How to make a stand for a phone or smartphone at home. How to make a phone stand? Convenient gadget made from scrap materials DIY home phone stand

It is impossible to imagine a person who would not have a mobile...

Now it is almost impossible to imagine a person who would not have such technical device, How mobile phone.

With the invention of this technology, life has become much easier: if you need to make an urgent call, the phone is always with you, besides this, it is also much easier to find someone... In general, there is no point in describing all the advantages of a mobile phone, since they are really obvious and do not need advertising.

However, today, when we talk about mobile phones, we most often mean modern smartphones, which, in addition to regular calls, are capable of performing a lot of different functions. Modern telephone able to instantly access the Internet and find the necessary information there, receive and send letters via e-mail, take stunning photographs and video clips of excellent quality, etc. That is why we most often use the phone not as a means of communication, but also as a multifunctional gadget.

It is for this reason that you always want your phone to be always at hand, in the field of maximum accessibility. In addition, sometimes you need to view photos or videos on your phone, so you want it to be positioned in the most convenient way for this.

In order to satisfy all these needs, one must, of course, use mobile phone stand. Today in stores you can find a lot of accessories of various shapes. For example, many probably remember popular phone stands in the form of a few years ago. female hand. Nowadays, coasters have become not only more attractive and elegant, but also functional. They are capable of charging the phone battery, notifying about a call, tilting the phone for viewing under the most different angles etc. So everyone, even the most discerning and demanding consumer, will always be able to purchase a product to their taste.

DIY mobile phone stand

However, if you prefer things made with my own hands, which will be a real exclusive, we will tell you how you can make an attractive one yourself phone stand. There are a lot of different ways to do this, but we will tell you about the simplest, and at the same time unusual.

DIY mobile phone stand - 1

The first option is perfect for a phone with a wide display and a fairly long body, such as an iPhone or any phone from the Samsung line. The stand is incredibly easy to use and truly functional. To make it you will need only 2 minutes of your time.

  1. You need a binder (a kind of clamp that is used to fasten papers together), as well as a suction cup, which is used to attach, for example, towel holders. So, attach the binder to the suction cup in the place where its hook is located. Voila! A simple and convenient stand is ready.
  2. Attach the suction cup to the back of the phone (don't be afraid, it won't damage it and won't leave marks when detached) and position the phone as you like, vertically or horizontally, in any case the viewing angle will be ideal.

DIY mobile phone stand - 2

The second option is suitable for truly creative people. In order to make it, you need to master the art of origami.

  1. To make such a stand you need to make 24 white ticks and 23 pink ones. Checkmarks are made in the same way as cranes.
  2. Then the white checkmarks are fastened in a circle so that a kind of circle is eventually formed. One pink tick is inserted between each pair. This way you end up with a tapering cone.
  3. Continue the design to the desired height. Place your mobile phone in the center and feel free to admire the creation of your hands!

The mobile phone has become an invariable attribute modern man. And on the road, and at home, and on the desktop useful gadget they give the main place, otherwise “suddenly someone will call, but I won’t hear/see.” To conveniently place a cell phone on a table, stands were invented. You can buy them in the store, or you can make them yourself from scrap materials. Even the most useless at first glance “unnecessary garbage”, like cardboard packaging for dairy products or a long-used CD cover, can be useful in your work.

Cardboard stand

The first option is to make a mobile stand out of cardboard. This does not have to be a solid piece of material; you can take a used small-volume milk carton (0.5 ml). There is no need to glue anything: you only need scissors.

The box must be thoroughly washed, crumpled and the bottom cut off. Then cut it along the folds.

The work will require a central part in the shape of two rectangles. There is a fold between them. It needs to be cut out and folded with the outer side inward, pressing the fold with one hand.

Starting from the opposite end, from the bottom, you need to cut out a shape that resembles the letter “T”. It is narrowed at the top, but has a beveled corner.

When the figure is unfolded, the bottom edges become where the phone sits. It rests on the central edge. The budget stand is ready!

CD cover stand

Surely everyone has a couple of DVDs lying around their house. One of the unnecessary covers can be turned into a stand for your mobile phone.

To do this, the cover must be cut in half. Then cut off all the holes and rivets so that only a smooth rectangle with two curved corners at the ends remains.

The plate must be clamped with tweezers or pliers and placed in boiling water. This will make the plastic soft and pliable.

Holding the plate with pliers or any other tool, it must be bent so that one of the corner ends does not reach the other slightly. 2-3 cm is enough; the phone will be located in this space. One of the corners is glued to the surface. The result is an interesting and light stand. The device can be placed on it both vertically and horizontally!

Paper clip stand

Mobile phone stand made from paper clips – interesting thing, which can be done in 2 minutes. To do this, you need a large, massive paper clip, which you just need to straighten correctly!

To begin, the wire is completely straightened into a line. Then you need to pinch it and bend it again:

  1. Bend in the shape of a tick - U.
  2. Bend both ends at an angle of 90 ° C, starting approximately in the middle.
  3. Bend the ends of each end slightly.

Thus, an ordinary paper clip turned into a laconic stand. The phone lies horizontally on it.

Stand made from toilet paper roll

As good as a sleeve from a used roll toilet paper, enough in every home! Don’t rush to throw away the cardboard form – it can be turned into a mobile stand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required is to correctly cut part of the sleeve at an angle. There should be a small piece of cardboard left in front to create a stop. Such a stand will not be able to accommodate a phone that is too tall, but standard size“fits” perfectly.

If desired, the stand can be decorated: painted, wrapped in fabric or covered with paper for gifts. And no one will believe that it was once part of a toilet roll.

all the work step by step


When working with familiar things, it is important to give free rein to your imagination: try it on, think, experiment. Then stands for mobile phones will appear in the house regularly - and always different and interesting!

Having a phone holder means you won't have to spend a lot of time looking for mobile device. It will also be reliably protected. There is less chance that someone will drop it, step on it or spill tea, and most importantly, while driving a car, you will not be distracted. For aesthetic reasons, it can be an excellent decoration for a car interior.

The simplest holder is a design for the steering wheel with silicone loops. The adjustable bracket on the panel into which the gadget is inserted is distinguished by the fact that it is compact and the phone can be easily installed. Another very simple holder is a ball on a magnet.

Designer coasters are made from various materials, have different shapes– it all depends on the creativity of the master. For example, there is a lawn on a plastic stand and a phone holder at the bottom.

The gadget holder can be made as an elegant wooden stand. For example, in the form of a tree with a hollow or improvised stumps. A neat wooden stand with randomly located slots where a mobile phone is inserted will look original.

Wooden stand can be very laconic and resemble a photo frame into which a smartphone is inserted. A wooden organizer on a panel can have not only a cell for a gadget, but also for pens and watches. A wooden stand in the form of a figurine supporting a phone looks original, but it needs to be firmly secured.

Sometimes phone holders make a nice souvenir when you don't have a gadget. For example, a gadget stand in the form of a rotary telephone looks original, showing the connection between times. Or look unexpectedly creative when the holder is an alarm clock into which a mobile phone is inserted.

Conceptually, the holder looks like a marble figurine holding a gadget in its hands. Even in winter, a shell stand will bring back memories of the sea. The stand can look like your favorite food, for example sushi, a hamburger or a sandwich with caviar. In such souvenirs, the wildest fantasy can turn into reality.

The highlight of the holder in a minimalist style will be the original mount. For example, according to the principle table lamp, attached with a clothespin to the table. Even an ordinary stationery binder will look original as a phone holder.

It’s worth looking at things with different eyes and making a cozy soft pillow or chair for your phone. If a woman is driving, it could be a fluffy basket, an original fabric pocket, a soft envelope with a cute hinged loop. Knitted animals in the form of a stand will always help preserve good mood. Stylish bright accessories will not only serve you by performing certain functions, but will also help you think positively.

The holders may have a flexible cord for fastening, a suction cup, or an adjustable bracket.

When choosing a phone stand, everyone is guided by their own taste preferences. In terms of functionality, the holder must have good fastening to keep your phone safe.

How to make it yourself

From the paper clip

You can make a device that supports your phone yourself. This stand will definitely be exclusive.

Homemade holders can be of three types:

  • spoiling the interior;
  • not durable;
  • representing a whole work of art that requires real skill.

We take the binder, remove the staples, bend them so that a holder is formed, wrap them with thread and place them in their original place, securing them with an ordinary rubber band. All that remains is to attach a simple device to the air duct. The phone is attached securely. The only negative is that the phone cannot be quickly removed from the holder.

From wire

In order to attach a phone to a wire holder, you will have to sacrifice the integrity of the front panel of the cabin, since holes will need to be drilled on it. The holder is made from strong wire, bending it accordingly and inserting it into the holes. The phone must be firmly attached to the holder.

Aluminum stand

It takes a little effort to make a stand out of aluminum. In any hardware store you can inexpensively purchase connecting tubes with angles of 45 and 90 degrees, as well as an aluminum pipe with a diameter of 47 mm. You will also need ice cream sticks and an old phone case.

You can start creating the holder after you have determined the place where it will be located. Now they are being made necessary measurements. The pipe is cut into three parts. The short part is attached to a 45 degree angle tube. The horizontal part is held in angled tubes at 45 and 90 degrees. The longest part is vertical pipe, 10 - 13 cm long, will hold a stand.

For greater strength All fasteners are first lubricated with glue. A couple of cuts should be made in the case into which the ties are inserted. The cuts are on the tube. A long pipe is tied together with ties. Between aluminum pipe and glue it with a cover wooden sticks. The final stage is attaching the connecting tube to the car.

We hope you enjoy our DIY posts. wooden jewelry and other products, we try to choose as much as possible interesting topics, which you could bring to “life” yourself.

Before the weekend, we managed to write four publications, each of which we recommend that you read - and or, be sure to read, these are very interesting master classes!

What do we need to make a stand from sawn wood for hot food with our own hands?

In fact, we only need four things:

  • Juniper branches (log houses) about three to six centimeters thick, this will be quite enough. Of course, you can always use other types of wood - plum, apple, ash, oak. The main thing is that there is beautiful drawing, which will delight your eyes.
  • A miter saw (in our case 🙂), at home you can use a regular hacksaw
  • Glue, preferably for gluing wood
  • Sandpaper

How to make a hot stand with your own hands step by step

  • After we have selected the branches (or logs), we begin to process them. If the bark peels off very easily and practically breaks off by itself, then we remove it, but if it holds well, then this is even better, it will be more beautiful.

We cut it into small cuts with a miter saw (about four to five millimeters thick), if you don’t have one, then, as described above, we use a hacksaw.

  • After we have cut the required number of juniper cuts (usually 15-17 cuts are required for one stand different diameters), we need to polish them up a little. It should be noted that the fewer cuts you have, the easier it will be to assemble it, but it will not look as impressive. It should be noted that the fewer cuts you have, the easier it will be to assemble it, but it will not look as impressive.

We take wood glue (although PVA is suitable) and glue the cuts together as your imagination tells you, in any case it will turn out very beautiful. It is highly desirable that all our cuts adjoin each other well in several places, so that it is easier to glue them together.

A stand for jewelry is extremely necessary for any fashionista who has a large number of earrings and beads, and who often changes them depending on her outfit and mood.

DIY jewelry stand

There is nothing easier than reclassifying coat hooks as jewelry hooks. You can use ordinary store-bought ones made of wood, plastic or metal, without making any special efforts to decorate, because beads and bracelets will successfully complete this task.

  • Clothes hanger.

An ordinary hanger can, indeed, perform the function of storing jewelry with great success: earrings should be placed on additional hooks under the hangers, bracelets should be placed on a metal rod, and beads should be tied in a loop on the crossbar. It looks most aesthetically pleasing when hung with jewelry. If desired, it can be painted in some neutral color or decorated using the decoupage technique.

  • Grater.

The graters with their small holes along the entire perimeter seemed to be created just for this purpose - so that girls could insert the hooks and clasps of their earrings into them.

In fact, the grater is a rather old invention, which during its existence has rightfully deserved to be main theme for entire museums and the most interesting private collections. The first grater was invented in the mid-16th century by the Frenchman Francois Bouillet specifically to grind dried cheese, and then began to be used for all other products.

Thanks to four edges (or even more in modern models), you can easily place a huge number of decorations on the grater and, by turning the pyramid, you can see and select what you need for your current situation.

Surprisingly, It’s best to use a Soviet grandmother’s grater for decoration, even if it’s bent or rusty in places. By spray painting it with any color that matches the interior, you can get not only an excellent holder for jewelry, but also a really interesting art object.

  • Cups and saucers.

Elegant tea-set from coffee cups and saucers, one of those that every person has at least once received as a gift and for some reason almost never uses, will become in a wonderful way store decorations. Filled with chains and rings, as well as earrings and beads, it can be placed right next to the mirror, or you can put it in a chest of drawers or a dressing table drawer, and open it every morning before going out, like a real treasury.

  • Desk drawers.

Among other things, they are notable for the fact that wooden base It’s easy to hook earrings, and also attach pushpins or nail small nails and hang beads and chains on them. And the bracelets will fit perfectly on any stable cylinder, for example, empty bottle from a lemonade bottle or toilet paper roll.

Except wooden box You can use an old Soviet first aid kit in exactly the same way, if you remove the door - don’t hide such beauty!

Holder for rings and bracelets made of plaster

The idea of ​​making a stand for jewelry from plaster was undoubtedly borrowed from the shops and showrooms, where mannequins are displayed at every turn, demonstrating the most better light not only clothes, but also all kinds of accessories.

Mannequin literally means “little man” and is considered one of the most ancient inventions of mankind, because already in the tomb of Tutankhamun a male torso with a set of clothes was discovered. Papier-mâché mannequins were only used for display and tailoring in the 18th century, and wax mannequins were used in shops in 19th-century Paris. This was extremely inconvenient and impractical, and only the advent of plastic finally solved this problem.

In order to make such a stand for jewelry, you will need:

  • gypsum - 1 kg (gypsum in dry form is sold in construction stores and art salons);
  • thick rubber glove of the smallest size;
  • a smooth wooden board and a simple pencil;
  • sandpaper;
  • construction stapler;
  • drill and jigsaw or hand saw.

How to make a plaster jewelry holder:

  • It is necessary to measure the diameter of the wrist of the rubber glove and draw a corresponding circle on wooden surface, and then cut it out using tools. Next, clean the edges wooden board sandpaper and attach the glove to this hole with a staple gun, as shown in the photo below.
  • Next, you need to mix the plaster with water so as to obtain the consistency of sour cream, and carefully pour the resulting mixture into a glove attached to the board. It is important to ensure that the plaster fills the glove evenly without leaving any air bubbles. In this form, you need to let the plaster dry for two days.
  • After two days, the glove is carefully removed, and plaster arm ready for rings and bracelets.

A holder for rings and bracelets made of plaster in the shape of a hand can become a non-trivial decoration for exquisite interior and will successfully complete the task of being beautiful and convenient device for storing jewelry.

Wood for decorations

Making a stand for jewelry in the shape of a branched fruit-bearing plant is a great idea, suggested by nature itself, especially since it is not so difficult to implement.

Trees for storing earrings can be made of several types:

  • Made from real tree branches.

This is the simplest and most obvious option, for which you just need to choose a suitable strong branch and a stand for it, or simply nail the branch to the wall and hang your jewelry on it.

  • Wire tree.

Twisted wire tree placed in decorative vase or framed, can look very unusual and conceptual. The main condition is to choose the right wire. It should curl well, keep its shape and not be brittle. Copper wire is best suited for these purposes.

Detailed master class: tree made of wire and papier-mâché for storing jewelry (video)

  • A tree made of wooden or cardboard modules.

A tree made of two modules can be openwork, as in the photo, or primitive in shape, as in the master class on its manufacture, which can be seen below. Anyway, big number The edges of such a tree provide excellent opportunities for beautiful and convenient placement of jewelry.

What is needed to make such a tree:

  • cardboard and scissors or fiberboard sheet, jigsaw and drill;
  • liquid Nails;
  • dye.

Regardless of the material chosen for making wood for decorations, the procedure will be the same:

  • Using the template presented below, draw two identical trees on a sheet of cardboard or fiberboard, cut or saw the trees along the contour and make slits at the top and bottom, as shown on the template, as well as small round holes(holes) where they are shown in the figure.

The basis for a jewelry holder can be:

  • Photo frame;
  • a picture frame or from an old mirror;
  • hoop.

The appearance of picture frames is associated with the designation of easel painting, when works visual arts they already wanted to observe it not only on the wall on which it appeared thanks to the efforts of ancient artists, but also to transport it from place to place, view it in a museum, or even have it in their own living room. This was in the 14th century and since then frames in various designs and variations have not lost their relevance and functionality.

Frames and frames can be filled with any material with big amount holes, so you can easily attach earrings to it:

  • lace;
  • mosquito net;
  • tulle;
  • plastic or metal grill.

A frame filled with lace and all kinds of earrings will adequately decorate any room, attract the attention of guests and help forever forget about the problem of lost or forgotten jewelry in a huge jewelry chest.

Frame for jewelry with mosquito net (video master class)

There are several ways to beautifully arrange decorations in a prominent place so that you always know what is available, and at the same time transform the room:

  • hang hangers or hooks, a tree or a frame on the wall and fill them with jewelry;
  • make a free-standing object by transforming ordinary things, for example, grandma's grater, or gluing together a tree from cardboard modules.

Whatever you choose, a jewelry stand with jewelry, chains and bracelets beautifully hung on it will now become the center of attraction in your apartment or a priceless gift for a girl whose passion is jewelry.

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