memos for Students”, and make wider use of game tasks that make it possible to work at the subconscious level. At work, special situations of success are created.

During the survey, low-performing students are given more time to prepare for the answer at the board, use visual aids, etc.

Students are asked guiding questions to help them present the material consistently.

The mastery of the material on the topics of lessons in which the student was absent for one reason or another is periodically checked.

During the survey and when analyzing its results, an atmosphere of goodwill is ensured.

In the process of studying new material, the attention of low-performing students is concentrated on the most important and complex sections of the topic being studied, the teacher often turns to them with questions that determine the degree of understanding of the educational material, and stimulates questions from students if they have difficulties in mastering new material.

During independent work in class, low-performing schoolchildren are given tasks aimed at eliminating mistakes they make when answering or in written work: positive aspects in their work are noted to stimulate new efforts, typical difficulties in work are noted and ways to eliminate them are indicated, assistance is provided with simultaneous development of independence in learning.

Assisting a struggling student in class

Lesson steps

Types of learning assistance

In the process of monitoring student preparedness

    Creating an atmosphere of special friendliness during the survey.

    Reducing the pace of questioning, allowing longer preparation at the board.

    Permission to use visual aids to help explain the essence of the phenomenon.

    Stimulation by assessment, encouragement, praise.

    Using measures to maintain interest in learning a topic

    More frequent contact with low-performing students with questions to determine their level of understanding of the educational material.

    Involvement in making suggestions during problem-based learning, drawing conclusions and generalizations, or explaining the essence of the problem expressed by a strong student.

When organizing independent work

    Choosing the most rational system of exercises for groups of low achievers, rather than mechanically increasing their number.

    A more detailed explanation of the sequence of task completion.

    Warning of possible difficulties

    Reminder of the method and method of completing the task.

    Instructing on rational ways to complete tasks and requirements for their execution.

During independent work in class

    Breaking down tasks into doses, stages, highlighting a number of simple ones in complex tasks.

    An indication of the need to update a particular rule.

    Stimulating independent actions of low achievers.

    More careful monitoring of their activities, pointing out errors, checking, correcting.

Prevention of academic failure

Lesson steps

Accents in training

In the process of monitoring student preparedness

Specially control the assimilation of issues that usually cause the greatest difficulties for students. Carefully analyze and systematize errors made by students in oral answers and written work, identify those typical for the class and concentrate on eliminating them. Monitor the learning of material by students who missed previous lessons. Upon completion of mastering a topic or section, summarize the results of the mastery of basic concepts, laws, rules, skills and abilities by schoolchildren, and identify the reasons for the lag.

When presenting new material

Be sure to check during the lesson the degree to which students understand the main elements of the material presented. Stimulate questions from students if they have difficulties in mastering educational material. Use means of maintaining interest in learning knowledge. Provide a variety of teaching methods to enable all students to actively learn the material.

During students’ independent work in class

Select assignments for independent work on the most significant, complex and difficult sections of the educational material, trying to achieve a greater effect with a smaller number of exercises, but presented in a certain system. Include in the content of independent work exercises to eliminate errors made in answers and in written work. Provide instructions on how to perform the work. Encourage asking questions to the teacher if you have difficulties in independent work. Skillfully assist students in their work and develop their independence in every possible way. Teach the ability to plan work, perform it at the proper pace and exercise control.


Working with low-performing students in the classroom.

    When interviewing low-performing students:

    give more time for preparation, offer a short answer plan, allow you to have your own answer plan

    provide diagrams and posters to help organize the answer

    ask questions more often during frontal conversations

    It is useful to combine a survey of low-performing students with independent work of other students, so that individual work can be done, help show their knowledge with leading questions, and prevent new lag.

    Explanation of new material:

    use special techniques to maintain attention

    clearly formulate the goals and objectives of the upcoming classes, achieve understanding of the material by each student who is poorly performing

    highlight objects on which students' attention should be focused, eliminate all extraneous stimuli

    diversify teaching methods and types of learning activities, create problematic situations

    increase students' interest in the topic

    prevent student fatigue.

3. Organization of independent work:

    tasks are divided into stages, doses using specific instructions

    encourage the first independent steps so that the student feels the joy of learning, pleasure, and not difficulty and grief.

    Application of multi-level tests .

External and internal reasons for academic failure

Famous psychologists Yu.K. Babansky and V.S. Tsetlin identifies two groups of reasons for academic failure: external and internal.

External reasons include primarily social ones, i.e., a decrease in the value of education in society, the instability of the existing educational system. "The school's purposeful work to prevent academic failure can only bear fruit if there is a general improvement social conditions" (V.S. Tsetlin). Unfortunately, we will not be able to decide on the ground this problem.

External reasons include the imperfection of the organization of the educational process locally (uninteresting lessons, lack of an individual approach, overload of students, undeveloped methods of educational activities, gaps in knowledge, etc.).

It should also be noted that there is a negative influence from the outside - the street, family, etc. During times of active educational work, this reason receded into the background. But now it is more relevant than ever, because we have lost the ways to combat it, and it is very difficult to create them anew.

One of the most important internal causes of academic failure today is the health defects of schoolchildren caused by a sharp deterioration in the level of material well-being of families. Medical institutions note that every fourth child has serious health problems from the moment of birth. This must be taken into account when organizing the educational process, because a person suffering from certain ailments is not able to withstand colossal educational loads.

Internal reasons should also include low development of intelligence, which should also be timely reflected in the compilation of programs and the creation of new textbooks. The educational material should be feasible for most students.

Internal reasons include the lack of motivation to learn: the child has an incorrectly formed attitude towards education, he does not understand its social significance and does not strive to be successful in educational activities.

And finally, the problem of poor development of the volitional sphere in students. By the way, the last reason is rarely paid attention to. Although K.D. wrote about this. Ushinsky: “Teaching based only on interest does not allow the student’s will to strengthen, since not everything in learning is interesting, and a lot will have to be taken by willpower.”

Reasons and nature of manifestation of poor performance

Reasons for failure

Nature of manifestation

Low level of development of learning motivation (nothing motivates you to study). Affect:

the circumstances of the child’s life in the family;

relationships with surrounding adults

Incorrectly formed attitude towards teaching, lack of understanding of its social significance.

There is no desire to be successful in academic activities (there is no interest in getting good grades, they are quite satisfied with satisfactory grades)

Intellectual passivity as a result of improper upbringing.

Intellectually passive students are those who have neither the right conditions for mental development nor sufficient practice of intellectual activity; they lack the intellectual skills, knowledge and skills on the basis of which the teacher builds learning

By doing educational task, requiring active mental work, there is no desire to understand and comprehend it.

Instead of active thinking, use various workarounds: memorization, copying, tips from friends, guessing correct options answer.

Intellectual passivity can manifest itself both selectively in relation to academic subjects and in all academic work. Outside of class, many of these students act smarter, more active and more savvy than in school

Incorrect skills in educational work - on the part of the teacher there is no proper control over the methods and techniques of its implementation

Students do not know how to study, do not know how to work independently, because they use ineffective methods of educational work that require them to spend a lot of extra time and labor: they memorize the text without highlighting the logical parts; begin to perform practical tasks before they learn the rule for the application of which these tasks are given; do not check their work or do not know how to check; work at a slow pace

Incorrectly formed attitude towards educational work:

gaps in education (no permanent work responsibilities, not trained to perform them carefully, no strict requirements for the quality of work; spoiled, disorganized students);

improper organization of educational activities in educational institutions

Reluctance to perform a task that is not very interesting, boring, difficult, or time-consuming.

Negligence and dishonesty in the performance of educational duties.

Unfinished or partially completed homework.

Careless handling teaching aids

Absence or poor development of educational and cognitive interests - insufficient attention to this problem on the part of teachers and parents

Knowledge is acquired without interest, easily becomes formal, because it does not meet the need for its acquisition, remains dead weight, is not used, does not influence the student’s ideas about the surrounding reality and does not encourage further activity.

Children with problems with school performance can be divided into several groups:

    1 group. Low quality of mental activity (weak development of cognitive processes - attention, memory, thinking, lack of development of cognitive skills, etc.) is combined with a positive attitude towards learning.

    2nd group. High quality of mental activity coupled with a negative attitude towards learning.

    3rd group. The low quality of mental activity is combined with a negative attitude towards learning.

Most often, the teacher encounters students of the first and second groups. Differentiated assistance should be provided to each group of students.

Working with students with poor mental development

For the first group of underachievers (with poorly developed mental activity, but with a desire to learn), specially organized classes are held on the formation of cognitive processes - attention, memory, individual mental operations: comparison, classification, generalization; classes to develop educational skills: an algorithm for solving a problem or working with its condition, developing reading speed, etc. The main thing in working with such children is to teach them how to learn. It is useless to appeal to a sense of duty, conscience, or call parents to school - the students themselves painfully experience their failures. On the contrary, we must rejoice with them at every victory, even the slightest, every advance forward.

The source of human activity is his needs. Motive is an incentive to be active in a certain direction. Motivation is the processes that determine movement towards a set goal; these are factors (external and internal) that influence the activity or passivity of students.

How to give a student a feeling of moving forward, an experience of success in educational activities? In order to interest students, it is necessary to use all the possibilities of the educational material:

    create problematic situations;

    activate independent thinking;

    organize student cooperation in the classroom;

    build positive relationships with the group;

    show sincere interest in the children’s success.

When developing the achievement motive, the student should be oriented towards self-evaluation of the activity (for example, ask the child the following questions: “Are you satisfied with the result?”; instead of evaluating, tell him: “You did a good job today”). You can conduct individual conversations, discussing achievements and failures, and constantly be interested in the student’s attitude to the process and result of his activities. Students who have already mastered the material and completed the assignment can take a break or complete additional assignments. Students who are focused on avoiding failure should be given tasks that will support their self-esteem and protect them from public condemnation and criticism.

Exercise "The Most Important Thing"

Students read the educational text quickly and carefully. After that, they are asked to watch it again and describe the topic of the educational material in one word. Then - in one phrase, and then find some “secret” in the text, something without which it would be meaningless. At the end of the exercise, all participants read out words, phrases and “secrets”. The most accurate and best answers are selected.

Exercise "Instant Photo"

Participants are divided into two teams. The text is shown to students for a very short time. Students must focus their full attention and absorb as much information as possible from the text shown. Each team can record on a piece of paper something that team members can recall together from memory. Then everyone discusses and compares the results together, which team will correctly reproduce more text.

Exercise " Best question"

Students read the text, after which everyone must come up with an original question on the topic of the educational text and ask it to their neighbor. He must answer it as completely as possible. The person who answers asks the question to the next student, etc. Participants decide who asked the most interest Ask, and who answered best and was the most active.

Exercise "Retelling in a circle"

Students read the text and then stand in a circle. One of the participants goes to the center of the circle, closes his eyes, spins in place and points to any player with whom the playback of the educational text begins. Then, in a clockwise direction, each person says one phrase from the text. And so on until the end. After this, the text is read again, and the participants correct mistakes and supplement what was missed.

Individual work plan

to eliminate knowledge gaps for the 2016-2017 academic year


Corrective work. Activities


Expected result

Actual result

Poorly developed fine motor skills hands

physical exercises in every lesson ( special exercises);

manual labor (modeling, designing, drawing, shading, etc.)

graphic dictations

During the academic year

correct position of the notebook when writing;

slant of letters;

letter height;

improve the spelling and connection of some letters

Lack of visual-figurative thinking

sessions with a psychologist;

work based on a visual model; specialist. tasks:

1) name the geometric shapes that make up the house;

2) what parts is the rectangle divided into?

3) connect with an arrow the image and the name of the corresponding figures, etc.

During the academic year

write a short note for a task

Low level of phrasal speech.

buzzing reading;

restoration of deformed sentences

During the academic year

complete answers to questions;

restore deformed sentences

Lack of attention and perseverance

sessions with a psychologist;

memorizing pictures, groups of words;

find differences;

find and cross out certain letters from the text (change letters, cross out in different ways) - no more than 5 minutes.

During the academic year

timely switch from one type of activity to another

System of working with low-performing students

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Aldysheva Galiya Besenalievna

Be yourself both a person and a child in order to teach the child.
V.F. Odoevsky.

Today the state is faced with the task of restructuring the system secondary schools for a twelve-year education, which will be radically different from the current system of education in schools.

The country's teachers face difficult tasks: (Slide 3) through training and education, the socialization of an educated, highly cultured individual who critically comprehends all objective reality, possesses basic competencies (information, communication, social, etc.) and has the skills to solve real problems.

In today's complex and rapidly changing world, characterized by the globalization of the socio-political and economic spheres of society, high demands are placed on the education system, which should provide high level preparedness of school graduates for the conditions real life. The rapid pace of development of social life, science and technology, market relations place high professional demands on each person: the ability to learn throughout life, to be communicative, tolerant, they require a decision to be made on rapid and qualitative changes in the education of the younger generation at school.

Thus, we must form a personality independent of other people’s opinions and views with our own vision of the surrounding reality. Students must have such a set of qualities as critical understanding of everything that happens around them, motivation, responsibility, they must understand digital technologies and freely express their thoughts in many languages, and must also be a highly moral, spiritually enriched, aesthetically developed person.

In connection with the above requirements of the state for the upbringing and training of students with the set of listed qualities of a student of the new time, the question arises of whether we are ready to prepare such students and whether everything is in order in our school today.

Current problem Schools of our time are characterized by an ever-decreasing academic performance and level of education of students. (Slide 4) The decline in academic performance is proven by the results of the UNT, which we observe every year, the results of international studies TIMSS-2007 and PISA-2009, which showed that our schoolchildren do not have the skills to apply the acquired knowledge in real life situations.

Recently, psychologists and teachers, together with doctors, have noted a steady increase in the number of children with general behavior and learning problems. Experts note that negative changes in the environmental and socio-economic situation in the country worsen the somatic and neuro-mental health of schoolchildren, and in conditions of intensified learning and overloaded school programs, the number of underachievers increases significantly.

Features of underachieving students (Slide 6)

    low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this low level of intellectual development

    lack of cognitive interest

    basic organizational skills have not been developed

    students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view

    there is no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher

    children mainly from asocial families

    lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students

    frequent absences from classes good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a consequence, a low level of intelligence.

The subject of our study(Slide 7) is a poorly performing student, as a student with weak mental abilities and weak motivation to learn.

The formulation of the problem is expressed in the search for ways to promote the activation of cognitive activity and motivation to learn among students with poor academic performance, since the increase in the number of underachieving and poorly performing students is one of the main problems of a modern school.

The goal of the work is to find ways to optimally solve the problem of increasing underachievement among students in our schools to develop an increase in the level of learning and quality of education for individual students and school students as a whole, and to develop a clear motivational attitude for students.

To achieve the goal, we put forward the following tasks: (Slide 8)

    Revealing possible reasons low academic performance and quality of students' learning;

    Show how diagnostics can be carried out to identify a student’s level of learning;

    Show how you can form complex system working with low-performing students;

    Demonstrate a set of measures aimed at increasing student achievement and the quality of students’ learning;

    Draw up and present a program of teacher activities with low-performing students and their parents.

So, as we mentioned, the increase in the number of unsuccessful and poorly performing students is one of the main problems of a modern school.

A student may lag behind in learning for various reasons that depend and do not depend on him: (Slide 9)

    absences due to illness;

    poor general physical development,

    presence of chronic diseases;

    mental retardation (MDD).

The class teacher must first of all know about the reasons for poor performance (Slide 10). School specialists (doctor, psychologist, speech therapist, social teacher), the student himself, his parents and classmates should help him identify these reasons.

Diagnosis of an underachieving student. (slide 11)

At the beginning of the year, the teacher can conduct diagnostics to identify the student’s level of learning in the form of a questionnaire describing the characteristics of an underachieving student. (add. 1)

The class teacher can draw up a “Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student” (Appendix 2). Subject teachers use it when organizing work with underachieving and low-performing students.

Helping these categories of students is the task of every teacher. It is advisable for the teacher to draw up an “Individual Student Card” (Appendix 3), which is used by subject teachers. It describes optimal system measures to help low-achieving students.

Subject teachers make up individual plan work to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student. The “Individual Student Card” allows you to track the effectiveness of work with low-performing and unsuccessful students.

If the program material is not mastered by low-performing children, the subject teacher reports to the school administration about the student’s low performance and the work done in following form:

Student's full name

Reasons for failure (the teacher indicates independently identified reasons)

Types of survey used

Forms for closing gaps

Deadlines for delivery of materials

Information to the class teacher(date of)

Information for parents (date)

Result of work

Evaluation of a teacher’s work with low-performing students is carried out through attendance at lessons and interviews conducted by the deputy director for teaching and learning.

Let us dwell on the reasons for student failure in more detail.

There are 3 main reasons for academic failure: (Slide 12)

1. Physiological;

2. Psychological;

3. Social

Physiological reasons – frequent illnesses, general poor health, infectious diseases, diseases nervous system, motor dysfunction.

Psychological reasons – features of the development of attention, memory, thinking, slowness of understanding, insufficient level of speech development, immaturity of cognitive interests, narrow-mindedness.

Social reasons – unfavorable living conditions, unworthy behavior of parents, lack of a home regime, child neglect, financial situation of the family.

Underachievement occurs as a result of pronounced functional tension, deterioration of health, disruption of socio-psychological adaptation, decreased educational success (increased level of dissatisfaction with grades in basic subjects).

At the same time, the basis for academic failure is not one of these reasons, but several, and quite often they act in combination. This causes the student to have a number of problems: in communication, in behavior, in learning.

From a psychological point of view (slide 13), the reasons for academic failure are divided into 2 groups:

1. Disadvantages of cognitive activity

Lack of formation of methods of educational activities;

Disadvantages in the development of mental processes, mainly the child’s mental sphere;

Inadequate use by the child of his individual typological characteristics.

2. Disadvantages in the development of the child’s motivational sphere.

I . Disadvantages of cognitive activity (Slide 14)

To overcome poor academic performance in intellectually passive schoolchildren, it is necessary to develop intellectual skills in the form of training a number of mental operations: abstraction, generalization, analysis, classification, comparison. In this case, it is necessary to determine which specific operation is suffering and bring it to a level of awareness.

Inadequate use by a child of his individual typological characteristics

Here we look at the strength of the nervous system, which is responsible for the endurance and performance of the child. The higher the strength of the nervous system, the higher the level of performance.

That's why underachieving child will be the student who has weak nervous system strength and who gets tired from prolonged hard work. As a rule, these children make mistakes more often and learn the material slowly. Such children do not feel comfortable, and therefore cannot cope with the task in a situation where the teacher requires an immediate answer.; in a situation that requires the distribution of attention or its switching from one type of activity to another (example: survey + writing in a notebook); in a situation where it is necessary to assimilate material of varied content.

It is necessary to form an individual approach to such students when dosing homework, determining options for classwork and tests, and taking into account the degree of their preparedness. And:

Give the student time to think about the question posed. a small amount of time;

Do not force people to answer new material they have just learned in class;

Through the correct tactics of surveys and incentives, build self-confidence in your knowledge and the ability to learn;

A student's failures should be assessed carefully;

It is advisable that the answers of such students be written and not oral.

II . Disadvantages in the development of the child’s motivational sphere.

1. The teacher’s efforts should be aimed at creating sustainable motivation to achieve success, on the one hand, and developing educational interests, on the other.

2. The formation of a stable motivation to achieve success is possible with an increase in the student’s self-esteem (thereby, self-esteem plays a positive role in establishing the child’s personality as a schoolchild in activities feasible for him).

3. Overcoming the student’s self-doubt, i.e. It is recommended to set tasks for the student that will be feasible, feasible and consistent with his capabilities.

4. Try to identify those areas of activity in which the student can show initiative and earn recognition at school.

6. It is useful to encourage, distinguish and record the slightest successes of the child in educational activities (thereby preventing new failures from becoming established).

7. A detailed justification for the assessment, as well as highlighting the criteria by which the assessment is carried out so that they are clear to the student himself.

8. Formation of educational interests (additional developmental material, reference to direct life experience, extensive use of one’s own observations, use of visual material in the lesson).


Let's see how you can help a low-performing student: (slide 15)

Consolidation requires a longer time and a larger volume of tasks to be solved.

The teacher, for himself and for the student, must formulate the minimum knowledge and skills that the student must acquire.

How to improve performance:

    Diversify activities.

    Ventilate the office.

    Conduct physical exercises.

    We must always remember to observe the principle of necessity and sufficiency.

Types of work with low-performing students (slide 16)

    Cards for individual work.

    Multiple choice tasks.

    Deformed assignments.

    Punch cards.

    Cards - simulators.

    Creative tasks.

    “information cards”,

    “cards with samples of task completion”,

    “note cards.”

The teacher should: (slide 17)

Know the mental development of a child:

    Perception (channels – kinesthetic, auditory, visual)

    Attention (voluntary, involuntary, post-voluntary)

    Memory (verbal, nonverbal)

Strive to understand and accept every child

Create a calm environment and a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.


    Reasonable demands

    Inexhaustible Patience

    Fair severity

    Believe in the student's capabilities

    Be able to take the position of a student

    NO mocking tone!

    Be able to conduct a casual dialogue

    Strive for external entertainment

    Use funds nonverbal communication(reference signals, pictures, tables, diagrams, plan)

    Learn to work with dictionaries and others reference material

Use in teaching

    Anticipatory learning

    Various forms of group work

    Mutual questioning, self-control

    Notes-blocks on different topics, their use at different stages of learning

    When formulating the goals of the lesson, include as a priority the correctional and developmental aspect (work on the development of supra-subject methods of activity, the development of mental processes).

    Rationally distribute educational material (difficult things first!)

    Use frequent changes of activities in the lesson

    Repeatedly speak and reinforce lesson material

    Strive for algorithmization of activities

These were algorithmic excerpts. Paths of action have been outlined. And now a little more detailed and specific.

When working with weak students, the teacher should rely on following rules developed by psychologists: (Slide 18)

    Do not put the weak person in a situation of an unexpected question and do not demand a quick answer to it, give the student enough time to think and prepare.

    It is advisable that the answer be not oral, but in writing.

    You cannot give large, varied, complex material for assimilation in a limited period of time; you need to try to break it down into separate pieces of information and give them gradually, as you master it.

    Such students should not be forced to answer questions about new material they have just learned; it is better to postpone the survey until the next lesson, giving the students the opportunity to study at home.

    Through the correct tactics of surveys and encouragement (not only with grades, but also with comments like “excellent”, “well done”, “smart girl”, etc.), it is necessary to build confidence in such students in their abilities, in their knowledge, and in the ability to learn. This confidence will help the student in extreme situations. stressful situations passing exams, writing tests, etc.

    You should be more careful when assessing a student’s failures, because he himself is very sensitive to them.

    While the student is preparing an answer, he must be given time to check and correct what he has written.

    You should distract the student to a minimum extent, try not to divert his attention, and create a calm, non-nervous environment.

Students love what they understand, what they are successful at, and what they can do. Any student is pleased to receive good grades, even those who break discipline. It is important that, with the help of his comrades and teachers, he achieves his first successes, and that they are noticed and noted, so that he sees that the teacher is happy with his successes, or upset by his failures. How to achieve this?

You can't do without it here differentiated approach in teaching. (slide 19)

A differentiated approach can be implemented at any of the stages of the lesson:

    When fastening.

    When checking homework.

    When working independently.

The solution to these and other problems can be provided by a properly organized lesson system of work by the teacher, based on personality-oriented pedagogy and the use of basic technology such as collaborative learning. The main idea behind collaborative learning is to learn together, not just perform together.

To diversify everyday teaching, teachers can use a variety of lesson forms and genres. For example:




    detective lesson

    fairy tale lesson


    painting lesson

A modern teacher in his practice needs to use technologies that meet the needs of society. One such technology is project-based learning. The project method is considered as a way of updating and stimulating the cognitive activity of students. What is so necessary in working with underachieving and low-performing students.

When working on a project, students not only systematize and generalize the knowledge gained in class, but also develop attention. Project and research activities allow schoolchildren to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

Critical Thinking Technology is a basic technology today, since it most optimally develops students’ logical thinking and helps the child using critical thinking, solve all pressing problems not only in school, but also in life, which allows him to more confidently become a socially adapted member of society.

Thus, we saw that low-performing students in school are a topical urgent problem, which requires urgent intervention and the search for an effective solution, since our country is carrying out reforms to improve the level of education in all educational institutions, and twelve-year education is being introduced in schools. Great expectations are placed on the teacher so that children have an incentive and a clear motivational attitude to comprehend knowledge at school.

Trying to understand the problem of low-achieving children, we often shift the burden of responsibility and the cause of this problem onto parents who do not properly monitor the student, we try to shift the burden of responsibility to the course of study at the elementary level, when they had poor basic reading, writing, mathematical skills, the child’s speech has not been developed, and psychologists in our schools cannot conduct Good work with a struggling student, trying to awaken his desire to learn.

Solving problems should begin with a clear systematic organization of work with underachieving students. A well-drafted plan for working with such students will allow consolidating the work of subject teachers with the class teacher and school psychologist, and will allow establishing close communication with parents, whose influence and control is an important link in the child’s desire to learn.

(Slide 20) Identification of the causes of failure, monitoring and diagnosing the performance of low-performing children, a variety of lesson types, forms and methods pedagogical activity, the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom and a friendly attitude towards the child on the part of the teacher, when the child is not an object of the learning process, but a partner and an important subject of learning, all this together should instill in students a desire and interest in comprehending knowledge, forming in them a clear understanding of what , why they need knowledge and how it will be useful in life.

System of work with low-achieving students Identification of low-achieving students Study of the causes of failure Direction of work with low-achieving students Taking into account individual characteristics Taking into account social conditions Taking into account age characteristics Taking into account health status Taking into account the development of general and special conditions Taking into account the development of general and special conditions Formation and development of students’ educational skills Corrective work Individual work Differentiated work Additional classes Involvement in sections, electives Work with parents Obtaining a standard of education

The main signs of student failure can be considered: 5 Insufficient family education. Gaps in factual knowledge. Insufficient level of development and cultivation of personal qualities, which does not allow the student to demonstrate independence, determination, perseverance, organization and other qualities necessary for successful learning.

The difficulties of a teenager, manifested in the form of educational retardation and emotional instability, can have a variety of reasons: 7 Poor health. Lack of formation of methods of educational activities. If the psychological and pedagogical skills of successful educational activities have not been developed, then the student learns the educational material mechanically, without preliminary logical processing. Disadvantages of the cognitive sphere (thinking, memory, attention). Full absorption school curriculum presupposes mandatory abstract-logical thinking, the ability to systematize, generalize, classify, and compare. The inability to remember also affects the child’s educational activities and ultimately affects his attitude towards learning and school; Insufficient development of the motivational sphere, which is primarily a priority for family education.

Features of underachieving students: low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this, low level of intellectual development, lack of cognitive interest, elementary organizational skills have not been formed, students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view

Features of underachieving students: no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher; children, mainly from asocial families; lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students; frequent absences from classes without a good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a consequence, a low level of intelligence

A student’s lag in mastering a specific academic subject can be detected by the following signs: 1. Low level of mental development. 2. Lack of training skills. 3. Attention deficit with hyperactivity. 4. Lack of cognitive interest. 5. Unformedness of an arbitrary sphere. 6. Conflict relationships 7. Low cognitive interest 8. Low level of development of verbal and logical thinking 9. Low performance

Parents Teacher Parents need the child to have knowledge, but at the same time there is no control and help for the children on their part; the teacher, according to the parents, acts as a monster, an overseer; teachers sometimes scold parents even in the presence of a child, while not always giving specific advice; parents, in turn, accuse teachers of incompetence in the presence of children; teachers themselves do not always see a way out of the current situation conflict situation

The tasks of the teachers' council are to systematize theoretical knowledge on the topic. Conduct psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of low-performing students. To identify the main causes and preventive measures for school failure. Determine the ways, forms and means of solving the problem of academic failure various stages educational activities. Convert a rigid triangle into a movable quadrilateral

Teacher's activities 1. At the beginning of the school year, conduct diagnostics of students in order to identify the level of learning. 2. Use various types of questioning in lessons. 3. Be sure to comment on each student’s grade. 4. A teacher should not quiz a student or assign written work to the student on the first day of class following an illness or excused absence from school. 5. To eliminate gaps in the student’s knowledge on a missed topic, the teacher must determine the time during which the student must master the specified topic and, in case of difficulty, advise him.

6. The teacher must record unsatisfactory grades received by the student in a diary for the purpose of timely monitoring by parents. 7. The teacher is obliged to notify the class teacher or directly the student’s parents about the decrease in the student’s performance. 8. The teacher should not reduce a student’s grade for bad behavior in class; in this case, he should use other methods of influencing the student (persuasion, conversation with a psychologist and social pedagogue) 9. The subject teacher is obliged to issue quarter grades a week before the end of the quarter.

Ways to achieve high performance: correct disclosure of the causes of failure and identification of ways to eliminate it; high quality lessons; use of advanced methods in teaching; real help and close contact of all family members with teaching staff; clearly established control over the educational process.

How to help a low-performing student: Consolidation requires longer time and a larger volume of tasks to be solved. The teacher, for himself and for the student, must formulate the minimum knowledge and skills that the student must acquire. How to increase your performance: Diversify your activities. Ventilate the office. Conduct physical exercises. We must always remember to observe the principle of necessity and sufficiency.

Cards for individual work Tasks with multiple choice Deformed tasks Cards - simulators Creative tasks Search in various ways problem solving. Making crosswords. Writing mathematical fairy tales and games. Drawing up tasks according to this condition.

The teacher must: Know the mental development of the child Strive to understand and accept each child Create a calm environment and a favorable psychological climate in the lesson Show - reasonable demands - inexhaustible patience - fair rigor - faith in the student’s capabilities Be able to take the position of the student Say NO to a mocking tone! Be able to conduct a casual dialogue Strive to be externally entertaining Use means of non-verbal communication (reference signals, drawings, tables, diagrams, plans) Learn to work with dictionaries and other reference material

The teacher must: In teaching, apply - advanced learning - various shapes group work - mutual questioning, self-control - notes - blocks on different topics, using them at different stages of learning When formulating lesson goals, include as a priority the correctional and developmental aspect Rationally distribute educational material (difficult things first!) Use frequent changes of activities in the lesson Repeatedly pronounce and reinforce the lesson material Strive for algorithmization of activities

Rules developed by psychologists: Do not put a weak person in a situation of an unexpected question and do not demand a quick answer to it, give the student enough time to think and prepare. It is advisable that the answer be not oral, but in writing. You cannot give large, varied, complex material for assimilation in a limited period of time; you need to try to break it down into separate pieces of information and give them gradually, as you master it. Such students should not be forced to answer questions about new material they have just learned; it is better to postpone the survey until the next lesson, giving the students the opportunity to study at home.

Through the correct tactics of surveys and encouragement (not only with assessments, but also with comments such as “excellent”, “well done”, “smart girl”, etc.), it is necessary to build confidence in such students in their abilities, in their knowledge, and in the ability to learn. This confidence will help the student in extreme stressful situations of passing exams, writing tests, etc. You should be more careful in assessing the student’s failures, because he himself is very sensitive to them. While the student is preparing an answer, he must be given time to check and correct what he has written. You should distract the student to a minimum extent, try not to divert his attention, and create a calm, non-nervous environment.

Differentiated approach When consolidating. When checking homework. When working independently. Create a situation of success in the lesson: help a strong student realize his capabilities in more time-consuming and complex activities; for the weak - to perform a feasible amount of work.

Collaborative learning Enables struggling students to feel like part of the team and encourages a desire to learn. Project-based learning The project method is considered as a way to update and stimulate students' cognitive activity.

Stages of mastering the material being studied Organizational and pedagogical orientation 1. Studying new material. Individualization of the educational process. 2. Diagnostic testing. Baseline check. 3. Lessons of correction and development. Correction: repetition (at a qualitatively new level) > consolidation > repeated diagnostic work. Development: repeated level > advanced level. Differentiation of the educational process. 4. Final control. Compulsory level > advanced level > advanced level. Checking learning results. consolidation > repeat diagnostic work. Development: repeated level > advanced level. Differentiation of the educational process. 4. Final control. Compulsory level > advanced level > advanced level. Checking learning results.">

Work with parents Goal: Creating conditions for the development of the personal potential of students in the conditions of interaction between school, family, and external society Objectives: to create a team of like-minded people, to make students, teachers, and parents participants in the educational and educational process, to organize diverse, exciting, socially significant joint activities of students and parents organize comprehensive education for parents Expected results: establishing dialogue and mutually beneficial cooperation between the school and parents developing love and duty among students for their parents and loved ones solving the problem of students’ employment in free time from lessons

45 You can often hear from parents: “If you don’t do your homework, you won’t go to your friends,” “If you graduate with C grades, you won’t go to the seaside”... We are so accustomed to the primitive behavioral pattern “stimulus-response” that we cannot imagine another a way to motivate children, stimulate their work, creativity, and achievements. And, as a result, we get a person who is not interested in anything other than rewards for his efforts or feels the need for constant control from the outside.

Each of us can give examples from our personal lives, teaching practice, or simply from history, when, for example, Edison was expelled from school due to complete mediocrity; the famous chemist Libich, at the age of 14, due to inability, left school, and at the age of 21 became a professor.

53 Creation of correction notebooks. Exchange of information between teacher and parents about the results of practical tasks at a certain stage of education. Joint completion of arbitrary tasks in the subjects of the parent and student. Creating a Folder - Piggy Bank, where tasks for the development of logical thinking are accumulated (tasks for ingenuity, crosswords, puzzles, flip-flops, tricky questions)

Advice for parents of low-performing students: Strengthen the child’s self-confidence in every possible way; Give your child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it; Maintain a clear daily routine at home; Practice forms of behavior in different situations; Show interest in your child's school activities; Be consistent in your demands, rewards and punishments; Do not make excessive demands on your child and do not introduce him into the role of a “loser.”

Build positive motivation to study; Never criticize teachers in front of children; Help your child if necessary; Never complete a task for a student; Try to instill in your child the habit of using additional literature, get him interested; Praise and rejoice with your child when he gets good grades; Encourage your child for his successes; Keep in touch with subject teachers if you yourself cannot help your child.

Advice for the class teacher on working with low-achieving children: At the beginning of the school year, inform subject teachers about the presence of low-achieving children in the class (at a small teachers' meeting or in an individual conversation). Maintain contact with the psychological service, subject teachers, being interested in the level of learning of students, the pace of their development, style of communication with classmates and teachers. Involve parents of low-performing children in social activities of the class. Inform parents in a timely manner about negative manifestations in academic discipline on the part of the student (missing lessons without a good reason)

Bring to the attention of the administration (deputy director for educational work, social teacher) cases of violation of norms and rules of behavior for the purpose of modern prevention. Create conditions for students to occupy a worthy place in the class team through active involvement in extracurricular activities. Monitor their health status. Strive to build trusting relationships. Use encouragement rather than punishment more often to maintain self-confidence.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that with the correct disclosure of the causes of underachievement and determination of ways to eliminate it, high quality lessons, real help and close contact of all family members with the teaching staff, the use of advanced methods in teaching, clearly established control over the educational process - These are the most realistic ways to achieve high performance and solid knowledge of students of different intellectual levels.

Working with low-achieving children

The successful organization of educational work and the activation of schoolchildren’s learning is unthinkable without a sensitive attitude towards them and a skillful individual approach. This truth is considered a truism. Teachers learn about it while still a student, when they listen to lectures on psychology, pedagogy and methodology. But in practice, many of us make serious shortcomings in this regard, which negatively affect academic performance and the quality of education. There is too much desire for a direct influence on the student in order to quickly achieve positive results, and there is not always enough skill and patience to look for ways to gradually improve academic performance, to awaken interest and create motivation for learning.

Features of underachieving students

  • low level of knowledge, as a consequence of this low level of intellectual development
  • lack of cognitive interest
  • basic organizational skills have not been developed
  • students require an individual approach from a psychological and pedagogical (in terms of learning) point of view
  • there is no reliance on parents as allies of the subject teacher
  • children mainly from asocial families
  • lack of adequate self-esteem on the part of students
  • frequent absences from classes without a good reason, which leads to a lack of system in knowledge and, as a consequence of this, a low level of intelligence

1. Low level of mental development.


  • Pedagogical neglect.
  • Frequent illnesses.
  • Missing classes.
  • Organic disorders of the central nervous system and brain.


  • Does not know how to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Take into account all the signs of an object or phenomenon.
  • See the general.

2. Lack of training skills.

The child does not know how to study:

  • work with text;
  • highlight the main, essential;
  • cannot organize his time and distribute efforts, etc.

3. Attention deficit with hyperactivity.

Characterized by:

  • distractibility;
  • mobility;
  • restlessness, etc.

4. Lack of cognitive interest.

Due to:

  • no one worked with the child, did not develop his cognitive abilities;
  • he is not interested in anything, he does not attend clubs and sections, does not read books, but prefers to spend empty time.

5. Unformedness of an arbitrary sphere.

It manifests itself in the fact that the student does what he likes and is not able to make volitional efforts to complete educational tasks.

6. Conflict relationships

  • with peers;
  • teachers;
  • refusal of effort in educational activities.

7. Low cognitive interest

Punitive measures do not work (failures, punishments, etc.)


  • in support
  • showing that he is proficient in other activities

It is useful to include entertaining tasks and puzzles, interesting stories, to provide a “novelty effect” when solving educational problems.

8. Low level of development of verbal and logical thinking

It is necessary to place great emphasis on clarity in the solution and presentation of educational material, ensuring the implementation of the principle of accessibility of educational material.

9. Low performance

  • In fatigue
  • Exhaustibility
  • Slow pace of work

What to teach?

It is necessary to find out the reason for the lag, determine the actual level of his knowledge, and then “return him” to the level of education where he will meet the requirements of the program and the State Educational Standards.

How to teach?

Think over and implement an individual training plan.

From the above brief overview the following conclusions can be drawn:

To prevent academic failure, it is necessary to promptly identify gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students and organize the timely elimination of these gaps.

It is necessary to establish the correctness and reasonableness of the educational methods used by students, and, if necessary, adjust these methods. It is necessary to systematically train students in general educational skills.

It is necessary to organize the educational process, the life of students at school and in the classroom, in such a way as to evoke and develop in students intrinsic motivation educational activities, persistent cognitive interest in learning.

Main areas of work with low-achieving children:

  • Improving movements and sensorimotor development:
  • Correction of certain aspects of mental activity:
  • Development of basic mental operations.
  • Development of different types of thinking.
  • Correction of disturbances in the development of the emotional and personal sphere.
  • Speech development, mastery of speech technique.
  • Expanding your understanding of the world around you and enriching your vocabulary.
  • Correction of individual knowledge gaps.

Forms and types of assistance:

Forms of assistance:



Types of assistance:




Working methods:





Partial search,


Method of independent work.

Forms of work:





At our school, a lot of work is being done to find out the reasons for school failure (monitoring, diagnostics), which makes it possible to identify groups of unsuccessful students.Corrective and developmental classes are conducted by the school psychological service and the Vera Center for Medical and Social Services.

We must remember that a student who does not want to study is the suffering party. Constant conflict with parents, with teachers, disdainful attitude from classmates - this is not a teenager can handle. The problem of trust within the educational process is very relevant. Taking into account the fact that learning motivation is a fundamental component of the educational process, I believe that its level largely depends on the level of trust in the teacher. Trust between teacher and student is a necessary condition for quality education. Most often, a child needs not just pedagogical help and support, but also understanding, kind and sweet words, which he misses so much both at school and at home. Therefore, you need to start work by establishing contact and trust: stop reading notations; give up scandals and punishments. Benevolent support for any, even the weakest, success, endurance and calmness - this is the correct line of behavior in such cases. Once trust has been achieved, you can begin to understand the reasons for the reluctance to learn. The main reason may be the presence of defects or unformed educational activities. Another reason is the mistakes made in upbringing, which lead to one thing: the inability to do what is needed, contrary to what one wants. The joint activities of teachers, students and parents can play a big role in developing this skill. The main conclusion from all that has been said is that improving academic performance and the quality of knowledge, overcoming the educational gap of schoolchildren requires solving two problems: on the one hand, it is necessary to improve the methods of conducting training sessions, taking into account individual characteristics class and individual students.

On the other hand, skillfully apply a system of educational means of influence on students in order to prevent them from developing a negative attitude towards learning, to develop a need for knowledge and a desire to overcome the difficulties encountered.

The results of the work show positive dynamics. Thus, organized work with low-performing students most often turns out to be effective.

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