How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of round timber: instructions for carrying out calculations. How to calculate the cubic capacity of round timber: the main methods Table for measuring the cubic capacity of round timber

By mathematical standards, a round timber is a cylinder. The volume of a cylinder is calculated as the area of ​​its circumference multiplied by the length of the cylinder itself (read logs).

where: number Pi- 3,14159265358979; R- radius of the circle; H- the length of the cylinder. But since the comparison of a log with a cylinder is purely conditional, in real calculations the diameter of the log is measured at its midpoint. Naturally, without bark. From school we were taught that the area of ​​a circle is calculated as the number Pi (3.14159) multiplied by the radius of the circle squared. Or another option is, again, the number Pi multiplied by the diameter of the circle to the fourth power. These are purely theoretical calculations of the volume (cubic capacity) of one individual log. What if we are talking about large volumes of timber, the so-called timber stacks, where there are hundreds of cubes of round timber? In this case, of course, no one will calculate m3 of each log. To simplify the work of storekeepers, standard setters, technologists and other employees of woodworking enterprises, who, as part of their duties, have to deal with wood measurements, they use a cubeturner round timber. This is nothing more than tables approved by GOST, containing calculations of the volume of round timber, depending on the thickness of its top. Experienced loggers and woodworkers poke the timber in increments of 2 cm, usually in even sizes. It is worth noting that specialists who constantly deal with forests can, by eye, with great accuracy, determine the diameter of a log without using rulers or tape measures. And then there are mathematical calculations of the pointing of the forest:

  • there are so many logs of this diameter,
  • so much different diameter
  • and so on.
After that, the volume values ​​of a log of each diameter are taken from the forest cubicle and multiplied by the number linear meters.
For example, a log with a diameter of 20 mm has a volume of 0.23 m3, and there were 100 such logs 6 m long in a stack. Thus, the result is obtained based on the cube size of the lumber: V = 0.23 m3 * 100 pieces = 23 m3 - i.e. the stack will contain 23 m3 with a top diameter of 20 mm.
The volume of logs of other diameters is calculated in a similar way, using the values ​​of a 6-meter-long round timber cube.

Round timber cube table

Part I - the length of the measured timber log ranging from 4 to 8.5 linear meters.
Diameter/cm Length/m

Part II - the length of the measured timber log ranging from 9 to 13.5 linear meters.

Diameter/cm Length/m

Converting warehouse cubic meter of timber to dense

Timber stored in piles in open areas is counted in cubic meters (m3). This is the so-called warehouse cubic meter of timber, measured with all the voids and gaps between the logs.

In essence, folded m3 is measurements of the stack according to its external dimensions: width, height and length. When implemented, round lumber such a concept as a dense cubic meter of wood is used. What is it? This can be thought of as a stack of timber without voids or any gaps between the logs. That is, like a solid volume of wood. How is the volume of round timber converted into a dense cubic meter? A stack of timber, sorted by length, is measured by its outer dimensions. The values ​​are multiplied and the resulting warehouse m3 is obtained. Next, a special conversion factor is used (see table). As a result of multiplying the resulting volume of folded cubic capacity by the coefficient from the table, the value of the dense forest cube * is obtained.

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"BM Engineering" provides a full range of services for the design, construction, commissioning and subsequent maintenance of: biomass processing plants (production of pellets and briquettes), feed mills. We offer initial implementation Comprehensive analysis and technical advice on the feasibility of constructing the proposed facility and its profitability, namely:

  • analysis raw material base And working capital for production
  • calculation of main equipment
  • calculation additional equipment and mechanisms
  • cost of installation, commissioning, personnel training
  • calculation of the cost of preparation of the production site
  • calculation of the cost of production or waste disposal complex
  • calculation of profitability of production or waste disposal complex
  • return on investment calculation
  • The cost of settlements is determined after receiving an official request and generating a list and completeness of our services.


    • EQUIPMENT PRODUCTION: pellet/briquette lines, drying complexes, disintegrators, biomass presses
    • INSTALLATION OF PRODUCTION COMPLEXES: design, site search, construction, commissioning
    • COMMISSIONING OF EQUIPMENT: launching and setting up equipment
    • STAFF TRAINING: organizing the work of the technical department, creating sales, logistics, and marketing departments from “0”
    • SERVICE: full service and warranty
    • PRODUCTION AUTOMATION: implementation of control and accounting systems in production
    • CERTIFICATION: preparation for certification according to EN+, ISO

An engineering company in the field of biomass processing, BM Engineering, is the first on the Ukrainian market to provide a full range of turnkey construction services. modern factories for processing biomass, producing pellets, briquettes, and mixed feed. At the project preparation stage, the company’s specialists give a qualified opinion on the feasibility of constructing the facility, its expected profitability and payback period.

We analyze future production from A to Z! We begin the study by calculating the volume of the raw material base, its quality, and supply logistics. Amounts of biomass per initial stage and its supply should be sufficient for the uninterrupted operation of the equipment long time. Based on objective information collected about future production, we calculate the characteristics of the main equipment, and, at the request of the customer, additional equipment and mechanisms.

The total cost of the project necessarily includes the costs of preparing the production site, installation and commissioning work, personnel training. And in the forecast of production costs, energy efficiency and the specific cost of producing a unit are taken into account in advance finished products, its technical and quality characteristics, compliance with international standards, profitability and payback period. The use of equipment for the production of extruded feed significantly increases the profitability of livestock farming by improving their quality and reducing costs.

Certification and audit of pellet production in accordance with the norms of European standards of the EN 17461 series stipulates that at all stages of work from obtaining and quality control of bio-raw materials to the manufacture of pellets, their packaging, labeling, storage, delivery and use, it is necessary to strictly adhere to uniform standards and technical conditions and rules.

In accordance with the ENplus system, a certificate must be obtained for a specific batch of biofuel after carrying out appropriate tests on all parameters in a certified laboratory. Remember! Certified products cost several times more!

The full range of engineering services provided by BM Engineering includes: drawing up a business plan for production with calculations of energy efficiency, profitability and cost of production, design, construction, commissioning, commissioning and service. In addition, the company supplies equipment own production, carries out work on automation and certification of constructed enterprises.

The unique module for processing biomass (chips and sawdust) MB-3 is designed according to latest technology, in which bio-raw materials are not dried before pressing with at great expense energy, and washed in a hydro washer. Contaminants (metal, soil particles, debris) are removed by a stream of water, and clean and wet particles of raw materials are conveyed through a conveyor and then through a sieve into the input hopper of the processing module.

A rotating auger grinds the wet biomass and forces it through a sieve. During a biochemical reaction in wood cells (biopolymers), heat is released. Optimal temperature The moistened mass is supported by a thermal stabilization module. The heat pump circulates heated water throughout the entire processing circuit. All process controlled by an automation system.

Module contents:

  • hydro washer;
  • biomass processing module;
  • heat pump;
  • thermal stabilization module;
  • process automation system.
Technical characteristics of the biomass processing module MB-3:
  • productivity - 1000 kg/h;
  • electric motor power - up to 100 kW;
  • input raw materials: particle size - up to 4 cm, humidity - up to 50%;
  • transportation dimensions - 2000x2200x12000 mm;
  • weight - 16700 kg.

In the first half of 2015 alone, 6 specialized seminars “Basics of Pellet Production” were held, at which about 200 students were trained. Since the second half of 2015, seminars have been held monthly and are becoming increasingly popular among students. Those specialists who listened to all the lectures and looked at the operating equipment completely changed their attitude towards pellet production technology. The wet pressing method is a completely new innovative approach to biomass processing, which is the future.

If with the determination of weight and volume, for example, when purchasing liquids or bulk materials, no tasks appear, then with timber the opposite is true. Here, the system for determining the volume of the required quantity of a given raw material raises a lot of questions, due to the fact that no one wants to pay extra money.



2. First, the measured batch of commercial slab should be sorted into 2 groups. One group consists of boards longer than 2 m, the other less than 2 m. Stacking is done with thick and thin ends alternately in different directions, while the surface of the slab remains at the bottom and at the top. The stack should be super-compact and tightly stacked at right angles and have an identical height.

4. Volume of sawn timber from coniferous and hardwood can be determined by two methods. The first method involves freezing the entire block or board, and then the volume, after which the results are summed up.


6. Absolutely, it’s worth focusing separately on measuring the cubic capacity of a round forests. Here you have to measure each log separately - the length and width of the upper and lower ends. The special tables by which these calculations are made are called cubeturns, which were discussed above.

7. After the volume of the entire log has been measured individually, addition is performed and the total cubic capacity is obtained. IN current time A corresponding computer program already exists.

If there are no problems with determining weight and volume, for example, when purchasing liquids or bulk materials, then with timber the situation is the opposite. Here, the system for determining the volume of the required quantity of a given raw material raises a lot of questions, due to the fact that no one wants to pay extra money.


1. It turns out that not all clients realize how many types of wood actually exist. And tea differs from each other in the degree of processing, type, grade, which directly affects its cost. Here's how to calculate the volume of slab - a very popular type of lumber.

2. First, the measured batch of commercial slab should be sorted into 2 groups. One group consists of boards with a length of more than 2 m, the other - less than 2 m. Stacking is done with thick and thin ends alternately in different directions, while the surface of the slab remains at the bottom and at the top. The stack should be super-compact and tightly stacked at right angles and have an identical height.

4. The volume of lumber from softwood and hardwood can be determined by two methods. The first method involves freezing each block or board, and then the volume, after which the results are summed up.

5. 2nd method - with the help of a cubeturner, a special table prepared for determining the volume of such lumber. The measurement of boards related to unedged lumber. In this case, the width of one-sided trim and not edged boards is calculated as half the sum of the upper and lower planes.

6. Undoubtedly, it is worthwhile to dwell separately on measuring the cubic capacity of round timber. Here you have to measure each log separately - the length and width of the upper and lower ends. The special tables by which these calculations are made are called cubeturns, which were discussed above.

7. After the volume of each log is measured separately, addition is performed and the total cubic capacity is obtained. Currently, a corresponding computer program already exists.

Video on the topic

16.06.2014 21:04

After all the ideas for implementing the construction of a house have been worked out and the final option for building a house from rounded logs has been selected, the question arises how much such a house will cost you. To determine cost of building a log house from rounded logs , you need to know how many cubes of logs are in this log house. In this article we will try to explain in detail how to calculate the cubic capacity for the construction of rounded logs.

Calculation of cubic capacity of rounded logs

The simplest way to calculate is using the formula - πr². H

Π — 3,14

r² — radius of a rounded log squared

N - length of rounded log

Substitute the data into the formula:

3.14 *(0.11 m)²* 6m= 0.228 m3

So, we got how many cubes are in one rounded log with a diameter of 220 mm. Next, you need to calculate the number of logs in your house and multiply the resulting amount by the cubic capacity of one log (0.228 m3). You can easily count the number of logs in a wall, but initially you need to determine for yourself how high the floor will be.

Calculating the cubic capacity of lumber is not an easy task, but necessary

It is also necessary to add 7% to the resulting height by shrinkage , if the log has natural moisture.

For example, the height of the first floor is 2.9 meters. The height of one log is 220 mm minus the lunar groove will be 190.5 mm. Next, we divide the floor height of 2.9 m by the thickness of the log without a groove - 0.19 m, having previously converted all the numbers into meters.

2.9: 0.19 = 15.26 pieces. We got required quantity logs with a diameter of 220 mm in order to build a floor 2.9 meters high. You must not forget to add 7% for shrinkage of the house. In total you will get 16 crowns. Now, to find out the full volume of the floor of a 6x6 house, 16 crowns high, you need to perform the following calculation:

16 (crowns) * 4 (walls) * 0.228 (volume of one log) = 14.6 m3 of logs. Now, to find out the cost of a rounded log for the entire log house, you need to multiply the number of cubes obtained by the price of the log for one cube. The cost of one meter of cubic rounded log can be found Here .

To perform calculations for other log diameters, we offer you a number of pre-calculated tables, using which you will certainly find answers to your questions.

Article prepared by the company ASK Egida , which performs construction of houses from logs and provides wide range construction services in the suburban housing construction market.


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Methodology for calculating the mass and volume of logging residues

One of the tasks when developing a draft technological regulation for the process of handling construction and demolition waste is to calculate the mass and volume of logging residues formed during the cutting down of green spaces (tree removal) in the construction or demolition zone.

There is no official methodology for calculating the mass and volume of logging residues for these purposes in the Russian Federation. The initial data for such calculations is information about the trees being cut down (species, height and thickness at a height of 1.3 m) and shrubs (young trees), given in the count sheet from the composition project documentation to the construction (demolition) site.

This article presents a method for calculating the mass and volume of logging residues developed in our company. As the basis for its development, tabular data from the All-Union standards for forest taxation, approved by Order of the USSR State Forestry Committee of February 28, 1989 No. 38, was used.

1) Data from Table 17 “Trunk volumes (in bark) in young trees by height and diameter at a height of 1.3 m” - to determine the volume of trunks of young growth and shrubs.

Cube for round logs

As a result of processing the given data to determine the average ratio between the diameter (D), height (h) and volume (V) of one trunk, the calculated shape coefficient (Kp from Table 1) was determined, which with an accuracy of +/- 10% allows you to determine the volume of the trunk by formula Vst=Кn*h*пD2/4.

2) Data from tables 18 and 19 “Trunk volumes (in bark) of tree species by height and diameter at a height of 1.3 m with an average shape coefficient” - to determine the volume of trunks various breeds trees. As a result of processing the given data to determine the average ratio between the diameter (D), height (h) and volume (Vst) of one trunk, calculated coefficients were determined for some of the tree species listed in the table, which with an accuracy of +/-10% allows us to determine the volume of the trunk according to the formula Vst=Кn*h*пD2/4. Estimated odds forms are given in table 1

3) Data from table 185 “Weight of 1 cubic meter. m and volume 1 t of wood different breeds» - to determine the mass of wood, the mass values ​​of one cubic meter the corresponding type of wood from the “freshly cut” column, or from the “dry” column - for dead wood.

4) Data from table 206 “Volume of bark, twigs, stumps and roots” to determine the volume of twigs and branches, as well as stumps and roots as a percentage of the volume of trunks. For the calculation, average values ​​from the interval given in the tables were used. The volume of twigs and branches is 7% of the volume of trunks, the volume of stumps and roots is 23% of the volume of trunks.

5) Data from Table 187 “Fully wooded brushwood and cottonwood coefficients” - to determine the folded volume of twigs and branches from the full wooded volume using a conversion factor of 10.

FKKO-2014 contains codes for the following waste:

1 52 110 01 21 5 Waste of twigs, branches, tips from logging

1 52 110 02 21 5 Stump uprooting waste

1 54 110 01 21 5 Low-value wood waste (brushwood, dead wood, trunk fragments).

Therefore, the calculation of the mass and volume of logging residues must be calculated by type of waste:

  • trunks of trees, young growth and shrubs cut down according to the accounting list can be classified as waste of low-value wood (brushwood, dead wood, fragments of trunks);
  • twigs and branches - to waste of twigs, branches, tips from logging;
  • stumps and roots - waste from stump uprooting.

For the technological regulations of the Process of handling construction and demolition waste, it is necessary to calculate the mass of waste, but for temporary storage in storage bins and their removal from the construction site, it is necessary to estimate the volume of logging residues, and in the storage volume.

The calculation is made using the Excel application. An example of an Excel page table header is shown in Table 2.

The calculation was carried out in the following order:

1) Filling out the initial data according to the accounting sheet;

column 2 - line number of the accounting sheet;

column 3 - wood type;

column 4 - number of trees;

column 5 - minimum diameter trunk from the interval specified in the counting sheet;

column 6 - the only value of the trunk diameter indicated in the counting sheet;

column 7 - maximum trunk diameter from the interval specified in the counting sheet;

column 8 - minimum height trunk from the interval specified in the counting sheet;

column 9 is the only value of the trunk height indicated in the counting sheet;

column 10 - maximum trunk height from the interval specified in the counting sheet;

column 11 - additional number of trunks - if in the column “characteristics of the state of green spaces” n trunks for one tree are indicated, then in column 11 it is indicated (<значение графы 11>= (n-1)*<значение графы 4>.

2) Calculation of the average value of the trunk diameter if there is an interval:<среднее значение диаметра ствола (графа 6)> = (<значение минимального диаметра (графа 5)>+<максимальное значение диметра (графа 7)>)/2;

3) Determination of the volume of one trunk<объем ствола (графа 12)>is made according to Vst = Kn*h*пD2/4, where Kn is the corresponding shape coefficient from Table 1, D is the average trunk diameter, h is the average trunk height. Calculation of the volume of one trunk:<объем ствола в куб.м (графа 12)>=Кn* π*(<диаметр ствола в см (графа 6>/100)* (<диаметр ствола в см (графа 6>/100)*< высота ствола в м (графа 9)>/ 4);

4) Calculation of the dense measure of trunk volume Vpl=Vst*nst, where nst is the total number of trunks:<плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)> = <средний объем ствола в куб.м (графа 12)>*(<число деревьев или кустов (графа 4)>+<число дополнительных стволов (графы 11)>). For one bush, the number of additional trunks is taken to be 5;

5) Calculation of folding measures (when storing or transporting, it is necessary to take into account the average volume of space occupied by tree trunks or bushes:<складочная мера объема стволов (графа 14)>= <плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)>*4/p;

6) Calculation of the volume of twigs and branches depending on the volume of the trunk is carried out in accordance with paragraph d) of this article:<объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)> = <плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)> *<переводной коэффициент (графа 15=0,007)>. In folding measure - according to paragraph e) of this article:<объем сучьев и ветвей в складочной мере (графа 18)> = <объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)>*<переводной коэффициент (графа 17=10)>;

7) Calculation of the volume of stumps and roots from the volume of the trunk is carried out in accordance with paragraph d) of this article:<объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)> = < плотная мера объема стволов (графа 13)>*<переводной коэффициент (графа 19=0,23)>. In the fold measure, the volume of stumps and roots is assumed to be double volume:<объем пней и корней в складочной мере (графа 21)> =<объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)>*2.

8) Calculation of the total volume of wood in a dense measure:<полный объем (графа 22)> = <объем стволов в плотной мере (графа 13)>+<объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)>+< объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)>;

9) Calculation of the total volume of wood in a folded measure (this indicator most objectively allows us to assess the need for the capacity of bodies (containers) vehicles for removal of logging residues):<полный объем древесины в складочной мере (графа 23)> = <складочная мера объема стволов (графа 14)>+ <объем сучьев и ветвей в складочной мере (графа 18)>+ <объем пней и корней в складочной мере (графа 21)>

10) The volumetric weight of wood in a dense measure (density in t/m3) is recorded in column 24 in accordance with paragraph c) of this article, for species not listed in table 185 - in accordance with Appendix 3 to SNiP II-25-80 (Density of wood and plywood ).

11) Calculation of the weight of the trunks:<вес стволов (графа 22)> = <объем стволов в плотной мере (графа 13)>*<volumetric weight wood (column 21)>;

12) Calculation of the weight of twigs and branches:<вес сучьев и ветвей (графа 26)> = <объем сучьев и ветвей в плотной мере (графа 16)>*< объемный вес древесины (графа 24)>;

13) Calculation of the weight of stumps and roots:<вес пней и корней (графа 27)> = <объем пней и корней в плотной мере (графа 20)>*< объемный вес древесины (графа 24)>;

14) Total weight exported waste (logging residues):<вес вывозимого отхода (графа 28)> = <вес стволов (графа 25)> + <вес сучьев и ветвей (графа 26)>+<вес пней и корней (графа 27)>

Thus, the proposed methodology allows you to calculate the volume (both full and folded) and weight of logging residues with differentiation by type of waste based on the initial data of the counting sheet, as well as estimate the required volume of storage bins or vehicle bodies and the number of vehicle trips for their removal.


There is no point in making the same calculations several times if the source data does not change. A rounded log with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 6 meters will always have the same volume, regardless of who is doing the counting and in which city. Only the formula V=πr²l gives the correct answer.

How to calculate forest cubic capacity

Therefore, the volume of one central bank will always be V=3.14×(0.1)²×6=0.1884 m³. In practice, in order to eliminate the time of carrying out standard calculations, cubatures are used. Such useful and informative tables are created for various types lumber. They help to save time and find out the cubic capacity of round timber, boards, central fiber boards, and timber.

  1. Roundwood cubature
  2. How to use the table?
  3. Product capacity of different sizes

What is a cubical?

The name of this construction guide is due to the fact that the volume is physical quantity measured in cubic meters (or cubic metres). For a simpler explanation, they say “cubature”, accordingly, the table was called “cubature”. This is an ordered matrix that contains data on the volume of one product for various initial parameters. The base column contains sections, and the row contains the length (molding) of the material. The user just needs to find the number located in the cell at their intersection.

Let's consider concrete example- round timber cube. It was approved in 1975, called GOST 2708-75, the main parameters are diameter (in cm) and length (in meters). Using the table is very simple: for example, you need to determine the V of one log with a diameter of 20 cm and a length of 5 m. At the intersection of the corresponding row and column, we find the number 0.19 m³. A similar cubature for round timber exists according to a different standard - ISO 4480-83. Directories are very detailed in increments of 0.1 m, as well as more general, where the length is taken in 0.5 m increments.

Little secrets

Using the cubeturner itself is not difficult, but main nuance– correct data. Round timber is not a cylinder, but a truncated cone, in which the lower and upper cuts are different. One of them may be 26 cm, and the other 18. The table assumes an unambiguous answer for a specific section.

Various sources suggest doing it in two ways: calculate the average value and take the volume from the reference book for it, or take the size of the upper cut as the main section. But if the tables were compiled according to certain standards, then they must be used in accordance with the accompanying instructions. For the cubature GOST 2708-75, the diameter of the top cut of the log is taken. Why is the moment of initial data so important? Because with a length of 5 meters for Ø18 cm we get 0.156 m³, and for Ø26 cm – 0.32 m³, which is actually 2 times more.

Another nuance is the correct cubatures. If complex formulas for truncated cones were used in the GOST 2708-75 table, calculations were carried out, and the results were rounded to thousandths, then modern companies, who make up their own cubatures, take “liberties”. For example, instead of 0.156 m³ there is already the number 0.16 m³. Quite often, websites on the Internet contain frankly erroneous cube-turners, in which the volume of a log 5 meters long with a diameter of 18 cm is indicated not as 0.156 m³, but as 0.165 m³. If an enterprise uses such directories when selling round timber to consumers, then it makes a profit, actually deceiving customers.

After all, the difference on 1 product is significant: 0.165-0.156 = 0.009 or almost 0.01 m³.

The main problem of round timber is different section. Sellers offer solutions to settlement issues in the following ways:

  • calculating the volume of each unit and summing the obtained values;
  • storage method;
  • finding the average diameter;
  • method based on wood density.

It must be said right away that correct results gives the first of the given options. Only calculating the volume of each log and then adding up the numbers guarantees that the buyer will pay for the timber that he receives from the company. If the length is the same, then it is enough to find the cross-sectional areas of all the trunks, add them up, and then multiply by the length (in meters).

2. Storage method.

It is assumed that the stored round timber occupies a part of the space shaped like a rectangular parallelepiped. In this case, the total volume is found by multiplying the length, width and height of the figure. Considering that there are voids between the folded trunks, 20% is subtracted from the resulting cubic capacity.

The downside is accepting as an indisputable fact that the tree occupies 80% of the total space. After all, it may well happen that the beams are folded inaccurately, thereby the percentage of voids is much greater.

3. Density based method.

In this case, you need to know the mass of the forest and the density of the wood. The cubic capacity is easily found by dividing the first number by the second. But the result will be very inaccurate, since wood of the same type has different densities. The indicator depends on the degree of maturity and humidity.

4. Average method.

If the trunks of harvested trees are appearance almost identical, then choose any 3 of them. The diameters are measured and then the average is found. Next, using the cubature, the parameter for 1 product is determined and multiplied by required quantity. Let the results show: 25, 27, 26 cm, then Ø26 cm is considered average, since (25+26+27)/3=26 cm.

Considering the disadvantages of the considered methods, the only the right way The calculation of cubic capacity can be considered by finding the volume of each log using a cubic meter GOST 2708-75 or ISO 4480-83 and summing up the data obtained.

Calculation of cubic capacity of lumber - count correctly

During the construction of wooden structures, various lumber is purchased.

When buying or selling it, there is a need to measure it. All the complexity of measuring lumber due to its fickleness and custom size and shape, weight and quality. It is also impossible to sell such a product individually due to the factors mentioned above. Make it right calculation of lumber cubic capacity It is very difficult for a non-specialist, and even regulatory authorities are sometimes unable to check whether the calculation was performed correctly.

Some lumber from the manufacturer is supplied in packages indicating the exact volume and cost. But this practice is quite rare. In addition, consumers may have doubts about the correctness of the calculation of the cubic capacity of lumber, as well as about the indicated price. The average buyer does not always know that in addition to cubic capacity, the cost of lumber depends on the degree of processing, that is, unedged or edged boards, wood species and grade. In addition, the cost of boards up to 1.7 m in length is lower than the cost of longer boards. The quality of manufactured lumber is regulated by a huge number of norms and regulations, technical specifications and others regulatory documents, which individual developers are not even aware of, while at the same time, lumber sellers are in no hurry to familiarize their customers with the rules for selling lumber. To have at least general idea To learn how to calculate the cubic capacity of lumber, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules for measuring some of their most common types.

According to current regulations, croakers must be sorted depending on their length into two groups - up to two meters and over two meters. The slab is stacked, alternating thick and thin ends, as well as the slab surface. The stacks must be the same height along the entire length, right angles, and they must be stacked as tightly as possible. Then, by multiplying the width, length and height of the package, the folded cubic capacity is obtained.

Calculation of cubic capacity of round timber

in the upper
cut, see
Volume m³, length, m.
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6
14 0,016 0,025 0,035 0,043 0,052 0,061 0,073 0,084 0,097 0,110 0,123
16 0,021 0,035 0,044 0,056 0,069 0,082 0,095 0,110 0,124 0,140 0,155
18 0,027 0,041 0,056 0,071 0,086 0,103 0,120 0,138 0,156 0,175 0,194
20 0,033 0,051 0,069 0,087 0,107 0,126 0,147 0,170 0,190 0,210 0,23
22 0,040 0,062 0,084 0,107 0,130 0,154 0,178 0,200 0,230 0,250 0,28
24 0,048 0,075 0,103 0,130 0,157 0,184 0,210 0,240 0,270 0,300 0,33
26 0,057 0,089 0,123 0,154 0,185 0,210 0,250 0,280 0,320 0,350 0,39
28 0,067 0,104 0,144 0,180 0,220 0,250 0,290 0,330 0,370 0,410 0,45
30 0,077 0,119 0,165 0,200 0,25 0,29 0,33 0,38 0,42 0,47 0,52
32 0,087 0,135 0,190 0,230 0,28 0,33 0,38 0,43 0,48 0,53 0,59
34 0,100 0,150 0,210 0,260 0,32 0,37 0,43 0,49 0,54 0,60 0,66
36 0,110 0,170 0,230 0,290 0,36 0,42 0,48 0,54 0,60 0,67 0,74
38 0,120 0,190 0,260 0,320 0,39 0,46 0,53 0,60 0,67 0,74 0,82
40 0,14 0,21 0,28 0,36 0,43 0,50 0,58 0,66 0,74 0,82 0,90
42 0,15 0,23 0,31 0,39 0,47 0,56 0,64 0,73 0,81 0,90 1,0
44 0,16 0,25 0,34 0,43 0,52 0,61 0,70 0,80 0,89 0,99 1,09
46 0,18 0,27 0,37 0,47 0,57 0,67 0,77 0,87 0,94 1,08 1,19
48 0,19 0,30 0,41 0,51 0,62 0,73 0,84 0,95 1,06 1,18 1,30

Volume of 10 m of softwood beams, m³

Width, mm Thickness, mm
50 60 75 100 130 150 180 200 220 250
130 0,065 0,078 0,0975 0,13
150 0,075 0,09 0,0113 0,15 0,195 0,225
180 0,09 0,108 0,0135 0,18 0,234 0,27 0,324
200 0,1 0,12 0,015 0,2 0,26 0,3 0,4
220 0,11 0,132 0,0165 0,22 0,395 0,434
250 0,125 0,15 0,188 0,25 0,5 0,625

In the woodworking industry, there are concepts of folded and dense cubic meters. The price list for lumber is indicated for volume in a dense mass, so folded cubic meters must be converted into a dense mass. For this purpose, special conversion factors are used. For example, for a slab up to two meters long, a coefficient of 0.48 is applied, and for a slab more than two meters long - 0.43.

There are two ways to determine the volume of lumber of softwood and hardwood. Either by measuring each unit of material, or using a special standard, or a cubeturner established by GOST and designed to determine the volume edged lumber deciduous and coniferous species. The standard contains a table for one unit of lumber and a table for the volume of a meter, based on which you can calculate the cost of lumber.

When calculating the cubic capacity of unedged lumber, slightly different rules apply.

How to accurately calculate the cubic capacity of a log?

The specificity of their measurement is that the width of one-sided and unedged boards is calculated as half the width of two layers - narrow and wide, which are measured in the middle of the board. Volume round timber calculated based on the measurements of each log. Density cubic meters of logs are calculated using the corresponding GOST, which indicates the volumes of round timber. These volumes are measured by the length of the log and the thickness of the upper end.

The table we offer shows calculation of lumber cubic capacity: edged and unedged boards, floor boards, timber, timber, lining and slats. Using the table, you can calculate the amount of lumber in 1 m3.

Size Volume of one board (bar) Quantity in 1m3
100x100x6 0.06 cube 16.67 pieces
100x150x6 0.09 cube 11.11 pieces
150x150x6 0.135 cube 7.41 pieces
100x200x6 0.12 cube 8.33 pieces
150x200x6 0.18 cube 5.56 pieces
200x200x6 0.24 cube 4.17 pieces
100x100x7 0.07 cube 14, 28 pieces
100x150x7 0.105 cube 9.52 pieces
150x150x7 0.1575 cube 6.35 pieces
100x200x7 0.14 cube 7.14 pieces
150x200x7 0.21 cube 4.76 pieces
200x200x7 0.28 cube 3.57 pieces
Edged board
22x100x6 0.0132 cube 45.46 sq.m.
22x150x6 0.0198 cubes 45.46 sq.m.
22x200x6 0.0264 cube 45.46 sq.m.
25x100x6 0.015 cube 40 sq.m.
25x150x6 0.0225 cube 40 sq.m.
25x200x6 0.03 cube 40 sq.m.
40x100x6 0.024 cube 25 sq.m.
40x150x6 0.036 cube 25 sq.m.
40x200x6 0.048 cube 25 sq.m.
50x100x6 0.03 cube 20 sq.m.
50x150x6 0.045 cube 20 sq.m.
50x200x6 0.06 cube 20 sq.m.
32x100x6 0.0192 cube 31.25 sq.m.
32x150x6 0.0288 cube 31.25 sq.m.
32x200x6 0.0384 cube 31.25 sq.m.
25x100x2 0.005 cube 40 sq.m.
25x100x7 0.0175 cube 40 sq.m.
25x150x7 0.02625 cube 40 sq.m.
25x200x7 0.035 cube 40 sq.m.
Unedged board
50x6 0.071 1 cube
40x6 0.05 1 cube
25x6 0.0294 1 cube
22x50x3 0.0033 cube 909 m.p.
25x50x3 0.00375 cube 800 m.p.
22x50x2 0.0022 cube 909 m.p.
25x50x2 0.0025 cube 800 m.p.
40x40x3 0.0048 cube 624.99 m.p.
50x50x3 0.006 cube 500.01 m.p.
40x80x3 0.0096 cube 312.51 m.p.
50x50x3 0.0075 cube 399.99 m.p.
Floor board
36x106x6 0.0229 cube 27.77 sq.m.
36x136x6 0.0294 cube 27.77 sq.m.
45x136x6 0.0375 cube 21.74 sq.m.
16x88x6 0.0084 cube 62.5 sq.m.
16x88x3 0.0042 cube 62.5 sq.m.
12.5x90x3 0.0034 cube 80 sq.m.

The purpose of this article is to explain to you how to correctly calculate wall areas log houses, bathhouses and other buildings, as well as buildings made of laminated and corrugated timber. Many will say - What is there to explain and everything is clear - you just need to know the basics of geometry.

Round timber cubator - how to calculate the volume?

Absolutely right - you can’t do without geometry, but this measurement has its own peculiarity, unlike walls made of timber and other materials, but more on that below.

Why you need to know how the area of ​​log houses is calculated:

  • will help you more accurately calculate the cost and quantity of required material*
  • Calculate the cost of painting and sanding the logs yourself

To calculate the area of ​​walls, we all know that we must know two quantities - height and length, and for a complete calculation, the area of ​​​​the ends as well
S=Pi*R2 - area of ​​1 circle (end),Where
Pi — 3,1428
R— end radius
Knowing the area of ​​one end, we multiply this value by the number of ends and get the total area of ​​the ends.
Main feature log buildings is that the logs have a convex shape, so the height measured as usual - from floor to ceiling will differ from the actual one by 10-15%.

photo No. 1
photo No. 2

We calculate the area.

To measure the height of one log, you just need to take a tape measure and lay it down from the top seam to the bottom seam of the crown as shown in photo No. 1(To measure the height of a log house from a chopped log, the average value is taken). And for a beam you need to measure the width of the edges and add it to the value A(arrows shown on photo No. 2). We will get the real height of one log or beam, and knowing the number of crowns, we will get the real height of the wall (number of crowns * height of one crown). I don’t think it’s worth reminding you of the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle. It's that simple.

Photo No. 4.

And so, adding up all the data - the area of ​​​​the walls, "triangles", ends and from the resulting amount subtract the area of ​​​​windows and doorways- we will get full area buildings and, based on these data, we will be able to independently calculate (knowing the price of work per m2) the cost of work, materials*, as well as their volume* (by transferring them to the company manager by phone or by coming to the office)**.

I'll give you one last thing little advice, if by measuring the structure of a simple form everything is simple and will not be difficult and will not require much time, but what about complex shapes, as for example on photo No. 4.

photo No. 4

I’ll tell you straight - take the measurements yourself or be present at the measurements when your workers do it, this way you will avoid being deceived by unscrupulous construction crews or contact trusted companies.

*the cost and volume of the required material (coating) is affected by the condition of the wood (sanded, not sanded) and the method of applying the coating (brush, roller, spray)

**for your convenience, on our website, the cost of materials is calculated per 1m2

Still have questions? Call

(A. Sokolov, Terem Grad)

The cubic capacity of a log is a certain volume of lumber, the unit of measurement of which is a cubic meter. m. This parameter is used when constructing wooden houses to calculate the required volume of round timber. The determined indicator is very important when calculating payment for sold lumber for building a house, since it is necessary to know the cost of each cubic meter. m of wood.

Round timber is very convenient and practical for building houses, bathhouses and other residential and non-residential premises.

Method for correctly counting lumber

There are various options, allowing you to calculate the cubic capacity of a log, which is a round cylindrical lumber. This assessment is indicative. The methods used provide the initial geometric parameters on the basis of which calculations are made.

Industrial harvesting of lumber involves quite complex calculations that are carried out to determine the cubic capacity of the forest. For accurate calculations, use a special truncated cone formula. It is built on the basis of determining the main diameters of each of the two cuts of wood and the length of the logs.

In practice this the hard way is rarely used, since world standards determining the cubic capacity of roundwood require the use of special tables. Calculating the cubic capacity of the forest when building a house in this way is not particularly difficult. The result is quite accurate, and the calculations are based on the volume of material in the form of a parallelepiped and average value an indicator of the thickness of the cut of a log in its upper part.

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a log in a single version correctly?

Until now, the calculation of the cubic capacity of a single tree was determined by multiplying its length by the arithmetic mean total area all cuts. This method involved the use of special measuring instrument, resembling a caliper.

  1. Roulettes.
  2. Calculation tables indicating the final cubic capacity.

Before calculating the cubic capacity of the log, the size of its diameter in the middle part was increased three times, obtaining a certain value for the cross-sectional area. It had to be multiplied by the length of the workpiece to obtain the resulting volume of material. This method was not accurate because the thickness of the tree bark was not taken into account.

The value of Pi in the circle formula was used with a very large deviation, so the distorted form of the formula did not allow accurate calculations without errors. In practice, the following formula is used: diameter divided by 2 round tree squared, then the result is multiplied by Pi and the length of the tree.

It cannot be argued that it is correct to calculate the cubic capacity of forest for building a house only on the basis of tables, special measurements and corresponding formulas. The simplest method is to determine the density of wood species.

If we calculate the cubic capacity of round timber by measuring the thickness tree bark lumber for the construction of houses, it is impossible to determine the diameter of the logs without possible errors. The calculated parameters will be inaccurate. To correctly calculate the volume of a unit wooden material, measure its length with a tape measure, then measure the diameter of the cut at the top, not taking into account the thickness of the bark.

Next, you should look at a special table in which, at the intersection of rows and columns with the given values ​​of the length of the tree, as well as its diameter, the volume of the material is determined. This method is reliable. Before calculating the cubic capacity of a forest in this way, you should know that it is not perfectly accurate, since the shape of the trunk and the conditions associated with growing forest for building houses are not taken into account. However, these little things are usually ignored.

How to calculate the cubic capacity of stockpiled round timber?

Image 1. Calculation of cubic capacity of round stockpiled timber.

If we consider the industrial volumes of round logs, then other tables and parameters are used here round log, allowing you to calculate cubic capacity. As shown in the figure (IMAGE 1), round timber in storage conditions has the shape of a parallelepiped in the form of a rectangle.

The method for calculating this volume is simple and known from school knowledge. In practice use this method does not give an accurate result, since the size of the voids between individual logs is not taken into account. The dimensions of the voids depend on the diameter of the logs and can be calculated mathematical method. Calculate exact values if the log blanks are stacked inaccurately, the logs will not work. This procedure is not carried out during the assessment of forests located on warehouse storage, since the volume occupied is estimated round forest in the warehouse itself.

If you carry out a preliminary weighing of the forest, then calculating the cubic capacity will not be difficult, since it is not completely filled with wood material. The required value should be reduced using the void ratio. When carrying out construction calculations, the value of the void ratio is 0.8, which is 20% of the area of ​​the space that is occupied by air voids, and 80% is the volume of wood.

The sequence of actions when determining the cubic size comes down to the following main steps:

  1. Measuring the width, length, height of a space that is rectangular.
  2. Multiplying certain quantities together to calculate the volume result.
  3. Multiplying the result by a factor of 0.8, which takes into account the number of voids between the logs, which is approximate.
  4. Taking the resulting value as the result.

Using this method, the cubic capacity of roundwood, which is heterogeneous in size, is calculated.

Carrying out calculations depending on the type of material

To calculate the volume of lumber by dividing the mass of the forest by its density, it is necessary to take into account the type of wood.

Image 2. Table for calculating the cubic capacity of unedged and edged boards, bars, linings, slats, etc.

The result obtained will be far from ideal, since the forest may have different degrees of maturity, hence different deviations in density. The main role is played by the moisture content of the wood.

The woodworking industry is characterized by concepts associated with dense cubic meters and folding. The price list for such lumber will contain information about the volume in its dense mass; it will be necessary to convert the folded cubic meter into a dense mass. For this purpose, conversion factors are used.

The volume of coniferous or deciduous forest is calculated using two methods:

  1. By measuring all units of the tree.
  2. Through the use of a standard, that is, a cube-turner developed in accordance with GOST.

The cubeturner is designed to calculate the volume of trimmed wood material based on standard tables. In one you can find the volume of a meter of wood, and in the second - units, which allows you to calculate the cost of the forest.

The proposed table (IMAGE 2) contains calculations of the cubic capacity of unedged and edged boards, bars, linings, slats, etc. The measurement has its own specifics, that is, the size of the width of any board is equal to half the size of the width of the narrow and wide layers, measured in the middle part of the board. Volume calculation round material is done correctly if every log is measured.

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